Alpine skiing on Elbrus where to ride. The best ski resorts near Elbrus

The Elbrus region is an unusually beautiful mountainous region, which is often called the pearl of the Caucasus. Here are the most famous peaks of the ridge - Elbrus and Ushba, Koshkantau and Shkhara, Ullu-Tau and Dykhtau, Shkheldy and others. The Elbrus region is also famous for the most powerful glaciers - Bezengi and Dykh-Su.

Mountain ranges that stretch parallel to each other cut through picturesque gorges that amaze tourists with their unprecedented beauty. Against the background of this majesty of the stone, like a precious pearl in all its splendor, the gray-haired Elbrus appears, which climbers and tourists have long chosen as their place of rest. They are attracted to these places by snow-covered majestic mountains, swift mountain rivers, impregnable rocks, luxurious flowering valleys.

Advantages of the resorts in this area

The Elbrus region attracts adventure seekers from all over the world with excellent ski slopes. Today, here on earth is a national park, which has become a world-famous resort. This area harmoniously combines mountainous terrain and a unique climate.

The peaks of Elbrus and Cheget, the unique beauty and its sights are beautiful at any time of the year. In summer, tourists are fascinated by wonderful forests, waterfalls and mountain rivers, and at this time daredevils arrive here to conquer new peaks. In winter, snow-white slopes like a magnet attract lovers from all over the world here.

Elbrus is the highest point in Europe. Its height on the western side is 5642 meters, and on the eastern side it is 5621 meters. The magnificent national park "Prielbrusye" united two ski resorts - "Elbrus" and "Cheget".

Climatic conditions

The weather allows skiing in the Elbrus region from mid-November to early April, and in the highlands - even in May. The Elbrus region (KBR) belongs to the south, and therefore the weather here is appropriate - in winter there is a lot of snow, and sometimes it does not exist at all. Especially often its absence is observed on the lower tracks, the upper ones do not encounter such problems. The best time for skiers to relax is the end of December - the beginning of March.

Another characteristic feature of this area is that there are at least three hundred sunny days a year. Winter average monthly temperature is -15...-10 °C. Weather conditions in the Caucasus are more stable when compared, for example, with the Alps. In July and August, the air warms up to +28 °C.

Known to many amateurs and professionals, the Elbrus and Cheget tracks, which remain snowy even in summer, can compete with any similar resort. The total length of the tracks is more than 35 km.

Ski resorts of Elbrus region (Azau)

This resort is located 150 km from the city of Nalchik. Its tracks are laid on the southern slopes of Elbrus. Today, skiers and snowboarders have the opportunity to ride through the endless expanses of this famous mountain. Tourists coming to the Elbrus region find it difficult to evaluate the ski resort "Elbrus".

At first glance, there is all the infrastructure necessary for a modern ski resort - ski lifts, a system of snowmaking (artificial) slopes, snow groomers. But at the same time, the resort loses somewhat in the quality and variety of services provided. If it is more important for you to feel the drive from skiing on the slopes of an extinct volcano than minor inconveniences, then this place should interest you. Many connoisseurs and lovers of skiing choose this particular ski resort. Prielbrusye (Russia) provides athletes with the opportunity to choose the most suitable place for recreation.

On the main part of the slopes of the Elbrus resort, the season begins in October and ends in mid-May. And at an altitude of more than 3800 m, the season lasts throughout the year, however, these areas can only be reached by snow groomers.

Due to the low humidity, the climate here is mild, frosts are easily tolerated. In winter, the temperature drops to -15 °C, rarely below -25 °C. And if you find yourself at the highest point (4050 m), get ready for frost down to -40 °C. The weather is changeable - heavy snowfall can suddenly change abruptly into calm and clear weather.


