Libra love horoscope for a year woman.

In 2018, representatives of the Libra sign are waiting for fateful events. Someone will be able to achieve success without making any special efforts, and some will not need to strain at all, happiness and change for the better will literally fall on their heads. It is worth noting that the outcome of solving any issue will depend solely on Libra itself, and luck will smile only if desire and opportunities have an equal coefficient.

At the very beginning of 2018, Libra will receive unexpected news about loved ones. They will become aware of who is a true and devoted friend for them, and who only wants to appear as such. It will also reveal some facts about those who secretly tried to cause Libra trouble, calling themselves a true friend.

And only the second half will please Libra with what is sincerely loving person. A joint trip that can take place during this period will turn out to be exciting and extremely romantic. No obstacles will prevent Libra from having a great time with their life partner.

In February and March, the second half will pay attention to the silent and thoughtful mood of Libra. After that, interrogations with passion will follow from her side for information that Libra became aware of at the beginning of the year. Libra, in turn, will be forced to stubbornly remain silent, since frank conversations on this topic can lead to undesirable consequences.

With the advent of May, the pressure from close relatives and some friends will also be added to the pressure of the second half, who will also pay attention to Libra's thoughtfulness. Libra can withstand such pressure only if they continue to keep information secret from everyone. Libra will have a hard time. After all, they will not be able to adequately respond to the insults and reproaches of others.

The other half will begin to blackmail Libra with a breakup and even take some steps towards this. But Libra will have no other choice, they will be forced to remain silent and put up with this state of affairs. Otherwise, there is a real threat of worsening the situation.

With the onset of the summer period, the situation will change dramatically - all close people will understand the reason for such a long and stubborn silence of Libra. Relatives and friends will apologize, will be immensely grateful for such delicate behavior. As for the second half, Libra will not prevent her from achieving the goal of breaking up the relationship. Libra will not want to aggravate the situation due to their great fatigue from six months of pressure from others.

By November 2018, all disagreements and worries will be left behind. The situation in relations with a loved one is stabilizing. Libra will feel a little depressed about the events, but in general, no more worries are foreseen. There will be a prospect of strengthening family relations by introducing an element of novelty and freshness into them. Non-married Libras will happily consider candidates for building a strong and lasting relationship.

The horoscope for 2018 for Libra predicts success in business and good luck in personal life. Family chores will come first. Libra will be engaged in home improvement and creating a strong relationship with the chosen one. expected significant events, revision of old connections and new bright acquaintances.

Libra will know exactly what they want from life. Many wishes will come true, as if by magic. Horoscope for 2018 Libra advises not to turn off the intended path. Spend more time with family and close friends. There may be a serious quarrel with a business partner or loved one. Libra should be more loyal to business partners, because joint activities depend on this.

Libra is expected to take sharp turns in fate. This applies to both work and relationships with your spouse. The main thing is that there are objective reasons for radical changes. Horoscope for 2018 Libra advises to make plans for the future. Take the initiative and do not miss the opportunity to show yourself as a true professional in your field. Be careful with envious people and competitors. Although, it is they who will allow Libra to open their eyes to many difficult situations.

The horoscope for 2018 Libra recommends demonstrating your innate talents. If you make concessions, you can build profitable relationships with colleagues and superiors. Success in business will not be long in coming. It is important not to deviate from your principles.

In the summer, Libra will begin to learn, improve their skills and do something radically new in the work area. The horoscope for 2018 promises Libra recognition from those with whom they have been working in a team for a long time. In August, you should think more with your head, and not trust your feelings. Libras need to think things over carefully before ending a relationship. Try to worthily walk the path that is destined for you.

The horoscope for 2018 for Libra portends a flurry of passions and vivid emotions. In October, many will fall in love and will soar in the clouds with happiness. The main thing is not to tell everyone in a row about your feelings that have arisen. Otherwise, they interfere with work and relationships with loved ones. Libra will be more occupied with love than with the main activity.

