How to make banana chips at home and not regret it. Banana chips - benefit or harm

What are the benefits of banana chips? High dietary fiber content is one of the main advantages. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, a standard 100-gram serving contains 8.7 grams of fiber, which is about 1/3 of the daily value for women or 23% for men.

Dietary fiber prevents constipation, lowers blood cholesterol and regulates sugar levels, and helps prevent cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer. Being a good source of iron (1.4 mg or 18% of the daily value in one serving), banana chips promote the process of hematopoiesis (formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin proteins), activate the activity of enzymes necessary for normal metabolism, and promote energy production.

The product is rich in potassium (607 mg or 13%), according to New York University Langone Medical Center. This trace element, together with sodium, controls blood pressure levels, helps in the transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction and maintaining the body's water balance. Try eating banana chips several times a week if you suffer from potassium deficiency, which causes symptoms such as nausea, fatigue and constipation.

Additional benefits include relatively high percentages of magnesium, phosphorus, and eye-healthy vitamin A. In terms of calories, ½ cup of dried bananas equals 1 cup of fresh, sliced ​​fruit. You should know this before you sit down in front of the TV with a bag of chips. The product is not suitable for weight loss, despite the fact that its glycemic index is within the acceptable range for health (up to 100, and specifically 23).

How to make banana chips at home

Harm of banana chips This type of dried fruit also has its disadvantages. This is especially true for banana chips that are deep-fried, that is, fried in oil - they contain harmful saturated fats. This product is contraindicated for patients with diabetes and heart disease. Slow-drying chips have their limitations.

Read the label carefully and choose ones that do not have added sugar, salt, or flavor enhancers. The most preferable option is to make your own banana chips. How to make banana chips at home? Dried banana fruits feel great in milk porridges and mixtures, muesli. Pairs well with nuts and baked goods.

And when finely chopped, they will add a pleasant tropical aroma to a light salad. If you like deep-fried chips, use coconut oil, which releases lauric acid when exposed to heat. And, although this substance is classified as saturated fat, unlike most of them, it is quickly digested and converted into energy without any residue.

How to make banana chips at home

We will dwell in detail on baked banana chips - the healthiest sweets that do not require the addition of oil and are allowed to be consumed even during a strict diet. To start, select ripe bananas with a few brown spots on the skin, but no large brown spots. Peel the fruit and cut into thin slices. From 2 large bananas you should have about 60 chip blanks. Dip the prepared pieces into freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Not only will it add flavor and a dose of vitamin C to your chips, but it will also keep them from browning during the baking process. Cover the baking sheet with aluminum foil and then spread the banana pieces evenly over the entire surface. You can sprinkle them with a little sea salt.

Bake the banana slices at low temperature in a preheated 90⁰C oven for one to three hours, depending on how crispy you want them. Too much heat will burn the outside of the chips, leaving them soft on the inside.

Don't forget to flip the slices halfway through the process so that they cook evenly on both sides. Banana chips should be cooled completely on a wire rack before use. Store the finished product in an airtight plastic or glass container, or in a plastic bag with a zip-lock.

This deliciously crunchy delicacy is loved by adults and children. Thin, literally melting in the mouth in seconds, they attract the attention of buyers with their bright packaging and variety of flavors. However, not everyone knows that they can be prepared at home, while reducing financial costs and minimizing harm to health.

Yes, yes, store-bought chips are tasty, beautiful and aromatic, but most often this is achieved by adding a considerable amount of flavoring additives, flavorings and dyes to them. Homemade chips are a completely different matter! And taking into account the fact that today almost everyone has a microwave in their kitchen, you can make crispy slices - sweet or salty, plain or with spices - in a few minutes. And do not forget to involve the main interested party in the process - children. The recipes are so simple that, judging by the number of videos on the Internet, little cooks master them with lightning speed and pleasure!

