Conspiracy for epilepsy or perish, “epileptic”! Prayer for epilepsy was cured by the matron. Prayer for epilepsy, Lord, for the first time.

Complete collection and description: prayer for epilepsy cured by the matronushka for the spiritual life of a believer.

The diagnosis of epilepsy obliges a person to live, limiting himself in many ways. But this does not mean that it is necessary to reduce the quality of life. On the contrary, you can take control of this disease and plan your life correctly.

Along with official medicine, folk medicine offers its own methods and techniques for treating epilepsy. Naturally, the feasibility of using and the effectiveness of the methods will depend on the individual condition of the person.

Reading conspiracies for epilepsy

Say the spell three times:

“Holy goodwill, take bread and salt, and heal and forgive the servant of God (the name given at baptism). Amen"

You can also roll out the disease with a piece of dough kneaded with water and honey.

“I will pray to the Lord God, I will worship the Mother of God. I will turn to all the holy apostles for help. I call, angels of the Lord, come to my aid. The Mother of God covered me (the servant of God) with her sacred robe, removed the black disease, and sent me behind the white - flammable stone. You, evil black disease, go away, disappear. I, the servant of God (name), will not be sick, I will not suck my blood, I will not break my joints.”

Let's pray to God...

When turning to the Saints and the Lord God for help, one should firmly believe in the power of holy prayer. Before you pray for

health, it is worth thinking about your life, about your sins and the desire to improve, to improve your life in accordance with the Commandments of our Lord. You need to say prayer with faith and hope for the help of our Savior.

Prayers for healing from epilepsy are read in cycles of nine days, morning and evening, the prescribed number of times.

Before you begin to pray, you need to wash and dress in light clothes, and light a church candle on the table in front of you. You can place fresh flowers near the candle.

First of all, the prayer “Our Father” is read, then the prayer to the Mother of God, then the prayer “Holy Trinity” is repeated three times and an appeal to your Guardian Angel or the Saint whose name you bear. They are considered your main intercessors before the Lord.

“Oh Saint Martha! Miracle-working virgin! I turn to you for mercy. And be a helper in my hardships, and an intercessor in my trials. With gratitude I promise you that I will constantly read this prayer. I humbly ask you to console me in my sorrows and sorrows. I ask you tearfully - take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our souls and thereby deserve the Eternal Salvation of the Saved Almighty Mediation, first of all, with the concern that now burdens me (then you need to express your desire and your sorrow that worries you most of all at the moment) I pray for you, Helper in any need, I ask you to overcome my hardships.”

Other unconventional techniques

Indian yogis offer their own methods of treating the disease. They believe that all diseases are concentrated in the intestines, so in order to be cured, you need to thoroughly rinse it and improve its functioning.

To do this, rinse the intestines with warm water for a week (you can use a decoction of medicinal herbs). Carry out the procedure for a week, increasing the amount of water by half a liter every day (every two days - a break)

Repeat treatment after a month, then after two, after three, after four, after five and after six months. In the future, the course of treatment should be carried out every six months.

A. Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, which have proven themselves around the world as a panacea for many diseases, give positive results. Systematic implementation of a set of these exercises not only significantly improves the patient’s condition, but also helps

be completely cured.

Today, official medicine also offers some unusual methods of treatment. Thus, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and amber applications help with epilepsy. It is well known that the sun stone has the gift of curing certain diseases. And in fact, it consists of useful elements that have a beneficial effect on human health.

Epilepsy is not a sentence, but a way of life. And here everything is important: diet, physical hardening, special exercises, a combination of possible methods and methods of treatment.

Ant weeds

A positive result in the treatment of epilepsy is obtained by using herbal infusions and decoctions:

This section was created to take care of those who need a qualified specialist, without disturbing the usual rhythm of their own lives.

Prayer for epilepsy

Can prayer help with epilepsy?

In addition to the help from the knowledge and experience of epileptologists, some of our patients and their relatives need spiritual support and faith in healing.

Who to pray to, asking to get rid of epilepsy.

In the Orthodox faith, people suffering from epilepsy cry with prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos and to the Lord God.

