How to prepare viburnum with sugar for the winter: tips and recipes. Viburnum, pureed with sugar, for the winter Red viburnum, pureed with sugar, how to use

In late autumn, viburnum bushes are visible from a great distance, and all thanks to the bright red berries. This is an incredibly valuable product that has been used in folk medicine for centuries. In the spring, people harvest the bark of the plant, at the beginning of summer they collect flower inflorescences, but with the arrival of the first frosts, they can begin collecting amber berries.

There are several ways to prepare viburnum fruits for the winter, and they are all very simple. This:
drying (the bunches are hung in a secluded place where they gradually dry out);
freezing (the berries are separated, portioned into bags and stored in the freezer);
grinding with sugar (berries prepared in this way are placed in jars and stored in the refrigerator).

This article describes in detail the intricacies of preparing viburnum for the winter, so that this natural gift not only helps maintain immunity throughout the cold season, but also delights with an unusual, pleasant sweet and sour taste?

Viburnum without cooking


  • Kalina- 1 glass
  • Sugar- 1 glass
  • Viburnum berries are taken in the same ratio with sugar. For example, if you managed to collect 1 cup of berries and you want to grind them, then there should be exactly the same amount of granulated sugar. That is, 1 glass. The ratio of viburnum juice (without pulp) to sugar is 2:3, that is, for every 500 grams of pureed viburnum you will need 750 grams of sugar.

    How to prepare viburnum with sugar for the winter without cooking

    1 . Separate all the berries from the stalks and rinse them thoroughly with water. To get rid of small debris, it is better to put the berries in a deep bowl and fill the container to the top with water. They will all sink to the bottom, and dry leaves, sticks and bugs will float to the surface. Pour out the dirty water and rinse the fruits again.

    2. Now the berries need to be crushed. For this purpose, you can use a masher used in making mashed potatoes or cheesecloth.

    Add sugar to the mashed berries and stir until completely dissolved.

    4. Viburnum berries are obtained in their own juice. Divide the mixture into small jars and store in the refrigerator.

    Viburnum ground with sugar without seeds, recipe for the winter

    If you want to get pure syrup, without seeds and peels, then at the stage of pressing the berries you need to squeeze out the juice. To do this, place the pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze out the liquid. The remaining cake can be used for alcohol tinctures. The result is juice without seeds or peel. Mix it with sugar and pour into a clean, dry jar.

    Store the preparations in a cool room, refrigerator or cabinet so that they are not exposed to sunlight.

    Viburnum goes well with many fruits, both those growing in the middle zone and exotic ones. A rather interesting taste (while maintaining all the benefits) is obtained if you add oranges to mashed viburnum. To do this, you need to mix the mass prepared according to the above recipe with chopped and then ground in a blender unpeeled representatives of the citrus family. The number of oranges depends on the initial weight of the viburnum: 1 orange per 750-1000 g of berries.

    An amazing shrub with clusters of red berries is viburnum. The fruits of this plant are a real storehouse of useful substances: from a huge amount of a wide variety of vitamins, to antioxidants and radionuclides.

    Our ancestors actively used viburnum to treat various diseases. Their list is no less large than the list of useful substances. Viburnum helps with infections, asthma, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. By the way, not only the bitter berries of viburnum were used for medicinal purposes, but also the flowers, leaves and even the bark of this shrub.

    You can make tea from the berries in their own juice, and the sweet syrup is great for pies, pancakes and other baked goods.
    Viburnum contains vitamins A, C, E, K, P, it has a lot of iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, it is rich in useful acids (valeric, formic, acetic, linoleic, butyric and others). This plant contains such a valuable substance as the glycoside viburnin, as well as many resins and essential oils, tannins and pectin are present.
    People with low blood pressure, diseases of the blood system, kidney diseases and pregnant women should not abuse viburnum.

    Collection and preparation of viburnum

    It is recommended to collect viburnum in late autumn, as soon as the first frosts begin. The fact is that the berries have a pronounced bitter taste, which disappears when exposed to cold. Berries should be picked in dry weather. In this case, the bunches must be cut off entirely, and not the fruits themselves.
    Of course, not all viburnum berries should be left for storage or sent for processing:

    First, they must be fresh;
    secondly, you should not harvest unripe or overripe berries;
    thirdly, crumpled and rotten fruits must be immediately discarded.

    After picking, the berries should be prepared. They must be separated from the branches (if necessary), stalks, leaves and other debris removed. Then the fruits need to be carefully washed and dried. They are now ready for processing or storage.

    Freezing and drying viburnum

    Viburnum is stored quite well. In the old days, the bunches were simply hung in the basement or cellar. In a modern apartment, you can do it simpler: put the bunches in a pan and put them in the refrigerator. This way they will retain all their properties for up to six months. Viburnum can be stored even longer when frozen. To do this, just put the fruits in sealed bags and put them in the freezer. You can only package the berries by carefully removing them from the branches. But you can freeze the whole bunches by placing them in containers.

    If there are a lot of berries, then you can use the following technology to save space. A portion of viburnum is poured into a bag, and then the bag is placed in a rectangular container and sent to the freezer. When the fruits are frozen, you need to remove the resulting briquette from the container. These berry “bricks” can be placed in the freezer more compactly. However, the freezing process in this case will take a little longer.

    The optimal temperature for freezing viburnum is considered to be from -18 to -23°C. It is under such conditions that the process occurs quite quickly, which means that the berries retain their beneficial properties. In addition, this temperature allows you to store viburnum for 8-12 months.

    It is worth remembering that you need to put the berries in bags or containers in such a way that after removing them from the refrigerator, you can immediately use all the contents. The fact is that you should not refreeze viburnum.

    Viburnum can also be stored well in dried form. You can dry whole bunches by hanging them somewhere in the shade. You can also use the oven. Then the berries must be washed, placed on a baking sheet lined with parchment, and placed in an oven preheated to a temperature of 60°C. At the same time, the oven door should remain slightly open.

    Dried berries should be transferred to a glass jar or cloth bags and stored in a dry place with good ventilation. In this form, viburnum can be consumed until the next harvest.

    From frozen or dried berries you can prepare many delicious, and most importantly, healthy desserts and drinks. However, it is no less effective to prepare viburnum in the form of preservation.

    Viburnum juice for the winter

    Our ancestors made juice from viburnum berries. It should be noted that the method of its preparation is somewhat different from the standard one.

    First you need to squeeze out all the juices from the prepared berries. This can be done either using a juicer or through gauze folded in half. However, the juicing process does not end there. The resulting cake should be placed in a saucepan, filled with water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat.

    The finished broth should be filtered and mixed with the juice obtained earlier. Then add sugar to taste and heat to a temperature of 85-90°C. All that remains is to pour the juice into jars or bottles and seal with boiled lids.

    In a cool place, viburnum juice can be stored for quite a long time. In a city apartment you can use a refrigerator for this purpose, and in a private house you can use a cellar.
    The juice obtained in this way is quite concentrated, incl. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form. It is better to first dilute the vitamin drink with plain water.

    Additional tip. Instead of sugar, you can add a natural preservative – honey – to viburnum juice. This will not only increase the shelf life of the finished product, but will also give it new taste qualities.

    As for the amount of honey, each housewife should rely on her own taste. The optimal ratio is 100-150 g of bee product for each liter of juice. But this is only a recommendation.

    Viburnum syrup, preparation for the winter

    Viburnum syrup can be prepared using approximately the same principle as juice. To do this, you need to rinse the berries, put them in a saucepan and add water. It is advisable to prepare the syrup in an enamel bowl. You need to pour in enough water to lightly cover the berries.

    Place the pan with berries on low heat and cook until the berries are soft. After this, the berries should be thoroughly crushed. The resulting mixture must be filtered through thick gauze into a clean container. The cake should be squeezed out thoroughly. Leave the finished juice for 3 hours so that all the sediment sinks to the bottom.

    After this time, the liquid must be carefully poured into a clean pan and sugar added. The amount of sugar should exceed the amount of juice obtained by 1.5 times (for 1 liter of juice 1.5 kg of sugar). Place the pan over low heat and heat, stirring the mixture constantly, until all the sugar has dissolved. You can add a little vanillin to the finished syrup. This will significantly improve the taste of the product.

    The resulting syrup can be poured into jars and sealed with lids. It should be stored in the same way as juice in a cool place.

    Winter viburnum jam

    There are a lot of options for making viburnum jam. However, the optimal method is considered to be one that minimizes heat treatment of berries, i.e. without cooking. This will preserve the maximum amount of useful substances in the viburnum. This method of making jam has already been described above under the heading “Viburnum viburnum pureed with sugar.”

    If we talk about classic jam, then it is best to use the option below.
    So, to make jam from viburnum berries you will need to take:
    viburnum (berries) – 1 kg;
    granulated sugar – 0.8 kg;
    water – 400 ml.

    Place the viburnum berries in a heat-resistant bowl, add 200 ml of water and place in an oven preheated to 180°C. The time of such processing should be such that the berries become completely soft.

