How to meet a young girl. How to meet a girl

Do you have absolutely no time and opportunity to get acquainted on the street? Or maybe you don’t have the courage to dare to approach and talk to an unfamiliar girl? Or are you just too lazy to tear off your fifth point, because sitting at a computer is much more comfortable? Then I'll tell you how to get to know yourself best girl on the Internet, how to interest her and smoothly translate your communication into a real relationship.

Did you know that today 60% of couples are those who first met on the Internet? Impressive number, isn't it? You can talk about luck or luck, but if you know the rules of conduct for online correspondence, then the chances that you will be able to really hook standing girl increase.

Depending on where communication will take place, there are rules and features of a particular Internet space. Let's look at all this with examples and in more detail.

It would seem that if a girl registered on such a site and created a profile, then she is clearly aimed at getting to know each other and there can be no problems with this. But there is a big catch here. These acquaintances may not be of interest to her for a hundred years, because:

  • she had a fight with a guy and wants to prove to herself that she still enjoys the attention of men and is interesting to others;
  • relations with her husband (yes, everything is serious there) have cracked, and she is looking for evidence that he is not so bad after all;
  • pure curiosity.

All these three types of girls will never agree to a meeting, but they can talk to you and powder their brains endlessly. But this is so, a lyrical digression, now let's talk about what to do and how to interest a cool girl.

Profile tricks on a dating site

1. Photo

The optimal number is 4-10 photos. It’s not worth it anymore, otherwise it will give the impression that you didn’t come here to get to know each other, but to brag about yourself beautiful, or you live and catch “fish” for several years, in short, you are not quoted. They should depict the positive moments of your life, it is also desirable that the photos be original (and not “I am standing by a tree”, “I clung to it”, “I hugged him”, “and here I am at the tree photo from below” and so Further).

A high-quality and successful photo is 65% of success. How about some examples? I specifically registered on a dating site and scrolled through the tape.

So many mistakes guys make! So:

I don't know why, but a lot of men have such photos. Do they think they're sexy in bed? I thought they were sick, in the truest sense of the word. I wanted to send medicines, let them get better, poor fellows. But there is no desire to get acquainted with such a man.

The joy of owning a bottle is incomprehensible to a woman, and a wedding photo too. You come to get acquainted, not to brag about your wife or invite you to a drinking party. This is unacceptable.

Here, both guys probably think they are macho. The first is naked against the backdrop of a chic interior (probably he will invite home after the first meeting, an enviable place), the second is wearing dark glasses against the background of the sofa and the curtains in the room reflected in the glasses. The face is not visible. By the guys, by.

The photo should normally show the face, figure, surrounding an adequate environment. Better if it is nature. Let even the local river and barbecue, but you stand there and smile. Here I have poor quality displayed, on the site you can see the photos better.

2. Questionnaire

Here you are free to write whatever you want. Of course, boring texts and enumerations make you no less boring person, so you can joke, be original, or make you foggy. Girls love mystery in men.

– I help to promote business to large companies of our city (marketer, designer);

– I am lifting the country from its knees, increasing industrial volumes (engineer, designer, technologist);

- The patron of secret digital codes (programmer) and so on, depends on your imagination and sense of humor.

It’s just not worth getting carried away strongly, prescribing the same in each item of the questionnaire, otherwise they will think that you are a little more than that.

Honesty, humor, brevity - these are the three main principles of a successful profile on a dating site.

As for your qualities, here you can use the resume trick: write a negative quality, which in fact is a virtue. For example:

  • Emotionality;
  • inability to deceive;
  • Lack of experience in a serious relationship.

Or ones that don't make sense for relationships:

  • Fear of air travel;
  • Excessive demands on oneself;
  • straightness;
  • principle and so on.

Strategy for choosing a girl on a dating site

Dating sites are a collection of photos with the illusion of choice. It seems there are countless of them, but when you start to seriously approach the consideration, it turns out that not everything is so simple. In addition to cutting off fake beauties, it is important to have the right strategy for selecting the right girl:

1. When setting a filter in the search, it is better to place above not those who are online, but those who have recently registered.

2. Don't click on all the photos in the feed. Look carefully at the photo and choose the one that you really like. Don't waste your time on people who are not your type. Go to 2, 3, 4 pages, look.

3. When you find the one you like, look carefully for the presence of artificial eyelashes, painted eyebrows, an obvious photoshop with a figure or filters for the face (retouching, underlined eyes, reduced nose, etc.). You can be quite loyal to the eyelashes as the wings of a butterfly, but keep in mind that when you meet her appearance can be significantly different.

4. Then we look at the questionnaire. And here is an important point. It is the correct use of her profile that will allow you to stand out from everyone and achieve your goal - a meeting.

After getting acquainted with her, you should understand her intentions and write to her from a position of interest in her as a person, and not as a person from a photograph.

