August 8 is a day in history. Holidays and events in August

The history of the world, and in particular Russia, is reflected on this page in the form of the most significant events, turning points, discoveries and inventions, wars and the emergence of new countries, turning points and cardinal decisions that took place over many centuries. Here you will get to know prominent people world, politicians and rulers, generals, scientists and artists, athletes, artists, singers and many others, who and in what years of them were born and died, what mark they left in history, what they remember and what they achieved.

In addition to the history of Russia and the world on August 8, significant milestones and significant events that took place on this August day of spring, you will learn about historical dates, about those influential and popular people who were born and passed away on this date, and you can also get acquainted with memorable dates and public holidays in Catholicism and Orthodoxy, signs and sayings, natural disasters, the emergence of cities and states, as well as their tragic disappearance, get acquainted with revolutions and revolutionaries, those turning points that in one way or another influenced the course of development of our planet and much more - interesting, informative, important, necessary and useful.

Folk calendar, signs and folklore August 8

August 8 is the 220th day of the year (221st in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 145 days left until the end of the year.

Mary's day.

Autumn haze goes through the grasses, they give healing power to the herbs.

In the morning, dewy coolness fills the leaves, washes the dust, and at noon, healing power is born in the herbs.

Bhutan - Independence Day (from India, since 1949). See Independence Day.

Germany - Peace Day in Augsburg.

Taiwan - Father's Day. See Father's Day.

Sweden - Swedish Flag Day.

United Nations - Climber's Day.

Ukraine - Signal Troops Day of Ukraine.

The history of Orthodoxy on the day of August 8

the memory of the Hieromartyrs Yermolai, Hermipp and Hermocrates, presbyters of Nicomedia (c. 305);

the memory of the Monk Moses Ugrin, Caves, in the Near Caves (c. 1043);

the memory of the venerable martyr Paraskeva of Rome (138-161);

the memory of Hieromartyr Sergius Strelnikov, presbyter (1937).

Catholic: Dominic, Cyprian, Emilian.


Appion - Martyr Appion.

Gerontius (Geront) - Reverend Gerontius of Athos.

Yermill - Hieromartyr Yermipp of Nicomedia.

Ermocrates (Germocrates) and Ermolais (Yermol, Ermak) - Hieromartyr Ermocrates of Nicomedia.

Ignatius (Ignatius) - Rev. Ignatius Styronite.

Moses - Rev. Moses Ugrin, Caves.

Sergius (Sergey) - Hieromartyr Sergius (Strelnikov).

Theodore (Fyodor) - Reverend Theodore, Metropolitan of Trebizond.

Jerusalem is the martyr of Jerusalem.

Oreosila is the martyr of Oreosila.

Paraskeva (Praskovya) - Martyr Paraskeva of Rome.

What happened in Russia and the world on August 8?

Below you will learn about the history of the world and Russia on August 8, the events that took place in different historical time periods and periods, starting from prehistoric times BC and the emergence of Christianity, continuing with the era of formations, transformations, times of discovery, scientific and technical revolutions, as well as interesting middle ages to modern times. Below are reflected all the significant events of this day in the history of mankind, you will learn or remember those who were born and left us in another world, what events took place, what made it so special for us to remember.

History of Russia and the world August 8 in the XVI century

1570 - Treaty of Saint-Germain ends the third religious war in France.

1588 - The British defeated the remnants of the Spanish Invincible Armada, which had previously been scattered by a storm.

History of Russia and the world August 8 in the XVII century

1619 - The first Lutheran service was held in Canada.

1628 - The Dutch captured Spanish ships off the coast of Cuba with 80 tons of silver.

1636 - Spanish troops came close to Paris.

1648 - By order of his mother, the Janissaries overthrew and executed the mentally ill Turkish Sultan Ibrahim I.

1672 - New York is captured by the Dutch, who renamed it New Orange.

History of Russia and the world August 8 in the XVIII century

1729 - The founding of Baltimore (North America) is officially proclaimed.

1742 - The first vice-chancellor of internal affairs of Russia, Count M. G. Golovkin, and his wife Ekaterina Ivanovna, who voluntarily followed him into exile, were delivered to the settlement in Srednekolymsk. So Empress Elizaveta Petrovna punished him for his sympathy with Princess Anna Leopoldovna, initially sentenced to death after the November palace coup in 1741, later replacing it with a settlement in Siberia. The count died in exile in 1766. The wife, who received permission to return to Moscow after the death of her husband, took the body with her, according to legend, filling it with wax. Count Golovkin was buried in the St. George Monastery. The Countess lived to the age of 90 and died on May 20, 1791.