In the fall, Libra will be ambitious and persistent in action. The horoscope for 2018 Libra recommends using their natural charm. It will help mend broken relationships and strengthen new ones. At the end of the year, Libra will take up their favorite hobby, which they took up in January. You have to complete past tasks in order to start new ones. Family and children will come first. Libra will be energized and will end this year safely.

Love horoscope for 2018 Libra

Love horoscope for 2018 Libra advises you to search for spiritual harmony. It is necessary to settle relations with a spouse or lover. Libra will want to plunge into tender and sincere feelings. If personal life no longer pleases the scales, then more colors, passion and romance should be added to it.

The horoscope for 2018 Libra does not advise envying those who are luckier in love. Surely, they, too, are not going smoothly, as it seems. Autumn for Libra will be intense. Reconsider your outlook on life and perhaps everything will change for the better. Spend more time alone with your partner. It is advisable to go out into nature or go on a trip. All this will add bright colors to your relationship.

Love horoscope for 2018 Libra advises to diversify your life together with your loved one. Try to quarrel less and find fault with each other. If the conflicts continue, it is better to immediately end the relationship. Why does Libra need a connection that has no future? It is worth fighting for love and not being lazy every day with your loved one to make it more beautiful and interesting. Scales should look around. Maybe someone truly loves you? Make every effort to woo a new partner.

Family horoscope for 2018 Libra

Family horoscope for 2018 Libra predicts happy moments and mutual understanding with your spouse. In winter, you should spend more time at home, with family and children. You can watch movies together, take a walk in the park and talk heart to heart. The month of March will bring Libra small obstacles in intimate relationships. In early April, the situation will improve and your marriage will become more harmonious.

The horoscope for 2018 for Libra promises a wonderful time in spring, filled with passion, sensuality and tender confessions.

In August, in the family, Libras may have a misunderstanding with their spouse. But, this is a temporary phenomenon. Family horoscope for 2018 Libra predicts a wonderful period in the family. In September, relations with the second half will be at the highest level. Love, comfort and mutual respect will reign in the house. In the family, Libra may have a long-awaited child. In December, Libra will enjoy a calm and warm atmosphere in the house.

Career horoscope for 2018 Libra

Career horoscope for 2018 Libra promises great prospects in professional field. Many are already bored with the familiar environment at work, so they want to change something drastically. You can safely change the place of service. Libra will never regret what they did.

Career horoscope for 2018 Libra advises to do private business. Moreover, you have enough experience and strength for this. At the main job, Libra will move forward through the ranks. Don't be afraid to ask your boss for a raise. Scales must be persistent and confident in their professionalism.

Financial horoscope for 2018 Libra

The financial horoscope for 2018 Libra advises to focus on the financial situation. You will be lucky financially. Significant profits and successful investment are expected. Libra will not doubt their strengths and capabilities.

If Libra thinks about everything well, they will find their place under the sun. New job will surely lead to prosperity. The financial horoscope for 2018 Libra recommends working harder to achieve the desired results. Feel free to make promising acquaintances that will lead you to well-being. The period will be very favorable if Libra does not start switching from one thing to another.

Health Horoscope for 2018 Libra

Health horoscope for 2018 Libra advises to pay close attention to your health. Especially if there are chronic diseases. Get a full examination and follow the instructions of the specialists. Libra should quit smoking and exercise. You can resort to folk methods treatment.

Health horoscope for 2018 Libra recommends listening to your body. Maybe you are irresponsible to him? Libra should normalize nutrition and eat more useful products. Eat fruits and vegetables, go to the gym and swim in the pool. The horoscope for 2018 Libra advises to introduce your whole family to a healthy lifestyle. Relations with your spouse will improve and health will become stronger.