Prayer for epilepsy

Saint Valentine, a Roman priest who was martyred in 270, during the reign of Emperor Claudius II. People turn to Saint Valentine in prayer to recover from epilepsy.

One of the ancient names for epilepsy is “St. Valentine’s disease.” Traditions say that Saint Valentine relieves love fever and torment, and a prayer at the grave of Saint Valentine healed a young man from epilepsy. There is a well-known image of Valentine - a miracle worker - a deliverer from mental wounds and convulsions.

In Russia, the holy martyr Tryphon is called the patron of patients with epilepsy. Saint Tryphon's Day is also celebrated by the church on February 14th.

Since childhood Tryphon delivered with prayer fields from crop-destroying insects. They say that he performed a miracle of driving out a demon from the daughter of the Roman emperor. He could help with prayer against epilepsy, as well as in grief, loss, and difficult life circumstances.

Currently, parts of his relics are kept in Moscow, in the Church of St. Tryphon in Naprudny, in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral, in the Intercession Cathedral of the Russian Panteleimon Monastery on Athos.

They pray to the Holy Martyr Tryphon for the healing of various ailments (especially epilepsy and sleep disorders).

Prayer for epilepsy

Prayer for epilepsy to Saint Tryphon

By receiving spiritual support and believing in recovery, it is easier for patients with epilepsy and their relatives to cope with life circumstances caused by the course of the disease. Faith gives strength and strengthens the will to live. Patients accept difficulties and are ready to do whatever is necessary on the path to freedom from epilepsy attacks. But we must remember that the path to recovery is associated with correct antiepileptic treatment, which is dangerous to abruptly cancel therapy on your own. Prayers for epilepsy will help you cope with soul-destroying emotions, strengthen your spirit, gain strength and move towards getting rid of the disease.

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2 – answers to Prayer for epilepsy

Good afternoon I really ask for help!

We live in Latvia. My daughter is 9 years old. Two years ago she was diagnosed with Landau-Kleffner syndrome. She has never had any attacks, she says, but her development is very poor - her memory, logic, and thinking suffer. We can barely study at school (2nd grade), Medicines help for no more than two months - then the syndrome recurs, We were treated with livetiracitam, prednisolone, clobazam, ospolot, depakine chrono - IT DOES NOT HELP. ...Maybe you have experience of treatment with good results? Help. Please advise! Very difficult... (from the diagnostics there is: magnetic resonance - without pathologies, numerous EEGs)

Hello Olga! You have been prescribed all acceptable medications that are used for Landau-Kleffner syndrome. Ethosuximide (strong>suxilep), which is not available in the country, also works for this syndrome.

The goal of therapy is to reduce the amount of epiactivity. AEDs do not improve mental ability, but only suppress epiactivity, which leads to disorganization of the brain.

The effect of therapy cannot be assessed over a short period of 2 months.

The solution is to continue monitoring with the specialists who are monitoring your daughter. Judging by the medications, you are being seen by good specialists. All the best!

World is Small

What we think about will come true...what we send into the world will come back to us...

Spells and prayers for epilepsy or epilepsy.

For a long time in Rus', healers considered epilepsy a disease with destructive energy that was transmitted to the victim’s body in different ways. Curses, spells, dry spells and conspiracies were used. The brain of a patient with epilepsy absorbed the information of the ill-wisher and stopped fully perceiving daylight. An aura appeared, and after a few minutes, less often hours, a convulsive attack occurred. The victim's astral body was corrupted; the loss of vital energy increased.

In magic there are enough methods to rid a patient of convulsive seizures and loss of astral energy. They are not used in modern medicine.

Traditional medicine provides its followers with many conspiracies to get rid of illness. One of them - epilepsy spell.

Epilepsy and generational curse:

Each of us has a family tree. There will definitely be a place for a family curse on this tree. Sooner or later it will make itself felt and its destructive power can give impetus to the development of a disease such as epilepsy. Energy damage affects the patient’s brain. People who are angry, greedy, and unrestrained are more susceptible to it. A spiritual person is less likely to suffer from epilepsy and its course is much milder. It is difficult, but possible, to neutralize a negative impulse.

