Blue crayfish breeding at home. Breeding crayfish as a business at home

A cancer farm, as a business idea, has a right to exist. However, it is important to prepare very well beforehand, in fact, as well as for any other business. The first thing you have to find out what are crayfish, how they differ from each other, and which type to give preference to.

There are five main types suitable for breeding at home:

  1. The narrow-fingered river is the most common unpretentious and prolific species in Russia (from 300 eggs), by adulthood it grows up to 18 centimeters and weighs 120-150 grams, easily adapts to the conditions of artificial ponds. The recommended water temperature for maintenance is 16-22 degrees.
  1. The broad-toed river is an endangered species, so there may be problems with the acquisition of a broodstock at the start. Large (up to 20 centimeters) with impressive claws and a fleshy body.

  1. Marble - considered a decorative look. For 2-3 years, the individual grows up to 15 centimeters. Feels comfortable in warmer water - 20-28 degrees. It has a peaceful character, therefore it lives well in tighter conditions (limit 5 liters per individual). Distinctive feature- reproduction by partogenesis, that is, they do not have a sexual division. Each individual can both fertilize and spawn.

  1. Cuban blue is a peaceful species, capable of growing more than 12 centimeters in length in a year. It feels comfortable in water heated to 23-25 ​​degrees, and with 20 liters of water per individual.

  1. Australian - individuals have a calm character, so they easily get along with each other with a close fit. They are thermophilic (21-28 degrees), in comfortable conditions they grow up to 15 centimeters per year and weigh 120-150 centimeters, have a fleshy body (30% of the meat of the total mass), and are highly prolific.

Of all these varieties, two are the most suitable for breeding - the standard narrow-toed river crayfish, as it is unpretentious and widespread, and the Australian crayfish, due to the fact that it is fleshy, grows quickly and has a higher market value. You can also raise Cuban blues, but they require more care and large volumes of water.

General breeding technology

The process of breeding crayfish is not difficult, especially if you know what kind of conditions they prefer, what to feed them for rapid growth and what to do to get the maximum increase in offspring. Consider all the most important points.


In order to breed someone, you first need to get a broodstock somewhere. For example, you can simply catch narrow-clawed crayfish in the fall in local reservoirs without spending a penny on its purchase, you will have to buy Cuban blue in large pet stores or their online representations. The marbled broodstock can also be ordered online or purchased from private breeders who grow them more for ornamental purposes. Since broad-toed crayfish are under the care and protection due to extinction, it is very difficult to buy them for industrial cultivation. You can try to contact the nurseries of the Leningrad region, Belarus or the Baltic States. It is much easier to buy Australian crayfish; for this, you should contact nurseries in Astrakhan and the Krasnodar Territory.

Friends, remember the ratio of individuals - two females are required for one male.


After you decide on the species that you will grow and designate the place of purchase of its first batch, you need to move on to setting up your own cancer farm. Why is it important to do everything in this order? Because each species has its own requirements for the conditions of detention, although the basic composition of the tools for all is the same.

Sit down, think and decide on the place and cultivation (below we will consider all the possible options in more detail). The next step is to buy all the necessary equipment, the composition of which varies greatly depending on the chosen location.

Here is a rough list of what you will need:

  1. Compressor.
  2. Cleaning filter.
  3. Salt meter to measure the amount of oxygen in water and an oxidizer to saturate it.
  4. Thermometer and heater to control the temperature.
  5. Conductivity meter to monitor contamination.
  6. shelters for individuals.
  7. Feeders.
  8. Scales.
  9. Catching devices.


In their natural environment, crayfish feed on fallen leaves, algae and other aquatic plants by 90% and worms, larvae, fish or snails by 10%. When grown at home, their diet is more varied, feeding of crayfish is carried out through special lattice feeder cages. Food should be of both plant and animal origin in approximately the same ratio as in nature. In the manufacture of mixtures, you can use:

  1. Grain, previously crushed, as well as wheat bran.
  2. Crushed corn.
  3. Barley or buckwheat porridge.
  4. Bone meal.
  5. Boiled carrots and potatoes.
  6. Steamed hay.
  7. Leaves of trees such as oak or beech. They have an antiseptic effect.
  8. Minced meat or minced meat.
  9. Fish meat.
  10. Powdered milk.
  11. Larvae, worms and insects.

With modest production volumes, to reduce costs, you can harvest food yourself, and in the case of growing a large number of crayfish, it is better to buy ready-made feed (this saves time and provides the offspring with all the necessary vitamins).

  1. 2% for mature crayfish.
  2. 4-5% for young animals and fry.
  3. 6-7% for queens during the spawning period.

Reproduction and growth

In autumn, when the water gets colder by a few degrees, the mating season begins for crayfish. After fertilization, the female keeps eggs under her belly until spring, and only after warming begins to throw them.

This whole cycle in nature takes about six months. In artificially created conditions, where temperature conditions remain at a comfortable level all year round, the breeding cycle is reduced to 2 months.

One female can give birth to 100 - 500 eggs per cycle (the number depends on the variety), but in the natural environment only 40-60 of them will survive, the rest will be eaten by adults or other inhabitants of the reservoir. With artificial rearing, more than 90% of the offspring survive, but for this it is important to put the queens in separate pools for spawning, and then return them back, leaving the fry alone until they reach a decent age and size of 5-8 centimeters, when they can be placed with adults .

During molting, crayfish are most vulnerable, and it occurs periodically in them:

  1. In the first year of life 5-6 times.
  2. In the second - 3-5 times.
  3. In mature individuals - 2 times a year.

Therefore, crayfish equip minks for themselves in order to hide in them from aggressive relatives. When arranging artificial reservoirs or growing in aquariums, it is imperative to put fragments of bricks, sand, pipe trimmings, shards of pottery on the bottom so that the molting individuals have somewhere to hide.

Some types reach commercial maturity in a year, for others the growth process can take up to five or 10 years - this is quite a long time, so you should not count on a quick payback for such a business.

Possible breeding sites

Friends, I think it’s understandable how a cancer farm works at home, but now let me tell you about where you can set up such a business.

natural reservoir

The easiest way in terms of organization is to breed crayfish in a pond created by nature. However, it will not be possible to buy a pond from the state. It can only be rented. Either rent a piece of land with a pond or acquire one as a property. This is important because it greatly affects the design and conduct of this activity. If a natural reservoir is located on a piece of land that is your property, then all its inhabitants also belong to you. If you rent a plot, then they will belong to the state. It is possible to set up a cancer farm in such a pond, but you will have to go through a bunch of design stages and swim across the sea of ​​paperwork.