Horoscopes for 2018 for other zodiac signs:

Horoscope for 2018 Aries

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Most representatives of the Libra sign are distinguished by a craving for everything beautiful, a sense of humor, sociability and the presence of outstanding intelligence. At the same time, they are characterized by a sharp change in mood and inconstancy: today they are ready to conquer Everest in summer sneakers without equipment, and tomorrow they fall into a state of deep depression. The horoscope for Libra will allow you to correct your own actions in the best possible way, achieve success in self-realization, as well as improve health and prevent a number of undesirable events.

Libra is one of the most controversial signs of the zodiac circle, as it is an inanimate object made of metal. All other signs symbolize various people or animals. The Year of the Earthy Yellow Dog will force the already developed analytical thinking and creative imagination of the scales to work "to its fullest." It is definitely not worth missing the opening opportunities, since in 2018 there is a high probability of “moving mountains” and securing further prosperity and financial well-being.

Libra men in 2018 can realize an old dream of owning their own business or hobby, which will bring a small but stable income. Representatives of the cardinal male sign under the auspices of Venus at the beginning of the year will feel a surge of business activity. Properly using this impulse, you can "put on the rails" quite a promising business project. This period will be accompanied by minor troubles and problems. However, in case of exposure and best qualities, the horoscope for 2018 for Libra men will develop in the most rosy way, allowing most of the ideas to be realized.

Many well-known astrologers recommend that representatives of the male Libra sign in the year of the Yellow Dog rely solely on intuition and their own conclusions. It is worth identifying the reason that prevented the achievement of success before, which will entail the long-awaited financial well-being. The first half of the year will be spent in active work, in which it is important for men to show their organizational and leadership qualities. The second half of the year will be marked by rewards, an impressive increase in salary or an increase in the career ladder.

Horoscope for women

Astrologers say that the year of the Yellow Dog for Libra women will not be the easiest, as they will have to face unfair treatment from close friends or relatives. From the end of May, a very favorable period will begin for the female part of the representatives of the Libra sign, which is best devoted to the gym, visiting a beauty salon, updating your wardrobe and changing your diet in favor of healthy food. All efforts will be appreciated closer to the end of the year, when the horoscope for Libra for 2018 promises women a romantic acquaintance that risks developing into serious relationship.

Libra women who love to give teachings and advice to others, even if they didn’t ask for it, the stars recommend getting rid of this habit. Instead, they should focus on own dreams and hints of intuition, which will allow you not to make mistakes in real life. At the beginning of the year, there is a possibility of disagreements and quarrels with your other half. Unwillingness to come to any compromise can greatly spoil the relationship. Libra woman in the year of the Yellow Dog will be able to best succeed in the task of self-realization and achieve success in any creative endeavors.

love horoscope

The love horoscope for 2018 for representatives of the Libra sign is full of romance, and even those who have been alone for too long will be able to meet the second half. Libra, already in a family relationship, expects complete harmony with a loved one, which should not be spoiled by excessive incredulity and tediousness. Since these air signs tend to idealize their future chosen one, astrologers recommend that they do not rush past someone who really has sincere feelings for them.

The horoscope for 2018 for Libra states that it is not necessary to go far in search of a soulmate. Most likely, the person you are looking for is already in a close environment, or will appear in it from early spring to mid-summer. From June to July, Libra has a high probability of a fateful meeting that will bring some turmoil to their already chaotic life. For the sake of the chosen ones, Venus's favorites will be ready to go to any thoughtless act, so the stars advise them to take a closer look at the objects of their adoration, so as not to be subsequently disappointed in their own illusions.

Health Horoscope

The Libra horoscope for 2018 is very favorable for the representatives of the sign in terms of health. People who have suffered from chronic or congenital diseases for a long period of time are given a great opportunity to finally get rid of them. Astrologers say that turning to alternative medicine can do a good job, but you should not go too far. The best option to improve your health and maintain it throughout 2018 is to do yoga or any other practice aimed at the harmonious development of your own body.

Care should be taken when introducing new foods into the diet, as there is a risk of poisoning during the period from late winter to mid-spring. Since the Yellow Dog will make the Libra work hard at the beginning of the year, the representatives of the sign should minimize the amount of stress associated with increased fatigue and fatigue due to overload in the workplace. Excessive nervousness will adversely affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system, and can also lead to hypertension and VVD.

