Flowing riser who should repair. Replacing an old vertical sewer pipe

Not all residents of the Russian Federation live in new houses, therefore communication wear problem familiar to many.

Sewer pipes are no exception, damage and rupture of which can lead to flooding and damage to property.

About the procedure sewer line replacement in the apartment we will talk in this article.

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general information

In old houses, sewer risers and pipes in bathrooms are made of cast iron - reliable, but not the most durable material.

Sooner or later, such pipes begin to fail, after which there is a danger of leakage, pipe splitting, damage to property and liability.

In order to prevent sad consequences, the riser and sewer branches should be replaced. In such situation often the owners manage on their own and change the riser in the apartment on their own.

Not everyone knows that it is possible to replace sewer and other risers at the expense of the management company.


Replacement and repair of sewer, water pipes and heating pipes regulated:

  • rules for the maintenance of common property in the MKD;
  • rules and regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock;
  • methodological guide for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock MDK 2-04.2004.

Personal or public property?

According to the rules, the obligation to maintain and repair communications lies with the owners.

Water pipes, which are branches from riser pipes, are maintained, repaired and changed by the owners independently and at their own expense.

Riser pipes that are used by several apartments, are public property in accordance with the rules for the maintenance of common property in the MKD.

The common property also includes branches from the riser to the first docking connection.

Who should change?

The replacement of sewer and water risers is carried out by the Housing and Public Utilities Management Company, HOA or other companies. The decision to repair is made by the management company at the request of homeowners.

At whose expense?

By law, homeowners are responsible for the content common property.

If the sewer riser is out of order and needs to be repaired or replaced, then the management company must perform and pay for these works from the funds contributed by the owners.

Homeowners pay these costs in their own under the item "maintenance and repair of housing."

If a major replacement risers on all floors, then funds can be taken from payments on.

A completely different situation arises when the homeowner wants to replace a serviceable riser for some personal reason, for example, when redeveloping a bathroom.

In this case, all costs for the replacement of the riser are borne by the owner, work is also carried out independently.

Replacement of risers in municipal housing is carried out at the expense of the landlord, that is, the municipal authorities.

In this case, replacement is free at the request of the employer to the municipal authorities responsible for citywide housing and communal services.

How to change?

To replace a failed or in need of replacement riser you should contact the management company with a statement in the name of its head.

Before you write an application to the Criminal Code, you can call a plumber to the house, who will draw up an inspection certificate for the sewer riser, fix the damage and the need to replace the riser.

At the end of the application, write a specific request for the replacement or repair of the sewer riser. Next is the date and signature of the owner. The application is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with the owner, the other is given to the Criminal Code.

Applications for the replacement of the sewer riser.

The homeowner submitting the application must be a bona fide utility bill payer in order for their application to was accepted and considered.

After consideration of the application, a convenient time for the work is agreed with the owner. The replacement of the riser is carried out by employees of the management company or contractors involved by the management company.

The owner must provide free access to the bathroom, in order to replace pipes. How much does it cost to replace a sewer line in an apartment?

additional funds when replacing a riser or branches from it to the first docking connection, the owner is not obliged to pay.

The approximate cost of replacing a sewer riser in one apartment is from 4 to 7 thousand rubles.

Quite often, homeowners are faced with the fact that they demand to pay for the replacement of the riser, motivating this by the fact that the riser pipes are located in the owner’s premises and the landlord is responsible for them.

In such cases, employees of the management company should be reminded that sewer, water and battery risers serving more than one apartment are common property, and the management company is responsible for their replacement and repair.

Moreover, the replacement of risers in any case will be paid by the homeowners from the funds paid by them in utility bills.

You can learn about what to do if one of the residents of the house is against replacing the common sewer riser in the video:

Any property owner sooner or later is faced with a situation where some communication object fails in the apartment. This can be electrical wiring, elements of gas equipment, components of a water supply or sanitation system, and so on. In this regard, many may have a question, at whose expense all of the listed problems should be eliminated.