It is generally accepted that this ski resort at altitudes from 2350 to 3800 m has seven slopes with a length of 11 kilometers. In fact, the slopes of the resort are one continuous track, designed for both beginners and experienced riders. There are no traditional dividers, signs, there is a minimum number of barrier nets. Absolute freedom migrations are the main feature of this resort. Boundless expanses are waiting for you, where you will independently choose the most suitable route for yourself.

The slope is conditionally divided into five sections:

  1. "Azau (2350) - Old Outlook" (3000). It is served by the Elbrus 1 lift. This is a “red” (difficult) section, which, if the route is not properly prepared, can easily turn into a “black” one. At first the track is narrow, then it gradually widens and turns into a steep section (200 m difference). After passing it, you will again enjoy a calm ride.
  2. "Old Outlook (3000) - World (3500)". This route is easier (blue difficulty level). It is served by the pendulum lift "Elbrus 2". The beginning of the descent will remind you of a "black" track. If you are not confident in your abilities, slow down when passing this section.
  3. "Peace (3500) - Gara-bashi (3800)". Medium difficulty level. The chair lift works. There is a pleasant wide area with a slight slope. When passing the route in poor visibility, you should pass it carefully, as you can easily go astray and land on sections with cracks.
  4. "Gara-bashi (3800) - Shelter of eleven (4100)". The route is designed for experienced athletes. You can climb only on snowcats. Rise time - 24 minutes.
  5. It also has hard-to-reach places near Elbrus. The Elbrus ski resort is no exception. Athletes get to these areas only by helicopter. Riding on a glacier, luxurious landscapes and speed will give you incomparable emotions. It will undoubtedly be appreciated by freeride lovers.


On the slopes, the control and rescue service is responsible for the safety of tourists. The nearest medical facility is located in the village of Elbrus. The most dangerous areas are fenced with special catching nets. Keep in mind that this is an avalanche-prone area. Surveillance cameras are in place at every station.


The ski resorts of the Elbrus region offer various services. In particular, Elbrus has:

  • equipment rental;
  • ski schools;
  • rental of snowmobiles and sleds;
  • lifting with snowcats;
  • heli-ski.

At each station of this resort there are many small cafes, tea houses, eateries. Here you can have a quick and inexpensive meal.

Where to settle?

If you arrive in the Elbrus region, the Elbrus ski resort (see photo below) may surprise you with a variety of accommodation options. Here you can stay in comfortable rooms, some of which are located on the Azau glade, close to the first stage of the lifts. During the season, the cost of hotel rooms varies from 2000 to 8000 rubles per day.

A more affordable option is accommodation in the private sector of one of the six villages of the Elbrus region. Tourists often stop in Terskol, Tegenekli. Many hotels include two meals a day in the room rate.

Ski resort "Cheget" in the Elbrus region

This resort is well known in the Caucasus. Its popularity was formed in Soviet times. This ski resort began to receive tourists in the middle of the 20th century. The first cableway (chairlift) in the Soviet Union appeared here in 1963. In February of the same year, a winter sports day was held here. The appearance of the cable car contributed to the active development of skiing in the country. And the Cheget complex has since become world famous. It is considered the most extreme. It was named after a mountain 3700 m high. Cheget is located five kilometers from Mount Elbrus. Its slopes are not for everyone, but skiing here will give you an adrenaline rush.

Trails for daredevils

We have already said that the height of Cheget is 3700 m, and the height of the ascent is 3050 m. A significant elevation difference is 1140 m. Snow lies on this picturesque mountain from early November to mid-May. The length of the tracks is 20 km. The ski resorts of the Elbrus region are famous for their difficult slopes not only in Russia. They are also known in Europe. But they are especially difficult at the Cheget resort.

The tracks here are not just steep, they also have all sorts of obstacles. Often there are stone barriers that are not covered with snow, and markings are often absent. But this does not stop extreme people who annually come here. The most experienced and daring skiers prefer to ski on the northern slope. It is great for freeriding. The southern slopes are gentle, but the terrain is hard to read on these routes. Experienced athletes advise beginners not to deviate from the route, as it is easy to get lost. There are no children's tracks at this resort.


