Federal State Educational Standards for training with special education qualifications. Inclusive education of children with disabilities in a preschool of a combined type in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Lyudmila Tolstik
Inclusive education of children with disabilities in combined preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Term “children with disabilities in kindergartens” appeared recently. This legal concept was introduced by the law adopted in 2012 and entered into force on September 1, 2013 “On education in the Russian Federation”.

Federal law defines students with disabilities as individuals with physical and physical disabilities (or) psychological development, confirmed by the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and preventing the acquisition of education without the creation of special conditions.

Obtaining a PMPK conclusion is the most important step in confirming the status of a child with disabilities. Even if kindergarten teachers and psychologists see that a particular child needs correctional help, the family is obliged to visit the PMPK and obtain the commission’s conclusion.

As in the practice of our preschool educational institution this stage is being implemented?

4.7. The preschool educational institution has a Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Consilium (PMPk), which includes a teacher-speech therapist, educational psychologist, educators, a senior educator - the chairman of the council. According to the Regulations on the PMPk, one of the tasks is timely identification and comprehensive examination children with deviations in adaptation, learning and behavior. One of the main functions is to conduct in-depth psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnostics of the child throughout the entire period of his stay in a preschool educational institution. Examination of a child by PMPK specialists is carried out at the initiative of parents (legal representatives) or employees of an educational institution with parental consent (legal representatives) on the basis of an agreement between the educational institution and the parents of the students. In all cases, consent to examination and (or) Corrective work must be formalized in writing. Based on the data obtained, their collegial discussion and analysis at the PMPK meeting, a conclusion and recommendations are drawn up for subsequent in-depth diagnostics children in the presence of parents (legal representatives) to the meeting of the Municipal Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (MPMPK).

It should be noted that the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission works in two directions: examines children, gives recommendations on providing children with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and creating for them conditions in educational organizations. PMPC employees know and understand that the recommendations must reflect those conditions that need to be organized for training a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution Federal State Educational Standard using an adapted educational program for children with disabilities - either basic or individual. Quite often, the PMPK recommends that parents assign a child with disabilities to a compensatory group or a group where inclusive education. This approach allows for more active inclusion children with disabilities into the life of society and instill in them communication skills.

Organization inclusive education for children disabled health:

Term « inclusive education» , which is directly related to teaching children with disabilities first appeared in the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation in 2012; previously there was no such concept in any document at the federal level.

In law "About Education" the following is entered definition: « Inclusive education - ensuring equal access to education for all students taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities.” Despite the fact that this concept appeared quite recently, inclusive education has already become firmly established in our lives, it being implemented and in preschool educational organizations being implemented, and at the level of primary general and basic general education, and in higher vocational and secondary vocational education. Depending on the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission children with disabilities can go to kindergarten accept:

to the compensating group,

to the group combined focus.

What are the features of the educational process in these groups?

In our preschool educational institution for 14 years inclusive education for children with disabilities, is carried out in groups of compensating direction for children with severe speech impairments.

1. Inclusive education in compensatory groups

Compensatory groups are groups attended by children with the same disorder. For example, groups for children with hearing impairments, or groups for children with visual impairments, or groups for children with speech disorders, and so on. Law "About Education" first included in the list children with disabilities also children with autism spectrum disorders, which was not previously the case in the typical situation. Such a group children with disabilities appeared for the first time. Unfortunately, in recent years children Since early childhood autism has really become common, in the new millennium doctors began to actively diagnose this disease. Autistic children need special conditions education, and that is why they also fall under the definition children with disabilities.

Based on the characteristics of the students, compensatory groups can have 10 directions - depending on the category children.

Unfortunately, the number children preschool age with severe speech impairments is growing catastrophically from year to year. If at the beginning of 2000, such children in our preschool educational institution there were approximately 35-45% of the total children aged 4,5-5 years, then the results of the last diagnosis conducted by me during February 2017 are simply shocking 88% of the total children at the age of 4 to 5 years have oral speech disorders, designated in the PAOON as "Severe speech impairment".

According to the Federal Law "About Education", as soon as children appear in the educational organization who have provided a PMPK conclusion on their status "child with disabilities", special conditions, determined by the PMPC for the organization of education students with disabilities. And special educational conditions- these are not only ramps, handrails and some other architectural and planning things. To special educational conditions should include: advanced training of teachers, teacher training, their preparation for working with children with disabilities, the methodological component; changes in the educational program, that is, the emergence of a certain section in the main educational program, which Federal State Educational Standard defines how"correctional work/ inclusive education» ; staffing in accordance with the current legislation: organization of the educational process students with disabilities provides for the introduction into the staffing table of an educational organization of additional rates for teaching staff (educational psychologist, speech therapist, social pedagogue, speech pathologist, tutor, assistant) upon provision of documents confirming the need for these specialists.

