Igor malashenko twitter. Who is Russian political scientist and journalist Igor Malashenko? Who is really Malashenko

Igor Malashenko was born on October 2, 1954 in the family of an officer - Lieutenant General E.I. Malashenko, participant of the Great Patriotic War. Moskvich.

After leaving school, he entered the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, from which he graduated in 1976, after 4 years he received the title of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences at the same university, defending a dissertation on the topic "Political Philosophy of Dante Alighieri".

Since 1980, he was a member of the Institute for the USA and Canada of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He started as a junior researcher, then, from 1982 to 1983, he was a trainee from the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Washington, later he received the title of senior researcher at the US and Canada Institute. In March 1989, he became a senior referent for the international department of the Central Committee of the CPSU, where he took part in the development of the concept of "new political thinking", and held this position until March 1991. In the same 1991, from April to December, he was a consultant to the apparatus of the President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev. Participated in the preparation of Gorbachev's negotiations with foreign representatives and in organizing the visit of George W. Bush to Moscow, organized Gorbachev's participation in the G7 meeting in London. Published in American newspapers and magazines: New York Times, Time, Los Angeles Times, Newsweek.

Since December 1991, Igor Malashenko changed his field of activity and began his career on television, on Channel One. From February to July 1992, he served as political director of the Russian State Television and Radio Company Ostankino, then general director and deputy chairman of the Ostankino television and radio company. In the same year, Igor Evgenievich decided to leave Channel One. the reason for this was the disagreement with the chairman, Vyacheslav Bragin, since Malashenko did not agree with the methods of leadership of the "top" of the channel.

In 1993, he moved to the NTV television company, one of the founders of which was, along with Evgeny Kiselev, Alexei Tsyvarev and Oleg Dobrodeev. NTV. He held the positions of General Director of NTV Television Company, then General Director of NTV-Holding, which included NTV, NTV Profit, NTV Plus, NTV Design, NTV Kino, Ekho Moskvy radio stations, regional TV TNT. In the future, he held the positions of First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Media-MOST, General Director of the RTVi channel, General Director of Inter TV (London).

In 1996, Malashenko participated in the presidential election campaign of Boris Yeltsin. The skills and skills of a political strategist, developed back in Soviet years, turned out to be effective and made a great contribution to Yeltsin's success in the elections.

Perhaps it was these reasons that prompted Ksenia Sobchak to invite Igor Malashenko to the position of political strategist in 2017. Malashenko was appointed chief director of the campaign headquarters of presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak. Igor Evgenievich accepted her proposal without a doubt, since he believes that the support of Vladimir Putin by 86 percent of the population stops any development in Russia, does not allow moving on. In his opinion, this is a dead end branch for evolution. great country. Participation in this election campaign made the famous political strategist even more popular.

Personal life

Little is known about Igor Malashenko's first marriage. With Elena Ivanovna Pivovarova they have two daughters - Elena and Elizaveta. Elena Malashenko worked as the artistic director of the Manege Gallery. The eldest daughter is educated in the UK. One of the versions why the couple broke up is the cooling of feelings, caused by the fact that Igor Evgenievich and his wife lived in different countries. However, according to another version, the reason for the divorce was the journalist Bozena Rynska. Elena Pivovarova lives in the US and refuses to comment on her marriage to Malashenko. The couple officially divorced in early 2018.

In 2011, Igor Malashenko began dating Evgenia Lvovna Rynska, known as the scandalous journalist Bozhena Rynska, a columnist for the Izvestia newspaper, the Gazeta.ru portal and a blogger. On September 11, 2013, Malashenko got into the criminal chronicle along with his civil wife at that time. According to law enforcement agencies, in the courtyard of their house on Lesnaya Street, they attacked a correspondent and cameraman of the NTV television company while “they were carrying out professional activity and beat them up. As a result of the trial, on September 29, 2014, Rynska was found guilty of “inflicting beatings out of hooligan motives” and “deliberately damaging someone else’s property”, sentenced by a world court to 1 year of corrective labor with deduction of 10% of her earnings to the state income. She herself believes that she became a victim in the conflict between Malashenko and NTV companies.

Igor Malashenko does not comment on his personal life. It is only known that after a divorce from Elena Malashenko, he officially became Bozena's husband.


Among Igor Evgenievich's hobbies are golf and photography, and also collecting. He collected two solid collections: badges of the times Soviet Union and balls made of precious and ornamental materials. From his youth he has been fond of philosophy, especially the Chinese Tao, his favorite philosopher is Lao Tzu.

September 17, 2017, 08:29

Would you like to find out with me what kind of family Mrs. Bozhena is breaking through so hard?

In fact, we don't really know much about them.

Of course, real true gossips know everything, but there are also not quite true gossips. *just like me*

Let's start with the pope, who died on July 3, 2017, Lieutenant General Yevgeny Ivanovich Malashenko, whose p... you ̶d̶e̶b̶i̶l̶b̶n̶a̶ya̶ the stupid Bozena exposed to the whole wide world.

Evgeny Ivanovich was born on March 20, 1924 in the city of Nizhyn. He ended up in the army after completing an accelerated training course at the 1st Tambov Red Banner School

Yevgeny Malashenko was a participant in the Great Patriotic War, defended Moscow, commanded first a platoon, then a company, was the head of regimental intelligence, and commander of a marine rifle brigade. He took part in the battles on the Western, Kalinin, Leningrad and 4th Ukrainian fronts.

In the 50s of the last century, he served in the group of troops on the territory of Hungary, where he participated in the suppression of the Hungarian uprising.

Lieutenant General Yevgeny Malashenko represented the Russian Military Leaders Club, advised representatives of the Center for Operational and Strategic Research of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, was deputy chief of staff of the Joint Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact countries, spent several years as a Soviet military adviser in Egypt

For his combat let Evgeny Malashenko was awarded many state and departmental awards.

And such a heroic son was born to such a heroic father.

Igor Evgenievich Malashenko, dear friend of Mrs. Kuritsina. I also didn’t know much about him, except that he was the founder of NTV.

Here is what Peoples and Wikipedia write to us

Igor Malashenko

Igor Malashenko

Birthday: 02.10.1954
Age: 62

Citizenship: Russia


In an interview with Nezavisimaya Gazeta, he said: "I don't have any friends... I work with people, I'm not friends."

In 1976 he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, in 1980 - postgraduate study of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. PhD in Philosophy.

Since 1980 - Junior Researcher at the Institute for the USA and Canada of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1982 - 83 he was on an internship in Washington (USA). From 1983 to 1989 - senior fellow at the Institute for the USA and Canada.

From March 1989 to March 1991 - senior assistant of the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU. He was one of the developers of the concept of "new political thinking".

From April to December 1991 - consultant to the Office of the President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev.

Published in American magazines and newspapers "Time", "New York Times", "Newsweek", "Los Angeles Times".

In December 1991 - on Channel I television. From February 1992 to July 1992 - Political Director of the Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (RGTRK) Ostankino. From July to November 1992 - General Director of the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, First Deputy Chairman of the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

On March 2, 1993, he was relieved of his post as first deputy chairman of the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "at his own request."

From March to June 1993 - Advisor to the Department of Political and International Affairs of the International Fund for Economic and Social Reforms "Reform" ("Shatalin Fund").

In June 1993, Igor Malashenko, Oleg Dobrodeev, Evgeny Kiselev and Alexei Tsyvarev registered Itogi LLP and became the founders of the NTV commercial television company. From June to September 1993 - consultant of the NTV department of the MOST Group LLP.

Since September 1993 - President, General Director of NTV Television Company LLP. Member of the Board of Partners of NTV Television Company OJSC.

Since April 1994 - consultant, media expert of MOST Group LLP.

In 1996 he became one of the founders of ZAO NTV Plus. From July 1996 to December 1997 - President of ZAO NTV Plus.

In January 1997 he became one of the founders of CJSC "Media-MOST". Member of the Board of Directors of ZAO Media-MOST.

Since February 1997 - General Director of LLC "Group-96".

Since September 1998 - First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZAO Media-MOST.

Since 1998 - Member of the Board of Directors of CJSC AKB Image.

Since 1992 - member of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy (SVOP).

Since 1995 - Member of the Coordinating Council of the All-Russian Association "Round Table of Business in Russia".

Since 1998 - member of the leadership of the "Media Against Drugs" movement.

1998-2000 - First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Media-MOST.
2001-2009 - CEO of the RTVi channel.
Since 2010 - General Director of Inter TV (London).

And from this period he is already our man. We begin to recognize him much more widely.

On September 11, 2013, Malashenko got into the criminal chronicle along with his common-law wife, Bozena Rynska. According to law enforcement agencies, in the courtyard of their house on Lesnaya Street, they attacked a correspondent and cameraman of the NTV television company while “carrying out their professional activities” and beat them. As a result of the trial, on September 29, 2014, Rynska was found guilty of "beating out of hooligan motives" and "deliberately damaging someone else's property", sentenced by the Magistrate's Court to 1 year of corrective labor with deduction of 10% of her earnings to the state income

On June 16, 2000, after the arrest of V. Gusinsky, he said at a press conference that provocations from law enforcement agencies were possible against him.