Money horoscope

The financial horoscope for 2018 is very favorable for Libra. People born under this sign tend to have a frivolous attitude towards money, which they often spend without thinking. Despite this fact, the stars predict luck in promising projects and financial success for the scales. The best positive results can be achieved in the field of selling your own creative ideas and in the Internet business. The money horoscope reports that the representatives of the sign will be surrounded by quite wealthy people all year round, friendship and cooperation with which can benefit all parties. Many scales will be able to change their living conditions to more comfortable ones, but this will bring certain troubles with it.

The second half of the year will be marked by high incomes, so it is important for Libra to “turn on” willpower and reduce spending on momentary weaknesses and bad habits. In the summer, a trip with close friends or relatives to exotic countries is likely, where you should not waste money thoughtlessly. Since the horoscope of finances in the year of the Yellow Dog at the scales develops in the best way, representatives of the sign will not have to take loans, however, they should not lend money either. Otherwise, the borrower will turn into one of the worst enemies by the end of the year.

Career horoscope

Horoscope for Libra for 2018 is also favorable in career terms. Even those who are far from commercial activities will start to be incredibly lucky with money already in the middle of winter. May and June are the best months to buy real estate or a car. Libra, working in an office or in a large company, will be lucky in moving up the career ladder, which will cause a lot of gossip from envious colleagues. You should not pay attention to this, however, it is also not recommended to abuse power and official position.

Serious success in 2018 can be achieved by those representatives of the mark who are engaged in social activities or art. They will be offered cooperation on very favorable terms by business partners from foreign countries or official representatives of international companies. Astrologers predict that Libra should not rely too much on the help of work colleagues and friends, but there is no need to get upset and angry with them. The year promises to be very successful, and the troubles that have fallen will be quite capable of being overcome on their own.

2018 will be held under the auspices of friendship and communication, because this year's hostess is the most faithful and friendly creature in nature. Although, of course, you should not flatter yourself, she has both a character and her own views on life. If you try to piss off the dog, you can be very taught by it.

In this article:

General trends

Libra is one of the most beautiful and intelligent signs of the zodiac system. Everything in his world is harmonious, except for the problem of choice. As soon as a choice gets in the way of this sign, the earth seems to be leaving from under his feet, and he simply does not know what to grab onto. The dog will give Libra the opportunity to stand firmly on their “paws”, be decisive and look for a foothold in themselves. She will never allow herself too much, but at the same time she will not miss her own. Humble representatives of the air should learn a lot from her. The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog obliges them to always keep their finger on the pulse and not lose control of the situation.

But, do not worry, no special situations painted in dark color are foreseen. The dog will slowly and surely lead you to the goal that you need to determine for yourself at the end of the year. 2018 is generally a great time to plan, save and invest. The industriousness of the Dog, along with the efficiency shown by Libra, will help them in any endeavors.

Libra love horoscope for 2018

By nature, Libras are in great need of home warmth, stability and comfort. But their rich inner world, all the time prevents them from achieving this goal. On the one hand, they want to create, and on the other hand, it turns out quite the opposite. Serious relationships do not add up in any way for this seemingly peaceful sign of the zodiac system. They all the time, without knowing why, analyze every situation.

With the advent of spring, do not give yourself a reason to wither away. Neither a spring cold, nor a lack of vitamins are a reason for seclusion. Be sure that no one will knock on your house and invite you to the cinema, people simply will not know about your existence. Respond to any proposals coming from friends for the purpose of your, so to speak, "matchmaking." By following all the above tips, by the end of 2018, you will not only find an interesting match among the opposite sex, but you will be able to arrange “bridesmaids” for them yourself.

