Oriental dances are useful. Belly dance and its health benefits for women

The Egyptians say that the belly dance originates from the pharaohs, but historians are more inclined to believe that this dance ended up in Egypt from India with the gypsies, and from there spread all over the world. Currently, there are several large and many small schools of this dance.

Benefits of belly dancing for female beauty and health

The most popular belly dance direction in the world is Latin American. The second place in this list is occupied by the oriental style. Oriental dance is an exceptional healing technique that was created specifically for women, and this system is suitable for women of any age. People who are professionally engaged in this type of dance claim that benefits of belly dancing hard to overestimate. Why is there so much talk about benefits of belly dancing, and whether these conversations have a basis, or is it another advertisement and a way of pumping money, will tell.

Benefits of belly dancing for posture

Benefits of belly dancing colossal, and there are advantages: belly dancing does not require exhausting loads on your body, and also eliminates the risk of damaging the ligaments. Systematic dance classes strengthen the muscles, improve the condition of internal organs, and contribute to the development of correct posture. Plastic movements easily straighten the spine, and help the displaced cartilages return to their place. All muscles and ligaments acquire elasticity and maneuverability, the condition of the skin improves, and the fight against cellulite becomes a pleasure. And even the intestines after such classes work better. The gait acquires lightness, all movements - smoothness, the body - flexibility and mobility. Confidence in oneself, in one's own body, in one's own attractiveness is born.

Benefits of belly dancing for women's health

The chest is enlarged, which takes an extremely active part in the dance, its shape is improved, the ideal chest acquires a tone. This circumstance is noted by many women involved in oriental dances. Many physiologists argue that such a value for women is due to active movement. various parts body, increasing blood circulation and tissue nutrition. Intensive activity with the hips not only exercises the flat muscles of the abdomen, but also massages all the organs of the small pelvis, helping to prevent many gynecological and urological problems.

Benefits of belly dancing for pregnant women

Belly dancing may well serve as preparation for an easy birth, even if it is a late birth. Some researchers even believe that this dance was originally created for this purpose. Because dance exercises not only the muscles that we use in everyday life, but also the internal pelvic muscles. In oriental dance, all movements of various parts of the body are autonomous, and muscles that are not currently used must be relaxed. Both muscle tension and relaxation are alternately assigned an extremely significant role in the process of preparing for the onset of childbirth in special classes, in special sets of exercises. A normal pregnancy is not a contraindication for exercise. The implementation of belly dance calls for even rhythmic breathing, and breath control during childbirth is essential. Therefore, for the successful completion of childbirth and the health of the expectant mother with the baby, it is simply huge!

The benefits of belly dancing and how to learn it

Classes can be attended from one to four times a week - this is at the discretion of those who wish to study. And it depends on the possible load, the intensity of training, as well as the time that is available in reserve and that can be given to classes.

Let's summarize with our women's magazine about benefits of belly dancing: classes will give a woman not only a thin waist, rounded hips, elastic buttocks, a taut stomach, but also a graceful walk, sexuality, mystery oriental woman. Complexes will go away with excess weight, Bad mood, classes in a group of like-minded people will help you find new friends. The decision and choice is obvious, it remains only to find a good teacher and find time for dancing. We wish you to enjoy the classes, and that the positive and obvious benefits of belly dancing become your main motivators in this difficult task!

It's hard to even imagine how many different fitness programs for weight loss exist in the world! Each of the beautiful ladies without much effort can choose for themselves exactly the workout that will bring harmony to her soul and heal her body. More and more women are making their choice in favor of Belly dance - belly dance.

At first glance, Belly dance is an ideal solution in every sense, the instructors of this colorful oriental direction claim that regular classes will help you quickly regain shape, get rid of excess fat in the hips and abdomen, strengthen the pelvic muscles and tighten the buttocks, relieve back pain and improve posture. And if we add the erotic aspect of this dance to the list of advantages, then it seems that there is no need to think more. Then why are European doctors sounding the alarm that Belly dance can be very dangerous?

