Ch as read in English. English sounds



Letter combinationsh, ch.

The letter combination sh denotes the sound [ʃ] similar to Russian [ш] in the word ma tire. He is a little softer than the Russian. For example: she [ʃiː] - she

Read aloud:

[ʃ ] shop, shot, she, shed, dish, fish, shake, ship, finish, shine, shy

The letter combination ch denotes two sounds:

1 . As a rule, the letter combination ch denotes the sound corresponding to the Russian [ch] in the word lu h. For example: cheese [ʧiːz] cheese. Sometimes, the letter combination ch is found together with the letter t, that is - tch, where it also conveys the sound [ʧ], for example: match match, match.

2. Rarely, in words from Greek roots, ch conveys the sound [k], corresponding to the Russian [k] in the word okay. For example, scheme scheme, chemist ["kemɪst] chemist, ache - pain

Read aloud:

[ʧ ] chat, cheese, match, kitchen, China["ʧaɪnə],attach[ə"tæʧ]

[k] ache, chemist, scheme ,tech Chris Chris

LetterX, x.

The letter X is usually read as in the word bo ks, but sometimes it is read as, corresponding to the Russian [gz] in the word exam [egz amen]. The Russian word "exam" is written with the letter "k", which is pronounced [g].

Read aloud:

[ks ]: box, text, next, six, fox, exit["eksɪt]

[gz ]: exam[ɪg"zæm], exist, exact [ɪg"zækt]


1. Noun - plural


In Lesson 3, we saw that the plural of English nouns is formed by adding the suffix - s.

But if a singular word ends in -o, -s, -x, -ch or -sh, then the plural is formed by adding the suffix -es, for example: box box - boxes boxes

a n o refusal - knowledge

a boss s boss - bosses

a bo x box - boxes

a mat ch match

a fi sh fishes

As can be seen from these examples, the plural ending. numbers in the form -es are pronounced. How do you pronounce the plural ending? numbers in the form - s, we taught in lesson 3: after vowels and voiced consonants, the suffix - s is pronounced as, and after voiceless consonants, as.

But nouns ending with a letterYin front of which it stands consonant letter, for example - a ba b y["beɪbɪ], lose the letterYand get the ending - ies: a bab y-bab ies lad y- lad ies.

A small number of English nouns have a special plural form, for example:

Man man - men men

In this lesson, memorize a couple of the most frequently used words with a special plural form:

Unit number / Mn. number

Man men

person people

Child [ʧaɪld] children ["ʧildrən]


In subsequent lessons, you will encounter several more words with a special plural form, which will be indicated immediately next to the singular form. For example: a man (plural number of men).

2. Adjective

English adjectives, unlike Russian ones, do not change either in gender or in number. Compare:

ared table -red th table

ared rose -red and I rose

ared apple -redohapple

red apples -red s apples

As can be seen from this example, the English adjective " red " remained unchanged in all four examples.

Translate the phrases:

red nose, red rose, red apple, red boxes


If a noun is preceded by an adjective (big, red, etc.), then the article is placed before this adjective, and not before the noun.

a pen - a red pen

the apples - the red apples


Read aloud and translate the text using the dictionary below.

Take the cheese. Take the cheese from the plate on the table. Take a plate and a dish from the kitchen. Chris, help me do the dishes. Take six apples from the box. Take the exam. Steve, help me make notes in French. Adam, help me type a text in French. Help the child type the name. Children, type a text in French. Help the man make the plan. Help the men make the plan. Invite Chris, Ann, Steve and me. Eve, do the dishes. Let me invite the children. Stop my ache. Help the child do the test. Help the children do the test. Let the man help me. Let the men help me. Take a match. Take the matches from the box. Take that text. Take that box. Take an apple from the box. Open the shop and take the fish from the box. Open the shop at six. Be at home at five. Let me see the shot. Take the cheese from the table in the kitchen. Open five boxes. Help the boss type the French text. Tell my boss. Tell the bosses. Take the matches from the box. Finish the text. Make an example. See my best shots from China. Live in China!