Oil is optional, but a slicer will come in handy - important nuances

Despite the fact that chips are most often made from potatoes, crispy slices made from other products will be no less tasty and healthy:

  • thin pita bread,
  • hard cheese,
  • apples,
  • bananas,
  • carrots,
  • celery,
  • pears,
  • beets.

It all depends on your preferences and creative culinary impulses. But it is worth warning that very ripe fruits and vegetables with a high water content, as well as berries, are not suitable for cooking chips in the microwave.

“Crispy Moscow potato slices” was the name given to the first chips in the Soviet Union, the appearance of which dates back to 1965.

To cut the original product into thin slices, use a sharp knife or a special shredder, which can be replaced with a regular vegetable peeler. In any case, you should remember safety precautions when working with sharp objects and be careful when cutting vegetables, fruits, and cheese.

An undoubted advantage of chips in the microwave is that it is not necessary to use vegetable oil during the cooking process. It is added for taste, not out of necessity. Dried slices of vegetables or fruits are simply laid out on a sheet of baking paper and dried in the oven until ready.

The entire drying process will take, depending on the food, from 3 to 10 minutes, thanks to which homemade chips can become not only a favorite treat, but also a lifesaver in case of unexpected friends stopping by.

Chips in the microwave can be prepared from vegetables or fruits, cheese or pita bread, and it will take much less time than using a dryer or oven

For comparison, chips take about half an hour to cook in the oven. The only exception is a crispy cheese snack - in this case, 5 minutes is usually enough.

Step-by-step recipes with photos

Potato chips in minutes

As mentioned above, the most popular starting ingredient for making chips is potatoes. Therefore, we suggest you start with this recipe.

You will need:

  • potato;
  • salt;
  • spices and dried herbs to taste;
  • olive oil - optional.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the potato tubers well under running water, dry and cut into thin slices using a knife or shredder. Whether to peel the vegetable or leave it in its original form is up to you to decide. If the potatoes are young, then there is absolutely no need to do this.

    Wash the potatoes, dry and slice thinly

  2. Place the potato slices in a bowl and cover with water. After some time (at least 10 minutes), rinse the slices under the tap, placing them in a colander or sieve. These simple steps will allow you to get rid of unnecessary starch in this case.

    To remove excess starch, soak potato slices in cold water for 10 minutes and then rinse

  3. Transfer the pieces to a dry kitchen towel, cover with another one, and press lightly to remove any remaining water.

    Dry the potato preparations with kitchen towels

  4. Sprinkle the prepared slices with salt (can be sea salt) and your favorite spices and/or herbs. If desired, sprinkle or brush with a little sunflower or olive oil.

    Sprinkle the future chips with salt, spices, herbs, grease with oil if you want

  5. Laying the pieces in a single layer on a plate with a paper towel, dry them in the microwave for 3 minutes, turning on the oven at full power.

  6. After the beep, open the oven and turn the pieces over, then continue to dry the chips for another 2-3 minutes, using half the power possible. If the potatoes begin to brown too much before the end of the set time, turn off the microwave and remove them.

    Turn the slices over and cook for a few more minutes on half power until they begin to brown.

  7. Repeat all the manipulations described above with the remaining potatoes. Place the chips in a large dish or bowl and serve.

    Cool the finished potato chips, place on a plate and serve.

​​​Video: a simple recipe for making potato chips at home

The familiar yellow tropical fruit is good not only as an independent delicacy, but also as an ingredient for wonderful baked goods, a variety of desserts, jams and more. You can make amazingly delicious chips from bananas, not only sweet, but also salty. One of these savory recipes is in front of you.


  • bananas;
  • olive oil;
  • turmeric;
  • salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Select a few bananas with firm skins and no spoilage. Do not use overripe fruits, as they will turn into mush during the cutting process. It is better to choose fruits with light greenery.

    Take a few slightly unripe, strong bananas

  2. Divide the bunch into individual fruits. Without peeling, place the bananas in a saucepan, add boiling water to cover them completely, and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat.