How Belly dance helps you lose weight

Any representative of the fair sex knows that in order to be a happy owner of a slender, graceful figure, you must always spend more energy than what enters the body with food.

Therefore, if it is necessary to model the body in a short time, they proceed as follows: firstly, they increase energy consumption and, secondly, they reduce the calorie content of food consumed. But it should be borne in mind that if you follow an unbalanced diet and too few calories enter the body, this will inevitably affect your health by slowing down your metabolism, problems with hair and skin, and also feeling unwell.

Regular physical activity can “allow” you to eat a little more calories than the average woman who leads a passive lifestyle is “allowed”. In addition, if classes bring pleasure, they will act as a natural antidepressant - a source of endorphins, under the influence of which appetite and cravings for "jamming problems" decrease.

Belly dance elements such as kicks, shaking, figure eights, rocking chairs and steps can burn at least 400 kilocalories in one hour of classes. Despite their external simplicity, this is a decent burden for the female body, because literally all parts of the body are involved in the dance: head, stomach, hips, buttocks, legs and arms. Properly performed oriental dance movements make the pulse stay in the “energy burning” zone stably. So regular rehearsals with a frequency of 3-4 times a week are a great alternative to aerobic training in the name of losing weight.

But fitness trainers admit that belly dancing can help model a figure not for everyone. If you have a trained body, accustomed to constant stress, then you will need to make more efforts to lose weight than beginners. Alternatively, you can perform dance elements with good amplitude, without interruption throughout the session, and with a concentration on the quality of each movement. But if you do not feel warm muscles, slight fatigue, or do not feel the load at all, you are unlikely to lose weight. In this case, it is better to choose another fitness program.

The unconditional benefits of belly dancing

What results can be obtained in return for the time and effort spent on conquering Belly dance?

The first surprise for you will be the improvement in coordination of movements and the strengthening of the vestibular apparatus. Your body will acquire natural grace, flexibility and plasticity.

In the process of performing some dance movements, there is an improvement in blood circulation, which is very useful for preventing congestion in the pelvic organs. The instructors of this exotic dance direction say that their wards managed to defeat the inflammation of the appendages, their fibroids resolved and new cysts ceased to form. Most dancing women have forgotten what PMS is and have stopped using painkillers to ease their periods. For some dancers, regular classes have helped to cope with ovarian dysfunction.

After a month of stable training, the spinal column is strengthened and relief comes even for those dancers who previously had spinal injuries.

Belly dance is an excellent prevention of diseases such as osteochondrosis and hypertension.

A couple of months of classes is enough to improve the flexibility of the joints, and not only in young girls, but also in older women.

A special technique of hand movements in dance, due to the tension of the spinal muscles, corrects posture defects, reduces or eliminates stoop.

The shoulder girdle and arms involved in the performance of Belly dance help many belly dance fans to maintain the ideal shape of their breasts for many years.

Such a component of oriental dance as shaking significantly reduces the appearance of cellulite and prevents new fat deposits in problem areas of the thighs and buttocks.

Rhythmic breathing, which is the basis for performing all the elements of dance, reduces stress and helps to get rid of depression.

Belly dance plays a special role in preparing women for pregnancy and childbirth. In the first case, it trains important muscle groups that are not usually involved in everyday life, strengthens the back muscles, which bear the main load during childbearing, and prevents the development of varicose veins in most pregnant women. In the second case, due to training the muscles of the perineum, strengthening the abdominals and getting used to the loads on the legs, the period of contractions and the birth itself in women are easy, and most women in labor can avoid perineal incisions and ruptures.

In addition to all of the above, belly dancing is an excellent cosmetic tool to improve ... the complexion. The secret is in the normalization of the intestines, which begins to work more productively.