The dog prefers to spend summer outdoors. Village, mountains, hiking - that's her subside. Of course, if you are a comfort-addicted person, it will not be very convenient for you to rest as a savage, but think about how much health and strength this will bring you. The stars do not promise you the end of love stories on campaigns, but in the village with your grandmother, everything can happen.

Autumn for you is the most prosperous period for dating, romance and transition into a serious relationship. For dreamy Libras, autumn is also a great time to visit beautiful European cities such as Prague, Budapest, Paris, Bremen, Rome. This is a great opportunity for a romantic meeting and poetic relationship. The creative representatives of this constellation will be able to start creating their own product, which was so hard given in the bustle of Russian cities.

For those who have already found their other half, traveling to Europe will be a useful time to rethink their attitudes, relationships and life in general. Perhaps your spouse will keep you company, and you will retire together in the silence of the old streets.

Libra money horoscope for 2018 Dog

Libras are not very good at handling money. It is easier for them to shop than to hoard. But even without money they will not be left, a rich imagination will definitely find a way out. Unfortunately, their mood directly depends on sunny weather, so in the winter months they often cannot create, fantasize, or earn money. Winter will be a great time for you to draw up business plans that the Dog loves very much, because she knows for sure that you won’t go far without a goal. With the first rays of the sun, vital energy will wake up, which should urgently be directed in the right direction.

It’s over in the summer, there will be no time to earn money, thoughts will smoothly flow to the beach, but you have to try differently about a trip that will collect your ideas and direct you in the right direction, you can safely forget.

The dog is not against any investments, she is generally a thrifty person, one has only to remember the bones buried in the yard. She will try to make sure that she does not allow herself to remain hungry. True, in the case of Libra, the situation is complicated by the problem of choice. To avoid such obstacles, take advantage of the advice of competent business professionals or representatives of the banking system. Well, and it's over, the economy. Libra, it's time to stop living one day, the patroness of the year does not like this, always think over your tomorrow's financial day. Despite your frequent stinginess, you are still big spenders.

Libra Health in 2018

People born under this sign cannot boast of health; in childhood they often got sick, which is not uncommon in adulthood. The Year of the Dog for Libra will be an exception. She is a hardy lady, with her patronage she will help to avoid sharp corners with health, but not without help.

During the winter months, it is very important to saturate your lungs with fresh air, without which air elements, by the way, cannot exist. Be sure to walk to and from work, at least a few stops a day, and frequent evening walks before bed are also recommended.

In the spring, fill your body with vitamins, of course, due to regional and seasonal circumstances, artificial ones. In the month of March, especially take care of your neck and throat, wrap yourself up if necessary. You should not risk your health for aesthetic reasons, especially with age, when the body becomes weaker.

On summer days, the stars recommend that you sunbathe as little as possible. Libra's skin is very susceptible to sun damage. Although it is worth appearing in the sun every day, use a protective cream to avoid sunburn.

Autumn is rich in vitamins, don't forget about it! Your task is to fill your body to capacity with them at the expense of healthy eating, otherwise internal resources may not be enough even until the end of 2018, not to mention the subsequent long winter months.

Another vulnerable spot in the body will be gastrointestinal tract Be careful what and when you eat. Unloading diets will be a great help to you.

Horoscope of Libra women for 2018

In the life of women born under the sign of Libra, there are always many questions. One gets the impression that they themselves create them. As mentioned above, they should be simpler. It is impossible to get answers to everything at once, it is impossible to do everything the way it happens in a chic novel. Be simple, do not set yourself high goals and goals. Walk with small but sure steps, as the Dog does. In 2018, she will actively take control of you and lead you, your task is not to resist and trust your good intuition.

The patroness of the sign Venus has endowed you with a subtle and refined nature, use it for good. That is why you are advised to lower the bar of requests in relation to the opposite sex. The patroness of the year is simple and unsophisticated in nature. Education is not her forte, she loves work and stability. Is it bad? In 2018, you will often meet just such people, try not to miss them, so that later you will not be deceived in the networks of pink romance and sham mind.

