What items can not be gifted and why. What gifts can not be given for a birthday, wedding, housewarming, New Year? What can not be given

Close friends and relatives always try to present gifts with meaning - not only useful and desirable, but also hinting at shared memories.

However, traditional gifts also have their own meaning, which people have kept in memory for centuries. In order not to get into a mess, before the upcoming holiday it is worth studying the theory, getting acquainted with the signs and meaning of gifts.

Often a young girl gives a young man a lighter or a stylish shirt, unaware that she herself provokes a crack in the relationship. Usually these things, handed over on a solemn occasion, lead to separation.

It is believed that a tie is not the best gift, its meaning varies from the one who brought it.

If he has his own woman (wife, girlfriend), then he will sit on his neck and tighten the knot tighter. If a tie was presented by a stranger (colleague, acquaintance), there is a belief that she has plans for this man.

She can become a homeowner and take her husband away from the family. Even if you do not have such motives, think - is it worth risking friendship? Suddenly, someone from the environment of the birthday man believes in signs!

Some gifts of superstition are attributed negative meanings - knives, watches, towels. These items lead to quarrels, separation, cooling of relations.

However, a wise people came up with a way to get around adversity. If the birthday boy "pays off" with a ruble from your gift, he, in fact, will acquire the thing and will not fall under the spell.

A coin should also be given for a pet (even a fish or a parrot) - otherwise, according to popular belief, it will not take root.

Donated slippers, scarves and single mugs carry a negative meaning. But a leather belt is considered from adversity.

There is another interesting value of gifts, which directly depends on their number. If a guest gives a pair of identical things, he brings harmony, balance and tranquility to the house..

So, having bought one towel, complement it with a second one - and neutralize the "separable" effect. Arriving at a housewarming party, the best thing to do is to give such a symbolic couple: two sets of bed linen, two photo frames or two vases.

It is considered bad luck to re-gift other people's gifts or things from your home.. Even if they are almost new, they have already been saturated with your family energy. By giving it into the wrong hands, you tear it away from your own hearth.

A person who has parted with personal values ​​\u200b\u200bmay develop health problems or discord with relatives.

Unsuccessful in meaning are "containers" donated without content: bags, wallets, piggy banks, briefcases, caskets, cosmetic bags. In general, everything that should get used to filling in advance.

Therefore, be sure to put a small bill in a purse, a scarf or cream in a bag, a modest decoration in a box, and lip gloss in a cosmetic bag, for example.

The meaning of gifts from - future tears and sorrows. It is believed that nymphs or mermaids who live at the bottom of the sea cry with mother-of-pearl pearls. The same sad meaning in handkerchiefs.

Of the jewelry, only the rings handed before the wedding have a symbolic meaning: put on the finger before marriage, they lead to separation, albeit not a quick one. If you can't wait to please a lady with jewelry, opt for earrings or pendants.

Expensive alcohol as a gift can lead to strong friendships if the bottle was shared with the giver. Or to the deterioration of the health of the birthday man, if it was not uncorked on the same day.

A carpet is considered a successful, albeit cumbersome gift - it symbolizes prosperity and success. However, before buying this rather big item, make sure that the birthday boy has somewhere to put it.

It is imperative to rely on the meanings of gifts if you go to visit a very superstitious and well-read person. Nowadays, not everyone gives meaning to signs, but there are also people who truly believe in them.

If they receive from you, say, scissors or a bouquet of dry (artificial) flowers, they may no longer be allowed on the threshold, misinterpreting your motives.

Much depends on what signs the birthday person believes in - Slavic or European.. In Rus', for example, yellow flowers were never considered "separators": on the contrary, they symbolized the sun, joy and gold coins.

In Europe same Wrist Watch are not considered an inappropriate gift - they are often presented to those who want to constantly remind themselves of themselves.

The superstitious boss to whom you give an expensive pen for his birthday will decide that you are planning to “lead him with your hand”, that is, to manipulate.

