Samurai massage with bamboo brooms. What is good bamboo broom

Colleagues, I was in Japan on courses. We were taught the basics of a science called samurai massage. Is this technique used in Russia, and what are the reviews?

I heard that there is such a thing - a samurai massage with bamboo brooms. It is interesting to hear what this special massage technique is and how it affects the body.

Russia practices samurai massage with bamboo sticks. Nothing special, the usual work with bamboo, a kind of bamboo massage. I prefer Japanese manual massage techniques.

I found this article about classic Japanese massage. I think it will be interesting.

Find out what a real samurai massage is!

Everyone admired his healing effect on the body - from the thief Sonya - the "Golden Pen" (the prototype of the character of the same name in the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed") to the great ballerina Galina Ulanova and politician Ekaterina Furtseva.

The author of the technique is the Japanese Soga no Kazuo, a doctor, a fifth-generation trauma surgeon, a specialist in oriental medicine, a representative of an ancient samurai family. Having been taken prisoner during the Second World War and having spent many years in Stalin's camps, he remained to live in the USSR. He began his medical activities in the territory of the enemy in the camps, where he gained authority not only among the prisoners, but also among the authorities with their families, which is why his release from captivity was constantly postponed.

The clinical practice of Soga-no-Kazuo spans more than half a century. Wherever he lived, very quickly people's rumor spread the news of wonderful doctor and his mysterious "massage", from which even those who for many years could not improve their health, being treated in state medical institutions, recover.

How to quickly restore the body's working capacity and restore lost health in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, circulatory disorders, broncho-pulmonary diseases, disorders in the urogenital area, chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as how to prevent the development of scoliosis in children, correct posture and lose weight by 3-5 kg ​​in 1 course of treatment without feeling hungry - this is all a mysterious Japanese technique manual massage.

In the massage according to the Soga no Kazuo method, the impact of the fingers is concentrated on certain points in combination with the impact on the main and tendon-muscle meridians. Some similarities with the Japanese asahi massage. This technique allows you to simultaneously act on the central bed, sympathetic section, ligaments and muscles of the spine, and also makes it possible to increase blood circulation in the treated organ or limb.

And what is especially attractive is that the physical load on a massage therapist who has mastered this technique is 2-4 times lower than with the known techniques of classical, segmental and other types of massage, and the positive effect of the treatment comes much faster.

Massage as a method of influencing energy structure man dates back to ancient times. In the ancient medical treatise "Huangdi nei-jing", along with a description of zheng-jiu therapy and herbal treatment, acupressure treatment is mentioned.

Massage was specially studied and put into practice during the Song Dynasty (11th and 12th centuries), as a means of treating children, named by Chen Wen-chung (Wen-hsiu), the author of Xu-zhou (Sy min fu).

One massage session, done at the very beginning of the disease, stops the disease as well as an injection. Massage of points and meridians in children up to 7 years old inclusive is quite sufficient to achieve the desired result. Massage gives quite tangible results for children (especially infants) or extremely sensitive and nervous people.

The increased sensitivity of the points makes massage much more painful for some people than acupuncture and moxibustion, but, purely psychologically, massage is the least feared, and, in this regard, better accepted.

In our Japanese acupressure according to the method of a doctor, an expert in oriental medicine Soga no Kazuo, the action of the fingers is concentrated on certain points in combination with the action on the main and tendon-muscle meridians. This technique allows you to simultaneously act on the central bed, sympathetic section, ligaments and muscles of the spine, makes it possible to increase blood circulation in the treated organ or limb.

