Mustard recipe made from mustard powder. Homemade mustard powder

Mustard is perhaps one of the most popular sauces among Russians. And this is not surprising, because without it it is difficult to imagine some of the dishes especially beloved by our compatriots. For example, what would jellied meat be without mustard? And how good are sausages fried over a fire! And a piece of lard with mustard and garlic - well, it’s simply delicious! You can easily buy mustard in any store, but its taste or spiciness is not always satisfactory. Homemade mustard is another matter - you can always make it the way you want, taking into account personal preferences, and at the same time add the desired flavor notes to it, for example, honey, lemon juice or spicy spices. And in general, homemade mustard is always tastier, more natural and healthier than any store-bought counterparts. Do you agree? Then let's get started!

Homemade mustard is prepared without much difficulty, and even inexperienced housewives can cope with this task. In the simplest variation, mustard powder is mixed with water, salt, sugar and spices, and then kept in a warm place for several hours - from 6 to 10. However, if you want a truly aromatic and spicy sauce, it would be more advisable Buy mustard seeds and grind them into powder yourself. In addition, homemade mustard can also be made using whole mustard seeds - in this case, you will get a condiment known as Dijon mustard.

To prepare mustard, use only high-quality mustard powder, paying attention to its expiration date. It is recommended to sift mustard powder - thanks to this procedure you minimize the likelihood of lumps forming when mixed with water. By the way, about water. In recipes, mustard is usually ground with boiling water or hot water - keep in mind that boiling water softens the taste of the seasoning, reducing the heat, so if you need very hot mustard, add warm water. Mustard powder should be thoroughly mixed with water to a homogeneous consistency - it is very convenient to use a whisk for this. The consistency of the final mixture should resemble thick sour cream.

Adding vegetable oil to mustard reduces the pungency of the final product. Thus, if you need strong mustard, use it to a minimum, but if you want a seasoning with a delicate taste, add more oil. Despite the fact that homemade mustard is a simple product, prepared from just a few ingredients, this does not at all negate the opportunity to experiment. To get a new flavor, you can add spicy spices to mustard, such as black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and ginger, as well as honey, lemon juice, white wine, applesauce and even tomato paste. After the mustard has been infused at room temperature for several hours, it should rest in the refrigerator for about a day before use. The longer the mustard sits, the spicier it will be.

Homemade mustard is not stored for very long, so it makes no sense to prepare it for future use - it is better to do it as needed, especially since the recipe is extremely simple. On average, mustard can be stored for about three months in a cool place, but usually after a month and a half the product begins to lose its original taste and aroma. To keep homemade mustard fresh longer, you can put a thin slice of lemon on it. You can also use lemon to “revive” dried seasoning - add a few drops of lemon juice to the mustard and add a pinch of sugar.

And finally, a little about the benefits. Homemade mustard not only makes dishes tastier and increases appetite, but also has a lot of valuable properties. Mustard seeds contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and essential oils, which have a comprehensive effect on health. First of all, mustard is rich in vitamins A, D, E, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium. This allows it to have a beneficial effect on digestive processes, actively break down fats, speed up metabolism, maintain cardiovascular health and fight colds.

Homemade mustard is not only an excellent companion for various dishes, but also an excellent marinade for meat. softens meat fibers well and makes meat even more appetizing. Even if you just spread a little mustard on a slice of bread and serve it with the soup, it will turn out especially tasty. Want to try it soon? Our recipes are already waiting for you!

Homemade mustard “Classic”


  • 3 tablespoons mustard powder,
  • 2 teaspoons vegetable oil,
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar,
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt,
  • 200 ml water.

Place mustard powder, salt and sugar in a dry, clean jar. Pour in boiled water, allowing it to cool slightly beforehand, and stir until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The consistency of the mixture should resemble thick sour cream and not contain lumps. After this, the mustard should be placed in a warm place for 10 hours, closing the jar with a lid. After this time, add oil to the mustard and mix well.