And an enlightened girlfriend, having received sunglasses from you, will think that you are imposing her opinion on her, forcing her to look at everything through your eyes.

On the other hand, if the boss and girlfriend are not fond of signs, you can try it - it will suddenly work!

The more often we begin to think about what gift to choose, what gift can please, or even surprise our relatives and friends? A lot of options start to scroll in our head. After all, we really want the gift received from our hands to bring both pleasure and benefit. Especially when we think about what gift to choose for a birthday.

Along with these moments, there is another aspect when choosing a gift, which we very rarely think about - this is the symbolic meaning of a gift. After all, all the peoples of the world have always had prohibitions or warnings about the donation of certain things, and some meanings will converge among many peoples, while others are exactly the opposite. Today, due to the large flow of information and its constant exchange between cultures, many signs have passed to us and have taken root in our minds, as if they have always been our own, although they often have nothing to do with Slavic customs. So how do we choose a gift for our near and dear ones, whether it's a gift for a birthday, a wedding, an anniversary, or just a New Year's gift?

So, if you still chose a gift from a variety of options, which you think is the most suitable for this particular person and this holiday, and suddenly you were surprised to find that it falls into the rank of “unsuccessful” gifts, do not be discouraged, because everything can be corrected. Remember: “The exit from the current situation is the same as the entrance”! So our distant ancestors found a way out of this situation. Signs that sometimes become an obstacle in the way of giving a gift, as it turns out, can easily be “neutralized” with the help of a simple payoff with a “coin”.

What signs are the most common and known at the moment, what is their meaning and how can one “fight” with them? These are the questions I will try to answer for you in this article.

1. If your gift is a wallet, then before you give it, you should put money in it. It is believed that if this is not do, then there will be no money in it. In general, this sign applies to all things related to the storage of certain items (bags, suitcases, cosmetic bags). The sign says that such things should immediately get used to the fact that it is impossible to be empty.

A sign is a sign, but in life it works, and how. familiar young man his girlfriend at one time just gave an empty purse, it seems like with good intentions and with the words “you seem to earn good money, but you can’t buy a normal wallet for yourself!” True, after that his financial situation, to put it mildly, fell. Later he broke up with that girl. And so the new girl presented a new purse and put money in it, and his affairs, although not immediately, nevertheless went up. True, there is a side effect here, now she manages the finances in the house mainly (although he does not seem to complain). And about how to increase income and make money, I recommend reading a series of articles of the most useful articles in the "How to Make Money" section.

In general, it has always been customary among our people, borrowing some kitchen utensils for a while, returning it had to bring a gift, that is, a small part of what he cooked in it.

2. A similar kind of sign is associated with the donation of a piggy bank. So that if you chose a piggy bank as a gift, you should toss a coin before giving it. Moreover, the coin does not have to be a large denomination. A minimal paper bill with one zero is enough, a trifle is still undesirable.

3 . There is a sign that you should not give a towel, this is a quarrel and separation. However, if you donate two towels, then nothing like this will happen, since you are giving a symbolic “pair”, and in Rus' it has always been believed that giving two items is to harmony in the family and its integrity.

4. You can’t give a watch, it’s also for separation, or for the fact that a person will walk to the “left”. This sign is associated with wristwatches. Wall clocks and alarm clocks have nothing to do with it. This is due to the fact that the wrist watch strap wraps around the wrist in the place where the pulse is well felt, and the wrist watch, as it turns out, is close to the heart. True, this is not a bad omen in all countries, some believe that this is quite a wonderful gift, since the person to whom they are given, seeing them constantly in front of him, will constantly think about the giver. It is considered good manners if the clock is mechanical, as it ticks, synchronizing the beats of the heart, while electronic ones, on the contrary, emit harmful waves.