At the foot of the mountain there is a hotel with a quite predictable name - "Cheget". It was built in a picturesque and strategically correct place - in a pine forest, in a clearing, next to the beginning of the cable car. You can stay in hotels with more original names, reminiscent of our Soviet past - "Terskol", "Tungsten", "Itkol". From them twice a day a bus takes tourists to Cheget. With great comfort, you can stay in the ZhanTamAl 'hotel complex or in the Abil Qala hotel, in the Goryanka hotel.

If you wish, you can always rent a room in the private sector of Terskol. You are unlikely to get a European level of comfort here, but the prices are not high either - 400 rubles per day with breakfast.

How to get there?

Today, many ski lovers choose the Elbrus region (ski resort) for recreation. How to get here? This is what newbies are interested in. You need to fly to the airport of Nalchik or Mineralnye Vody, then use a regular bus or take a taxi to the city of Terskol.

If you prefer rail transport, then you should take a ticket to one of the stations - Nalchik, Prokhladny, Pyatigorsk, Mineralnye Vody. From the station to the resort you will be taken by a regular bus, which runs quite often, especially during the season.

Yes, this is not Krasnaya Polyana, but the prices here are more or less affordable. At least enough for food. In early December, we visited the most popular ski resort in the Caucasus - Elbrus. And what do you think, how were we received?

If you have not booked a hotel in advance, then you will have nowhere to park your car. Since it's the only parking lot, it's a huge area of ​​dirt and stone. Real porridge, for those who like to knead. Okay, let's assume that you managed to anchor the car and not drown it. All such troubles are blocked by nature and breathtaking views.

Even if you have traveled to many beautiful places in search of a drive from skiing? The impression will be incomplete if you do not visit the Elbrus region. The skiing area is Mount Cheget and the Two-Headed Elbrus. This section of the Greater Caucasus stretches from west to east between the source of the Kuban River and the valley of the Baksan River. We are in the Azau glade.

How it all began?

Vadim Gippenreiter laid the first ski route in 1939. It is customary to consider him an athlete, but let's tell you a little secret! This is a photographer who, due to his special love for the profession, photographed nature from the most unusual angles. This craving for the unknown led him to Elbrus and turned into a hobby - skiing. It turned out so well that Gippenreiter became the champion of the USSR in alpine skiing, and then the coach of Zenit. This man owns the titles: the first champion of the USSR in slalom and the first coach in alpine skiing of the country. Do you want to go his way on Elbrus?

Now there are two cable car stations:

- "old" pendulum
- new gondola road

Both ropeways run parallel to each other.

The cableway starts from the Azau station (2350 m) and rises to the Krugozor station (3000 m), overlooking the Baksan valley. The ascent takes 5 minutes.

At the dawn of perestroika in 1986, there was an interest in skiing among the population of the country. Previously, this was considered only the prerogative of athletes. The opening of the "Iron Curtain" contributed to the flow of information about holidays abroad, which became available to the Soviet people. The national park in the Elbrus region was formed as an affordable alternative to foreign resorts. In terms of beauty and descent routes, it is generally out of competition. Now for skiers there are classic and downhill slopes, snowboarding trails, paved slopes for beginners and trail skiing for fun in a relaxed mode.

Station Krugozor (3000 m), overlooking the Baksan valley.

Here you can go down or transfer to the next line.

True, it will take a few minutes. There are many people who want to get to the top.

Everywhere something is being built, something is rusting. The cafe absolutely does not fit into the wild landscape.

Here you can see the panorama of the Caucasus Range. Rise 5 minutes.

Higher. The cable car starts from the Mir station (3500 m) and lifts up to the Gara-Bashi station (3847 m). The station is the highest in Europe. There are chairlifts and gondola lifts.

The old cable car completes the ascent at the Mir station.

In general, here is the main hangout place for skiers and snowboarders.

