Drinking alcohol for stomach and duodenal ulcers. What type of alcohol can you drink if you have a stomach ulcer and how often? Is it possible to drink wine if you have a duodenal ulcer?

At the moment, modern medicine includes many ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract. But one of the most common diseases is stomach ulcer. According to statistical data, this disease progresses every year, and now about 30% of the world's people suffer from it.

With such a serious illness, a person is prescribed a strict diet in both drinks and food.

Along with stomach ulcers, there is also the problem of alcohol abuse. On average, a person in Russia drinks up to 60 liters of beer per year. These indicators are absolutely incompatible with gastritis and ulcers.

Many people consume ethyl liquids in defiance of their diet. Let's figure it out, is it possible to do this? If not, why not?

Alcohol for stomach ulcers - is it good or bad?

Doctors have been observing this disease for a long time. That is why they managed to check all foods and drinks for harmfulness in case of such an illness. All gastroenterologists agree that alcohol is harmful for stomach ulcers.

It is strictly forbidden to take alcoholic liquids during an exacerbation of the ulcer. You should also keep such liquids away from you during the treatment period, when the ulcer begins to fade.

In this case, the next question arises, the answer to which is quite clear to everyone. Why? Alcohol is an irritant. Once in the human body, it begins to destroy the mucous membranes and tissues of the stomach. With this behavior, he causes a new ulcer or causes the old affected area of ​​the organ to wake up.

Drinking weak alcohol for stomach ulcers

Many people argue that it is possible to take weak alcohol for such a problem, because most of it consists of water, which is harmless to the body. Now I would like to dispel these statements. They are absolutely not true.

No matter how many degrees there are in the drink, it is still alcohol. It contains ethyl alcohol, which, when destroyed, irritates the organ tissue.

With such beliefs, beer is considered the most “neutral” drink. Let's figure out whether you can drink beer if you have a stomach ulcer?

The drink in question, in the opinion of experts, is the most cunning drink for such a problem.

Filtered beer should be avoided. It can serve as a catalyst for worsening the disease.

To understand why doctors so vehemently ban drinking beer for ulcers, you need to know its consequences.

  1. The indicated liquid, entering the stomach, provokes the active production of hydrochloric acid, which irritates the tissues of the organ.
  2. Slows down the process of food digestion and provides a favorable environment for the product to rot.
  3. Beer starts the fermentation process, which results in the formation of gases.
  4. The drink slows down the process of product breakdown in the intestines, which leads to constipation.

With this effect, the drink provides a favorable environment for the development of bacteria, which will help alcohol more actively destroy the walls of the stomach. Of course, all these consequences are the beginning of a new relapse of the disease.

You should also beware of beer that does not contain alcohol. It can also provide a medium for fermentation.

Beer that has not been filtered can sometimes be used in small quantities. It is able to provide proteins and the necessary enzymes because it has not been processed and has retained all the elements. The main thing about it is that without processing, the necessary components of hops are preserved, which are beneficial for the body. But this does not mean that you need to drink it in liters. I repeat, it is only useful in small quantities.

To summarize: you still can’t drink beer with this problem.

It is also worth considering what this low-alcohol drink does in the human stomach.

Beer can contribute to frequent exacerbations of stomach ulcers and gastritis. After constant such exacerbations, this disease will acquire a chronic form of the disease, from which it will be almost impossible to get rid of.

Since beer is highly acidic, it causes the human stomach to produce twice as much of its own acid. And because of this increased acid balance, new scars begin to appear in the stomach and old wounds are revealed.

This drink contains carbon dioxide, which has an irritating effect on the body's gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, an abundant accumulation of gases appears, which will constantly increase. This situation in the stomach provides a favorable environment for the fermentation process and subsequent rotting of the product.

The next weak ethyl liquid is an exquisite grape drink - wine. The coming trend has spread this popular drink mainly among ladies. But is it possible to drink wine if you have a stomach ulcer?

Most people believe that wine is beneficial for gastritis or ulcers, based on the argument that it kills stomach bacteria. Yes, it, of course, kills it, but in return it causes even more harm than that bacterium. This drink also causes an increase in acidity, which leads to damage to the membranes of the organ.

It is worth noting that wine in small doses and only home-made is beneficial.

You should also be careful with champagne because it contains gases. Ethyl drink with gas is a lethal mixture for the stomach.

Drinking strong alcoholic drinks for ulcers

Now let's move on to stronger alcoholic drinks.

Gastroenterologists have long noted a strange paradox: strong alcohol does much less harm than weak alcohol. The most common representatives of strong alcohol are cognac and vodka. It is necessary to consider whether it is possible to drink vodka and cognac if you have a stomach ulcer or gastritis?

Even from the name of strong alcohol it is clear that since it is strong, it will contain a large amount of ethyl alcohol. And such a component is strictly contraindicated for this disease. Based on this, we can immediately conclude that vodka or cognac is dangerous for ulcers or gastritis.

But there are times in treatment when the doctor allows a patient with such a problem to drink a small dose of a high-quality strong drink. This moment is the period during which the peptic ulcer subsides a little.

In fact, strong ethyl drink does not cause as much harm as it seems. You can use it, but you must follow clear instructions.

  1. You can drink such liquids in minute quantities and no more than three times a year.
  2. During the autumn and spring periods, taking cognac and vodka is absolutely prohibited, because during such seasonal times of the year the problem worsens.
  3. Before drinking a strong drink, you need to eat a hearty meal, this will help soften the impact of alcohol on the mucous walls of the organ.
  4. Drink only high-quality alcoholic liquids. If you don’t know which of them are quality drinks, then a doctor will help you with this.

However, you should not drink vodka and cognac if you have an ulcer. Doctors allow them to be taken in small doses only because they cause less impact on the stomach than other ethyl liquids.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after healing a stomach ulcer?

Even after a long absence of this disease, alcohol should not be consumed. As practice shows, after some period of time the ulcer may open again. And with the consumption of alcohol, it will open even earlier, and it will become more difficult. This happens because previously damaged organ walls are more susceptible to destruction.

After the operation, until the wall heals, drinking alcohol will be strictly prohibited. In this case, no exception will be made either for strong drinks or for tiny doses. 2 months after the operation, the mucous wall will heal and the scar will heal. But this does not mean at all that you can now start drinking alcoholic liquids in immeasurable quantities.

After two months after surgery, you can drink alcohol, but only in the form of high-quality drinks and with a hearty snack.

Complications of the gastrointestinal tract due to excessive alcohol intake

There is a concept that everything is possible, but in moderation. In most cases this is exactly the case. This also applies to alcohol. But when a person begins to use it, without knowing the limits and thoughtlessly, it will kill the body pretty quickly.

First of all, alcohol kills the gastrointestinal tract by burning it. This can lead to processes that are difficult to correct:

  • An ulcer that over time develops into abdominal peritonitis of the last degree, for which our medicine has not yet come up with a cure.
  • Due to the ulcer, food will not be digested normally, which will lead to intestinal obstruction.
  • After active tissue damage, bleeding of the organ will be caused.

Alcohol is the first enemy for both ulcer patients and healthy people. It must be remembered that the first thing that turns alcohol into ruins is the stomach. After the appearance of ulcers or gastritis, alcohol goes further and begins to destroy the entire gastrointestinal tract.

It would seem that everything is not so bad, the ulcer will go away, everything can be cured. No, this is a deep misconception. Problems of the gastrointestinal tract are one of the most serious ailments of the body. They cannot be completely cured. No doctor gives a 100% guarantee that after some time the ulcer will not worsen and will not begin to progress again at an even faster rate.

Having earned a stomach ulcer with your lifestyle, you are earning a lifelong diet.

Remember, alcohol and ulcers are incompatible things!

Alcohol in the case of stomach ulcers is one of the most discussed topics today. So can I drink beer if I have a stomach ulcer? If the opinions of patients on this issue are ambiguous, then doctors are more unanimous in this regard.

Beer for stomach ulcers

Beer is a drink made from hops and cones. At the same time, many people completely undeservedly consider it light and harmless alcohol for the human body. But medical specialists have a completely opposite opinion on this matter - the emphasis is on filtered light beers.

According to experts, filtered beer has a particularly negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. At the same time, it disrupts the function of the digestive system, which is in no way acceptable for all those who suffer from stomach ulcers, as well as other gastroenterological pathologies.