The law establishes the limits of responsibility of the owner of the apartment and the management company. All elements of communications passing in the apartment will be repaired, if necessary, at the expense of the owner, all equipment that is located in the house, but is not located in a particular apartment, will be repaired at the expense of the managing organization. The boundary between these elements will be the first disconnecting device at the entrance to the apartment.

To make this more clear, you can consider the question of at whose expense the replacement or repair of risers in a privately owned apartment should take place. The riser is a vertical pipe that runs from the first floor to the last and serves to supply each apartment with water (both cold and hot), gas, and also for sewerage needs.

Purely technically, the placement of risers in multi-storey buildings can be different. They can be passed through apartments or be located in special shafts. For the question of the repair of these engineering structures, this is of no fundamental importance. The owner of the apartment is responsible for the condition and is obliged to ensure the repair of only that part of these systems, which is located in his apartment after the disconnecting device. For example, at the entrance of a gas pipe to an apartment there is always a valve designed to shut off the gas supply. The owner of the apartment is obliged to change only that part of the gas system, which is located after this tap.

The same can be said about water supply systems. The boundary of the responsibility of the owner of the property and the management company will be a restrictive device. If there is no such device for water in the apartment, then the entrance of the water supply system to the apartment will be considered the boundary.

In houses of old construction, the failure of the water supply system is a common occurrence. And the installation of an intra-apartment pipeline made of modern materials or the purchase of new plumbing fixtures does not solve the problem.

Only a complete replacement of the water supply risers in the apartment helps. If you have already encountered a similar problem and do not know where to start, we will help you figure it out. The article will discuss what requirements should be observed when replacing risers, what steps the installation includes with connecting the system, and what materials will be needed for this.

The water riser is a vertical section of the pipeline, equipped at the base with a shut-off valve. It is public property.

And therefore, its replacement should be carried out by the managing organization (ZHEU or ZhEK) without additional payment from the employer or owner.

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The owner of the apartment only needs to write an application addressed to the manager of the HOA, indicating in it the problem that needs to be solved. The only exception is if the house is not the property of the housing department. In this situation, the repair of common property is carried out at the expense of residents.

The common property includes everything that is located on the site from the riser to the first shut-off valve. In the event that a locking device is not provided up to the mixer itself, then this area, inclusive, belongs to the common property.

Risers are equipped with taps, with the help of which they increase or completely block the water supply; they are changed along with the replacement of the pipeline

If the owner of the apartment plans to carry out a major overhaul and at the same time do it, or he decides to move the riser to a new place in connection with redevelopment, all work will be carried out at his expense.

Any redevelopment associated with the use of house property, including apartment risers, must be coordinated with managing organizations. Only by entrusting the appropriate permission in writing to his hands, he can invite installers of a managing organization or a private company to carry out the work.

At his own expense, the tenant or owner of the apartment must repair and replace only what is located after the shut-off valve

Reasons for installing a new riser

The need to replace the vertical pipeline arises in two cases: after the expiration date of the metal structure and when performing a complete repair of the bathroom.

Depending on the conditions, its replacement is performed in one of two modes:

  • planned- when water pipes are worn out;
  • emergency– in the event of a malfunction and the appearance of a leak.

In old-built houses, “native” apartment risers are made of galvanized or cast-iron pipes. Metal structures are subject to corrosion, and therefore require replacement.

Corrosion is the main enemy of cast iron and steel pipelines; it "corrodes" faster corrodes risers with hot water than with cold

It is noticed that pipes wear out most of all in interfloor ceilings. And therefore, the docking of the new pipe with the old one should be done outside the ceiling: in the bathroom of the neighbors living on the floor below or above.

For metal pipes, the service life is about a quarter of a century. In reality, they last much longer. But after forty years of service they come to an emergency state.

The use of metal pipes after the warranty period is not recommended for the reason that they can break through at the most unexpected moment.