Interesting facts about epilepsy:

Fools and some prophets suffered from epilepsy. The holy fools were endowed with the gift of deciding the fate of people and even humanity as a whole, predicting future events. These ascetics often suffered from epileptic seizures. Among them is John the Fool. He became famous for predicting the siege of Moscow by the Poles and saving the city.

Login Kochkarev predicted their fate for many. Repeatedly after attacks and deep sleep. He predicted the War of 1812, as well as the war in the Caucasus.

After an attack, the great Chopin in a dream saw the afterlife and the souls of the dead, who predicted various events in the life of the great composer.

George Sand and Emerson Garrington had the gift of foresight.

This disease is mysterious and not fully understood. 6% of cases have sick relatives in their family. The whole world is filled with epileptics - there are 20 million of them.

Not all seizures are epilepsy. Often convulsions accompany diseases such as common flu, injuries, and poisoning. The frequency of attacks is influenced by the phases of the moon, especially the full moon and magnetic storms.

Drug treatment alone is clearly not enough. A pill will help someone, while another patient will be healed by a spell or other magical ritual.

Provide each patient with his own treatment and the “epileptic” condition will recede for a long time.

Who lives in the soul of a patient with epilepsy - an angel or a demon?

Patients with epilepsy live among us. Often in everyday life they feel the need for outside help and care. It is very important that a spiritual person helps the epileptic. Then demons will not be able to penetrate the soul of the patient and tempt him.

It is necessary to create and develop bright images in the patient’s mind so that the guardian angel will protect the patient on his path. In the period between attacks, the patient is protected from fears and anxiety, otherwise demons approach the soul, dumping all the negativity into it.

For a patient with epilepsy, this is especially difficult: there is no strength, all the energy goes to the enemy. If seizures are repeated quite often, then epilepsy is progressing.

For epilepsy, a spell on a stone will provide real help to the patient.

Epilepsy. Stone spell:

Before reading the plot, do the following:

Magic spells for the treatment of epilepsy.

The spell for epilepsy is read on the water and give it to the patient to drink, and also wash their hair with the enchanted water.

“I walk the path along untrodden paths, in Christ’s footsteps, in Christ’s tears. I beg and persuade, I reprimand and exhort the epileptic, severe illness. With me are the apostles, and angels, and 40 saints, and Christ himself. They say and order and disease they order: “Go to an open field, a wide expanse, to a gray wave and go to the bottom. So that the slave (name) does not know epilepsy and does not suffer from epilepsy. The word is strong and molding. Amen".

Here's another way: take several hot charcoals and a cup of water from the stove. The ashes from the coals are blown into a cup, and then the coals themselves are placed there. Then in front of the icon they read over the water "Our Father" and give it to the patient to drink from a cup 3 times. After 11 days, the treatment is repeated. Seizures usually stop after the first time if everything is done with faith in a cure.

Buy a thick yellow candle on Wednesday. On Friday morning, burn this candle on both sides, holding it over a bowl of spring water, so that the melted wax falls into the water. When there is only one inch left of the candle, blow it out and say:

“The fever came from both ends, it didn’t get there, it all came out in tears.”

Sew this candle into fabric or leather and instruct the patient to carry this talisman with him all the time. Pour out the remaining water, and bury the melted wax in an old, abandoned grave.

For severe convulsions of an epileptic seizure, they use a hex using the crumb of fresh white bread. Roll out a large piece of crumb onto the arms, legs, chest and stomach. Then wrap it in a clean rag (preferably white) and take it to the crossroads exactly at midnight.

Say the spell three times:

“Holy goodwill, take bread and salt, and heal and forgive the servant of God (the name given at baptism). Amen"

You can roll out the disease with a piece of dough, mixed with water and honey.

In the patient’s home, place three church candles on a table covered with a clean white tablecloth. Place a loaf of black bread on a white plate in the middle of the table and read:

“I will pray to the Lord God, I will worship the Mother of God. I will turn to all the holy apostles for help. I call, angels of the Lord, come to my aid. The Mother of God covered me (the servant of God) with her sacred robe, removed the black disease, and sent me behind the white - flammable stone. You, evil black disease, go away, disappear. I, the servant of God (name), will not be sick, I will not suck my blood, I will not break my joints.”