See hobbies, cling to them and unfold the thought:

"Hi! I see you like to travel (knitting / walking at night / riding a bike). Where did you last go (what did you knit / where did you walk / on what bike)?

"Hello! I see you have photos from the festival of colors in your profile. Is that when you were there? Maybe we met there?

"Hi! Why are you looking for a tall (thin/fat/romantic) guy?”

Take all her "I want", "I'm looking for", "I love" from the questionnaire. Even if your question is not so hot, how original is the one fact that, firstly, you read her profile (and almost no one does that!), And secondly, you became interested not in her eyes and figure, but precisely as a person - will give you 100 points ahead and highlight all sorts of: "Hi, beauty", "Wow, what a look", "Mmmm, panther" and other nonsense.

5. If after you started a conversation, the girl seemed interesting and you got excited about the continuation of the acquaintance, then feel free to invite to meet. Don't delay this moment.

To be fully prepared, read (opens in a new window)

How to recognize fakes and other dummies

A clear indicator that the young lady did not register here for real dates can be:

1. Only 1 profile photo.

2. An empty or almost empty questionnaire.

3. The period of stay on the site is several years.

Features of dating apps

The largest dating sites have their continuation in the form of applications, the database of profiles is no different, but you can get acquainted while sitting on the couch with a smartphone in your hands.

There are also independent applications, such as Tinder (Tinder). The basic principle in it is the same as described above. So the formula works:

Your high-quality and good photo + Interest in her as a person = Quick and easy meeting in real life.

How to meet a girl on the Internet through social networks

What should your page say about you?

It also has its own conditions, the fulfillment of which will help you to be more attractive to girls on the Internet:

1. Your main page.

The status "actively searching" scares the female gender, change it to a neutral "single". Examine your photos and photos in which you are tagged by friends. Let there be nothing compromising, vulgar, aggressive, repulsive.

Many pickup trainers (I would say all of them) advise you to fill out your profile with status photos, from cool places, restaurants, travels, cool cars near you and more.

Guys, do you know who's into this? Kept women and dynamos that will spin and throw. Those who only care about your wallet and the status that you showed them here.

Normal girls are interested in normal guys. Of course, if you really have some merit or status property, then you can light up a piece. But it is better if a good and sincere girl in relation to you finds out about this when she is already in love with you.

And it happens that men splurge, but in reality there is nothing to show off and begin to tear the veins to match the invented image. God forbid.

Let's get back to the photos. The avatar should have your positive photo, no left pictures. You are a confident, successful, self-sufficient person. And hiding under the hood is ridiculous for you.

2. Wall. Scroll through your wall, remove the echoes and confessions of your ex, or some other unpleasant (or for whom it may be vice versa - pleasant) things from there. Rest assured, after you show that you exist and are interested in her, the girl under the microscope will examine every detail on your page.

3. Friends. A huge number of beautiful girls in friends for 10% of men will greatly strain anyone. Also the number of friends exceeded several thousand. Pay attention to this.

Behavior strategy

  • Find the girl you like, like a few of her photos, it is desirable that some of them be from albums, and not from the recent photo feed. So you will show that she is very interesting to you, and in order to admire such beauty, you sat and watched her albums.
  • While looking at these images, notice for yourself some details on them, so that later you can ask questions about them.
  • When writing your first message, remember that you need to follow 2 points:

- show that you are interested in her as a person, and not as a sexual object;

- voice your desire or goal (to get to know each other and meet).

What the first phrase might look like (after you have completed all the steps above):

"Hi! You seemed kind and gentle girl I would love to talk to you and get to know you better.

You have trump cards in your hands - evidence of her kindness (from the photo) or originality, or fearlessness, or activity (bicycles) or ... In general, any trait.

When your conversation gets interesting - ask for a date, don't delay it. Pull it into real life and already look closely there.

To make the conversation interesting, read (opens in a new window)

What mistakes should not be made when dating on the Internet

1. Don't like yourself. This is narcissism and looks very funny from the outside.

2. Do not write anything on the wall of the girl you like. It's like marking territory that no one has invited you to yet.

3. Don't write impersonal messages like "how are you?", "what are you doing?" and others.

4. Don't ask for a photo. Everything she would like to show you - she posted in free access.

6 Essential Principles for Successful Online Dating

1. Try to understand the girl's goals from her profile.

2. Do not write:

“I don’t know what to write, tell us about yourself, ask questions,” is a manifestation of your self-doubt.

3. Write only the truth, do not pretend to be someone you are not.

4. Don't be afraid to voice your thoughts. Why such a girl if you cannot share with her what is in your head and soul.

5. Be original. Imagine how many platitudes, similar questions and messages she received. Try to stand out from the crowd and be remembered by her.

6. Don't be afraid of rejection, it's natural. Don't take it personally.

7. Communicate the way you used to communicate with friends. Be yourself when talking, this is the most important thing in the question of how to meet a girl on the Internet.