1783 - Catherine II awarded A. Suvorov the Order of St. Vladimir.

1786 - Michel Paccard was the first to conquer the highest peak in Europe, Mont Blanc.

1788 - The French King Louis XVI announced the convocation of the Estates General for the next year, which would later raise him to the chopping block.

History of Russia and the world August 8 in the XIX century

1805 - Timofey Kondratiev became the city architect of Voronezh. This position was introduced in the city for the first time.

1832 - Prince Otto, son of the Bavarian king, is proclaimed king of Greece.

1835 - The adoption in Russia of a new university charter, developed by the Minister of Public Education, Count S. S. Uvarov.

1854 - Smith & Wesson began manufacturing cartridge magazines.

1897 - Visit of the German Emperor Wilhelm II to Peterhof.

1900 - In Brookline (Massachusetts) on the site of the Longwood Cricket Club, the first match for the International Lawn Tennis Federation Cup began. The cup itself was presented by American Dwight Davis, a member of the US team, which won the first match of the British with a score of 3: 0. The competition became known as the Davis Cup Team Championship, or simply the Davis Cup. Davis subsequently became a member of the US government.

History in Russia and the world August 8 in the XX century

1901 - Boer commander De Villiers capitulates in South Africa.

1907 - Representatives of the Russian Zemstvo demanded from the government the introduction of universal compulsory education.

1910 - Persian government troops captured the leaders of the uprising in Persia, Sattar Khan and Begir Khan.

1911 Liverpool workers' demonstration shot down by troops.

Various factions of the State Duma Russian Empire concluded the Holy Alliance during the First World War.

Anglo-French troops occupied Togoland (now Togo).

German troops captured Prague, a fortified suburb of Warsaw.

In the Dardanelles, a British submarine sank the Turkish battleship Barbarossa.

Russian Emperor Nicholas II rejected Denmark's offer to mediate in peace negotiations with Germany.

In Russia, the ban on the activities of the Jesuit order has been lifted.

1918 - The Amiens operation of the Anglo-French troops ("Black Day of Germany") began.

The third Anglo-Afghan war ended.

Polish troops captured Minsk and Rovno.

Soviet troops occupied Tyumen.

1920 - A detachment of troops of Baron Wrangel landed in the Kuban.

1923 - 14-year-old Benny Goodman began his professional musical career in Chicago as a clarinetist in an orchestra that sailed on a steamboat on Lake Michigan.

The first National Congress of the Ku Klux Klan opened in Washington.

The first traffic lights were installed in Toronto (Canada).

1927 - A vaccine against canine distemper is announced in France.

1929 - the airship "Graf Zeppelin" went on a flight around the Earth.

1932 - In the USSR, women were allowed to work in the mines.

1934 - The Los Angeles Police Department announced that Hollywood stars were making large donations to the needs of the US Communist Party.

1935 - Hermann Göring is put in charge of Germany's new industry, television.

1937 - The Japanese captured Beijing.

1940 - The pro-fascist government of France arrested former prime ministers L. Blum and E. Daladier.

JV Stalin was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Army.

Five Il-4 aircraft carried out the first Soviet bombing of Berlin.

In Brussels, the "Walloon Legion" was formed from the Belgians who volunteered to fight on the side of the Nazis in the USSR.

Mussolini is imprisoned on the island of Maddalena in Sardinia.

The armament of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army is accepted heavy tank KV-85

1944 - In Berlin, eight German officers accused of preparing an assassination attempt on Hitler, including Field Marshal von Witzleben, are hanged on the bass strings of a piano.

1946 - Two American bombers made the first unmanned flight from Hawaii to California, controlled entirely by radio.

1949 - The first session of the Council of Europe was held in Strasbourg.

In the USSR, a regulation on holidays and working conditions for adolescents has been adopted.

Egypt pledged to supply cotton to the USSR and Romania in exchange for oil.

1956 - In Marceline (Belgium), a fire in a mine killed 263 people.

1960 - A military coup takes place in Laos.

1962 - US Nazi leader George Rockwell is arrested and expelled from the country.