ache - pain (usually dull)

boss - boss, chief

box - box

cheese [ʧiːz] - cheese

child [ʧaɪld] - child

children ["ʧɪldrən] - children

China ["ʧaɪnə] - China

Chris - Chris (name)

dish - dish

dishes - dishes

do the dishes - wash the dishes

example [ɪg"zɑːmpl] - example

for example - for example

Make an example - Make an example

exam [ɪg"zæm] - exam

Take an exam - Pass the exam

finish ["fɪnɪʃ] - finish

fish - fish

French - French

invite [ɪn"vaɪt] - invite

kitchen ["kɪʧɪn] - kitchen

match - match, match

men - men, people

plate - plate

she [ʃiː] - she

shop [ʃɔp] - store

at the shop - in the store

shot [ʃɔt] - shot, snapshot (photo)

six - six

at six - at six

text - text


    Place the following words on the appropriate lines depending on the reading of the letter combinations sh, ch and the letter X:

a ch e, box, ch eese, ch ild, ch ildren, Ch ina, Ch ris, dish, dishes, example, finish, fish, French, kitchen, match, she, shop, shot, six, text, exam




2. Translate the words in writing:

She, six, box, cheese, man, people, French, invite, match, plate, text, kitchen, child, children, China, chemist, shop, boss, fish, Chris, dish, dishes, example, for example, finish , snapshot, man, men

3. Write these words in plural:

No, boss, box, match, fish, man, child, fox, shop, text, plan, home, study, baby, lady, boy

4. Pluralize these phrases.

redthtable, redand Ibox, redohapple, redsapples

5. Translate the text in writing.

Take the fish from the table. Go to the store at six. Help your child print my name. Send tests to Steve. Open the red boxes. Take the red pen from the box. Help the man. Help people. Open the store at nine. Take six red roses (any). Help your boss send the tests. Help your bosses type French texts. Do the test in the kitchen (in the kitchen). Go to the store and get red pens (any kind). Make a note (any note). Take notes (any kind). Help your child take the test. Help the children take the test. Let's invite me. Invite them. Finish the text. Pass the exam. Give an example. Wash the dishes.


1. How is the letter combination sh read?

2. How is the letter combination ch read?

3. How is the plural of nouns ending in - o, s, ss, ch, sh, x formed?

4. How is the plural of nouns ending with the letter Y formed before a consonant? For example: a study

5. Write two nouns with a special plural form.

Let's look at the key rules of reading and pronunciation with the opportunity to listen to each letter combination in examples. For brevity, the basic rules for reading letter combinations are given in the tables.

Reading letter combinations

Reading vowel combinations

The table below presents the main (frequently occurring) set of vowel combinations (see table No. 1), Russian and English transcriptions with examples of words and notes.

Table No. 1. Reading vowel combinations
Letter combinationTranscriptionExamples (listen)Notes
ee, ea(AND:)🔊 see, 🔊 sea
ai, ay(HEY)🔊 strai ght, 🔊 May
oo(U:)🔊toobefore a consonant letter, except k, r; also at the end of a word
oo[u] (U)🔊 boo kbefore the letter k; exception: 🔊 goo d
oor[ɔ:] (U:)🔊 doo r
ow(AU), [əu] (EU)🔊 now , 🔊 window [‘windəu]
  • under stress in monosyllabic words;
  • at the end of two-syllable words in unstressed position
oi, oy[ɔi] (OH)🔊 coi n, 🔊 employ
ou(AU)🔊 ou t
oa[əu] (EU)🔊coa t

Reading letter combinations with consonants

Below (in table No. 2) are the main letter combinations of consonants.

Table No. 2. Letter combinations in English. Reading consonant combinations
Letter (letter combination)TranscriptionWhen to useExamples (listen)
b[b]in all cases🔊 b egin
mb[m]b is not readable at the end of a word after the letter m🔊 climb
c[s]before vowels e, i, y🔊 c ity [‘siti], 🔊 nic e, 🔊 c ycle
[k]in all other cases🔊cap
k[k]in all cases🔊 kite
ck[k]in all cases🔊 black
kn[n]at the beginning of a word🔊 kn ow
g[ʤ] before vowels e, i, y🔊 g entleman [ˈʤentlmən]
[g]in all other cases🔊 g ate Exceptions: 🔊 g ive , 🔊 g et
j[ʤ] in all cases🔊 jacket [ˈʤækɪt]
z[z]in all cases🔊 z oo
h[h]in all cases🔊 h appy [ˈhæpɪ]
sh[ʃ] in all cases🔊 sh e [ʃiː]
tch[ʧ] in all cases🔊 catch [
ch[ʃ] in words of French origin🔊 ch ampagne [ʃæmˈpeɪn]
[k]🔊 sch ool, 🔊 ch emistry [ˈkemɪstrɪ]
[ʧ] in all other cases🔊 ch alk [ʧɔːk]
th[θ] at the beginning and end of significant words🔊th ink [θɪŋk]
[ð] at the beginning of function words (pronouns, articles)🔊 th e [ðiː]
in significant words between vowels🔊 cloth
x before a consonant and at the end of words🔊 text
before a stressed vowel🔊 ex am [ɪgˈzæm]
ph[f] 🔊 ph oto [ˈfəʊtəʊ]
ps[s]in words of Greek origin🔊 ps ychology
r[r]before any vowel except a silent one🔊 rose
s[s]before consonants, at the beginning of a word, at the end of a word after a voiceless consonant🔊 bes t , 🔊 s tart , 🔊 cats
[z]at the end of a word after a voiced consonant or vowel, between two vowels🔊 plays , 🔊 vis it
ss[s]Anyway🔊 class
ng before the sounds [l], [r], [w]🔊 Eng land [ˈɪŋglənd]
[n]in all other cases🔊 lan guage [ˈlæŋgwɪʤ]
nk in all cases🔊 bank
w[w]at the beginning of a word🔊 w e
wh[w]if these letters are followed by any letter except o🔊why
[h]if these letters are followed by o🔊whoo
wr[r]at the beginning of a word before a vowel🔊 wr ite

Reading letter combinations of vowels and consonants

Finally, let's look at the last type of letter combinations in English (see table No. 3).

Table No. 3. Reading letter combinations of vowels and consonants
Letter combinationTranscriptionWhen to useExamples (listen)
wa in all cases🔊 wa ter [ˈwɔːtə]
war in all cases🔊 war
wor in all cases🔊 wor k
or, er[ə] at the end of words in an unstressed position🔊 doctor [ˈdɔktə], 🔊 computer
qu before vowels🔊qu ite
al[ɔ:] in all cases🔊 al l [ɔ:l], 🔊 tal k
an before consonants🔊 plan
af 🔊staff
al in the letter combination al the letter l is not readable🔊 hal f
as 🔊 as k
igh in all cases🔊nigh t

Knowing letter combinations in English, namely their use and pronunciation, you will learn to read correctly! Good luck to you, dear friend!

Letter C, s

The letter c conveys the sound [s] if it is placed before vowels e, i, y. In all other cases, the letter c conveys the sound [k]


place, cinder, pencil, icy, center, central, can, cut, cotton, cab, cube, came, cave, contact, crystal, club, cubic, music, scraper

At the end of words after a short stressed vowel, the sound [k] is conveyed by the combination sk:

sti ck, ba ck, bla ck, clo ck, de ck


c at - s at c ent - s ent ri ck-ri sk
c lip - s lip c ell- s ell de ck-de sk
c up- s up c ite - s ite Di ck-di sk


black, twice, tractor, brick, dock, "practice, face, pact, "practical, common, race, "cosmic, clock

Remember the following words

place place to come
pencil pencil to cut
cotton cotton to cross
clock clock (table clock, some some, several

Letter combination sh

Letter combination sh conveys the sound [ʃ]. The English sound [ʃ] is softer than the Russian [Ш]:

sh ine, sh ade, sh ip, sh op, ru sh,fi sh, wi sh

Letter combinations ch, tch

a) Letter combinations ch, tch transmit sound. The English sound is harder than the Russian [Ch].


check, children, rich, inch, match, catch,
much cotton, much smoke, much paper


sh ip - ch ip
sh op- ch op
ca sh-ca tch

Remember the word machine machine.

b) Letter combination ch in words of Greek origin it conveys the sound [k].

"ch emist, "te ch nical

Remember the following words

shop workshop she she
children children like this so, so, so, so
rich rich much much (for uncountable

to wish want

Letter G, g

Letter g before e, i, y transmits sound

pa g e, a g e, g entle, E g ypt, g in, hu g e

In all other cases the letter g transmits sound [g]:

g o, g ave, g un, g lobe, g rade, bi g, fla g

Exception: to get receive, get


J im- g in
j et- g ender


game, glad, log, judge, wage, gate, egg, huge,
such a big engine, such a big globe

Remember the following words

page bridge page bridge
engine machine age century; era, period
to age

Ending -es

Ending -es after the whistling and hissing ones it is read.


box - boxes brush - brushes bridge - bridges
face - faces mass - masses match - matches
page - pages age - ages
to use - he uses to place - he places
to mix - she mixes to catch - she catches
to face - it faces to fix - it fixes
three boxes, six inches, ten pages, many bridges