Even if the pipes look intact after the end of the operating period, it is recommended to replace them anyway. This is due to the fact that a pipe worn out over time can burst at any time, which will lead to great material damage for both the owners of the apartment and the neighbors affected by the flood.

In a planned mode, it is recommended to replace pipes at the stage of overhaul. When arranging modern interiors, it is customary to “hide” the pipeline into the wall, and therefore it will not be easy to get to it in the event of an emergency.

If you are dreaming about installing a new hot tub or purchasing auxiliary equipment for a bathroom, then moving the vertical pipeline cannot be avoided.

Cast iron pipes are usually And such a choice is fully justified by a number of undeniable advantages that the polymer has.

These should include:

  • resistance to corrosion and aggressive influences;
  • smoothness of the inner walls, preventing the accumulation of limescale on the inner surface of the pipeline;
  • high strength;
  • environmental Safety.

For arranging a pipeline with cold water, ordinary ones of the appropriate diameter are suitable, and for supplying hot water -. They are characterized by higher strength and increased resistance to deformation.

Manufacturers of polypropylene pipes claim that the service life of products is about 50 years, and those used to supply cold water are around 100 years.

The inner surface of polypropylene pipes, which is in contact with drinking water, meets all sanitary standards, and the inner diameter of the products does not change during operation.

Compared to metal structures, it takes much less time. The use of welding technology makes it possible to obtain a strong and reliable connection with minimal effort.

Water riser replacement technology

Water supply risers are located in bathrooms, placing them at a slight distance from the wall. The riser must be equipped with a shut-off valve, with which the water supply to the apartment is shut off.

Ideally, you need to change the entire span. But in practice this does not always work out. In extreme cases, you should replace the area from floor to ceiling. In this case, it is unacceptable to update only a short piece of pipe that has undergone rust.

One riser accounts for a whole group of water intake devices, including a washbasin with a bath or shower, a toilet and a bidet

If the replacement of the riser takes place in an apartment building, you should warn the neighbors in advance about the time of the repair work. With neighbors living in apartments located directly above and below yours, you should agree on the possibility of performing work on their territory. After all, new pipes will pass through the floors.

If consent cannot be obtained, pipe connections will have to be made within your bathroom: above the floor and under the ceiling. At the same time, it is mandatory to provide access to those places where the pipes will be joined, so that if a leak occurs, it can be quickly eliminated.

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Stage # 1 - the choice of materials

Having settled all issues with neighbors and the managing organization, you can begin to draw up a diagram. Its compilation will allow you to determine the layout of the plumbing of the bathroom and calculate the amount of consumables.

To carry out the work it is necessary to prepare:

  • polypropylene pipes D110mm;
  • fittings of the appropriate diameter;
  • metal clamps;
  • silicone sealant.

Pipes for mounting a vertical pipeline should be chosen with a diameter that is equal to the size of the section of the dismantled elements.

To connect the sections of the riser to be replaced with neighboring ones, couplings and compensators D110mm are used. To use transitional cuffs.

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At the same time, the finishing of the riser is being thought out: the need for sound and heat insulation, the design and design of the box.

From the tools you will need:

  • Bulgarian;
  • 3-4 cutting discs D125mm;
  • thread cutting tool;
  • adjustable and gas key;
  • building level;
  • simple pencil;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • crowbar (for use as a lever).

Protective equipment must be prepared in advance: a hat, a respirator, goggles and heat-protective gloves.

In case of displacement or alignment of the vertical pipeline, an additional pair of plastic bends with an angle of 45 ° C, having a diameter of 100 mm, is additionally purchased

For you need to purchase or rent a soldering iron equipped with Teflon nozzles of different sizes.

The utility services appoint work to replace the riser on weekdays in the time interval from 10 to 15 hours, when many residents are at work. This minimizes the temporary inconvenience of restricting the operation of the system.

The shutdown of the existing pipeline is carried out with the involvement of specialists, but not independently. Repairs take an average of 30 to 60 minutes to complete. But in order not to miss important details, you should not rush too much.