The natural pond is a complete system with ideal conditions and a complete forage base. It practically does not need to be modified, only cleaned of debris and, maybe, planting trees along the shore, since crayfish prefer shade. You also need to check that there is shallow water near the coast, and in the center - a depression of 2-3 meters for wintering individuals. This method of organizing a business involves a minimum of costs, to a greater extent for the initial acquisition of the broodstock. These are all its advantages.

There are also disadvantages. In winter, when the water temperature drops, the crayfish will not multiply, that is, the business will be idle during the cold months. Out of 100-500 more eggs, only 40-60 will become fry, and not all of the fry will grow to young crayfish either. In addition, in nature, individuals reach maturity very slowly, and if the pond is not protected, then some of them will become a victim of poachers. Accordingly, the owner of a natural cancer farm will receive a small amount of output and a small profit, which will significantly increase the payback period.

Artificial pond in the country

Friends, as an option - you can breed crayfish in the country or on your own land. To do this, there will have to organize artificial reservoirs. Since they will still be on the street, they will also freeze in winter, and the business will be idle. It is easy to eliminate this drawback - just assemble a polycarbonate greenhouse over the pond. If you equip it with a solar collector, then it will additionally heat the water in the reservoir.

Parameters and rules for creating an artificial reservoir:

  1. It should be a pit more than 50 meters in diameter and 2 meters deep.
  2. Sheathe the flat bottom and sloping walls with polypropylene so that water does not go into the ground.
  3. Place sand, broken bricks, shards and pipe cuts at the bottom.
  4. Make the shore clay and plant grass and fast-growing trees around to create shade.
  5. Plant algae in the pond, populate it with plankton.
  6. Constantly monitor the purity of the water, the percentage of oxygen saturation and update every two weeks, changing about 30% of its total amount.

Artificial reservoirs as a cancer farm are devoid of almost all the shortcomings of natural pounds, but they, like all subsequent methods, require large investments at the start, as well as having their own land plot of a decent size. After all, to get a good profit, you need to have several such reservoirs.


If there is no land plot, then you can organize crayfish breeding right in your own garage, but it must have sufficient area and be heated. As an alternative to a garage, a basement is suitable if it has good ventilation. To illuminate the farm, just one light bulb located in the center is enough (crayfish prefer partial shade). A minimum of three containers will be required to separate the queens for spawning, adults and young, as well as equipment to maintain optimal conditions.


When breeding crayfish in an aquarium, the following nuances should be considered:

  1. The capacity of the aquarium should not be less than 250 liters, where about 50 adults will fit.
  2. The material can only be acrylic, glass or plastic. No metal, otherwise crayfish can get sick, and when water comes into contact with copper, they can die altogether.
  3. Inside, just like in artificial ponds, all conditions are created - the bottom is filled up, algae are placed, and so on.
  4. The temperature of the water and its level of oxygen saturation are maintained at the right level, depending on the preferences of the species being bred.

It is difficult to achieve industrial volumes of finished products by cultivation in aquariums due to their low capacity. In order for the business to become profitable, you will need to maintain a dozen, and preferably two, aquariums. Most often they are used to bring fry to a size of 5-8 centimeters, and then they are moved to artificial ponds.

RAS installation

Friends, the most profitable business can be organized if a RAS installation is used to grow crayfish. It is a set of six polypropylene pools with a volume of 800-1500 liters, installed in three rows on a durable metal frame. The flock is located in five tanks, and the necessary equipment - a pump, a filter - is in the sixth. Sterilizer lamp, compressor and heater. In such installations, individuals grow in a "high-speed mode", reaching commercial "dimensions" already in 10-14 months, since they are kept in the most comfortable conditions all year round.

The disadvantages of this method are the high cost of installations (at least 250 thousand rubles) and large amounts of utility bills.


Friends, if you are going to devote yourself to breeding crayfish purely for the soul or to feed on them delicious meat yourself, then regardless of your country of residence, be it Ukraine or Russia, you do not need to register your activity. If you plan to sell the products received for money, then you should register an individual entrepreneur with the choice of a single agricultural tax.

Investments, profitability

Nearing the end of the article. It remains only to find out whether it is profitable or not to do it. I will answer this way - it is definitely profitable, but you need a competent organization and you will have to wait a few years for the first profit, but in the future you have every chance of becoming a “cancer tycoon”, because this niche is still practically not occupied.

Let's calculate together, of course, approximately, but this is enough to evaluate the profitability of breeding crayfish at home, and if you decide, then draw up a detailed business plan with accurate calculations yourself. So:

  1. The amount of initial investment will vary depending on the method of implementation of the idea that you choose. It can be for artificial ponds - 400-550 thousand, for the use of an RAS installation - from 600 thousand to 1 million rubles. I tried to take into account all possible expenses for the organization from the acquisition of young stock and equipment to paying for utilities.
  2. If you grow an Australian species, then up to 450 kilograms of live weight can come out of four artificial ponds in a year. Using RAS, you can get up to 600 kilograms. If it concerns the narrow-toed variety, then in this case it will take 2-3 years to obtain a similar volume of finished products, but only the first time. If the business is organized correctly, then some individuals will annually reach commercial maturity.
  3. The wholesale price of narrow-clawed cancer is 600-900 rubles per kg, Australian - 1200-1500 rubles per kg. The total annual income for the first will be 270-540 thousand rubles, for the second - 540-900 thousand rubles.
  4. Four artificial ponds with a narrow-toed view will pay off in 2 years, and the installation of a RAS in a maximum of 4 years.
  5. Similarly for the Australian variety. In the first case, the business will pay off in 1-1.5 years, in the second - a maximum of 2 years.

Friends, I think that these are good indicators, so if you like the idea, then go for it. For even more useful information, watch the video I found.

Goodbye. Read more articles from the rubric.

Do you have an indoor pool or pond? Then why not do breeding crayfish at home for sale on a simple technology! Crayfish of any kind can be bred in artificially produced reservoirs, the main thing is that there are convenient places for digging minks. In this case, the bottom is covered with clay, coarse gravel, rubble, or laid out with stones. From this article, you will learn the technology of breeding crayfish in an aquarium or pool, made by yourself on a farm or summer cottage.

How to breed crayfish at home in an aquarium

If you decide to start growing crayfish for sale, you can accommodate a large aquarium. For industrial breeding, this technology and type of reservoir is not suitable, since even in a 500 liter aquarium many crayfish will not fit.

Breeding crayfish at home in an aquarium

When breeding in aquariums at home, a small number of individuals can be bred, which will need to be protected from adult crayfish, otherwise they can eat them. In addition, in these conditions it is very difficult to regularly purify the water and feed the crayfish. For keeping in an aquarium, surface-floating fish and other breeds floating along the bottom are purchased. Keep in mind that expensive fish can be eaten by crayfish.