Doctors argue their position as follows:

  • With regular consumption of light beer for an ulcer, the patient begins to increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which in turn begins to actively corrode its walls and mucous membrane. As a result, the inflammatory process and even rotting begin.
  • Beer, as a low-alcohol drink, causes belching, increased gas formation, heartburn, and bloating. In addition, it causes chronic constipation in the intestines.
  • Against the background of gastrointestinal dysfunction, the body no longer receives the amount of nutrients it needs, as a result of which its protective function gradually weakens, and against this background, the infection becomes more and more active, which becomes an attack of peptic ulcer disease.
  • When drinking beer, the risk of relapse increases many times; with regular use, the acute form of an ulcer gradually turns into a chronic disease.

One way or another, beer has a negative effect on the human body. But the harmful effects of unfiltered beer are still slightly less than that of filtered beer. The reason lies in the fact that unfiltered beer contains hops, which, to some extent, can be beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

In any case, drinking beer if you have a stomach ulcer is not permissible, because:

  • alcohol only further inflames the inflammatory process on the walls of the stomach;
  • even when drinking low-alcohol drinks, there is an increase in acidity, which already disrupts the normal digestive process and also simply slows it down.

Alcoholic drinks for ulcers, including beer, cause acute attacks of the disease, which can be accompanied by internal bleeding and even threaten death.

Peptic ulcer disease is a serious diagnosis that can occur in anyone, requiring a serious therapeutic approach. Regardless of the organ affected by the ulcer, the disease is extremely dangerous because it can develop into cancer. When this disease is diagnosed, the patient’s lifestyle changes dramatically - alcohol with an ulcer must be eliminated, as well as other unhealthy habits such as smoking, etc.

All diseases under the influence of alcohol begin to progress, aggravating the patient’s already serious condition. Peptic ulcer disease is no exception. If you have gastrointestinal pathologies, you should absolutely not drink alcohol; alcohol is especially contraindicated if you have an intestinal ulcer (duodenal ulcer), because an exacerbation of this condition can lead to death.

Many believe that alcohol is dangerous during exacerbations of the disease, and in case of remission, observing the norm, drinking alcohol is acceptable. This opinion is erroneous, since systematic consumption of alcohol, even in small dosages, is harmful to the digestive system. Therefore, alcohol during an ulcer during remission is just as dangerous as during an exacerbation. Not only does the ulcerative process already destroy organs, but it is also accompanied by the destructive effects of alcohol.

As a result, perforation or perforation of the organ may occur, in which a through hole is formed, which is very dangerous for the life of the ulcer sufferer, so such patients should absolutely not consume intoxicating products.

Types of peptic ulcer

There are several classifications of peptic ulcer disease. In accordance with the depth of the ulcerative lesion, penetrating, superficial or deep ulcers are distinguished. Depending on the location, there are ulcers of the stomach, esophagus, duodenum, etc.

Peptic ulcer disease does not include acute or symptomatic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, because the latter can develop against the background of mucous regeneration, microcirculatory or homeostasis disorders, etc.

Peptic ulcer disease is also divided into peptic, callous or “silent” forms.

  • The callous form of ulcerative pathology is the most dangerous and occurs quite often in patients. In the callous form, the affected area takes on the appearance of an open wound lesion, which is non-healing in nature, but consists of scar tissue. This form of peptic ulcer does not respond to any therapeutic methods, patients almost constantly experience pain, and the lesions often become malignant;
  • peptic ulcer disease is an uncomplicated chronic gastric or duodenal lesion, covering mucous tissues and deep layers of organs. Develops against the background of an improper diet or due to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • The “silent” form of peptic ulcer usually develops when the lesion is localized in areas that have a minimal number of pain receptors. This type of peptic ulcer can develop latently for years and even become malignant.

Regardless of the form of the pathology, it is prohibited to drink alcohol if you have an ulcer of the esophagus or other structures of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is very important to diagnose ulcerative processes in their early stages. Therefore, it is important to have an idea of ​​the clinical picture of such diseases. The first signs indicating the development of ulcerative pathology are the following manifestations:

  1. Nausea. This symptom often worries, regardless of food, and can even occur on an empty stomach in the morning.
  2. Vomit. After eating, the body of an ulcer can react with characteristic vomiting, and its character can be quite profuse.
  3. Lack of appetite. This symptom does not appear immediately. It appears gradually due to painful discomfort that occurs after eating;
  4. Losing weight. A direct consequence of the previous symptom. A person begins to eat less, which is why he immediately loses weight.

Such symptoms may indicate not only a peptic ulcer, but also problems with the thyroid gland. Therefore, only a gastroenterologist can make a correct diagnosis after an appropriate examination.