"Pitfalls" Belly dance

It is important to understand and accept that belly dancing is not a panacea for all diseases, as many fans of this direction are convinced. There is a risk group for which Belly dance, like any other direction of dance or sport, can cause significant harm and endanger health. Therefore, before plunging into the world of the exotic east, be sure to visit a doctor for temporary and absolute contraindications.

Temporary contraindications

Chronic diseases in the acute stage: gastric ulcer and duodenum, gastritis, adnexitis, bronchitis, cholecystitis and others;

Any purulent processes, regardless of the focus of the location;

Acute inflammatory processes: ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza, tonsillitis;

The postoperative period of any diseases (the duration of the necessary abstinence is regulated by the doctor);

Pronounced displacement of the vertebral discs, at the stage of rehabilitation, classes are not allowed at full strength;

Phase of exacerbation of diseases of the liver and gallbladder;

Abundant blood loss and morbid condition during critical days.

Absolute contraindications

Strong flat feet (due to the main position "on the balls of the fingers");

Undiagnosed problems with the spine, hernia more than eight millimeters;

Benign and malignant tumors;

Congenital heart disease, severe heart disease: rest and exertion angina, myocardial infarction, mitral valve prolapse;

Hypertension, aneurysms, blockades;

Obstructive bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Belly dance and childhood

Despite the existence of a huge number of groups early development with the inclusion of belly dancing in the program from the age of five, doctors do not recommend attending classes for children until they reach the age of eight. Until the age of eleven, it is better not to learn blows and shaking. Until the completion of full puberty, girls are not recommended to practice sharp blows or bends and dance on the floor.

Belly dance and pregnancy

Managers of many fitness clubs are financially interested in introducing pregnant women to classes. The emphasis is on the fact that pregnant women, as a rule, feel joy from the realization of future motherhood and try to pay more attention to their health during this period than usual.

In addition, doctors strongly recommend that pregnant women join morning exercises or gymnastics. Fitness clubs use this fact, presenting a “lightweight” Belly dance with the motivation to prevent pregnancy pathologies and prepare for childbirth.

Many doctors of medicine do not see anything reprehensible in belly dancing at all. But it should be understood that oriental dance is a significant burden on the female body. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a lightweight version or a regular one.

How belly dancing will turn out for your health - benefit or harm, depends solely on you. The right decision for you!

To keep their body in shape or to acquire a slender figure, more and more women are opting for oriental dances, namely belly dancing. What are the benefits and difficulties of belly dancing? What are the contraindications for belly dancing?

Let's take a closer look.

What attracts us to belly dance

At first glance, belly dancing is an ideal solution in every sense, the instructors of this colorful oriental direction claim that regular oriental dance classes will help you quickly regain shape, get rid of excess fat in the hips and abdomen, strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and tighten the buttocks, relieve pain in back and improve posture. And if we add the erotic aspect of oriental dance to the list of advantages, then it seems that there is no need to think more.

Then why do European doctors sound the alarm that oriental dance can be very dangerous?

How belly dancing helps you lose weight

Any representative of the fair sex knows that in order to be a happy owner of a slender, graceful figure, you must always spend more energy than what enters the body with food.

Such elements of belly dance as blows, shaking, eights, rocking chairs and steps, in one hour of classes, can burn at least 400 kilocalories. Despite their external simplicity, this is a decent burden for the female body, because literally all parts of the body are involved in the dance: head, stomach, hips, buttocks, legs and arms. Properly performed oriental dance movements make the pulse stay in the “energy burning” zone stably. So regular rehearsals with a frequency of 3-4 times a week are a great alternative to aerobic training in the name of losing weight.

But fitness trainers admit that belly dancing can help model a figure not for everyone. If you have a trained body, accustomed to constant stress, then you will need to make more efforts to lose weight than beginners. Alternatively, you can perform dance elements with good amplitude, without interruption throughout the session, and with a concentration on the quality of each movement. But if you do not feel warm muscles, slight fatigue, or do not feel the load at all, you are unlikely to lose weight. In this case, it is better to choose another fitness program.