When turning to the Saints and the Lord God for help, one should firmly believe in the power of holy prayer. Before you pray for health, you should think about your life, about your sins and the desire to improve, to improve your life in accordance with the Commandments of our Lord. You need to say prayer with faith and hope for the help of our Savior.

Prayers for healing from epilepsy are read in cycles of nine days, morning and evening, the prescribed number of times. Before you begin to pray, you need to wash and dress in light clothes, and light a church candle on the table in front of you. You can place fresh flowers near the candle.


First of all, a prayer is read "Our Father", then prayer to the Mother of God, then the prayer is repeated three times "Holy Trinity" and an appeal to your Guardian Angel or Saint whose name you bear. They are considered your main intercessors before the Lord.

The following special prayer is said to Saint Martha:

“Oh Saint Martha! Miracle-working virgin! I turn to you for mercy. And be a helper in my hardships, and an intercessor in my trials. With gratitude I promise you that I will constantly read this prayer. I humbly ask you to console me in my sorrows and sorrows. I ask you tearfully - take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our souls and thereby deserve the Eternal Salvation of the Saved Almighty Mediation, first of all, with the concern that now burdens me (then you need to express your desire and your sorrow that worries you most of all at the moment) I pray for you, Helper in any need, I ask you to overcome my hardships.”



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Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 37 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

For epilepsy

For epilepsy

Popularly, this disease is called “epileptic” or “seizures,” since a patient with epilepsy falls where he is caught in an attack and convulses. Typically, someone who has an epileptic seizure does not remember what happened to them. The proposed plot is read into water and the patient is washed with it after an attack. The plot reads like this:

Saint Makar was walking along the road and fell,

I collected the falling, shaking one from the road.

She beat him, shook him, chilled him,

My arms and legs were cramped and my brain was drying out.

Mother Theotokos came up and blessed,

Freed me from seizures.

So the shakers wouldn’t break (such and such)

The fits did not hit and did not throw,

They wouldn't torture him anywhere,

Neither on water nor on land.

Come, you falling one, to the gray wave,

There, fight, shake and go to the bottom,

So that the slave (such and such) does not know you from now on,

He didn’t fall, didn’t fight, and didn’t suffer.

Be, my word, stone,

And it’s my job, be it right

For now, for centuries, for all time.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


People with epilepsy should know that they should not eat foods such as celery and parsley, beans, red meat, hot spices and seasonings. All this can provoke another attack of epilepsy, or, as people also say, seizures. A sick person should not be in a hot bath or steam room. You should also not be outside in the hot sun without a hat, this also contributes to a rush of blood to the head. In addition, it is undesirable for the patient to look at the process of metal welding, watch fireworks flashes, or pay attention to rotating and fast-moving objects.

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“obliges a person to live, limiting himself in many ways. But this does not mean that it is necessary to reduce the quality of life. On the contrary, you can take control of this disease and plan your life correctly.

Along with official medicine, he offers his own methods and techniques for treating epilepsy. Naturally, the feasibility of using and the effectiveness of the methods will depend on the individual condition of the person.

Using traditional methods, make sure that you are not allergic to herbs; you should also consult with your doctor about the possibility of using unconventional methods of treatment.

Reading conspiracies for epilepsy

For severe cramps, they use a hex using the crumb of fresh white bread. Roll out a large piece of crumb onto the arms, legs, chest and stomach. Then wrap it in a clean rag (preferably white) and take it to the crossroads exactly at midnight.

Say the spell three times:

“Holy goodwill, take bread and salt, and heal and forgive the servant of God (the name given at baptism). Amen"

You can also roll out the disease with a piece of dough kneaded with water and honey.

In the patient’s home, place three church candles on a table covered with a clean white tablecloth. Place a loaf of black bread on a white plate in the middle of the table and read:

“I will pray to the Lord God, I will worship the Mother of God. I will turn to all the holy apostles for help. I call, angels of the Lord, come to my aid. The Mother of God covered me (the servant of God) with her sacred robe, removed the black disease, and sent me behind the white - flammable stone. You, evil black disease, go away, disappear. I, the servant of God (name), will not be sick, I will not suck my blood, I will not break my joints.”

Let's pray to God...