Those who do not ride, admire the panorama of the Caucasus Mountains.

It seems like a little more and you can reach the top.

Skiers here are rushing so that they almost knock down gaping pedestrians.

View of Elbrus.

We are approaching.

Gara Bashi station is visible in the distance.

Top of Elbrus.

For thrill-seekers there is the Gippenreiter route. Many want to repeat the route of our first skier, one might say the founder of mountain tourism in Kabardino-Balkaria. This is a descent from the top of Elbrus to the Shelter of Eleven. The first skier made it in 35 minutes. So far, no one has been able to beat his record. Usually the descent now takes 3-4 hours.

By the way, Mount Cheget, located nearby, has become a happy guiding star in their careers for many athletes. The laid routes of the ski resort are not inferior to European complexes. Chegetsky mounds of the second stage delight experienced skiers and beginners.

Everyone is already hot.

This is the territory of international competitions.

Elbrus infrastructure
- 35 km of ski slopes.
- 12 km cable car.

The skiing season in the Elbrus region lasts from November to May. Glaciers are available all year round. It offers tourists hotels and individual cottages with many cafes and restaurants. There is the possibility of economical accommodation - renting rooms from local residents.

Routes for extreme sportsmen in the Baksan valley:

Heli-ski. A helicopter delivers skiers to the slope of Mount Elbrus or Cheget. They jump off the side because the technique cannot land. The descent takes place along a natural route, on which a human foot has still stepped.

Ski extreme. The case involves a special type of lightweight skis, on which the athlete first climbs the mountain himself, without a lift, and then descends.

Freeride. A kind of skiing and snowboarding in completely unprepared terrain in the middle of nowhere. Riding on untouched snow is a lot of drive and an unprecedented adrenaline rush. But the dangerous descent is recommended only for experienced skiers. Virgin nature, with its beauty, is very cruel to those who violate it. While skiing, you need to listen to your intuition in order to feel the danger in time and be able to maneuver. Rescue work in this area is difficult.

Snowboarders have chosen the fields of the Mir station.

One of the options for passing the classic route is a category 2A route, according to the degree of difficulty based on a 6 point system. Climbing from the Baksan valley along the southern slope of Elbrus. Beginner skiers are advised to take a guide who helps with acclimatization and psychological training. It happens to some for the successful passage of the route. Difficulties arise with a sharp change in weather conditions. The classic route includes: ascent and descent to Bochek, descent from the Eastern peak to the Irik gorge, descents in the northern direction.

You can buy souvenirs below. The coolest is probably woolen things.

The cafe serves hychins with herbal tea, but not everyone gets real tea.

The day flew by quickly. On the way back, I notice a monument. In memory of the fallen fellow countrymen who gave their lives during the war years, a twenty-meter monument "Grieving Highlander" was erected. In the northern part of the Elbrus region of Kabardino-Balkaria, in the valley of the picturesque Gundelen River, the village of Kendelen is located, which until 1995 had the same name with the river.

In October 1942, the village was captured by Nazi troops, and only by 1943 it was liberated by the soldiers of the Red Army.

The universal slopes of "Elbrus-Azau" are suitable for both professionals and amateur beginners, as they are attractive in their width and are ahead of Cheget slopes in terms of comfort.
Elbrus visually looks like a "single track" and is suitable for tourists of any class.

Every year, the resort hosts the "opening of the season", approximately in the middle / end of November: the time when enough snow has already fallen and the tracks are prepared for skiing. But it all depends on the presence of snow; skating may be allowed and possible both earlier and later.

Skiing on the ski slope of Mount Elbrus is a great opportunity to learn new types of winter sports and conquer the peaks of Elbrus, improving your skills.

Plan-scheme of lifts and routes of the Elbrus-Azau Group of Companies

Characteristics of the tracks of the Elbrus-Azau Group of Companies

The slopes of Mount Elbrus are predominantly "blue slopes" with a transition in some places to "red slopes". There are stops, grids and signs on the routes, but there are not so many of them. And of course, for safety reasons, you do not need to go beyond the fence system.

