Increased duration of education. Education

To knowledge about the world, values, experience accumulated by previous generations.

Education, like science, can be considered in tex aspects:

  • it's holistic knowledge system a person about the world, supported by relevant skills in various fields of activity;
  • it's purposeful education personality, the formation of certain knowledge and skills;
  • it's a system social institutions, providing pre-vocational and vocational training.

Purpose Education is the introduction of a person to the beliefs, ideals and values ​​of the dominant part of society.

Functions education are as follows:

  • upbringing;
  • socialization;
  • training of qualified specialists;
  • introduction to modern technologies and other cultural products.

Education criteria

Education- this is the result.

Educated person- a person who has mastered a certain amount of systematized knowledge and, in addition, is accustomed to thinking logically, highlighting causes and consequences.

The main criterion of education- systematic knowledge and systematic thinking, manifested in the fact that a person is able to independently restore the missing links in the knowledge system using logical reasoning.

Depending on the amount of knowledge gained and achieved level of independent thinking There are primary, secondary and higher education. By nature and direction Education is divided into general, vocational and polytechnic.

General education provides knowledge of the fundamentals of sciences about nature, society, and man, forms a dialectical-materialistic worldview, and develops cognitive abilities. General education provides an understanding of the basic patterns of development in the world around us, the educational and work skills necessary for every person, and a variety of practical skills.

Polytechnic education introduces the basic principles of modern production, develops skills in handling the simplest tools that are used in everyday life.

The role of education in human life

Through education, transmission occurs from one generation to another.

On the one hand, education is influenced by the economic and political spheres of public life, as well as the sociocultural environment - national, regional, religious traditions (therefore, models and forms of education differ significantly from each other: we can talk about Russian, American, French education systems).

On the other hand, education is a relatively independent subsystem of social life that can influence all spheres of social life. Thus, the modernization of education in the country makes it possible to further improve the quality of labor resources and, consequently, contribute to economic development. Civic education contributes to the democratization of the political sphere of society, legal education contributes to the strengthening of legal culture. In general, quality education forms a harmonious personality both in general cultural terms and in professional terms.

Education is of great importance not only for society, but also for the individual. In modern society, education is the main “social elevator” that allows a talented person to rise from the very bottom of social life and achieve high social status.

Education system

Education is one of the most important spheres of social life, the functioning of which determines the intellectual, cultural, and moral state. The end result comes down to the education of the individual, i.e. its new quality, expressed in the totality of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

Education retains its potential as a determining factor in the socio-economic development of Russia.

Education system includes:

  • preschool educational institutions;
  • educational institutions;
  • educational institutions of higher professional education (higher education institutions);
  • educational institutions of secondary specialized education (secondary specialized educational institution);
  • non-state educational institutions;
  • additional education.

Educational institutions are a massive and extensive system. Their network influences the socio-economic situation both in the country and in the regions. Educational institutions impart knowledge, moral principles and customs of society.

The most important social institution in the education system is a school.

Challenges facing education management:

  • low salaries for teachers;
  • insufficient material and technical support for educational institutions;
  • shortage of personnel;
  • insufficient professional level of education;
  • insufficient level of general culture.

Education structure

Education, like any social subsystem, has its own structure. Thus, in the structure of education we can distinguish educational institutions(schools, colleges, universities), social groups(teachers, students, pupils), educational process(the process of transferring and assimilating knowledge, abilities, skills, values).

The table shows the structure of education using the Russian Federation as an example. Basic general education in the Russian Federation is compulsory until the age of 15.

Educational levels

In addition to preschool, general and vocational education, the following are sometimes distinguished:

  • additional education that runs parallel to the main one - clubs, sections, Sunday schools, courses;
  • self-education— independent work to acquire knowledge about the world, experience, and cultural values. Self-education is a free, active path of cultural self-improvement, allowing you to achieve the best success in educational activities.

By forms of education When structuring, full-time, correspondence, external, individual plan, and distance forms are distinguished.

Selected information is transmitted to students using certain teaching aids and sources of information (the teacher’s word, textbook, visual and technical aids).