5. Received as a gift knife or scissors, you need to give the donor a coin, then the trouble will pass by. This is due to the fact that when using these and other no less sharp and sharp objects, you can get hurt, and, accordingly, quarrel, or hold a grudge against the one who gave you this thing. If you redeem it, then they cease to belong to another person, but become yours, and here you become guilty in case of your negligence. According to legend, sharp objects are associated with the evil eye if they are alien. Own objects, on the contrary, serve from the evil eye. Therefore, knives in the house should always be sharpened.

There is a sign that you can’t give a girl a knife, otherwise she will lose love.

6. You can not give a person a composition of dry or artificial flowers unless the person loves this kind of thing. At the moment, artificial, in fact, like dry flowers, many associate with something inanimate, and if you give them, it seems like it turns out that nothing good man you don't want. One can argue with this, since man has always tried to reproduce the most magnificent creation of nature - the Flower in all possible, of course, inanimate materials, be it stone, metal, canvas with paints, paper. So, why not really give something that delights the most gifted person, despite the sign, because a book presented to him, for example, is unlikely to bring him so much pleasure and joy. The main thing when giving this particular gift is the desire of the recipient and the mood with which it is presented by the donor.

7. Can't give yellow flowers, to jealousy and betrayal, this is a European sign that is very firmly rooted in our minds. Our men, seeing yellow flowers in a flower shop, "shy away" from them, like from fire.

In Russian customs, the opposite is true. So if you choose a gift and flowers for it, then the presented yellow flowers are associated with such concepts as joy and wealth, since yellow is the color of the sun. By the way, from my own experience, I often noticed that most people have nothing against yellow flowers and quite often choose them, because in their own words “they are bright, beautiful, cheerful”, that is, we are all intuitively drawn to the sun. One bride so purposefully ordered her fiancé a wedding bouquet in yellow and red tones. And one of my friends has an exact sign. As soon as she is given a bouquet of yellow flowers, within a couple of days money comes to her from completely unpredictable places.

8. A handkerchief is considered to give to tears and, according to some sources, to parting. However, if you give a coin for it, then you are, as it were, buying a scarf, thereby removing negativity from yourself. This sign comes from the fact that a handkerchief is an indispensable attribute of sadness and farewell, and we use it mainly on these occasions.

10. If you give to a friend tablecloth, means to be a frequent visitor to her house.

If you give the boss pen, so you can drive it by hand.

If you give a woman glasses, so you can make her look at the world with her own eyes.

If you give a man razor then you'll cut off some of his success and fame.

If you give a person casket, which means you can penetrate into his spiritual secrets.

11 . You can’t give your loved one your or his photograph, this is for parting.

12. You can not give your young man shirt - disperse.

13 . Can't give lighter, cigarette case. Relationships of people can end regardless of their desires.

Regarding the shirt and the lighter, I can say that these signs are confirmed, and I am sure that not only by me, but also by my friends. Most likely, you will also be able to confirm these two from your own experience, and a number of the above, as well as those listed below, will accept.

At one time, my friends formed a wonderful couple. girl on New Year gave her beloved a wonderful (according to others, and even himself) shirt. On the next holiday, and it was February 23, she gave him a good lighter. And as they say, less than 2.5 months have passed, they were forced to part for some, as it seemed at that time, time. But in practice it turned out that forever. So what do you want - believe, if you want - do not believe, but the fact remains.

14. donated carpet- good luck. This sign came to us from the east. Since there the number of carpets and their quality determines the degree of wealth of a person. This is not surprising, because in Eastern countries the price for a carpet reaches hundreds of thousands of dollars.

15. With alcoholic drinks it is not advisable to give as a gift, unless you are going to drink them together. Otherwise, it is considered that you, as it were, take away a person’s health.

16. Can't give gloves and mittens Otherwise, the person may end the relationship with you.

17. Can't give rings before marriage, otherwise you will never get married. They can be completely replaced with earrings, pendants, chains. (although, of course, as elsewhere, there are exceptions)

A friend of mine gave a young man a ring for his girlfriend's birthday. A month and a half later, they almost ran away, on the new year he gave her earrings, and in the summer they had a wedding.