In general, Elbrus-Azau Group of Companies has 7 tracks. The total length of the slopes is approximately 11 kilometers. The set of routes (in length) from the station. Gara-Bashi to Azau is 6 kilometers, from the station. "Shelter-11" - about 10 kilometers, it all depends on which route option you choose.

The slopes of "Elbrus-Azau" are divided into tracks of varying difficulty:
  • "Green track" for beginners, is considered the easiest section. Equipped with tow bar.
  • "Blue track" is more complex than "green", but also easier than "red".
  • "Red Route"- this is a difficult section, suitable for people with special skiing training.
  • "Black track"- the most difficult to pass and requires not only special training, but also special equipment.

As in any ski resort, on the slopes of the 1st and 2nd stage there are places for recreation - cafes, canteens, chebureks for a snack, tea houses. There are equipment rental points, medical points, toilets.

Also on Elbrus there are small hotels, climbers call them shelters. Basically, groups stop here who are going to climb Elbrus. "Shelters" are equipped with bedrooms, there is a dining room, equipped with water, gas, electricity.

Characteristics of the cableways of the Elbrus-Azau Group of Companies

The ski complex "Elbrus-Azau" includes four lines of cable cars. Let's look at them in detail.

First zone

Glade "Azau" (2 thousand 350 m) / "Old Outlook" (3 thousand 000 m); cable cars on this section - 2:

  • pendulum road (MKD) - "Elbrus-1"
  • gondola road (GKD) - "POMA-1"

Description. The track is mixed - "red" with a transition to "blue". The "red" slope is characterized by steep slopes and a small width, while the "blue" slope is flat and sweeping.

  • The throughput of the MKD "Elbrus1" = 100 people / hour (the rise takes 12 minutes) cabins for 20 people.
  • The capacity of the GKD "POMA-1" = 2,400 people / hour (lift takes 5 minutes) cabins for 8 people.
Second zone

Stary Krugozor (3,000 m) / Mir (3,500 m); cable cars on this section - 2:

  • pendulum road (MKD) - "Elbrus-2"
  • gondola road (GKD) - "POMA-2"

Description. The track is mixed - "black" with a transition to "blue". The "black" track is characterized by high steepness of slopes and turns, while the "blue" track is flat and sweeping, which makes it much easier to ride towards the end of the track.

  • The throughput of the MKD "Elbrus2" = 100 people / hour (the rise takes 12 minutes) cabins for 20 people.
  • Throughput capacity of the POMA-2 GKD = 2,400 people / hour (lift takes 5 minutes) cabins for 8 people.
Third zone

"Mir" (3 thousand 500 m) / "Gara-Bashi" (shelter "Barrels") (3 thousand 780 m); cable cars on this section - 1:

  • OKD - 1-but chairlift - does not operate regularly (alternative lift on a snowcat)

Description. The “blue” track with drops is more gentle and sweeping up to the “Bochki” shelter, but at the same time it is steep. After the shelter, the route of the track is narrower and much steeper than the previous section.

  • Capacity of 1 chairlift = 130 people/hour (lift takes 12 minutes).
Fourth zone

"Gara-Bashi" (shelter "Barrels") (3 thousand 780 m) / "Shelter-11" (4 thousand 100 m); there are no cable cars in this section, it is possible to climb up to the mark of 4,100m on snowcats or on foot.

Description. The track is mixed "red" in some places "black" extreme.

Historical summary of the formation of the Elbrus-Azau Group of Companies

The history of the creation of the Elbrus-Azau Group of Companies began in 1969. It was during this period that the 1st stage of the KKD was built and put into operation. It was a real breakthrough in the field of arranging ski resorts. The first "Azau" is located at an altitude of 2200 m above sea level, the second station "Krugozor" is located at a level of 3000 m.