    While the viburnum is undergoing primary heat treatment, you can start preparing the syrup. To do this, pour all the sugar into a saucepan, add 200 ml of water and cook over low heat until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.

    When both components of the jam (berries and syrup) are ready, they need to be mixed and simmered over low heat for about 30 minutes. You cannot leave the stove at this time, since the mixture must be stirred all the time.

    After this, the semi-finished product should be removed from the stove and allowed to brew for 6 hours. Then you need to put the pan back on the fire and bring the jam to readiness, stirring it constantly and periodically skimming off the resulting foam.

    The finished jam should be immediately poured into pre-sterilized jars and rolled up.

    You can add an unusual taste to viburnum jam by adding the juice of 1 lemon and a bag of vanilla sugar to the finished product.

    Viburnum jam with apples

    You can also add various fruits to classic viburnum jam, for example: apples. This delicacy is made as follows.
    Grind the viburnum berries in a blender or simply mash them. Then transfer the resulting mass into a colander lined with a double layer of gauze and squeeze out all the juice. The cake remaining after this procedure will no longer be needed, incl. you need to squeeze as thoroughly as possible.

    Core the apples, cut into thin slices and place in a saucepan. Sprinkle granulated sugar on top of the apple slices and cook over low heat until all the sugar has dissolved. The result should be a kind of applesauce. After this, you need to remove the dishes from the heat and let the finished semi-finished product cool.

    Then pour the resulting viburnum juice into the puree and put the pan on the fire again. As soon as the mixture boils, the jam is considered ready. All that remains is to pour it into jars.
    The most delicious jam is obtained if you take the ingredients in the following proportions:
    viburnum (berries) – 1 kg;
    apples – 2.5 kg;
    sugar – 2.5 kg.

    Viburnum jam with pumpkin

    In addition to fruits, you can also add vegetables to viburnum jam. True, not any. An excellent option is the combination of viburnum and pumpkin. For such preservation you will need to take:
    viburnum (berries) – 1 kg;
    pumpkin – 1 kg;
    sugar – 1.5 kg.

    Peel the pumpkin, cut into small pieces and boil in a small amount of water. When the vegetables become soft, you need to drain them in a colander, and then chop them in a blender or mash them thoroughly.

    Rub the viburnum through a sieve and mix with the pumpkin. Add sugar there. The resulting mixture should be allowed to stand for a couple of hours, and then simmered over low heat for about 40 minutes. All this time, the jam must be stirred regularly and the foam removed.

    About indications and contraindications

    In conclusion, a few words about the indications and contraindications for using viburnum. After all, everything is good in moderation.

    So, at the very beginning it was already said that viburnum is an excellent supplier of numerous useful substances to the body. Among them: iron, iodine, manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. In addition, it contains acids that are very important for humans: valeric, formic, citric, ascorbic. And, of course, vitamins: A, K, P, E and, of course, C. It is thanks to the latter that viburnum perfectly strengthens the immune system and helps get rid of numerous acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

    However, experts recommend consuming viburnum for other diseases, for example:
    gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers);
    circulatory system (atherosclerosis, angina, hypertension);
    central nervous system (headaches, neuroses, periodic hysterics);
    oral cavity (stomatitis, bleeding gums);
    skin (dermatitis, furunculosis, teenage rashes);
    gynecological (ovarian inflammation, erosion, cystitis).

    However, viburnum should not be considered a panacea for all diseases. It is highly discouraged for some people to take it. It's worth starting with allergic reactions. Due to individual intolerance or overdose, viburnum can cause an unpleasant rash. People with the following ailments should not consume these berries:
    low pressure;
    increased blood clotting;
    increased stomach acidity;
    joint pain.
    Of course, even if you have the above diseases, you can drink tea with viburnum jam, but only in acceptable quantities. The main thing is not to abuse it.
    Well, for the rest of the citizens, viburnum will only benefit. Especially in winter.

    Viburnum preparations are a vitamin boost for the winter. The article contains recipes for juice, compote, jam, marmalade and marmalade made from healthy berries.

    Viburnum berries, which nature gives us in the fall, have a very specific taste, sour with bitterness. To tell the truth, few adults like them.

    And getting a child to eat viburnum is generally a huge achievement. But viburnum has enormous benefits, only it contains more vitamin C than lemons. There is a way out - make jam or other sweet preparations for the winter.

    Red viburnum: beneficial properties. Harvesting for the winter

    You can read about the benefits of not only viburnum berries, but also other parts of the plant in the article: link

    Obviously, the season of viburnum berries cannot be called short, and you can have time to eat fresh berries or be treated with one of the folk remedies based on them. But what about in winter and spring, when the body is in dire need of vitamins?

    Preparation method: viburnum marmalade.

    Viburnum berries can be prepared in various ways:

    • to freeze
    • dry
    • grind with sugar
    • make jam, jam, marmalade
    • make jelly
    • make syrup or sauce

    IMPORTANT: When choosing a preparation method, you need to understand what it will be used for: medicine or treats. In the first case, it is important to preserve the maximum of their beneficial properties in the berries. In the second, even if some vitamin is destroyed during heat treatment, it will not be very scary.

    How to freeze viburnum for the winter?

    Frozen viburnum can be used in winter in the same way as fresh:

    • for food
    • as a filling for baked goods
    • for making juice, fruit drink, tea, decoction, infusion

    Frozen viburnum berries.

    This type of workpiece has many advantages:

    • maximum benefits of berries are preserved
    • no sugar or any other preservatives are used
    • It’s convenient to freeze viburnum in portioned bags
    • freezing removes bitterness from the berries
    • The preparation method is very fast and requires a minimum of effort from the housewife

    Frozen viburnum from the store.

    1. Everything takes about 2 hours, with direct participation no more than 30 minutes.
    2. Prepare a colander, trays or dishes, kitchen paper or textile towels, bags or containers for freezing.
    3. Wash the viburnum thoroughly and remove the branches.
    4. The berries are laid out on towels to dry.
    5. After 10-15 minutes, transfer them to trays or dishes and put them in the freezer for 1 hour. Then later, in the bags, they won’t stick together.
    6. Pour the frozen berries into containers or bags for freezing.

    IMPORTANT: Some housewives do not wash viburnum before freezing, but do it later, before eating it directly.

    How to dry viburnum at home?

    Dried viburnum is not used as widely as frozen one. You can eat it as a dried fruit, make compote from the berries, make infusions, and add it to baked goods. The drying process is also quite simple, it has two options:

    • dry the berries in the oven
    • use a special dryer for fruits and berries

    Dried viburnum.

    1. The twigs and stalks are removed from the washed berries.
    2. Place them in one layer on a baking sheet or electric dryer rack.
    3. The oven temperature should be 50-60 degrees, at which point the viburnum will begin to dry out and wrinkle.
    4. If you are using a dryer, simply turn it on.

    IMPORTANT: Viburnum berries usually take 6-8 hours to dry.

    You can also dry them outdoors. Choose a secluded place where the direct rays of the sun do not hit, lay out clean white paper in it, pour washed viburnum berries without branches and stalks onto it, and cover them with gauze. This way they will dry for 7-14 days, and some of the berries may spoil.

    Preparing viburnum for the winter, mashed with sugar: recipe. Viburnum - jam without cooking: recipe. Cold viburnum jelly for the winter: recipe

    Jam without cooking: viburnum berries, ground with sugar.

    1. To prepare “vitamins” you only need to take viburnum berries (2 parts) and sugar (1 part).
    2. The berries are separated from the branches, sorted (only ripe, uncrushed ones are suitable for harvesting), washed under running cold water, and dried on kitchen towels.
    3. Prepare berry puree. The method can be any convenient: pound with a masher, rub with a spoon through a fine sieve, pass through a meat grinder or use a blender.
    4. The bones are not separated.
    5. Mix viburnum puree with sugar.
    6. Place the “vitamins” in sterile jars and send them to be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.

    Cold viburnum jelly.

    IMPORTANT: To make viburnum jelly, which does not need to be boiled, you need to take berries and sugar in equal quantities. Moreover, I take into account the volume not of the berries themselves, but of the puree obtained from them.

    VIDEO: Viburnum with sugar (cold preparation for the winter)

    Viburnum jam for the winter: benefits and harm

    In the form of jam, even after heat treatment, viburnum berries retain a lot of useful substances in the composition:

    • slow sugar
    • amino acids
    • ascorbic acid and other vitamins
    • tannins
    • essential oils
    • potassium, zinc, iron and other minerals

    Viburnum jam: delicacy and medicine.

    By consuming viburnum jam in winter, you can reap significant health and well-being benefits:

    • increase immunity, reduce the incidence of colds and viral infections
    • cleanse the liver and improve its function
    • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
    • improve skin condition
    • overcome depression
    • solve sleep problems
    • prevent the formation of kidney stones (if the jam is prepared with seeds)
    • get rid of heartburn

    IMPORTANT: To make the benefits of viburnum jam even greater, it is recommended to use honey rather than sugar as a preservative.