Mustard with honey has a mild taste, so it can be used when marinating meat and as a base for salad sauces. To prepare mustard, you can use either fresh or candied honey - in the latter case, it should first be melted in a water bath or in the microwave.

Homemade mustard with honey


  • 5 tablespoons mustard powder,
  • 4-6 tablespoons of water,
  • 1 tablespoon honey,
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil,
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt.

Dilute mustard powder in hot water until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained. Add salt, honey and vegetable oil. Mix well. If you want a sweeter mustard, add more honey. Place the mustard in a jar, close the lid and place in a warm place overnight.

Fans of especially spicy mustard that will take your breath away will certainly enjoy our next recipe. To make the mustard even hotter, add ground ginger to it and do not forget that you should not mix mustard powder with boiling water, as it softens the pungency. An important condition for obtaining hot mustard is also long-term infusion in the refrigerator - at least a week.

Homemade mustard “Yadrenaya”


  • 6-8 tablespoons of water,
  • 1 teaspoon sugar,
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt,
  • 1/2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar.

In a jar or container, mix mustard powder with hot water well, pouring it in a thin stream. There should be no lumps left in the mixture. Close the jar or container with a lid and put it in a warm place for 7-10 hours. During this time, liquid will form on the surface of the mustard - no need to drain it if you want a really spicy mustard. Next, you need to add sugar, salt, apple cider vinegar and mix everything thoroughly. After the mustard has been infused in the refrigerator for a week, it is ready to eat.

Russian mustard is another example of a particularly hot condiment. Its distinctive feature is the use of aromatic spices, due to which this mustard has a unique aroma.

Homemade mustard “Russian style”


  • 100 g mustard powder,
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon salt,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • 2 buds of cloves,
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon,
  • 1/2 cup 3% vinegar,
  • 1/2 glass of water.

Pour water into a small saucepan, bring to a boil, add bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon, sugar and salt. Stir, remove from the stove, cover the pan with a lid and let it brew. After 10 minutes, strain the liquid and gradually pour into mustard powder, stirring. Next add vegetable oil and vinegar. Add vinegar gradually so that the mustard does not turn out too liquid. Stir until smooth and transfer the mustard to a jar. Before use, it should sit in the refrigerator, covered, for 24 hours.
Adding lemon juice to mustard, as in the following recipe, not only gives the product a pleasant sourness and subtle aroma, but also extends the shelf life.

Homemade mustard with lemon juice


  • 2 tablespoons mustard powder (heaped),
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice,
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt,
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar,
  • 1/4 teaspoon curry,
  • 80 ml water.

Place mustard powder in a jar and stir with boiling water. Close the jar with a lid, wrap it in a towel and leave for 8 hours. Add oil, lemon juice, sugar, salt and curry. To stir thoroughly. Mustard is ready to eat.

To prepare mustard, brine (cucumber, tomato or cabbage) can also be used, which is very important in the cold season, when preserves are actively consumed and the brine is usually poured out. Depending on the taste of the brine, the mustard will have certain flavor notes. In general, brine usually adds a pleasant acidity to the sauce.

Homemade mustard with cucumber brine


  • 6 tablespoons mustard powder,
  • 8-10 tablespoons of cucumber pickle,
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.

Mix mustard powder with chilled brine until smooth in a clean, dry jar. Stir with vegetable oil and let the mustard brew at room temperature for 6-8 hours.

Dijon mustard is a traditional French condiment that has a mild taste and an extremely appetizing aroma. Almost everyone likes this mustard. It can be added to salads, served with fish dishes and used to marinate meat - it will turn out simply delicious.


  • 80 g mustard beans,
  • 60 g mustard powder,
  • 2 glasses of dry white wine,
  • 2 large onions,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • 2 tablespoons of flower honey,
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable or olive oil,
  • salt to taste.