The above does not tell you that you should throw yourself into the arms of the first person you meet. Not at all. Just be simple and, as they say, people will reach out.

For married ladies, for those whose candy-bouquet period is already far behind, these tips are especially suitable. Do not look at your other half as something long lost, faded. Pity is not something that will comfort him during the period of marital lull. The dog recommends that you be his true friend and interesting companion. The winter of 2018 will be a difficult period for a long relationship, in the spring the situation will change, as the hormonal background will play in both of you, it will be enough for the whole summer. But autumn is just the time to “dot the i's”. Spend it together in a relaxed atmosphere, on an exciting journey.

Horoscope for Libra Men for 2018

Men of this sign are great romantics. They are in constant search and can flutter like butterflies from novel to novel, but when they meet that one, they will not let her go for anything and never. This woman will be happy: he will carry her in his arms, give gifts, paint portraits of her, dedicate poems to her. What he has he will share with his other half. The hostess of the year appreciates this quality very much and helps the representatives of the stronger sex born under this sign in every possible way.

Those who have not yet met their other half of the star are advised not to delay and start right from January. The search field can be both cinemas and libraries, as well as idle establishments, where in January a large number of smart, cheerful and ready-to-get-together representatives of the weaker sex usually accumulate. But do not be too self-confident and persistent, the Dog does not like this. She is tactful and educated enough to show the unsightly qualities of her character.

Men whose searches have long been crowned with success are advised by the stars in 2018 not to lose their romance, even if the day is as busy as possible and work takes the last of their strength. Your other half is already used to seeing you the way you are, so despite the obstacles that will appear on your way in the year of the Dog (mostly work moments), try not to change. For you, there is no advice for any particular month regarding love, be careful throughout the year.

In 2018, representatives of the Libra sign are waiting for fateful events. Someone will be able to achieve success without making any special efforts, and some will not need to strain at all, happiness and change for the better will literally fall on their heads. It is worth noting that the outcome of solving any issue will depend solely on Libra itself, and luck will smile only if desire and opportunities have an equal coefficient.

At the very beginning of 2018, Libra will receive unexpected news about loved ones. They will become aware of who is a true and devoted friend for them, and who only wants to appear as such. It will also reveal some facts about those who secretly tried to cause Libra trouble, calling themselves a true friend.

And only the second half will please Libra by being a sincerely loving person. A joint trip that can take place during this period will turn out to be exciting and extremely romantic. No obstacles will prevent Libra from having a great time with their life partner.

In February and March, the second half will pay attention to the silent and thoughtful mood of Libra. After that, interrogations with passion will follow from her side for information that Libra became aware of at the beginning of the year. Libra, in turn, will be forced to stubbornly remain silent, since frank conversations on this topic can lead to undesirable consequences.

With the advent of May, the pressure from close relatives and some friends will also be added to the pressure of the second half, who will also pay attention to Libra's thoughtfulness. Libra can withstand such pressure only if they continue to keep information secret from everyone. Libra will have a hard time. After all, they will not be able to adequately respond to the insults and reproaches of others.

The other half will begin to blackmail Libra with a breakup and even take some steps towards this. But Libra will have no other choice, they will be forced to remain silent and put up with this state of affairs. Otherwise, there is a real threat of worsening the situation.

With the onset of the summer period, the situation will change dramatically - all close people will understand the reason for such a long and stubborn silence of Libra. Relatives and friends will apologize, will be immensely grateful for such delicate behavior. As for the second half, Libra will not prevent her from achieving the goal of breaking up the relationship. Libra will not want to aggravate the situation due to their great fatigue from six months of pressure from others.

By November 2018, all disagreements and worries will be left behind. The situation in relations with a loved one is stabilizing. Libra will feel a little depressed about the events, but in general, no more worries are foreseen. There will be a prospect of strengthening family relations by introducing an element of novelty and freshness into them. Non-married Libras will happily consider candidates for building a strong and lasting relationship.

Read love horoscope for 2018 for other zodiac signs: