Yellow striper is a healthy fish. What kind of fish is a yellow striper?

What kind of fish is a yellow striper?
A small schooling pelagic fish of the perciforme family. The body is elongated, low, strongly compressed laterally. Two dorsal fins: the first is small, with short spiny rays, the second is long. There are bony keel plates on the caudal fin and the lateral line of the rear part of the body. The yellow minke whale lives in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters of the Pacific, Indian, Atlantic oceans and adjacent seas at shallow depths. In the water column, on the surface or at the bottom, it forms powerful accumulations. It feeds on zooplankton and invertebrates. It is imported to other countries mainly from Vietnam and Thailand, where it is mostly processed. Dried yellow minke whale- one of the first fish snacks on the Russian market after shavings squid.

Please note: the supplier sells dried seafood wholesale from Vietnam in a variety of assortment: pipefish, dried strip fish, ice back, yellowtail mackerel, red bigeye mackerel, round mackerel, dried sillfish, yellow striper, dried herring, dried anchovy, lizardhead fish, dried pike, dried bream, dried shrimp, dried tuna, dried eel, spiny leatherfish, dried squid, dried pangasius, etc. If your company is interested buy dried seafood from the manufacturer, it is important to request a quote dried fish prices from the supplier. The application can be sent to the contact information specified in the “Contact” paragraph.

The yellow minke whale is a small fish from the horse mackerel family. It is distinguished by an elongated, low, laterally compressed body. The yellow minke whale has two dorsal fins and one caudal fin. The fish lives in subtropical and tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. The minke whale feeds on invertebrates and zooplankton. Imported to various countries, usually from Thailand and Vietnam.

Yellow minke whale - a fish for beer lovers

So, more details. Yellow minke whale - every beer lover knows what kind of fish it is. It appeared on the Russian market at the beginning of the 2000s. And immediately gained enormous popularity.

The real name of the minke whale is the yellow-striped selar. Fish are caught en masse in warm ocean waters. Some individuals reach even five hundred grams in weight and twenty centimeters in length. However, you won’t find such large fish in dried form in stores. On the shelves there are carcasses no more than twelve centimeters long. Or even less.

Many beer lovers are interested in the calorie content of minke whale. As in other dehydrated “animal” products, it is quite high. There are 267 kilocalories per 100 grams of dried fish. Half of a minke whale's weight is nutritious protein. The dry carcass contains only 7% fat.

Benefits and harms

The yellow minke whale is a fish with its own pros and cons. What does it mean? Yellow minke whale as a snack for beer is undoubtedly an incredibly tasty and nutritious product. But that's the point! It can cause irreparable harm to your figure! The calorie content of fish is too high.

Yellow minke whale is contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension. The same goes for those who suffer from kidney disease. In a word, a high content of table salt does not lead to anything good.

The benefits lie in the nutritional content of this product, ready to eat straight from the package. The high protein content in fish meat completely saturates the human body with all the necessary amino acids. Fish oil makes it possible to cope with all kinds of inflammation and prevent heart disease. And the Omega-3 complex helps ensure normal brain function.

All of the above applies to fish, both dried and dried. In the end, the bottom line is that eating this fish is not only possible, but even necessary. However, within reason!


Dried yellow minke whale is supplied, as mentioned above, from Thailand and Vietnam. Although considerable quantities also come from China.

They buy minke whale in the store either by weight or in packages. By the way, packaged fish costs the buyer much more if you recalculate the cost per gram of goods.

That is, you can buy a kilogram of yellow minke whale (dried) for literally seven hundred rubles. About seventy kopecks per gram. Nevertheless, a small package (thirty-five grams) in some wholesale companies costs about forty rubles. In various grocery stores (or in draft beer stores) the cost will be even higher. Although the proportion remains approximately the same.


The yellow minke fish has a fairly high price compared to other beer snacks. Despite the collapse of the ruble exchange rate and the rise in price of this product, it continues to be in great demand among Russians. And this is not at all surprising. The fish has excellent taste. After all, exclusively fresh raw materials are used for its preparation. The pronounced taste does not leave any beer lover indifferent. Stripe is very easy to clean and, accordingly, chew.

What remains to be said, summing up everything that was noted above? The taste of this product is truly great. Striped salmon is distinguished by its originality: it is at the same time sweet, salty, and spicy. In general, every beer lover will like it.

Would you like to try something spicy? Striped is exactly what you need! You can relax perfectly with a glass of cold, foamy beer and delicious salted fish. In a word, you will feel real relaxation.

The yellow minke whale will definitely impress you. Fish brings great pleasure. No wonder she has won such a huge number of fans. Try it and you won't regret it! Bon appetit!