Place finely chopped onion and pressed garlic into a saucepan. Pour in the wine, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, strain the wine and discard the vegetables. Pour the wine back into the pan. Add melted honey, salt to taste and mustard powder. Grind thoroughly so that no lump remains. Add oil, stir and place the pan on the stove. Add the mustard seeds, stir and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture becomes thick. Place the prepared mustard into jars.

Applesauce mustard is a type of fruit mustard. Pears or grapes can also be used to prepare it. This seasoning, which has a mild taste with sweet and sour notes, is perfect for meat dishes, salads and cheese slices. This kind of mustard cannot be called spicy, but it can be offered to children.

Delicate mustard on applesauce


  • 1 sour apple
  • 1 tablespoon mustard powder,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar,
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil,
  • 1.5 tablespoons of 3% vinegar,
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

Wrap the apple in foil and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Let the apple cool, peel it, rub the pulp through a sieve and mix with all the ingredients on the list, adding vinegar last. If you find the mustard sour, you can add a little sugar. After the mustard has been infused for two days in the refrigerator, it can be consumed.

Homemade mustard will not leave anyone indifferent. And there are so many different variations of it you can prepare, just have time to try! Bon appetit to you and your loved ones!

Looking for delicious spicy mustard sauce recipes? You will find the best options for preparing this dish in this article.

Currently, there is a varied assortment of this finished product available on store shelves. But any good housewife knows that seasoning prepared at home will give odds to any of the most recognized manufacturers.

How to make homemade mustard from mustard powder and cucumber pickle?

Make homemade mustard Surprisingly easy to prepare, but vigorous and tasty, mustard prepared with cucumber brine. Just two products, and the spicy original sauce for the most sophisticated gourmets is ready:

  • For a glass of cucumber pickle, take two tablespoons of fresh dry mustard
  • Stir thoroughly
  • Add a spoon of vegetable oil
  • Grind again
  • Let it brew for ten, twelve hours

Another wonderful thing about this recipe is that it can be stored for a very long time. If after cooking, carefully seal in sterilized jars.

  • Since salt and sugar are present in the brine, you can add them if desired.
  • Mustard is served with all cold cuts and hot dishes, aspic and jellied meat.
  • Particular adherents of this sauce spread it on bread. You can eat this sandwich with anything. Just enjoying the vigorous aromatic taste

How to make mustard with honey?

Make homemade mustard
  • Mustard powder - half a glass
  • Half a glass of boiling water
  • A teaspoon of liquid honey
  • A pinch: ginger, cardamom, ground cloves and salt
  • About two tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of vegetable oil


  • Dissolve mustard powder in boiling water
  • Fill with two glasses of cold water
  • Remove to heat for 24 hours
  • Lightly add boiling water to the spices
  • We insist, as much as mustard
  • After the required time, remove excess water from the mustard
  • Add salt, sugar, honey
  • Slowly add vegetable oil and vinegar
  • Add spice infusion
  • Mustard is ready for use in two days

How to make Dijon mustard?

Prepare homemade mustard Back in the 18th century, in the French city of Dijon, the production of the famous mustard began, which was named after this city. The delicate and piquant taste obtained by replacing vinegar when preparing the sauce with the juice of unripe grapes quickly gained popularity.

There are about twenty recipes for making Dijon sauce. This mustard is known to everyone in the world. The real secret of the Dijon mustard recipe has been kept secret for four hundred years. Therefore, any proposed recipe will be an imitation of the real thing.

One of the closest in taste, which true gourmets should pay attention to:

  • Powdered mustard - fifty gram pack
  • Dry white wine -200 ml
  • Liquid honey - a little
  • Sunflower oil - half a teaspoon
  • Onion head
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Thick tomato paste


  • Finely chop the onion and garlic
  • Add honey and wine
  • Boil over low heat for just under a quarter of an hour.
  • Strain the mixture
  • Add mustard powder
  • Beat with a blender
  • Add butter and a little tomato paste
  • Add some salt
  • Place on the stove until excess liquid evaporates
  • The resulting thick mixture is refrigerated for two days.