It is believed that the first step in a romantic relationship should be taken by a man, the same applies to dating a girl. Sometimes the stumbling block is the excessive modesty of the young man, not knowing how to profitably present himself so that the lady of the heart reciprocates and wants to continue communication.

Consider the ways and methods of how to get to know a girl that will help you become wittier and more self-confident.

... before you go against the rules, you need to get to know them.
Jim Jarmusch

How to meet a guy with a girl

Many men have a limited circle of acquaintances - these are colleagues, a few childhood friends, a couple of friends.

If there are no girls in the companies in which a man happens to be, his chances of finding a soul mate are reduced, and he falls into the number of the chosen, and not the ranks of the choosers.

Shyness and unwillingness to get to know each other often leads to the fact that a man has to be content with little and choose the girl who “came handy” as a life partner, simply by being at the right time in the right place.

But masculine nature says something else: men are winners, and any woman would prefer a real conqueror to a modest one. Therefore, it is important to learn how to get acquainted with girls, to be interesting for them.

Rules for productive dating

In order for your object of sympathy to turn from a beautiful stranger into a friend and even more, you need to follow some simple tips. You can meet anywhere - on the street, in the cinema, on the Internet. It is necessary to take into account a number general rules that will increase your self-confidence, no matter the situation.
  1. Greetings. It can be "straight", without riddles and oddities. You need to say (on the Internet - write) a simple phrase, short and concise, arousing interest.
  2. The topic of conversation should be planned in advance. If on the street you can limit yourself to a couple of phrases and “shoot” a phone number, then on the Internet it will take more time to get to know each other.
  3. Compliments are good if you say them from the heart and in moderation.. Loving young men, from whose mouth beautiful words come through words, are doubtful. Too serious won't work either. Compliments should not sound too trite, remember: girls love originality.
  4. If you have a sense of humor, make the most of it, the main thing is that the jokes should not be too “flat” and incomprehensible. Rehearse certain joke stories on your sister / girlfriend, look at their reaction, and only after approval tell them to the girl you like.
  5. The ability to listen and take into account the opinion of the girl plays an important role. If you talk little about yourself and ask the girl more about hobbies / hobbies, she will regard this as a genuine interest on your part: it is important for women to be able to understand them.
  6. Continuation of communication: during the first meeting you do not need to communicate for hours. Even on the Internet, a few remarks are enough to understand whether a girl liked you and whether it is worth continuing the conversation. On your next date, take her out to a coffee shop or a romantic outing where you can get to know each other better.
As they say, “the first pancake is lumpy”, so you need to make many attempts, which will allow you to work out the technique of dating and become confident in yourself. Remember that every girl does not have to like you: some ladies are already not free and are dating someone, and someone just prefers a different type of man.

You are not a dollar bill to please everyone, so it remains to be patient and go for victories. Consider how to get acquainted with a girl in different places and situations.

How to meet a girl on the street

The street is a difficult place to meet, because girls rarely walk alone for no reason: they are going somewhere and may be in a hurry.

But on the street, the probability of meeting an attractive person whom you don’t want to miss is huge. There are several rules that can help in the first meeting.

What to Consider

  1. Greetings. If you are standing in line at the cinema or in another place, neither she nor you are in a hurry, then you can say a simple simple phrase: “Hi, I'm waiting for my friends, and I saw you. I like you, maybe we can talk? You need to rehearse and memorize this expression until it seems original to you. If the girl is in a hurry, do not try to communicate with her, you can ask for the phone and offer to meet in a different setting in a few days.
  2. It is important to approach the girl correctly so that she does not suspect you of an attempted theft or other bad deed. You can approach from the front (stop at arm's length), but it's better to approach from the side (here you can approach a little closer, but not from the side from which she holds the purse). If the girl is sitting, sit next to her so that you are on the same level.
  3. Before you say the first phrase, make sure that the girl is ready to listen to you.. Maybe she just doesn't expect anyone to talk to her (in which case you might scare her). Therefore, you need to pay attention to yourself: come up, endure a short pause, look into the eyes.
  4. Smile is a symbol of male power and dignity. She characterizes good character and good nature of a man, and the look symbolizes self-confidence. It should always be on your face when you plan to make acquaintance with a member of the opposite sex.
  5. Don't put your hands in your pockets, this subconsciously can cause backlash from her side. If you don’t know how to gesticulate, you can take your hands with a bottle of water, the main thing is that they be open.
  6. Achieving the goal is a victory for a man. An excellent result of dating is the girl's consent to meet again. You need to exchange phones, for this, say the phrase: “I'm already in a hurry, but I would not want to miss you. Maybe we can meet this week, have tea and get to know each other normally, what do you say? Be sure to wait for any answer from her and write down the number.
  7. Appearance is important: any girl appreciates it. Mandatory elements are clean shoes, a neat hairstyle, a “fresh” and cheerful look. If a girl does not see fire in her eyes, she is unlikely to want to continue the dialogue.
Remember that street dating is one of the most difficult, because it subconsciously causes caution on the part of the girl. Pay attention to yourself and stay friendly.