The best option for year-round breeding of crayfish for sale is an indoor pool. Crayfish in it do not fall asleep for the winter, they feed well and grow intensively. From three large pools, 400 kilograms of large individuals are obtained. The first year is spent on the creation of the broodstock of the main herd, the second year begins to bring a stable income from the sale of crayfish.

How to make a pond for growing crayfish

If there is free space on the site, you can build a reservoir for growing crayfish yourself. This requires construction equipment and bulk material. The depth of the pit should be up to 2 meters. The area is from 30 sq.m. Work can be done manually, but it will take a lot of time and labor.

Breeding crayfish for sale in a home-built pond

The bottom should be in the form of a sphere. For the industrial cultivation of crayfish, such reservoirs need to be made at least three. The bottom is covered with coarse gravel or other stone, then the bottom wakes up with a sandy layer. To organize a drain, according to the cultivation technology, a pipeline with a protective mesh is installed in the far part.

Cancer marble for sale

Subject to the technology, in winter, the water in the place of residence of the crayfish should not completely freeze. It needs to be insulated, otherwise the crayfish will die. The finished reservoir at home is filled with water and crayfish are settled in it. The water must be clean, free of heavy impurities and chlorine, and changed every 2 weeks. To replace the water, the drain opens and at the same time there is a clean water supply.

Cancer australian for sale

For a full-fledged renewal of water, according to the technology, it is enough to drain 30 percent of the old water. At the same time, the microclimate is maintained and fresh air enters. Full breeding of marble crayfish from and to hibernation takes about 7 months. At this time, each female displays about 200 crustaceans. About 30 grow to adult size and are suitable for sale.

cancer blue for sale

To avoid cannibalism in females, they should be housed in incubators and well fed until hatching. Then they can be released, as they live peacefully near the juveniles. Juveniles feed in the same way as large crayfish. For food at home, inanimate fish is suitable, vegetables, any meat, chopped bread, compound feed are required. For proper breeding, females are taken with caviar or together with males. To get 1 ton, you need four hundred females. First you can buy about 40, and then grow your females in the right amount. You can buy individuals for breeding at home, in a special crayfish farm or from fishermen on the river.

How to grow an Australian crayfish in a pool

If you decide to start breeding Australian red claw crayfish, keep in mind that this process requires additional effort and knowledge. These crayfish are considered the most fleshy. Cultivation is carried out only in warm indoor pools, aquariums. The volume of water for 4 individuals must be at least 100 liters.

Australian crayfish breeding for sale

Australian crayfish should be free to reach the surface and the aquarium should be properly organized. Driftwood, shelters and holes are needed in large quantities. Shelters should be enough for each individual to feed, molt and sleep. She molt at the bottom of the reservoir, and then go into a deep hole.

When breeding crayfish for sale, the following are used: non-live fish, compound feed, algae, bread crumbs. If desired, fish can be bred together, for example, fast-growing inexpensive guppies.

Cuban Crayfish Breeding Technology

When growing a small blue Cuban crayfish at home for sale, water with increased hardness and a temperature regime of 25 degrees is needed. With a balanced diet, these crayfish grow to standard sizes in six months. The reservoir should be equipped with good aeration, filtration, have many shelters, holes, grottoes. The soil is made from sand, solid plants are planted in it.

Breeding for sale blue Cuban crayfish and at home

Watch the video: Blue Cuban crayfish. Growing crayfish in an aquarium

Growing marble crayfish at home

To breed marble crayfish for sale, you must observe the temperature of stay from 20 to 27 degrees. Water should be well processed, and nutrition should be complete. There are no more than 20 individuals per 100 liters of water. This species reproduces by parthenogenesis. The hatching of the larvae takes about 4 weeks. If the content takes place in an open reservoir, an insulated room is made inside to protect the lower layers of water from frost.

Breeding marble crayfish for sale

Now you understand that when breeding crayfish at home in aquariums or indoor pools for sale, you need to optional equipment. If you need volumes, you will have to equip several aquariums or pools, you also need aerators. Juveniles need an oxygen generator. From the second year of keeping, you will need a dredger, a thermometer, a salt meter, a conductometer, an oximeter, food for crayfish.

Growing costs and breeding crayfish at home quite large, but a year later, after constant sales of individuals in large volumes, they all easily pay off. You can make a good profit if you grow fry and crayfish at home or in the country using special technology.

The high palatability of crayfish meat has long been known to gourmets. Unfortunately, in the natural environment, crayfish grow rather slowly, and the low density of populations reduces the efficiency of industrial trapping. For this reason, with varying success, attempts are regularly made to grow them artificially.

However, the classic breeding of crayfish at home for sale in open ponds has a significant drawback - pronounced seasonality. As a result, the entrepreneur is forced to stay idle for six months a year, waiting for the water temperature to rise to acceptable values. The situation can be corrected with the help of intensive technologies, which make it possible to increase stocking density by a factor of ten and speed up the growth process of individuals by a factor of two. Due to high productivity and constant demand for products, such farms can pay back investments in just two to three years, after which they turn into a source of stable income.

Types of crayfish

It is advisable to start breeding crayfish at home as a business by studying species characteristics and differences in keeping conditions: these factors determine the cultivation technology, the way the farm is organized and the amount of start-up capital. In artificial conditions, you can breed such species as:

  • Narrow-toed crayfish. Widely distributed in domestic reservoirs, it is characterized by fertility and unpretentiousness. Recommended as a basic breed for beginners - broodstock can be collected in autumn in nearby rivers and lakes;
  • Broad-toed crayfish. Not so prolific, poorly withstands competition from other species, and is currently considered an endangered breed - individuals for breeding can only be purchased on specialized farms;
  • Cuban blue cancer. Easily kept in captivity and grows to adult size in six months, however, requires warmer water (22–26°C) and relatively low stocking density (at least 20 liters per individual). You can buy blue crayfish for breeding at pet stores or via the Internet;
  • Australian red claw crayfish. Thanks to the speed of growth and the large amount of meat obtained from each individual, it has become one of the most popular species with restaurant owners. It also applies to heat-loving species - before you buy an Australian crayfish for breeding, you should ensure that the water temperature in the reservoir is at the level of 23–28 ° С;
  • Marble Cancer. Grown mainly in aquariums decorative purposes. Unlike other crustaceans, this species reproduces by parthenogenesis (does not have a division into males and females).

Where to breed crayfish?

Before starting crayfish farming as a business, you should choose a priority direction that determines the way the farm is organized: intensive technologies and large reservoirs are needed to grow industrial species, while decorative species reproduce well at home.

Possible options include:

  • Breeding crayfish in an aquarium;
  • Use of recirculating water supply installations;
  • Construction of a system of artificial ponds;
  • Breeding in natural reservoirs.