Video: Homemade Dijon mustard

How to make French mustard?

Prepare homemade mustard One of the varieties of popular Dijon mustard is the so-called “French”. The highlight is that it is prepared from different types of ground grains.

  • Pour 250 grams of ground Sarep and black mustard grains into half a glass of boiling water
  • Mix well
  • Leave for 24 hours to stand
  • Then add: half a glass of white wine vinegar, a little salt, a little more sugar, one gram of cinnamon, cloves, fried onions
  • Beat the whole mass
  • French mustard sauce is ready

Recipe for mustard with grains

Prepare homemade mustard Despite the very refined taste, the recipe for such mustard is elementary. The emphasis on seasonings makes this sauce a truly original and beautiful addition to dishes.

Product composition:

  • Chilled boiled water - a full glass
  • Powdered mustard -200 grams
  • Grain mustard - 80 grams
  • Dry white wine - full glass
  • Acetic acid 5% - 200 ml
  • Dark sugar - one hundred grams
  • One small onion
  • Salt, cinnamon, turmeric - a small pinch each
  • Two chicken yolks


  • Soak both types of mustard
  • We insist for half an hour
  • Meanwhile, combine 5% acid with wine, seasonings, salt and coarsely chopped onion
  • Simmer on low heat for about forty minutes
  • Remove the remaining onion by passing the resulting mixture through a strainer.
  • Combine the swollen grains with the yolks and vinegar-onion seasoning
  • Place over low heat, slowly heating to a boil, stirring constantly
  • Cool down
  • Serve to the table

How to make mustard quickly?

Prepare homemade mustard The fastest way to prepare seasoning is without a long fermentation process. After all, depending on the recipe, it usually lasts from 12 hours to two days. Without fermentation, such a sauce is not very spicy and vigorous.

For lovers of not very spicy food, this will be very relevant:

  • Take 1 tablespoon of powder and dilute with the same amount of boiling water
  • Grind until smooth
  • Add 1 more spoon of boiling water and grind again. This steaming removes bitterness from the powder and prevents lumps from forming.
  • Leave for 8-10 minutes. During this time, excess essential oils will evaporate
  • To stop this process, pour in a measuring spoon of vinegar 9%
  • To soften the taste, add a little sugar and vegetable oil.
  • For variety, as an alternative, add lemon juice instead of vinegar, honey instead of sugar

How to make spicy mustard?

Prepare homemade mustard The spiciest mustard is considered to be “Russian” mustard:

  • Dilute a glass of dry mustard powder with hot water until sour cream thickens.
  • Fill with cool water on top
  • Let it sit for about 12 hours
  • Drain the water after the set time has elapsed
  • Add a pinch of salt, black and red pepper, a tablespoon of 9% vinegar, sugar, sunflower oil
  • Mix everything well
  • Can be consumed immediately. But after some time, the seasoning gains strength
  • Store in a tightly sealed container

Due to its beneficial composition, mustard helps accelerate the metabolic process in the body, which promotes the breakdown of fats. It is an excellent antioxidant, antiseptic, and has antibacterial properties. Boosts immunity and fights colds well.

Therefore, homemade sauce is not only an excellent addition to the regular gourmet diet, but also benefits the body.

Video: How to prepare mustard?

Homemade mustard is always tastier and healthier than the one you buy in the store, since it does not contain any harmful extraneous additives. There are many recipes for making mustard at home, and each recipe has its own “zest”. Some people prefer the classic version of mustard, some with spices, some with applesauce, etc. I suggest you prepare mustard in cucumber brine, although the brine can be from cabbage or tomatoes. The taste of this mustard can be adjusted to suit your taste. If you like a softer mustard, add a little sunflower oil. If you want the mustard to be more vigorous, add lemon juice to taste. And someone will want to sweeten it a little. You should not cook a lot of mustard at once. It is better to make fresh as needed. A seasoning such as mustard will give meat and fish dishes a unique taste and become a piquant addition to various meat soups.