    Place bananas in a saucepan of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes

  3. Turn off the stove. Remove and cool the bananas, carefully remove the peel and cut the fruit into thin slices. Try to keep the thickness of the pieces the same, this will help the chips dry evenly.

    Peel the cooled bananas and cut them into thin slices of equal thickness

  4. Sprinkle the preparations with a small amount of olive oil (if you don’t like the smell, you can replace it with refined sunflower oil), salt to taste and sprinkle with turmeric. The amount of spice depends only on your taste.

    Drizzle the slices with oil, sprinkle with salt and turmeric to taste

  5. Place banana slices on a large flat plate so that the pieces do not touch each other. You can use baking paper as a support: this will make it easier to separate and turn over the slices.

    Place banana slices on a microwave-safe plate so they are not touching each other

  6. Turn the microwave on full power and cook the chips for 8 minutes. Every 2 minutes, turn off the microwave and carefully turn the workpieces over to ensure even drying. Particular attention should be paid to the last minutes, as at this stage the chips may begin to burn.

    Microwave the chips for 8 minutes, making sure to turn them occasionally

  7. Remove the finished chips from the microwave and leave until completely cooled and hardened. Transfer the treat to a deep plate or vase and serve.

    Turmeric gives chips not only flavor, but also a rich yellow color.

Using this recipe, you can prepare banana chips with other additives. For example, make a sweet treat for the kids. In this case, exclude salt, olive oil and turmeric from the ingredients, simply dry the exotic fruits in the microwave, and before serving, sprinkle them with powdered sugar, with or without cinnamon.

Video: how to make banana chips in the microwave

Apple with cinnamon

An excellent treat for children and adults is made from fragrant apples. Just a few minutes - and a useful companion to wine or tea is ready.


  • apples;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • sugar, preferably brown.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash ripe, strong apples under running water and dry.

    Wash the apples and dry them well with towels.

  2. Using a special shredder or knife, cut the fruit into thin slices, removing the cores with seeds if desired.

    Slice the fruit into thin slices, remove the seeds

  3. Pour granulated sugar and a small amount of ground cinnamon into a small dry container and mix.

    Mix sugar with ground cinnamon

  4. Place the apple mixture on a glass plate from the microwave. You can add cooking parchment. Make sure there are small gaps between pieces of fruit.

    Place apple slices on a microwaveable plate

  5. Sprinkle future chips with a mixture of granulated sugar and ground cinnamon.

    Sprinkle apple mugs with cinnamon and sugar

  6. Place the plate of apples in the microwave and cook for 5 minutes on full power. Please note that in this recipe the maximum cooking mode is 900 W. If your kitchen electric assistant has less power, the time should be increased slightly (by about 1–2 minutes).

    Cook the apple chips at the highest oven temperature for at least 5 minutes.

  7. The browned apple slices should be removed from the microwave, removed from the plate and allowed to cool completely. Don't worry if the chips are soft at first. The cooled fruit treat will acquire the desired fragility and will delight you with taste and aroma!

    The chips will harden as they cool and become crispy.

Hard cheese chips, with or without additives

If you love cheese, these chips are definitely for you. They can be prepared not only from one type of cheese, but also from a mixture of its varieties. In addition, be sure to try adding different additives and seasonings to suit your taste so that you can enjoy something new every time. Suitable additives:

  • vegetables,
  • bacon,
  • ham,
  • smoked brisket,
  • garlic,
  • nuts,
  • your favorite spices and herbs.

Perhaps these are the easiest “microwave” chips to prepare.

Cheese and vegetable option

Vegetables are known to go well with cheese. There is also nothing complicated in this recipe, but there are so many benefits! It will take a little more time, but lovers of healthy eating will appreciate the result.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 100 g zucchini;
  • cumin - to taste.