1963 - a robbery of the Glasgow-London mail train by a gang of 15 people. £2.6 million worth of old banknotes (equivalent to today's £40 million) stolen. The most famous of the criminals who committed the robbery is Ronnie Biggs, although he did not plan the robbery and led it at all.

1966 - The start of the Cultural Revolution is announced in China.

1967 - The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is formed in Bangkok. It included Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, then Brunei (1984), Vietnam (1995), Laos and Myanmar (1997), Cambodia (1999).

The Institute of Culture was opened in Kyiv.

The Beatles recorded the song "Hey Jude".

1969 - For the first time (and last time) the USSR Football Cup was won by the team of the first league Lviv "Karpaty".

1974 - Richard Nixon announces his resignation in connection with the Watergate scandal.

1983 - A military coup takes place in Guatemala.

1990 - Iraq announced the annexation of Kuwait.

1991 - Former Iranian Prime Minister Sh. Bakhtiyar is killed in Paris.

Scientists in the UK, USA and Italy have officially announced the start of human cloning experiments.

An improvised explosive device, equivalent to 800 grams of TNT, went off in the passage on Pushkinskaya Square. During the explosion, 13 people were killed and another 118 were injured.

History of Russia and the world August 8 - in the XXI century

Opening of the XXIX Olympic Games in Beijing.

The beginning of active hostilities in South Ossetia.

History of August 8 - which of the greats was born

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on August 8, XVII century

1602 - Gilles Roberval, French mathematician, astronomer and physicist (d. 1675).

1646 - Godfrey Neller, German painter, court portrait painter of five English monarchs (d. 1723).

1694 - Francis Hutcheson, English philosopher (d. 1746)

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on August 8 in the XVIII century

1709 - Johann Georg Gmelin, German traveler (d. 1755).

1790 - Ferenc Kölcsey, Hungarian romantic poet, author of the Hungarian national anthem (d. 1838).

1799 - Nathaniel Brown Palmer, American navigator, one of the discoverers of Antarctica (d. 1877).

Born with I am a celebrity of the world and Russia on August 8 in the XIX century

1819 - Panteleimon Kulish (d. 1897), Ukrainian writer, member of the Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood ("Black Rada", "Ukraine").

1861 - William Batson (d. 1926), English biologist, one of the founders of genetics, who gave her name.

1866 - Matthew Alexander Henson (d. 1955), American polar explorer

1869 - Prokhor Gorokhov (d. 1925), Russian self-taught poet, author of the lyrics to the song "There were merry days."

1877 - Alexander Khanzhonkov (d. 1945), the first Russian filmmaker.

1879 - Emiliano Zapata (d. 1919), Mexican revolutionary

1881 - Juliusz Klos (d. 1933), Polish architectural historian, professor at Stefan Batory University

1882 - Vladislav Starevich (d. 1965), Russian and French director, creator of puppet animation.

1884 - Sarah Tisdale (d. 1933), American poet, first recipient of the Puletzer Prize

1895 - Leonid Myasin (d. 1979), dancer, choreographer.

1898 - Emmanuel Geller (d. 1990), Soviet actor theater and cinema.

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on August 8 in the XX century

Ernest Orlando Lawrence (d. 1958), American physicist, laureate Nobel Prize (1939).

1902 - Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (d. 1984), English physicist, Nobel laureate (1933)

1909 - Emilian Bukov, Moldavian Soviet writer and poet.

1919 – Dino De Laurentiis, Italian film producer

1926 - Albert Mkrtchyan, film director ("Sannikov Land").

Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov (d. 1982), writer

Svyatoslav Fedorov (d. 2000), eye surgeon.

1928 - Nina Menshikova, theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR.

1930 - Arunas Zhebryunas, Lithuanian film director and screenwriter ("Rich Man, Poor Man").

1931 - Roger Penrose, English physicist

1937 - Dustin Hoffman, American film actor, winner of two Oscars.

1940 - Paul Butkevich, Latvian stage and film actor ("A case in the square 36-80", "Vivat, midshipmen!").

1943 - Julius Gusman, film director, KVNshchik, director of the House of Cinema, deputy of the Duma.

1948 - Svetlana Savitskaya, Soviet cosmonaut.

Martin Brest, American film director, actor (Smell of a Woman, Beverly Hills Cop, etc.).

