How much does a UPS for a computer weigh. How to choose an uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

There were times when only computer owners were interested in uninterruptible power supplies and the rules for their selection. But today the scope of using UPSs has gone far beyond the Odessa offices with an impressive amount of office equipment. Now more and more uninterruptible power supplies are bought for the home.

What is it: a tribute to fashion or is it a necessity? The answer to this question is known to the specialists of the QwertyShop online store.

UPS: whim or necessity?

Many are interested in: do you really need a UPS? To begin with, let's remember that no one has canceled sudden power surges and unexpected blackouts in our country. This means that one day, due to power problems, the computer can turn off exactly one second before saving the results of your work. Or let's take another example. A lightning strike or a neighbor with a drill can cause a short circuit or overload the network. Then you will have to regret not only about unsaved data, but also about a computer or other sensitive equipment. But there would be a UPS ...

But an uninterruptible power supply is a device designed not only to protect equipment from surges. Its main task is to provide short-term backup power during the shutdown of the main source. With the presence of an uninterruptible power supply, in case of any emergency with power supply, it becomes possible to save data and properly turn off the computer.

In addition to computers, UPS can provide power to some other office, household devices that are sensitive to power surges or a sudden disconnection from the mains. However, one must understand that an uninterruptible power supply is an auxiliary power source, most often not designed for continuous power supply of equipment (for such purposes, there are other devices - generators). In the absence of a main source, the UPS will typically keep devices running for up to 15 minutes.

Now that it is generally clear what uninterruptible power supplies are and why they are needed, it remains to find out how to choose a UPS for different needs.

Main selection criteria

By and large, today it is not difficult to buy a good uninterruptible power supply. It is enough to find a trusted store with high-quality equipment. For example, you can buy a good one. Another question is what kind of equipment a certain type of UPS is good for, and why even the best uninterruptible power supply for a PC may be useless for a solid fuel or gas boiler. And all because uninterruptible power supplies are not chosen according to the principle “like it or not”, but taking into account different technical characteristics.

UPS types

Depending on the features of functioning, the following types of UPS are distinguished:

  • reserve;
  • line-interactive;
  • with double conversion.

Among all uninterruptible power supplies, the most popular and cheapest are backup type devices. When there is no problem with the power supply, the current passes through the UPS in transit, at the same time charging its battery. It begins to perform its main function as soon as problems arise with the main power source. In most cases, it takes 10 milliseconds for the UPS to become active. A backup type device extends the performance of equipment by about 5-10 minutes. Such a UPS is considered the best for the home. But he also has disadvantages. It does not perform the function of a stabilizer (that is, it does not protect equipment from power surges), and is also not suitable for maintaining the operation of devices for a long time.

Line-interactive uninterruptible power supplies differ from the previous ones just by the presence of a stabilizer. What does it mean? When the voltage in the mains deviates from the norm, the UPS equalizes the available current by means of a transformer, without using the battery. But if the voltage cannot be stabilized or there are problems with the power supply, the UPS transfers the equipment to battery power. Switching takes an average of 3 milliseconds. A line-interactive uninterruptible power supply is usually used for a computer and other office equipment, but in some cases it can also be used for a boiler (although models designed exclusively for heating systems are better suited for such purposes).

Double conversion UPSs are so-called online uninterruptibles. The structure of the device provides for instant switching to the battery and vice versa. Many models from this group also take on the role of a voltage stabilizer. Online-UPS is the best choice for sensitive equipment and servers. The disadvantage of the device is the high price. But in defense it is worth saying that these uninterruptible power supplies are worth the money.


Modern uninterruptible power supplies differ not only in type, but also in power. And it's time to learn how to calculate the power of a suitable UPS. The starting point for selection is the actual power consumption of the equipment for which UPS is needed. Buying an uninterruptible power supply that is too powerful is a waste of money, and a device with insufficient power will not be able to perform its function correctly.