Vowel combination ai, ay, ea, her, oa, ui under stress

a) Combinations ai And aw read:

r ai n, a"g ai n, d ay,w ay


s a le-s ai l-s ay

b) Combinations ea And ee read:

ea ch, "t ea cher, st ee l, n ee d, pro"c ee d


m e-m ee t - m ea t

c) Combination ( oa) is read. After r, j this combination reads:

suit, fruit

Exception: to build


tr ue-r u le-fr u it


wait, rain, heat, may, way, speak, boat, juice, meet, need, coat, a"preach, green, teach, speed

Combination oo

a) Combination oo conveys the short sound [u] if it comes before a letter k. When pronouncing [u], the lips are not extended forward, as in Russian [U], but are rounded:

t oo k, l oo k, b oo k

b) Combination oo conveys a long sound before other consonants (except r):

too, tool, soon, moon, food, tooth


l o ck-l oo k
r o ck-r oo k

Remember the following words

steel steel day day
coal coal to read read
rain rain to teach learn; teach
tool teacher
heat heat street street
need need book book
to need need something school school
to look (at) look (at)
way; each road
to speak too
to train train, cook


to do foot foot; foot
to build wood forest; firewood
room room great big; great
good good
two two

Word too too, unlike Russian language, is placed at the end of the sentence.


You read books. - I read books too.

You read books. - I Same read books.

Letter combination ture

Letter combination ture in an unstressed syllable conveys a sound combination reminiscent of the ending -cha in the Russian word Chukchi.

struc ture, lec ture, pic ture, mix ture,cul ture, na ture


tea cher- fu ture

Ending -ture usually corresponds to the Russian ending -tour:

structure, culture

Remember the word lecture

2. Stress in polysyllable words

In polysyllabic words, the stress usually falls on the 3rd syllable from the end. In such a stressed syllable, the vowel conveys the same sound as it conveys in a closed syllable, regardless of whether the syllable is closed or open.


"practical ["præktikəl] practical
"different ["difrənt] different
"difficult [difikəlt] difficult
"instrument ["instrəmənt] instrument
"institute ["institju:t] institute
la"boratory laboratory
a"cademy [ə"kædəmi] academy
ac"tivity [æk"tiviti] activity
"chemistry ["kemistri] chemistry
"property ["prɔpəti] property
experiment experiment, experience

Preparing to read the text





The rules of reading in English are extensive and complex, because... There is a huge discrepancy between letters and sounds: there are 26 letters and 44 sounds, so different letters in different positions produce different sounds, which in English are conveyed by conventions called transcription marks. In this post, to make it easier to learn the rules of reading, we denote them partially in Russian letters.

4 Basic Types of Vowel Reading

First, let's learn the 4 main types of reading vowels E, A, Y, U, O, I in stressed syllables in English

Google shortcode

I reading type - open syllable ( a syllable ending in a vowel is considered open, even if it is not pronounced)

Pay attention to the first row of the table. The words same, note, he, fine, my, cube, like all words of this category, end in a silent vowel, and the reading of the vowels in the root of the word coincides with the name of the letters according to the alphabet. Thus, words with silent vowels at the end, i.e. words of type 1 reading same, note, he, fine, my, cube, will sound like “seim, note, hee, fine, may, cube”

Let's consolidate the reading of vowels in a stressed syllable with the following exercise:

Note, lone, mice, rice, type, tune, shy, lay, say, he, hay, name, same, nine, nice, game, came, make, Kate, Pete, five, tie, life, eve, me, size, no, cope, smoke, rose, nose, spine, sly, cry, vine, maze, home, tube, made, fume, cube, pace, lace, sky, hale, spine.

II reading type – closed syllable (a syllable ending in a consonant is considered closed). This is the second row in the table. Pay attention to the words rat, hot, red, bit, myth, run, which do not have a silent vowel at the end. These words sound like "rat, hot, ed, beat, miss, ran."

Cap, pen, bed, ten, not, spot, lot, bad, rat, sit, send, test, pit, in, send, spell, tin, less, ban, mad, fat, Sam, land, did, fit, sat, pet, tin, slip, sad, glad, bag, jam, gap, lag, can, kin, Jim, Jack, yes, ink, cup, run, cod, spin, not, doll, hop, hot, bank, rank, spin, up, us, bus, bun, cut, fun, vet, well, but, nut.