Oriental medicine Soga no Kazuo, having received the specialty of a surgeon in the early 40s of the last century, began to master in medical institute in Tokyo, in the last year - a faculty was created and a group of graduates of the institute was recruited. The Japanese government paid great attention to the training of qualified specialists in oriental medicine, who, however, knew Western medicine as well. Faculty students studied zheng-jiu therapy, diagnostic methods by language, pulse, face, torso, massage, herbal treatment, astrology and palmistry. The practice of students took place on expeditions to Thailand, China, Tibet, the Philippines and other countries, where students, meeting with famous healers, shamans, watched their work and tried to understand the secrets of mastery. Upon returning to the institute, there was a discussion of everything seen under the guidance of masters - mentors and the most valuable was used in practice.

In Japan, relying on the "bible" of Chinese medicine - the treatise Nei Ching, in treatment they adhered to the position that the disease is not an invasion of pathogenic energies, but a weakness of the body and spirit that leads to an invasion. Physical illness was not considered in isolation, but as a reflection of disharmony within the body.

In the method of energy impact on the body developed by Soga no Kazuo, special attention is paid to the functional state of the Lungs.

The lungs are the main organ that controls the Qi of the entire body. In the lungs, such types of Qi as Zong-qi and Zheng-qi are formed.

Zong-chi or "chest" qi sets in motion all the functions of the body. It consists of nourishing and protective Qi. Nourishes the Heart and Lungs, affects the movement of blood and limbs, especially to the hands, controls speech and voice power.

Zheng Qi is the "genuine" Qi, the driving force for all vital functions, obtained by combining innate Qi with acquired Qi from food and air. This is the last stage of transformation, "purification" Qi-Zong-qi under the influence of Yuan-qi turns into Zhen-qi. Zhen Qi takes two forms - Nourishing (Yin Qi) and Protective (Wei Qi). Nourishing Qi nourishes all the internal organs and the whole body as a whole, spreads along with the blood through the blood vessels.

Wei Qi - protection, defense, part of the Yin energy circulating in the surface part of the body along the tendon-muscle meridians outside the blood vessels and protecting the outer integument and muscles from external pathogens, therefore it is Yang. It opens and closes skin pores, regulating perspiration and skin temperature. Dispersed under the skin, it is under the control of the lungs, which regulate the opening and closing of pores and perspiration. The emptiness of Qi in the lungs is manifested by the weakness of Wei Qi, for example, the tendency to colds. The lungs also control the dispersion of fluid under the skin and into the muscles, and Wei Qi holds them. The weakness of this function leads to the appearance of such a symptom as spontaneous daytime sleepiness. The external pathogen Wind-Cold, invading the outer layers of the body, interferes with the normal circulation of Wei Qi, blocks the pores, and impairs the scattering function of the lungs (colds).

That is why, Kazuo-san considered it necessary to pay attention to the functional state of the lungs in case of any violations of the energy balance in the body.

In addition, the Lungs are connected by internal passages with the meridians of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, and large intestine. Through the diaphragm of the lungs pass the internal passages of the heart, pericardium, colon and stomach. Oxidative processes in the cell depend on the condition of the lungs.

The Kazuo-san massage technique is based on the principle of connecting 12 channels with organs and a triple heater (San Jiao) through the transverse protection channel Mu-Shu (Shu points are located on the bladder channel) and linear massage of the tendon-muscle meridians (to a greater extent - tendon-muscle canals of the gallbladder and bladder), as well as the use of wonderful meridians (Qi Ching) to restore the energy balance of the body.

The explanation for the use of points "Callers" Mu and so-called Consent in the method of treatment is the fact that the points of Consent transport energy to the corresponding organs through a direct energy channel connecting the organs with the so-called Consent. Therefore, by influencing the points of Concord, one can directly replenish the energy of the organ.

Developed more than half a century ago by the Japanese doctor Soga-no-Kazuo, a method for treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, incl. scoliosis, nervous and circulatory systems, gastrointestinal tract, broncho-pulmonary diseases, disorders in the urogenital area, chronic fatigue syndrome, has shown its high efficiency in restoring the body's working capacity. It can be successfully used in children from 1 month of age.

And for masseurs practicing it, this is an opportunity not only to increase the efficiency of their work, but also to reduce physical stress on their body by 2-4 times.

