Remove unused mods and their resources. How to remove mods in World of Tanks How to remove mods in world of tanks

Almost no gamer imagines his game without additional settings, of course unofficial. Without all kinds of cheats and mods, not a professional, a player or a beginner can not do.

If you are an avid "tanker" in World of Tanks, or just a beginner amateur, then mods will be more useful than ever for you to achieve victory.

Mods allow you to change literally the entire gameplay in the game, from textures to individual, special abilities of your tanks and interface. In addition, in WoT, thanks to the idea of ​​the developers, you can easily change the game to suit individual requirements.

What mods are for and the main problems that arise when installing them

The earliest mods for WoT were the same "skins" and installation special sights. The only drawback of mods is that only you see them in the game, while the rest will see the standard game interface without your additional settings.

The disadvantages of modern mods, especially fresh versions for the latest releases of the game, include frequent lags that occur during the game itself. Under such conditions, most players become uninterested in what is happening with artillery and tanks, and the need to fix the game comes to the fore.

Therefore, if you notice that the game began to freeze often, abruptly knocks out during its work, the same problems with graphics or sound have arisen, the cause of all this may be a low-quality mod.

Very often, game freezes can provoke mods that conflict with each other. You can easily identify them, just remember which mod you installed last, or after which you started having problems with World of Tanks, then you will immediately understand the cause of your problem.

Also, the mod can introduce a number of bugs into your game precisely because of incompatibility with the game version. Therefore, we strongly recommend that before downloading any add-on for your game, first determine the compatibility of the versions.

You can also consult with other players on the forums who will be able to tell you exactly which mods are causing problems with the game. It often happens that mod developers have completely different goals, creating additional installations for games.

How to quickly get rid of buggy mods in the game

And so, your game stopped starting, started to hang, etc., due to mods, then this problem can be solved in the following ways.

In the first method, you need to find the root folder of your game, which looks like this - Hard Drive (C:) \ World_of_Tanks \ res_mods \ (version), the correspondence is optional, it all depends on the build of your game and where it is installed. It should be noted here that all installed mods located in the res_mods folder.

If you decide to completely clear the game, then you need to go to this folder, there will be a folder with the version of your game, you select it and simply delete it. We leave the res_mods folder in order to always know where your mods are installed.

In the event that the above manipulations did not help, the game should be reinstalled again. You can also remove mods using special programs, but manual cleaning will be much easier.

Almost all tank players install mods on their client. This is done to increase your statistics, drag even better, change the visualization of the gameplay for yourself and make the game even more comfortable. Recently, however, the question has increasingly appeared - "How to remove World of Tanks mods?".

Someone, in desperation, reinstalls the entire game, wasting an insane amount of time. Others try to clear the client with new installation modpack. However, there is a much simpler method and you should not be afraid of this process, because it takes less than a minute, while doing absolutely no harm to the game itself.

Let's break the process of removing mods in World of Tanks into several points for clarity:

1. First of all, you should go to the game folder. That is, in the place where you installed the tanks.

2. Now that you have found the folder with the game, you need to find another folder in it, it is called "res_mods", go into it.

3. After you have entered the "res_mods" folder, you just need to delete all its contents, as shown in the screenshot below. On this removal Mods World of Tanks is over, the client is clean.

Please be strict and understanding.
Not all mods make it possible to remove the resources installed by them, if for some reason the mod was not needed. Therefore, I composed this program, overcoming my laziness.
There is nothing smart or ingenious in it, it just reads mods and forms a list of used resources from them, a list of unused resources and moves unused mods and resources of these mods.
Works with Fallout 3, Fallout 3: New Vegas, TES V: Skyrim, Fallout 4.
I did not manage to correctly implement a quick view of mods in search of resources, so I used a simple one, I'll have to wait.
The program works on Windows 7, I haven't tested it on Windows XP. If anyone has a desire to do so, tell me, I will check and, if necessary, I will make changes.
After all the deletions and work checks, the games run without failures. No problems have been noticed so far. Implemented in the program simplest way restart protection.
Probably, I did not provide for all options for erroneous user actions, so use without erroneous actions.
Well, and, of course, use the program at your own peril and risk, I am not responsible for any negative consequences.

Installation and instructions for use :

Installation is very difficult, so be careful.
First - download to your computer
The second is to place it in any folder convenient for you.
Third - If you wish, you can rename this downloaded program.
Installation completed.

The usage is more difficult.
!!!Attention!!! What follows is written in bright red text (I hope the administration will misssuch bright red text).
The program works in three stages.

  1. Collection of information on the selected game. It is not dangerous and without consequences for the game. You must manually specify the location of the main file in the Data folder of the corresponding game. As a result of work, two files recAM.txt and recNM.txt will be generated in the program launch folder. There will be a list in recAM.txt active mods and their resources. The list of active mods is taken from "user profile"\AppData\Local\"game". If there is nothing there, then the program terminates. There will be a list in recNM.txt not active mods and their resources. Be careful, if you need any mods in the future, mark them as active in any way you can. I am using Nexus Mod Manager.
  1. After collecting information, perform resource sampling. Some active mods can use resources not active mods, such resources should be left in order to avoid the appearance of red triangles with white exclamation points inside. As a result, the recDM.txt file will be generated, which contains all unused mods and their resources that should be deleted. This stage is also not dangerous for the game.
  1. After generating recDM.txt, move unused mods and resources. The files are not deleted, but moved to the "game"\Data\NotActiveMods, batch files are also created there, allowing you to return any moved mod and its associated resources. There will also be allmove.bat, it will allow you to return all moved mods and resources at once. This step is dangerous for the game, so be careful not to interrupt the program, restart or turn off the computer. But, if at this stage the program freezes, you should still forcefully terminate it in any way known to you. negative consequences should not be for the game. After a forced shutdown, be sure to check the disk on which the game is located.