But before you start calculating, you need to understand the difference between different types of power. On electrical appliances, this value can be indicated in watts or in volt-amperes. On a UPS, it's usually only in Volt-Amps. In the first case (W), the figure indicates the rated (active) power, in the second (VA) - the output (total). Rated power is determined by the formula: output power multiplied by the power factor. Therefore, it is important to correctly calculate the load power factor. This value indicates what part of the power provided by the source is actually used by the equipment. In practice, the value of this coefficient fluctuates between 0.1 and 1. As an example, you can take computer power supplies, the average power factor of which is 0.6-0.8, or servers, storage systems and network equipment, in which this indicator closest to 1.

Now back to uninterruptibles. Every UPS has its own output power factor in its specifications. So, in a properly selected uninterruptible power supply, it cannot be lower than the coefficient of equipment that will be connected to it.

The second indicator that you should pay attention to is the output power of the UPS (the one that is measured in volt-amperes), that is, the maximum possible load power. Ideally, this figure should be 25-30% more than the total power of the appliances that will be connected to the UPS. But in order to correctly calculate the numbers, the power of the devices will have to be converted from W to VA (according to the above formula).

Battery Life

This indicator directly depends on how correctly the power calculation for the UPS was carried out. But besides this, the capacity of the battery (the ability to accumulate electric charge) plays an equally important role. The average UPS standby time is 5-10 minutes. When it comes to "rescuing" computer equipment, this time is enough for the correct completion of the work. But more powerful UPS models can operate offline even up to 12 hours.

Availability of connectors

Selection according to the parameters of power and battery capacity is good. But also do not forget that when buying a UPS, it is important to pay attention to the availability of the necessary connectors and calculate in advance how many and which ones you will need. In addition to the main ones, some UPS models have connectors for protecting telephone and network lines from high-voltage impulses. The output connectors of the UPS must match the load connectors. That is, if for your needs you need a UPS for a Euro socket, then before buying you need to check if you got a model with an IEC connector, known as a computer plug.

Typically, the UPS has several outlets and connectors. Among them:

  • sockets for connecting devices to the battery (they are EURO “under the plug” and IEC under the power cable);
  • sockets for connecting devices to the stabilizer, bypassing the battery;
  • connectors for protection of telephone and data lines;
  • connectors for monitoring and diagnostics (COM, USB);
  • connector for connecting the UPS to a 220 V network;
  • sockets for protection of telephone (RJ-11) and information network (RJ-45);
  • connectors for controlling the device from a computer (RS-232).


The battery status and UPS mode information is displayed in different ways in different models. In budget devices, this function is assigned to LED indicators. In more expensive models, there is already an LCD display, on which all important information is displayed.

We look at the brand

The last point in our review, but not the last in importance, is the choice of UPS by brand. Buying an uninterruptible power supply from a trusted manufacturer is not at all a tribute to fashion and not a pursuit of brands. And although in all UPS the batteries will have to be changed sooner or later (usually after 2 years), but the better the device, the longer it will last. Today, UPS market leaders are such manufacturers as Powercom, APC, Ippon, P-Com, Inelt, LogicPower, Luxeon, Mustek, Eaton, PowerWalker, which produce budget and more expensive lines of uninterruptible power supplies for the home.


Now is the time to recap. So, you are one of those lucky ones who rarely experience power outages or power outages, and in the event of an emergency, only the computer will have to be “rescued”. In this case, you should buy a backup type UPS. If your power line is continuous voltage surges, then, believe me, it will be cheaper to buy a line-interactive uninterruptible power supply and not worry about how the surges in the wires will affect the computer and other equipment. Buying expensive double conversion UPS is justified if your task is to create conditions for the smooth operation of servers or a heating system.

If we talk about power, then a UPS with an output power of 350-500 volt-amperes is just right for a regular computer. For a gaming PC with two monitors, you will need at least 500-1000 VA, and if you add an acoustic system to this “company”, you will need a UPS with an output power of at least 1500 VA.

If you choose a UPS for the boiler in terms of rated power and battery capacity, then for a 90-150 W circulation pump, a three-hundred-watt uninterruptible power supply is enough, if the heating system uses two pumps, then your choice is a 400-500 W UPS (plus 25-30% stock).

There are hundreds of such examples. But once again we remind you that the result is always calculated according to the same formula: the sum of the power of the devices + 20% (this is the minimum). And the greater the UPS power reserve, the longer your equipment will be able to work without the main power source. This is the main thing to understand when choosing a UPS for your home.