If my memory serves me, this is a technique - Japanese zogan massage, philosophy and technique are similar. Thanks for the article - these massage techniques show their effectiveness.

Japanese manual massage has good feedback and allows the massage therapist to be less tired and work more efficiently with his hands with the body. In general, this is a deep manual massage technique, I experienced it myself in Moscow, on. My masseur worked deep into the tissues without pain and also without oil and cream, which is amazing. But the effect of such a massage is amazing!

Japanese body massage, as described in the article, is based on ancient oriental teachings. This is a very effective technique, and I believe that Russian massage therapists need to master it.

Japanese lymphatic drainage massage is very effective. I was a model on the courses - the sensations are great!

These manual massage techniques are the most effective. However, such a massage can be called Japanese with a stretch - this Eastern practices, right colleague. I visited a similar one with a colleague in St. Petersburg, I will say that in terms of sensations and effect - wow!

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Massage in Moscow

Massage with bamboo brooms is called samurai massage because it was the Japanese wars that popularized it. They patted themselves with bamboo stalks after a hard fight, thus relieving muscle fatigue. Nowadays, this massage method is very popular not only in Japan, but throughout the world. After all, people have learned to appreciate the healing power of bamboo, which helps to relax after a hard day's work, relieve muscle tension, renew the skin and restore the overall tone of the body.

Samurai massage technique

In fact, many peoples had their own massage technique using brooms from various plants. For example, birch and juniper brooms were popular in Russia. All these plants had their healing properties and bamboo is no exception. Samurai used bamboo sticks to relieve muscle tension after a fight and return blood circulation to normal.

Bamboo broom in modern samurai massage is a bunch of sticks about 30 cm long. They are flexible and durable, while pleasant to the touch, which adds more comfort to the procedure. The master pats the client, changing the force of blows and amplitude, as a result of which blood circulation is stimulated, the skin and muscles become more elastic and the body relaxes. To make the procedure as effective as possible, it is usually carried out in a bath or sauna along with steaming.

Despite the aggressive-looking technique of this procedure, samurai massage is absolutely painless, especially if you are in the hands of a skilled master. In addition to patting with a bamboo broom, there is a stroking technique. It is used for complete relaxation of a person, not only physically, but also emotionally. Experienced masters also master the technique of acupressure using bamboo sticks. It is worth saying that samurai massage is an excellent alternative to classical and anti-cellulite massage. It has a positive effect not only on your body, but also on your emotional state.

Indications and contraindications

This type of massage originated a long time ago in Japan. It was used by samurai for quick recovery after the battle. Blows and strokes of different intensity made it possible to achieve very good results for the body, get rid of fatigue and physical ailments, and also achieve harmony in the psycho-emotional state of a person.

The main characteristics of massage with bamboo brooms

The use of bamboo is not accidental, because this plant is considered evergreen and in the East it is revered as a symbol of longevity and health. In addition, he is credited with the ability to regulate male and female energies- yin and yang. Massage with bamboo brooms is carried out with small twigs of this plant (about 30 centimeters in length).

Another advantage of bamboo in this massage technique is its hollowness, so various manipulations are possible with it during the procedure, for example, rolling, pressing, kneading, squeezing. Some massage therapists fill bamboo with sand or grain to enhance the resonant action of brooms.

The massage is carried out to special music, which has a certain rhythm that can lead to a trance. The masseur also uses this rhythm, intensifying or weakening patting and stroking. All these actions create the necessary vibration for the body and produce a healing effect.

For massage with bamboo brooms, special essential oils are used, most often an extract from almonds. The beginning and end of the procedure is accompanied by stroking. In general, such a massage is quite pleasant and interesting.

Indications and contraindications for massage with bamboo brooms

This type of Japanese massage has a very high therapeutic effect, therefore it has a small number of contraindications. These include exacerbated chronic diseases and the period of pregnancy.