    Five-minute viburnum jam: recipe

    “Five Minute” viburnum jam is a quick way to prepare berries, but, of course, it takes more than 5 minutes.

    Required Products:

    • 1 kg sugar
    • 1 kg viburnum berries
    • 350 ml water

    Five-minute viburnum jam.

    1. The berries should be sorted, washed and dried.
    2. Bring the water to a boil, add sugar and cook for 5 minutes.
    3. Add viburnum berries to the syrup and cook for another 5 minutes.
    4. Allow the workpiece to cool, this will take about 5 hours.
    5. Bring the mixture back to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
    6. Place the five-minute viburnum jam into sterile jars and close them.

    IMPORTANT: You can add 10 g of vanilla sugar to the regular sugar in this recipe.

    VIDEO: Viburnum jam

    Viburnum jam for the winter: recipe

    Thick, homogeneous jam, an excellent vitamin dessert, is prepared from:

    • 1 part viburnum berries (for example, 1 kg)
    • 0.8 parts sugar (800 g)

    Viburnum jam for the winter.

    1. You need to take the best berries for jam, pourable ones, not spoiled.
    2. They are placed in an enamel bowl and filled with water so that the viburnum is covered, but there is no excess.
    3. When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and simmer the berries for about a quarter of an hour.
    4. They will be soft enough to grind through a sieve.
    5. The water is not poured out. Return the berry cake to it and leave for an hour. Then filter through cheesecloth. The syrup will be boiled in this water.
    6. Add sugar to the boiled berry broth and cook for 3 minutes.
    7. Pour berry puree into the syrup and cook until it reaches the desired thick, viscous consistency.
    8. Hot jam is placed in pre-sterilized jars, closed, stored in the dark and cool, but not allowed to freeze.

    Seeded viburnum jam: recipe

    Making jam from seedless viburnum berries is very simple.

    1. For 1 kg of berries take 0.75 kg of sugar.
    2. The berries are removed from the branches, their stalks are removed, and washed thoroughly.
    3. The dried berries are placed on a tray or in a tray and placed in the freezer for 30 minutes, then they will not taste bitter.
    4. Rinse the berries under warm running water and place in an enamel bowl.
    5. Sprinkle the viburnum with sugar and begin the simmering process: the berries should be boiled in syrup made from sugar and their own juice for 20 minutes.
    6. Place them hot in a metal colander with a mesh and wipe with a spoon. The seeds and peel remain on the mesh.
    7. The pureed, seedless viburnum jam is boiled for 5 minutes, after which it can be preserved.

    Viburnum jam.

    VIDEO: Viburnum berry for the winter. How to make jam

    Viburnum compote: a recipe for the winter

    To close a 1 liter jar of compote for the winter, take:

    • 500 g viburnum berries
    • 500 g sugar
    • 500 ml water
    1. Washed, selected and slightly dried viburnum berries are placed on the bottom of the jar.
    2. Make a syrup from water and sugar: pour sugar into the water, slowly bring to a boil, and after boiling, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    3. Pour the hot syrup into a jar of viburnum.
    4. Place a towel on the bottom of a large saucepan and place a jar of viburnum compote on top. Water is poured so that about a quarter of the jar is not covered.
    5. Bring the water to a temperature of 90 degrees and maintain at this level for 10 minutes.
    6. Cover the jar with viburnum compote with a sterile lid.

    VIDEO: Viburnum compote for the winter

    Compote for the winter from viburnum with apples: recipe

    Apples and viburnum in compote are a very tasty and healthy combination. For 1 liter take:

    • 300 g viburnum berries
    • 300 g chopped apples
    • 250 g sugar

    Compote for the winter from viburnum with apples.

    1. Boil the sugar syrup for 5 minutes.
    2. Place apples, cut into slices or cubes, and selected washed viburnum berries into sterile liter jars.
    3. Pour syrup into jars.
    4. Pasteurize the compote for a quarter of an hour.
    5. Roll up the jars with sterile lids.

    Viburnum sauce for the winter: recipe

    Sweet and sour viburnum sauce is served with meat and poultry dishes. To prepare for the winter you need:

    • 250 g viburnum berry puree
    • 5 carnation stars
    • 2 cloves garlic
    • 0.5 tsp coriander seeds
    • 3 pots of pepper
    • 100 g sugar
    • 100 g vegetable oil
    • 1 tbsp. bite spoon

    For meat: viburnum sauce.

    1. Washed viburnum berries separated from the branches are blanched for 2-3 minutes. They make puree from them.
    2. Cloves, peppercorns and coriander are ground in a mortar.
    3. Mix berry puree with seasonings, vegetable oil, sugar and garlic passed through a press. Place the mixture on the fire, it boils and cooks, ate bubbling, for 10 minutes.
    4. Add vinegar to the sauce.
    5. Pour it into jars. For sauce, it is better to sterilize mayonnaise jars or baby food jars.
    6. The jars are closed and, after they have cooled, stored in the pantry or refrigerator.

    VIDEO: Mind-blowing viburnum sauce

    Soaked viburnum for the winter: recipes

    To prepare soaked kalinka, take:

    • 1 kg of berries without branches and stalk
    • 200 g sugar
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 1 liter of water

    Soaked viburnum berries.

    1. The syrup is made from water, sugar and salt.
    2. Place the viburnum into jars; when the syrup has cooled slightly, pour it over.
    3. Cover the tops of the jars with gauze, leave the product at room temperature for 21 days, after which you can close it with lids and move it to the refrigerator.

    Juice from viburnum for the winter without boiling through a juicer

    Viburnum juice is made through a juicer without sugar, it turns out concentrated. They use it in winter for sauces, add it to tea, dilute it with water and drink it with honey, etc.

    Viburnum juice.

    • berries are passed through a juicer
    • the juice is poured into sterile jars and pasteurized for 20 minutes
    • roll up the cans
    • If the juice will be stored for less than a month in the refrigerator, it does not need pasteurization

    Viburnum syrup for the winter: recipes

    Viburnum syrup requires a lot of sugar - 2 kg per 1 kg of berries. They can be used to flavor ice cream, fruit salads, strudel, pancakes, and other desserts.

    Viburnum syrup.

    1. Blanched berries are pureed using a blender.
    2. Transfer the viburnum berry puree into an enamel bowl, cover with sugar and slowly bring to a boil.
    3. 5 minutes after boiling, the syrup is poured into jars washed with soda, allowed to cool and hidden in the refrigerator.

    VIDEO: Viburnum juice

    Do you prepare pureed viburnum with sugar for the winter? If you cook it, it’s great, it means you love and appreciate this product. If not, it’s not too late to find out what beneficial properties viburnum with sugar has and how to prepare it for the winter using simple recipes without cooking. And on cold winter days, such a preparation will be both a delicious dessert and a means of saturating the body with healing substances.

    Beneficial properties of viburnum with sugar

    Red viburnum berries contain a huge amount of substances beneficial to the body.

    Read: Red viburnum, its healing properties and contraindications

    Viburnum with sugar, when properly prepared (preferably without cooking) and stored, retains all the beneficial properties of fresh fruits. Consumption of pureed viburnum with sugar:

    • Improves mood and appetite, relieves fatigue, stress, depression.
    • Increases immunity, prevents viral and colds in winter. Helps quickly get rid of colds (especially in the initial stage), cure sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia. Eliminate cough in a short time and restore voice in case of laryngitis.
    • Helps restore strength after illnesses and operations.
    • Stimulates hematopoiesis, improves blood quality indicators.
    • Supports normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Normalizes blood pressure in hypertension, strengthens the heart muscle, improves the condition of atherosclerosis.
    • Normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Helps with diarrhea, constipation, dropsy.
    • Acts as a mild diuretic, promotes active bile secretion and prevents the formation of gallstones.
    • Cleanses the liver and improves its function.

    How to prepare viburnum with sugar for the winter

    A tasty, healthy viburnum dessert for the winter can be prepared only from ripe, timely collected, high-quality berries.

    Read: Viburnum - time to collect viburnum berries and store them for the winter

    Whatever cooking recipe you use, first prepare the collected (or purchased) berries for processing:

    1. Rinse the brushes with berries well under running water, let them drain, and dry a little.
    2. Carefully separate the berries from the clusters, remove low-quality fruits and leaves.

    Next, decide how you want to prepare the pureed fruits: with or without seeds and skins; with or without cooking. The last decision will largely depend on the capacity of the refrigerator, because preparations prepared according to recipes without heat treatment must be stored in the cold.