Uninterruptible power supply, UPS or uninterruptible power supply - equipment that allows you to protect home appliances: LCD panel, LCD TV, washing machine, refrigerator and even a gas boiler from power surges, as well as save your work on your computer, which means saving time and nerves . But it is not enough just to buy a protective device, it is necessary to choose a model that will correspond to the technological operating conditions. In this article, we will tell readers how to choose a UPS for the home in terms of power, operating time and other parameters.

Execution type

It is necessary to determine what problems with electricity most often occur. If these are frequent shutdowns, then it is enough to select and install a backup UPS. It is quite enough for saving documents, playing games, working with programs and correctly shutting down the computer.

The disadvantage of this variety is the lack of a stabilizing device. As a result, there is a short power interruption during the transition to standby power. Therefore, it is important to choose high-quality models, since they are equipped with capacitors of sufficient capacity, and the harm from a short-term power outage is minimized. At the same time, the average price of a backup uninterruptible power supply in 2017 is about 4,500 rubles.

If, in addition to power outages, frequent ones are noticed, it is better to choose a line-interactive uninterruptible power supply. The reason is that backup models are unstable to voltage drops, which causes the storage device to suffer, it will have to be changed often. This is due to additional financial costs.

The downside of a line-interactive UPS is the creation of network interference that is launched into the public electrical network. Also, the disadvantage of this variety is the high noise level during operation. This is approximately 40-50 dB, so if you want to choose an uninterruptible power supply for household appliances in the bedroom, bypass this option.

There is another type of uninterruptible power supply - on-line. The devices are powered directly from the charger, battery. This is 100% guaranteed to prevent unexpected power surges and network interference. The choice of such an uninterruptible power supply is associated with significant financial costs. Along with this, the consumer receives such disadvantages:

  1. A small level of efficiency due to the double voltage conversion system. Simply put, this type is inferior to the other two in terms of power.
  2. Rapid wear of storage devices, batteries.

Obviously, the best choice is a line-interactive UPS, since no one is immune from sudden voltage drops. They can lead to the complete loss of sensitive household appliances, electrical appliances and home computers. The line-interactive version is recommended for both office and home use. This is the optimal cost in 2017, which varies from 3300 to 1500 rubles, as well as a set of functionality.

Separately, one can distinguish a variety of uninterruptible power supplies that are installed on a gas boiler. This is necessary to ensure the operation of the circulation pumps. Without them, the circulation of water in the system is impossible, and, accordingly, the operation of the boiler.

In order to be correct, you need to familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics, in particular, with the indicator of starting currents and the power of the pumps. In terms of power, the uninterruptible power supply should exceed the above figures by 2.5. To ensure long-term operation of the gas boiler, it is necessary to buy models that allow you to connect additional batteries. It is best to choose an on-line uninterruptible power supply for such purposes.


An important selection criterion is the power of the UPS. It is measured in volt-amperes, denoted VA. To translate their more familiar watt indicator, you need to multiply the volt-amperes by 0.6. The result obtained is the maximum total power of the equipment that the uninterruptible power supply can withstand, because through it the voltage is supplied to the devices and equipment. For example, for a PC, you must select an uninterruptible power supply with a rating of at least 500 VA.

UPSs are divided into three power classes:

  • compact - up to 1000VA;
  • medium - 1000-5000VA;
  • large - more than 5000VA.

Accordingly, for a country house and an apartment, it is better to choose the first two types, the latter is more suitable for enterprises where it is necessary to provide a large number of equipment with stable electrical power.

Attention! Before making the final choice, it is necessary to calculate the total load power of household appliances and equipment that is planned to be connected to the UPS, add 20–40% to it and multiply by 0.6. The resulting figure will be the optimal indicator of the power of the uninterruptible power supply, which will be expressed in VA. About that, we told in a separate article.

Battery Life

It is necessary to pay attention to the indicator of battery life. Optimal here is 5-7 minutes. It is understood that this time is enough for the PC to gracefully shut down its work. For the rest of the equipment, just protection against power surges is enough.

There are models that can provide power to household appliances for 20 minutes, but such a resource will cost more than standard modifications. The right decision is to choose a UPS that provides the ability to connect additional batteries. This will significantly increase the battery life, but this option will also require additional costs, but not so impressive.