There is no universal approach to all young ladies, for each it is individual. However, by making many attempts and taking phone numbers from several dozen girls, you can work out the skill and find an individual approach. If such a stressful acquaintance is not for you, you can make the first attempts on the Internet.

How to meet a girl on the Internet

Dating on the Internet is much easier than in real life, but in order not to “hit your face in the dirt”, you need to know a few nuances. They will be discussed further.

Where to start dating?

In connection with large quantity dating on the Internet on special sites, girls do not appreciate beautiful words, so they must be original and memorable so that you can stand out from the gray mass of competing fans.

Fortunately, if you have a small amount of money, you can present a gift - a virtual toy, flowers, VIP statuses. This will "warm" her attitude towards you. It is necessary to start acquaintance with a compliment so that the object of sympathy understands your interest. This will give more chances that the lady of the heart will pay attention to you, and you can move on to the next step.

What to write to a girl in the first message?

Further joint destiny depends on your actions. Let's look at a few proven tips.
  1. It is strictly forbidden to reveal the secrets of your dating goals. Say that you are looking for a reliable friend, never say that you are looking for your love. Do not write about marriage, or children, or sexual relations: it looks childish and causes distrust, fear.
  2. Start the conversation with a few compliments. They must be generic and original. Write about the beauty of her hairstyle or eyes, you should not describe in all its glory what impression her breasts or buttocks made on you (this can be mentioned during the next correspondence).
  3. On the Internet, due to the large number of men who want to meet, girls may not appreciate your efforts, so you are unlikely to interest her with one virtual gift. At this stage, you can not take a phone number and invite you on a date in real mode.
  4. Write correctly and carefully select expressions: your speech can tell a lot about the character, level of education, knowledge. Do not overdo it: too smart and pedantic guys can scare her away. The main thing is the simplicity and conciseness of the proposals.
  5. Do not start the conversation with long stories about your biography. Ask more questions and ask to talk about her hobbies and passions. Before asking her about anything, study the profile on the site. This will reveal common interests.
  6. If you feel that all the important points have been agreed upon, and you have a mutual interest, find an important excuse to end the conversation and continue in real life - in a cafe over a cup of tea.
  7. You can increase the girl's level of trust by addressing her by name. It captivates any person, regardless of his character and temperament.
To develop the skill of communication on the Internet, you need to train for a long time. The main thing is that your speech should be simple and interesting, then any girl, communicating with you, will feel comfortable and will want to continue communication.

How to meet a girl on Vkontakte?

The social network VKontakte (VK) is popular among hundreds of thousands of people, so to get to know her and for a positive reaction, the girl will have to be smart. There are not so many differences for the VK dialogue and for traditional dating sites.

Consider a few questions that a girl wants to get answers from a guy in VK:

  1. Who you are?
    The skeptical and distrustful attitude of girls towards young men who wrote a compliment to a photo or in private messages on VK is quite understandable. The girl can't wait to find out who you are. Maybe you were sent by her acquaintances for verification, or you are a representative of a network marketing company, a real estate agent. The answer to this question will symbolize a certain value for the girl, so it must be thought out. Write something like "I'm a nice guy" or "I'm very funny."
  2. What do you want from her?
    By writing the purpose of your appeal to her in the first message, you will relieve the young lady of suspicion and increase the chances of continuing communication. Write: "We don't know each other, so we need to meet this Thursday."
  3. Why is she the target of your message?
    Find a weighty reason for communication, something like: "I saw the photo and could not pass by", "I was "hooked" by your eyes."
There are plenty of ways to “start a dialogue” on VK, the main thing is to choose the one that you like.

How to meet a girl with a girl

Acquaintance of a girl with a girl, although it is less common than between members of opposite sexes, but also has several nuances. Many girls want to find a girlfriend but don't know where to start.

How can a girl meet an interesting girl for communication, friendship?

There are several options:
  • Personal acquaintance in thematic places.
    You were invited to a general party, and it turned out that there are common interests? This is a great opportunity for dialogue!
  • Meeting at events– exhibitions, libraries, student institutions.
    You can get acquainted in situations under any pretext, even just asking for help “can you tell me which book is better?”, “In what year was this picture written?”.
  • Online dating.
    So that your intentions do not look suspicious, you should not write in private messages. For example, in the same VK you can meet in thematic groups makeup, fashion and style. Read user comments, highlight the person you are interested in and respond to her comment with something like “I absolutely agree with you”, “I support your opinion”. Then, unobtrusively, you can move on to a conversation in private messages and discuss common topics.
It is more difficult for a girl to meet a girl than a guy for a girl, so compliments and gifts will not work. It remains to look for an object among like-minded people, this will increase your chances of success.