The place for the construction of the ski-entertainment complex was not chosen by chance - Elbrus is the most majestic mountain in Europe and Russia. The peak of the mountain is mostly covered with snow and covered under ice all year round, this is a great opportunity to conquer the slopes of Elbrus at any time of the year.

The height of Elbrus is 5642 meters above sea level. But guests of the ski resort can climb for skiing only up to the mark of 3 thousand 780 meters, called Gara-Bashi.

The Azau settlement serves as the beginning of the Elbrus-Azau SC. There are 2 landing stations of the CD here: a pendulum (trailer) and gondolas (booths). MKD and GKD operate in parallel and each road has 2 lines. The third stage does not work regularly and is single-seat.

Those who wish to climb even higher, to the station "Shelter-11" at a height of 4,100 m, can make a trip up on snowcats. The journey is about 20 minutes.

Elbrus resort- one of the most famous in the Caucasus and Russia centers for skiing, mountaineering and tourism. This amazingly beautiful mountainous region is called the pearl of the Caucasus Mountains. Here is the highest part of the Caucasus Mountains and its most famous peaks. Cloudy heights here sparkle with snow, covering the peaks of Elbrus, Ushba, Shkhara, Koshkantau, Dykhtau, Ullu-Tau, Shkhelda and other mountains. The Elbrus region is also famous for the most powerful glaciers - Dykh-Su and Bezengi. Mountain ranges stretching parallel to each other, cutting through their grandiose and beautiful gorges amaze tourists with their pristine beauty and magnificence.

And against the background of this stone majesty, a precious pearl in the frame of the surrounding mountains rises in all its splendor the two-headed peak of the gray-haired Elbrus, which has long been chosen for recreation by entire generations of climbers and tourists. They are attracted here by the majestic snow-capped mountains, impregnable cliffs, swift mountain rivers, flowering valleys and, of course, recreation in the Elbrus region, the possibilities of which are simply unlimited here.

The Elbrus region is a balneological and climatic resort area in the North Caucasus.

A large number and variety of mineral springs, clean mountain air, an abundance of fruits, a healthy climate and mountain landscapes make it a tourist region not only of national but also of international importance. In the mid-eighties of the last century, this area became a national park, which is truly unique. The Elbrus region is the land of virgin nature and fearless animals. In a relatively small area, all climatic and landscape zones that are typical for Russia are represented. The flora and fauna of these places are also rich.

There are many hiking trails along the Elbrus region, and many popular tourist and climbing routes have been laid through its mountains and passes. In the gorges there are camp sites, climbing camps, guest huts and shelters. Everyone can choose for themselves interesting routes that will introduce tourists to. From here you can go to the Nagornye and Zolsky pastures, which are located on the slopes of the Dzhinalsky Range, and you will remember picturesque pictures of alpine meadows with flocks of sheep and herds of horses, as well as the indescribable beauty of mountain landscapes with a view of the double-headed Elbrus peak silvered with snow. The route along the Baksan valley, among mountain peaks and impregnable rocks, is very popular, and leads to the foot of the gray-haired patriarch of the Caucasus Mountains - Elbrus. Along the way, tourists are accompanied by ancient monuments - parking ancient man, underground crypts, catacombs, ruins of fortresses fanned with legends.

Remarkable in the Elbrus Valley is the Narzan Valley, which is located on the left bank of the Khasaut. Here, on a small area, there are twenty mineral springs, the medicinal water from which is supplied to many health resorts of the country. The road to the Narzan Valley passes through the gorge of the Malka River, which begins at the northern foot of Elbrus. Along the way, tourists can see many natural beauties, and the Narzan Valley itself is not inferior to Kislovodsk in terms of climatic conditions and beauty of the location.