18. You can not give pets, it is believed that they are unlikely to take root. Again, in order for the animal to take root, as in previous cases, one should pay off.

19 . You can't give pearls to tears, according to the myths of the ancient Greeks, pearls are the tears of underwater nymphs.

20. You cannot give things from your home, even if they are new, you can give away part of the energy of your home.

21. Better not to give things of no practical importance.

If you nevertheless chose such a gift as, for example, a souvenir figurine, then you should consider why you decided to give it? Maybe she looks like a gifted person, or is connected with his favorite thing. So that the person being presented knows that the gift, if it does not have practical significance, then at least simply symbolizes some moment of life associated specifically with it. By the way, the person who gives should come up with a “legend” in advance, that is, the words that he will say when presenting the gift.

22. It's a bad omen to give a young man shorts, socks, scarves, you risk getting panties in return, I note, it’s them, and not beautiful underwear, as you hope, or the book “100 Ways to Lose Weight”. As they say, February 23 is an investment in March 8, do not forget about it.

So that at the end of the holiday your gifts do not end up on the far dusty shelf of “unsuccessful” gifts, it is necessary to follow the main rule when choosing them and before buying something, think carefully about how to choose a gift so that the person being presented will like it.

The gift should correspond to the needs, character, taste, interests and lifestyle to whom it is intended. And then, after analyzing the information about the person to whom you want to present a gift, you will be able to make a list of at least ten items.

Many will say to this, “Here we seem to know which section to give as a gift, but we don’t know what exactly.” In this case, you can present a "gift card" to the store where the items of interest to the gifted person are sold. So there are no dead ends, even in solving such the most difficult question of how to choose a gift?

After all, by giving a gift, we give a piece of our soul to a person close to us. A sincere impulse will always be appreciated, even if the gift falls into the rank of objects that seem to be not very favorable in terms of signs. Moreover, in the foregoing, we found out that any sign can be “neutralized” so to speak, it’s enough just to buy a donation item from the donor.

So do not forget about important, and not so, dates. Give gifts to important people over any wire and without it, and then the reciprocal, sincere emotions of these people will be able to neutralize any sign and bring a lot of positive emotions to your homes.

Create, do, do! Irina Kravchuk.

Probably, each of us at least once presented someone as a gift with a thing that was once given to him. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with giving a person what you do not need. Then where did the strange superstition come from? Why don't give gifts?

Why can't you transfer things?

Giving is a kind of sacrament when not only a gift is presented, but also warmth and affection. Therefore, it is natural to assume that by giving a certain thing, a person shares a piece of his soul. This is precisely the essence of why it is impossible to give a gift.

And since ancient times, gifts intended for a certain person were considered a source of good luck. Therefore, by giving away a present once presented to you, you voluntarily give good luck to another. The only caveat: in the old days, gifts were made with their own hands, which is why the sacrament of giving was indulged in such great importance. In our modern reality, rarely does anyone prepare a present with their own hands, since it can be bought ready-made.

What happens when a gift is given?

What lies in the mechanism of donation, why don't give gifts? From the point of view of energy exchange, by giving away an item, you can break the energy connection with the person who sincerely once presented it to you. Moreover, this act indicates a manifestation of disrespect for the donor himself, as well as his attitude towards you. By the way, in Europe it has long been customary to present presents with shop receipts, emphasizing that this item was chosen on purpose, and not re-gifted as unnecessary.

A popular sign says that the gift being given is empty, therefore, it will not bring anything positive either to the giver or to the one who currently receives it. Neither love nor a piece of the human soul is invested in this subject, so the rite itself turns into an empty formality.

So if it is important for you to please a person and establish a strong emotional connection with him, then you should definitely choose a gift personally. Even if you present a small trinket, but chosen specifically for the hero of the occasion, the person will definitely feel that the present is filled with warmth and kindness.