When turning to the Saints and the Lord God for help, one should firmly believe in the power of holy prayer. Before you pray for health, you should think about your life, about your sins and the desire to improve, to improve your life in accordance with the Commandments of our Lord. You need to say prayer with faith and hope for the help of our Savior.

Prayers for healing from epilepsy are read in cycles of nine days, morning and evening, the prescribed number of times.

Before you begin to pray, you need to wash and dress in light clothes, and light a church candle on the table in front of you. You can place fresh flowers near the candle.

When reading prayers, no one and nothing should distract you; you should be completely alone in the room!

First of all, the prayer “Our Father” is read, then the prayer to the Mother of God, then the prayer “Holy Trinity” is repeated three times and an appeal to your Guardian Angel or the Saint whose name you bear. They are considered your main intercessors before the Lord.

The following special prayer is said to Saint Martha:

“Oh Saint Martha! Miracle-working virgin! I turn to you for mercy. And be a helper in my hardships, and an intercessor in my trials. With gratitude I promise you that I will constantly read this prayer. I humbly ask you to console me in my sorrows and sorrows. I ask you tearfully - take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our souls and thereby deserve the Eternal Salvation of the Saved Almighty Mediation, first of all, with the concern that now burdens me (then you need to express your desire and your sorrow that worries you most of all at the moment) I pray for you, Helper in any need, I ask you to overcome my hardships.”

The wish must be expressed day after day in the same words, it should sound exactly the same. If you have not learned the prayer by heart, you need to rewrite it in your own hand and read it from a sheet of paper. You cannot pass on your prayer to anyone, and you cannot use the same prayer for several desires.

Other unconventional techniques

Indian yogis offer their own methods of treating the disease. They believe that all diseases are concentrated in the intestines, so in order to be cured, you need to thoroughly rinse it and improve its functioning.

To do this, rinse the intestines with warm water for a week (you can use a decoction of medicinal herbs). Carry out the procedure for a week, increasing the amount of water by half a liter every day (every two days - a break)

Repeat treatment after a month, then after two, after three, after four, after five and after six months. In the future, the course of treatment should be carried out every six months.

A. Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, which have proven themselves around the world as a panacea for many diseases, give positive results. Systematic implementation of a set of these exercises not only significantly improves the patient’s condition, but also helps be completely cured.

Today, official medicine also offers some unusual methods of treatment. Thus, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and amber applications help with epilepsy. It is well known that the sun stone has the gift of curing certain diseases. And in fact, it consists of useful elements that have a beneficial effect on human health.

Epilepsy is not a sentence, but a way of life. And here everything is important: physical hardening, special exercises, a combination of possible methods and techniques of treatment.

Ant weeds

A positive result in the treatment of epilepsy is obtained by using herbal infusions and decoctions:

Many consider faith to be the best medicine, because it can bring you out of depression when there is no longer any hope left. Prayer for epilepsy has existed for many centuries, and in the old days, patients could only rely on it, since the level of medicine was extremely low. Previously, this disease was called epilepsy because of the characteristic symptoms (sharp fall). According to healers, it was transmitted through curses, slander, etc. That is why prayer was considered the best medicine, since it freed the patient from filth and cleared the mind. In addition to it, believers use various conspiracies, spells and rituals.

Modern medicine makes it possible to stop epilepsy attacks, but experts believe that such traditional methods will not be superfluous and can be used in combination with the main course of therapy. It is necessary to maintain the normal mental state of the patient and the better he feels morally, the less chance there will be of another seizure. Often, especially suspicious people are given a placebo (dummy) under the guise of a strong medicine. After using it, the patient felt better due to faith and a positive attitude. Prayer has the same effect, so believers, combining it and conventional medical methods, can improve their condition much faster.

Healers consider epilepsy a generational curse and say that it can manifest itself over time, especially if there are people in the family who have had seizures. Such a disease can affect the patient’s brain like damage and, according to believers, it can be removed with the help of prayer. Modern doctors interpret these nuances as hereditary predisposition and the placebo effect.

Regardless of whether a person believes in traditional methods or not, he must understand that epilepsy is a severe pathological process. To stop attacks, it is desirable that the patient be cared for by a person of a spiritual mindset. It will be able to instill confidence in the epileptic and help avoid the consequences of the disease.