In vivo

From an economic point of view, the cultivation of crayfish in a pond is characterized by minimal investment - the main costs are associated only with the acquisition of a broodstock. In addition, a natural reservoir is a ready-made ecosystem with a developed food base, which allows you to save on the purchase of feed.

Suitable for crayfish breeding, the pond is characterized by clear water, a sandy bottom and many natural shelters in the form of thickets, snags and stones. It is desirable that the shallow water area be shaded; otherwise, fast-growing trees, such as weeping willows, will have to be planted on the shore.

Before buying crayfish for breeding, the pond should be cleared of predatory fish and other natural enemies. Then they check the bottom profile: near the coast there should be shallows up to 0.5 m deep, and in the center - a pit for wintering 2.5–3 m deep. In such a pond, the density of crayfish can reach 4–5 individuals per square meter.

In addition to the advantages, this method of growing crayfish has disadvantages:

  • When the water temperature drops to 13–14 ° C, the crayfish hibernate, so the breeding process is impossible in winter;
  • In nature, crayfish grow much more slowly than in artificial conditions;
  • There are no adequate ways to improve water quality;
  • To protect against poachers, the pond must be guarded around the clock;
  • The mechanism for the purchase of natural reservoirs is not defined by law - ponds and other natural objects can only be rented.

In an artificial pond

As an alternative way to organize a crayfish farm, you can consider building several artificial ponds on your own land. Such reservoirs are rounded or square shape are bowls with an area of ​​​​0.01-0.02 hectares with a maximum depth of 1.8-2 meters.

To ensure waterproofing, a thick polyethylene film is used. Broken bricks, stones and sand are poured on top, creating semblances of natural shelters. Before buying live crayfish for breeding, the pond must be filled with clean water and kept for two weeks. Subsequently, the water is filtered and saturated with oxygen, and every 10–12 days it is partially renewed, replacing up to 30% of the total volume.

Drainage should be arranged along the perimeter of the reservoir to prevent debris and stormwater from entering the water, and additionally shade shallow water areas. In addition, the crayfish breeding pool itself is divided into three parts: incubation takes place in one, larvae grow in the other, and adults are kept in the third.

An artificial reservoir is devoid of many of the shortcomings of a natural pond, however, in winter it is also covered with ice. To avoid freezing, the pools are covered with a polycarbonate greenhouse and solar collectors are used to heat the water. Thanks to this, crayfish are constantly kept in comfortable conditions, do not hibernate, shed more often and grow faster.

In RAS installation

In cold climates, a recirculating water supply may be the only way to breed Australian red claws and other heat-loving species. However, even when using open ponds, this method is recommended to be used at the stages of incubation and rearing of larvae, because:
  • In the RAS system, the survival of larvae is twice the natural level and reaches 85–90%;
  • In the natural environment, the female bears eggs for 7–8 months, while in the RAS system this period is reduced to three months.

Significant disadvantages of this method are not only high initial investment (installation prices start at 250 thousand rubles), but also fixed costs for utility bills. The advantages include the versatility of the RAS system - after a slight reconfiguration, it can be easily used to grow fish or.

The RAS is located in a heated room and consists of several containers with a volume of 800–1500 liters connected to a circulation system, which also includes filters and aerators. To create shelters for crayfish, stones, shards, broken bricks, plastic pipe trimmings and other non-metallic and non-toxic objects are placed at the bottom, or the entire volume of the pool is divided into separate segments using a special cellular structure.

Thanks to artificially created conditions, seasonality is completely eliminated: crayfish grow much faster and reach marketable sizes in 10-14 months, and business can be carried out throughout the year, supplying customers with fresh products in the middle of winter or early spring.

In aquarium

When kept in an aquarium, similar natural conditions are created under which crayfish show maximum productivity:

  • The bottom is covered with stones, snags and sand, plants are planted;
  • The temperature of the environment is maintained at a level comfortable for a particular species (for example, 25–28°C for breeding Australian crayfish, 23–26°C for blue Cuban crayfish or 20–25°C for marbled ones);
  • Water quality is ensured by continuous filtration and aeration.

The aquarium itself is a container with a volume of 250 liters or more, made of acrylic, glass or plastic using frameless technology. Any contact of water with metal must be excluded - even traces of iron have a negative effect on crayfish, and copper causes the immediate death of the entire herd.

Despite high stocking densities, industrial production in aquariums is difficult to achieve. However, you can buy crayfish fry for breeding and keep them in comfortable conditions until they reach a length of 5-8 cm, and then move them to ponds or artificial reservoirs of RAS.

Features of breeding crayfish

In parallel with the arrangement of reservoirs, you should look for where to buy crayfish for breeding. Given that the differences between males and females are not obvious to beginners, it is better to involve an experienced specialist in this procedure - when forming a broodstock, it is desirable to observe proportions from 1:2 to 1:5. In addition, the herd needs to be renewed by 20-25% annually to avoid the consequences of inbreeding.

It is pointless to look for crayfish in stores and markets. In such specimens, the gills have already dried up: even if the affected individuals survive, they are highly likely to become unsuitable for reproduction. The best options are self-catching in a suitable reservoir or acquiring a broodstock on a specialized farm: here you can not only buy crayfish for breeding at home, but also get some valuable advice on feeding, breeding and other subtleties of keeping.


Crayfish prefer clean water, slightly saturated with minerals. You can use artesian, with the addition of 0.3-0.5 g sea ​​salt per liter - in such conditions, molting individuals grow shells much faster. Other indicators of water quality:

  • Oxygen content 7–8 mg/l;
  • Hydrogen index pH 7–9 units;
  • Alkalinity 1–1.4 meq/l;
  • Hardness 6–8 mg-eq/l;
  • The content of nitrites is not more than 0.01 mg/l;
  • The content of nitrates is not more than 0.02 mg/l;
  • The content of phosphates is not more than 0.25–0.5 mg/l.

Saturation of water with oxygen is one of the important conditions for breeding crayfish. In natural reservoirs, this is due to the large surface area, which makes gas exchange efficient, however, in RAS units and aquariums, forced aeration is indispensable.


Under natural conditions, the diet of crayfish consists of 90% plant foods: algae, aquatic plants, fallen leaves. The remaining 10% are dead and living animals: worms, larvae, fish, frogs, snails. In artificial breeding, various cereals (barley, pearl barley), boiled potatoes, carrots, meat and fish processing waste, as well as specially designed compound feed are used as top dressing, which includes:

  • Wheat bran and crushed grain;
  • Sunflower and soybean meal;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Fish, herbal and meat and bone meal;
  • Powdered milk;
  • Vitamin supplements.

Depending on the stage of development, the total daily food intake is 2% of live weight for adult crayfish, 4–5% for fry and 6–7% for broodstock during the spawning season.