The unconditional benefits of belly dancing

What results can be obtained in return for the time and effort spent on conquering the belly dance?

- The first surprise for you will be the improvement in coordination of movements and the strengthening of the vestibular apparatus. Your body will acquire natural grace, flexibility and plasticity.

- In the process of performing some dance movements, there is an improvement in blood circulation, which is very useful for the prevention of congestion in the pelvic organs.

- After a month of stable belly dancing, the spinal column is strengthened and relief comes even for those dancers who previously had spinal injuries.

- Belly dancing is an excellent prevention of diseases such as osteochondrosis and hypertension.

- A couple of months of classes is enough to improve the flexibility of the joints, and not only in young girls, but also in older women.

- A special technique of hand movements in belly dance, due to the tension of the spinal muscles, corrects posture defects, reduces or eliminates stoop.

- The shoulder girdle and arms involved in the performance of oriental dance help many belly dance fans to maintain the ideal shape of their breasts for many years.

- Such a component of oriental dance as shaking significantly reduces the appearance of cellulite and prevents new fat deposits in problem areas of the thighs and buttocks.

- Rhythmic breathing, which is the basis for performing all the elements of the dance, reduces stress and helps to get rid of depression.

The role of belly dancing in preparing women for pregnancy and childbirth

Belly dance plays a special role in preparing women for pregnancy and childbirth. In the first case, it trains important muscle groups that are not usually involved in everyday life, strengthens the back muscles, which bear the main load during childbearing, and prevents the development of varicose veins in most pregnant women.

In the second case, due to training the muscles of the perineum, strengthening the abdominals and getting used to the loads on the legs, the period of contractions and the birth itself in women are easy, and most women in labor can avoid perineal incisions and ruptures.

"Reefs" of oriental dance

It is important to understand and accept that belly dancing is not a panacea for all diseases, as many fans of this direction are convinced. There is a risk group for which belly dancing, like any other direction of dance or sport, can cause significant harm and endanger health. Therefore, before plunging into the world of the exotic east, be sure to visit a doctor for temporary and absolute contraindications.

Temporary contraindications

- chronic diseases in the acute stage: stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, bronchitis, cholecystitis and others;

- any purulent processes, regardless of the location;

- acute inflammatory processes: ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza, tonsillitis;

- the postoperative period of any diseases (the duration of the necessary abstinence is regulated by the doctor);

- pronounced displacement of the vertebral discs, at the stage of rehabilitation, classes are not allowed at full strength;

- phase of exacerbation of diseases of the liver and gallbladder;

- profuse blood loss and painful condition during critical days.

Absolute contraindications to belly dancing

- strong flat feet (due to the main position "on the balls of the fingers");

- undiagnosed problems with the spine, hernia more than eight millimeters;

- benign and malignant tumors;

- congenital heart disease, severe heart disease: rest and exertion angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, mitral valve prolapse;

- hypertension, aneurysms, blockades;

- obstructive bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

The decision whether to dance oriental dances or not is always yours. There are a lot of benefits from belly dancing, but do not forget about the contraindications of doctors. Always make the right choice by listening to your body.

The benefits of dance are known to both doctors and psychologists, and ordinary people: some dances are officially considered healing, and not only because they improve mood and physical fitness, but also because with their help you can get rid of many serious diseases.

One of the most famous in the world, and from the most ancient times, can be considered: now it is not known exactly where it originated - in India, Egypt or Babylon, but it gained popularity all over the world - even in northern countries, including Russia .

For some reason, many people think that women learn to belly dance in order to drive men crazy - perhaps this popular belief is due to the fact that at one time it was often performed in restaurants, bars and even strip clubs - however, the dance itself here is completely nothing.

In ancient times, men were not even allowed in the place where this dance was performed by women, and its purpose was purely feminine: it was danced for themselves, expressing their feminine essence, alone or in a circle of friends; girls, married women and even the elderly danced. Belly dancing was also performed for women in labor: when one woman gave birth, others gathered together and danced around her - this greatly facilitated the process of childbirth, and there is nothing surprising here; The men certainly didn't go there. It is not difficult to guess that belly dancing is one of the most useful for women's health, and besides, it is very beautiful, and really delights both men and women.