Satisfying special education requirements conditions and needs of children with disabilities, necessary provide:

Detection as early as possible teaching children at risk(together with medical specialists) and the appointment of speech therapy assistance at the stage of detecting the first signs of deviations in speech development;

Organization of speech therapy correction in accordance with the identified violation before starting schooling; continuity of the content and methods of preschool and school education and upbringing, aimed at normalizing or completely overcoming deviations in speech and personal development..."

Opportunities currently available in our preschool educational institution inclusive education will cover only 35% of needs children with disabilities. And this big problem must be solved by the administration of the preschool educational institution without delay.

According to the appendix to the letter of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Krasnodar Territory dated 01/09/2017 No. 47-26/17-11

students with disabilities

in municipal educational organizations of the Krasnodar region":

5.1. In educational organizations, implementing adapted basic general education programs, education students with disabilities can be organized both in separate classes (groups and together with other students.

5.2. Education students with disabilities in preschool educational organizations can be carried out:

in groups of compensatory orientation;

in groups combined focus;

through the provision of preschool education services in variable forms (short-term groups; child play support centers; consultation centers, etc.).

Models are given inclusive education: constant full inclusion, constant incomplete inclusion, partial, temporary, episodic inclusion.

I believe that in order to meet the special educational needs of our contingent children can such a model, How

"5.4.2 permanent incomplete inclusion: incomplete inclusion students with HVZ in joint with students without health restrictions educational (group) and extracurricular educational activities. The level of mental development of such students with disabilities are slightly below the age norm, they need systematic correctional assistance, but at the same time they are capable in a number of subject areas study on a par with healthy peers. In this case, some of the academic subjects (educational activities) students with disabilities are mastered together with students without health restrictions, and other items (educational areas)– separately with a speech pathologist teacher. Most extracurricular activities students with disabilities are carried out together with peers without health restrictions.”

That is, it is necessary to introduce groups combined focus.

2. Inclusive education in preschool educational institutions in groups combined focus

Features of groups combined direction is that in them, along with normally developing preschoolers, together children are studying who have certain types of impairments (visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech impairment, mental retardation, musculoskeletal disorders, and so on). In contrast to the occupancy of general development groups, which depends on the area of ​​the room, the occupancy of groups combined direction is regulated by SanPiN. The SanPiNs indicate how much children with disabilities may be in such a group. As a rule, the programs that teachers use in such groups have also already been widely tested and introduced into teaching practice and the educational process, however, the methods teaching children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard differ in these groups. Regardless of the number of such pupils (this could be two, three, four, five, seven people) When working with them, the teacher uses an adapted educational program, his own for each child.

Used literature and Internet resources:

1. http://www.resobr.ru/deti-s-ovz-v-dou

2. Federal State Educational Standard for Children with Disabilities

3. PAOOP NOO students with special needs

4. Appendix to the letter of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy

Krasnodar Territory dated 01/09/2017 No. 47-26/17-11 “Methodological recommendations

by organization inclusive education for students with disabilities in municipal educational organizations of the Krasnodar Territory

Federal State Education Standard for Children with Disabilities

Malofeev N.N. IKP RAO

In February, the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev approved the national educational initiative “Our New School”. Its goal is to modernize and develop the country's general education system. The national educational initiative also provides for the modernization of education for children with disabilities.

"The new school isschool for everyone . Any school will ensure the successful socialization of children with disabilities, children with disabilities, children without parental care, and in difficult life situations.”

The task set cannot be solved outside the regulatory framework. The responsibilities and rights of participants in the educational process - a teacher, a student with disabilities and his parents - must be legally established. Otherwise, we will be faced with both administrative and teacher voluntarism and groundless ambitious claims of parents. In both cases, the suffering party will be a child with disabilities. It is no coincidence that among the priority areas for modernizing the education system for people with disabilities, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science includes “improving the regulatory framework in order to guarantee a child with disabilities the opportunity to attend special or regular preschool institutions.”

In April of this year, the capital’s government adopted the law “On the education of persons with disabilities in the city of Moscow.” Something has happened that children with disabilities, their parents, and specialists have been waiting for many years. The law becomes a guarantee of the right of persons with disabilities and people with disabilities to receive education. I would like to hope that at the federal level the issue of legislative recognition of the right of persons with disabilities to education will be resolved in the near future.

For the “new school” to become a “school for everyone,” children with disabilities must be able to get to it without much difficulty. An obvious requirement gives rise to another direction of modernization - the creation of conditions for children with disabilities to receive psychological and pedagogical assistance in educational institutions as close as possible to their place of residence. Only if there is a preschool educational institution or school in the area “within walking distance”, adapted to the special needs of a disabled child, can we seriously talk about the real long-term prospects for the development of integrated forms of education and inclusion.