Experts advise creating several images in your subconscious, for example, making an angel a protector and he should play the role of faith, and a demon will represent epilepsy.

The first image should protect the epileptic from damage that clouds consciousness. In moments of despair, the angel will have to protect the believer from bad thoughts with the help of prayer and prevent another attack. This method is extremely effective if you truly believe in the images created.

Experts strictly prohibit self-diagnosis. It is not easy for even an experienced doctor to make a diagnosis, since the abnormal activity characteristic of epilepsy at a moment of calm is absent. It has to be induced artificially, but the patient himself will not experience discomfort, since the technique is absolutely safe. Often, a person’s fears about the presence of this pathology are not justified. Convulsions can be not only epileptic, but also result from injury, colds, intoxication, magnetic storms, changes in the phase of the moon, etc. Therefore, before treating epilepsy with prayer or a spell, it is necessary to undergo a detailed examination and consult a doctor.


Only those people who sincerely believe in the Creator can use this method of treatment. Otherwise, no effect will be obtained and the appeal to the Lord God and the holy martyrs will remain an empty phrase. Priests recommend that before prayer you think about all your sins and your desire to not make such mistakes again. You must want to live according to God's commandments and strive to change your life for the better. In this case, there will be a strong prayer that will have its effect.

Before the procedure, you should wash and change clothes. It is advisable to choose clothes of a light shade. The prayer must be read while standing in front of a candle, and it is advisable that an icon of the saint to whom the appeal is made is present. This should be done within 10 days after waking up and before going to bed. Directly while reading the prayer, the patient should not be distracted by anything and care should be taken to ensure that there is no one in the room.

  • Our Father;
  • Prayer to the Mother of God;
  • Prayer of the Holy Trinity;
  • A prayer addressed to the Guardian Angel or saint whose name the epileptic was named.

After reading all the necessary prayers, you must turn to Saint Martha:

Every day the procedure should be repeated at the same time and all calls should be identical. Regardless of the outcome, faith must remain unshakable. In this case, the effect will be most significant. If for some reason you cannot remember the text of the prayer, then you need to copy it yourself onto a piece of paper and read from it. It is prohibited to transfer to another person an appeal to the saints written in your own hand.

Saint Vitus

For a long time, they prayed to Saint Vitus for salvation from epilepsy. He was killed along with the martyr Crescetia and Modestus for his faith in Jesus Christ in the capital of the Roman Empire during the reign of Diocletian. Saint Vitus of Rome came from a wealthy family, but his father did not recognize Christianity and was an ardent pagan. When he learned about his son's faith, he became furious. Initially, the father asked, with the help of various encouragements, to renounce Christ, and having received a refusal, he began to torture him. After the pagan realized that his son could not be forced to renounce his faith, he decided to kill him, but the teacher stood up for 12-year-old Vitus. His name was Modest and he saved the young Christian and took him under his care. They, together with Criscentia, who was the boy’s nurse, went to Lucania. In this Italian town there were many supporters of paganism and the trio were forcibly taken to Rome, where they were executed in 303 for their faith.

Since then, Saint Vitus has been revered for his unshakable faith and people turn to him in case of epilepsy with the following prayer:

Along with the prayer, it is advisable to sing the troparion (chant):

Conspiracies for epileptic seizures

In addition to prayers for epilepsy, people who believe in God and traditional medicine use various spells, for example, on bread. You need to take a fresh loaf and remove the pulp from it, and then roll it over the chest, stomach, legs and arms. The remaining crumb should be wrapped in a white cloth and at 12 o’clock at night, standing at an intersection, say the following words:

You can use not the bread pulp, but dough made with water and honey. After epilepsy rolls out, the same conspiracy is pronounced. For the best effect in the patient’s home, you need to lay a light tablecloth on the table and place 3 blessed candles on top of it. Behind them you need to put a plate in which there will be a loaf of black bread. When preparations are completed, the following words should be said:

Other non-traditional therapies

The use of prayers and spells helps improve the patient’s mental state, but other unusual treatment methods can also be used. Among them, one can highlight the method of therapy from Indian yogis. It is based on cleansing the intestines with warm boiled water or a decoction of medicinal herbs such as lemon balm, valerian, hawthorn, etc.