When can gifts be given?

And yet there are situations when you should not think about why the gift is not given. For example, you can repeatedly give away family heirlooms and jewelry that are passed down from generation to generation, from generation to generation. It is generally accepted that such things carry powerful energy, designed to protect their owners and all family members from adversity and misfortune. In this case, the gift will bring good luck and be able to protect from troubles.

What is generally undesirable to give, according to superstitious people

Why the gift is not given - it seems to be clear. Did you know that there are items that are on the list of bad, unwanted gifts? Let's consider some of them.

So, giving knives and other sharp objects is a quarrel, although in the Caucasus it is believed that edged weapons bring prosperity and good luck to the house. Handkerchiefs mean someone else's tears, and socks mean a long journey (which is why many wives do not give this item to their husbands or present it on purpose).

You can give pearl jewelry only in pairs (for example, a ring and a necklace), so as not to “reward” the lady with the tears of mermaids. And mirrors in general should be treated with caution, because thanks to them the souls of the dead can come from the other world.

If a man inadvertently presented his chosen one with yellow flowers, this means a close separation. And accidentally donated dishes with cracks or splits promise the donee an unhappy, broken life.

A doll given to an adult makes him emotionally dependent on the donor and opens up the possibility of controlling himself (an analogy can be drawn with the magical manipulations of Voodoo). But giving an animal should be only for a nominal fee, so that the pet does not get sick and takes root for a long time.

If the giving person wants to hint at a break in relations, then he presents gloves or mittens to the birthday man. By the way, it was the glove that was thrown to the offender as a challenge in duels.

You can not give empty wallets and bags, otherwise there will be problems with money. Be sure to invest in such a gift at least a small bill. Yes, many signs have such "antidotes" to make a gift happy.

Knowing a little about why gifts are not given, everyone decides for himself what to do in a given situation. You can strictly follow the advice of folk signs. But if at the same time you were given, for example, two identical mixers or a vacuum cleaner that you already have, then it is not at all necessary to store unnecessary things on the mezzanine. Nothing will happen if you give them to your friends or relatives who will come in handy. Just do not say that this item is superfluous for you, so as not to offend anyone.

And the most main principle, which should be adhered to: do not give others what you yourself would not like to receive as a gift.

Many people like to give and receive gifts, but few people know about the existing signs. You don’t even realize that a gift item can make you unhappy.

Presenting a gift is a tradition that dates back to ancient times. The ancient Romans celebrated the beginning of the new year by presenting gifts to kings in order to earn their patronage. However, over time, this tradition spread among the common people. Today, a gift is the best way to show love to your neighbor. Here, only people say that giving some gifts, such as a watch, a towel or a knife, is a bad omen. In this article, we will tell you how to neutralize the negative energy of gifts and what to give your loved ones to make them happy.

Holiday gifts

Returning from vacation, we always bring some gifts to our relatives, relatives or friends. What can be given, and what should not be brought from overseas countries? No need to bring a variety of amulets, cult masks and necklaces. They can carry a negative and possibly magical background; can carry the symbolism of magical rites.

If you do not understand what is written on such items, do not know the meaning of phrases, letters or signs, then you should not buy it. Psychics say that sometimes a shaman-sorcerer dumps the disease of another person on such an object, and then they try to sell it to tourists almost for nothing in order to transfer the disease to another.

As a gift, it is better to bring something that is connected with nature, which emotionally connects you with the place where you rested.

Is it possible to give watches, towels, watches, knives, forks, brooches

There are things that we give for a birthday, anniversary or just because. For example, a wristwatch is a bad gift as it wraps around your wrist and loops around you. Watches have the same energy as handcuffs, thus they can affect the pace of life and “suspend” a person. In addition, the clock counts the time, some specific time periods. If a man gives his beloved a watch, then this can lead to separation. The clock can measure and, accordingly, shorten the duration of these relationships. In China, if a person gives a watch to a person, it means an invitation to a funeral.