Massage with bamboo brooms should be done by everyone who suffers from excess weight, cellulite and from low activity. It helps to improve blood circulation and lymph flow, saturates cells with oxygen, removes toxins and toxins, and normalizes the functioning of the heart.

Thanks to the special resonance of impacts, a certain vibration is created that can re-tune the body, stimulating and activating its activity. The rhythm is created with the help of 100-120 beats per minute, practically tuning in to the work of the heart. This intensity allows you to work out all parts of the body, including muscles and joints. After this massage, fatigue, stress and insomnia disappear, the psycho-emotional state of a person normalizes.

There are massages that model the body: the specialist works like a sculptor, sculpting new shapes and curves. There are techniques that affect the spirit, aura, psycho-emotional state.

But of particular interest are such unusual and ancient techniques as the Hawaiian Lomi-Lomi massage and the samurai massage with bamboo brooms. And you do not have to go to foreign resorts. Now such exotics are available in spas.

Hawaiian massage Lomi-Lomi

The Lomi-Lomi technique has arrived in modern beauty salons and wellness centers from the popular resorts of the Polynesian Islands.

This unusual method of working with the body is more than one century old. The ancient Hawaiians used Lomi-Lomi to purify the spirit and strengthen the body.

With the help of touch, the rhythm of your breathing changes, and you kind of go into a trance, lose your sense of time. Traditionally, this massage is accompanied by Hawaiian songs and fumigation with essential oils.

The session lasts 1.5-2 hours, and you feel as if you are born again. No disturbing thoughts remain in the head, and the body experiences extraordinary lightness and a surge of energy.

Burmese massage

Burmese massage is an ancient stress relief technique that is at least 500 years old. Burmese soldiers used it to forget the horrors of war in a short time and rush into battle again.

A modern metropolis is somewhat similar to a battlefield, and people who are always in a hurry and wrapped up do not always have time to rest. The main advantage of Burmese massage is that in a short time it will completely restore you and give you strength for a new struggle.

The massage is done in a sitting position, you remain in your usual clothes. The masseur, acting on bioactive points, unblocks those muscle groups that are "squeezed" in you.

The face, scalp, neck, shoulders and spine are massaged up to the coccyx. Depending on the number of "blockages" on your body, the massage lasts from 10 to 20 minutes.

And one more important point: this massage accelerates hair growth, it will help if your hair is actively falling out. Recommended for men with hair loss.

Samurai massage with bamboo brooms

The massage technique using bamboo sticks was also used by samurai to recuperate after the battle. The shamans of South Africa and North America had very similar methods of renewing energy.

In Russia, healers also "knocked out" the disease from the patient with the help of sticks from different types of wood.

The master rhythmically taps the bundled bamboo sticks and enters a trance state. Through vibrational resonance, he will convey his state to the client. In this case, vibrations pass not only through the upper muscle layer, but also through the whole body.

Shock-resonance technique introduces into a state of complete relaxation and even sleep. This massage is especially recommended for those who feel tired not only on a physical, but also on an emotional level, who experience stress every day.

Japanese massage Amma

Amma means "calm with hands" in Japanese, and the massage technique itself is based on the traditional Japanese art of acupressure.

The main goal of this massage is to fill your body with energy, and for this, the masters only need 15 minutes. That's how long one session lasts.

You are seated on an ordinary chair and massaged with light movements - Kata. A technical specialist uses a certain sequence of movements, but you feel only fleeting touches on the body.

Massage almost all areas: shoulders, back, neck, hips, arms, head. In the meantime, you stay dressed. The Japanese often do this massage anywhere, including the office. A few minutes is enough for fatigue to disappear as if by hand.

The time spent in a real Russian steam room is a chic rest for body and soul. And also - not only a good old tradition, but also the opportunity to create a real SPA-salon in the conditions of one small "hut": with aromatherapy, massage and pleasant procedures. Why not try everything? Let's take a closer look at the most difficult element - massage in the bath and its techniques.