Stanislav Sadalsky, theater and film actor (“The meeting place cannot be changed”, “Say a word about the poor hussar”, etc.).

Today name days are celebrated: Ermolai, Moses, Praskovya, Dominic, Cyprian, Emilian, Fedor, Ignatius!

Today they celebrate:
Holy Hieromartyrs Yermolai, Hermipp and Hermocrates, Priests of Nicomedia;
Saint Dominic's Day;
Independence Day in Bhutan;
Independence Day in Afghanistan;
Independence Day on the Ivory Coast;
Youth Day in Zambia;
Tij Day- Women's holiday in Nepal;
Peace Day in Iraq;
Signal Troops Day in Ukraine;
Peace Day in Augsburg (Germany).

Signs for August 8:
Mary's day
Autumn haze goes through the grasses, they give healing power to the herbs. In the morning, the dewy coolness fills the leaves, washes the dust, and at noon the healer comes and performs rituals. And it is born in the herbs and remains a mighty mystery.

This day happened:

1584 - the Imperial Palace was built in Osaka (Japan)

1588 - The British defeated the remnants of the Spanish Invincible Armada, which had previously been scattered by a storm
Invincible Armada - a large military fleet (130 heavy ships) created by Spain in 1586-88 to conquer England during the Anglo-Spanish War (1587-1604) under the command of Alonso Pérez de Guzman, Duke of Medina Sidonia

1628 - The Dutch captured Spanish ships off the coast of Cuba with 80 tons of silver

1672 - New York is captured by the Dutch, who renamed it New Orange

1729 - Founding of Baltimore (North America) officially proclaimed

1770 - The capture of the Izmail fortress by Russian troops

1783 - Catherine II awarded A. Suvorov the Order of St. Vladimir

1786 - Michel Paccard first conquered the highest peak in Europe, Mont Blanc

1790 - Admiral F. Ushakov's squadron defeated the Turkish fleet, ensuring Russia's dominance in the Black Sea

1824 - Maria Alexandrovna was born
Russian Empress, wife of Alexander II, founder of the Red Cross in Russia

1827 - Establishment of the first insurance company in Russia

1831 - Nikolai Nikolaevich was born
Russian Grand Duke, third son of Nicholas I, field marshal, hero of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78.

1835 - Adoption in Russia of a new university charter, developed by the Minister of Public Education, Count S. S. Uvarov

1899 - In Minnesota, A. Marshall patented a refrigerator

1900 - Davis Cup established
The Davis Cup has been the most prestigious tennis trophy in men's tennis for 106 years.

1907 - Representatives of the Russian Zemstvo demanded from the government the introduction of universal compulsory education

1917 - The VI Congress of the Bolshevik Party began, which headed for an armed uprising

1919 - Third Anglo-Afghan War ends

1925 - The first national convention of the Ku Klux Klan opens in Washington.
The Ku Klux Klan is the name of several racist and terrorist organizations in the US, mostly in the South

1925 - The first traffic lights in Toronto (Canada) are installed

1927 - A vaccine against canine distemper is announced in France

1932 - The work of women in the mines was allowed in the USSR

1937 - Dustin Hoffman is born
American film actor, winner of two Oscars (Rain Man, Tootsie, Kramer vs. Kramer, Captain Hook, Epidemic)

1941 - Stalin is appointed commander-in-chief of the Soviet army

1941 - Five Il planes made the first Soviet bombing of Berlin
Only one plane flew to Berlin

1943 - Julius Gusman was born
Film director, KVNschik, director of the House of Cinema (removed in August 2002), deputy of the Duma

1943 - the KV-85 heavy tank was adopted by the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army

1945 - The USSR declared war on Japan, starting the entry of troops into Manchuria

1949 - The first session of the Council of Europe was held in Strasbourg

1951 - Stanislav Sadalsky was born
Theater and film actor (“The meeting place cannot be changed”, “Say a word about the poor hussar”, “Royal hunting”)

1955 - Egypt pledged to supply cotton to the USSR and Romania in exchange for oil

1955 - In the USSR, a regulation was adopted on holidays and working conditions for adolescents

1959 - The II Summer Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR was opened
8452 sportsmen from 235 cities participated. Every third was a master of sports. During the Spartakiad, 30,000 new records were set - from district and city to regional and republican. Improved 12 all-Union records. Three of them are global, one is European

1967 - Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) formed in Bangkok
It included Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, then Brunei (1984), Vietnam (1995), Laos and Myanmar (1997), Cambodia (1999)

1968 - The Beatles recorded the song "Hey Jude"

1974 - Richard Nixon announces his resignation in connection with the Watergate scandal.
The Watergate scandal is an incident that took place at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C., where 5 people who broke into the hotel were arrested. They were engaged in setting up listening equipment and, according to some reports, photographing internal documents of the headquarters of the Democrats.