Basic principles for forming the content of school education:

  • Humanity, ensuring the priority of universal human values ​​and human health, free development;
  • Scientificity, manifested in the correspondence of the knowledge offered for study at school to the latest achievements of scientific, social and cultural progress;
  • Subsequence, which consists in planning content that develops in an ascending line, where each new knowledge builds on the previous one and follows from it;
  • Historicism, meaning the reproduction in school history courses of the development of a particular branch of science, human practice, coverage of the activities of outstanding scientists in connection with the problems being studied;
  • Systematicity, which involves considering the knowledge being studied and the skills being developed in the system, constructing all training courses and the entire content of school education as systems included in each other and in the general system of human culture;
  • Connection with life as a way to test the validity of the knowledge being studied and the skills being developed and as a universal means of reinforcing school education with real practice;
  • Age appropriate and the level of preparedness of schoolchildren who are offered to master this or that system of knowledge and skills;
  • Availability, determined by the structure of curricula and programs, the way scientific knowledge is presented in educational books, as well as the order of introduction and the optimal number of scientific concepts and terms studied.

Two subsystems of education: training and education

Thus, the concepts of “training” and “upbringing” are the most important pedagogical categories that make it possible to distinguish interconnected, but not reducible to each other, subsystems of education as a purposeful, organized process of human socialization.

Moreover, we are talking about the understanding of the term “education” in in the narrow pedagogical sense of the word, as a subsystem of education, which is on the same level with training, at the same level, and not “under it” or “above it,” which can be schematically expressed as follows (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Two subsystems of education

This distinction in the education system has already been highlighted Plato, who in the dialogue “The Sophist” called for distinguishing “from the art of teaching the art of educating,” and in “The Laws” he argued that “we recognize proper education as the most important thing in teaching.” Moreover, by education he understood the formation in a person of a positive attitude towards what he is taught, introducing him not only to knowledge, but also to methods of activity.

Since then, attempts have been made many times to define training and education and to separate these processes. In recent decades, very promising approaches to solving this problem have been proposed in domestic pedagogical science, primarily by researchers such as AND I. Lerner, V.V. Kraevsky, B.M. Bim-Bad and etc.

Moreover, their concepts were not mutually exclusive, but complemented each other and, from the point of view of their main content, boiled down to the following:

  • training and education are subsystems of the unified educational process;
  • training and education are aspects of a purposefully organized process of human socialization;
  • the difference between teaching and upbringing is that the first is primarily addressed to the intellectual side of a person, and upbringing is addressed to his emotional-practical, value-based side;
  • training and education are not only interconnected processes, but also mutually supporting and complementary.

As noted Hegel, You cannot teach carpentry and not teach carpentry, just as you cannot teach philosophy and not teach philosophizing.

From this follows the general conclusion that education will be educational only when, along with educational goals, educational goals are also set and implemented. But still, in this two-pronged process there is a main link, and this is precisely training, which provides knowledge as the most solid basis of education.

By expression K.D. Ushinsky, education is a construction process in which a building is erected, and knowledge is its foundation. This building has many floors: skills, abilities, abilities of students, but their strength depends primarily on the quality of the foundation laid in the form of knowledge.

The unity of training and education is determined by the very nature of the pedagogical process, which includes targeted training and education as subsystems of education.

In the modern world, the importance of education as the most important factor in the formation of a new quality of economy and society increases along with the growing influence of human capital.

In the 21st century, humanity will be forced to solve new global problems. This is an awareness of the exhaustibility of the world's natural resources, the energy crisis, environmental problems, problems of providing humanity with the necessary resources (food, industrial raw materials, energy, etc.), human health problems, the problem of human poverty, reassessment of directions for industrial development, radical improvement of social living conditions people, expanding the physical boundaries of the human environment, ensuring peace for all nations, regulating rapid population growth in developing countries, etc. A plausible hypothesis is that 21st century education is the key to solving these global problems of the modern world.

Education is one of the optimal and intensive ways for a person to enter the world of science and culture. It is in the process of education that a person masters cultural values. The content of education is drawn and continuously replenished from the cultural heritage of various countries and peoples, from various branches of constantly developing science, as well as from human life and practice. The world today is uniting efforts in the field of education, striving to educate a citizen of the world and the entire planet. The global educational space is rapidly developing. Therefore, the world community is expressing demands for the formation of a global strategy for human education (regardless of the place and country of residence, type and level of education).

