VBR world of tanks new. WBR World of Tanks - the most discussed myth of the game

6 years and a month ago Comments: 1 068

For beginner players World of Tanks VBR is a term that is constantly heard, but remains a mystery for a long time.

What is WBR in World of Tanks?

The term is deciphered as "Great Belarusian Random". So the players dubbed that part of the game code, which is responsible for the probability of a particular outcome of events. That is, the code contains a certain random number generator that is responsible for what game parameters you will get when determining the exact value of penetration and damage, for each specific shot, at which point of the aiming circle the shot will be directed, as well as when determining the balance of teams, etc. .

The point is that the FBG often works in a rather strange way and sometimes produces completely unexpected results, which makes up a huge number of simply ridiculous game situations.

Where did the combination of VBR come from?

By the way, the Tank fans moved the term from Lineage II. There, the random, responsible for all the bugs of the game, is called the Great Korean Random. Although it is noted that the VBR, unlike the WRC, is still less cruel. Well, since WoT is the brainchild of Belarusian developers, the indication of the nationality of the random in the term has changed.

How VBR manifests itself can, for example, be viewed in the section where a huge number of videos with replays and various compilations on this topic are uploaded. There are really interesting moments, like the AMX1390, even with full convergence, with an armor thickness of 40 mm and a penetration of a 219 mm projectile.

Hence all the dissatisfaction of the players. That is, it still remains a mystery what logic is inherent in the work of the VBR. It is also noted that the probability of a successful / unsuccessful outcome of actions in the game differs significantly from that declared by the developers. Sometimes it seems that nothing depends on the player in the game, and all events happen by themselves. Of course, the action of the VBR can manifest itself not only in favor of the enemy, but also in favor of the player himself, here how luck will turn. However, this fact does not add realism to the game. There is also an opinion that luck still smiles more often on those who

For the game World of Tanks, gamers came up with a special name for the random house - VBR. At least, this abbreviation quite often slips in the game chat. The essence of the Great Belarusian Random is that the probability of some event in the game is very different from the values ​​declared by the developers. Usually in Tanks, it manifests itself in two main situations, so to speak:

  1. During the work of the balancer, which selects tanks for teams.
  2. Directly during shooting (hit, ricochets, critical damage, etc.).

For example:

On the one hand, the first team has 9 tanks of 6-7 levels, and in the second - 8 tanks of 8 levels. On the other hand, the first team has as many as three tanks of level 9, and in the second there are none at all (the maximum is the eighth).

This fight was discussed on the official game forum. Some said that anything below level 7 was cannon fodder and posed no real threat. Others argued that 9 small tanks would still crush 3 large ones. As a result, a moderator came, wrote that everything was within the normal range and closed the topic. But before closing, batya1974 came and noted that, in Lately, the composition of the team ceased to play any significant role:

Those who play often should have noticed that 8 out of 10 fights end within 5-6 minutes, the score is usually 15:5 (3, 4, 6). If you hit the drain, you can see it after the first three shots. If earlier it was possible to pull out the fight with straight arms, now there are three minutes of fighting and, before I had time to look back, more than half of the team has already been merged, and this is with equal compositions. And it happened, and the weakest compositions were taken out with a score of 15:2.

In fact, I see no reason to argue about the dishonest distribution of levels. After all, the administration has long posted a table according to which the balancer works:

And for premium tanks:

The autobalancer takes a tank from the general queue, determines its type (light, medium, self-propelled guns, etc.), level, and randomly sends it to one of the appropriate battle levels.

I personally disagree about 80% of drain fights. Very often the outcome of the battle is decided in a fierce confrontation. But sometimes, I agree, it happens that you didn’t have time to leave the base, and already half of the team is gone. For many beginners, this situation prompts thoughts about.

But let's not end today on a sad note. I offer all fans of the tactical tank simulator World of Tanks a moment of humor.

Video: VBR - Great Belarusian Random

As in life, various legends, myths and conspiracy theories are born in virtual worlds, which are blamed on the developers themselves, various failures, and even a huge number of players. If earlier this was carefully spoken about and taken as a joke, then today the myths of games have become quite a frequent occurrence, and they are not at all embarrassed to disclose it. A vivid example of a virtual conspiracy is the World of Tanks VBR, which was allegedly created by the developers to maintain balance in the game, statistics and other virtual indicators, sort of so that the so-called "imbs" do not appear, arrogant players do not appear, etc. And here or not, we will now try to figure it out.

What is the WBR?

Virtual fields, statistics, various battle results, shot calculations, etc. - is vast and almost boundless. As for the World of Tanks VBR, this is a secret system created by the developers that specifically regulates the statistics and the percentage of luck for the players, thereby undermining the ability to always win, break through the enemy and just hope for the best outcome. At least that's what the players themselves think, since they are the source of such reasoning and arguments. Many players have recently begun to notice that the random system in the game, as it were, specifically regulates the number of wins and losses, hits and misses, penetrations and ricochets. WBR World of Tanks is unique system, which was invented by the players themselves and more than once received confirmation of its existence from the developers. More precisely, they hinted, but did not directly confirm this.

Myth or reality?

It will not be possible to answer this question precisely, since there are too few facts, many arguments, and there are only constant baseless arguments. In an interview, the developers themselves hinted that they personally regulate the percentage of wins for random players. Doesn't this confirm the existence of the VBR in World of Tanks? In addition, the players themselves cited a lot of evidence of the influence of "otherworldly forces." But at the same time, there are still professionals in the game who break the system and achieve success. They have a high percentage of wins and excellent results, and this already radically changes the perception and casts doubt on the existence of World of Tanks VBR. Hence the conclusion that each player must decide for himself whether this system exists or not.

Can it be influenced?

As you know, any system, whatever it is, can be influenced in one way or another by using various mods and other third-party programs. Not all games have them banned, as sometimes they simply improve the perception of the gameplay for more comfortable game. Unfortunately, on VBR World of Tank mods cannot have the desired effect, so it will not be possible to particularly influence this or that situation. No matter how convincing the creators of the mods are, it will not be possible to directly influence the system, even if it exists. And as for various cheats, statistical programs that show incomprehensible variations and graphs of the influence of VBR, all this is a hoax and is distributed with the aim of extorting money or multiplying viruses.

What is hidden under the cover of the VBR?

Be that as it may, but there is no direct impact of developers on the gameplay. However, it should be taken into account that world game of Tanks, FBR and detailed statistics are all interconnected. The developers repeat in every interview about careful collection of information, monitoring of results, etc. What is most interesting, after each careful collection of information, terrible balance changes begin. Basically, equipment is cut down, its characteristics are degraded, and at the same time, game cards are still being dug up. Everything would be fine, but as a result of each such adjustment it becomes difficult to play, there are fewer and fewer victories, and the technique that showed promise in an instant turns into a piece of useless virtual metal. And this already suggests that Wargaming still has a personal influence on the statistics of battles and the success of players, albeit indirectly. Therefore, we can conclude that VBR partly still exists, and it is not worth denying this and proving the opposite. The developers themselves are grinning and are already directly talking about it, and the all-round virtual excitement only adds interest and discussion, which plays into the hands of the project itself. Therefore, instead of guessing and blaming the developers for this, it is best to adapt to the changes and not lose your game acumen, only in this way the FBR will not be able to influence your result.