    Viburnum with sugar for the winter without cooking with seeds

    If there is a place on the shelves of your refrigerator to store viburnum pureed with sugar, then the recipe without cooking is the best way to preserve all the beneficial substances. It is preferable, in my opinion, to leave the seeds and skins when cooking, because they also contain a lot of useful things. How to cook in order to preserve the healing properties? It's very, very simple:

    1. Prepare the required number of glass jars (wash, sterilize).
    2. Crush the prepared berries with a wooden spoon (or in any convenient way).
    3. Add sugar (ratio 1:1), mix well, leave for a while at room temperature so that the granulated sugar dissolves in the juice.
    4. Place the berries pureed with sugar into jars, sprinkle sugar on top, and close with lids (for long-term storage it is better to use metal lids).
    5. Store in the refrigerator.

    If there is no space in the refrigerator, cover the filled jars with metal lids, sterilize them in boiling water (volume 0.5 liters - 15 minutes, 1 liter - 20 minutes), seal hermetically. You can store it in any cool place.

    Viburnum juice with sugar for the winter - a simple recipe

    1. Viburnum berries and viburnum juice

      Remove seeds and skins from the prepared berries in any convenient way: rub through a sieve, crush and strain through cheesecloth, prepare juice using a juicer.

    2. Add sugar (they recommend 200 g of sugar per 1 kg of berries, but you can use a different ratio to suit your taste), mix well, leave for 7 - 8 hours so that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved in the juice.
    3. Stir again, transfer the pureed, puree-like mass into sterilized jars, close the lids and refrigerate.

    If you need to store the juice without refrigeration, you will have to use sterilization, as in the previous recipe.

    You can prepare viburnum juice for the winter without sugar. Of course, it will be sour and less pleasant to taste, but it can be sweetened before use.

    In today's article we will talk about such a miracle berry as viburnum. Namely, about ways to prepare viburnum with sugar for the winter without cooking. Let's figure out what the value of this berry is and why it should be prepared for the winter.

    Tea prepared from viburnum harvesting helps the body fight colds, fatigue, weakness, and elevated body temperature in winter. This drink turns out quite tasty and aromatic. Therefore, not only adults, but also small children will drink it with pleasure.

    Viburnum, ground with sugar, retains the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients. You can use viburnum, prepared in accordance with the recipes below, not only for making tea, compote or fruit juice, but also for making marmalade, jam, jelly and other tasty preparations.

    Note to the housewife: Viburnum, prepared according to a recipe without cooking, improves the general condition of the skin, and also acts on the body as a fairly effective sedative.

    Advice: It is necessary to prepare viburnum for the winter after the first frost hits. Since it is during this period of time that the berries lose their inherent slight bitterness. But if you need to pick the berries earlier, just place them in the freezer of the refrigerator for 1 hour. This trick will make the berries taste more pleasant.

    How to prepare pureed viburnum with sugar for the winter without cooking

    I would like to present to you not 1, but 3 options at once on how to prepare mashed viburnum with sugar. The composition of the ingredients remains the same, the only difference is the preparation method.

    For all recipes the proportion is the same:

    • Viburnum berries – 1 kg;
    • Granulated sugar – 1 kg.

    Recipe No. 1

    First of all, the collected branches of ripe viburnum need to be brought home.

    Place in a saucepan and rinse thoroughly under running water.

    Carefully, so as not to stain the area around the wall, we separate the viburnum berries from the branches with our hands. When picked, the berry splashes a lot.

    Using a sieve, rub the viburnum using a mortar or large spoon. The seeds and skins should remain in the sieve. Do not rush to throw away the pulp; you can infuse it with alcohol, cognac or vodka, and then take it as a tincture, after adding sugar to taste or without it.

    From a 3.5 liter basin of viburnum on branches comes out about 1 liter of pureed thick juice. It in itself is medicinal and very tasty, a useful remedy for treatment or for use in cooking.

    Add sugar to the pureed viburnum to taste.

    Mix thoroughly until the sugar dissolves.

    Then put it into prepared sterile jars of suitable volume.

    Close with lids and store in a cool place. It is convenient to store viburnum with sugar in the refrigerator, if necessary, simply remove the jar of sweetness, add it to tea or make delicious fruit drinks.

    Cooking option No. 2:

    Pour boiling water over the washed and sorted berries and leave for 2-3 minutes. Then the water must be drained and the berries themselves must be rubbed through a sieve.

    Combine the ground mass with granulated sugar, stir thoroughly, package in dry, sterile jars and leave for a couple of days at room temperature (this is necessary for the sugar to dissolve properly). Then move the seams into the refrigerator door. Take out and use as needed.

    Cooking option No. 3:

    Sprinkle the dried berries with sugar and then grind with a blender.

    Place into small sterile jars, then cover the top of the necks with a small piece of polyethylene and cover with nylon lids.

    Whole berries in sugar

    I would like to present to your attention, perhaps, the simplest recipe on how to make a healthy preparation of viburnum berries and sugar for the winter.


    • Red viburnum berries – 2.5 kg;
    • White crystalline sugar – 2.5 kg.

    Cooking steps:

    1. Viburnum berries should be carefully sorted, washed, then drained in a colander and wait until all excess liquid has drained. After this, it is recommended to lay the berries in one row on a piece of dry, moisture-absorbing fabric. Let them dry thoroughly.
    2. Next, you will need a dry, clean jar of the appropriate size. Place a layer (about 1.5 cm) of granulated sugar on its bottom. Then pour a layer of dried red viburnum berries on top of it (also 1.5 cm). Lightly tap the jar on your work surface. This is necessary in order to evenly distribute the berries and prevent the formation of “voids” between the layers.
    3. Next, repeat layers until you run out of berries and sugar. The last layer should be sugar.
    4. Cover the jar with a tight-fitting nylon lid and store in the refrigerator.

    Viburnum with ginger

    So, we figured out how to prepare viburnum for the winter with sugar. Have you tried preparing this berry with the addition of ginger? No? Very much in vain! After all, it gives winter preparations not only a new piquant aroma and taste, but also a lot of useful properties (primarily anti-cold).

    List of ingredients:

    • Viburnum – 2 kg;
    • Crystalline white sugar – 2 kg;
    • Grated ginger root - 3 tbsp. l.

    Description of making viburnum and ginger jam:

    1. Place the washed berries in a large enamel pan and add 500 g of sugar. Then lightly crush the berries using a wooden masher.
    2. Mix the ingredients and place the pan on the fire. Boil the mixture at a low simmer for 10 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and set aside to cool. After the mixture has cooled completely, rub it through a sieve or colander with fine holes.
    3. Add the remaining 1.5 kg of sugar and chopped ginger root to the already pureed berry mass. Mix until smooth, pack into sterile jars, cover with tight lids (nylon) and store in a cool and, recommended, dark place.

    Note to the housewife: Using this recipe, you will always have on hand an excellent medicine for colds, which can be used not only for making tea, but also as a filling for various confectionery products made at home.

    Viburnum with sugar and lemon


    • Red viburnum berries – 400 g;
    • Lemon – 2 pcs.;
    • Sugar – 600 g.


    1. Sort out the red viburnum berries, rinse several times and place in a sieve to allow excess liquid to drain. Transfer the prepared berries to a sterile container and cover with sugar.
    2. Peel the lemons and then cut into arbitrary slices. Add crushed lemon slices to the berries.
    3. Grind all ingredients using an immersion blender or pass through a meat grinder with a fine grid.
    4. Fill dry sterile jars with the prepared berry-citrus mixture and close the lids. If desired, you can additionally cover the necks of the jars with cling film (before covering with lids).

    How to store raw viburnum jam preparations: preparations of this type are best stored in the refrigerator, under a tightly closed lid.

    From the video recipe below you can learn how to prepare viburnum with sugar for the winter.

    Winter preparations from viburnum without sugar

    Viburnum, prepared without cooking or using sugar, retains the greatest amount of microelements and beneficial properties. The freezing process is best suited for this preparation.


    • Viburnum berries - any quantity.


    1. Sort the berries thoroughly, wash and dry. Then fill plastic containers with them, close the lids and store them in the freezer.
    2. In winter, you can prepare compotes, fruit drinks, and jelly from the prepared semi-finished product. Frozen berries can also be used in making pies and other homemade baked goods.

    Note to the housewife: When preparing viburnum with sugar for the winter without cooking using the puree method, you will be left with berry waste. Don’t throw them away - it’s better to make a healthy and tasty vitamin compote from them.

    Viburnum is a very healthy berry; it has a large number of medicinal properties, which is why it is so popular for winter preservation. It has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, as well as on blood pressure, significantly improves the general condition of the skin, treats diseases of the digestive system, is useful for liver diseases, and also as a sedative and strengthening agent. The use of viburnum is common for colds, coughs, indigestion and hoarseness.

    Inside each viburnum berry there is a bitterish seed that looks like a heart. These seeds are harmless, you can either eat them with the berries or spit them out.

    Viburnum in sugar, without cooking, is prepared like cold jam and the end result is something like syrup. The berries will produce juice and slowly dissolve the sugar. It is this preparation of viburnum for the winter without cooking that preserves the most vitamins and microelements for you.

    How to prepare viburnum before preservation

    Before proceeding directly to cooking, you need to prepare the viburnum; this is done quite simply, this is how the viburnum will retain all its beneficial health properties.