To simplify the process of dismantling cast-iron pipes, the use of a pipe cutter will help - a tool equipped with cutting rollers or rollers that help to obtain a smooth cut with smooth edges at the dissection points

Stage # 2 - dismantling of old pipes

The dismantling of a vertical pipeline made of a water and gas steel pipe is one of the plumbing works of increased complexity. To perform them, you must have sufficient experience with electric tools and strict adherence to safety regulations.

It is important to understand that the quality of the installation of a new pipeline largely depends on how correctly the old one was dismantled.

The first step is to block the system and release water from it. This work should be performed by a representative of the public service. You should not break the rule - otherwise you will receive an administrative penalty.

With the help of a grinder or. To do this, at a distance of 10-15 cm, two horizontal cuts are made, converging to the edge of the pipe located near the wall. So that the upper part of the pipe does not sag, it is better to make the cuts not completely at first.

The upper piece of the pipe is cut to an estimated height equal to the length of the fitting, which will be. The task of the master is to make the notch plane perpendicular to the axis of the pipe itself.

To simplify this task, use a strip of masking tape as a guide. It is glued around the circumference so that the end exactly overlaps the beginning.

To remove the lower section of the riser, the pipe is gently loosened, trying not to damage the socket. The solution at the junction is hollowed out around the perimeter. Cut pieces of pipe are removed with a wedge or crowbar.

In the old days, cast-iron pipe connections were made in one of two ways:

  • by chasing seams with cement-sand mortar;
  • by filling the joint with gray.

To remove the hardened cement mortar, the top layer of the seam is opened with a screwdriver. The easiest way to burn out sulfur is to heat up the pipeline elements with a blowtorch. To regulate the draft in the riser, a metal or asbestos-cement shield is laid on top of the pipe. After warming up the structure, disassembling the connections is not difficult.

The cut elements are carefully pulled out of the floor slabs with a screwdriver, the stuck pieces are knocked out with a hammer. On the cleared area, places are marked for placing the clips necessary for fixing the pipes in the wall at the wiring points.

Stage # 3 - installation of a new pipeline

Using a hacksaw or cut new pipes into elements of the required length. On the connected sections of the elements, marks are made indicating to which point the connection will be made.

If the neighbors still have metal risers, it is necessary to assess the condition of the metal structure, determining whether threading can be performed on its end. To simplify the cutting procedure, the end of the pipe is lubricated with engine oil.

The cut of the pipe along the entire perimeter is trimmed and the conical chamfer is removed using a grinder equipped with a grinding disc

If the metal pipe does not inspire confidence and there are suspicions that it may burst at the moment of creating a load during threading, it is easier to do it by welding a finished thread of 5-7 turns, or by making a connection using a collet coupling.

It will already be possible to connect a threaded adapter for mounting a plastic pipeline to it.

The metal is joined to the plastic by means of a threaded connection using a coupling. Tightening during installation should take place with a slight increase. To achieve this effect, the joints are sealed with linen winding and smeared with investment paste. Before putting the adapter on the cast-iron pipe, the joints should be treated with a sealant.

Connecting plastic elements is much easier. The adhesion sites are cleaned and treated with an alcohol composition.

Welding of polypropylene elements is carried out using a welding iron equipped with a Teflon nozzle; the heating temperature should be about 250 ° C

At the same time, both the fitting and the end of the pipe are put on the heated apparatus. Both elements are screwed to the full depth of the nozzles. After waiting for the elements to warm up, both blanks are carefully removed from the nozzle and connected to each other.

Features of connecting to the wiring

In the place where the vertical pipeline will be connected to the wiring in the apartment, a 32/20/32 tee is installed. To facilitate the installation of the tee, its end is lubricated with liquid soap. The elements are fixed by soldering.

When planning to install a heated towel rail in the bathroom, two more additional tees are mounted on the pipeline

An important point: when installing tees, it is preferable not to have a coupling, but a soldered connection.