He enjoys photography and golf.

He studies the Chinese philosophy of Tao (his favorite philosopher is Lao Tzu). Collects badges from the times of the USSR and balls of precious and ornamental stones.

Fluent in English.

His wife, Elena Ivanovna Malashenko (Pivovarova), is a former artistic director of the Manege Gallery. Daughters Elizabeth (lives in the UK) and Elena (1996) and another lady writes about her son.

Apparently, Bozhenya was still given a stick, or she came back to her mind on her own, since now about her *civilian?* her father-in-law, however, she changed her tone.

“I’ll write a little about my dad, I think about him all the time,” Rynska writes on Facebook. Dealing with the apartment, I can not help but think. In Chigasovo, dad was very loved. To whom you don’t go into the house, they ask where your cheerful grandfather is, what doesn’t come in. The neighbors in the house loved him. They rang the doorbell to the neighbors Losiks (the family of the late Marshal Losik), and they clasped their hands with joy: “Malashenki, what happiness! The neighbor on the left came out, smiling, inviting. All the rest hope that we will live here, and they say in advance that they are terribly glad to the Malashenok family. All this, of course, is the inheritance of the pope, and not my good manners and pleasant conversation. And what a welcoming attitude towards me is when I come alone, this is also my father's job. The neighbor says that dad broke into a smile when she praised me to him. What he really liked when I was praised.

There are a lot of apartments in the house for repairs - all the old people, the last ones who went through the war, died. Dad was the last front-line soldier ... "

The neighbors of the Malashenko family are also high-ranking military personnel. Their families still live in this house.

“The descendants of Air Marshal Skomorokhov live above us. They were friends with dad. The marshal often flooded dad and refused dad's proposals to spit and forget, they say, the house manager will do it. No, he was always with his dad himself and repaired what he flooded. Pre-scattered in apologies. His lovely family came to the funeral. And they communicated with me very warmly, ”said Malashenko. “Skomorokhov was a unique person. This is an outstanding fighter pilot. A guy from the village of Lapot, who was born with the talent of a bird. He navigated the sky like a bird. It had a built-in device that allowed you to feel the sky. The father-in-law was also oriented in the forest. Could go where it is necessary from the first attempt. But the forest is not the same as the sky. Skomorokhov, according to memoirs, was born a bird-man. Nevertheless, having shot down a few Fritz, for some reason he stopped shooting down. And wondered where the plug. I realized that they were taught wrong. Sat down for calculations, for drawings. And doper how to properly shoot down enemies. In fact, he discovered the whole science of destroying enemy aircraft. And he began to shoot down in flocks.

Moreover, unlike the legendary aces, from the same Pokryshkin, Skomorokhov flew on Soviet tin cans. And Pokryshkin - on the American. Skomorokhov's first car was generally an LA-3, enough :) venerable Lavochkin. And only after some time he was given the LA-5, which, of course. was a more serious car. Throughout the war, for all 600 sorties, Skomorokhov's Lavochkin was never shot down, never burned down, never staggered to the point of repair. That is, Skomorokhov not only saved himself, but also the car. His plane was intact throughout the war, that is, there was no damage to the state. Yes, but Nikolai Mikhailovich killed 57 enemy aircraft during the entire war.


Like this. I know this post isn't very interesting, but still.

Last updated 02/25/2019

Died at the age of 64 political scientist and journalist Igor Malashenko, one of the founders of the NTV television company and the husband of the infamous journalists Bozhena Rynska. According to Kommersant's sources, he was found dead in Spain. According to unconfirmed information, Malashenko committed suicide.

In mid-February 2019, the media reported on the hospitalization of a journalist in Latvia. Rynska said on her Facebook page that she spent the whole night in the hospital with her husband. She also posted photos of Malashenko with connected medical devices. Channel Five, citing a closed Instagram, Rynsi said that her common-law husband suffered from a neurological disease.

Igor Malashenko and Bozena Rynska. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova


Igor Malashenko was born on October 2, 1954 in Moscow into a military family. His father is E vgeny Malashenko, lieutenant general, military intelligence officer, participant in the Great Patriotic War and the suppression of the Hungarian uprising of 1956.

In 1976 he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, in 1980 he defended his Ph.D. thesis "Political Philosophy of Dante Alighieri".

From 1980 to 1989 he worked at the Institute of the USA and Canada of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

For two years, from 1989 to 1991, he was a senior referent for the international department of the Central Committee of the CPSU. From April to December 1991, he worked as a consultant to the apparatus of the President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev.