    It is better to collect viburnum berries after the first frost, you can even in winter, collect them directly with twigs and clusters. Next you need to rinse it twice. Dry by laying it on a bed of several layers of newspapers or paper towels. After this, you can safely proceed to processing.

    Freezing viburnum for the winter

    The easiest way to store viburnum berries and at the same time preserve all their beneficial properties is to freeze them. You can put them in bunches in bags or jars and put them in the freezer. You can also process the berries to save space in the freezer, spread them out in a thin layer and freeze them, then transfer them to specially prepared containers or bags.

    In case of illness, in winter, to improve health, take out 2-3 berries every day and put them in your mouth like a candy, also chew the seeds, because they store essential nutrients for humans.

    Defrost the berries not at room temperature, but in the refrigerator, otherwise they will lose their shape, color and all nutritional value. Thawed berries are used for making baked goods, pies, fruit drinks, jelly and so on.

    Recipes for preparing viburnum with sugar for the winter without cooking

    1) Very often, for storage for 2-3 months, viburnum is not sprinkled with anything. It is simply washed with water, then dried, put in jars and stored in the refrigerator, so that later it can be eaten fresh. During this time, the berries do not even become moldy, because they contain substances harmful to mold fungi, so viburnum is safely used to treat fungal infections in the human body.

    2) To keep viburnum sprinkled with sugar, without cooking, for as long as possible, keep it in the refrigerator or on the balcony. They can stand like this even for a couple of years.

    • To prepare this preparation for the winter, the sorted berries are placed in layers in a jar (you can use a jar of any size) and sprinkled with sugar: each one and a half centimeter layer of berries is covered with a centimeter layer of sugar.
    • After each layer, shake the jar so that the layers are more dense. Sprinkle the sugar in a stream and turn the jar around its axis, and the layers will lie evenly.
    • Finish laying the viburnum with a thick layer of sugar, cover it with sugar almost to the very lid, so the berries will never become moldy and will retain all the beneficial substances.
    • For a 3 liter jar, you will need approximately 700 grams of viburnum. You can close the jars with wiped, alcohol-washed lids.

    3) Instead of sugar, viburnum is often poured with honey, if possible, but then for 2 servings of berries you will need 1 serving of honey.

    Do you prepare pureed viburnum with sugar for the winter? If you cook it, it’s great, it means you love and appreciate this product. If not, it’s not too late to find out what beneficial properties viburnum with sugar has and recipes on how to prepare viburnum for the winter without cooking. And on cold winter days, such a preparation will be both a delicious dessert and a means of saturating the body with healing substances.

    Viburnum with sugar - beneficial properties

    Red viburnum berries contain a huge amount of substances beneficial to the body.

    Viburnum with sugar, when properly prepared (preferably without cooking) and stored, retains all the beneficial properties of fresh fruits. Consumption of pureed viburnum with sugar:

    • Improves mood and appetite, relieves fatigue, stress, depression.
    • Increases immunity, prevents viral and colds in winter. Helps quickly get rid of colds (especially), cure sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia. Eliminate cough in a short time and restore voice in case of laryngitis.
    • Helps restore strength after illnesses and operations.
    • Stimulates hematopoiesis, improves blood quality indicators.
    • Supports normal heart function. Normalizes blood pressure in hypertension, strengthens the heart muscle, improves the condition of atherosclerosis.
    • Normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Helps with diarrhea, constipation, dropsy.
    • Acts as a mild diuretic, promotes active bile secretion and prevents the formation of gallstones.
    • Cleanses the liver and improves its function.

    How to prepare viburnum with sugar for the winter

    A tasty, healthy viburnum dessert for the winter can be prepared only from ripe, timely collected, high-quality berries.

    Whatever cooking recipe you use, first prepare the collected (or purchased) berries for processing:

    1. Rinse the brushes with berries well under running water, let them drain, and dry a little.
    2. Carefully separate the berries from the clusters, remove low-quality fruits and leaves.

    Next, decide how you want to prepare the pureed fruits: with or without seeds and skins; with or without cooking. The last decision will largely depend on the capacity of the refrigerator, because preparations prepared according to recipes without heat treatment must be stored in the cold.

    Viburnum with sugar for the winter without cooking with seeds

    If there is a place on the shelves of your refrigerator to store viburnum pureed with sugar, then the recipe without cooking is the best way to preserve all the beneficial substances. It is preferable, in my opinion, to leave the seeds and skins when cooking, because they also contain a lot of useful things. How to cook in order to preserve the healing properties? It's very, very simple:

    1. Prepare the required number of glass jars (wash, sterilize).
    2. Crush the prepared berries with a wooden spoon (or in any convenient way).
    3. Add sugar (ratio 1:1), mix well, leave for a while at room temperature so that the granulated sugar dissolves in the juice.
    4. Place the berries pureed with sugar into jars, sprinkle sugar on top, and close with lids (for long-term storage it is better to use metal lids).
    5. Store in the refrigerator.

    If there is no space in the refrigerator, cover the filled jars with metal lids, sterilize them in boiling water (volume 0.5 liters - 15 minutes, 1 liter - 20 minutes), seal hermetically. You can store it in any cool place.

    How to prepare viburnum juice with sugar for the winter - a simple recipe

    If you need to store the juice without refrigeration, you will have to use sterilization, as in the previous recipe. You can prepare viburnum juice for the winter without sugar. Of course, it will be sour and less pleasant to taste, but it can be sweetened before use.

    The bright fruits of viburnum contain a huge amount of organic compounds, vitamins and microelements. The beneficial properties of viburnum are due to the content of tannins, phytoncides, vitamins A, C, and pectins in the berry.

    Viburnum is a source of ascorbic acid and the first assistant for colds

    Viburnum berries also contain copper, iodine, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Green leaves contain formic, acetic, oleic, and valeric acids.

    Viburnum: contraindications

    Despite its beneficial properties, viburnum is contraindicated for people prone to hypotension. Berries help lower blood pressure, and their consumption can lead hypotensive patients to a critical condition.

    Contraindications for viburnum:

    • Circulatory disorders (tendency to blood clots)
    • Arthritis
    • Urolithiasis disease
    • Allergy
    • Gastritis with high acidity, ulcer
    • Heart pathologies
    • Pregnancy and lactation
    • Gout
    • Kidney diseases

    Preparations based on viburnum should be taken with caution even by healthy people, since abuse of the berry can lead to negative reactions of the body - rashes, deterioration in general well-being.

    Contraindications for viburnum relate not only to the consumption of its fruits - the leaves, branches, flowers and even the bark of the plant have medicinal properties.

    Viburnum during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    Despite the fact that viburnum is an excellent source of beneficial vitamins and minerals needed by the expectant mother, its use is contraindicated during pregnancy. The fruits of the plant increase the tone of the uterus and are a strong allergen. In case of an overdose, a miscarriage is possible, and in the later stages, taking viburnum-based products threatens premature birth.

    During pregnancy, it is better to avoid taking viburnum - it increases the tone of the uterus

    The allergic characteristics of the berry are manifested in the high content of vitamin C. If the body is oversaturated with it, an allergic rash may occur on the body. Therefore, many mothers during lactation refuse to take this berry.

    Viburnum is completely contraindicated in the first three to five months of lactation - its intake can negatively affect the digestive system of the newborn. Gradually, a nursing mother can introduce viburnum into her diet - in the form of additives in compotes, teas, casseroles of 5-10 berries. At this time, you need to carefully monitor the child’s reaction - if there are no rashes, red cheeks, or digestive disorders, you can gradually increase its intake.

    Viburnum: beneficial properties

    Viburnum has a whole “bouquet” of useful properties. This is a herbal healer that helps during colds and infectious diseases. Viburnum is a unique gift of nature, a source of vitamin C, which has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.

    Teas and decoctions of viburnum are used for coughs and respiratory diseases

    Viburnum is used to treat:

    • Diabetes mellitus
    • Heart diseases
    • High blood pressure
    • Diseases of the digestive organs
    • Colds and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract
    • Atherosclerosis
    • Anemia

    In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used as raw materials. The bark of the plant is famous for its general strengthening properties; the juice increases the body’s immune forces and calms the unequal system. The berries are used as an antitussive and diaphoretic. Viburnum root helps with digestive disorders. The leaves are used as a means to cleanse the skin of rashes and furunculosis.

    Decoctions from viburnum inflorescences are taken for bleeding and inflammation. Plant-based products increase appetite and promote sweating. Viburnum is an excellent sedative - it is used to prevent seizures and treat nervous disorders.

    Viburnum with honey: beneficial properties

    Honey-viburnum medicine is used during colds as an anti-inflammatory and immune-strengthening agent. The beneficial properties of viburnum appear in combination with drug therapy - eating berries with honey enhances the effect of the drugs and promotes faster recovery.

    Viburnum with honey is an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system and removing cholesterol from the body.