The development of integrated forms of education and training, inclusion of children with disabilities is a requirement of today. The question of choosing an educational and rehabilitation route for a child with disabilities, incl. the degree of its integration should be decided based on the needs, developmental characteristics and capabilities of the child. The priority of integration does not mean abandoning the achievements of the special education system that has developed in Russia! According to the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (December 2009): “The development of integrated forms of education for persons with disabilities should be carried out gradually, based on the planning and implementation of a set of measures to ensure compliance with the requirements for the organization of this activity.”

Educational integration is a natural stage in the development of the education system for persons with disabilities. The organization of integrated education and inclusion is most promising during preschool childhood. This is not a personal opinion, this is one of the results of the Institute’s research and experimental activities carried out over twenty years. The following have been developed and experimentally tested: the concept of integrated education and training (approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation); variable forms of organizing educational and social integration of children of preschool and school age; new model - a combined type educational institution.

Our course is integrated learning, inclusion. But moving along the planned course, we should not forget about the need to preserve for integrated children the full extent of correctional assistance guaranteed by law; preserve and modernize special (correctional) educational institutions, giving them additional functions; implement integration models that provide an accessible and beneficial “share” of integration for every child.

Over the past 15-20 years, the meanings and goals of teaching people with special educational needs in prosperous countries have changed dramatically. Conducting a discussion within the value system of the previous period is unpromising. The challenge of the time is not a decisive change in the principles, methods and techniques of teaching; our country has a unique scientific defectological heritage, which is being productively developed today. The problem is different: it is necessary to understand not how, but what and why to teach a child with disabilities. In the conditions of a dramatically changed labor market, we are obliged to give a graduate with disabilities a set of knowledge and skills that will help him live with dignity in adulthood, as independently and independently as possible.

The national educational initiative “Our New School” required the development of the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the main directions for the development of general education is the transition to new educational standards.

There has never been a standard in the special education sector.

For many decades we lived according to the canons and programs of a comprehensive school. Three years ago, the Institute began developing a project of the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities; the following were presented for wide discussion: the concept of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary school education of children with disabilities; SFGOS projects for children with hearing, speech, autism spectrum, and mental retardation disorders.

The range of development and learning opportunities for children with disabilities is extremely wide: from the ability to learn on an equal basis with normally developing peers to the need to build an individual education program specially adapted to the child’s capabilities. This range is typical for each category of children making up the group of schoolchildren with disabilities.

The heterogeneity of the composition of the group requires an appropriate range of differences in level, content and results primary school education of children with disabilities. The SFES is differentiated due to the availability of options that, in practice, ensure that all children receive adequate education, and overcome existing limitations in obtaining education caused by the severity of mental development disorders and the child’s inability to master the qualifying level of education. Differentiated versions of the special standard are characterized by:

    level of result (qualified – non-qualified);

    the structure of the main educational program;

    planned learning outcomes, conditions necessary for a child with disabilities to master them.

There are four standard options available that represent system characteristics:

    requirements for the level of the final result of school education,

    structure of the educational program,

    conditions for obtaining education in the outlined range of educational needs and capabilities of children with disabilities.

Standardization of intermediate results of education at each stage should ensure maintaining the possibility of transition baby from one version of the standard to another in the process of schooling. This is necessary to maximize the potential abilities of a child with disabilities and realize his right to receive an education that is adequate to his capabilities, which are revealed in the learning process itself.

The cardinal difference from the Federal State Educational Standard is that the standard of education for children with disabilities can only be presented in the description of options that directly correspond to the differences of children with disabilities in the opportunities and needs of obtaining an education.

Each version of the SFGOS defines:

    requirements for the structure of the main educational program (the relationship between the academic component and life competence);

    requirements for the results of school education at each level (qualified, non-qualified, individual)

    requirements for the conditions necessary for children with disabilities to master the planned educational outcomes