Having installed a shut-off valve, check for leaks. If there is none, fix the assembled structure to the wall.

To do this, using the building level in the wall, pre-mark points for making holes for installing clips. Fasteners are placed every 100-150 cm.

From the moment the last connection is made, the installed section of the network can be filled with water no earlier than an hour later. To ensure a sufficient level of moisture impermeability and sound absorption, the places where the pipes pass through the ceilings are concreted over the entire thickness. These and other finishing measures are carried out only after testing the structure.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The sequence of actions when replacing a steel pipeline with polypropylene:

How to overcook water risers:

There is nothing complicated in replacing the apartment water supply riser. The main thing is to get permission from the housing office and get the consent of the neighbors to make the insert. By observing the installation technology and using high-quality material in your work, you will be able to build a system on your own that will work properly for more than a dozen years.

The question of who should change the risers in a privatized apartment is relevant today. Houses built back in the USSR are deteriorating and require major repairs. This requires a lot of financial investment, and residents make a contribution to keeping apartment buildings in good condition. But in addition to money, we need to organize the process of replacing engineering equipment and choosing a company that will carry out such repairs.

A good option is to replace the risers in an apartment building, when the old structures are not completely out of order. In this case, this will affect the quality of the water that will pass through propylene pipes instead of iron ones, which will reduce the amount of harmful compounds. Also, due to the greater pressure in such pipes, less energy will be needed to supply the flow to the upper floors. The power supply of the pumps is included in the payment for household needs and is distributed to all apartments. This will save up to 20 percent of electricity, so replacing pipes is beneficial for residents of apartment buildings.

Key Aspects

In order to properly organize the replacement process, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances:

  • replacement and repair of the riser in a single apartment will not give special benefits if the entire pipe system, including basements, has not been changed;
  • risers are necessary elements of engineering communications; in case of malfunctions in their operation, emergencies arise that can cause irreparable harm to health;
  • in legislative documents they are not designated as personal property, they belong to the management company that maintains the house. This serves as some limitation when the replacement is carried out by the owner of the property;
  • replacement of pipes and risers of sewerage and water supply, contributions for which are paid by all tenants of the house according to the ENP. If many beneficiaries live in an apartment building, then the funds collected by the management company may not be enough, so it will be necessary to collect additional contributions from tenants who do not have privileges. In such cases, put forward their own replacement conditions;
  • the life of the house is 25 years, after which a major overhaul is necessary. But ongoing revisions extend this period, but this cannot be done indefinitely;
  • the management company may not carry out major repairs during this period of time. In the same way, the owner of any equipment is not obliged to repair it if it is serviceable and working. This allows both the managing organization and the tenants to maneuver in this matter;
  • a riser that has undergone emergency restoration work between major repairs is considered emergency until it is completely replaced, even if only a hole was welded in it, through which only a small amount of water flowed out;
  • to recognize it as emergency, traces of the repairs made are necessary. At the same time, the statute of limitations does not matter, if there are many such signs, then this is the fault of the management company, which did not carry out a major overhaul on time.
  • engineering communications in the house need to be periodically repaired, whether it is the replacement of a sewer riser, plumbing or heating;
  • a non-specialist can also lay pipes inside the apartment, and a professional is needed to replace the riser.

Who pays for the replacement

The housing legislation gives a clear answer to the question of who should change the risers in a residential apartment building. This should be carried out by the management company that maintains this building. This also applies to sewerage systems in an apartment building, and water supply, and heating pipes. Although they were held in housing that has undergone privatization, only management companies should pay for their replacement. This is stated in the articles. 290, 292 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and in paragraph 5 of Article 36 and 155 of the LC RF, although many replace water supply risers and pipes at their own expense.

Every month, residents of apartment buildings come. They include contributions for the maintenance and repair of engineering structures. If they are damaged, the management company is obliged to replace or repair them. ZhEK has no right to demand money for this, since all this has already been paid for, maybe even for many years to come.