(Highlighting in bright red finished)

To use or not to use the program is up to you. It is better to choose: go to a museum or go outside or call your parents and / or visit them or read a book or wash the dishes or something else. Do not sit in front of a monitor in a locked room with closed curtains.

A bug was fixed processing the original list of active mods in this format:

*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
*Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp

And such

# This file is used by Fallout4 to keep track of your downloaded content.
# Please do not modify this file.
[X]Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
[X]Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp
These are fixes from file version

Perhaps there is or will be invented another format for saving the list of active mods, in which case the program will display a message about the file not found and show the name, it will contain an extraneous set of characters (or one character) that is not related to the name of this file. It is not critical for operation and there are no consequences for the game.
To solve the problem, bring the format for saving the list of active mods to the one understood by the program. That is, either those listed above or a simple enumeration of mods.

Here is this:

Damage Threshold.esm
No Fusion Core Drain.esp
More armor slots.esp

Later, if I can overcome laziness, I'll think about how to get rid of the dependence of formats for saving the list of active mods altogether.

Thank you very much and terribly grateful for the help in solving an unaccounted for erroneous situation.

It is likely that such programs exist, but I do not know anything about it. Written for myself, well, and for you, if you need it and dare to use it.

In the program window that opens, select the button labeled "Start" (the label may be different). Then press and hold Control+Shift (Ctrl+Shift) on your keyboard and then double-click with the left mouse button just above or just below the highlighted button. This function does not depend on the version of the program.

World of Tanks is a legendary game that has not lost its leadership position in the gaming market for many years. Such success and mega popularity creates the conditions for constant updating of mods. In the arsenal of WoT players there are already more than a thousand modifications for the full functionality of the game. But here the question arises, how to remove obsolete mods and replace them with more advanced ones? This will be discussed further.

To understand the essence of the uninstallation process, you need to understand the classification of mods. There are two main groups - mods from Jove (various modpacks) and single mods. The modpack includes a complex of all the necessary mods, which are grouped into a common folder. Single mods install chaotically and take a long time to remove.

Removing mods in World of tanks using the built-in uninstaller

To remove a group of mods from Jove, you need to find the unins1 folder in the main folder of the program installer. By clicking on the shortcut, confirm the request "Clear all". The uninstall process will start and all installed mods will be removed automatically. In this case, additional manual removal is not required. It is worth noting that when you run the installer again, it clears the game client of all previous old mods and installs on a clean platform.

Removing mods in World of tanks through the root folder

You can delete single mods, without the possibility of self-deletion, using the following folder transition: “Games” - “World of Tanks” - “res mods” - “Delete”. However, the same method can be used to clear the game of Jove mods if there are problems with the uninstall wizard.

Removing mods in World of tanks using system programs

Any operating system It has a built-in Add/Remove Programs service. By opening this program, you will see a list of applications available for removal. It remains only to select the desired folder and click "Delete". Unfortunately, you can only uninstall mods from Jove. Small installation mods are not removed by this method.

Removing World of tanks mods using special utilities

You can get rid of unnecessary, obsolete programs by resorting to the CCleaner utility. To do this, you need to download this program and install it. Once launched, CCleaner will scan your computer and provide you with a list of folders to delete. The utility detects programs installed by an automatic installer, and for mods with manual installation, this option is not possible.

A variety of modifications for World of Tanksres help make the game more interesting and colorful. But excessive "littering" of the game with unnecessary applications can significantly spoil the gameplay, so you should regularly remove unnecessary mods.

It happens that after such a hectic activity, the game simply stops working, crashes, or it turns out that you have something that you don’t need. To get a clean game again, you can not reinstall it, but simply simply remove the necessary modifications or the entire pack of mods. So how to remove mods in World of Tanks so that they no longer interfere with you in the game?

The first time you want to remove all mods and leave the game clean. Go to folder with world game of Tanks and in it we find res_mods- inside the folder there will be another one with the version number of the game that needs to be cleaned up, deleting everything indiscriminately. Thanks to the developers for this method, who decided not to use file replacement and moved the modifications to a separate folder.

The second case of how to remove mods in wot is when you want to permanently remove a certain mod or replace it with another one. To do this, again, go to the folder with the game, then to res_mods and there in the folder with the game version we are looking for the following paths:

— We find vehicles, then a folder [nation name] and beyond tracks- mods for caterpillars are stored here;
gui and go to the folder flash- here you will find all the modifications to the sights that you have, as well as loading screens. In the same folder, by the way, minimaps are also buried;
gui, then look for the foldermaps, icons after it and in itvehicle- along this path you will find icons;
vehicles, then folder [nation name]and look for the desired folder[model of tank]- here are collected all the skins that you put;
gui, then go to maps in it findiconsfollow the tankmen and thereicons- in this folder you will find crew icons.

It is also worth mentioning that quite famous and extensive modifications have recently been received by automatic installers and all you need to do is press a couple of buttons to install. As for the removal of such mods in World of Tanks, it also goes very quickly - you need to find the .exe file with the name of the mod and the postscript unins in the game folder. But you need to make sure that the modification does not get into .

You can do it differently - go to the computer control panel and there find "uninstall programs" by clicking on it you will see a list of what you have installed on top of the system - the modification may be in this list. After selecting it, click the "delete" button at the top and wait for the operation to complete. Now you know how to remove mods in World of Tanks.