From alcohol to gastritis and ulcers

The relationship between these pathological conditions is the most characteristic, because with alcohol abuse in approximately 95% of cases there are various functional gastrointestinal disorders. In about 71% of cases, chronic gastritis is observed, which gradually develops into ulcerative pathology if the patient continues to systematically abuse alcohol.

It is best to forget about alcohol for ulcers or gastritis, because such diseases often have a chronic course, and even a small portion of ethanol can provoke an exacerbation. Already half an hour after alcohol enters the stomach, active dehydration of the gastric mucosa develops with the appearance of necrotic cellular structures. And drinking large doses of alcohol leads to extensive damage to gastric cells and the rapid development of ulcerative processes.

When a peptic ulcer is diagnosed, the patient’s lifestyle changes dramatically - alcohol with an ulcer must be eliminated, as well as other unhealthy habits

Are there situations when you can drink alcohol if you have an ulcer? There are many assumptions on this matter. But most gastroenterologists are of the categorical opinion that any alcoholic drinks during ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract are unacceptable. But Italian scientists claim that red wine in strictly limited quantities can be beneficial for duodenal or stomach ulcers. British scientists also support them, proving that red wine varieties can destroy Helicobacter pylori, the main culprit of ulcerative lesions.

But in practice the situation is somewhat different. Red wine can have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but only if it is taken for preventive purposes and in measured quantities. If a person already suffers from a peptic ulcer, then wine will only aggravate the condition. Experiments carried out in medical laboratories have shown that drinking any wine with an ulcer will lead to irritation of the ulcerated area, which will certainly affect the condition of the ulcer with pain, increased acidity and vomiting.

There is also a lot of speculation about beer, which many consider to be an almost non-alcoholic drink. In fact, beer is incredibly harmful to ulcer sufferers:

  • it causes increased production of hydrochloric acid, which only further irritates the gastric walls;
  • beer provokes heartburn and belching, causes bloating and gas formation, which disrupts digestive activity;
  • light varieties of intoxicating drinks can provoke an ulcerative relapse or chronicity of the pathological process.

Vodka or cognac, provided that the drinks are of high quality, are sometimes allowed by doctors. But you can only drink a glass and it must be after a heavy dinner and in exceptional cases. This is the only way food can protect the gastric walls from the aggressive effects of alcohol. But, for example, alcohol is unacceptable for ulcerative colitis. Therefore, it is better to consult a gastroenterologist about the possibility of drinking alcohol.

What and when can you drink after treatment?

After treatment for a peptic ulcer, you can occasionally drink alcohol, as many doctors believe. After treatment, ulcer sufferers often ask, is it okay to drink alcohol for a healed ulcer? In exceptional cases, if the painful manifestations do not bother you for a long time, and there have been no exacerbations or relapses for a long time, then you can drink a glass of cognac or vodka. But not on an empty stomach.

You cannot drink liqueurs and tinctures, beer and various wine drinks. The main thing is to exclude alcohol during an exacerbation and not to abuse it, drinking a little on holiday.

If characteristic ulcerative pain appears after drinking alcohol, it is recommended to rinse the stomach and take an absorbent. Only after a couple of hours can you take the antiulcer drug prescribed by your doctor.

So, is it possible to drink if the ulcer has healed? Only the treating gastroenterologist can know about this, as well as whether the ulcerative process has actually entered the stage of remission.

Ulcer and alcohol - consequences

If the patient violates medical instructions and continues to drink alcohol, then ulceration and necrotic processes in the affected organ rapidly develop, because alcohol, getting on the ulcerative areas, additionally burns and damages the mucous membrane. Such a negative effect can lead to malignancy of the ulcerative process, therefore, with an acute ulcer, alcohol is deadly.

The countries of the former USSR are in the top ten countries whose population often drinks alcohol. It is even considered part of the Slavic mentality. At the same time, poor diet, stress and smoking contribute to the occurrence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The most popular of them: gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis. Is it possible to combine alcohol with gastritis while following the doctor’s recommendations?

Gastritis is a disease in which the gastric mucosa is damaged and erosion is formed, often several. Without treatment and poor diet, an ulcer occurs. As a rule, this process also affects the duodenal mucosa - an ulcer can form there too. Fans of feasts panic and ask doctors whether they can drink alcohol if they have these diseases.

Impact of alcohol

What happens after drinking alcohol in a patient with gastritis? Passing through the esophagus, alcohol enters the gastric mucosa. At this moment, hyperemia and swelling develop.