Attention! Battery life figures are on the packaging, UPS box or should be in the "Specifications" section of the online store.

Number of outlets

UPSs are equipped with a different number of outlets from 1 to 8. The best option for a home is 4-6 outlets. Here it is important to take into account another factor - the technical orientation of the connectors. They are:

  1. Euro - designed for.
  2. Computer.

Part of the sockets may be oriented to protection against mains interference and not have a connection to the battery. This must also be taken into account when choosing an uninterruptible power supply.

The best manufacturers and models

It is equally important to choose the right UPS company so as not to become a victim of a low-quality fake. To date, the best manufacturers of uninterruptible power supplies are the following 3 brands:

  1. Ippon
  2. powercom

If you buy a model from one of these companies, then a quality guarantee will be provided. In addition, we bring to your attention a rating of the best UPS in terms of price and quality that can be purchased for home use.

From interactive models, you can advise:

  • APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS 750VA/500W USB & Serial 230V
  • Ippon Back Basic 650 Schuko
  • APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS 1500VA LCD 230V
  • Powercom RAPTOR RPT-2000AP
  • CyberPower UT1500EI

Good customer reviews received such backup uninterruptible power supplies as:

  • Ippon Back Basic 650 IEC 5.0
  • Powercom SPIDER SPD-1000N
  • APC by Schneider Electric Back-UPS CS 350 USB/Serial

Well, with a double converter, we can advise 1 of the 5 provided UPSs:

  • P-Com Pro 3S
  • Ippon Innova RT 1000
  • Powercom VANGUARD VGS-2000XL
  • EATON 9130 1000BA
  • APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS RT 10000VA 230V

Other features

For home use, you can choose a device that has additional functionality:

  • The network status is displayed using LED indicators or LCD screens. The second option is more informative, as it displays the voltage indicator in the network and the level of charge. Here the choice is determined solely by the preference of the buyer.
  • USB connector. Its presence allows you to connect a laptop or computer to the UPS and install special software that will automatically shut down the PC.
  • Availability of additional ports: RJ-11, RJ-45. They allow you to protect against network interference: modem, router, network card. This is a useful feature for the home.
  • Cold start function. Allows the use of household appliances and other electrical equipment without mains voltage. For example, boot up your computer to send an important message or heat water, make tea, coffee or other hot drinks. This is a useful feature for homes as well as organizations.
  • Design. Here the choice is limited to a greater extent by color, since almost all uninterruptible power supplies are rectangular in shape, similar to cinder block or brick.

Important! It is advisable to choose a model that allows you to change the batteries yourself. This will save time and money at service centers.

Well, one more useful tip - a combination of a surge protector and a stabilizer can become a home-made analogue of a UPS. This will protect household appliances from breakdowns as a result of power surges if there are no funds to purchase an uninterruptible power supply. Finally, we recommend watching a useful video

Unfortunately, interruptions sometimes occur in our electrical networks, and in such situations it is necessary to protect expensive equipment from overloads. In addition, in such cases it is important to save information on the computer from irretrievable loss. To do this, there are uninterruptible power supplies, in short - UPS. Today we will talk about how to choose a good UPS for a computer, and what is important in this device. There is a huge amount of such equipment on the market, and if you decide to read this article, then you can’t decide on the final version. Good power supplies for a computer today can be produced using a variety of technologies. Depending on the purpose for which you use the computer, and you need to choose this equipment.


Beforehand, it is worth talking about the main types of uninterruptible power supplies for a computer, of which there are three options on the market.


Standby UPSs are the most primitive in terms of design. They differ in that they respond to a power supply delay of 10 ms. At this point, it switches to battery. Such budget power supplies for a computer are suitable for private home use only if you do not have any problems with power outages. There is no voltage stabilizer here, which means that in case of any interruption, the device will switch to the battery, which adversely affects the duration of its service.

Line Interactive

Line-interactive power supplies for a computer solve this problem. In the event of voltage surges in the network, they automatically adjust to the current level. This greatly increases the life of the device. In terms of price-quality ratio, switching power supplies for a computer of this type are considered the best.