By choosing an effective method for dating a girl, you can hone your skills and learn express dating in a few months. Good luck and more confidence!

Have you met a girl on the street or on the Internet? Share your experience and leave a personal opinion!

Any guy dreams of finally meeting his soulmate. But where to find it? Do not go out into the street for the sake of dating! What if this is the place where you can find the perfect girl?

Remember how many beauties walk through parks, alleys and squares. Of course, the street is far from the easiest place to establish contact. However, with the help of the advice of psychologists and more experienced and confident guys, you can understand the street.

It seems a banal point, but still it should be recalled.

Each girl consciously or subconsciously evaluates the appearance of the man standing opposite. Most likely, she will make a decision to talk or "push" you, even before you utter the first word.

We will not talk in detail about the cleanliness, neatness and grooming of things and hair - this is already clear. It is also difficult to give advice on the choice of clothes, since everyone has their own individual taste. Perhaps it is he who will like a particular stranger.

In addition, before entering into a conversation, approximately evaluate the appearance of the girl. If you notice a social difference between her and you, and this "stratification" is clearly in her favor, the chances of a successful acquaintance are sharply reduced. However, this does not mean that you should not try and try!

This moment is not as simple as it seems at first glance, and the further development of the situation will depend on its implementation. A young lady on the street may be in a hurry somewhere or simply be immersed in thoughts, and a stranger who suddenly appears will cause, if not aggression, then misunderstanding.

In order not to cause a negative reaction in the girl, but, on the contrary, to attract her attention and further develop the first success, it is necessary to take into account several important points:

  • Try to make direct eye contact with the young lady you like by catching her eye, winking and smiling at her.
  • Walk so that the girl can see you. It is not recommended to suddenly appear from behind, greeting loudly, as you will only scare her. Approach from the front, but in no case should you block the path.
  • Psychologists claim that the head-to-head position indicates aggression. Therefore, it is better to stand half-turned to a stranger so that she feels at ease and can go about her business at any moment.
  • If a girl moves vigorously, do not stop her by touching her arms, shoulders or other parts of her body. Try to catch up with her by turning your body in her direction, and only then start a conversation.
  • It is important to respect personal space. This means not only not to touch things and body parts, but also not to get very close to another person. According to psychological data, a comfortable distance is 50-60 cm.
  • Approaching a stranger who is sitting on a bench, sit down next to her. You should not hang over the girl, because such a position will only lead to discomfort and hostility.

How to meet a pretty girl on the street?

There are several ways to meet cute young ladies on the street: direct, situational or prepared. Which one is preferred depends on many circumstances. It is up to you to choose, and we will tell you more about these approaches.

Direct Approach

This way of dating involves following a certain sequence of steps: you greet the girl, compliment her and proceed, in fact, to the acquaintance.

For example:

  1. Approach the young lady you like, say hello and ask for a few minutes.
  2. Compliment: “You have a great smile. Such beautiful dimples on the cheeks ”(it all depends on your imagination).
  3. The final stage is direct acquaintance. Your goal is to interest the stranger and encourage her to take further action. You need to behave naturally, but do not overact with relaxation and "machism".


This way of starting a relationship involves turning to a pretty girl with some request or advice.

For example, you can:

  • ask her how to get to a certain place or find out where the nearby cinema is (as an option);
  • ask at the bus stop which trolleybus or fixed-route taxi you can use to get to a certain place;
  • find out where she got one (if she is holding a bag of cat food);
  • find out her opinion about a street musician, music that comes from a nearby car;
  • cover with an umbrella from what has begun;
  • ask to look into the girl's sunglasses to fix her hair.

Refrain from vulgar jokes or ambiguous phrases. After asking a question, do not interrupt the girl, wait for the end of her thoughts. Then introduce yourself and then continue the conversation according to the circumstances.

Harvested (pickup)

This technique involves the use of openers (verbal structures designed to start a conversation). They are designed to surprise, amaze, captivate, confuse a beautiful stranger. How to meet a girl on the street using this method?

The main thing is to prepare a few phrases that will cause a girl's reaction. They can be found in "pikapersky" literature or on Internet resources with similar content. As an example, here are a few speech constructions-openers:

  • won't call me ambulance? I feel that Cupid's arrow is sitting in me!
  • Hey, I think we've met somewhere before. Maybe in a dream?
  • Girl, what are you going to do tonight when you get home after our date?
  • Girl, please stop for a minute. May I love you a little?

If a girl straightens her hair or clothes, holds her gaze at you, smiles and supports the conversation that has begun, most likely she is interested in you and does not mind continuing the conversation.

Remember that words are not as important as the ability to pronounce them. Be friendly and try to inspire confidence in the young lady, as many young creatures are extremely suspicious (which is quite natural and even reasonable) looking at suitable guys.