But these signs do not apply to wall and grandfather clocks and alarm clocks. They are believed to be energetically neutral.

How to accept a watch that is given to you as a gift? If a man wants to give a girl a beautiful watch, then he should put it on the paw of some symbolic soft toy and give it along with her. Partings and misfortunes will go to this toy. Do not feel sorry for the toy, because in this way you will protect yourself.

There are several more ways to clear the donated watches and other things from negativity, but read about it below.

In many countries, just like ours, it is not customary to give piercing, cutting, sharp objects. This sign is connected with the fact that such things can be very strongly associated with evil spirits, they can attract and attract it. For example, if your family gave knives (saber, dagger, etc.) to another family, this is a scandal or quarrel between families. The same applies to all gifts where there is a needle or an acute angle (brooch, hairpin, pin, fork, etc.), as this carries the bad energy of the gift.

It is bad luck to give a towel. From time immemorial, a towel has been considered a ritual item. They used to hang a towel outside the window as a sign that there was a dead person in the house. After the deceased is taken to the cemetery, the door handle is tied with a towel.

AT modern world signs and superstitions still “work”, but more and more a person has desires to break them. If you really want to give someone a brooch or a set of good knives, and sometimes a person can simply ask for such a gift, unaware of the danger himself, then you can neutralize the influence of such gifts. To do this, you need to pay a symbolic amount of money to the giving person. Then it will be considered not a donation, but a purchase (farming), which, in turn, will preserve relations between people and purify the energy of the gift.

A towel cannot be given in any case in a single copy. Even if it's a large bath towel, symbolically attach a small kitchen towel to it to keep people together. Giving two items is harmony in the family.

Sometimes they give things related to storage. For example, a wallet, bag, jewelry box or cosmetic bag. You can never give such things empty. Put in them some object corresponding to the purpose of the thing, and then prosperity will reign in the person’s house.

How can gifts improve the lives of loved ones?

Give, for example, pillows (only in pairs) - this is a symbol of peace and pleasure.

Another situation. I would like to wish a person a promotion, career growth and accompany such a wish with a good gift. Here it would be appropriate to give a figurine of a turtle. The turtle is considered a symbol of wisdom, a symbol that you will be supported by all higher powers. World and age-old wisdom, prudence and stability will come down to you, and everything will work out, especially in your career. You can also give such a souvenir for the office, such as a tabletop fountain or a waterfall with flowing water. This is the symbolism of unhindered movement up and down. Such an item will attract the energy of very fast career advancement.

There are gifts with which you can influence relationships with people. If you want to be friends with someone and be a frequent guest in this house, give a good tablecloth.

If a man gives a woman sunglasses, then he can make her look at the world a little with her own eyes. The woman will argue less and begin to share her opinion with him. Even if a man pays for what a woman chooses, takes into her own hands and gives it to her, then this is also considered a gift.

If you give a woman a box, then you will penetrate into her spiritual secrets. She will trust you more.

If you want, for example, to give a ring, then give it in a box. This gift will carry a huge energy meaning.

If you give your boss a pen, then this means that you will have the opportunity to “lead his hand“. You will have a mutual understanding, and he will listen to your opinion.

If you were invited to a wedding, then you can give the newlyweds, for example, a picture of scarlet peonies. Peonies symbolize eternal love and happiness. Ask them to hang this picture somewhere in the bedroom.

In order not to spoil the relationship with a loved one, you need to choose the right gift. Giving is actually quite a serious magical ritual. A lot depends on how you give or receive your gift. A gift is, first of all, an exchange of energies. When you choose it, you should think about who you will give. It is advisable to give things that you like yourself.

Can gifts be transferred?

It is impossible to re-gift gifts, because the positive energy charge that was intended for you changes its sign. It goes from positive to negative. Something that belonged or should have been donated to one can carry either neutral empty energy, or negative energy, if such an item is donated.