Reproduction of crayfish in nature begins in October, when the water temperature drops to 5–6°C. During the cold season, the female carries eggs under her belly and only in late spring, when the temperature rises to 14–15°C, she starts spawning. The fecundity of the female depends on the species and averages 30–60 eggs. Caviar matures in a week at a water temperature of 20–24°C, after which fry appear. Within three weeks, they molt twice and gain the ability to feed on their own. If the water temperature does not decrease in winter, the incubation process is much faster, taking no more than 2-3 months.

In artificial conditions, the broodstock is kept separately. Grown up crustaceans are planted in a nursery pool or pond, where they reach a size of 5-8 cm before being placed in a common pond with adults.

As they grow, crayfish shed their shell several times: 5–8 times during the first year of life, 3–5 times during the second, and 1–2 times in subsequent years. Moulting in an artificial environment occurs one and a half to two times more often: adults reach commercial sizes not after four, but after two years.

Business Advantages and Disadvantages

Like any other business, the idea of ​​​​breeding crayfish has not only strengths, but also weaknesses. The benefits include the following factors:

  • With natural or artificial content in open water, investments of start-up capital are minimal and are of a one-time nature;
  • The products are in high demand - especially if you buy Australian crayfish or other meat species for breeding;
  • Growing crayfish requires minimal intervention in the process and little labor;
  • Products are positioned as environmentally friendly and natural;
  • A cancer farm can become a promising agro-tourism object.

There are few shortcomings in the business, but they are quite significant, which is often the reason why entrepreneurs refuse to breed crayfish:

  • Long payback period - the first profit can be obtained only after two or three years in indoor pools and after four or five years in open reservoirs;
  • Significant financial investments in the construction of artificial ponds or closed water supply systems with water heating;
  • Seasonality of business when growing crayfish in open ponds.

Activity registration

Breeding crayfish for personal purposes does not require official registration and obtaining any permits. However, any kind (including the cultivation of crustaceans) involves the sale of products to wholesale buyers, which is impossible without issuing certificates of conformity for it. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a form of individual entrepreneurship on a single agricultural tax with the OKVED code 05.02.01.

The construction of a cancer farm is also regulated by law:

  • According to the Land Code, the owner of the land has the right to establish a pond farm. For the tenant, this task becomes more complicated due to the need to go through many bureaucratic procedures;
  • According to the Water Code, isolated ponds located on private property are the property of the site owners. Ponds should not be connected to natural water bodies owned by the state;
  • According to the Law on Fisheries, any water resources (animals or plants) from the specified isolated reservoir are also the property of the owner of the site - provided that, in accordance with the Law on Subsoil, the depth of the object does not exceed five meters.

The sale of live crayfish is accompanied by the execution of some documents:

  • Sanitary passport for transport for the transportation of products;
  • Veterinary certificate No. 2;
  • Declaration of conformity to quality;
  • Certificate of conformity with GOST 50380–2005.

A passport and a certificate can be obtained at the local branch of the veterinary service, and a declaration and certificate are issued at the appropriate branch of the Rosselkhoznadzor.

Financial investments

Depending on how the farm is organized, the initial investment can vary tenfold. In any case, you will have to buy crayfish for breeding: prices depend on the size of the individuals - from 250 to 600 rubles per kilogram; up to 30 thousand rubles will have to be spent on the formation of a broodstock of 600 individuals. If you are breeding narrow-clawed crayfish, adults can be caught on your own - in this case, the costs will be minimal, but the annual supply of compound feed will require additional costs of 35-50 thousand rubles.

The device of artificial ponds with an area of ​​100 m² will cost 60-75 thousand rubles for each. In addition, with this method of breeding, you should think about acquiring:

  • Aerators (from 5500 rubles);
  • Filters (from 26 thousand rubles);
  • Oxygen generators (from 12 thousand rubles).

To control the quality of water, you need an oximeter, a thermometer and a salt meter (up to 15 thousand rubles per set). In general, investments in a farm of four ponds will amount to 400-550 thousand rubles.

Growing crayfish in RAS systems requires maximum investment, as it is accompanied by:

  • Purchase of the installation itself (250-750 thousand rubles);
  • Renting premises (up to 200 thousand rubles per year);
  • Payment of utilities (up to 150 thousand rubles a year).

However, with this rearing method, the highest stocking density is achieved - up to 50 individuals in cages per cubic meter of the pool. In addition, domestic breeding of Australian crayfish and other heat-loving species is possible only in artificial conditions, and the high price of products contributes to an accelerated return on investment.

The costs associated with breeding crayfish in an aquarium as a business include mainly the purchase of the tanks themselves (35–55 thousand rubles for an installation up to 400 liters equipped with all the necessary equipment), the purchase of food and the payment for the electricity necessary for the operation of pumps, aerators and water heating systems .

Business Profitability

Theoretically, a broodstock of 400 females (at a ratio of 2: 1) is capable of producing up to 12,000 young animals, however, it is impossible to grow them all to marketable sizes: the stocking density is a limitation:

  • 5–6 adult crayfish per square meter of open water area;
  • Up to 50 crayfish per cubic meter of RAS or aquarium installation volume.

The average growth rate of crayfish is 1 year for Australian crayfish and 2–3 years for other species. With an adult weight of 150–160 grams, after this period, up to 450 kilograms of live weight can be obtained from four ponds of 100 m² each. In indoor pools with an area of ​​150 m², up to 600 kilograms of crayfish grow over the same period.

In wholesale, the price of a kilogram of narrow-toed crayfish is 600-900 rubles, and exotic Australian ones - up to 1200-1500 rubles. Thus, the total income when breeding in open water is 300-450 thousand rubles a year, and when using intensive methods - up to 900 thousand rubles. In the second case, fresh crayfish are sold throughout the year, which, with a winter price increase, leads to an additional increase in profits.

In the following video, breeding crayfish at home and solving organizational issues are discussed in more detail:

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Sales market

Before embarking on a business plan for breeding crayfish at home, you should study the demand and establish contacts with potential consumers of products in large quantities:

  • Specialized fish shops;
  • Supermarkets with fish departments;
  • Restaurants, pubs, beer bars;
  • wholesale buyers.

As an addition, you can consider organizing your own retail outlet in the grocery market, where not only live crayfish, but also boiled and frozen ones will arouse interest among retail buyers. You can sell products both by weight and in packaged form - in this case, the business plan for breeding crayfish should include the cost of purchasing the appropriate one.


Despite the low competition, industrial breeding of crayfish causes understandable wariness of entrepreneurs - the business begins to make a profit only after a few years, and intensive technologies require an investment of at least a million rubles. However, given the high demand for products, it is possible to predict a guaranteed return on investment, and attracting visitors interested in agritourism to the farm will become an additional source of income.