In December 1991, Malashenko came to television - on Channel One. In February 1992, he was appointed political director of the Russian State Television and Radio Company (RGTRK) Ostankino.

From July to November 1992 - General Director, First Deputy Chairman of the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Until March 1993 - Acting Chairman of the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

From March to June 1993 - Advisor to the Department of Political and International Problems of the International Fund for Economic and Social Reforms "Reform" ("Shatalin Fund").

Since 1992 - member of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy (SVOP).

In 1993, he headed the NTV television company, which he organized together with Oleg Dobrodeev, Evgeny Kiselev and Alexei Tsyvarev.

Since 1995 - Member of the Coordinating Council of the All-Russian Association "Round Table of Business in Russia".

In 1996 he became one of the founders of ZAO NTV Plus. From July 1996 to December 1997 - President of ZAO NTV Plus.

In 1996, he was a member of the leadership of the campaign headquarters presidential candidate Boris Yeltsin.

From 1997 to 1998 - General Director of NTV-Holding. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Media-MOST holding.

Since 1998 - member of the leadership of the "Media Against Drugs" movement.

In June 2000, after the arrest Vladimir Gusinsky, Malashenko said at a press conference that provocations from law enforcement agencies are possible against him.

From 2001 to 2009 - CEO of the RTVi channel.

Since 2010 - General Director of Inter TV in London.

In September 2017, he was appointed head of the campaign headquarters Ksenia Sobchak.

In 2013, Malashenko and his civil wife Bozena Rynska got into the criminal chronicle. In the courtyard of their home in Moscow, they beat an NTV journalist who was performing his professional duties. Rynska was found guilty and sentenced to a year of hard labor.

Media manager's wife Elena Malashenko(Pivovarova), former artistic director of the Manege Gallery, in last years lived in the USA, he also has two adult daughters and a son. At the beginning of 2018, Bozena Rynska announced that her common-law husband was getting a divorce. In September of the same year, the media reported that Malashenko and Rynska were married, the journalist published photos and videos from the celebration on her social networks.

In an interview with Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Malashenko said about himself: "I have no friends ... I work with people, not make friends."

Work in Yeltsin's campaign headquarters

Malashenko admitted in a blitz interview with RBC that at one time Boris Yeltsin took 15 minutes to think to offer him a job in his campaign headquarters in 1996. He noted that Sobchak thought about it for an hour.

At the headquarters of the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, Malashenko was responsible for working with the media, was the chief media manager of the election campaign. At the same time, he continued to manage the NTV channel, although a conflict of interest arose. Yeltsin's main rival in 1996 was Gennady Zyuganov. Yeltsin's headquarters criticized the communists a lot and sharply, tried to prevent them from returning to power.

Born in the family of Lieutenant General Yevgeny Ivanovich Malashenko (March 20, 1924 - July 3, 2017), a military intelligence officer, a participant in the suppression of the Hungarian uprising of 1956.

In 1976 he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, in 1980 - postgraduate studies of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University; Candidate of Philosophical Sciences (the topic of Ph.D. thesis is "The Political Philosophy of Dante Alighieri").

In 1980-1989 he was a member of the Institute for the USA and Canada of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

From March 1989 to March 1991 - senior assistant of the international department of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

From April to December 1991, he was a consultant to the President's Office of the USSR.

Since December 1991 - on the First Channel of Television, where he moved after Yegor Yakovlev. From February to July 1992 - political director of the Russian state television and radio company Ostankino.

From July to November 1992 - General Director, First Deputy Chairman of the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

From November 26, 1992 to March 2, 1993 - Acting Chairman of the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. After Vyacheslav Bragin became chairman of the RGTRK, Malashenko did not find him common language and left the First Channel Ostankino.

Best of the day

From July 1993 to December 1997 - President, General Director of NTV Television Company LLP. It was Malashenko, according to the TV company veteran Vladimir Kondratyev, who invented the NTV brand, while it was immediately decided not to decipher the abbreviation, leaving the solution to the discretion of each viewer. As one of the top managers of the channel, Malashenko took part in the purchase of unique television material for its subsequent broadcast on the air. In 1995, he was the host of some episodes of the Hero of the Day program (NTV). In 1996, he took an active part in the presidential campaign of candidate Boris Yeltsin. Many Russian media outlets characterize Malashenko as "the person who was in charge of Yeltsin's campaign PR during the 1996 elections and who actually made him president for the second time." Subsequently, he recalled:

“Perhaps I hoped that my work there would somehow dispel the rumors that NTV is a malicious company that undermines the foundations of society and the state. But there was no talk about the channel. The president personally invited me to the headquarters, and, as you can imagine, a conversation in the style of “I will go to the headquarters, and you will give me the channel” was simply impossible. I don't know if we'll get a channel now. »

From 1997 to 1998 - General Director of NTV-Holding.