The consequences can be very unpleasant and even dangerous:

  • mucosal burn;
  • small ulcers;
  • diapedetic bleeding;
  • slowing down peristalsis - the amount of glutathione decreases and the toxicity of ethanol to the body increases;
  • disruption of the production of mucin - protective gastric mucus;
  • the occurrence of anemia due to impaired absorption of nutrients.

Alcohol with a stomach ulcer can cause ruptures of the mucous membrane in the cardiac region, which causes gastric bleeding, which can be fatal.

What should the patient do?

With such a diagnosis, the patient is required to follow a diet, change his lifestyle, and take medications. In particular, it means giving up alcohol and smoking tobacco.

For gastritis with high acidity, it is extremely important to take antisecretory and antacid medications. It is necessary to exclude foods that increase acidity.

A person should not have a question about whether it is possible to drink alcohol with gastritis, with a stomach or duodenal ulcer. After all, the answer is obvious. We should not forget that this disease is usually treated with antibacterial therapy. And when alcohol and antibiotics are combined, toxic substances are formed that can cause severe poisoning.

Doctors often prescribe proton pump inhibitors (Omez, Nexium, Zulbex and others) to patients. And when combined with alcohol, these drugs give side effects: headache, allergic reaction, hypomagnesemia, nausea, vomiting.

What kind of alcohol is possible

Alcohol for gastritis and ulcers, as well as smoking, are strictly contraindicated. Any gastroenterologist will tell you so. However, there are situations in which it is not possible to give up alcohol completely. If you are not in a period of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, but the ulcer has healed, even if you feel excellent, there may be some dietary errors.

In this case, so that you do not harm yourself, here are a few rules:

  • Do not take tablets 3 hours before dinner with alcohol.
  • Don't drink alcohol on an empty stomach.
  • Alcoholic drinks must be of high quality.
  • Try not to overeat. Due to slower peristalsis, food will begin to decompose in the stomach and you will feel unwell.
  • Your dose of alcohol is 60 ml, it can be increased to 70 ml.
  • In addition to alcohol, there must also be food in the stomach.
  • Sorbents - activated carbon, as well as smecta - will help reduce intoxication.
  • If you have an ulcer or gastritis, you should drink alcohol as rarely as possible, or it is better to completely stop drinking it.

These alcoholic drinks are prohibited even during remission:

  • beer;
  • alcoholic cocktails;
  • low-alcohol carbonated drinks containing dyes and flavorings;
  • champagne;
  • sparkling wine.

Now let’s take a closer look at the question of what alcohol you can drink for gastritis and ulcers.


Is it possible to drink vodka for gastritis? Some Western studies have found that a small dose (40 ml) of vodka can reduce the incidence of Helicobacter pylori infection and the occurrence of infectious gastritis. However, doctors advise taking this claim with a grain of salt.

Vodka is a 40-proof alcoholic drink. The degrees indicate the degree of dilution of ethanol with water. Typically, ethanol is obtained by distillation from potatoes, beets, and birch shavings. To achieve a special taste, flavorings and thickeners are added to vodka. As a result, the drink acquires a mild taste.

Since with gastritis of the stomach and duodenal ulcer the permeability of the mucous membrane is increased, poisoning with these additives is possible.

Rules of use:

  • Don't buy cheap vodka! Usually it is not purified at all; glycerin and soda are added to it, which increase the harm from the drink several times.
  • This type of alcohol requires double filtration. Therefore, choose a premium drink. It goes through an additional cleaning procedure.
  • The permissible dose of alcohol for one evening is 40 ml.
  • Be sure to have a snack! But not with pickles or black bread, but with soup.
  • In case of exacerbation of gastrointestinal tract disease, give up alcohol.

If you ask yourself whether you can drink vodka if you have a stomach ulcer, you will find opinions on the Internet or literature that alcohol contributes to the scarring of the ulcer. Let's dispel this myth.

If the ulcer or gastritis is of an infectious nature - that is, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is detected, then the following happens: ethanol is broken down by the microorganism, and acetaldehyde is released, which triggers a cascade of reactions of peroxide breakdown of cell membrane lipids and the formation of free radicals. This, in turn, worsens the condition and reduces the protective properties of the mucous membrane.

If there is a predisposition, alcohol with a duodenal or gastric ulcer can lead to an oncological process.