    Taking viburnum with honey helps with coughs, wheezing, bronchitis, colds and complications from infectious diseases. The viscous mixture is used for stomach disorders, diarrhea, and helps overcome insomnia and nervous agitation.

    The honey-viburnum mixture is indicated for use by women with severe pain and heavy menstruation. The remedy helps with high blood pressure, and drinking the mixture for a long time relieves the body of accumulated cholesterol. It is also recommended to use honey with viburnum for inflammation of the gums, dental diseases of the oral cavity, and anemia.

    Preparing a mixture of viburnum and honey is simple - you need to mix crushed berries and liquid honey in proportions 1:2. However, it is not only the contraindications of viburnum that should be taken into account - honey is a strong allergen, which is harmful to use if you have an existing allergy to the product.

    Also remember about the effect of heat treatment - it is undesirable for both viburnum and honey. During the heating process, the vitamin composition of the berry is destroyed, and the honey becomes unsuitable for consumption. The maximum temperature acceptable for a honey-viburnum mixture is no more than 60 °C.

    Viburnum mashed with sugar: beneficial properties

    An excellent remedy for colds and viral diseases is viburnum, mashed with sugar. In this form, the berries can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator, and during the cooking process the berries do not need to be subjected to heat treatment, but simply mix clean, dry berries and sugar in a 1:1 ratio.

    Grated viburnum with sugar helps with high blood pressure, diarrhea, and colds

    • Cold, sore throat
    • Coughing
    • Diarrhea
    • Jaundice
    • Hypertension

    During winter cold, pureed viburnum is consumed as a vitamin drink, mixed with boiled water. Taking it improves appetite, enriches the body with useful substances and strengthens the immune system. The mixture can be added to tea or milk - just one spoon of viburnum quickly normalizes blood pressure in case of hypertension. As a preventive measure, viburnum berries can be consumed regularly, protecting yourself from viral and bacterial infections.

    Viburnum for colds

    Viburnum is one of the most potent medicines that quickly relieves cold symptoms. The huge content of ascorbic acid helps the body quickly cope with illness and restore lost strength.

    At the first sign of a cold, you need to take warm viburnum drinks. To do this, you need to prepare tea from the berries or dissolve a spoonful of viburnum, pureed with sugar, in a glass of warm water. Drinking the drink relieves chills, eliminates sore throat, increases sweating and reduces temperature. After drinking warm tea, you need to go to bed, cover yourself with a warm blanket and sweat well.

    In the cold, viburnum loses its bitterness

    When treating a cold, consider the contraindications of viburnum! This applies to people who have serious heart problems. The process of sweating puts additional stress on the entire body, which can affect the functioning of the heart.


    Viburnum in cosmetology

    The juice from the fresh fruits of the plant has bleaching and astringent properties, which is why it is used to make cosmetic products - creams, masks, lotions. The beneficial properties of viburnum make it possible to use the plant to remove age spots after pregnancy and to cleanse the face of acne.

    For severe tissue acne, widespread on the face, chest and back, it is recommended to use a decoction of viburnum leaves, 1/4 of a glass per day. Wounds and inflammations on the skin can be treated with fresh viburnum juice - this will dry out the rashes and relieve swelling.

    Skin whitening mask:

    Mix fresh viburnum juice with the white of one egg, stir until smooth. Apply a thick layer to the face as a mask for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. The course of whitening procedures is 15-20 days.

    In cosmetology, viburnum is used as an excellent remedy against pigmentation and for cleansing the skin.

    Anti-acne mask:

    To get rid of rashes, viburnum juice is combined with fresh sour cream (cream) 1:1 and applied to the face. Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes. As a scrub to remove dead areas of the epidermis, you can use crushed viburnum, frozen in the refrigerator. Carrying out 8-10 cleansing procedures will get rid of acne, eliminate pigment spots, and smooth out wrinkles.

    Hand bath:

    Add viburnum juice and sea salt to warm water in a 2:1 ratio. Lower your hands and hold for 15-20 minutes, adding warm water. This bath not only rejuvenates the skin of the hands, relieves redness and peeling, but also has a beneficial effect on the nail plate.

    In Russia, viburnum grows almost everywhere. They make jelly and jam from it, bake pies with viburnum filling, make kvass, and use the fruits in sauerkraut. Various parts of viburnum have beneficial properties: berries, flowers, seeds, branches, bark. The prepared folk remedies are successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory and digestive systems. Viburnum berries are used to treat nervous disorders, colds, and help cope with the inflammatory process.

    Composition of viburnum

    The fruits of the plant contain vitamins A and C, tannins, and pectins, which are important for effectively cleansing the intestines of accumulated harmful substances. The phytoncides included in the composition effectively destroy microbes.

    The fruits contain a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, copper, and iodine. The leaves and berries contain acetic, valeric, oleic and formic acids.

    The rich vitamin and mineral composition is especially useful for the prevention and elimination of loss of strength and vitamin deficiency.

    The plant prefers moist deciduous or pine forests with plenty of shade. It grows among bushes, along the water. Some gardeners grow it on their acres.

    The bark is harvested in April, shortly after sap flow, and young shoots in early spring. The flowers are collected from May to June, when they are in full bloom. The time to collect viburnum berries occurs in September and October. The fruits are cut off along with the stem to keep the soft part intact.

    The most useful viburnum is collected after the first frost, when the medicinal properties of the berries caught in the frost are maximum. Frost also reduces bitterness. To eliminate bitterness, the fruits can also be immersed in boiling water for a few minutes.

    The collected berries are laid out in an even layer and dried in a cool, ventilated place for 5-9 days. The final removal of moisture is carried out in the oven at a temperature of +50C. Afterwards the leg can be removed.

    Dried viburnum berries best retain their beneficial properties in clean linen or gauze bags placed in a dark, dry place.

    Viburnum prepared in the following way is also useful. Fill a third of the clean jar with washed berries, pour granulated sugar to the top. The lid should not be tight. After six months, the useful product is ready.

    Wash and dry the berries on a towel, squeeze gently. Do not press too hard on the skins as they produce maximum bitterness. Mix the resulting juice with sugar in equal parts.

    Place the finished product in glass jars. Store covered in the refrigerator. The longer viburnum juice is stored, the less bitterness it contains. For long-term storage, grind the juice with sugar to form a jelly. In this form, it does not spoil and does not ferment even at room temperature.

    Boiled viburnum juice is prepared from 1 liter of water, 1 liter of berries, 200 g of sand. Wash the fruits in cool water, add water and cook in an enamel pan over low heat until they become soft. Then carefully squeeze out the juice and let it sit. Add sugar, slightly warming the juice to dissolve the sugar faster. Strain, bring to a boil, pour into clean jars.

    Viburnum is useful for strengthening the immune system and preventing colds. Take 100g of berries, lemon with peel, 200g of aloe leaves, peeled walnuts. Pass through a meat grinder, add 200g of butter and honey.

    Take 1 tsp during the day. after meal.

    Treatment of colds with a decoction of viburnum bark

    Viburnum bark is useful for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. Brew 2 tbsp. bark with a glass of boiling water, keep on low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Add 7-10 drops of sea buckthorn oil, 1 tbsp. honey, mix. Take half a glass half an hour before meals.

    Another remedy made from berries and viburnum bark against colds. Stir 1 tsp. bark, half a glass of viburnum juice, 1 tsp. thyme, chamomile, mint, honey, brew a glass of boiling water. Simmer in a water bath for 5 minutes, leave, strain into a glass container. Take half a glass half an hour before meals. It is useful to add a little fresh juice or viburnum berries to the product.

    Viburnum bark helps cope with fever. To prepare the infusion, 2-3 tbsp. crushed bark, pour a glass of cold boiled water, leave for 8-10 hours, strain. Take 1 tbsp. half an hour after eating.

    The beneficial properties of viburnum berries help cope with pneumonia, bronchitis, and help thin sputum.

    Heat a glass of honey over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Grind 1 tbsp. berries, pour hot honey over them. Wrap it well and let it brew for 5-6 hours. Take medicinal product 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day.

    You can simply boil 100g of berries in 200g of honey over low heat. Take the healing agent 1-2 tbsp. several times a day with warm water.

    Another recipe for treating bronchitis or pneumonia with viburnum. Stir 1 tbsp. bark, coltsfoot, knotweed, elderberry flowers, brew 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take 3/4 cup half an hour to an hour before meals.

    Viburnum with honey is useful in eliminating severe coughs due to bronchitis. Brew 100g of berries with two glasses of boiling water, simmer over low heat for half an hour. Leave for 30 minutes, add half a glass of honey, stir. Take 2 tbsp. half an hour after eating.

    Viburnum infusion is useful for chronic cough. Mix 1 tsp. rose hips, viburnum berries, chamomile, calendula, elecampane. Brew 1 liter of boiling water in an enamel bowl, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Leave for 5-6 hours, strain. Store in a well-sealed glass jar. Take 1 tbsp. half an hour before meals.