How to clear any gift of negativity so that the omen does not work?

There are radical methods of cleansing things from negative energy.

1. Washing a gift in salt dissolved in ordinary water. You can add some holy water. If this is some kind of scarf or scarf, you can soak it in salt water, and then rewash it in normal water. If this is an item that can be wiped or washed, be sure to do so. Water is a symbol of life and purification. Salt removes negative information and negativity.

2. If you have been presented with a gift that cannot be wetted, then you can clean it with the help of candle magic. Take the salt and pour it into any 4 jar type containers. Place these jars in a cross (square), and put a gift in the center. Insert a candle into each jar of salt. Light the candles and let them burn out completely and merge into salt. After that, the salt containers must be thrown away.

Gifts that cannot be given (folk signs).
There are popular beliefs - "bad gifts": gifts that lead to something bad.
Watches - it is not recommended to give a person with whom you do not want to part.
A comb or brush that you donated will help to find out your secrets.
But if you give a box, then do not expect to be initiated into your secrets.
Glasses. It is believed that after such a gift, a person will look at the world through your eyes.
If you give a carpet - it's good luck. Most likely, you will have an excellent relationship with this person for a very long time.
Knives, forks, spoons. It is not recommended to give these items, as well as any cutting ones. In case you are offered them persistently, it is better to pay off by giving the donor a nominal fee
Alcohol. You can give if you intend to drink this drink together on the same day. In other cases, I really do not recommend resorting to such an original gift - you will take away a person's health.
It is dangerous to give gloves and mittens. The danger lies in the fact that a person can initiate a break in relations with you.
But a pen or pencil handed to a friend may mean that you will be able to lead his hand, guide him.
A wallet is given by putting any banknote into it so that its new owner lives in abundance.
Cosmetics, perfumes, colognes bring the effect of deceit and hypocrisy into your relationship with a person.
Scarves, towels and napkins have been seen to bring the parting. So think carefully about whether to give them as a gift. A handkerchief - to tears, separation.
If you want to become a welcome guest in the house, old people recommend giving the owners a tablecloth.
It is considered a bad sign to give a lighter. As noted, the relationship of such people can end, and contrary to their wishes.
And finally, about flowers. It has been said a lot that if you give roses, you first need to break off all the thorns from them.
Folk signs and objects - "Not Gifts" 2
Present houseplants potted with the purest of intentions. If you feel sorry for the flower, it’s better not to give it: the new owner will dry it anyway.
You should also be careful with gifts (pens, souvenirs, etc.) with incomprehensible inscriptions. A superstitious person, seeing unreadable hieroglyphs, may consider them to be a magical inscription.
There is a belief that one should not give unique porcelain Chinese dolls to children. If such a doll is made in one copy and it had a real prototype, the "soul" of the toy can harm the child.
If a person is not a passionate collector of paintings, you should not give him a picture with a sad or gloomy plot. Seeing a landscape with a shipwreck, a superstitious birthday person may be upset.
It is not customary to give portraits and icons - such a gift will lead to a quarrel between the donor and the recipient.
Figures of pigeons, crows, magpies and marsh birds bring sad thoughts and troubles, so giving them is also not recommended.
It is undesirable to give things related to diseases. These are thermometers, tonometers and so on.
How to treat gifts that are prohibited folk omens? Whether to accept them is up to you. If you really want to receive a string of pearls as a gift, forget everything you just read.
If you accidentally brought a gift from the "black list", and the hero of the occasion does not want to accept it, do not insist. Take back your gift and promise to bring a better one. There is another sign: in order for a “dangerous” gift to cease to be such, you need to take a nominal fee for it. The birthday boy will not quarrel with a friend who donated knives if he pays for them. donated indoor flower will not dry out, and the cat will not run away and die if it turns into a purchase. Let the fee be only 1 ruble or even 10 kopecks, the main thing is that the condition is met.