The first version of the Federal State Educational Standard (qualification level). The child receives a qualifying education comparable in level to that of healthy peers, being in their environment and within the same calendar period, while the child’s environment and workplace must be organized in accordance with the characteristics of his health limitations. Full development of the first version of the Federal State Educational Standard is possible when conditions are created for the implementation of special educational needs, including special systematic assistance in the formation of full life competence. It is mandatory to prepare the teaching and children's team to include a child with disabilities who is capable of mastering the first version of the State Federal State Educational Standard. The inability to fully master a separate subject of the school curriculum is not an obstacle to a child with disabilities choosing or continuing to master the first version of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The second version of the Federal State Educational Standard (qualification level). The child receives qualified education over a longer period of time, among peers with similar health problems. It is allowed to introduce 1-2 students with other health problems, but similar opportunities in obtaining a qualifying education in these conditions. The environment and workplace are organized in accordance with the composition of the class students. Full mastery of the second version of the standard is possible by creating special conditions to meet both general and special educational needs of all students. The second version of the standard differs from the first by increasing attention to the formation of full-fledged life competence and the use of acquired knowledge in everyday life. Due to the inevitable forced simplification of the learning and upbringing environment, maximally adapted to the characteristics of children, limiting their life experience and interaction with healthy peers, special work is envisaged to introduce the child into a more complex social environment - a gradual and systematic expansion of life experience and everyday social contacts. Organized integration is mandatory, and the choice of its form must meet the individual needs of each student.

The third version of the Federal State Educational Standard (non-qualified) is provided for children with disabilities who are not capable of mastering the qualification level of primary school education, even over an extended period and in the presence of special educational conditions. This version of the Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at children with moderate mental retardation or children with multiple developmental disabilities, whose educational opportunities are comparable to them. The child receives a primary school education that matches the capabilities of a child with moderate mental retardation in a group of children with similar educational needs. The organization of special training and education is mandatory. In the structure of the main educational program, with the inevitable significant reduction of the “academic” component, the area of ​​development of life competence is radically expanded. Due to the forced simplification of the environment of special education and upbringing, maximally adapted to the characteristics of such children, but limiting their life experience and interaction with healthy peers, special work is envisaged to introduce the child into a more complex social environment in order to expand the experience of contacts and the maximum possible for him social integration.

The fourth version of the SFGOS(individual level of the final result of school education) is provided for children, due to the severity and severity of health problems, who until now were outside the education system, in fact recognized as “unteachable”. The child receives primary school education, the level of which is determined solely by his individual capabilities, which are sharply limited by his state of health. An individual basic educational program is mandatory and the only possible one. In the structure of the individual basic educational program, with the inevitable and significant reduction of the “academic” component, the area of ​​development of life competence is radically expanded. A special organization is provided for the child’s entire life to meet his special educational needs in school and at home. The program provides for special work to include the child in the children's team, introducing him to a more complex subject and social environment. Life experience and everyday social contacts gradually and systematically expand within the limits accessible to the child. Isolation from the educational system and confinement in the home or social security institution are excluded.

SFGOS options provided for children with disabilities

SFGOS options

Deaf children

Hearing impaired children

Blind children

Visually impaired

Children with speech disorders

Children with motor impairments

Children with mental retardation

Mentally retarded children

Children with autism spectrum disorders

“The main tasks of a modern school are to reveal the abilities of each student, to educate a decent and patriotic person, an individual ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. School education should be structured so that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals and skillfully respond to different life situations.” This provision absolutely corresponds with the goals of education for children with disabilities. The status of the institution that such a child attends is not important, whether it is special or general education. Fundamentally different, it obliged ensure the development of the abilities of a special student. In our case, the question of the need to raise a child with disabilities “as a decent person, ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world” is even more pressing. We tried to answer this question in the concept of the Federal State Educational Standards project for children with disabilities. “School education should be structured so that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals and skillfully respond to different life situations.”

Without a doubt, there is a long, purposeful work ahead to develop fundamentally different value systems in the teaching community.

“A new school means new teachers, open to everything new, who understand child psychology and the developmental characteristics of schoolchildren, and who know their subject well. The teacher’s task is to help children find themselves in the future, become independent, creative and self-confident people.” In order to change the professional consciousness of defectologists who learned to work in the old system of special education, to form a new teacher who accepts the values ​​of civil society and understands the goals of modernizing the education of people with disabilities, we used electronic media. For ten years, the free scientific and methodological journal “Almanac of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy” has been published on the Internet. An interested user - a defectologist, a parent, a student or university teacher, an education management system administrator, a social worker - can quickly get acquainted with the latest developments of the Institute in priority areas of modernizing the education of children with disabilities.

New technologies are radically changing both the educational and information space. 12 years ago, having launched the institute’s website - the first in the problem field under discussion - we were proud of the implementation capabilities we had acquired. However, over the past years, the level of work on the Internet of our potential users has increased significantly. Over the course of this year, we have been developing the IKP RAO portal. “The new school is a modern infrastructure with a media library and library, high-tech educational equipment, broadband Internet, competent textbooks and interactive teaching aids.” The portal meets the needs of the “new school”.

It is no coincidence that the National Education Initiative includes a provision on “literate textbooks and interactive teaching aids.” For three years, the Institute has been participating in the work of FES, reviewing manuscripts of textbooks for special schools. Over the past three years, out of 146 submitted textbook manuscripts, 38 were sent for revision, and 23 textbooks received negative reviews. Our student needs "interactive teaching aids". The course towards integration and inclusion makes the situation extremely acute; each integrated student enters the general education class with his or her original textbook. An inclusive student needs an integrated textbook, an interactive teaching aid.