How to prepare mustard with cucumber brine:


  • dry mustard powder – 40 grams.
  • cucumber pickle – 120 ml.
  • Refined sunflower oil – 0.5–2 tbsp. spoons.
  • sugar - to taste.
  • lemon juice - as needed.
  • number of servings – 20.
  • preparation time – 5 minutes.
  • cooking time – 5–7 minutes + 3–4 hours of exposure.


1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients. Add sugar, sunflower oil and lemon juice as needed and to taste.

2. Before cooking, sift the mustard powder, and then add cooled cucumber brine to it in small portions while stirring. The result should be a mass of medium thickness. The consistency of the mustard can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the amount of brine. To achieve the desired taste, you can add sugar, butter and lemon juice at your discretion.

3. Place the prepared mustard mass in a small jar, close it with a lid and leave to ripen for at least 3–4 hours, or preferably overnight.

4. Serve mustard with soups, meat and fish dishes.

How to prepare mustard from powder in water:

Why make mustard at home if the store shelves are already full of the finished product? The answer is simple - store-bought sauce almost always contains preservatives, which most modern people would like to avoid using. And in homemade mustard - “everything is your own”, everything is familiar, plus the recipe can be changed to suit your own taste... And this is a simple task - it only takes about 15 minutes (of which you will work for about three minutes).


  • 1 tablespoon mustard powder (heaped),
  • 2 tablespoons boiling water,
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar (without a slide),
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt,
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil (preferably refined),
  • 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar (or lemon juice).


1. Check what powder you got. If it is uneven, with pieces of husk, it will need to be sifted through a small strainer. If the powder is homogeneous and fine, you can work with it without sifting.

2. Measure out a spoonful of powder.

3. Pour one spoonful of boiling water over the mustard and mash it well.

4. Now add another spoon of hot water. This two-stage stirring will help you prepare table mustard without lumps and with an ideal consistency. Set the bowl of future mustard aside for 10 minutes so that excess bitter essential oils evaporate.

5. Add salt, sugar and vegetable oil to your mixture.

6. Now all that remains is to pour in vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice. Homemade mustard may seem a little runny... Don't worry. Cover the bowl with cling film, place it in the refrigerator for a day, and it will thicken significantly.

The finished product will taste quite delicate, but with a spicy aftertaste. If you feel like the finished mustard is missing something, you can adjust this basic mustard powder recipe to suit your needs. For example, add more granulated sugar, salt, lemon juice to the sauce, or add liquid honey, a spoonful of beer or any spices to the ingredients. Some even add vodka.

And lastly, since there are no preservatives in homemade mustard, it should not be stored for longer than 5 days. However, you won’t get much of it, so brush it on a few steaks, pieces of baked goods, homemade hot dogs, and it’s time to prepare a new portion of the “hot” again.

Bon appetit!!!

Tastes change, I know that for sure. About 5 years ago I was not at all interested in the topic of how to make mustard from powder at home. I didn't like the taste of mustard or the smell. I'm sure many people have a question - what about jellied meat without mustard? - it’s also a spicy thing and goes well with jellied meat.

But, as I already said, tastes change and now a jar of vigorous mustard is always in my refrigerator. It is not only a tasty and spicy addition to jellied meat, meat and fish dishes. I like to add mustard to marinade for meat, you can make salad dressings. How do you like this sandwich - a piece of dark bread, a thin layer of mustard, slices of salted lard and rings of pickled cucumbers on top? A song, not a sandwich.

Of course, you can buy this seasoning in the store, but I believe that good mustard is homemade mustard, especially since it is easy and quick to make. But any dish, even the simplest one, has its secrets. If you don’t have your own recipe, then using some tips you can easily create your own exclusive seasoning.