Rice. 1. Education ()

Education is the process of transmitting knowledge and cultural values ​​accumulated over generations.

Among the social institutions of modern society, education plays one of the most important roles.

Education is one of the ways to develop personality through people’s acquisition of knowledge, acquisition of skills and abilities, development of mental, cognitive and creative abilities through a system of social institutions such as family, school, and the media.

The purpose of education is to introduce the individual to the achievements of human civilization, relay and preserve its cultural heritage.

The main way to obtain education is training and self-education, that is, if knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired by a person independently, without the help of other teaching persons.

Functions of education:

1. Economic - the formation of a social and professional structure of society, where people are able to master scientific and technical innovations and effectively use them in professional activities.

2. Social - socialization of the individual, reproduction of the social structure of society. Education is the most important channel of social mobility.

3. Cultural - the use of previously accumulated culture for the purpose of educating an individual and developing his creative abilities.

The global educational space unites national educational systems of different types and levels, which differ significantly in philosophical and cultural traditions, the level of goals and objectives, and their qualitative state. (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2. Global educational space ()

There are certain global trends in the world education system:

1. Democratization of the education system - in many countries illiteracy has been eliminated, secondary and higher education have become widespread. Education has become accessible to a wide segment of the population, although differences in the quality and type of educational institutions remain.

2. Increase in the duration of education - modern society needs highly qualified specialists, which lengthens the duration of training.

3. Continuity of education - in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, an employee must be capable of quickly switching to new or related types of work, to new technologies.

4. Humanization of education - the attention of schools and teachers to the student’s personality, his interests, needs, and individual characteristics.

5. Humanitarianization of education - increasing the role of social disciplines in the educational process, such as economic theory, sociology, political science, and the foundations of legal knowledge.

6. Internationalization of the education process - creation of a unified education system for different countries, integration of educational systems.

7. Computerization of the education process - the use of new modern teaching technologies, telecommunication networks on a global scale. (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3. Globalization of education ()

By the end of the 20th century, the number of students worldwide was about 1060 million people, and the proportion of the literate population aged over 15 years was only 75%. Compared to the data of the 1960s, by the beginning of the 1990s the number of foreign students, graduate students and trainees in all countries of the world increased almost eight times and exceeded 1 million 200 thousand people. In fact, two out of every hundred people in the world who receive higher education are foreign students. A significant share of all international student exchanges take place in Europe.

Over the past two hundred years, a unique system of school and higher education has been formed in Russia. In 2008, the average annual number of people employed in education in Russia was 5.98 million people. According to data for 2008, in Russia there were 1,134 state and non-state universities and 1,663 branches, in which 7,513,119 people studied. The total number of teachers was 341 thousand people. As of January 2010, there were 1.36 million teachers and 13.36 million students in Russia, who were distributed among 53 thousand schools (of which 34 thousand were rural and 19 thousand were urban).

Continuously and tirelessly pass on the experience of older generations to younger ones, preserve and raise the bar of knowledge accumulated by humanity, develop as life progresses, get ahead of it and act as an engine of progress, helping to direct it into a civilized, humane, democratic, moral, legal direction - these are the eternal strategic tasks of Russian education . The modern understanding of education is contained in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Federal Program for the Development of Education in Russia, the State Educational Standard, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” and other fundamental documents.

The Federal Law “On Education” states: “In this law, education is understood as a purposeful process of training and education in the interests of the individual, society, and the state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) determined by the state.” General requirements for the content of education are set out in Art. 14 of this law.

To date, the following educational models have emerged in the world.

American model: junior high school - high school - senior high school - two-year college - four-year college in the structure of the university, and then master's, graduate school.

French model: a single college - technological, vocational and general education lyceum - university, master's degree, graduate school.

German model: general school - secondary school, gymnasium and basic school - institute and university, postgraduate school.

English model: combined school - grammar and modern school - college - university, master's degree, postgraduate school.

Russian model: comprehensive school - complete secondary school, gymnasium and lyceum-college - institute, university and academy - graduate school - doctoral studies.

Rice. 4. Education abroad ()

An educated person is not only a knowledgeable and skilled specialist in the main spheres of life, with a high level of developed abilities, but also one who has formed a worldview and moral principles, and whose concepts and feelings have received a noble and sublime direction. In other words, education also presupposes a person’s upbringing.


  1. Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kinkulkin A.T. Social studies, 11th grade. - M.: 2008. - 415 p.
  2. V. Ya. Khutorskoy. Social science. Terms and concepts. - M.: 2006.
  3. Kravchenko A.I. "Social studies", 11th grade. - M: “Russian Word”, 2011.
  4. Social studies: 10-11 grades: School dictionary-reference book/ V.V. Barabanov, I.P. Nasonova. - M.: ACT Publishing House LLC: Astrel Publishing House LLC: Transitkniga LLC, 2004. - 510 p.
  1. Internet portal ().
  2. Internet portal ().


  1. Read the textbook Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kinkulkin A.T. Social studies, grade 11 and give answers to questions 1-9 on p. 334-335.
  2. Using the textbook Social Studies: 10-11 grades: School dictionary-reference book / V.V. Barabanov, I.P. Nasonova, define such concepts as education, continuing education, modernization, competence.
  3. Complete the tasks in the textbook Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kinkulkin A.T. Social studies, grade 11 1-8 on p. 335.
  4. Read the source, textbook Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kinkulkin A.T. Social studies, grade 11, and answer the questions on p. 336.

1. The essence of education. Education– the process and result of the transfer from generation to generation of knowledge, skills and values. Education includes training (transfer of knowledge and skills) and education (transmission of values).

2. Types of education:

· By method of organization: – institutional (full-time, part-time, part-time, part-time, family, external, distance) and self-education

· By financing – budgetary and extra-budgetary

· By level – preschool, general (primary, basic, secondary), professional (primary, secondary, higher, postgraduate).

· Focus: social and humanitarian, natural, technical, mathematical, spiritual...

· By legal status: state and non-state, but, in any case, on the basis of state educational standards and a state license.

3. Principles of education in the Russian Federation: universal accessibility, secularism, democratic governance, humanistic character, unity and diversity (a combination of federal, regional and local components).

4. Trends in the development of modern education:

Trend Her essence
Democratization of the education system In many countries, illiteracy has been eliminated, and secondary and higher education have become widespread. Education has become accessible to the general population, although differences in the quality and type of educational institutions remain
Increased duration of education Modern society needs highly qualified specialists, which lengthens the training period
Continuity of education In the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, an employee must be capable of quickly switching to new or related types of work, to new technologies
Humanization of education The attention of the school and teachers to the student’s personality, his interests, needs, individual characteristics
Humanitarianization of education Increasing the role of social disciplines in the educational process - such as economic theory, sociology, political science, fundamentals of legal knowledge
Internationalization of the education process Creation of a unified education system for different countries, integration of educational systems (for example, the Bologna process in Europe)
Computerization of the education process Use of new modern teaching technologies, telecommunication scale

Functions of education

Economic: the formation of a professional structure of society, brings income to both the individual himself and the state, and provides the opportunity for professional self-realization; people are able to master scientific and technical innovations and effectively use them in their professional activities

Social : socialization, reproduction of the social structure of society, scale of social stratification, channel of social mobility

Cultural – forms a worldview, a different view of the world, allows you to use cultural achievements for the further development of both the individual and society as a whole

In modern society, the role of education is constantly growing. The intensity and constant changes in social life require from a person not only a high level of knowledge and skills, but also the ability and constant readiness to improve them.


What is religion?

A. Problem of definition. The term comes from the Latin verb religare - binding

Definition options:

"belief in the supernatural"? – but also the UFO is supernatural

"Faith in God" ? – but in Confucianism there is no God

faith- this is a person’s subjective conviction of something, based on personal significance, which does not require proof (but you can believe in friendship, love, communism).

Dependence on a person's beliefs:

“opium of the people” – atheists

“communication with God” – believers

B. Structure

As a result, it is best to define a religion through its structure - it is a set of dogmas (propositions); feelings (faith), actions (cult) and organizations (community, sect, denomination, church), through which people are connected with the other world

IN. Origin theories religion. The time of appearance is the Upper Paleolithic. Born from a myth. Versions of origin: theological, psychological, materialistic, sociological.

Types of religions

Based on history, religions are divided into 3 types:

A. The first forms of religion

In primitive society, such forms of religious ideas arose as totemism (belief in a connection with a divine ancestor), fetishism (belief in the properties of objects), animism (belief in spirits and souls) and magic (belief in the ability to influence through actions).

In the first civilizations - pagan religion (=polytheism - polytheism) - there are many gods, but each has clear outlines - appearance, character, history, sphere of action. A pantheon of gods is formed - their totality and hierarchy. The gods are the personification of natural phenomena, ancestors and social life. The main one stands out.

The first attempt at monotheism is taking shape - Aten in Egypt. Judaism (the cult of the god Yahweh) is recognized as the first monotheistic religion

B. Historical religions At first they arise as national ones, but then some of them cross the borders of states and turn into global ones.

National religions: Hinduism, Jainism - the religion of the Hindus, Judaism - the religion of the Jews, Shintoism - the religion of the Japanese, Confucianism and Taoism - the Chinese religions; Zoroastrianism is the religion of the Persians.

World religions a large community of people, the presence of followers in many countries and among various peoples. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism fit these criteria (UNESCO). In Russia, it is customary to distinguish three world religions – Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. (additional criteria are taken into account - religion cannot serve as a sign of nationality (as in Judaism); it must have a fairly clear philosophical school (not in Hinduism), it must have a significant influence on the course of development of world history, art.

Separately allocate Old Testament or Abrahamic religions that recognize the Old Testament and its stories as a holy book are Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

B. New religious movements are constantly emerging and evolving. Usually appear as a sect - a type of religious organization. They can be both destructive (Aum Shinrikyo) and positive (ecumenism - a movement for the unification of all Christian denominations; Baha'ism - a movement for the unification of all religions - 6 million followers)

World religions

Name Buddhism Christianity Islam
translation Enlightenment The rescue Submission
Appearance time VI-V centuries BC, I in AD VII century AD
Place of appearance India, Palestine (Rome Empire); Arabian Peninsula
God Jesus is one in three persons Allah.
prophet Gautama Moses et al. Muhammad and others (including Jesus)
the purpose of life nirvana absolute peace heaven and resurrection
Path to Achievement getting rid of desires deliverance from sins
4 truths and 8 steps 10 commandments 5 pillars
Holy book "Tripitaka" Bible: Old Testament, New Testament Koran, Sunnah
Number of believers 800 million 2 billion 1.8 billion
Main region of distribution Central and East Asia Europe, North and South America North Africa, West Asia
directions Mahayana and Hinayana Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism Sunnis and Shiites

Catholicism and Orthodoxy split in 1054, the main controversy being the origin of the holy spirit. Protestantism arose in Germany in the 16th century, as a reaction to the excesses of the Catholic Church. The main feature is the possibility of direct communication between a person and God. All believers can interpret the Bible themselves, which is why there are many schools and sects (Calvinism, Lutheranism, the Anglican Church, Presbyterians, etc.).

Among the social institutions of modern society, education plays one of the most important roles.

Education- one of the ways of personality development through people’s acquisition of knowledge, acquisition of skills and development of mental, cognitive and creative abilities through a system of social institutions such as family, school, and the media.

Purpose of Education- introducing an individual to the achievements of human civilization, relaying and preserving its cultural heritage.

The main route to education is education And self-education, i.e. if knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired by a person independently, without the help of other teaching persons.

Functions of education

The socio-economic and political system, cultural, historical and national characteristics determine the nature of the education system.

Education system in Russia
A set of educational standards and programs
Education authorities
Network - educational institutions:
. Preschool educational institutions
. General education schools (gymnasiums)
. Vocational educational institutions (lyceums, colleges)
. Institutions for additional education of children (homes for schoolchildren, youth creativity, etc.)
. Theological educational institutions (seminaries, theological academies, theological faculties, etc.)
. Universities, colleges, technical schools
. Institutions for training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel
. Institutions for advanced training and retraining of personnel (institutes, faculties, centers, etc.)
A set of principles that determine the functioning of the education system:
. Humanistic nature of education
. Priority of universal human values
. Individual right to free development
. Unity of federal education with the right to the uniqueness of education of national and regional cultures
. Public access to education
. Adaptability of the education system to the needs of students
. Secular nature of education in government institutions
. Freedom and pluralism in education
. Democratic, state-public nature of management and independence of educational institutions

General trends in the development of education
Trend Her essence
Democratization of the education system In many countries, illiteracy has been eliminated, and secondary and higher education have become widespread. Education has become accessible to the general population, although differences in the quality and type of educational institutions remain
Increased duration of education Modern society needs highly qualified specialists, which lengthens the training period
Continuity of education In the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, an employee must be capable of quickly switching to new or related types of work, to new technologies
Humanization of education The attention of the school and teachers to the student’s personality, his interests, needs, individual characteristics
Humanitarianization of education Increasing the role of social disciplines in the educational process - such as economic theory, sociology, political science, fundamentals of legal knowledge
Internationalization of the education process Creation of a unified education system for different countries, integration of educational systems
Computerization of the education process Use of new modern teaching technologies, global telecommunication networks

Education is the purposeful cognitive activity of people to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, or to improve them.

The purpose of education is to introduce the individual to the achievements of human civilization. The main institution of modern education is the school. Fulfilling the “order” of society, the school, along with educational institutions of other types, trains qualified personnel for various spheres of human activity.

Functions of education.

  1. Transfer of social experience (knowledge, values, norms, etc.).
  2. Accumulation and storage of the culture of society. Education maintains the necessary level of social cohesion, helps maintain its stability, and leads to the direct social reproduction of society as a cultural integrity.
  3. Socialization of personality. Training of qualified personnel to maintain and increase the survival of society in the constantly changing historical conditions of its existence.
  4. Social selection (selection) of members of society, primarily youth. Thanks to this, each person takes the position in society that best satisfies his personal and public interests.
  5. Providing professional guidance for a person.
  6. Introduction of sociocultural innovations. Education promotes discoveries and inventions, the development of new ideas, theories, and concepts.
  7. Social control. The legislation of many countries provides for compulsory education, which helps maintain the stability of society.

The main directions of the ongoing education reform:

  1. democratization of the education and training system;
  2. humanization of the education process;
  3. computerization;
  4. internationalization.

During their implementation it is expected:

  1. modify the organization and technology of education, make the student a full-fledged subject of the educational process;
  2. choose a new system of criteria for the effectiveness of education results.

Modern education is a means of solving the most important problems not only of the entire society, but also of individual individuals. This is one of the most important stages in the socialization process.

Basic elements of the education system

The education system is a complex multi-level integrity, including a number of interacting elements:

  • education authorities and institutions subordinate to them and
  • organizations (Ministry of Education, departments, administrations and ministries of education of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, etc.);
  • regulatory legal acts regulating the education process (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, etc.);
  • educational institutions (schools, academies, institutes, universities, etc.);
  • educational associations (scientific societies, professional associations, creative unions, methodological councils, etc.);
  • scientific and educational infrastructure institutions (manufacturing enterprises, laboratories, printing houses, etc.);
  • educational concepts, programs, standards;
  • educational and methodological literature;
  • periodicals (magazines, newspapers, etc.).

Education is traditionally divided into general (sometimes called school) and vocational. At the initial stage of socialization of the individual, solving the problems of general education dominates, and as a person’s educational level increases, specialized, vocational education begins to predominate.

General education allows you to master the basics of scientific knowledge necessary to understand the world around you, participate in public life and work. In the process of schooling, a person learns the norms, values ​​and ideals of the culture of the society in which he lives, as well as the rules of everyday behavior based on the universal material of the historical experience of mankind.

Professional education prepares creators of new cultural values ​​and is carried out mainly in specialized areas of social life (economic, political, legal, etc.). Vocational education is determined by the social division of labor and consists in the acquisition of special knowledge, practical skills and skills of productive activity in the chosen field.

Taking into account the needs and capabilities of students, education can be received in different forms: full-time, part-time (evening), part-time, family education, self-education, external education. A combination of different forms of education is allowed. For all forms of education within a specific basic general education or basic professional educational program, a single state educational standard applies. The Government of the Russian Federation establishes lists of professions and specialties, the acquisition of which in full-time and part-time (evening), correspondence and external forms is not allowed.