1991 - Former Iranian Prime Minister Sh. Bakhtiar killed in Paris

1991 - Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub died
Fighter pilot, three times Hero of the Soviet Union

1992 - The American team set the current world record in the men's 4x100 meters relay - 37.4 seconds

1994 - Leonid Maksimovich Leonov died
Writer ("Evgenia Ivanovna", "Wolf", "Russian Forest")

1998 - American Michael Kearney became the youngest person in history to receive a Master of Science degree (in biochemistry) - he did this at the age of 14 years 8 months

2000 - In Moscow, an explosion occurred in the underpass at the Pushkinskaya metro station at 18:01 Moscow time
A shellless explosive device with a capacity of 800 grams of TNT went off. 13 people died - seven people on the spot, six in hospitals from wounds and burns. 61 people were injured. The improvised explosive device was stuffed with screws and screws. The bomb was left in a shopping bag next to the watch pavilion.

2003 - Prehistoric web found
This thread is about 130 million years old. Such an old strand of cobwebs was found by Swiss scientists in amber. A four-millimeter piece of cobweb, the oldest in the world, was found in amber deposits near Jezina in Lebanon. Tiny droplets of glue produced by spider glands are visible on the fiber

2008 - opening of the Beijing Olympics

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Holidays and events of August.

Today is August 8th. Holidays and events:

