The second chakra is self-opening. What is the svadhisthana chakra responsible for?

Svadhisthana (translated from Sanskrit as "one's own dwelling"), the second of the seven chakras, is located 3-4 centimeters below the navel. First of all, her "work" is reflected in the sexual sphere and the sphere of creativity. In addition, she is responsible for honesty, the ability to understand others, self-confidence and inner strength.

In the zone of influence of the chakra are the genitals, gallbladder, kidneys and all body fluids. With a developed Svadhisthana, a person strives for creativity, harmonious relationships. He is sexy, outgoing, confident, cheerful, loves to dance and rarely feels guilty. A woman with a harmoniously developed Svadhisthana has a special magnetism, enjoys the attention of men and, as a rule, is happy in marriage.

If there are failures in the "work" of the chakra, the person is illegible in food and partners. He is characterized by demonstrative behavior and shocking, his appearance is most often defiant. But indulging his desires, he, as a rule, does not feel satisfied. Another "scenario" of the inharmonious work of the chakra - a person closes in on himself, becomes conservative in food and clothing, does not like increased attention, does not allow himself to relax and suppresses many desires. With a closed chakra, a person feels insecure and often criticizes his appearance. In public, he wears a mask of arrogance or pretends that everything that happens around him does not interest him. He prefers to dress inconspicuously: voluminous sweaters, long skirts, a minimum of bright details in clothes.

How to awaken the Swadhisthana chakra

“I’m ugly”, “I’m not given this”, “I don’t deserve this”, “I don’t need anything” - how often do we say these phrases, or at least think in this way? Meanwhile, it is these beliefs that gradually move us away from harmony with ourselves, destroying the Svadhisthana-chakra. The chakra also suffers from the fact that we neglect rest, do not go in for sports, experience a lack of positive emotions and do not fully enjoy pleasant moments, do not notice them in the hustle and bustle of life. We offer you several ways to help awaken the Svadhisthana chakra and prevent it from fading.

Food. Less meat - more plant foods in the diet. Particular preference should be given to oranges and tangerines: they are practically a “living portrait” of Svadhisthana (the chakra is symbolized by an orange circle surrounded by 5-6 lotus petals). You also need to drink more pure water, because its energy is consonant with the vibrations of the chakra.

Clothing. Wear clothes that accentuate your waist; skirts, dresses, sexy underwear - everything that can enhance confidence in one's own attractiveness. It’s good if there are a couple of orange items in the wardrobe, or at least accessories of this shade. Exercises for opening the chakra are best done in clothes of blue and blue tones - these are the colors of water, which means that Svadhisthana will also “like” them.

Fragrances. Arrange aromasanas at least 2 times a week to open Svadhisthana. Give preference to candles with the smell of ylang-ylang (it returns serenity, has a relaxing effect, soothes) and sandalwood (activates sexual energy, brings the joy of creativity, develops imagination).

Exercises for every day

  • Lie down, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor. Take a deep breath. While exhaling slowly, raise your pelvis as high as possible and imagine that you are squeezing your breath between your legs. After that, return to the starting position. Do the exercise for 5 minutes.
  • Sit on the floor. Take the lotus position, palms folded in front of you, elbows slightly apart. Take slow breaths in and out, concentrating your attention in the navel area, where Svadhisthana is located. Imagine it warm, orange, pulsating. Do the exercise for at least 10 minutes.
  • Lie on the floor, take a comfortable position, but do not bend your legs. Place your palms on your navel. Relax as much as possible and imagine that the palms heat up and begin to emit a yellow-orange light, brighter and brighter. This light turns into a pulsating ball within your body. Try to see how this ball grows, and heat and light fill you completely. Feel the joy of peace and strength. Do the exercise for 5 minutes. After some time, you will feel warmth, tingling, slight burning sensation in your stomach - it means that the chakra is awakening!

Swadhisthana is the second chakra. Translated from the ancient language of Sanskrit, it means "the seat of the personality." The chakra is associated with sexuality and the various pleasures of life. Therefore, it is also called the sexual or sacral chakra. In this article I will tell you what the svadhisthana chakra is responsible for, what are its manifestations on the physical body of a person.

The second chakra is considered the center of sensual addiction to material comfort, delicious food and drink. If a person's energy is focused on the svadhisthana chakra, he directs his energy to sensory experience and the pleasures of life.

The color associated with the sacral chakra is orange.

The image is a circle, including 6 orange petals. Each petal has a Sanskrit letter written on it, which symbolizes the negative quality inherent in the chakra:

  • arrogance;
  • false knowledge;
  • delusion;
  • ruthlessness;
  • suspicion;
  • credulity.

Svadhisthana petals symbolize creative, sexual energy, and in addition, the joy of creating a human form during the incarnation of the soul on Earth.

In the circle is a crescent, symbolizing the element of Water. The moon is about growth and rebirth, its energy affects the ebb and flow, rains and floods, and is also associated with our emotions.

The sacral chakra becomes active during puberty, the Moon also affects the menstrual cycle in women.

The location of svadhisthana and its meaning

First, let's find out where the svadhisthana chakra is located - in the photo below you will see that it is located between the pubic bone and the navel. Approximately 3-4 cm below the navel.

This is the chakra of pleasure and joy of being. Her philosophy lies in suppleness and acceptance of life as it is, in flexibility and fluidity, like a warm gentle stream of water, smoothly enveloping all life's hardships and troubles.

The orange color warms the soul with its light, causing a joyful smile on the lips, offering to be surprised at the wonders of the wondrous world, to enjoy everything that is in it - both material and spiritual. To create for the benefit of everything, expressing the bright individuality of its essence.

A beautiful lotus flower with six delicate petals stretches through the ego towards self-acceptance, self-awareness and perfection - this is what svadhisthana is.

What is the svadhisthana chakra responsible for? The second chakra is the personification of the all-encompassing joy in existence, and in its power are:

  • sexuality and strength of sexual desire;
  • cheerfulness and the ability to enjoy life;
  • inner strength and self-confidence;
  • all human emotions and sensual pleasures;
  • creativity and creation.