The main condition for the success of a business should be considered theoretical training: an entrepreneur must study the lifestyle, taste preferences, the intricacies of reproduction and methods of treating the main diseases of crustaceans. The second component of success is the strict control of temperature and water quality - if all these requirements are met, the main problem will be only the timely satisfaction of high demand for products.

In many countries, the business of breeding and selling crayfish is well established. This is due to the relatively low costs of opening, which are significantly reduced over time, despite the fact that the turnover increases several times. Breeding crayfish is not only a large-scale production, it can also be set up on a small scale, for example, at home. Such a line of business will certainly bring profit after a certain period, if all the norms of crayfish cultivation are adhered to qualitatively. This is a pretty good idea for a business that is not expensive, but one that requires diligence and patience and time. Therefore, in this article, we will talk about such a line of business as growing crayfish and their further implementation.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Crayfish Farming Business

Of course, before talking about the essence of such a business, let's highlight all the strengths and weaknesses of the idea of ​​growing crayfish, both in the "field" conditions and breeding crayfish at home.

Pros of crayfish breeding as an idea for starting your own business from scratch:

  • Breeding crayfish does not require any extremely close attention and is a business idea with minimal labor.
  • Start-up capital investment is really one-time, de facto, after the initial opening procedure, your cancer farm (you have your own business) will function with little or no additional financial working resources.
  • Growing crayfish is an unconventional line of business and can serve as an excellent "anchor" for the organization of agritourism.
  • In connection with the physiology and the process of growing crayfish in such a business, as a rule, there are no problems with the sale of products, we will talk about this in more detail later.
  • The crayfish business fits perfectly into the concept of organic products and has a good chance of being positioned as an exceptionally pure natural product.

Cons of breeding crayfish as an idea for starting your own business from scratch:

  • A long "start" period, in fact, the period from the launch of your cancer farm to reaching full capacity and, accordingly, the planned profit is three years. It can be noted that with home breeding of crayfish, this period may be shorter, another option to reduce the time from investing money to receiving revenue is growing. But all these options can only act as “support”, while the real payback period for a cancer farm is at least 4 years.
  • The need for significant financial resources to launch the project. All stages of starting a crayfish breeding business will be discussed below.

Of course, at first glance there are much fewer cons, but they are very significant for a novice businessman, so, from our point of view, there is objectively only one reason for growing crayfish as an option for quickly opening your own business - this is the idea of ​​​​creating a rural tourism object. On the other hand, there can be many subjective reasons, and if you just want to do business with crayfish breeding, then we can state that in general the business is profitable and promising, and if you can wait a few years plus the necessary space, then you can earn money.

How to grow crayfish for further sale

There are two main forms of growing crayfish:

  • Growing in water bodies, while not fundamentally means a large full-fledged lake, it can be either a cancer pit dug independently or rented rates.
  • Growing crayfish in pools, or it is also called the factory method of growing.

Each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages, it is worth noting only one thing, if we are talking about home breeding of crayfish, then the priorities are clearly on the side of the factory method of cultivation.

And so what to choose if you decide to do business on crayfish? Your own pond or pool, or maybe it's easier to rent rates? Let us briefly analyze the advantages and disadvantages of individual areas.

Rented or own pond (estimated area from 20 acres).

Such water bodies have both advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of commercial breeding of crayfish in the finished bid:

  • This is the water mirror itself.
  • There is a food base for feeding (crayfish eat everything from algae to small fish).

Disadvantages of ponds:

  • Difficulties with water quality control. Crayfish are very demanding on water quality.
  • The need for clearing and deepening. The minimum depth should be at the level of 2 meters, plus the presence of a hard bottom, sand bars, clay cuts and so on. In the absence of natural water circulation, most ponds have a muddy bottom with a whole range of problems in the form of hydrogen sulfide, lack of oxygen in the deep layers, etc.
  • Presence of natural predators.
  • In the end, growing crayfish in such conditions becomes a very expensive pleasure, due to the reclamation rate and the provision of such a large water surface with constant water circulation.

Having made simple calculations, one can come to the disappointing conclusion that it is possible to do business on crayfish in this way, if there is a natural flow of water (for example, a diversion from a river) and plus, together with fish farming. Taking into account the fact that today such “ideal” places have been occupied for a long time, it is almost impossible to start a business in such water bodies.

Watch a video about crayfish breeding in the USA, in open water:

Under this option for growing crayfish, it is understood that the cultivation will take place in a small water body with an area of ​​​​several acres, or even less. By and large, this option is a compromise between factory cultivation and cultivation of crayfish in ponds. By the way, this option is also suitable for home breeding of crayfish.


  • The main advantage of this home breeding of crayfish is the ability to control the quality of water and ensure circulation, by creating systems for draining and pumping.
  • The second big advantage of such breeding is the ability to control the population of crayfish, that is, crayfish of the same age are launched into one pond, which ensures a decrease in cannibalism and, as a result, an increase in the yield of commercial crayfish.

In the context of such a system, it looks promising to create a series of small-sized pools located in a cascade, while the maximum depth should be at least 2 meters. By cascading a number of small ponds, natural circulation and filtration can be achieved through the use of mechanical filters using sand and fine gravel.

The main disadvantage of such breeding is the need for very significant investments at the initial stage of construction, plus additional costs for the operation of pumps to return water to the starting point. Roughly speaking, such a circulation system is used in the construction of fountains. By the way, the use of the principle of pressure difference (as in a jacuzzi) allows in this way to achieve not only the movement of water, but also full aeration.

This is what homestead ponds look like in which crayfish are grown

Conditions for breeding crayfish indoors or in a full-fledged industrial way.

By and large, all those involved in breeding crayfish are advised, for any method of growing, to use a closed breeding method for the initial stages, that is, at the stage of breeding larvae and growing them. There are several reasons for this:

The first is rather banal, the survival of larvae in natural conditions (even under optimal conditions) does not exceed 40-50%. There are many reasons for this, ranging from natural predators (not only fish) such as dragonfly larvae, which are unrealistic to get rid of in the open, and active cannibalism by adult crayfish, ending with natural selection. With a closed method of growing crayfish, the survival rate of larvae reaches up to 90%.

The second reason is not so obvious, but at the same time plays a huge role in determining the profitability of the entire business. The fact is that from the beginning of spawning in crayfish and until the larvae hatch in natural conditions, it takes from 7 to 8 months, and indoors at the optimum temperature, the period is reduced to 3 months.

Another factor is the growth of the larvae themselves, while maintaining optimal temperatures and diet (of course, the quality of the water itself), the growth rate of the larvae is doubled, plus they grow all year round, which will significantly reduce the time for growing underyearlings.