In case of failure to perform these works or refusal to carry out, it is necessary to obtain written confirmation from the management company. If you have such a document, you should apply to the judicial authorities with a claim, since the housing office refuses to repair what it is obliged to. The management company may delay the consideration of the case, but in such a situation there are two scenarios:

  1. Wait for an emergency when neighboring apartments and the entrance are flooded. In this case, the repairmen will have to do all the work. But often employees of the management company only put patches on pipes without replacing them.
  2. Gather homeowners in an apartment building, and agree on the replacement of risers at their own expense. In this case, it is necessary to pay about five thousand rubles from each apartment, this amount will also allow you to separate the pipes in the bathroom.

How is the replacement of the riser

In any apartment building there must be risers:

  1. heating systems;
  2. sewerage;
  3. supply of hot and cold water.

In order to change the riser, it is necessary to carry out the following work:

  • turn off the water for repair or replacement. In this case, it is necessary to wait until the water drains through the pipes. If the sewer riser in the apartment is changed, then the employee of the management company who is responsible for this warns the residents of the entrance so that they do not use the bathroom for this time;
  • dismantle pipes to be replaced. Such work requires professional locksmiths who can easily remove them from the ceilings between floors. It is difficult work, especially when the cast-iron pipes are taken out;
  • install new pipes. After that, you need to check the water pressure, and confirm that there are no leaks.

It is best to change the risers of sewage, heating and water supply at the same time throughout the house. This will prevent leaks and accidents that can occur when replacing structures only in individual apartments, and thus make repairs cheaper.

Replacing heating risers in a residential apartment building is basically the same everywhere. But there are some nuances. When carrying out repairs, you must perform the following steps:

  • inform the managing organization that it is required to turn off the water supply. Without appropriate information about the location of the distribution valve, it will not be possible to shut off the water;
  • when changing radiators, shut-off valves should be installed, which in an emergency will allow you to turn off the water only in a separate apartment;
  • when changing pipes, it is not recommended to reduce their diameter, because they will burst under pressure, especially during the heating season. And this will lead to unpleasant consequences.

When replacing a water riser, choose the optimal type of pipe. So, for hot water supply, the best option would be a reinforced plastic pipe that will not deform at high temperatures.

If the pipes are not changed in the whole house, but only in a separate apartment, the locksmith cuts the pipes before overlapping, from above and below. Then he must install special fittings.

If pipes are changed throughout the house, the dismantling of pipes begins with apartments located on the upper floors. At the same time, a new riser is being installed in the lower apartments.

Conflicts when replacing risers

Privatized housing is the private property of their owner. Public utilities believe that if the riser is located in such an apartment, then the replacement process is carried out by the owner of the property at his own expense. But this is not so, water supply risers in an apartment building are part of engineering structures, and all work is carried out at the expense of the management company, which collects contributions for this.

At the same time, employees of the management company refer to the Methodological Recommendations MDK 2-04-2004, which says that management companies can change engineering communications, but there is not a word about risers.

Overhaul involves eliminating all malfunctions of engineering structures in an apartment building, and for this it is necessary to replace pipes and risers of drainage and water supply systems.

Before a major overhaul is carried out, all owners of privatized apartments should be gathered to clarify the issues of who should change the sewer riser and who should repair the riser. At the same time, the replacement of water supply risers in the apartment is the responsibility of the management company, which collects money for this every month, and a lot of it.

How to solve a problem

Before replacing the riser in a privatized apartment, it is required to confirm that it is part of the common property of the house. To do this, they call an expert independent of the managing organization who will determine who owns the riser.

If there are leaks, but it has not yet cracked, then it is necessary to invite an employee of the housing office and demand its replacement. The apartment that was privatized is not a hindrance to this.

If the management company refuses to replace the riser free of charge, it is recommended to contact Rospotrebnadzor and. Such statements, in the end, lead to the deprivation of a license that does not comply with the laws of the company.