What happens to the body during a bath massage? The vessels expand under the influence of heat, the blood begins to circulate faster, and more decay products come out through the open pores. For one procedure alone, a person releases up to 2 liters of sweat. And now let's look at the features of the massage itself from the brilliant doctor Avicenna (Abu Ali Ibn Sina), who developed this direction a lot in Europe:

  • Weak, gentle massage relieves tension and soothes.
  • Moderate - harmonizes.
  • Preparatory- warms up well.
  • restorative- helps the body get rid of discomfort after physical exertion.
  • Strong - strengthens and activates.
  • continuous- helps to recover from many diseases, including - from excess weight.

Which one is right for you? Depends on your physiology and goals.

Massage in Russian - take a broom in hand!

Massage with a bath broom is a truly Russian art. So, here's how to properly massage with a bath broom in a real Russian bath:

  • Step 1. The person lies on the shelves, arms stretch along the body. With two brooms, you begin to stroke your feet, buttocks, calves, back and arms. At the level of the lower back, the brooms should be lowered and pressed against the body of the person being massaged for 5 seconds.
  • Step 2. Gently tap your back, lower back, buttocks, thighs, calves, and feet for a minute. This is followed by a more palpable stroking.
  • Step 3. Turn the massaged on his back, put one of his hands on the heart, the other - in the groin area. Now continue with a broom to lightly stroke the chest, stomach, arms, thighs, shins and feet.
  • Step 4. Massaged again turns over on the stomach. Whip the broom already with a “compress”: raise it higher and capture hot air with it. Next, lightly whip 2-3 times on the back, and sharply press the brooms to the body for 2-3 seconds. Repeat the same with the shoulder blades, spine, lower back, neck, buttocks, feet, thighs and shins. But you can not touch the skin under the knees - there it is too tender.
  • Step 5. Finish the massage by rubbing. In one hand, hold a broom attached to the body of the massaged, and put the other on its leafy part - now do the rubbing in different directions.

Well, one more thing - listen to what your * client * says - it's very easy to go too far with the temperature.

Samurai massage is the way to longevity!

Bamboo in Eastern countries is a symbol of grace and longevity. The plant itself is endowed with healing and antibacterial properties, which is why it is used to this day by a variety of healers and chiropractors.

If samurai massage is carried out regularly, combined with the hot steam of a real Russian bath, all pains in the joints and spine will soon disappear, and the cardiovascular system will work more calmly. In addition, massage with a bamboo broom in the bath is an excellent peeling of the skin, even without the use of any exfoliating particles.

And the last. There are many techniques of samurai massage, and each master has his own technique. But general principles there is:

  1. The massage does not use the broom itself, but the tips of its bamboo rods.
  2. During the massage, the broom should be held vertically, acting carefully on the desired points.

And in any massage with a bamboo broom there are main stages: “free fall”, “then crossing”, “tapping” and “stroking”, after which “pat” and “fan”. If you will massage after the bath, when the skin is no longer steamed, you will need essential oils. They need to lubricate the skin well so as not to scratch it.

How to choose oils for a bath is described in the article.

Foam massage - purity in an oriental way!

Without this wonderful procedure, a Turkish hammam is not a hammam. This massage combines useful and pleasant rejuvenating procedures.

Before the Turkish soap massage, it is necessary to warm up well so that the skin is steamed and the pores open. And then everything happens according to the following algorithm:

  1. The vacationer lies down and relaxes.
  2. The masseur douses the person with warm water and begins to rub the body with a special rough cloth - in order to completely cleanse the pores of dirt. Yes, such a massage is carried out without soap - only with a special goat hair mitt.
  3. A large amount of soapy foam is poured onto the body.
  4. Now the massage itself: pleasant and sliding, not the same as on a dry body.

After such a bath massage, it is especially good to sunbathe - the color will be perfectly even, and no burns even for the brightest people!