Cooking steps:

From thin Armenian lavash

Homemade chips made from thin Armenian lavash are very popular. The ease of preparation and wonderful taste of this dish will surely please you too. The basic recipe that we propose to get acquainted with today can be varied with the help of your favorite herbs and spices, fresh herbs, and coarse sea salt.


  • 200 g lavash;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 1–1.5 teaspoons ground paprika;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt.

Cooking steps:

​Video: how to cook homemade chips from Armenian lavash in the microwave

Video: Potato chips without oil

Video: testing a microwave chips recipe using real experience

Banana chips are made from fresh fruit. Unlike potato chips, chips made from a tropical product can be eaten daily. They are prepared quite simply and quickly, and besides this, they are completely natural. We will tell you how to make banana chips at home in our article.

The benefits of chips

Before you start directly preparing chips, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the harmful and beneficial qualities of the resulting dish.

The benefits of banana chips are due to the large amount of calcium and potassium, which have a beneficial effect on the skeletal system. The tropical product contains fiber, which facilitates intestinal function. In addition, eating bananas has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as on the condition of the oral cavity.

Consuming the resulting product lifts your mood, increases vitality and improves brain function. Helps cleanse the body of excess salts that tend to accumulate in the joints.

The harm of banana chips

In addition to their positive effects, chips can also have a negative effect on the human body. This is primarily due to the high calorie content of banana chips. It is known that 100 g of cooked product contains 519 calories. It follows that excessive consumption of such chips can significantly affect your figure. However, this is far from the only negative factor that takes place here.

If banana slices are fried in palm oil, there is a possibility that the chips will absorb harmful fats that are not absorbed by the human body. Regular consumption of such chips as food due to their high carbohydrate content can lead to the development of diabetes, as well as weight gain.

How is the treat made?

Connoisseurs prefer Philippine chips, since this state is considered the world leader in their production. Banana chips are prepared without the use of potato flour and do not contain any chemical additives, so the demand for this finished product has increased recently.

Banana chips may differ in their preparation technology, but in any case they are healthier and safer than those made from regular potatoes or any other snacks.

Using ripe bananas, a variety of different flavored chips are produced. They can be sweet, unsweetened, sweetened, salted, honey, with cinnamon, etc. Ripe fruit is cut into slices, cubes, quarters, slices or halves. After this, they are fried in honey or palm oil. Alternatively, banana pieces can be dipped in boiling sugar syrup. Thanks to this, the delicacy will be crispier and can be preserved much longer.

In addition, chips can be prepared in a slightly different way. Not too sweet for him, but ripe bananas need to be cut into slices and dipped in a pre-prepared solution of tartaric or citric acid. A little hydrochloric acid or a food additive called potassium metabisulfite is sometimes also added to the solution to prevent the banana chips from changing color. This delicacy is fried in sunflower oil. Do this immediately before using it.

Sometimes you can enjoy chips prepared using one of the above technologies. However, it is better to make such a dish yourself at home.

Banana Chips Recipe

Chips prepared according to this recipe can be made salty, sweet or spicy using salt, powdered sugar, pepper or vanilla. It all depends on the preferences of the cook. In any case, the result is a very tasty and unusual dish.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • banana – 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil;
  • spices - to taste.

Practical part

To make homemade banana chips, you need to prepare the necessary ingredients. Wash the bananas, peel them and cut into thin slices. After that, add sunflower oil, a little salt and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.

Line a baking sheet or baking pan with parchment paper. Place the prepared banana slices evenly in one layer over the entire surface of the preheated oven.

The chips must be turned at least once during cooking. Bake the delicacy for about 20-30 minutes, depending on the oven temperature (until all the moisture is gone). Ideally, the oven should be set at 180°C.

How to make crispy chips at home?

These homemade banana chips, thanks to the addition of corn grits and salt, are wrapped in a subtle crunch. Tender and aromatic, they will appeal to both adults and children. Preparing a banana dish is quick and easy.

For preparation you will need the following components:

  • banana – 2 pcs.;
  • corn flour - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • spices - to taste.