    For sore throat, it is useful to gargle with an infusion prepared from a mixture of viburnum flowers and berries, taken in equal parts. Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave, thoroughly wrapped, for 3-4 hours, strain.

    Gargle using 1/2 cup of infusion. Take 1-2 tbsp orally.

    Viburnum is used in compresses on the neck for sore throat. Grind the berries, pour warm water for half an hour, add honey, mix well. Apply the composition to a clean natural fabric, secure it to the throat, wrapping it several times. The treatment lasts an hour, the compress is applied twice a day.

    An infusion of 3-4 tbsp helps to cope with painful sensations in the heart. viburnum berries brewed with a glass of boiling water. Infuse the fruits for 4 hours, strain. Take a glass 3-4 times a day.

    Kvass made from viburnum and beets is useful for dilating blood vessels. Grate 250-300g of beets, boil in one and a half glasses of water. Wash 300g of berries, boil for several minutes in one and a half glasses of water in an enamel bowl. Mix the decoctions, add a third of a glass of sugar and bring to a boil, let cool. Store in a glass container in a cool place. Take cold.

    An infusion of viburnum shoots is useful in cases of hypertension. Mix equal parts of motherwort herb, valerian root, crushed shoots, 2 tbsp. Brew the mixture with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Take for hypertension in small portions throughout the day.

    Another recipe for hypertension. Get juice from half a kilo of viburnum berries, pour the squeezed fruits into 100g of water, boil for 5 minutes, strain and mix with the previously obtained juice. Add 100g of sugar, stir and wait for it to cool. Add 1 tbsp. honey Take 2 tbsp. half an hour before meals.

    Viburnum juice is useful for eliminating constant headaches. Take 1-2 glasses of viburnum juice every day, adding honey to taste. To simultaneously cope with inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, dilute the juice with a decoction of oatmeal.

    A simple healing remedy to cleanse the liver is prepared from viburnum berries and honey. Rinse half a kilo of fruits and cook in an enamel container until soft with the addition of a small amount of water. Then rub through a sieve and mix with 250g of honey. Take 2 tbsp. in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed for 14 days.

    To improve blood composition, it is useful to prepare another remedy from viburnum berries. Boil 1.5 cups of crushed rose hips in 1.5 liters of water for 10 minutes, add 1-2 tbsp. celandine, 5 tsp. sage, leave for 8-10 hours, strain. Grind 1/2 cup of berries, 1/4 cup of sugar, add to the infusion.

    Take half a glass an hour before meals for 3 weeks with breaks every 3 months for two years. Blood improves, stones dissolve.

    It is also possible to get rid of stones in the urinary and gall bladder with the help of viburnum seeds, if you swallow one 10-15 times during the day.

    The choleretic infusion is prepared by mixing equal parts of viburnum berries, mint, and birch buds. Brew 1 tsp. Collect a glass of boiled water, leave for half an hour, strain. Take 1 tbsp. after meal.

    Viburnum berries and seeds are useful for eliminating pain in the stomach and intestines, helping to cope with gastritis, indigestion, stomach or duodenal ulcers, constipation and loose stools.

    Fresh berries are useful for gastritis with low acidity. Brew 1-2 tbsp. fruits with a glass of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours, strain. Take 2-3 tbsp. half an hour before meals 5 times a day.

    To cope with indigestion, use viburnum seeds by brewing 1 tbsp. a glass of boiling water. After simmering in a water bath for half an hour, the broth is allowed to cool and filtered. Take 2 tbsp in the morning and evening an hour before meals.

    For stomach and duodenal ulcers, chop the viburnum berries, pour cold boiled water on them at the rate of half a glass per 1 tbsp of fruit, leave for 10-12 hours, strain. Take 1 tbsp. an hour before meals.

    For constipation, it is useful to take 40-50 berries with a small amount of honey every morning. Viburnum seeds are also useful; they need to be ground in a coffee grinder and brewed at the rate of 1 tsp. powder per glass of boiling water. After 10 minutes, the constipation remedy is ready. It is taken 1-2 times a day with sugar or honey.

    An infusion of viburnum berries with honey at the rate of 2 tbsp helps to cope with loose stools. fruits for half a glass of honey. Wash the fruits, chop them, mix with honey. Heat in an enamel container over low heat or in a glass container in a water bath, stirring constantly. After 10 minutes, remove the medicinal product from the heat and allow to cool. Take 1 tsp. several times a day.

    To prevent and treat hemorrhoids, brew 4 tsp. viburnum bark with a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes, let cool and strain. Take half a glass in the morning and evening an hour before meals.

    For bleeding, hemorrhoids or painful heavy periods, grind the viburnum bark into powder and add the same amount of alcohol. Infuse for 3-4 days in a cool, dark place, strain. Keep cool. Take 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day.

    Viburnum is useful for relieving nervous tension and causing rapid relaxation. To prepare the infusion, brew 2-3 tablespoons of boiling water. crushed bark, add 1 tbsp. lemon balm. Simmer in a water bath for half an hour, leave for an hour. Take 1 tbsp. an hour before meals for a week.

    Another recipe for overwork and eliminating chronic fatigue. Mix crushed viburnum bark and chamomile, taken in equal parts. Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp at night.

    The beneficial properties of viburnum berries are used to get rid of boils, ulcers, and eczema. Viburnum juice compresses are applied to the affected areas 1-3 times a day for 1-2 hours. After 2-3 weeks of treatment, a week break is taken, after which the treatment is repeated. To achieve results, 3-4 courses are required.

    In case of eczema, you need to take up to 0.5 liters of viburnum juice per day. You can prepare an infusion by brewing 2 tbsp. chopped berries with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, strain. Take half a glass an hour before meals.

    Viburnum is useful for external use for the speedy healing of ulcers and wounds. Grind 1 tbsp. berries, pour half a glass of boiled water at room temperature, leave for 6-8 hours, strain. Add 1 tbsp to the infusion. honey Apply to affected areas for 1-2 hours in the morning and evening.

    In case of excessive sweating of the feet or hands, heat 1 tbsp. viburnum bark with a glass of water, boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Let cool, strain. Wipe your feet and hands several times a day.

    Viburnum juice, mixed in equal parts with honey, is used in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Take 3 tbsp. mixture 4 times a day.

    For a similar purpose, it is useful to brew 1 tbsp. viburnum flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Take a glass half an hour before meals. It is believed that this remedy, taken after taking medications, enhances their effect.

    A malignant tumor of the mammary gland is treated with lotions of fresh crushed viburnum berries.

    • In case of hypotension, viburnum can be harmful because it lowers blood pressure, especially when consumed in the form of juice with honey.
    • You should not be treated with viburnum if you have high acidity of gastric juice.
    • Folk remedies from viburnum bark are harmful due to increased blood clotting and a tendency to form blood clots.
    • Treatment with viburnum should be avoided if you have gout, arthritis, urolithiasis, or kidney disease.
    • During pregnancy, prolonged consumption of berries should be avoided.

    Do you prepare pureed viburnum with sugar for the winter? If you cook it, it’s great, it means you love and appreciate this product. If not, it’s not too late to find out what beneficial properties viburnum with sugar has and how to prepare it for the winter using simple recipes without cooking. And on cold winter days, such a preparation will be both a delicious dessert and a means of saturating the body with healing substances.

    Beneficial properties of viburnum with sugar

    Red viburnum berries contain a huge amount of substances beneficial to the body.

    Read: Red viburnum, its healing properties and contraindications

    Viburnum with sugar, when properly prepared (preferably without cooking) and stored, retains all the beneficial properties of fresh fruits. Consumption of pureed viburnum with sugar:

    • Improves mood and appetite, relieves fatigue, stress, depression.
    • Increases immunity, prevents viral and colds in winter. Helps quickly get rid of colds (especially in the initial stage), cure sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia. Eliminate cough in a short time and restore voice in case of laryngitis.
    • Helps restore strength after illnesses and operations.
    • Stimulates hematopoiesis, improves blood quality indicators.
    • Supports normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Normalizes blood pressure in hypertension, strengthens the heart muscle, improves the condition of atherosclerosis.
    • Normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Helps with diarrhea, constipation, dropsy.
    • Acts as a mild diuretic, promotes active bile secretion and prevents the formation of gallstones.
    • Cleanses the liver and improves its function.

    How to prepare viburnum with sugar for the winter

    A tasty, healthy viburnum dessert for the winter can be prepared only from ripe, timely collected, high-quality berries.

    Read: Viburnum - time to collect viburnum berries and store them for the winter

    Whatever cooking recipe you use, first prepare the collected (or purchased) berries for processing:

    1. Rinse the brushes with berries well under running water, let them drain, and dry a little.
    2. Carefully separate the berries from the clusters, remove low-quality fruits and leaves.

    Next, decide how you want to prepare the pureed fruits: with or without seeds and skins; with or without cooking. The last decision will largely depend on the capacity of the refrigerator, because preparations prepared according to recipes without heat treatment must be stored in the cold.