Consider at least the most basic advantages of this dance, directly related to the health and beauty of a woman.

The health and beauty benefits of belly dancing

Blood circulation in the pelvic organs during the process of belly dancing is accelerated several times, and here things happen that are not clear to all modern doctors: toxins and toxins begin to be removed, and it is from the female organs, so that inflammatory diseases disappear, cysts, fibroids, etc. .d. - and again, nothing surprising. The point is that in modern life we are very limited in movement, and this quickly affects sexual health: in men, due to stagnation in the spine, prostatitis, adenoma, and then impotence occur, but in women, due to stagnation of blood in the small pelvis, many female diseases do not I would like to list them here.

The beneficial effect of belly dancing on a woman can only be judged by the fact that after a few months, the pain during menstruation, from which many suffer so much, decreases, and then disappears completely - you no longer need to swallow pills.

Ovarian dysfunction is considered a very serious disease caused by hormonal disorders, but here too belly dancing can help - this has been noted by many women, although again it seems incredible to doctors.

Belly dancing helps to recover from spinal injuries - it is enough to work out for a month to feel it, and it makes inflexible and undeveloped joints flexible and mobile, not only in young women, but also in older women.

And of course, the complexion: after several months of training, it noticeably improves, becomes fresh and healthy - after all, the intestines work much better, so that all body tissues begin to renew and rejuvenate.

Belly dancing relieves and cures many diseases: myositis, problems of blood vessels, vestibular apparatus, respiratory and nervous systems, reduces the impact of stress on the body, provides prevention of osteochondrosis and hypertension.

If there is pain, they decrease: in the spine - lumbar, thoracic, cervical regions; in joints and muscles; headaches become rare, and then disappear altogether.

The back becomes flexible after classes - the dance does not involve sudden movements and loads: posture improves - just a few sessions are enough to get rid of stoop, tension and pain.

Another wonderful side effect”: the gait changes - it becomes smooth, soft and truly feminine. The chest muscles are strengthened - after all, the arms and shoulder girdle are constantly involved in the dance, so that the shape of the chest improves and lasts for a long time.

Belly dancing is one of those that can and should be danced by pregnant women - of course, if there are no pathologies. It’s just that the intensity of classes should be halved - you can do this until 6 months of pregnancy, if everything goes well: the birth will be easy and calm, and the baby will be healthy.

It is worth talking a little more about this - for most women it is still unusual.

Belly dancing trains the muscles, the work of which is important during childbirth - the muscles of the small pelvis and abdominals; in the process of dancing, deep muscles relax - having learned this, a woman is able to reduce the pain of contractions during childbirth. The muscles of the perineum also train - during childbirth, this training is very useful; the muscles of the back are also strengthened - this is important, since they have to bear the weight of the growing abdomen. Dancing also prevents the development of varicose veins - it is no secret that in many women it manifests itself during pregnancy.

If you engage in belly dancing during pregnancy, then after childbirth it is much easier to get in shape, and the whole body too: the skin becomes more elastic, and stretch marks do not form, and fat deposits under the skin are distributed exactly where needed. If a woman practices long enough, then her breasts and hips become full and rounded, and the waist decreases.

A woman dancing a belly dance does not need anti-cellulite massagers: shaking, which is one of the elements of this dance, relieves cellulite manifestations in a few months - of course, this depends on the condition of the skin and age.

Our external beauty consists of what we have inside, and it's not just about what we eat: psycho-emotional states form a person in the same way as vitamins, minerals and other substances. Today, doctors no longer deny that in 99% of cases, diseases are caused by psychosomatic problems: when we do not accept ourselves and our body, we start to get very sick - belly dancing is an excellent cure for this.