In a girl's head, perhaps the following thoughts are spinning:

  • Who is he?
  • What does he want from me?
  • Why did he come up to me, because there are a lot of people around?
  • Is he a criminal or a scammer?

Be sure to say or hint that you approached for the purpose of acquaintance, and do not want to hand her any advertising brochure. Mention that you live, work or study here nearby, just met a pretty girl and came to meet. In this case, all the doubts of the young lady will disappear.

It should be remembered that the acquaintance itself takes only a couple of minutes. However, in the process of further development of relations, these moments are the most important. It is at this moment that an impression of you is formed in a beautiful head, and the girl decides whether she wants to continue dating.

If you notice interest in her eyes, then the following scenarios are possible:

  • an immediate date if you and the young lady do not have urgent matters;
  • exchanging phone numbers for the purpose of scheduling a future meeting.

The first option is preferable, because then the girl can find many reasons and excuses to refuse a date. Invite a young lady to a cafe, order a cup of coffee (alcohol should not be ordered) and continue a nice conversation.

In any case, you will have to adapt, but if you are in a hurry somewhere now, it is better to reschedule the date for a more convenient time than fidgeting in your chair, looking at your watch every minute, being afraid to be late somewhere.

Following the above tips, you can no longer worry about the question of how to meet a girl on the street. Even if something serious does not come out of this meeting, you will gain invaluable dating experience, which will help in the future to avoid difficulties when communicating with the fair sex.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

  1. What are you doing tonight, after our date?
  2. Do you think I like you more than you like me?
  3. Hello, can I talk to you? And then all sorts of girls stick around, trying to get acquainted ...
  4. Hello, can you tell me how to cook dumplings?
  5. You have a very happy nose!
  6. Can you tell me the recipe for birch jam?
  7. Hello! Today is an amazing day, can I cheer you up?
  8. Hello! Are you on VK too? And I. Do you play flute? Me neither. See how similar we are!
  9. Do you meet nice young people? Here I am!
  10. You have beautiful eyes, what color are they?
  11. And I bet you can't guess what your name is?
  12. You probably won't give me a chance to meet you... But send me a smile if I'm wrong!
  13. I'm clearly not the first person to want to meet you. But I'm the best! Do you want me to prove it?
  14. Hello! I sell happiness! Do you want me to give it to you for free?
  15. Can you tell me where is the best place to spend my salary?
  16. I'm tired of waiting for you to make the first move. Hello!
  17. You have amazing eyes, I can't tear myself away from them.
  18. I look at you and understand that we definitely need to get to know each other!
  19. Tell me, how many did you send off today? I'm four. Oh, and cheeky girls!
  20. I looked at your photos and forgot to meet you. Hello!
  21. Do you believe in love at forty-eight glance? And then I look at your pictures for so long that I fall in love!
  22. How did you know I was online?
  23. Let's change? You give me two hundred grams of sadness, and I give you a kilogram of my joy?
  24. Can we talk already or will we just like each other?
  25. Remember me? I dreamed about you!
  26. Hey I'm reading right now interesting story. The guy met the girl, and they lived happily ever after! By the way, do you know how he met her? Said, "Hi, I'm reading an interesting story right now!"
  27. You know, before I met you, I was sure that I was gay!
  28. How about flirting?
  29. Hello! I want to interview you. Tell me what it's like to be alone beautiful girl?
  30. Can you help me learn how to talk to girls?
  31. Hello, I'm doing a census and I want to start with you!
  32. Hello, please change my free time to chat with you?
  33. You are very mistaken if you think that I want to get to know you. I want to invite you on a date!
  34. So two damn attractive people met. Hello!
  35. No, well, if you keep silent all the time, no one will get to know you. I'll help, hello!
  36. You know, I didn't have a very pleasant day. I was upset, but then I saw your avatar.
  37. Can you forgive yourself if you don't answer me?
  38. Have you ever had young people crawling at your feet? And at the hands?
  39. And if I were such a beautiful girl like you, I would get to know myself!
  40. And who are you dating? And come with me!
  41. Hello! I'm writing a book about what girls want. Won't you tell?
  42. A stunning girl like you should have a beautiful font!
  43. Hello! I got lost in life and barely found you, will you lead me out of the dim world of loneliness?
  44. Can I flirt with you?
  45. You know, there are things that are easy to imagine together - black and white, day and night, butter and porridge, you and me ...
  46. Don't want to talk to someone who really likes you?
  47. What questions do you think guys get slapped for?
  48. You have a boyfriend? Maybe you need something better?
  49. Are you in love with your city?
  50. I love dogs very much. Could you tell me what breed is better to have?
  51. Are you a professional stylist?
  52. You are beautiful! Can we switch to "you"?
  53. You spend a lot of time online, can we go to unwind?
  54. You're so beautiful! Or do you know a professional photographer?
  55. Imagine, I wrote you a huge text, and then they turned off the light. So just hello!
  56. Wow, I love this band too! And what is your favorite song?
  57. You have a very cute face!
  58. You have such beautiful eyes! Especially the left one!
  59. Gorgeous legs! And the right one is doubly gorgeous!
  60. I like your mouth ☺
  61. You know, you have such a cute chest! And there are two more of them!
  62. Nice dress! You know, the purse doesn't really fit.
  63. Have you heard the phrase that with whom you will lead, from that you will type? So, I like you, and I decided that I would get enough from you!
  64. It was difficult, but I was able to write to you! Reward with an answer?
  65. Have you ever ridden an escalator? Do you want me to ride?
  66. I think I have amnesia, otherwise I would have written to you!
  67. Do you happen to have a red thread? We would be able to make friends with her.
  68. Your beauty struck me so that I forgot what I wanted to tell you.
  69. Have you ever been offered a hand and a heart? I am a surgeon, I have a lot of them!
  70. Excuse me, can I tweak your plans for tonight?
  71. Didn't you just hit the "I like" button on my photo by accident? Not? It's a pity…
  72. I wonder if your inner world matches your photos?
  73. It must be bad to be your girlfriend, because you overshadowed everyone with your beauty!
  74. I miss two things in my life - you and hair.
  75. When I see you, I understand how good it is that I am single!
  76. You know, your hair matches the color of my pillow perfectly.
  77. Must it hurt to fall from heaven?
  78. Girl, does your mother need a son-in-law?
  79. I bet ten thousand that I ask you out on a date and you say no?
  80. Marry me!
  81. Urgent, call an ambulance, I was shot by an arrow of love ...
  82. Give me your sadness I need it for experiments.
  83. Hello! Could you please wake me up tomorrow? I'm afraid to oversleep.
  84. Are you from a fairy tale?
  85. Do you know what love at first sight is? If not, I'll write again!
  86. Are you Alice, my contact?
  87. Girl, are you probably tired of the question about your son-in-law?
  88. I bought borjomi and salami, come eat!
  89. And here I am collecting a harem. Only you are missing.
  90. When are you going to take your first step? I'm tired of waiting and I'm doing it myself! Let's get acquainted!
  91. I've definitely seen you somewhere, can you remind me where?
  92. You are beautiful on the Internet, show yourself in life?
  93. Hello! Amazing places in your photos. Where is it?
  94. You wrote that you love “….” group. Do you have any of their songs on cassettes?
  95. Have you ever really seen interesting girl?
  96. You have a very familiar face! Were you at the club yesterday?
  97. You know the saying "listen to a woman and do the opposite"? Now, I don't want you to answer me!
  98. I have a great job! Man/Girl to go to the cinema with me. Don't you want to try?
  99. Hello. It's such a good day today. I want to cheer someone up. Maybe you?
  100. Today I saw you in a dream, but you managed to say only your first and last name. And so I found you!
  101. You have such beautiful eyes. I have been looking only at them for a long time, but I do not dare to write.