The best but most expensive are online UPSs. they respond to voltage drops in the network instantly. The principle of operation of this type is to double the conversion of incoming electricity. First, the rectifier converts the AC voltage to DC. The inverter then converts it back to AC. But unlike backup and interactive computers and other devices constantly receive energy from online, and electricity with a pure sine wave, equalized in voltage. This device constantly responds to changes in current, and transmits this information to the computer.

Main settings

Here we will deal with the main criteria for devices that will help determine the choice. It will also be possible to understand which parameters affect the cost of equipment.


Power is considered one of the main characteristics of any UPS for a computer. If the indicator of the total power of the computer exceeds the power of an inexpensive device for a computer, then this can lead to the failure of the latter, or constant reboots. Be sure to pay attention to this parameter before buying. You must know how much power your personal computer and all peripheral devices connected to it consume. To determine this indicator for uninterruptible power supplies, it is worth multiplying the available total value by 1.4. It is this power reserve that is necessary for this device.

Battery Life

This parameter is approximately the same for most budget UPSs for a computer. Battery life is approximately 5-8 minutes. This is often enough to save all applications and shut down the operating system in the correct mode. For those who use the resources of their PC to the maximum, this may not be enough. Fortunately, some manufacturers offer models in which the battery life increases to 15-20 minutes. Of course, you can independently increase the battery capacity, and make it better. To do this, manufacturers put additional batteries on the market. By connecting them in series, the required time characteristics can be achieved.


Many of today's best computer UPSs come with special programs that allow you to save device statistics files. If a person is not at home, the equipment will automatically save all the working information on the hard drive. This is a very useful option, the presence of which you need to pay attention to when buying.

Number of connectors

Inexpensive computer UPSs often come with a computer connector only. In fact, a wide variety of peripheral devices can be located next to it. You need to calculate how many such devices you have at home, and on the basis of this, draw conclusions about the purchase of this or that equipment. There should also be an outlet with surge protection. Do not forget about the protection of the telephone line. If this is not done, then the modem connected to it, during power outages, can fail soon enough.

Noise level

This is also worth paying attention to before buying a power supply. Some inexpensive computer UPSs are loud enough to cause problems; for example, a person may experience headaches. Try not to install the power supply directly next to the bed. It is even better to separate it from your bed with a partition.

Display and controls

The modern best UPS for a computer is capable of not only beeping in case of switching operating modes, but also providing information using LEDs. This is very convenient if it is possible to visually monitor the state of the block. Some models are able to inform the user about the need to replace the battery. Relatively recently, equipment equipped with liquid crystal displays has appeared on the market. Up to 20 different block states can be displayed here. In addition, some models are complemented by controls. They allow you to configure the power supply for a specific network operation mode.

Battery replacement option

Today on the market you can find uninterruptible power supplies for a computer, which involve replacing the battery during operation. The average battery life is approximately 5 years. During this time, he completely exhausts his resources. There are models that involve replacing the battery after the end of its life. Pay attention to them before buying, because it is better to buy a battery than a new UPS, and such devices will save you money in the future.


Today on the market you can find a variety of both expensive and inexpensive UPS for a computer. There are many manufacturers of such equipment. The best companies are APC, FSP, Ippon.

Rating of the best UPS for a computer

So, dear readers, we have considered the main types and parameters of uninterruptible power supplies. Now each of you knows how to choose a UPS for a computer, and what characteristics you should first look at when choosing. And now we bring to your attention a small rating of the best UPS in the middle price category, compiled on the basis of expert opinions.

APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS 1000VA LCD 230V

Switching interactive power supply - APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS 1000VA LCD 230V has an input voltage of 160 - 286 V, an input frequency of 47 - 63 Hz, and an output frequency of 47 - 53 Hz. The device with an LCD display has an audible alarm, a USB interface and a slot for additional interfaces. The output power of the device is 650 W, the operating time at full load is 6 minutes, at half load - 20.6 minutes. The device is equipped with 8 computer-type output connectors - IEC 320 C13. The power supply battery charges in 3 hours. It is possible to replace the battery during UPS operation.