From 1998 to 2000 - First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZAO Media-Most.

In the early 2000s, despite the absence of political persecution, he left Russia and for 9 years (until 2009) lived in New York, USA, often visited Spain and Kiev. During this period of his life, from 2001 to 2009, as president of Overseas Media Productions, he was the general director of the RTVi channel (the former NTV-International, which served as the international version of NTV until 2001). He advised the management of the Ukrainian channel TVi, and also remained a minority shareholder of Ekho Moskvy and the Newsru.com website. Since 2010, he began to visit Russia again, and in the spring of 2012 he finally returned to the country.

Since 2010 - General Director of Inter TV (London).

Malashenko had real estate in New York, Marbella, Moscow and Chigasovo near Zvenigorod.


On September 11, 2013, Malashenko got into the criminal chronicle along with his common-law wife, Bozena Rynskaya. According to law enforcement agencies, in the courtyard of their house on Lesnaya Street, they attacked a correspondent and cameraman of the NTV television company while “carrying out their professional activities” and beat them. As a result of the trial, on September 29, 2014, Rynska was found guilty of “inflicting beatings out of hooligan motives” and “deliberately damaging someone else’s property”, sentenced by a world court to 1 year of corrective labor with deduction of 10% of her earnings to the state income.

public position

In the 1990s, Igor Malashenko actively supported Russian reforms and President Yeltsin, was the leader of his successful election campaign 1996. After 2001, Malashenko was critical of power in Russia; he considered Yeltsin's biggest mistake to be the choice of Putin as his successor. A number of fellow journalists, veterans of big Russian politics, noted that Malashenko, who did a lot in the 1990s to establish independent television in Russia, in the 21st century was hard pressed by his professional lack of demand. In the fall of 2017, Malashenko headed the campaign headquarters of Ksenia Sobchak, who decided to run for president of Russia in 2018.

Illness and death

In mid-February 2019, Malashenko was hospitalized with recent neurological problems. It was mentioned that Malashenko suffered from severe clinical depression.

February 25, 2019 in Spain, according to the Kommersant newspaper, Igor Malashenko committed suicide. His body was found in his own home in Marbella.

Personal life

Ex-wife: Elena Ivanovna Malashenko (Pivovarova), in the past - artistic director of the Manezh gallery,

three children: daughters Elizabeth and Elena (born 1996) and son Vladimir.

The press reported that Bozena Rynska broke up with her lover, media mogul Igor Malashenko. However, these rumors were not confirmed. The journalist and blogger spent her 40th birthday in the company of her beloved man. As the journalists found out, at noon the couple was seen in one of the capital's wine boutiques, where a 60-year-old businessman bought a bottle of Penfolds Kalimna Bin 28 Shiraz red wine worth 3,272 rubles. After Malashenko and Rynsk, we went to one of Alexander Rappoport's new establishments - the trendy Moscow restaurant "Dr. Zhivago".


The holiday was held in a purely intimate atmosphere. "Beloved invited to dinner," boasted Bozena.

Pacified by the attention of her beloved man and gourmet dishes, Rynska went home in high spirits, as the Super edition astutely noted. By the way, on her Facebook, the journalist stated that publicly refuses all birthday gifts.

Earlier, at her own master class, which Bozena Rynska, hit by a barrier on the head with a barrier, conducted in Kyiv, the journalist suddenly started talking about her personal life. As it turned out, she was not very happy with her position. " I don't feel like a happy woman. Beloved does not marry, so God forbid not to owe anything after a divorce, she also postponed the birth of a child for an indefinite period: her husband is broke, and the fees are definitely not enough for IVF and the normal provision of the child, "said Bozena Rynska. The most interesting thing is, that the owner of an ostrich bag for 15 thousand euros speaks about the lack of money.The public learned about the expensive accessory after Rynska began to ask for advice on how to clean such a thing from dirt in her account.

Recall that the beloved person of 40-year-old Rynski is the former general director of Ostankino and NTV, the son of General Igor Malashenko. Back in April 2013, the journalist admitted in her blog that she was completely happy: “Brothers, I warn you. I am now writing all sorts of glorious posts, because I am in the country, my house is a full bowl, my husband is loving, and I am overwhelmed with positive, there is giving space."