1570 - Treaty of Saint-Germain ends the third religious war in France.
1588 - The British defeated the remnants of the Spanish Invincible Armada, which had previously been scattered by a storm.
1619 - First Lutheran service held in Canada.
1628 - The Dutch captured Spanish ships off the coast of Cuba with 80 tons of silver.
1636 - Spanish troops came close to Paris.
1648 - On the orders of his mother, the Janissaries overthrew and executed the mentally ill Turkish Sultan Ibrahim I.
1672 - New York is captured by the Dutch, who renamed it New Orange.
1729 - Founding of Baltimore (North America) is officially proclaimed.
1742 - The first vice-chancellor of internal affairs of Russia, Count M. G. Golovkin, and his wife Ekaterina Ivanovna, who voluntarily followed him into exile, were delivered to the settlement in Srednekolymsk. So Empress Elizaveta Petrovna punished him for his sympathy with Princess Anna Leopoldovna, initially sentenced to death after the November palace coup in 1741, later replacing it with a settlement in Siberia. The count died in exile in 1766. The wife, who received permission to return to Moscow after the death of her husband, took the body with her, according to legend, filling it with wax. Count Golovkin was buried in the St. George Monastery. The Countess lived to the age of 90 and died on May 20, 1791.
1783 - Catherine II awarded A. Suvorov the Order of St. Vladimir.
1786 - Michel Paccard first conquered the highest peak in Europe, Mont Blanc.
1788 - The French king Louis XVI announced the convocation of the Estates General for the following year, which would later erect him on the chopping block.
1790 - The squadron of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov defeated the Turkish fleet, ensuring Russian dominance in the Black Sea.
1805 - Timofey Kondratiev became the city architect of Voronezh. This position was introduced in the city for the first time.
1815 - Napoleon went into exile on Saint Helena.
1832 - Prince Otto, son of the Bavarian king, is proclaimed king of Greece.
1835 - Adoption in Russia of a new university charter, developed by the Minister of Public Education, Count S. S. Uvarov.
1854 - Smith & Wesson introduced cartridge magazines.
1897 - Visit of the German Emperor Wilhelm II to Peterhof.
1900 - In Brooklyn (Massachusetts), the first match for the International Lawn Tennis Federation Cup began at the Longwood Cricket Club. The cup itself was presented by American Dwight Davis, a member of the US team, which won the first match of the British with a score of 3: 0. The competition became known as the Davis Cup Team Championship, or simply the Davis Cup. Davis subsequently became a member of the US government.
1901 - In South Africa, the commander of the Boer troops, De Villiers, capitulated to the British.
1907 - Representatives of the Russian Zemstvo demanded from the government the introduction of universal compulsory education.
1910 - Persian government troops captured the leaders of the uprising in Persia, Sattar Khan and Begir Khan.
1911 - A workers' demonstration in Liverpool is gunned down by troops.
1914 - Various factions of the State Duma of Russia entered into a Holy Alliance for the period of the First World War.
- Anglo-French troops occupied Togoland (now Togo).
1915 - German troops captured Prague, a fortified suburb of Warsaw.
- In the Dardanelles, an English submarine flooded the Turkish battleship Barbarossa.
- Russian Emperor Nicholas II rejected Denmark's offer to mediate in peace negotiations with Germany.
1917 - The VI Congress of the Bolshevik Party began, which headed for an armed uprising.
- In Russia, the ban on the activities of the Jesuit order has been lifted.
1918 - The Amiens offensive operation of the Anglo-French troops ("Black Day of Germany") began.
1919 - The third Anglo-Afghan war ended.
- Polish troops captured Minsk and Rovno.
- Soviet troops occupied Tyumen.
1920 - A detachment of troops of Baron Wrangel landed in the Kuban.
1923 - 14-year-old Benny Goodman began his professional musical career in Chicago as a clarinetist in an orchestra that sailed on a steamboat on Lake Michigan.
1925 - The first national convention of the Ku Klux Klan opens in Washington.
- The first traffic lights in Toronto (Canada) were installed.
1927 - A vaccine against canine distemper is announced in France.
1929 - the airship "Graf Zeppelin" went on a flight around the Earth.
1932 - The work of women in the mines is allowed in the USSR.
1934 - The LAPD announces that Hollywood stars are making large donations to the US Communist Party.
1935 - Hermann Göring is put in charge of Germany's new industry, television.
1937 - The Japanese captured Beijing.
1940 - The pro-fascist government of France arrested former prime ministers L. Blum and E. Daladier.
1941 - Stalin is appointed commander-in-chief of the Soviet army.
- Five Il-4 aircraft carried out the first Soviet bombing of Berlin.
- In Brussels, the "Walloon Legion" was formed from the Belgians who volunteered to fight on the side of the Nazis in the USSR.
1943 - Mussolini is imprisoned on the island of Maddalena in Sardinia.
- The KV-85 heavy tank is being adopted by the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army
1944 - In Berlin, eight German officers accused of planning an assassination attempt on Hitler, including Field Marshal von Witzleben, are hanged from piano strings.
1945 - The USSR declared war on Japan, starting the entry of troops into Manchuria.
1946 - Two American bombers made the first unmanned flight from Hawaii to California, controlled entirely by radio.
1949 - The first session of the Council of Europe was held in Strasbourg.
1955 - In the USSR, a regulation on holidays and working conditions for adolescents was adopted.
- Egypt undertook to supply cotton to the USSR and Romania in exchange for oil.
1956 - In Marceline (Belgium), a fire in a mine killed 263 people.
1960 - A military coup takes place in Laos.
1962 - US Nazi leader George Rockwell is arrested and expelled from the country.
1963 - a robbery of the Glasgow-London mail train by a gang of 15 people. £2.6 million worth of old banknotes (equivalent to today's £40 million) stolen. The most famous of the criminals who committed the robbery is Ronnie Biggs, although he did not plan the robbery and led it at all.
1966 - The beginning of the Cultural Revolution is announced in China.
1967 - The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is formed in Bangkok. It included Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, then Brunei (1984), Vietnam (1995), Laos and Myanmar (1997), Cambodia (1999).
1968 - The Institute of Culture was opened in Kyiv.
1969 - For the first time (and the last time) the USSR Football Cup was won by the team of the first league Lviv "Karpaty".
1974 - Richard Nixon announces his resignation in connection with the Watergate scandal.
1983 - A military coup takes place in Guatemala.
1990 - Iraq announced the annexation of Kuwait.
1991 - Former Iranian Prime Minister Sh. Bakhtiar is killed in Paris.
2000 - Scientists from the UK, USA and Italy officially announced the start of human cloning experiments.
2008 - Opening of the XXIX Olympic Games in Beijing.
- Active fighting in South Ossetia.