Modernization of education for children with disabilities requires:

    conduct targeted training, retraining and advanced training of teachers to work with young children (0-3) with disabilities;

    to form in society, incl. teachers and parents of normally developing children have a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities, promote the ideas of integration and inclusion of children with disabilities

    teach parents of children with disabilities methods of their upbringing, training and rehabilitation.

The main task of IKP RAO at the present stage is: integration of science and education; development of scientific foundations for modernizing the system of education and upbringing of children with various developmental disabilities.

http :// www . ikprao . ru
ikp @ ikprao . ru

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  • Dear parents!

    From 09/01/2016, federal state educational standards for children with disabilities and federal state educational standards for children with mental retardation (intellectual impairment) (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for OVZ and UO) come into force.

    The Federal State Educational Standard for General Education and Education is a set of mandatory requirements for the implementation of adapted basic general education programs of primary general education (hereinafter referred to as AOEP NEO) in organizations engaged in educational activities.

    The Federal State Educational Standard for General Education and Education applies only to students enrolled in adapted basic general education programs (hereinafter referred to as AOEP) after September 1, 2016. The remaining students who transferred to training under the AOEP before September 1, 2016 continue to study according to them until completion of training.

    Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education of students with disabilities,

    Federal State Educational Standard for the Education of Students with Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disabilities).

    The main goals of introducing standards:

    Introducing all children with disabilities into the educational environment, regardless of the severity of their problems;

    Providing special assistance to children with disabilities who are able to study in a public school setting;

    Development of life experience, identification of complementary components: “academic” and “life competence”.

    Fundamental documents and methodological recommendations for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for HIA:

    In accordance with Russian legislation, every child, regardless of region of residence, health status (severity of mental development disorders), or ability to master educational programs, has the right to a quality education that meets his needs and capabilities.

    For children with disabilities, their temporary (or permanent) deviations in physical and (or) mental development prevent them from mastering educational programs, therefore this category of students needs to create special conditions for training and education.

    Timely and properly organized education of the child makes it possible to prevent or mitigate these disorders, which are secondary in nature: thus, muteness is a consequence of deafness only in the absence of special training, and impaired spatial orientation and distorted ideas about the world are a probable, but not at all obligatory, consequence of blindness. Therefore, the level of mental development of a student with disabilities depends not only on the time of occurrence, nature and even the severity of the primary (biological in nature) developmental disorder, but also on the quality of previous (preschool) education and upbringing. Children with disabilities and disabilities can realize their potential only if training and education are started in a timely manner and adequately organized - satisfaction of both those common to normally developing children and their special educational needs, determined by the nature of the disorder in their mental development. Access to education for students with disabilities and disabilities, enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), is ensured by the creation in educational organizations of special learning conditions that take into account the special educational needs and individual capabilities of such students.

    The revision of traditional educational practices, due to the introduction of Federal Law No. 273-F3 “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012, is based on the idea of ​​widespread organization of inclusive education - ensuring the constitutional right to education for all categories of children, including students with disabilities with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as HIA), through the creation of special conditions. The regulations provide requirements for a number of organizational components:

    • structure and scope of adapted software developments;
    • personnel, material and technical, legal, financial conditions for the education of preschool children with special educational needs;
    • results of mastering the content of adapted basic educational programs (AOEP DO) by pupils with disabilities.

    Children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions: interpretation of the Federal State Educational Standard

    The approval of basic legal documents that cemented the importance of inclusion in education led to the emergence of a new legislative concept - “a child with disabilities”; a concept that is not equivalent to the terms “disabled child” or “child with a disability.” Children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard- minor individuals whose physiological or psychological state deficiencies prevent them from receiving education without creating special conditions in kindergarten and are confirmed by the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (PMPC).

    The following categories of preschoolers can be classified as children with disabilities:

    1. With hearing impairments (hard of hearing, deaf, late-deafened, cochlear implanted), requiring deaf-pedagogical support.
    2. With visual impairments (low vision, blind).
    3. With mental retardation - a violation of the timing of the formation of intelligence, emotional and volitional qualities (low concentration, absent-mindedness, lack of understanding of the nature of cause-and-effect relationships, inability to orientate in space, inability to classify, generalize, analyze the simplest data).
    4. With severe speech impairments (motor and sensory alalia, severe rhinolalia, stuttering, dysarthria, aphasia).
    5. With dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system of congenital and acquired origin.
    6. With pathologies of an autistic nature (Kanner syndrome, disintegrative disorder, Asperger syndrome, nonspecific pervasive developmental disorder).
    7. With complex complex (multiple) developmental defects. With severe intellectual disabilities.