Homemade mustard - subtleties of preparation

  1. To prepare mustard you need dry powder and a lot depends on its quality. When purchasing, pay attention to the expiration date; the old product loses its beneficial and aromatic properties. The powder must be dry, crumbly, finely ground, without impurities. Of course, it is difficult to see in a closed package, but if after opening you do not like the appearance of the powder, you can sift it using a fine sieve.
  2. Dry powder does not have a pungent taste; it appears from interaction with water. There are different recipes - pour the powder with cold, warm water and even boiling water. In principle, any option is possible, you just need to keep in mind that the hotter the water, the less vigorous the mustard will be. The optimal temperature is 60 degrees; it is at this temperature that dry mustard releases all its beneficial properties and aroma.
  3. The classic version of mustard is dry powder, water, salt, sugar, sunflower oil. You can supplement the usual recipe with different ingredients and get a new, exclusive taste of the seasoning:
  • water can be replaced with cucumber, tomato, cabbage brine, or made with beer, milk, dry wine.
  • Sugar can be replaced with honey; they say mustard is good with buckwheat honey.
  • To give a special aroma, various spices are added such as cinnamon, turmeric, ground cloves, coriander, ginger, nutmeg.
  • To prevent the mustard from losing its aroma and pungency longer, add lemon juice and vinegar.

Actually, these are all the secrets of preparing aromatic and spicy seasoning. Next I will share my recipe.

How to make mustard powder at home from brine

I make mustard from the brine from pickled cucumbers or tomatoes. I like this recipe because there is no need to add anything extra. When pickling, I put different spices in a jar and the brine always turns out aromatic and tasty, check out my recipe for pickled cucumbers.


  • dry mustard powder - 3 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • brine from pickled cucumbers or tomatoes - 100 ml
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • sugar - 2 - 3 tsp.
  • apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • mustard oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

Tips for the recipe:

  • If you do not have mustard oil, you can replace it with sunflower oil.
  • I use my own homemade apple cider vinegar. It's weaker than store-bought, so I add 2 tablespoons. If you use store-bought, put one first so that the mustard does not turn out sour.
  • The amount of vinegar also depends on how much there is in the brine. I already know the taste of my products, so I use the proportions indicated and the mustard does not turn out sour. So adjust according to your taste, you may not need vinegar at all if there is enough of it in the brine.
  • I also add sugar depending on the brine I use. If it’s from cucumber, then I put three spoons, and if it’s from tomato brine, then two.
  • “A heaped spoon” is a loose concept. Therefore, before putting the mustard in the refrigerator, check how thick it is. If you find it too thick, you can add brine and bring to the desired consistency.

In principle, the mustard is ready, but at this stage it will be more bitter than necessary, and it will not yet have the pleasant pungency and expected taste. We need to give her time to brew. Place the jar of mustard in the refrigerator overnight, and the next day serve a strong seasoning, for example, with jellied meat.
Thanks to the brine and apple cider vinegar, mustard, if stored in a sealed container and in the refrigerator, will not lose its quality for a month.

This seasoning not only adds piquancy to dishes, but also benefits our body, improving appetite, digestion and metabolism, and facilitating the digestion of proteins. There are also contraindications for this spicy seasoning, but in more detail about the benefits and harms of mustard there will be an article, follow the blog news, and in the meantime, watch the video.

Benefits and uses of mustard - video

I’m sure that by making mustard powder at home according to my recipe or by playing with different additives, you’ll make something of your own, but you definitely won’t buy it in stores.

Good luck with your experiments.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

How to make the most delicious mustard

First, check out how to make mustard from dry powder. Below are recipes for mustard from other products.

I get the question of how to make mustard from dry powder so often that I decided to write about this recipe separately. Of course, now there is a large selection of ready-made mustard in stores, but homemade mustard from dry powder can be made taking into account any preferences and tastes, including any additives (nuts, chestnuts, spices).