How to meet a girl

Dating & Pickup

How to meet a girl

When it comes to dating a girl, many guys start to feel some kind of discomfort associated with the fact that they know absolutely nothing about how they should act and what to say.

And this uncertainty sometimes turns into real fear, if you think of meeting a girl as an exam, on which the fate of future relationships depends. After all, the price of a mistake can be so expensive.

But fortunately for you, this is complete nonsense and any guy, when meeting a girl, can do absolutely unpredictable things and at the same time hit her heart. It all depends solely on the correct choice of the girl and on the ability to listen, but we'll talk about this a little lower.

Which girl to choose for dating

In one good movie describing dating a girl, there was a phrase that some guys began to take literally: "Everyone has a chance to strike the heart of absolutely any girl and become the one who will spend the rest of his life with her." And although theoretically this is so, but in reality everything is a little different.

In order to hit the heart of a girl, you need to be about her level and understand her ideals and dreams. Let's say, how do you imagine that a girl in a BMW began to date a guy who has been rummaging through the trash all his life? Theoretically, this is possible, but in practice this will not happen. And if such an example seems too categorical to you, then believe me, there are many hidden details and trifles that you either understand or not. And no matter how wonderful and good you are, you will not be able to break through this shield.

Therefore, you need to clearly define your level, your capabilities and choose the category of girls you want to achieve. You can take girls one, two levels higher or lower, but no more. Believe me, every day we see hundreds of stories about heartbreaking love that failed precisely for this reason.

Why you need to decide on the level of the girl

Relationships should bring only pleasure and happiness, and this can only be achieved in relationships in which there is ease, understanding and mutual assistance.

Just imagine a situation where your potential girlfriend is used to going to expensive restaurants and clubs, and every summer she spends in Spain. And you are an ordinary student who does not have enough stars from heaven, but has some means. Maybe several times you will be able to afford such a rest, and then it will start to strain you a lot. And the girl's attitude will change when she gets out of her usual rut, where everyone does exactly the way she did before, and you began to limit her.