Actually, it is precisely the ability of cancer not to hibernate, but to grow all year round, that makes the factory method very attractive when opening your own crayfish breeding business. In fact, such cultivation allows you to reduce the time from 3-4 years with the usual method, to 2 years.

An additional plus Such breeding is the possibility of planting a significant number of crayfish in small areas, which is possible through the use of so-called cellular structures with a small depth.

Using multi-storey pools in home breeding of crayfish allows solving the problem of not only area, but also feeding. With this breeding, crayfish are placed in small sectional pools located on racks with a height of up to 2 meters, the depth of a separate one is about 60 cm. At the same time, due to the use of a difference in height and pressure, both water circulation and aeration are carried out.

minus such breeding of crayfish has very high costs for initial stages opening a business, plus relatively high operating costs for growing.

If with the open method of breeding crayfish, we invest money only at the beginning, in the future, feeding and additional care is practically not required, then in the case of the closed method, we will have to pay additional costs for electricity and buy equipment and maintain the temperature in the room. True, the result of such work is the reduction of the period of growth of crayfish to a marketable condition, since in fact, in greenhouse conditions, the crayfish grows all year round and is ready for sale within two years.

It is worth noting that in closed conditions it looks profitable to grow and sell adult crayfish in the winter, at this time prices rise due to a significant drop in supply on the market.

The second "horse" of indoor cultivation may be the sale of rare and expensive broad-clawed crayfish, since it is now difficult to find a commercial crayfish of this species in Ukraine, the natural population has greatly decreased both due to poaching and due to the natural displacement of the same crayfish by competing species. And most farms are open-farming and prefer to breed crayfish, which are less whimsical and grow faster.

It looks like a farm where crayfish are grown in a closed industrial way

And most importantly, when breeding crayfish at home in a closed way, this makes it possible to receive income not only from the sale of the crayfish itself, but:

  • Sales of underyearlings for rearing;
  • Agritourism organizations, especially to show that with this method there really is something;
  • Selling not only ordinary crayfish, but also breeding unusual for our region or rare types of crayfish, the same blue crayfish, signal crayfish or Australian crayfish.

What crayfish to buy and where?

Crayfish themselves are needed directly for breeding, or rather their females and males. You can buy only one female with caviar on legs. In order to grow one ton of crayfish, approximately 400 females should be purchased. Of course, 400 females is a lot to start with, it will be enough to purchase forty.

With a strong desire, you can catch them in natural natural reservoirs. Small domestic ponds with good water changes and aeration will be an ideal place for further hatching of embryos in the female.

You can buy crayfish for breeding in industrial companies that specialize in breeding broodstock for sale. There is another option - to purchase from lovers of river fishing.

Features of growing some types of crayfish

Australian cancer. Breeding Australian crayfish requires special conditions. This is the "meatiest" type of crayfish available. It can only be grown in closed ponds in heated rooms. They are unpretentious to food: they eat dead fish, algae, compound feed, bread crumbs well.

Blue Cuban crayfish. This species is unpretentious, has a medium-sized shape. They need water with a temperature not higher than 26 degrees and high hardness. They eat everything that lies badly at the bottom. With proper feeding and care, they reach the size of an adult in six months. Reservoirs need sandy soil, coarse and hard plants, good filtration and aeration, the presence of grottoes, minks and small shelters.

Marble Cancer. Just like Australian crayfish, they require special conditions in breeding: warm water at 20-28 degrees, its good processing and hearty feeding. They reproduce by parthenogenesis, that is, in a same-sex way, where cancer acts as both a female and a male. An adult bears larvae on the abdomen for about four weeks. Grows up to 15 centimeters in length.

Ways and sources of realization of crayfish

Such a business idea does not require large expenses and can bring a stable income for six months - from May to October, and if you use the closed method of breeding crayfish, then a whole year.

If you have already firmly decided that you are opening a crayfish breeding farm, then first you need to determine what is the demand for such products in the market. Does it exist in principle, and if it exists, will it be large. Of course, you can breed crayfish only for your own consumption, but it is much more pleasant not only to enjoy the end product, but also to have a stable income for a long time.

Therefore, it is advisable to first call restaurants and supermarkets, both large and small, with the offer of a constant supply of crayfish and related products from your farm.

Large supermarkets have fish departments that sell not only fish, but also crayfish, but many wholesale hypermarkets do not have such a product, so here you can offer them to expand their assortment and become the only supplier. Here it's up to you - by calling all the major points of sale, you probably get customers.

Implement crayfish can be found both in supermarkets and on the market

In general, there is a few places where you can implement crayfish:

  • Large hypermarkets (as practice shows, in the conditions of our country, it will not be so easy to “enter” there without a certain “protection”);
  • Smaller supermarkets;
  • Specialized fish shops;
  • Restaurants;
  • Beer bars and pubs;
  • Implementation in wholesale markets;
  • Retail sale of crayfish in the markets, etc.

Always a working method of creation initial customer base - the so-called "word of mouth".

That is, you sell crayfish first to your friends, they, in turn, will tell their friends, and the glory of you will spread. But for this, your product must meet certain conditions, such as the quality and prices of crayfish must be lower than in hypermarkets, etc. Alternatively, you can arrange delivery to restaurants or even to individual customers at home.

Breeding crayfish at home for sale is a very exciting and very cost-effective business. This type of business does not require large investments, but can bring significant income. A cancer farm has only one drawback - this type of income is seasonal. It will be possible to earn only in the warm season: from the beginning of May until the first frosts.

Breeding crayfish as a business is quite an interesting activity, however, efforts will have to be made to implement it, since there are a number of features inherent in this type of activity:

  1. Crayfish must be purchased from a special farm. If you catch them in their natural environment, then their growth period will increase significantly.
  2. It is necessary to acquire individuals of mature age. You will grow young crayfish yourself.
  3. To get good offspring, you need to buy twice as many females as males. When calculating the number of individuals for acquisition, the factor that one female lays up to eighty eggs is taken into account.

Every business has advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits of this business include:

  • small starting capital;
  • continuous demand for products;
  • an abundance of markets;
  • there is no need for constant monitoring of individuals;
  • environmentally friendly activity.

Of the negative points can be identified:

  • business is seasonal;
  • profit can only be obtained at certain times of the year;
  • long start time, from the beginning of the business to the moment of implementation, at least three years pass;
  • payback is achieved in four years.

How to register a business?

Breeding crayfish at home as a business begins with registration.

Any entrepreneur must legalize their activities before starting work.

Firstly, customers will be sure that you are a serious supplier with whom there should be no organizational problems.

Secondly, you yourself will calmly go about your business, contacting and cooperating with wholesale companies and retail outlets.

Registration of such a business is carried out according to the OKVED code 01.21, which indicates that the company is engaged in raising domestic animals. It is very important. If you do not specify the type of activity, then this is fraught with litigation in the future.