In life, housing office workers often provide such services for a fee. This happens when housing and communal services workers were denied payment for the replacement of risers in an apartment, and they are asked to gather homeowners to resolve the issue. Such a procedure can take a long time, and during this time the pipe will burst and cause flooding of the residents of the lower apartments. In this case, the owner of the property pays for the damage caused.

In such situations, apartment owners prefer not to aggravate the conflict situation created by the management company, and pay about two thousand rubles. After all, going to court requires considerable sums to pay fees and a lawyer.

But, nevertheless, only the management company should change the risers, and when applying to the court, they win the case and seek to carry out work with the funds collected by the management organization. This is the best option when all utility bills are paid on time, but in any case, defending your rights is always beneficial.

A significant number of the population of our country are residents of multi-storey buildings that have been built since Soviet times. According to the technical standards of that period, iron and steel products were used for the installation of in-house pipelines. The materials are durable, but subject to corrosion, decay and as a result require replacement.

Who is responsible for this in a multi-storey building?

Residents of apartments, in order to prevent the consequences of unpleasant situations, often reinstall risers and branches at their own expense. However, this is not entirely true.

According to Art. 161 of the Housing Code and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/11 (Art. 149), repair and replacement of risers lie entirely with the housing management company. Every month the owner of the apartment pays receipts, in particular for "maintenance and repairs". For these funds, all work related to communications should be performed. In the event of an accident, the housing office must update the pipes without fail, and collecting money from people is illegal.

Who pays for the replacement in a privatized apartment?

As a result of the privatization process, not only living space, but also metering devices, plumbing equipment, and communications become the property. This is confirmed by Art. 36 LC RF and Government Decree No. 491 as amended. dated March 26, 2014. The owner has the right to dispose at his own discretion:

  • replace metal pipes with plastic ones;
  • install new plumbing fixtures, stopcocks, meters;
  • change radiators.

However, with regard to common risers connecting several floors, the issue is controversial here. Vertical pipelines can be located in special shafts or pass through the apartment. Placement doesn't matter. The owners of both privatized and non-privatized apartments make regular payments, due to which the management company maintains and replaces pipes. The owner is obliged to repair only intra-apartment branches from the riser.


If there is an urgent need, the first thing to do is contact the management company or housing office. You need to write an application for the replacement of risers, in which you indicate a good reason and attach at least 2 photographs of communications. The document is executed in two copies, one remains in the Housing Office, and the second with a mark of acceptance must be taken with you. For the acceptance and consideration of the application, it is important that the owner of the housing is a conscientious payer of utility bills.

  1. The repair team quickly responds and replaces the emergency riser. The owner of the living space, in turn, provides access to the bathroom for the smooth implementation of repair work.
  2. The management company refuses to replace the vertical line, arguing that the pipeline is located in the owner's premises and the owner of the apartment is responsible for it. In this case, you will receive a written response with a refusal. Further, with this document, you can go to court, but the process is often delayed for several months.

Work order

When replacing pipes, it is important to discuss the situation with neighbors in advance, otherwise the tie-in is carried out only from ceiling to floor. Sections of the old riser will remain in the ceiling, which can later lead to leaks in these places.

It is also impossible to do without the participation of representatives of the management company, they block the riser and drain the water. After that, the replacement of pipelines occurs in the following sequence:

  1. with the help of a grinder, dismantling is carried out by pulling out old pipes from floor slabs;
  2. make markings for tapping branches;
  3. carry out the installation of a new pipeline and wiring;
  4. connect the water and check all connections for leaks.

Tip: it is better not to change sewer risers yourself, the entire system may fail.

Pipes for hot water and heating systems are selected with the condition that they do not deform under the influence of heat. Polypropylene pipes are in demand today, which have a number of advantages:

  • resistance to corrosion;
  • profitability;
  • ease of installation;
  • absence of internal limestone deposits;
  • environmental friendliness.

According to the legislation, the planned reinstallation of the central highways is carried out every 25-30 years. House networks, intra-apartment heating pipes, water supply of non-privatized apartments are exposed to such a scheme.