At the service of those who want to conquer, which will lift from the Azau Polyana to the upper station, located at an altitude of 3850 m. They say that the Azau Polyana is a special place, and the person who visited there reached the heart of the Caucasus. Here, as elsewhere in the Elbrus region, it is fabulously beautiful. In summer, the world is filled with wild flowering of mountain meadow grasses surrounded by ice walls and lava rocks of a gigantic stone giant, and mountain streams emerging from under the glaciers ring out in different voices, refreshing the air with their coolness.

And in winter Elbrus resort is a real paradise for fans of skiing. There are many interesting things for lovers of active winter recreation. This is a snowboard, and skiing, and ski extreme, and for those who love thrill here they will even offer heli-skiing, for which you will be taken by helicopter to the saddle between the peaks of Elbrus, from where a dizzying descent along the virgin snow begins.

The main ski areas in the Elbrus region are Elbrus and Cheget. On the slopes of Elbrus, there are eight ski slopes, the height difference on which ranges from 2280 m to 3800 m, and on Cheget there are 15 slopes, the height difference on which is 2100-3550 m. Mount Cheget, and especially its northern slope, is one of the most difficult ski slopes in the world. Tracks ski resort Prielbrusye served by nine modern lifts.

Tourists are cordially received by numerous hotels and, which today are able to compete with hotels in popular European ski resorts in terms of comfort and service. Today, many entertainment venues are open to tourists. These are cozy cafes and bars, which are located here at almost every step, and discos, and nightclubs, and entertainment centers with billiards and bowling, and much more. Tourists will also be offered to visit museums, go on excursions, ride an ice rink or take part in snowmobile races. Everyone can choose entertainment to their liking.

Especially popular in winter is the rest on, which turns into a real holiday. The opportunity to combine relaxation with active activities, health improvement and the atmosphere of a ski brotherhood make the celebration of the New Year a special pleasure. And despite the fact that during this period they increase somewhat, free places in hotels are sorted out long before the appointed time.

It makes the local climate even more attractive - mild and fertile. One of the warmest places in the world, located at an altitude of two to four thousand meters above sea level, is the upper reaches of the Baksan River. In the gorge, closed on all sides by high mountains, a comfortable temperature is maintained even during Epiphany frosts. Ski season in Elbrus region begins in November-December, and lasts until April or mid-May. If you use the services of snowcats, you can ride even in June. If the weather permits, then ski tours are combined with climbing Elbrus. After conquering one of the peaks of the two-headed giant, they go down on skis, reducing the effort and time spent on the mountain.

pleases big amount sunny and windless days a year, which makes the resort very attractive for recreation and tourism. In a word, the unique world of the highlands of Kabardino-Balkaria is always beautiful - in winter and summer, autumn and spring. An unforgettable holiday awaits tourists at any time of the year.

Elbrus is a wonderful ski resort for fans of extreme sports. 35 kilometers of tracks stretched between the two Caucasus mountains - Elbrus and Cheget. Everyone knows that Elbrus is the highest point in Europe, which means that skiing here will certainly be associated with extreme sports and vivid impressions.

General information about the resort

In the Elbrus resort, all conditions have been created not only for skiers, but also for snowboarders. All trails are well lit, and the presence of a long season allows every tourist to relax here.

By the way, season lasts from mid-November to the end of March, and sometimes until early April. Since natural snow is used here, skiing is a real pleasure.

Weather on the Elbrus region during this period is comfortable. The average temperature in January rarely drops below -10 degrees Celsius. By February, the temperature rises slightly to -3 degrees Celsius. In April, a stable plus temperature of +3-4 degrees is already set here, which allows you to successfully ride until the middle of the month.

For those who are interested in the state of the slopes of Elbrus and Cheget before the trip, we advise you to visit the site where you can see the places of Elbrus region that interest you online on a webcam.

Another advantage of this place, with which it is impossible to argue, is incredible beauty. The mountains are located among dense forests, there are several lakes nearby with crystal clear water. That is why tourists from all over the world come here, because such a trip is a great way to enjoy extreme sports and the amazing beauty of these places.