A form of business that is suitable for breeding crayfish - or. If you are doing business for the first time, it is preferable to register as a sole trader.

Crayfish breeding methods

To understand how to breed crayfish at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the methods of their reproduction.

There are three methods for growing crayfish:

    • Method of cultivation in reservoirs. Breeding crayfish in a pond is considered one of the more affordable methods. For this type of work, any body of water can be suitable. The main thing is that it does not have a swamp or silt.

Fish ponds are also suitable, although it is crucial to ensure that they do not contain carnivorous fish.

It is worth considering the fact that as soon as the temperature drops below 17 degrees, crayfish go into hibernation: they stop feeding and growing. When the pond freezes to the very bottom, the crayfish die.

The convenience of the pond is that it is considered an independent aquatic system, in which the water is renewed and cleaned by nature itself. This allows you to reduce the cost of equipment for breeding crayfish.

Important! In ponds, the growth of crayfish is very slow. They reach the sizes necessary for sale within five years.

  • Method of cultivation in aquariums. This method involves working at home. It is necessary to purchase industrial aquariums for crayfish without a frame. Its volume should be at least 250 liters. Soil, stones and all kinds of algae, trees are placed at the bottom to create shelters. In aquarium conditions, crayfish will not hibernate, for this it is important to control the constant temperature of the water. In addition, it is necessary to filter and saturate the water with oxygen.

    The approximate planting density is sixty crayfish per square meter.

    Attention! In the aquarium, crayfish quickly gain weight, and the embryonic development of the larvae is reduced by three months.

    However, there are also disadvantages - a small area.

    Growing crayfish at home, namely in an aquarium, is difficult with large-scale production.

    The following practice can be a way out of the situation: breeding larvae in a home aquarium with the aim of their further transplantation into a larger reservoir (pool, pond). However, this will require additional financial investment and expansion of the business beyond the home space.

  • Cellar growing method. This method is considered an improved version of the previous one. The difference is that non-residential premises are used for production.
    The basement temperature should be maintained between 17 and 20 degrees Celsius.

Lighting is done using conventional light bulbs. Such a room allows you to erect a lot of racks on which aquariums are located.

Crayfish breeding in an aquarium as a business can become several times more profitable if it is produced in such a room.

How to start a crayfish farm?

The creation of farms takes place in several stages.

After the registration of the business, the choice of the method of breeding crayfish is carried out and the environment for the life of these animals is improved.

The number of offspring will depend on how well this stage will be implemented.


Cancers are quite finicky creatures. The better the environment you provide them with, the more profitable your business will be.

For breeding crayfish, you will need the following equipment:

  1. Thermal insulation. Greenhouses and greenhouses are used as heat insulators. different kind: industrial, simple country, home-made. They will be needed to control the exact temperature in the reservoir.
  2. Frame. It is necessary to prevent the outflow of water from the reservoir. Often, polypropylene is used for its manufacture.
  3. An air compressor is needed for the active growth of crayfish. It eliminates the possibility of stagnant water in the pond.
  4. Oxidator. In the cold season, crayfish may experience air deficiency. The oxidizer is installed in the autumn, before the reservoir is covered with ice.
  5. Filters. Even regular water changes will not be able to fully ensure the desired cleanliness. Therefore, filtration systems are installed that help get rid of the results of the life process of crayfish.

Types of crayfish and where to buy them?

Types of crayfish for breeding are different, with their own characteristics. In our country, the most popular are crayfish from Far East and Europe.

European crayfish are purchased for industrial farms. European crayfish are of two types:

  1. Broad-toed - the most valuable species crayfish. However, it was listed in the Red Book. These are the same crayfish that have the famous "cancer neck".
  2. Long-toed crayfish are the most preferred type of crayfish. They are unpretentious in terms of breeding.

Attention! It is very difficult to buy crayfish for breeding at the age of larvae, therefore it is recommended to buy already mature individuals.

Existing crayfish farms sell larvae and juveniles with great reluctance. Therefore, the purchase of crayfish can be carried out in any place of their implementation. It can be a market, a supermarket or a specialty store.

Purchasing food

You have to buy food. There is a list of what to feed crayfish at home. Crayfish with great pleasure absorb the following feed:

  • compound feed;
  • larvae;
  • earthworms;
  • small fish that lives at the bottom;
  • greens.

Suppliers always have a wide range of products in stock.

You can buy feed at special feed mills, household markets.

Difficulties can arise only with suppliers of live food - larvae and worms can be found in fishing outlets and greenhouses.

How Cancers Reproduce?

September is considered the month of mating. Males fertilize two females at once, and devour the third. It is this process that determines the need for a large purchase of females.

At first, the eggs appear under the shell of the female, then she lays them, and they are fixed to the bottom of the shell under the tail.

After two months, larvae are obtained. It will take three weeks for them to stop burrowing under their mother's tail.

In the natural environment, one female can grow about 12 crayfish. One female individual cannot have more than 20 cancers per year.

Attention! Under home production conditions, each female is able to grow up to sixty crayfish per year.


At the initial stage of the cancer farm, you can use your own strength and not resort to the help of additional employees.

If the crayfish breeding business has gained some momentum, then you can use the services of staff.

Hiring workers depends on the size of the cancer farm.

You will need people who will monitor:

  • water temperature;
  • oxygen level;
  • crayfish health.

Where to sell crayfish?

One of the important problems facing the entrepreneur in this area is marketing.

Most often, crayfish are purchased by restaurants, saunas and fish shops.

You can sell not only crayfish meat, but also their caviar, which tastes similar to red caviar.

The shell of cancer contains a lot of chitin, which has antiseptic properties. Therefore, shells are a subject of interest for cosmetics and medical companies.

Key Costs and Benefits

To start a business, you need start-up capital. Its size varies depending on the breeding method and production volumes. Business expenses are divided into two types: fixed and one-time.

Basic costs One-time costs
expenses sum expenses sum
feed 11,000 per month equipment from 100 000 rubles
purchase of individuals, the cost of livestock varies depending on the type of crayfish 200-1500 rubles per kilogram waterproofing Depends on the size of the reservoir, on average from 50 00 rubles
salary depending on the region habitat arrangement 30,000-40,000 rubles
room rental from 30,000 rubles, depending on the location.

With the right approach to business, the profit from the business is about 350,000 rubles, if we talk about a reservoir of 50 square meters.

If breeding is carried out at home in aquariums, then the profit is reduced by about 30%, despite the fact that the breeding time of the livestock is shorter.

This type of business in our country is quite young. The demand for such products is increasing day by day. If you decide on the method of growing crayfish, which will be the most effective and competently organize the workflow, then you can achieve little success within a year.

Crayfish breeding video