The yellow striped whale (yellow striped selar) is a small predatory fish that lives in the coastal waters of Japan, Australia, and the Philippine Islands. The body length of the fish can reach 22 cm, and the weight is 600 g. Thanks to the large number of valuable microelements and excellent taste, the yellow minke whale is a valuable fishery object. Dried yellow minke whale is especially popular among consumers - it is a delicious snack for beer.

Yellow minke whale meat contains a large amount of valuable nutrients. Microelements are represented by zinc, potassium, magnesium, iodine, selenium, chromium, cobalt, etc. Selar meat contains vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B9, PP and others. Each of the above elements has certain benefits and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

For example, the benefits of iodine are due to the fact that it is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. And polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6 in combination with vitamin E can significantly reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and act as powerful antioxidants, thereby prolonging the beauty and youth of the skin, nails and hair.

The calorie content of yellow minke whale is quite high and amounts to 230 kcal per 100 grams of product. However, its consumption in moderation only brings benefits to the body. Dried yellow minke whale can be consumed even by overweight people.

There are a huge number of recipes for preparing yellow minke whale. The most delicious and attractive product is dried yellow minke whale. But at home, it will not be possible to properly dry this fish due to the complexity of the technological process. It is much more convenient and easier to buy such a beer snack from trusted Chinese manufacturers at an affordable price.

Dried yellow minke whale - a delicious beer snack

As mentioned above, dried yellow minke whale is a favorite snack for fresh, chilled beer. In addition to unsurpassed taste, this product retains its nutritional value and delicate aroma. But do not forget that food additives are used to preserve snacks. Also, the beneficial properties of minke whale are not able to reduce the negative effects of alcohol on the body. Therefore, moderation should be observed in everything.

How much does a yellow striper fish cost (average price for 1)?

The yellow stripe or Selaroides leptolepis is nothing more than a fish known in our latitudes as the yellow striper. Selar is a small-sized schooling fish that lives in seawater. In accordance with the scientific classification, the yellow minke fish is classified as a member of the Stavrididae family. As a rule, the average yellow minke fish reaches only 22 cm in length.

The yellow minke whale stands out not only for its miniature size, but also for its color. Silvery scales on an elongated and strongly compressed body on the sides are considered characteristic features of the yellow minke fish. The average weight of yellow minke fish is 625 grams. The usual habitat of yellow minke fish can be considered the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans.

In addition, yellow minke fish are found off the coast of the Philippine Islands, as well as Australia and Japan. It is noteworthy that the yellow minke fish, although a marine species, is sometimes found in the fresh waters of the great Mekong River, which flows in the region of Southeast Asia. It is also worth noting that the yellow minke fish is a predatory fish species.

The main diet of the yellow minke whale consists of invertebrate inhabitants of the deep sea, as well as even smaller fish. The main suppliers of yellow minke fish are considered to be Asian countries such as Vietnam and Thailand. On the shelves of domestic grocery stores you can find dried and salted yellow minke whale.

Over the past ten years, yellow minke fish snack has gained unprecedented popularity among consumers. Typically, yellow minke fish is served as a snack with beer. The calorie content of a yellow minke whale depends on several factors, such as the type and habitat of the fish. However, the average calorie level for yellow minke whale is 88 kcal.

Harm to the yellow minke whale

Some sources report that the yellow minke whale is harmful to the human body. We think that yellow minke whales can cause harm if they eat fish in unlimited quantities. In addition, the basic characteristics of dried and salted yellow minke whale differ significantly from fresh fish.

It is also worth noting that ready-to-eat yellow minke whale snack often contains various food additives that help preserve the taste and consumer characteristics of the fish product during transportation and subsequent storage. Pediatricians recommend excluding or significantly limiting a product such as salted yellow minke whale in the diet of children. The thing is that when yellow minke whale is consumed in large quantities, a large amount of salt enters the child's body.

Calorie content of yellow minke fish 88 kcal

Energy value of yellow minke fish (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 17.5 g (~70 kcal)
: 2 g (~18 kcal)
: 0 g (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 80%|20%|0%

A high-quality product contains fish and salt. But unfortunately, conscientious manufacturers are not always found. In order to extend the shelf life of a product “artificially”, various preservatives are added. They are: sodium benzoate and sodium sulfate (included in washing powders). Processing fish with these substances is extremely harmful to human health.

Use of dried yellow minke whale in cooking

You can buy a yellow minke whale in almost every store or supermarket. This product is an “add-on” to beer. Has a salty taste.

They deliver your favorite snack from Vietnam.

You can choose quality fish yourself. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the color. Light color and shiny scales indicate the freshness of the yellow minke whale. The presence of stains, dark-colored meat and salt stains indicates non-compliance with the storage conditions of the product.