    Viburnum with sugar for the winter without cooking with seeds

    If there is a place on the shelves of your refrigerator to store viburnum pureed with sugar, then the recipe without cooking is the best way to preserve all the beneficial substances. It is preferable, in my opinion, to leave the seeds and skins when cooking, because they also contain a lot of useful things. How to cook in order to preserve the healing properties? It's very, very simple:

    1. Prepare the required number of glass jars (wash, sterilize).
    2. Crush the prepared berries with a wooden spoon (or in any convenient way).
    3. Add sugar (ratio 1:1), mix well, leave for a while at room temperature so that the granulated sugar dissolves in the juice.
    4. Place the berries pureed with sugar into jars, sprinkle sugar on top, and close with lids (for long-term storage it is better to use metal lids).
    5. Store in the refrigerator.

    If there is no space in the refrigerator, cover the filled jars with metal lids, sterilize them in boiling water (volume 0.5 liters - 15 minutes, 1 liter - 20 minutes), seal hermetically. You can store it in any cool place.

    Viburnum juice with sugar for the winter - a simple recipe

    If you need to store the juice without refrigeration, you will have to use sterilization, as in the previous recipe.

    You can prepare viburnum juice for the winter without sugar. Of course, it will be sour and less pleasant to taste, but it can be sweetened before use.

    Viburnum is a shrub up to 4 m high. It belongs to the honeysuckle family. The fruits of viburnum are bright red, small in size, and have an astringent, sweet and sour taste with bitterness. How is viburnum useful? This plant has proven itself well in folk medicine. With its help, people get rid of a number of diseases. It copes so well with quite serious problems that even official medicine sometimes turns to this natural remedy.

    Chemical composition of viburnum

    The fruits contain many useful substances. It contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals, essential oils and much more. The calorie content of the berry is low, only 28 kcal per hundred grams.

    The berry, leaves, and roots contain:

    • resins;
    • saponins;
    • glycosides;
    • tannins;
    • phlobafens;
    • phylloquinones;
    • pectins;
    • essential oils;
    • tannins;
    • phytoncides;
    • iridoid glycosides;
    • Sahara;
    • acids: acetic, formic, linoleic, butyric, isovaleric, caproic, cerotinic;
    • vitamins: A, C, E, P, K;
    • minerals: potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron.

    In general, viburnum is ahead of citrus fruits in terms of vitamin C and iron content.

    Useful and medicinal properties of viburnum

    Its bark and berries are used for medicinal purposes. Berries have a tonic effect. They stimulate the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, help with hypertension, excellently lowering blood pressure. They enhance blood clotting, and therefore are used for cuts, wounds, gum treatment, and heavy menstruation. Viburnum berries are a good antiseptic, so they can be used during colds. They alleviate the situation with peptic ulcers of both the stomach and duodenum. They perfectly cleanse the body, as they are an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent.

    The bark is harvested in April-May, during the period of sap flow. Decoctions from the bark eliminate spasms and calm the nerves. This has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, especially with hypertension. They have antibacterial properties and increase the tone of the uterus. They perfectly help stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and relieve hemorrhoids.

    Usually, doctors recommend using folk remedies prepared from viburnum for various edema, to normalize liver function and, especially, for bleeding, especially uterine bleeding, after childbirth, and with excessive menstruation. The beneficial properties of viburnum help restore immunity after a serious illness or surgery.

    Symptoms of what diseases does it relieve?

    Viburnum has a pronounced positive effect on a number of diseases:

    • Infectious and colds - reduction of the main symptoms, antiseptic effect, has an antipyretic effect, improves immunity, eliminates symptoms.
    • It treats chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and their exacerbations and has a beneficial effect on the liver, since it has a choleretic effect.
    • Cardiovascular diseases - not only relieves symptoms, but has a therapeutic effect.
    • Diabetes – lowers blood sugar levels.
    • Menstruation and menopause - significantly reduces discomfort.
    • Bleeding of various origins - blood clots quickly.
    • Edema, kidney disease – has a mild diuretic effect.
    • Skin lesions - eliminates infection, relieves inflammation and redness, heals burns.

    Viburnum juice: benefits and harms

    Viburnum juice is most often used for colds and coughs. From a medical point of view, this is the safest remedy. Natural antibiotics and tannins actively relieve cold symptoms, and vitamins and minerals boost immunity, forcing the body to actively fight the disease. Therefore, the benefits of viburnum in the treatment of viral infections are obvious.

    Viburnum juice is effective for the following diseases:

    • Tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Directions for use: drinking. Viburnum juice kills pathogenic bacteria and relieves swelling of the pharynx, throat, and nasopharynx.
    • Gum diseases, stomatitis. Directions for use: rinsing. Well relieves inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa, reduces pain.
    • Skin inflammations - boils, ulcers. Directions for use: lotions. The boil opens faster, the skin cleanses, and the inflammation goes away faster.

    Recipes with viburnum in folk medicine

    The medicinal properties of viburnum are actively used in folk medicine to get rid of all kinds of ailments. Here are the most effective and time-tested recipes:

    Hypertension – viburnum juice with honey

    For a kilogram of berries you will need a glass of water and sugar, as well as two tablespoons of honey.

    You need to crush the berries to get the juice. Strain the puree and squeeze out the liquid. Pour the remaining mixture with water and boil for about 5 minutes, then strain. Mix the squeezed juice and compote. Add honey and stir well. Let it brew a little.

    You need to consume the mixture three times a day, a couple of tablespoons, half an hour before meals.

    Cardiovascular problems – kvass from viburnum and beets

    For three liters of water you will need a kilogram of viburnum and beets, and a glass of honey.

    Boil viburnum in a liter of water. Grind the beets and boil them in a liter of water. Then combine the decoction of beets and viburnum and add honey. Boil this mixture, and then, after cooling, pour into glass containers and store in the refrigerator. This remedy will help cleanse blood vessels and relieve spasms.

    Colds – tea with viburnum

    Add one or two teaspoons of viburnum, grated with sugar, to hot tea and drink three times a day. This remedy will help lower the temperature and remove unpleasant symptoms, increase the body's resistance to the flu or other colds.

    Cough, bronchitis – honey with viburnum

    For two glasses of honey you will need two tablespoons of viburnum fruits. Heat the honey in a water bath until it becomes hot. Then add mashed berries to it and mix. To obtain an infusion, you should carefully cover it to retain heat, leaving this remedy to mature for six hours.

    Drink up to five times a day, a teaspoon or a tablespoon, depending on the condition of the body, while not forgetting to control blood pressure. If the indicators are below normal, you need to stop taking the drug for a while.

    Berry preparations for the winter

    Viburnum can be prepared for the winter in a variety of ways, so that at any time you can not only use the berry for treatment, but also diversify “boring” winter dishes. Even a healthy person in the cold season needs to maintain health with the help of natural vitamins, strengthening the immune system.


    One of the best ways to prepare viburnum for the winter and preserve all the beneficial substances contained in it is to freeze it.

    This can be done in two ways.

    1. Remove the berries from the branches, spread them in a thin layer on a wooden cutting board, then freeze. Place frozen berries in a plastic bag and then place in the freezer for storage.
    2. Place bunches of berries in containers or freezer bags and place in the freezer.

    Canned juice

    Another way is to prepare viburnum juice. A kilogram of fruit should be washed well under running water. Then pour into an enamel pan, add a liter of water. Cook them until they become soft.

    Next, the berries should be poured into cheesecloth and squeezed. Then the juice obtained in this way should be allowed to rest for a couple of hours. Then add two hundred grams of sugar and heat the resulting juice. The sugar should completely dissolve in the liquid. Now, after cooling the liquid a little, strain the juice. Then, to complete the preservation process, you need to heat it again, almost to a boil, and immediately pour it into sterilized glass containers and roll it up.

    Viburnum, pureed with sugar

    Pick the fruits, wash them, wait until the water drains. Then grind in a blender or meat grinder, turning them into puree. Now you should rub the resulting mass through a sieve so that the puree becomes homogeneous. A kilogram of sugar is added to seven hundred grams of puree. Knead the mass of pureed fruits well until the sugar is completely dissolved. The puree is stored in the refrigerator in sterilized jars.

    Contraindications to the use of viburnum

    In addition to its beneficial properties, viburnum berry can have an adverse effect on the body during pregnancy and blood prone to increased clotting and thrombosis. Complete prohibition – in case of allergies.

    These are the main contraindications, but there are some other warnings:

    1. Increased acidity and resulting chronic gastritis. You can use viburnum, but in small doses and only during remission. At the time of exacerbation of these chronic diseases, you should not eat viburnum or drink its juice.
    2. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Viburnum is allowed to be used in small doses, but all folk remedies that combine it with honey are contraindicated.
    3. Hypotension. In this case, viburnum berries should not be consumed, since they help lower blood pressure. It is better to wait until the pressure rises and stabilizes.