The peculiarity of the dance is that a woman with any figure and appearance can look interesting and unique in it: even those who have never considered themselves as such become attractive, and those around them did not notice their charm. As soon as self-esteem rises, behavior also changes: women become free, uninhibited, begin to love and accept themselves as they are - sometimes appearance changes beyond recognition, and others hardly recognize yesterday’s “gray mouse” in a bright, self-confident lady. Of course, this does not come immediately, but those who managed to show patience and understanding receive a generous reward: when we forget about the standards of beauty that we have been trying to squeeze ourselves into all the time, men begin to see beauty in us - and this is pure truth.

If, after reading these lines, you want to try yourself in belly dancing, but you are overcome by doubts, try to look at it from the other side - or rather, turn on not emotions, but reason - at least for a while.

It is known that most women are unhappy with their figure - even in the case when everything is fine with this. You should not think that 90:60:90 parameters are obligatory for a dancer: firstly, you are not going to become a professional dancer, and secondly, the parameters for belly dancing are just completely different - roundness and even splendor of forms are quite appropriate here.

Don't worry about age: first of all, you dance for yourself, and in general - belly dancing cannot be called girlish - it is feminine, and is perfect for the age of maturity. If you don’t know how to approach this dance and where to start, don’t worry: your perception is not clouded by anything, and you can start from scratch, and there are no complex movements and combinations in this dance.

You can learn this on your own, using a tutorial - today there are many accessible and simple video materials, but if possible, it is better to find a teacher for yourself, or attend a special school. Some fitness clubs also have groups where they teach this dance, but professionals rarely work there, so a separate belly dance school is still preferable.

Of course, there are cases when you should be more careful: these are certain problems with the spine, diseases of the internal organs - all this can be solved by consulting a specialist.

Gataulina Galina

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With the growing popularity of belly dancing, there are some important contraindications to be aware of. First of all, before classes, consult with your doctor. Although he does not know the intricacies of belly dancing, he will still take into account all your diseases and how physical activity will affect your well-being. Some teachers require a health certificate from their students so as not to assume a lot of responsibility.

Here are the main contraindications for belly dancing:

- flat feet;

- intervertebral hernia, or if you have a displacement of the vertebrae, but here you need to be guided by a specific case, sometimes thanks to classes they are reduced. Be sure to listen to your body, if at the end of the class you have pain in the back, immediately visit a doctor;

- diseases of the ovaries, hypertension, tumor, acute cholecystitis, fibroids, intrauterine tubes, cyst, exacerbation of stomach ulcers, as well as liver disease;

- varicose veins, heart disease;

- acute and obstructive bronchitis;

- pregnancy, etc.

Various shaking is contraindicated for children; from the age of five, you can start making waves. From the age of eight, it is allowed to do blows, light shaking and eights.

I would especially like to note a contraindication to belly dancing for pregnant women. Some experts recommend attending classes for the first few months, but some of them say not. In this case, you expose yourself and the child to unjustified risk. Before pregnancy, belly dancing strengthens your body and prepares you for pregnancy, but after conception, it is better to stop classes. Now there are many belly dancing lessons for pregnant women, but weigh all the arguments in favor of these classes in advance, is it worth the risk.

It is known that oriental dances have many advantages, and they help to get rid of many problems. Also, belly dancing miraculously favors the onset of pregnancy. Here is a list of diseases that dance will help get rid of:

- erosion (dance movements contribute to the contraction of the muscles of the vagina and a cure may occur);

- gastritis;

initial stages scoliosis;

- not exacerbated inflammatory processes;

- adhesive disease;

- prolapse of the uterus and so on.

A few more tips that will help you. It is undesirable to do it barefoot, it is better to do it in Czech shoes and watch your posture. Often in women there is a curvature of the spine or scoliosis. Oriental dances will help improve the situation. In order for this to happen, try to watch your back during all exercises - do not slouch. For proper posture, take your shoulders back, push your chest forward and tighten your buttocks, try not to arch your lower back too much. Take care of your health!