Therefore, you need to choose a girl who will be glad that you can offer her. That girl who will help you reach heights, inspiring you to exploits, and not reproaching you every day.

How to start dating a girl

There is a simple truth: in order to learn to walk a child, he must first lie in the cradle, crawl on the floor, and only then take hesitant steps that lead him to a confident walk.

When meeting girls, things are about the same. At first you are afraid to talk to them, then you make clumsy attempts to start a dialogue with them, and then you realize that most of them behave in exactly the same way, your job is only to repeat what you have already done dozens of other times.

Where is the best place to meet girls?

As the practice of successful cases of dating girls shows, there are currently two places where the chances of dating are greatest:

Holiday or Event. We are ready to beat with a stick anyone who tries to teach guys to meet girls on the street using a classic suit, stupid phrases and a lonely flower. How do you imagine that a girl who is going somewhere on business or is going to relax in the company of friends takes seriously a stuttering guy in a suit? Yes, that's funny.

For this reason, we advise you to meet girls where the situation is conducive to this. Let's say at a rock music concert, you can easily identify the girls who are standing and it's clear from their face that they are bored, or that they call the attention of guys cooler than a shaman calls for rain. At some KVN game at the institute, you can also sit next to a couple of girls and get to know one of them. Can this be done somewhere ski resort or just in the park for some holiday. The same number includes thematic sites where fans of a certain culture gather.

Acquaintance in such a place allows not only to approach a peaceful girl, but also to find a topic for conversation that will be of interest to both you and her. If she came to some event, then either she loves it, or at least she has friends who dragged her here. And that's great for you.

Internet. Many people are inherently afraid of direct communication. And this rule applies to both boys and girls. This means that if you approach a girl on the street and start telling her something, then she may want to run away from you faster. At the same time, if you write her a message on the Internet, she can talk to you willingly without fear for herself. For this reason, the Internet is good place to communicate with girls.

Immediately I want to warn you to work on your page. A photo of you sitting drunk without pants in the toilet is not cool and uninteresting! If you write to a decent girl, then at least for the first time create for yourself the image of an adequate guy. And this is not a joke, these are real situations!

What to talk about with a girl when meeting

It is believed that if a guy can say or write a really exciting introduction when meeting, then the girl will respond to this message with great enthusiasm. And indeed it is. But if you really evaluate what the guys write, then in 99.9% of cases this is such nonsense that is perceived with negativity by girls.

For this reason, if you are not sure about the genius of your blanks, then it is better to get by with banal phrases that are perceived neutrally, which is already great!

Phrases such as:

Hi, I saw your photos on the bike. Can you tell me where you took these photos? By the way, my name is Max.

I saw you yesterday at a concert, but I didn’t have time to approach you, my friends dragged me. How do you like the concert?

Hello, you have good photos. I just couldn't resist writing to you.

Take a closer look at the girl

Before you write to a girl, you need to spend at least a few minutes to evaluate her appearance.

If this is some kind of concert or just a street, then pay attention to the gait, posture, choice of clothing and its color.

· Confident girls have a confident gait, a straight back and a neutral color of clothing. When meeting with them, it is imperative to stay confident, clearly and clearly express your thoughts. A small banter is allowed in their direction, but on a neutral topic.

· If a girl is dressed in extremely bright things, her gait is confused, and her gaze avoids other people, it means that she is immersed in her thoughts, and other people do not worry her much. In this case, a somewhat sassy approach with a romantic tinge is needed. These girls love bad boys.

What to say when meeting

You will be surprised, but the girl, when meeting you, does not want to listen to you, and she is not at all interested in your experiences and interests. The only thing a girl wants to do is be safe and talk about herself.

Your task is to keep the conversation going on topics that she is interested in. Then she will be satisfied, and you will be able to learn more about the girl. And this is useful to know if you are looking for a girl for a relationship, and not a girl for one night.

How to invite a girl for a walk after dating

After you got to know each other, it's time to invite the girl to a meeting. And if you know her interests, then the place and words should not be a problem, but if you are still "walking in the dark", then remember a few points.

Don't make the meeting special. You should not say: “I invite you on a date,” you need to say more simply: “Let's go for a walk, sit in a cafe. I have wanted to go for a long time, but here just such a pleasant companion will be with me. ” Less formality, more freedom.

Girls love intrigue. You can make a small riddle with the place where you want to go. Even if you play with her a little on this topic, it's already good.

Without friends and girlfriends. In no case do not agree to walks in threes, fours, etc. Such meetings are possible after a couple of months of relationship, but at the initial stage - this is the end!

As a conclusion about dating a girl

There is nothing easier than getting to know a girl. It all comes with experience, time and mistakes. And there is nothing wrong with that. You will definitely be able to charm the girl of your dreams.