The process of making homemade banana chips according to this recipe should begin by peeling and cutting the fruit. The banana needs to be cut in half and then into long slices. Corn flour must be mixed with salt. If desired, you can also add a little pepper or replace the salt with vanilla. You need to roll each piece of fruit in the resulting mixture.

Place future chips on a greased baking sheet or baking dish. The dish is baked until a golden crust forms. This takes about 15 minutes in a preheated oven set to 220°C.

17.01.2016 04.09.2016 by gotovlyu v mikrovolnovke

Chips can be healthy if they contain a minimum of oil and without any chemicals. We are talking about those made at home. For example, from potatoes:

Snacks made from fruits or bananas will be even more healthy and undoubtedly tasty. Banana chips in the microwave turn out faster than drying them in a regular oven. However, when creating them, you need to remember one nuance - the microwave does not dry out the food, but heats it up! To get a crunchy effect, especially with juicy products like bananas, you will have to wait a little (or a long time 🙂, up to 12 hours), allowing them not only to cool, but also to dry at room temperature.

If you don’t want to wait, then eat them right away, for your health! Juicy banana slices will contain all the beneficial vitamins and minerals, not to mention the excellent fruit taste. Despite the recommendations of culinary specialists to prepare chips only from unripe bananas, such dried fruits are best obtained from those fruits that are fully ripe.

Banana chips, cooked, are a great snack between meals and an excellent dessert that children enjoy eating.

Prepared in a microwave with a maximum power of 700 W

Recipe Ingredients

  • 2 pcs. bananas

How to make banana chips, recipe with photo

Two bananas are enough for you to fill the entire MVP pallet with slices. There is no need to rinse the fruits in water - just peel them and cut into thin discs no more than 0.3-0.4 cm wide. Try to cut the fruit obliquely and then your chips will be more visually attractive.

Carefully place the slices on the microwave tray. There is no need to lubricate it with anything! If you still have doubts, then cover it with parchment, on which you place the pieces at a distance from each other.

Advice: If you wish, you can grease each snack with lemon juice - this is done so that they remain light in appearance.

Place the tray in the oven and close the door. Turn on the microwave for 3 minutes at maximum power. The slices will become almost transparent and as if boiled; do not expect them to darken, they may burn. This is how they should be removed and left to dry at room temperature for about 12-20 hours. If you decide to heat them up even more, you will end up with regular banana puree on a tray - no need to experiment!

Banana slices will darken and shrink in size when dried. It is advisable to cover them with gauze. Dried fruits in the microwave turn out stretchy and juicy, not brittle. They keep well in a sealed container for about 1 week.

Ready-made banana chips are a great option for adding to muesli or freshly prepared with hot milk. The dairy product will immediately acquire a sweetish banana flavor.

If you still have bananas, now you know exactly what you can cook from them using the microwave!

For the impatient, you can offer the same cooking recipe as in the video - using vegetable oil and increasing the time (up to 8 minutes) in the microwave. However, during the cooking process you will need to turn the slices over. And it is advisable to do this every 2 minutes for uniform heating.

In the video, banana chips are made from two unripe fruits, 2 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil and cinnamon.

Hello! Banana, once an overseas berry, has become a regular guest on our table. Most often, it is enjoyed fresh as a dessert or snack; cakes and pies are prepared with this berry, and sometimes added to sweet muesli porridges. And this is correct, since the benefits of this product for the body are very great. Banana contains a large amount of iron, potassium and valuable dietary fiber, which help the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. All these beneficial substances are retained in banana chips, which many love for their simplicity and taste.

Try, experiment, delight yourself with new tastes. While cooking, the still fresh banana pieces can be sprinkled with a pinch of curry, this will give them a rich color. And the finished chips can be poured with sweet sugar syrup to give them more sweetness. In any case, the prepared treats will be the healthiest without harmful additives and impurities.

Bon appetit!

We've sorted out the chips, but what about the soup?