Cognac is a strong alcoholic drink made from grapes. Usually served in a snifter glass of approximately 280 ml. This is a large dose for a sore stomach. Ask the bartender or waiter to pour half a tulip glass, i.e. a maximum of 70 ml.

According to French tradition, cognac is served with coffee and chocolate. It is also customary to serve it with lemon wedges. However, the lemon taste overpowers the taste of cognac and increases the production of gastric juice, which is undesirable for gastritis with high acidity. Ask to bring plain cognac with a piece of dark chocolate.


During the period of remission, if you really want to, you can allow yourself half a glass of wine. Preferably semi-sweet or dry (but not sour).

The basic rule is to drink a drink with dinner (not on an empty stomach), avoid dessert (due to excessive strength and large amounts of sugar) and sour (so as not to irritate the stomach lining) wines.

It is very good if you replace an alcoholic drink with high-quality non-alcoholic wine.


Vermouth is based on white wine, to which spices and sugar are added. There is dry vermouth - with spices, but without sugar.

Vermouth is considered high quality if it contains many herbs: yarrow, mint, cardamom, nutmeg, coriander, St. John's wort and others. The drink is usually drunk as an aperitif - with snacks.

Alcoholic gastropathy - recognize and neutralize

According to international recommendations, the terms gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers are combined with the term “functional dyspepsia”. This also includes alcoholic gastropathy or simply alcoholic gastritis. It occurs when a person drinks alcohol a lot and for a long time.

Here are the most common manifestations:

  • prolonged aching pain in the epigastrium;
  • nausea before and after meals;
  • vomiting mixed with mucus and bile. After vomiting - relief;
  • heartburn - that is, a burning sensation behind the breastbone that occurs when the contents of the stomach flow back into the esophagus;
  • belching sour or airy;
  • rapid saturation and fullness of the stomach;
  • constipation, bloating;
  • teeth imprints on the tongue.

The sign that distinguishes this gastritis from others is the disappearance or reduction of all symptoms after alcohol.

Do not take NSAID pain relievers for abdominal pain. This will worsen the intoxication.


There are acute and chronic alcoholic gastritis:

  • Acute - otherwise called Mallory-Weiss syndrome. Multiple erosions occur that begin to bleed - as a result, a person can die from internal bleeding. Therefore, alcohol can be deadly for duodenal ulcers.
  • Chronic - formed as a result of frequent libations over a long period of time. Chronic, in turn, is divided into remission and exacerbation.


If the disease is acute or in the acute phase, with increased secretion of gastric juice, diet No. 1 is needed. When acidity is reduced, diet No. 2 is prescribed. If the disease has entered the remission stage, diet No. 15 is prescribed for recovery - a transition between therapeutic nutrition and a normal healthy diet. person.

Regimen - meals 5-6 times a day, hot and cold foods are limited.

The following products should be excluded:

  • fried foods - fried meat, potatoes, omelettes;
  • fatty dairy products - sour cream, hard cheese, milk (low-fat is fine);
  • sweets;
  • bakery;
  • herbs, pickles, spices.

What non-alcoholic drinks you can drink:

  • water;
  • dried fruit compotes;
  • skimmed milk;
  • green tea;
  • smoothies from vegetables and fruits.

Remember that health starts small. Ask yourself: Do I want to take care of myself, or am I more interested in fun parties with alcohol? If you still do not want to lag behind society, remember the rules that we listed above, the main thing is to break your diet without harming yourself!

An ulcer is a dangerous disease that requires long-term treatment. Due to the fact that the disease often occurs in a chronic form, the patient has to take medications throughout his life, follow a diet and adhere to a number of medical advice (do not smoke, do not drink alcohol if you have a stomach ulcer).

One of the most common questions from patients in this condition is whether it is possible to drink alcohol with a stomach ulcer. Let's look at this in more detail from a medical point of view.

Occasional drinking of alcohol in moderation is beneficial for a healthy person. It relieves nervous tension and relaxes the central nervous system during stress. Despite this, all the benefits of alcohol in the presence of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract disappear and turn into harmful effects.

This is justified by the fact that alcohol destroys the walls of the stomach, especially if it already has inflammation. This leads to severe pain in humans and damage to the duodenum. If there is an open ulcer, the patient may bleed.

In addition, alcoholism in a similar state can not only lead to an exacerbation of the disease, but also cause other gastrointestinal pathologies, such as pancreatitis or cholecystitis.