    The health status of children aged 0 to 18 years is determined by PMPC specialists through special testing procedures, as well as studying medical reports issued by specialized doctors. Parents (legal representatives) are given a conclusion of the established form, which reveals the level of development of the child’s basic intellectual functions (perception, memory, thinking, speech) and provides recommendations for creating the conditions necessary for organizing an effective educational process, taking into account existing shortcomings development. At the same time, the Federal State Educational Standard for Education (the full name is the Federal State Educational Standard) and other legislative documents consider the transfer of the PMPK conclusion to kindergarten and other educational organizations as a voluntary decision of parents.

    In contrast to the above, it should be noted that the status of a disabled person is assigned by the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise based on an assessment of the presence of a persistent disorder of the basic functions of the body resulting from congenital pathologies, chronic diseases or injuries. Obtaining the status of a disabled person by a preschooler does not always require the organization of special educational conditions in a preschool educational institution: for example, children suffering from chronic cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes mellitus, kidney or liver failure are able to master the educational minimum, subject to strict monitoring of the condition by the teacher and head nurse . At the same time, some pupils may have the status of a disabled person and be registered with the PMPK - these include children with multiple developmental defects, blind, deaf, and able to move only in wheelchairs.

    Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education for Children with Disabilities: Basic Provisions

    As part of ensuring equal opportunities for receiving quality education by all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of gender, nationality, social status and other individual factors, when developing the Standard, based on the idea of ​​a system-activity approach to learning and maintaining the continuity of program content, the educational needs of all categories were taken into account as much as possible preschoolers. Approved by the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education for children with disabilities does not involve assessment, but the creation of a variety of opportunities for personal development, successful socialization and subsequent self-realization.

    Thus, the list of tasks of preschool education for students with disabilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education includes:

    1. Creation of special conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual in key areas - intellectual, physical, social-communicative, moral-aesthetic, creative - taking into account individual psychophysical indicators.
    2. Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of preschool children, the formation of emotional and moral well-being, introduction to the general civil and global system of humanistic values.
    3. Providing prerequisites for consolidating the foundations of educational activities, expanding ideological knowledge and practical skills.
    4. Development of the natural creative potential of each student, regardless of the level of psycho-emotional development.
    5. Creating variability in preschool education through the use of various forms of pedagogical activity and the design of AOEP preschool education.

    In view of the statement Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education for children with disabilities of preschool age Requirements for a typical preschool educational organization are increasing in a number of areas - due to the need to design an accessible environment (as a consequence - to find material support for the implementation of reforms), ensure consistent professional development of teachers and form their own methodological base, design an AOEP preschool education and attract specialized specialists to cooperation - defectologists, speech therapists, psychologists. Thus, the implementation of the requirements of the Standard on the organization of an inclusive education system in kindergartens requires an integrated, comprehensive approach and the search for practical opportunities to resolve problematic issues that have already been noted by methodologists, heads of preschool educational institutions, educators and family representatives.

    What conditions need to be created for children with disabilities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education?

    According to current legislative norms, in order to educate children with disabilities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a preschool educational organization is obliged to ensure the creation of special conditions taking into account the current psychophysical state of pupils (in particular, to guarantee the availability of a subject-development environment in groups), as well as to consistently develop and implement an educational educational organization for preschool education.

    The special educational conditions that must be created in a kindergarten in accordance with the requirements of the Standard, subject to the provision of a PMPK conclusion by family representatives (relevant for preschoolers with disabilities) or an individual rehabilitation program (for pupils with disabilities), include:

    1. Development of special preschool education programs, methods, techniques and forms of pedagogical work that contribute to the comprehensive consistent development of a preschooler with special educational needs, the preservation and strengthening of his psychophysical health.
    2. Creation and use of targeted teaching materials and teaching aids.
    3. The use of special teaching and educational means that correspond to the physiological capabilities of a child with disabilities (for example, the use of special cards with symbolic symbols of letters in Braille for visually impaired or blind children).
    4. Engaging an assistant to provide technical services to a preschooler in need.
    5. Conducting individual and group correctional classes under the guidance of a speech therapist, defectologist, and psychologist.
    6. Designing and creating a safe and accessible environment within which all students have equal access to territorial facilities, premises, teaching aids, and toys.
    7. Reducing the number of preschoolers in groups in order to evenly distribute the teaching load and maximize individualization of education.

    In order to implement the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions for children with disabilities, the head of a preschool educational organization has the right to use funds received to fulfill a state task, support core activities (if provided for in the budget estimate) or targeted subsidies disbursed within the framework of the state program “Accessible Environment”.

    Development and implementation of AOEP preschool education for children with disabilities, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education

    Provisions Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education establishes requirements for structure and content programs regulating the procedure for implementing the educational complex, including for children with disabilities. The specifics of AOOP DO can be traced, starting with general approaches to its development, which is carried out in stages.

    Stages of development of AOOP DO in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

    Name of stages Content
    Normative Based on monitoring data that determines the need to develop an AOEP in order to comply with regulatory requirements, an order is issued from the head of the kindergarten on the need to create a working group responsible for designing an adapted software development taking into account the age-related needs of preschoolers whose parents submitted PMPK conclusions. It is possible to facilitate organizational work in this area if a local act establishes the procedure for developing AOOP DO. Also at this stage it is important to determine the number of required software developments.
    Design Development of a specific, realistic goal and current tasks of AOOP DO, taking into account individual characteristics preschoolers with disabilities in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the content of the program and methods of its implementation, followed by approval of the development by the teachers' council.
    Practical Implementation of approved software development with the mandatory involvement of highly specialized specialists - speech pathologist, speech therapist, teacher of the deaf, psychologist.
    reflective The effectiveness of the program is assessed by recording the child’s achievements in key parameters of psychophysical development.

    The adapted basic educational program of preschool education is developed on the basis of an approximate basic program and includes the following sections:

    1. Target, consisting of an explanatory note (contains a psychological and pedagogical description of the characteristics of the psychophysiological development of a preschooler with disabilities, identification of priority goals and objectives) and a system of planning results for mastering program content, which should be presented in the form of targets in the main areas of development, including issues of implementation of correctional work.
    2. Content-based, defining the content of pedagogical work in five educational areas and correctional activities carried out with children with disabilities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, as well as a description of the conditions for organizing the educational process, the order of psychological and pedagogical support, the necessary material and technical support and indicators of its availability.
    3. Organizational, which provides a description of the specifics of the above conditions, taking into account the psychophysical capabilities of preschool children with special educational needs.

    On the basis of the AOEP DO developed by all kindergarten specialists - educators, speech pathologist, speech therapist, child psychologist - a work program is developed, as well as calendar and thematic planning documents, which can be adjusted and supplemented if necessary.

    Features of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions: training of teachers and teaching materials

    In connection with the organization of inclusive education according to Federal State Educational Standard for preschoolers with disabilities Requirements for the work of kindergarten teachers with families experiencing difficulties interacting with a child who has special cognitive needs are increasing. Among other things, the Standard is aimed at providing psychological and pedagogical support to parents and increasing their competence in matters of development and education, preserving and promoting the health of children with various developmental disorders. Preschool teachers must know and take into account the individual characteristics of children with disabilities, introduce parents to the peculiarities of interaction with their special child, and provide all possible pedagogical support, which also contributes to the successful development of program material.

    In light of this, it is important to note that at the moment, the methodological basis on which preschool teachers can rely when developing AOEP, when selecting methods, forms and features of pedagogical work with children with special educational needs, as well as members of their families, remains unformed, which complicates the process of inclusion and implementation of the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. System monitoring the achievements of children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard is also based solely on the personal developments of individual specialists, which necessitates further methodological work in this area. Another pressing problem of the system is the need for rapid professional development of educators, which can be resolved exclusively through the implementation of comprehensive work on self-education.

    Despite the problems voiced, the introduction of an inclusive education system in kindergarten is being implemented in several stages:

    1. Collecting information about the child. It is carried out by recording reference data in examination cards, with the involvement of a psychologist, speech therapist, music director, and physical education instructor. The data obtained is used to develop a work program for a preschooler (or group of preschoolers) with special educational needs.
    2. Analysis of the information received about the child in order to identify possible difficulties and ways to overcome them.
    3. Determination of the correctional educational route. During the PMPK meeting, the possibility of providing optimal conditions for development of a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard- during general education and correctional classes, in individual work. If necessary, draws up an individual correction program, structurally consisting of an explanatory note, a plan for working with a preschooler in various educational areas and a system for monitoring achievements.
    4. Implementation of a work program, to which all participants in the correctional and educational process, as well as physicians, should be involved.

    Correction and compensation of psycho-speech deficiencies in preschoolers with disabilities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is ensured by combining the efforts of teachers of different profiles - specialists, each of whom is responsible for individual indicators of age development:

    1. Responsible educators organize correctional and educational activities during the organization of various types of children's activities, in special moments using game, plot and integrated forms of pedagogical work, and also encourage the independence of children with disabilities when choosing games of cognitive-speech and general developmental orientation.
    2. A speech therapist and speech pathologist carries out correctional work to overcome speech deficiencies and general developmental educational and correctional activities during regime moments, using an integrated approach to solving emerging pedagogical problems, incl. and through the use of traditional and non-traditional methods of interaction with preschoolers.
    3. The music director organizes exercises to develop auditory perception, motor memory, and teaches the basics of logorhythmics.
    4. The physical education instructor, based on the data of current medical examinations, organizes games for the development of general and fine motor skills, the formation of proper breathing, strengthening the muscular frame, and the formation of adequate spatial orientation.

    Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, designed for children with disabilities, provides for close cooperation between educators and families of pupils using various methods of work - through consistent informing parents about the progress of the correctional educational process (holding Open Days, exhibitions of children's creativity, competition programs, holidays, concerts, distributing information booklets), organizing a "School of Parents" ", for which lectures can be organized for listeners with the involvement of highly specialized specialists, a teacher-psychologist, a speech therapist of a preschool educational institution, in the course of joint activities (implementation of projects, research, preparation for holidays). Of great importance for achieving positive dynamics in preschoolers with disabilities is the motivational interest of parents, their attendance at consultations, and the joint implementation of correctional and developmental exercises.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that the implementation of inclusive preschool education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education makes it possible to compensate for the existing shortcomings of psychophysical development in children and opens up for children with special educational needs endless opportunities for successful socialization and personal development, and, importantly, excellent conditions for confident transition to the next stage of education.

    With inclusive education, all children are involved in the process of acquiring knowledge, regardless of their mental, intellectual and physical characteristics. Such children have the opportunity to attend general education schools at their place of residence along with their healthy peers. At the same time, taking into account their special educational needs, they are provided with special support. All participants in the process adhere to equal treatment of all children, therefore any discrimination is excluded, but with the obligatory provision of special conditions for children with disabilities.

    The purpose of the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities

    The introduction of children with disabilities into the community is the main task of the correctional care system. The program and methodological manual that accompanies the introduction of inclusive education in general education organizations is designed to solve issues related to the education and upbringing of children who have other, special needs, together with ordinary ones. In the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, a note was made in the program of correctional work: it is developed if there are children with disabilities in the educational organization.

    Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard for Physical Education with corrections, the latest version 2016, is aimed, first of all, at correcting negative aspects in the psychological or physical development of children and indicates ways to solve problems in mastering the basic curriculum. It contains recommendations for providing assistance and support to children in this category.

    Purpose of the program:

    • Identify and satisfy all the needs of students with disabilities when they master OEP.
    • Integrate them into the educational process.
    • Implement comprehensive and individually oriented psychological and pedagogical support for learning, taking into account the health status of children with disabilities.
    • Create special conditions for education and development.
    • Create favorable conditions for communication and learning activities.

    Difficulties in introducing inclusive education described in the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Institution

    In our society, the absolute majority still perceives people with disabilities as something non-standard, foreign, and children with disabilities are often recognized as unteachable. School management and teachers are not sufficiently aware of the problems of such children and are not prepared to include them in the learning process in regular classes. Parents do not know and do not defend the rights of their disabled children, outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities 2016, which can be downloaded and studied on special websites.

    After all, inclusive education is not only the physical presence of children with disabilities in classes with other children, but also a change in the school itself, a change in the relationship between teachers and students participating in the educational process. There should be close cooperation between parents and teachers, involving parents in the learning process.

    Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities

    The Federal Law (Clause 6, Article 11) ensures the rights to compulsory education for children with disabilities and includes requirements for the learning process in special educational standards.

    The following educational program options are offered:

    1. The program is intended for children with diagnosed hearing and vision impairments and without intellectual disabilities, who are fully included in the educational stream. Students with disabilities master the main educational program within the framework of correctional work (inclusion). An individual curriculum is possible.
    2. The program is intended for children with mental retardation, visual impairment, hearing impairment, or speech impairment of varying severity. Children with disabilities receive education together with healthy peers. The process is carried out within a different calendar period, determined by the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities in 2016. Training can also take place in separate classes or organizations.
    3. The program is designed for children diagnosed with mental retardation. The education received by such children is not comparable to that of their peers. It is recommended to create several curricula and individualize program provisions.
    4. The program is intended for children with disabilities who have complex or multiple developmental disabilities. Training takes place according to an adapted program, which is based on an individual curriculum.

    In the process of training according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Physical Education, special educational programs, special training programs, special educational and didactic aids must be used. Permissible stress levels must be observed, which are determined with the help of medical professionals.

    What will change in the work of schools with the release of the new Federal State Educational Standard for Special Education? You can find out the answer to this question at the International design training seminar "Implementation of Federal State Educational Standards SOO" , which will take place July 23–26. Come to our training seminar and you will receive all the necessary tools and recommendations for the transition to a new standard.