Internal organs under the auspices of the sacral chakra:

  • liver and gallbladder;
  • kidneys and bladder;
  • reproductive organs;
  • all body fluids.

Svadhisthana is also responsible for the sense of taste, digestion and protection of our body.

The sexual chakra craves pleasure. We want to feel beautiful and attractive. We need oceans of emotions, sensations and feelings. How boring and gray our life would be if it were not for the svadhisthana chakra, which paints every, even the most inconspicuous event in bright colors.

How does a healthy chakra work?

The second chakra is very closely related to Muladhara. If a person has complete order with the first chakra, then svadhisthana automatically becomes strong and balanced. This is evidenced by a sense of creativity and controlled passion.

Sexual life becomes balanced, without satiety and lust. With an evenly developed second chakra, a person lives a full life in constant joy and feels complete harmony with the world around him.

Such components as self-sufficiency and sociability, full acceptance of life and gratitude, and not only for the good, are an integral part of it. He is in harmony with both nature and the people around him.

All material goods become available to such a person and bring satisfaction and joy, and the ease of communication and the thirst to share the creative energy bring great pleasure.

People who find pleasure in the arts and literature, nature lovers and those who admire the rising of the sun, whose hearts come alive with a breath of breeze and the scent of a rose, are the owners of a healthy and fully opened sacral chakra.

Such individuals see beauty in everything, which prompts them to contribute to own life as many different pleasures as possible.

The search for one's individuality, the creative unconscious begins with the sacral chakra. The center in which all sexual energy is concentrated is the stimulus for all creative undertakings - it does not matter at all what is created: a new life or a beautiful work of art.

If the muladhara chakra is given to us to be, the svadhisthana exists in order to enjoy this being. The joy of life, contentment and creativity - this is the true gift presented to humanity by the second chakra.

Imbalance in the work of the sacral chakra

The problems of svadhisthana chakra are divided into:

  • stagnation;
  • imbalance.

The search for pleasure turns into a real chase, and the sensation of pleasure can never be achieved if the svadhisthana is out of balance. The balance of the sexual chakra can be hindered by:

  • distrust of existence;
  • negativity coming from past lives.

It is very easy to get used to pleasures, and if there is a constant fear of losing them, this is the imbalance of the second chakra.

You can fall into dependence on these pleasures, which manifests itself in jealousy, a negative emotion that can destroy the human body with incredible speed. And balance and jealousy, as you know, are incompatible concepts.

To set up the correct functioning of the sexual chakra, first of all, you need to understand yourself, perhaps change something, try to get rid of the excessive "I". We must not forget that we have no right to interfere in the lives of other people, let alone manipulate them.

The concept that we build our lives ourselves is the beginning in achieving harmony and self-improvement. Living not in the future or the past, but in the here and now, awareness of the present moment, as the only truly existing one, will help us to reveal ourselves and our potential, and, accordingly, to make the sacral chakra function correctly.

If we consider the imbalance of the chakra in relations with the opposite sex, then promiscuity in partners and the constant need for something that is incomprehensible to us should alert us - the incorrect functioning of svadhisthana is obvious.

Uncertainty in ourselves and our abilities makes us have countless sexual relationships. This is manifested not only in sexual relations, but also in any life situations - very often we are not able to understand what, after all, we really want.

To achieve the thrill of sensations, we resort to various dopings, such as alcohol, nicotine, drugs or ... chocolate, which become substitutes for the true joy of life.

The stagnation of svadhisthana can be associated with a swamp. Due to the fact that sexual energy stands still, a feeling of guilt arises, which is no different from jealousy. Hence all the blocks that do not allow us to fully admire life and perceive it as it is.

If a person is too serious, dry and he complete absence interest in life, if pains in the lower abdomen bother you, impotence appears at a fairly early age, and he did not take place as a creative person - these are the symptoms of sacral chakra stagnation.

The same goes for anxiety that you are ugly and out of shape. Dissatisfaction with one's appearance also refers to the imbalance of the svadhisthana chakra.

If the sacral chakra is balanced, it will allow you to feel grace in yourself, emotional balance, openness to the world without fear.

A fully opened orange chakra - there is an expression in creativity, and a childish spontaneity. Nothing could be better than being able to express your essence without regard to the people around you.

This center controls activity, sexual desire, sensory perception. Svadhisthana chakra can be open or closed, there are ways to develop it. A harmonious sexual chakra makes a person a full-fledged person who has no problems in communication and in relations with the opposite sex.

Svadhisthana, also known as the "second chakra", is located between the pelvic bones, just below the navel. If the energy center does not work correctly, then a person begins to develop complexes about his appearance and attractiveness to the opposite sex. The formation of the Svadhisthana chakra occurs under the influence of society, however, the existing disharmony can be eliminated with the help of meditation and special exercises.

a brief description of

What is the Svadhisthana Chakra responsible for?

This energy center is fully formed by the age of 12..15 years; physiologically, it is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive and excretory systems. On a more subtle etheric plane, the harmonious Svadhisthana chakra endows a person with a magnetic attraction, which is called "natural beauty." If the energy center does not work correctly, then the person will seem dull and uninteresting - a faceless "gray mouse" against the background of more expressive friends or girlfriends.

It is curious that the ability to be creative, to create something new, belongs to the scope of the Svadhisthana chakra. If its energy is blocked, then a person has a "creative crisis" - a phenomenon well known to writers, composers, artists and representatives of similar professions.

Svadhisthana governs the sphere of finance. A negative phenomenon, known as, usually begins with disharmony in the work of this chakra. The reason for such a problem can be negative thinking (the attitudes “I can’t cope”, “it won’t work”, “what if something happens”), a violation of public communications.

Connection with the etheric body

Svadhisthana chakra has a direct connection with the etheric body, on which the state of human health depends. The lack of ethereal energy is felt as a breakdown (“hands down”), a sharp decrease in endurance and vitality. The rupture of the etheric body can lead to a disease of the physical organ.

It should be noted that the Svadhisthana chakra most often suffers from. It is influenced by magical influences performed at the level of ethereal energy. In other words, the evil eye or damage, designed to take away health, can negatively affect Svadhisthana. Conspiracies that take away luck and personal happiness, for example, operate on the astral level and affect other energy centers.

Signs of disharmony and illness

A person whose second chakra is at a low level of development is often a victim of such vices as lust, alcoholism, the desire for sensual pleasures, including overeating. It is characterized by capriciousness, intemperance and even hysteria. The influence of bad habits and negative character traits leads to the following undesirable consequences:

  • Destruction of social ties
  • Lack of money caused by excessive and unreasonable spending
  • Physical illnesses (a consequence of immoderation)
  • Lack of opportunities for self-realization and career growth

The disharmony of the Svadhisthana chakra sometimes manifests itself in a slightly different way. A person may develop various phobias in relation to members of the opposite sex. In severely neglected cases, this causes a change in sexual orientation.

At the physical level, the pathologies of the Svadhisthana chakra manifest themselves in the form of diseases such as cystitis, impotence, and problems with conceiving children. Symptoms can be indicated in the form of pain in the spine, frequent constipation, muscle spasms, exacerbated allergies. Mentally, a person becomes prone to neurosis, he or she begins to experience irrational bashfulness about his appearance.

How to open the sexual chakra

Do you want to harmonize the energy center and activate it? In that case, you should start with ! Take a comfortable position, renounce extraneous thoughts and begin to meditate on the sound "YOU". After a while, you will feel how the Svadhisthana chakra responds to the vibration of this mantra. A positive response can manifest itself in the following ways:

  • Feeling of warmth localized in the area below the navel
  • Pleasant goosebumps, slight tingling
  • A breath of warm wind in the pelvis and lower back
  • If you meditate with your eyes closed, an orange light may appear in front of your inner eye.

If you want to make up for the insufficient energy of the Svadhisthana chakra, then you can wear jewelry with carnelian, amber, moonstone or fire opal. In addition, the aromatic oil of ylang-ylang has a stimulating effect on this energy center.

It should be remembered that Svadhisthana is inextricably linked with the etheric body and with its closest "neighbor" - the Muladhara chakra. Therefore, if you are going to develop this energy center, then you need to lead a life that is physically active enough. Walk more often, make easy runs, get out into nature. Try to get positive emotions from such simple things as birdsong or contemplation of beautiful landscapes.

Chakra Location: in the pelvis, between the pubic bones.

Color: mostly orange, but also yellow with a reddish tinge. Optional color: blue.

Symbol: a circle surrounded by five or six lotus petals. Sometimes another circle is placed in this circle, and letters are written in it, transmitting the sound "you". A stalk extends from this circle, symbolizing the connection of the chakra with other chakras and with universal power. Sometimes a silver-gray crescent is drawn in the circle.

Keywords: change, sexuality, creativity, understanding of others, honesty, inner strength, confidence.

Basic principles: creation, reproduction of life.

Internal aspect: emotions, sex. Energy: creation.

Age period of development: between three and eight years old.

Element: water.

Feeling: touch and taste.

Sound:"to you".

Body: ethereal body.

Nerve plexus: sacrum.

Hormonal glands associated with the chakra: gonads - ovaries, testicles - prostate and lymphatic system.

Organs of the body associated with the chakra: pelvis, lymphatic system, kidneys, gallbladder, genitals and all body fluids (blood, lymph, digestive juices, seminal fluid).

Problems and diseases arising from an imbalance in the chakra: muscle spasms, allergies, physical fragility, constipation, sexual imbalance and lack of libido, infertility, interference and depression, lack of creativity.

Aroma oils: rosemary, rose, ylang-ylang, juniper, sandalwood, jasmine.

: amber, citrine, topaz, moonstone, fire agate, orange spinel, fire opal.

After gaining confidence in the future comes the great joy of being. The journey of life continues. The second chakra - Svadhisthana personifies existence full of joy. And if Muladhara - the beginning of beginnings, is steadfastness and confidence, then Svadhisthana is the next stage: receiving material, earthly pleasures.

To be light and pliable, flexible and fluid, like a stream of water that gently warms with its warm waters, and smoothly bending around all obstacles in its path - that's philosophy and essence of the second chakra. This energy center also has a second name - jalamandala, which comes from the Sanskrit word "jala" - which means "water".

Warm orange color warms the soul and makes you smile. The activity of the second chakra prompts a person to seek pleasure in everything: the material world seems to be a platform for one big game, whose name is life. And throughout this segment of the path, an orange six-pointed lotus will become a companion - a womb for the creative unconscious - a white crescent, which in Hinduism is a symbol of Varuna, the Vedic deity of the world's waters.

The well-known organic mineral amber- is the embodiment of Swadhisthana. Literally emerging from the water, sometimes called the "tear of the sea", this stone contains the energy of the creative center. Amber is believed to have magical property purify the soul and body, just as water washes away all bad things from a person. Harmonizing with the energy of the second chakra, this mineral will also help increase the creative power of the bearer and sharpen life intuition.

Swadhisthana is in the human body a little below the navel, next to the genitals. Physiologically, the second chakra is responsible for sexual energy and sensual pleasure, as well as for the metabolism and fluids in the body. Diseases of the genitourinary system, reproductive or hormonal changes are the result of any problems in this chakra.

Svadhisthana chakra: information about the work of the chakra.

One of the main functions of the chakra is the awareness of the other person. If svadhisthana is harmonized, its owner is attentive to people, he respects the feelings of people, looks closely at them. This becomes possible due to the fact that he feels himself a whole independent person. As a rule, the harmonization of the chakra is established in early childhood. If parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts love the child, respect his feelings and thoughts, there are no problems. But if a child grows up without love and affection, the chakra fails. In this case, already an adult does not want to take care of his relatives, he is completely obsessed with himself, with what is happening inside him. He doesn't care about people's feelings. Often such a person does not feel the difference between the boundaries of his biofield and other people's biofields. Therefore, he shamelessly invades the lives of other people, causing them spiritual wounds.

All sexual pleasures are concentrated in the second chakra.. Do not confuse these feelings with the instinct of procreation, for which the first chakra is responsible. It is about sexual desire and getting true pleasure. It is from the sacral chakra that our perception of sexuality in general depends, how we relate to the sex given to us at birth. Svadhisthana helps us evaluate ourselves as men and women, considering social norms, age, and more. Obeying the action of the sexual chakra, we are aware of sexual desire, choose our partners, get a lot of a wide variety of emotions during sex. The second chakra is one of the most interesting.

On the one hand, it contains the stereotypes that have developed in us over the years, on the other hand, it absorbs the stereotypes common in society. And often these are two opposite points of view. Already in early childhood, each of us begins to absorb sexual norms. We learn what sensuality, naturalness, physical beauty, taboo and sinfulness are. In addition, we begin to distinguish how a man differs from a woman in terms of sexual activity.

In the second chakra, a person's ability to create is born., to create something new, to express their bright individuality. It also brings changes into our lives - through the manifestation of curiosity, adventurism. Thanks to the second chakra, each of us remains a curious child for life, asking a lot of questions, reaching for the unknown, trying to master the hitherto unknown.

And of course, svadhisthana is responsible for reproductive functions. With its help, a new life is born, a little man is born. Despite the fact that he still does not know how, he is already a holistic person. Half of him consists of what his parents passed on to him at the genetic and spiritual levels, and half is a bright individuality, which will be revealed a little later.

The sexual chakra helps creative abilities inherent in a person to come out and develop. It is responsible for activating inner strength, allowing you to turn the most fantastic ideas into reality. The easiest way to see the effect of svadhisthana is on a small child. Initially, the initial potential is taken, from which nothing can come of it - this is the egg and sperm. Due to the action of the chakra in the womb of a woman, an embryo develops from this potential. After nine months, he becomes a real person and goes outside.

What is inner strength? The fact that we can calmly express our individuality, potential, without being afraid of how the people around us will react to it, without waiting for their approval. We just use our talent the way we see fit.

Often people become dependent on the opinion of society. They are afraid that they may be subjected to ridicule, refuse to communicate with them. But a person endowed with inner strength will never allow himself to be manipulated. He remains an individual under any circumstances and does not bring talent to the slaughter of society.

A person with a developed sexual chakra respects wise mentors, gladly adopts experience, learns from more talented people. But at the same time, he will never blindly obey his teachers and bow before them. He will be able to keep his talent and will not give it up, even if the whole world opposes it.

Failure in the sexual chakra leads to the fact that a person becomes weak in spirit. He cannot defend his point of view, he tries to follow other (albeit less talented) people, he is afraid of self-realization.

By the way, it would not be entirely correct to assume that every person who has a healthy chakra opposes society. It flows into it and is part of it. But, unlike weak people, he does not allow this society to break him down, to convince him. Such a person realizes himself as he sees fit - for the benefit of society. He tries to make life easier for the people around him, to make sure that peace and tranquility come to their homes.

The eccentricity of the sexual chakra is that it seems to consist of two opposite directions. On the one hand, svadhisthana personifies the desire to preserve individuality, on the other hand, the desire to be part of society. But that's what it looks like on the surface. If you dig deeper, you can understand that our whole life consists of just such contradictions. Each person is a whole person. However, it is part of the universe around us.

The second chakra is also responsible for honesty. What is this quality? AT complete freedom from all fears. If the chakra is healthy, a person is not afraid to conduct an internal dialogue with himself. Imbalance leads to uncertainty in the universe. As a result, people move away from their inner self. They prefer to turn a blind eye to many things, live in dreams and illusions, deceiving themselves every minute.

Fears and anxieties appear then when a person does not feel love from the universe. He is not sure about the future, he does not feel like a child of heaven and earth. That is why he cannot be honest even to himself. Such a person is very afraid of offending people, hurting them, expressing his opinion. If a person feels inner strength in himself, he is sure that no one will harm his soul, honesty and sincerity will always be fundamental in his life.

Disturbances in the second chakra.

Problems on energy level Swadhisthana There are two types: stagnation and imbalance. In the first case, it is easy to draw an analogy with a swamp - the energy is stagnant and does not move, something is holding back the flows and preventing new movement. This clamp is often a feeling of guilt - it just blocks cheerfulness and openness.

The manifestation of excessive seriousness, dryness, lack of interest in life, impotence, pain in the lower abdomen and creative failure - These are all symptoms of congestion.. Another destructive emotion, jealousy, can also be a clamp and a reason for stagnation. This leads to a state of obsession, stagnation of thoughts and emotions on one person, dependence on him, and eventually slowly destroys the relationship.

The second type of violation is imbalance, is fraught with even more serious consequences. This is a state of manic excitability and an excessive focus on pleasure, hedonism. A person experiences a constant need to search for more and more sources of pleasure, not restrained in sex, food, alcohol and drugs. The seeming euphoria is followed by a breakdown, because it takes a large amount of chakra energy to maintain redundancy.

Chakra malfunction, as a rule, originates from any unpleasant situations that happen at the time of its formation or during puberty. At this time, a person is not sure of personal sexual attractiveness. He often engages in introspection, trying to understand who he is, why he was born a boy or a girl, he learns the differences between the sexes both in sex and at the everyday level.

This is the period of the birth of new sexual energies.. A person rushes about, not understanding what is happening. He addresses questions to teachers and parents, but, alas, often they do not know how to answer the questions that arise in him, how to teach him to control sexual energy. Often all this ends with the emergence of unhealthy ideas about sex. A person begins to be ashamed of the manifestation of feelings, considers them harmful both for himself and for others, is afraid to express sexual energy. As a result, there is a severe suppression of sensitivity, lowering self-esteem.

Society can complicate the situation. A particularly bright negative is obtained when becoming in a conservative society, where sexuality stands along with such concepts as “prohibition” and “sin”. In such societies express your sexuality- means to commit a crime for which retribution will inevitably come. It is clear that a person does not want to be punished, so he begins to suppress sexual energy in himself. As a result, not only sexual desire disappears, but also the feeling of joy from every day lived.

If the suppression goes on for a long time, the ability to sincerely feel, to express oneself is destroyed. It becomes extremely difficult for a person to get acquainted with the opposite sex and look for sexual partners. The chakra cannot withstand such torture and fails. This leads to a joyless life, chronic fatigue, unwillingness to create and create, imbalance and serious complexes.

We note right away that not one of the desires suppressed by a person ever disappears. In all subtle layers, there is a constant conflict between the desire that has arisen and its suppression. Failure to realize what the body wants leads to dissatisfaction with life. In order to somehow compensate for what he lacks, a person at the subconscious level begins to look for substitutes for feelings. This is how attachment to money arises, the desire to eat deliciously, alcoholism, promiscuity without feelings for a partner.

Unbalanced Swadhisthana chakra brings a person to a constant feeling of anxiety. It becomes difficult for him to realize himself. Man does not know what is his life path how to come to him and achieve all that he wants.

It also happens that a person wants to enjoy relationships, and we are talking not only about sexual relationships, but also about emotional connections. But, alas, no matter what he tries, he fails to find the proper outlet for his emotions and feelings. Desperate, he refuses to build relationships, leads a secluded life, complains that it is completely impossible to start a family. At the same time, it never occurs to him that the problem is in himself and the loosened sexual chakra.

Problems we face in adulthood often come from our childhood. Many of us, under the influence of rigid parents, cannot express our feelings, restrain sexual desires during puberty. If this happens, the same signal “I can’t express what I want” is constantly sent from our body into space. And then the mirror effect kicks in.

These problems can and should be dealt with.. First you need to work with the subconscious. It must stop sending negative requests to the Universe. Instead, the following message should go: “I am capable of open true relationships. I want family and love to come into my life.” In this case, the Universe will help to realize the desires that have arisen. In addition to working with the subconscious, attention should be paid to the sexual chakra. It needs to be harmonized and balanced.

If sexual desires are suppressed(both on the physical and emotional levels), making love will not bring proper pleasure. A person can start looking for sexual partners only to relieve sexual desire, without feelings and attachments. Sex will turn into hasty copulation. Other rolls may also occur. For example, the flow of erotic fantasies, the inability to experience pleasure without watching erotic films. Often all this is accompanied by a guilt complex.

One thing is for sure. Unbalanced sex chakra leads to tension and insecurity. This can result in ostentatious bravado, in Don Juanism. So if you meet a person on your way who makes a list of women fascinated by him, you should know that his svadhisthana chakra is greatly shaken.

If the chakra is out of harmony, the person begins to engage in lynching. Every mistake he makes is subjected to careful analysis. He stays awake at night, remembering how one of his actions led to problems. As a result, his life is filled with disappointment, shame for what he has done. These may be temporary feelings. But sometimes it happens that these feelings remain with a person for life. The worst thing is that in the same way he then begins to treat other people, condemning them and criticizing them. One of the main signs that a person is constantly judging himself is the occurrence of kidney stones.

In order for life to become bright and rich, for the creative unconscious to awaken, it is necessary to open the Swadhisthana chakra. Achieving harmony happens gradually, but is available right here and now - let yourself enjoy all the delights of this life, but only those that have a beneficial effect on the body. Rejoice in every day you live and every little thing, act from good intentions and rejoice in the very process of doing the work, and not at all the result. Staying in the present moment, one cannot fail to notice the creative beauty of the world and begin to rejoice.

Swadhisthana and the physical body.

The second chakra affects on the pelvic organs, kidneys, lymphatics. Therefore, disharmony can manifest itself in diseases of one of the above organs or in violations of entire systems. Most often, circulatory problems, muscle spasms, kidney disease, and impotence begin.

The kidneys are most dependent on the work of the chakra. They express such feelings as shame, self-criticism, disappointment. We note right away that each person understands in his own way what “success” and “failure” are. Each of us has our own criteria for measuring these concepts. And often these are just misconceptions that complicate our lives. What concerns criticism and self-criticism, then again everything depends only on us. If we cannot pass by another person without criticizing him (at least mentally), then this is how we gnaw at ourselves. If a person accepts himself completely, he will treat others with understanding.

A person whose sexual chakra works without fail, otherwise relates to life. He rejoices every day, does not criticize anyone, sees an exciting adventure in life. He understands that it is not necessary to be very upset because of troubles. Any trouble is just a lesson given by life to gain experience, correct karma. Having passed it, we will receive the next lesson, and so it will be all our lives.

But this does not mean that the owner of a balanced svadhisthana chakra does not experience disappointment at all, does not know what remorse is. No, he is the same person as everyone else. He simply understands that everything in this world is relative and illusory. There is no concept of “right” and “wrong”. Every act a person makes is needed for something. Quite possibly, this is one of the lessons of life. Or maybe this is a punishment for what he did in a past life.

Exactly svadhisthana chakra is responsible for awareness us ourselves as men and as women. It forms such questions as “What is it to be a man? What is it to be a woman? What is the difference between the sexes? Who has more responsibility? Who suffers the most in love.” The associations that arise when we consider a person of our own and the opposite sex depend on how developed the chakra is.

If a person misunderstands his purpose in the world If he does not love himself and his body, then he will not love another person either. His sexual partners will never hear words of gratitude from him. Moreover, in relation to them, a person will always have only anger and resentment. Oddly enough, but these negative emotions can cause genital infections, itching, and inflammation.

If a person is formed in a society in which sex is condemned, he will have problems with potency (in men) and with menstrual cycle(among women). He will want to satisfy his sexual partner, give him the pleasure he is waiting for. But at the same time, his subconscious will whisper that this is wrong, that it is shameful to have sex.

If you balance the sexual chakra, problems will disappear by themselves.

Sex, alcohol, tobacco, chocolate, drugs- all this is the svadhisthana chakra, and it is easy to get used to all this. Addiction to habit consumes the person trapped in this chakra, and the thought of pleasure drives away all other thoughts. When you are in a state conditioned by the action of this center, you seek to recreate the pleasure you experienced earlier. This does not lead to the fulfillment of desire, as there is no instantaneousness, spontaneity.

You are moving from the present to the past.

Trying to resist the habit also, as a rule, ends in nothing. The harder you fight, the stronger the desire. Accepting pleasure, constantly being aware of it, is the antidote. Enjoying, you lose your head, cease to be aware of the surroundings. And must remain in full consciousness and mind during the process of satisfaction. It is not at all like giving up a pleasant experience.

To give up something means to lose a part of your own personality, and longing for the lost feeling will never leave you, you will simply drive it deeper. This, of course, is better than simply giving up pleasure as if it never happened.

But focusing on pleasure rather than pursuing pleasure, you will leave many temptations behind by knowing that the experience itself is no longer a foretaste. This awareness is obviously born from a conscious state during enjoyment. Not before the feeling of pleasure and not after pleasure, but precisely during.

Chakra can be balanced by wearing crystals, aromatherapy, color therapy. Not bad in addition to these methods to apply meditation, self-hypnosis. Thanks to an integrated approach, even the most chronic sexual problems can be solved.

Swadhisthana chakra and lymph.

The sexual chakra has a considerable influence on the activity of the lymphatic system.. That, in turn, helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and toxins. Through the lymphatics, a vital protein is delivered to the capillaries. In addition, the lymphatic system is responsible for the regeneration of blood plasma. Lifmotoki permeate the entire physical body, they are a network of tubes of different diameters. In the most important organs, the lymphatic centers are concentrated, distributing the flow of lymph. Human immunity depends on the state of the lymphatic system. As soon as an unwanted virus or bacterium enters the body, the lymphatic centers trap it, preventing it from passing further into the blood.

Surely you remember from school course anatomy that lymph is an important transport system of the body. Therefore, if the sexual chakra, which is responsible for the lymphatic system, works perfectly, our organs and tissues receive all the necessary nutrients in time. The immune system is getting stronger every day. Neither viruses nor bacteria take root in the body. So if you do not want to constantly catch a cold, meditate, harmonize the sexual chakra. Remember that your physical health depends on it.

To stimulate this chakra, use stones red and orange shades: amber, red jasper, coral, tourmaline.

Step 3. As you visualize the sunrise, focus on the feeling that the sunlight is starting to come from this point. Breathe in and out with this chakra. Until you feel that at this point you have a small sun lit up, filled with bright, masculine energy. Allow the flow of Planetary Yoga to intensify and build as you inhale and exhale with this point, which turns into a sphere. Of course, while breathing, try to “breathe in” all the other described parameters (color, size, properties), and slowly begin to feel this point and the waves that it spreads outward and into your body. Feel the energy of pleasure coming from this chakra.

Svadhisthana. Exercise 1 (for women)

Step 1. Take a calm comfortable posture.

Step 2. Move your attention to a point in the body, the projection of which will be the sacrum.

Step 3. Imagine the moon. Moonlight. And everything that is inherent in him, and everything that is reflected in you when you see him, at the level of sensations. Inhale and exhale it until you have inside, at this point, a small moon appears, filled to the maximum feminine energy. Of course, in addition to this, “breathe in” all the properties of the chakra we have described. Feel the energy of pleasure that comes from the chakra. It will be a soft orange, a very pleasant color. If there are difficulties with this, then just allow the pleasure of breathing this chakra to come.

Practice for the disclosure of Svadhisthana.

The most effective and simplest means of opening svadhisthana is the practice of concentrating on the area a couple of centimeters below the navel while reciting the svadhisthana mantra "VAM".

1. Sit in any comfortable position. You should not torture yourself with the lotus position if it causes discomfort or prevents you from relaxing. You can just sit on a chair. It is permissible to practice in other poses, as you like. However, when lying down, excessive relaxation is achieved, which reduces concentration and causes sleep. Standing, on the contrary, a rare person is able to relax sufficiently.

2. Place your hands so that they do not hang and do not distract attention to yourself. If this is too easy for you, then try to keep her mudra in parallel with the concentration on svadhisthana (Shivalingam mudra)
Remember, your main task is to keep concentration, do not perform mudra to the detriment of it, otherwise it will reduce the effectiveness of the practice.

3. Breathe from your belly, deeply and slowly. Let go of all your problems, discard oppressive thoughts. Rest like this for five minutes.

4. Transfer all your attention to the area of ​​​​the body under the navel.

5. Inhale, and then chant the bija mantra (you can listen to the correct pronunciation on the video meditation).

6. Feel the vibration in svadhisthana, imagine how huge flows of energy from space rush there.

We work in a cycle: inhale -> chant the mantra “VAM” with visualization -> exhale. The concentration is always on the chakra. When pronouncing the sound "M", the tongue should be pressed against the palate. Strive to keep your attention under control and learn to keep the mind still. Each thought takes away your attention and reduces the quality of concentration. With the development of your skills, you will become able to concentrate even during a leisurely walk.

Use the visualization of a glowing orange ball in the lower abdomen. This will improve the effectiveness of the svadhisthana exercises, but the main thing here is concentration. Do not be distracted by this if you have a weak imagination.


Clench your right hand into a fist, and thumb point up. Place your right hand on the tight bowl, with fingers clasped together, of your left hand. Both hands should be held at the level of the abdomen, elbows should be outward and slightly forward. Right hand it will be like a fist with the thumb pointing up, resting on the bowl with the left hand.

Meditation "Golden Cup".

I advise you to start each day with MEDITATIONS of the Golden Chalice. Try to see your heart in the form of a golden cup with your mind's eye. Now imagine all those you love and those who love you.

Imagine how warm golden energy comes from all these people and fills your golden cup. Take a mental look at all the beauty that surrounds you every day: a sunset, a child's laughter, a magnificent picture or wonderful music.

Imagine how the energy of all this beauty pours into your bowl.. Move to the angelic, spiritual level of consciousness, feel how Divine love is sent to you and fills your golden cup. And now you can go out into the world and communicate with people. I am sure that you have never been so attractive in your life!

If there are similar problems in your life and you cannot cope with them on your own, I invite you to, where after one meeting you will clarify the reasons for your difficulties.

Energy centers - this is how they briefly talk about the chakras. According to the teachings of Indian yogis, their number is seven. Points of concentration of power are colored in the colors of the solar spectrum. If they are healthy and work properly, a person feels harmony with the outside world.

In this article

What is responsible for

In the Hindu concept, the countdown starts from the bottom. Svadhisthana is the second after Muladhara. In diagrams that clearly show the structure of the body, it can be seen that it is located between pelvic bones. The energy petals are located below the navel. The stem of the flower stretches towards the sacrum.

The location of the chakras on the human body

She is responsible for the senses: taste and touch. The color of Svadhisthana is orange or bright yellow, the element is water. All shades of this range are allowed, except for dark and brown. Their appearance in the field indicates serious disruptions in energy flows.

Informative film about the awakening of the Swadhisthana and Muladhara chakras:

Physiology of the chakra

Controls the lymphatic and genitourinary systems:

  • liver;
  • intestines;
  • right kidney.

Diseases of the digestive tract, bladder and cystitis appear due to malfunctions in the energy channel.

The chakra is often referred to as the sexual or sacred chakra. But this is not entirely accurate: Muladhara is also responsible for the same area. And if the first works fine, then the second will not be a problem.

Muladhara controls the instinct of procreation, the desire to leave offspring. Svadhisthana is responsible for pleasure in the intimate sphere, libido and conception.

Failure signals an immediate check of the lymph.

Hormonal system

Difficulties with reproduction due to excess or lack of hormones. The formation of the structure takes place during puberty. At this point, pay attention to the physical and emotional state of the children. Irritation, anger, misunderstanding on the part of the elders lead to the fact that the energy of the yellow color is disturbed.

Sensuality and erotic emotions

Transgender people who do not accept the gender received at birth suffer from the malfunction of the second channel.

A riot of hormones is stress: the body breaks down.

The next stage of restructuring falls on the period of withering. The hormones fade and the orange light fades. On the one hand, it is necessary to visit doctors on time, on the other hand, to develop and improve the energy of sensuality.

Intimate sphere

To love yourself, to receive joy from communication - this is what the funnel of a positive color is aimed at. What else influences Swadhisthana:

  1. Gender identity.
  2. Choice of partners.
  3. Getting pleasure and positive emotions from sex.
  4. Norms of relationships in the intimate sphere, the concept of sin or taboo on certain actions.

Any deviation from the norm is considered unacceptable. Stereotypes, prohibitions, false truths associated with the sensual side negatively affect the subtle plane. Dark thoughts come: depression and suicidal tendencies appear.

Harmony of sexual life

Esotericists say that special exercises contribute to liberation.

Activation of the Svadhisthana chakra by exposing it to music and rhythms with a frequency of 417 Hz, related to the Solfeggio of the Ascension.

Vivid sensual desires help to realize creative plans. Geniuses with talents for painting or music have a strong 2nd chakra. To activate it means to reveal abilities. The brighter the glow, the more charismatic the owner. The great creators and creators of history possessed a stormy energy emanating from the Svadhisthana channel.

Unremarkable in appearance, they fascinated those around them. Examples: Napoleon, Hitler, Mata Hari, Lenin.

Signs of disharmony

Failure at any level inevitably affects the others. The body crumbles like a house of cards. Everyone at least once thought about their attractiveness. This is fine. But if a child or adult is constantly looking for flaws, sound the alarm.

Harmony of body and soul required condition happy life

  1. dissatisfaction with appearance. Girls do plastic surgery, exhaust the body with diets. Or, on the contrary, they join the ranks of the followers of the “body positive” movement and gain monstrous weight.
  2. Low self-esteem and inability to find mutual language with the opposite sex.
  3. Men with weak Svadhisthana cannot free themselves from their mother's care for a long time.
  4. Complexes and psychological clamps. Misconception about the sensual sphere, inability and unwillingness to give pleasure to a partner. Repressed sexuality.

Parapsychologists believe that maniacs, rapists and serial killers have serious problems not only with the psyche. Their perverted idea of ​​pleasure speaks of a glitch in the energy space.

Degrees of development

When something goes wrong on the bodily plane, energy flows are disrupted. Suppressed desires do not evaporate, but become the cause of psychosomatic illnesses, obsessions and phantom pains of unknown origin. The injured psyche is expressed in bodily sensations.

Lotus - a symbol of the chakra

The imbalance of Svadhisthana leads to insoluble conflicts. In appearance, a person looks successful, liberated, but inside he is torn apart by contradictions and doubts.

An example is the tragic fate of Marilyn Monroe. The bright, self-confident actress was vulnerable and notorious. Unsuccessful marriages, the inability to have children - all this indicates a malfunction at the second energy level.

The darker the colors of the biofield in the pubic area, the gloomier the person, the sharper and more painfully reacts to any, even positive changes. Such people condemn the actions of others, gossip and reproach the world for imperfections, do not know how to rejoice and do not allow others. They impose their own model of behavior on others, considering it the only correct one.

Followers of the doctrine of the seven components of the ethereal and bodily shells say that one should not forget about the Spirit. Without it, the owner of an active second chakra loses control over emotions. Alcohol and drugs are involved.

The famous seducers of the past, Casanova and Don Juan, had a developed sexual chakra. But carnal pleasures were an end in itself, new victories added intrigue and charm. Despite the bright glow, the heroes-lovers are primitive.

How healthy Svadhistana manifests itself

Health signs:

  1. Active emotional and sexual life.
  2. A sense of self-worth and being needed by society.
  3. Curiosity, desire to know reality.
  4. Compassion and tolerance towards others.
  5. Natural and relaxed behavior.
  6. A strong emotional sphere does not allow manipulators to invade consciousness.

When there are no blocks and clamps, people are easy and pleasant in communication. Do not judge others in vain and do not allow yourself to be offended. The ability to balance on the verge of public and personal interests is a striking feature of a healthy consciousness.

Most often, those who have problems with the sacred point come forward with condemnations against representatives of non-traditional orientation. Puritanism and hypocrisy go hand in hand with disharmony in the sexual sphere.

Music for the second chakra:

The inability to express oneself leaves a negative imprint on communication. The stronger the channel of love, the easier we interact with each other. We do not indulge in sad thoughts about the imperfection of the world, but change it. A healthy chakra prevents an unsuccessful acquaintance from turning into a tragedy on a universal scale.

First of all, get rid of blocks and prohibitions. Learning to love the body is the first step towards happiness and harmony. Systematic and daily work will help to reveal the inner potential.

  1. Proper lifestyle and physical fitness. The ancient Greeks used to say that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body.
  2. Communication with nature diversifies leisure and gives opportunities for new acquaintances.
  3. Attention to the inner world and broadening your horizons will help you become an interesting conversationalist in the eyes of the opposite sex.
  4. Generosity of the soul and the ability to forgive are qualities that attract friends.
  5. Internal discipline and self-control will help you not to quit what you started.
  6. Search soul mate, and not disorderly carnal pleasures - the key to full development.

Orange is the color of life

Due to cultural and behavioral traditions, Europeans and Americans are more liberated than the inhabitants of Russia. The phrase “We don’t have sex” that went down in history characterizes the problems in the sexual sphere of most compatriots. Tightness and complexes formed over the years.

Methods and ways of developing the chakra: from simple to complex

Today, information is freely available. Before the neophyte stands not an easy task- choose a useful and reliable source.

There are 3 effective and time-tested ways:

  1. Aromatherapy.
  2. Reading mantras.
  3. Meditation.


With the help of smells, create an atmosphere of pleasure, love and peace around you. Aromas harmonize the space and saturate the brain with endorphins.

Aromatherapy - an affordable and easy way

In Eastern philosophy, the sex chakra corresponds to smells:

  • ylang-ylang;
  • juniper;
  • jasmine;
  • sandal.

Apply incense to the skin, smoke the house with the help of an aroma lamp. Essential oils are added to creams and body masks.


Reading reveals inner potential. But there is one thing: they work in a complex way. Healing sounds should be applied to all points of the body. The chakras are interconnected, and while harmonizing one, pay attention to the other six. The selection of a mantra is individual, and it is better to coordinate it with a competent Teacher.

In this video, activate and balance the sacral chakra with the mantra VAM:

Special Meditation

Experienced and wise teachers of the East believe that this is the best way to reveal yourself. In a state of trance, we are aware of the second "I", comprehend the secrets of the Universe and merge with the Cosmos.

Breathing exercises help to normalize the functioning of the system

The most accessible practice is based on setting the breath and consists of several steps:

  1. Sit down. Take a comfortable position and close your eyes.
  2. Focus on your breath.
  3. Take deep breaths in and out. Imagine that the infinite energy of a bright gold or orange color fills you freely, enveloping you with radiance.
  4. Exhaling, imagine that the negative that has accumulated in the soul and body is leaving. Gives way to a feeling of joy and happiness.
  5. Take a sip of golden radiance with each breath. Imagine how the lotus flower in the zone of sensual pleasure blooms.
  6. Having completely rid yourself of dark matter in consciousness, visualize a lotus flower, rotating clockwise. With each breath he will swing and turn faster.

This video will help to further tune the second chakra:

Development through food

A healthy way of life and thoughts implies and proper nutrition. Heavy food is grounding, the Masters say. Unhealthy food brings imbalance to the body. Give up bad taste addictions and alcohol. Purification will come both on the physical and on the energy level.

Use food aphrodisiacs

Alcohol causes short-term vasodilation. Against the background of alcohol intake, a false sense of freedom and attractiveness is created.

It is a mistake to assume that "one hundred grams" increase sexual activity. Chemical processes in the brain after taking strong drinks inhibit the reaction and slow down the onset of orgasm, leading to an inexpressive and dull finale.

Traditionally, aphrodisiacs in food are:

  1. Oysters, mussels, shrimp, squid.
  2. Out of competition nuts, dried fruits and honey. They enhance potency.
  3. Pomegranate and red fruits. Bananas and avocados are on the same list.
  4. From vegetables it is recommended to eat artichoke, asparagus and celery.
  5. The warming ginger root will help kindle a fire at a sacred point.

How to bring the chakra back to normal and get rid of diseases

Disappointments in love, negative experience of relationships - these factors negatively affect Svadhisthana. Diabetes, infertility, impotence - these diseases indicate a blocked center of pleasure and sexuality. The body immediately reacts to an energy-information failure.

Harmony in nature and consciousness

But you can get rid of problems if you are treated in a complex way: follow the doctor's prescriptions and heal the soul. Even in medicine, not all prescriptions are equally effective for patients. It is no less difficult to master the bright path to harmony.

Tibetan Vibration bowls for the Svadhisthana chakra. Singing bowls (also known as Himalayan bowls; in Japan they are called Rin or Suzu) are a type of bell as a musical instrument.

  1. Before cleansing the biofield, one must be firmly aware that without getting rid of the burden of mistakes of sadness, a favorable outcome is impossible.
  2. Eliminate negative thoughts and tune your mind to the positive.
  3. Try not to accept experiences, consider failure not as a defeat, but as a lesson.
  4. Do not associate with those who are trying to lower your self-esteem.
  5. Love yourself. Do not follow imaginary canons of beauty and appearance standards.
  6. Do not copy someone else's life, do not imitate friends and acquaintances.
  7. Do not listen to those who say banal phrases: "it's time to get married"; “when you give birth to a child”; “when you get married”, etc. This has a destructive effect on energy metabolism. Attempts to comply with the generally accepted opinion end badly for the psyche and biofield.

Each is unique and unrepeatable. People are given the opportunity to change and correct mistakes. It is necessary to enjoy life and the joy of sex. There is nothing shameful or forbidden in this. To realize and accept your nature means to avoid health problems and feel happy.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!