III type of reading – vowel + letter “r” , which affects the sound of the vowel at the root of the word, giving it some prolongation. So the words car, sort, term, fir, Byrd, fur sound like “ka: so:t, te:m, fe: be:d, fe:”.

stern , Far, curt, hard, hart, car, card, cart, fork, cork, work, sort, term, first, Byrd, furs, curl, her, curb, turn, girl, sir, burn, turn, word, born, torn, bird, form, serf, herb.

IVreading type – vowel + letter “r” + vowel. The letter “r” is also unreadable in this case; all three vowels together sound like this: care, store, mere, tire, cure - “kea, hundred:, mie, taie, kue.”

Fare, here, pure, rare, cure, during, mare, fire, bare, mire, stare, tire, sere, mere, store, core, more, care.

Video lesson: Rules for reading the vowel A in English

IN Idea lesson: Rules for reading the vowel E in English

Video lesson: Rules for reading the vowel U in English

Video lesson: Rules for reading the vowel O in English

Video lesson:Rules for reading vowels I,Y

Consonants with two reading options

*s m\z (interdental) – th – there is no such sound in the Russian language. This sound is dull and resembles the Russian sound “s”, but when pronouncing it, the tongue is located between the front upper and lower teeth, and a stream of air passes through the created narrow gap with force.

**we pronounce the interdental sound “z” in the same way.

Video lesson: Rules for reading English consonants

Reading chart for vowels combined with consonants

For high-quality assimilation of the sound system and the rules of reading the English language, we recommend repeating the above reading rules daily and trying to read monosyllabic words from the dictionary.

Video lesson: Rules for reading various letter combinations in English

Video lesson: Rules for reading English vowels in unstressed position

For rules for reading unpronounceable consonants, see

  • Tip: To check the correct pronunciation, you can use the audio function of online dictionaries.

Moving from sound to sound according to this method learning to read in English, we finally got to the paired affricates (plosives) of English consonants - And . We will learn to pronounce them based on what you have already learned to pronounce correctly. By the way, in Russian the affricates are the sounds - "ts" and "ch".

If you look closely at the transcription symbols of these sounds, they seem to consist of two halves:

[t] + [ʃ]=
[d] + [ӡ]=

How to pronounce English sounds correctly?

So, to pronounce the English sound that's right, you need to pronounce the sound quickly [t], and then immediately [ʃ]. So, try to quickly pronounce these sounds so that they merge into one sound:

[t]-[ʃ]-[t]-[ʃ]-[t]-[ʃ]-[t]-[ʃ]-[t]-[ʃ]-[t]-[ʃ] =

Sound harder, unlike the Russian “ch”, so do not raise the back of your tongue to the palate. To feel the difference, try saying in English, for example, cup of tea, four o'clock.

Now let's move on to the sound , which is a voiced sound pair , that is, pronounced with a voice. Let's try to pronounce it in two ways:

  1. The first way is to pronounce the sound with your voice .
  2. The second method (similar to the one described above) is to quickly pronounce the sounds one by one so that they merge into one sound:
[d]-[ӡ]-[d]-[ӡ]-[d]-[ӡ]-[d]-[ӡ]-[d]-[ӡ]-[d]-[ӡ] =


Listen to how English consonants are pronounced And

What letter combinations represent sounds in writing?
  • ch— ch in (Excl. a ch e, s ch ool, ch aos, ch oir, ch character and etc.)
  • tch-ki tch en
  • ture - pic ture
What letters and letter combinations represent sounds in writing?
  • g— g in
  • j— j am
  • dge-ba dg e

Phonetic exercises for practicing reading words with sounds (closed content for subscribers)

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Title: Teaching reading in English. Subscription code 19

Description: Access to a course of lessons on teaching reading in English and pronunciation at the same time. Author T.V. Nabeeva

And finally,...

Exercise 6. Read words with new sounds learnedAnd .

cheap (cheap) – jeep (jeep)
chin (chin) – gin ​​(gin)
larch (larch) – large (large)
chest (chest) – jest (joke)
chill (cool) – Jill (Jill)
rich (rich) – ridge (mountain range)

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Phrases for daily practice of sounds and sounds:
  1. Just imagine! - Just imagine!
  2. Meet John. - Meet John.
  3. Justice is justice. - The law, what a drawbar.
  4. Fetch me matches. - Bring me matches.
  5. Not much of a catch. - Little value!

Let's sum it up results of lesson 12, from which you learned:

  • how to pronounce english sounds And Right;
  • what letter combinations represent the sounds and.

See you in the next reading lessons! Author, Tatyana Nabeeva