IPPON Smart Winner 1000

A modern high-quality switching interactive power supply - Ippon Smart Winner 1000 has an input voltage of 161 - 276 V. The output power of the device is 650 W, the operating time at full load is 5 minutes. The device has a complete set of cables and the ability to mount in a 19-inch rack. On the rear panel of the unit there is a USB connector and an RS-232 slot. The device is equipped with 6 computer-type output connectors - IEC 320 C13. The UPS battery charges in 3 hours. The power supply heatsinks are blown by a high-tech fan from SUNON. Information about the processes is displayed through LED indicators, and sound alarm. The device with cold start function is equipped with protection of the telephone line, local network and overload protection.

INELT Power Station POWER 1500

Switching interactive power supply - INELT Smart Station POWER 1500 has an input voltage - 170 - 280 V, and an input frequency - 45 - 65 Hz. The device with LED indicators has a sound alarm, USB or RS-232 interface is optional. The output power of the device is 900 W, there is a cold start option. The device is equipped with 6 computer-type output connectors - IEC 320 C13. The power supply battery charges in 12 hours. It is possible to replace the battery during UPS operation. The device with noise filtering function has LAN protection, telephone line protection, as well as protection against high-voltage impulses.

Ippon Back Power Pro 800 New

Switching interactive power supply - Ippon Back Power Pro 800 New has an input voltage of 162 - 268 V, and an output power of 480 watts. The device with LED indicators has an audible alarm, a cold start function and a USB interface. The device is equipped with 3 output power connectors of computer type - IEC 320 C13. The power supply battery charges in 6 hours. It is possible to replace the battery during UPS operation. The device with noise filtering function has LAN protection, telephone line protection, as well as protection against high-voltage impulses.

IPPON Back Comfo Pro 800 New

Switching interactive power supply - Ippon Back Comfo Pro 800 New has an input voltage - 162 - 268 V, and an input frequency - 45 - 65 Hz. The device with LED indicators has an audible alarm, USB and RS-232 interfaces. The output power of the device is 420 W, there is a cold start option. The device is equipped with 8 computer-type power outlets -CEE 7 (Euro socket). The battery of the power supply is charged in 8 hours. It is possible to replace the battery during UPS operation. The device with noise filtering function has LAN protection, telephone line protection, as well as protection against high-voltage impulses. In addition, there is a short circuit protection and an automatic fuse.

Convert the mains voltage of 220 V to the desired values, prolong computer performance and ensure data safety- main goals . Protection against power surges, sudden shutdowns and the ability to use a backup source are very important for the normal functioning of all components of the device.

Buying an uninterruptible power supply for a computer means save on and do not worry about the premature failure of your device.

Our networks do not always produce the declared voltage of 220 V, even if emergency situations are rare, then the stabilization of the mains current to normal values ​​​​is possible only with the help of an uninterruptible power supply. Among the variety of UPS offered, it is easy to get confused. How to choose the right UPS?

What are

All produced blocks can be conditionally divided into three types:

  • Reserve. USP low power. The main function is switching to battery power during battles in the network and vice versa when the voltage normalizes;
  • Interactive. They are most often used for home and office computers. The device has a stabilizer, which gives a sinusoidal voltage at the output;
  • Online power supplies. In the course of their work, a double voltage conversion occurs. The input alternating current is converted to direct current, and the inverter converts it back to alternating current. It is used when large DNS servers and stations are running.

In the medium and high power units, there is a special device for connecting the input and output directly, without using a backup power, called a bypass. In case of overloads, the power from the inverter is sent to the bypass, which saves current consumption.

Proper block selection includes selection by power, type and purpose of use.

Before buying, you should make some calculations. For the coordinated operation of the entire system, it is necessary to correctly select the power unit that matches the parameters of your devices. The general principle of calculation is that the total power of all computer devices should not exceed the power of the UPS. The capabilities of a power supply depend on its output power, which is measured in Volt-Amps and is calculated by multiplying the voltage by the current.

When self-calculating the required power, do not forget that. the power of the computer and connected devices is indicated in Watts, and the power of the unit in VA. Adjust as needed, taking into account that 1 watt equals approximately 1.45 Volt-Amps.

In the final selection, it is a good idea to add a backup 10-20% of the UPS capacity to secure your equipment. The safety of using an ordinary home computer with a 17-inch monitor will be able to provide a unit with a power of 400 VA or more.