The procedure should be performed for a week, increasing the amount of liquid you drink by 500 ml every day. However, you need to take a break every 2 days, and repeat the course a month later. Further, this procedure can be performed every six months for preventative cleaning. For better effect, you can use an enema.

According to healers, if an epileptic attack begins, you can stop it by sharply stepping on your little finger. This method cannot be called a panacea, but there have been cases of stopping a seizure.

Prayer designed to heal from epilepsy is a means of calming. If you use it along with the use of medications, you can achieve good results. You should not completely rely on the Lord God, but you must always believe in him and then you will be able to cope with any illness.

In addition to the help from the knowledge and experience of epileptologists, some of our patients and their relatives need spiritual support and faith in healing.

Who to pray to, asking to get rid of epilepsy.

In the Orthodox faith, people suffering from epilepsy cry with prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos and to the Lord God.

Heavenly Father, in my arms of prayer I offer You my loved one (name), who suffers from epilepsy. I believe that it is Your will to heal people because Jesus Himself did this while living on earth. Touch him with the Holy Spirit. Fill me with Your healing power. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bind you, the spirit of epilepsy, and command you to leave his body forever. Lord, I ask you for a creative miracle - give him a new brain. Instill Your peace and tranquility in his heart. I believe, Lord, that everything is possible for You. Thank You for the complete healing of my (name). To you, my God, be glory, honor and majesty, in the name of Jesus. Amen. In the Catholic and Protestant faiths, the patron saint of neurological and mental patients (including epilepsy) isSaint Valentine . Valentine's Day is the day of all lovers, and also celebrated on February 14 .

Saint Valentine, a Roman priest who was martyred in 270, during the reign of Emperor Claudius II. People turn to Saint Valentine in prayer to recover from epilepsy.

One of the ancient names for epilepsy is “St. Valentine’s disease.” Traditions say that Saint Valentine relieves love fever and torment, and a prayer at the grave of Saint Valentine healed a young man from epilepsy. There is a well-known image of Valentine - a miracle worker - a deliverer from mental wounds and convulsions.

In Russia, the holy martyr Tryphon is called the patron of patients with epilepsy. Saint Tryphon's Day is also celebrated by the church on February 14th.

Since childhood Tryphon delivered with prayer fields from crop-destroying insects. They say that he performed a miracle of driving out a demon from the daughter of the Roman emperor. He could help with prayer against epilepsy, as well as in grief, loss, and difficult life circumstances.

Currently, parts of his relics are kept in Moscow, in the Church of St. Tryphon in Naprudny, in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral, in the Intercession Cathedral of the Russian Panteleimon Monastery on Athos.
They pray to the Holy Martyr Tryphon for the healing of various ailments (especially epilepsy and sleep disorders).

Prayer for epilepsy to Saint Tryphon

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you, and to those who pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, who honor your holy memory in this all-honorable temple, (by creating for the praise of your holy name), and intercede for us before the Lord in every place. You, the saint of Christ, the holy martyr and wonderworker Tryphon, who shone forth in great miracles, before your departure from this corruptible life, you prayed for us to the Lord and asked him for this gift: if anyone is in any need, trouble, sorrow or If mental or physical illness begins to be invoked by your holy name, he will be delivered from every pretext of evil. And just as you were once the daughter of the Tsar, in the city of Rome I was tormented by the devil, you healed her, her and us from his fierce machinations all the days of our life, especially on the day of our last breath intercede for us. Be then our helper, and a quick drive away of evil spirits, and a leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand among the saints at the Throne of God. Pray to the Lord, that we may also be worthy to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

By receiving spiritual support and believing in recovery, it is easier for patients with epilepsy and their relatives to cope with life circumstances caused by the course of the disease. Faith gives strength and strengthens the will to live. Patients accept difficulties and are ready to do whatever is necessary on the path to freedom from epilepsy attacks. But we must remember that the path to recovery is associated with correct antiepileptic treatment, which is dangerous to abruptly cancel therapy on your own. Prayers for epilepsy will help you cope with soul-destroying emotions, strengthen your spirit, gain strength and move towards getting rid of the disease.