Sports massage: rejuvenate

Even in the sports world, bath massage is considered almost a panacea for all health problems, and special importance is attached to it if it is necessary to remove nervous tension, fatigue or cure any sports injury.

Sports massage needs to be done a little differently than regular massage. So follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Prepare a place for massage - pour four bowls of hot water over the bench.
  • Step 2. Place two brooms - one under the head, the second - under the feet.
  • Step 3 Place two foam pads under your knees and under your elbows.
  • Step 4. Start with a vigorous back rub, moving on to a deep squeeze.
  • Step 5. Now alternate push-ups with shaking, and repeat the same on the buttocks and thigh muscles. Please note that push-ups on the hips must be done with a girth, in contrast to a dry massage: the brushes are slightly shifted back and forth, and in the process they come together and slightly twist the muscle. And you need to rub with the combs of both fists so that the brush of one hand grabs the finger of the other, and at the same time the hands should not diverge. All this lasts about 2 minutes.

After preparation, we proceed to a detailed massage:

  • We massage the lower back. With the base of the palm we press from the center to the sides, to the bench, and we make spiral and rectilinear movements from the buttocks upwards. Then all the same - in the transverse direction.
  • Massage along the spine. We make circular movements with the pads of the thumbs, and each finger is only on its own side.
  • We pass to the intercostal spaces. Here are the same techniques as with dry massage.
  • Massage around the shoulder blades - circular rubbing with the pads of four fingers.
  • We massage the shoulder joint - the same as around the shoulder blade.
  • Now a neck massage. It must be rubbed in a circular and straight line with the combs of the fists, then with the pads of the fingers.
  • Massage the head - rub the back of the head. Those involved in wrestling, boxing, acrobatics or athletics cannot do without such a procedure.
  • Hand massage - rub the shoulder joints and shoulder muscles.
  • Massage of the pelvic area. Do first vigorous squeezing, and then deep rubbing. The massage should be strong and deep.
  • Foot massage. Massage your hips by squeezing, and just knead the games, like the berry muscles.

You will have to pay close attention to some areas - it depends on your set of exercises that preceded the bath procedures.

Healing massage: use oils and scrubs!

On the day when you will massage in a bath, prepare water for the stones. Add aromatic or healing substances to it to make the procedure even more healing. Here are universal recipes for all cases, just add the indicated proportion to a basin of water:

  • 1.5 tsp honey
  • 150 g kvass
  • 1 tsp eucalyptus tincture
  • 1 tsp dry mustard
  • 1.5 tsp instant coffee
  • 1.5 pieces of sawn sugar
  • 10 mint drops

You can also massage in the bath using the following tools:

  • Moroccan red clay + cocoa butter. This massage removes toxins well and improves blood circulation in the skin.
  • Spicy aromas with cocoa as a body scrub.
  • Red wine extract + honey + sea clay. All this well strengthens blood vessels, nourishes the skin and makes it elastic.
  • Cosmetic chocolate enriching the skin with active elements and minerals, toning and nourishing.
  • Ginger + cloves + cinnamon + cardamom. This is a "female" massage.
  • Chickpea flour + turmeric + cinnamon + honey. This composition of massage cream has an antioxidant effect, well slowing down the aging process of the skin. This recipe is from ancient India.
  • Mud SPA-masks for the whole body, which have a strong lifting effect.
  • Dead Sea salts + natural olive oil + spices. This peeling massage is revitalizing.

What exactly to use - it's up to you!

Self-massage - spend time with benefit!

So, the simplest and safest thing to do in a bath is:

  • Squeezing, which is done with hands with some pressure.
  • Rubbing - on the joints and muscles with the help of fingers and fists.
  • Kneading - ring and fists.
  • Shaking.

Perform each technique 2-3 times, and in total it should take you from 8 to 12 minutes to self-massage. Try all the techniques - you will definitely like it!