The influence of low-alcohol drinks

You can find out in more detail what kind of alcohol you can drink if you have a stomach ulcer from your supervising doctor. In this case, the specialist must take into account the advanced stage of the disease in the person, the type of ulcer and the presence of other diseases in the patient.

According to recent studies, it has been found that low-alcohol drinks (liqueurs, sweet wine), when taken in moderation, have the following effects on the gastric walls:

Despite these facts, you should take low-alcohol drinks with extreme caution if you have this disease. Before doing this, you should consult your doctor. Self-medicating can be dangerous.

Why you shouldn't drink alcohol

Before you figure out whether you can drink vodka if you have a stomach ulcer, it should be noted that drinking alcohol in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases always leads to their progression. That is why alcohol is strictly contraindicated in all diets for ulcers.

Such drinks will be especially dangerous during acute ulcerative lesions, when a person experiences bleeding, vomiting, nausea and pain. Drinking alcohol can be fatal.

What alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited?

First of all, strong alcoholic drinks such as vodka, gin, rum, whiskey, brandy and cognac are strictly prohibited for stomach ulcers. They contain a large amount of alcohol in their composition, and may also have additional components such as pepper and other seasonings, which will further irritate the gastric mucosa.

Remember! If a person with an ulcer drinks alcohol regularly, this will lead to an advanced form of the disease. In this condition, the mucous membrane may begin to change the cellular structure, which will significantly increase the risk of cancer.

When does a doctor allow alcohol intake, and what drinks are allowed?

Patients with ulcers should only drink non-alcoholic, non-carbonated drinks. Only in exceptional cases, when the disease does not manifest itself for a long time and the person does not have damage to the mucous membrane, can he occasionally drink low-alcohol liqueurs or wines. This should be done after a hearty lunch.

If a person experiences pain after drinking alcohol, he needs to urgently rinse his stomach and take a sorbent. After 2 hours, you should drink an antiulcer drug.

You can consult a gastroenterologist or nutritionist about introducing alcohol into your diet.

Wine for ulcers

Many people believe that it is possible to drink wine if you have an ulcer, but you should understand that you need to take alcohol in minute quantities and then only during a stable period of the disease.

You also need to know that drinking wine in large quantities will increase inflammation, as its acid will irritate the stomach. That is why, if the patient suffers from vomiting and pain, his wine is contraindicated.


Patients often ask whether it is possible to drink beer if they have a stomach ulcer, because it is considered low-alcohol. Despite this, doctors note that such a drink is as dangerous as strong alcohol. When drinking beer, fermentation processes in the stomach contribute to tissue decay, which increases inflammation.

Beer also causes bloating, new ulcers, heartburn, belching and slow digestion.

Vodka for ulcers

Taking vodka for an ulcer has an extremely negative effect on the stomach. It provokes an increase in the ulcer, the formation of new lesions and often causes complications in the form of bleeding.

Such a strong drink, even with a single dose, can cause the death of a patient if he does not consult a doctor in time.

Taking vodka is strictly contraindicated in any degree of neglect of the ulcer. Also, this drink cannot be used after surgical interventions on the gastrointestinal tract, with pancreatitis and other diseases of the human digestive system (gastritis, hyperacidity, cholecystitis).

Useful video

Why you should not drink alcohol is voiced in this video.

Possible consequences

In this condition, a person may experience the following symptoms:

Complications of alcohol abuse

If alcohol abuse occurs in patients with ulcers, the following complications may occur:

  1. Perforation of the ulcer and further development of peritonitis. This can be fatal if the patient is not treated promptly.
  2. Extensive internal bleeding, which will be caused by the corrosion of the gastric mucosa by alcohol.
  3. The formation of scars, which transform into an obstacle between organs, causing their obstruction.

There is a particularly high risk of complications with an ulcer on holidays, when a person loses his temper, starts drinking alcohol and eating junk food. In such a state, even stable remission can turn into a repeated exacerbation of the disease.

Is it possible to drink alcohol when the ulcer has healed?

Unfortunately, even a healed ulcer has an increased tendency to irritate when in contact with alcohol. That is why drinking alcohol during the period of remission of the disease is just as dangerous as with an open ulcer.

It is important to note that alcohol is a drink that you can completely do without. It is best to replace it with juices, fruit infusions and teas. They are much healthier and safer for the gastrointestinal tract.