How to get there

get there You can get to the resort by train or plane. Flight carried out to the city of Nalchik or to mineral waters. From there you can take a taxi to the Elbrus region or get to the ski slopes by bus.

On train you can also get to Nalchik, Pyatigorsk and Mineralnye Vody. From there, all that remains is to take the bus to the resort. You will have to spend another 1.5-2 hours on the road, but the impressions from the ski slopes themselves will remain the best.

And 135 kilometers from the Elbrus region, there is a young and promising ski resort. If you wish, you can visit it.

You can look at the location of the Elbrus region at map below.

Number and quality of trails

Elbrus and Cheget offer tourists a total of 11 tracks with different levels of difficulty. Each track should be discussed separately, and the map of the resort and ski slopes of the Elbrus region attached below will help readers note the merits of a particular slope.

  1. The slopes of Mount Cheget "A" and "B"
    These slopes are rightfully considered not only the most dangerous in this resort, but also one of the most difficult in the whole world. A lot of turns, sharp ups and downs - all this makes the tracks difficult to pass. By the way, the beginning of both the 4th and 5th routes is the top of Mount Cheget. The height of the mountain itself is 3700 kilometers, which means that it is from this distance that skiers will have to start. Only true professionals will be able to pass these difficult descents.
  2. The track near the station Shelter
    On the eastern side of Elbrus, there is another difficult track that will appeal to fans of extreme sports. From a height of 4100 meters, this descent begins, and ahead of the athletes there are many ups and sudden turns. Maneuvering here is difficult even for experienced athletes. That is why you should go on this descent only after intensive training. By the way, from the eastern part of Elbrus, a stunning view of the local beauty opens up.
  3. Routes "L", "K", "I"
    These are great areas for beginners to train. Despite the fact that the slopes themselves are located at a high altitude, in the western part of Elbrus, you can pass the site even without special training. There are no sharp turns, the height difference is small, so even children can easily cope with the descent. By the way, the track numbered "L" is considered one of the highest, because it is located at an altitude of 4100 meters.
  4. Route "Z"
    This descent also starts at an altitude of 4000 meters, but is considered very difficult even for professionals. The total elevation difference in this resort is 2000 meters, so not everyone can go through such difficult descents. Toward the end of the track, it begins to wag a lot, so the skier has to always be on his guard to stay on his feet. And yet, the impressions of a trip along the track "Z", located on the western side of Elbrus, will be the best.
  5. Highway "G" from Mount Cheget
    It is also a very difficult descent, located not far from the highway "A", all from the same Mount Cheget. This descent is considered one of the longest in the resort, so only those tourists who have a good level of training should conquer it.

Of course, many travelers do not have skiing experience, so the Elbrus resort has trails for beginners. This is a great place for a bright holiday in the most beautiful places in the Caucasus.

Prices at the Elbrus ski resort

The Elbrus resort has several ski lifts. A subscription to them for the whole day will cost a tourist 1200 rubles. On holidays and weekends, the cost rises to 1300 rubles.

A subscription to the cable car LLC "MKD Elbrus" will cost the traveler 1,500 rubles. It should be said right away that even on the main page of the site dedicated to the resort, there is no information about prices for the season. You can find out the cost of the rest only upon arrival at the resort. That is why prices are indicated here and below that are relevant for holidays last season on the Elbrus region.

Full set rental equipment for adults will cost 500 rubles for the whole day. Renting a kit for children will cost 250 or 350 rubles. Here you can find equipment for both snowboarding and skiing. Elbrus region provides several options for equipment rental, there are also shops where you can buy ski slope kits

Of course, the resort has several instructors who are always ready to help athletes in training. The cost of classes for each instructor is individual. You can clarify it by contacting the instructors listed on the Internet. So, for example, you can contact one of the most popular instructors at the resort, Anisimov Kirill by phone 8-86638-7-11-48. for a long time already attract fans of skiing from all over the world.