In fact, it seemed to me that every bag of dry mustard had instructions for its preparation. However, in practice this turned out to be not entirely true. Well, let's fill this gap.

I will only warn you that it is better to prepare mustard from dry powder the day before its intended use.

Take dry mustard powder. It should be small, without impurities and husk particles. Just in case, you can sift it through a small strainer. For home use, it is better to prepare a little mustard; freshly brewed it is more pungent and aromatic. Over time, all these qualities will disappear. Take about a tablespoon of powder (25-30 g).

Pour it with 1 tablespoon of boiling water. Grind well until a thick “dough” forms, and add another tablespoon of boiling water. We use a two-stage introduction of liquid to ensure that not a single lump remains. Boiling water will eliminate the excessive bitterness of dry mustard (due to the release of essential oils). Leave for 10 - 15 minutes so that the essential oils are released from the mustard in sufficient quantities.

Now you can add a teaspoon of sugar and vegetable oil to the mustard, salt (half a teaspoon).

Finally, add 9% vinegar or you can replace it with lemon juice. Acid is needed to stop the release of essential oils. Let's also take 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

Rub everything well again.

The indicated proportions of ingredients are approximate, you can change them to your taste, for example, take more lemon juice or sugar or salt. You can also add honey, spices, even beer to mustard.

Now the mustard must be transferred to a glass container and closed tightly.

If you think that the mustard is too thin, don’t worry, it will thicken and the next day it will be just right, you can serve it

How to make the most delicious mustard? Recipes We all know that such a product as mustard is so common among ordinary people. The only spice used is the seeds. They are ground into powder, and other spices are added during cooking to enhance the aroma and enrich the table mustard.

In our country, two types of mustard are cultivated - Sarepta, or Russian mustard, white, or English mustard. Sarepta mustard is used to prepare ordinary table mustard and mustard powder. You can make several versions of table mustard from it. Do you want to try making the most delicious mustard that will surprise everyone? Several interesting recipes are presented in this article.

Spicy mustard

Mustard powder - 100 g, powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons, vinegar - 4 tablespoons, cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon, cloves 1 - teaspoon, nutmeg - 1/4 teaspoon, salt - 1/2 teaspoon.
Grind the mustard powder to a powdery state, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 20-24 hours. Drain off excess water, add salt, powdered sugar, vegetable oil, vinegar, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg to the mustard mixture.

Mix everything to the desired consistency, let it brew for another 3 hours, after which the mustard is ready.

Apple mustard

Mustard - 3 tablespoons, applesauce - 4 tablespoons, granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons, vinegar, salt - 1-2 teaspoons.

Bake the apples and rub them through a sieve while hot. Combine the resulting puree with mustard, sugar and mix everything. Dilute vinegar, boiled with cloves, anise, basil, add salt. After 3 days, the mustard is ready.

Pear mustard

To prepare pear mustard, peel 20 ripe pears, boil them in a small amount of water until soft, place on a sieve, and when all the water has drained, rub the pears through a sieve. In the future, the technology for preparing this mustard is similar to apple mustard.

White mustard is cultivated to produce mustard oil. Its taste is sharper and rougher, so table mustard prepared from it is of lower quality than from Sarepta.

Mustard seasoning

Table mustard - 50 g, sunflower oil - 300 g, vinegar - 650 g, granulated sugar - 50 g, ground pepper - 1 g, eggs - 3 pieces. Grind table mustard, egg yolks, sugar and salt. Then, with continuous stirring, pour in the oil in a thin stream and beat, then dilute with vinegar and strain.

Mustard is used as a seasoning and flavoring agent for various meat dishes, especially fatty meat, jellied meat, sausages, and also as an ingredient in dressings, sauces and, no less important, as an emulsifier during heat treatment in order to preserve juice in them and simultaneously flavor them. . We advise housewives to serve salad dressings.

By putting this information into practice, you will undoubtedly prepare the best mustard you have ever tried.