The mystery of the "Black Knight": space debris or extraterrestrial satellite? The Black Prince is a satellite of an alien civilization in Earth orbit. "Black Knight" over Florida The Dark Knight in space

“Russia is starting to explore the moon,” Roscosmos made such a statement. First, robots will scan the surface, and in 2024 a spaceship with astronauts will land on it. However, the Earth has another satellite, much less studied, it is called the Black Prince or Knight, and even scientists know little about it.

We can see the orbit of the Moon with the naked eye, and this is a "dark" satellite. For more than 13 thousand years, it has been accompanying the Earth, though it has been moving away from us in the opposite direction. What is this mysterious satellite? Why don't astronomers talk about it and why don't expeditions fly there?

Swift, mysterious, black - "Black Prince" is the name of the body, which has been accompanying our planet for more than 13 thousand years.

Once the satellite was spotted by NASA from the ISS station, even a picture was taken of it. He has no round shape, dark in color and moving at great speed, along an incomprehensible trajectory, the orbit of the Earth. Soviet scientists also saw him and were able to measure his temperature and it turned out to be 200 °.

The riddles of the satellite do not end there. All satellites of the Earth (even space debris) rotate together with the planet, obeying its gravity. The "Black Prince" somehow managed to overcome the force of gravity and rotates in the opposite direction. How he does it? Is this already an unknown law of physics, or is something with an engine hiding under the guise of an asteroid fragment?

The "Black Prince", which essentially orbits the Earth like its other satellites, is most likely one of the spaceships that they placed on our planet in order to be able to communicate with us.

Incredibly, the "Black Prince" is really trying to contact us. Nikola Tesla was the first to catch his signals. He suggested that they were sent by an intelligent being and even deciphered this message. The inventor was discouraged, the message warned of an imminent world war, when he soon announced this, Tesla was ridiculed.

The secret and mystery of the "Black Prince" is that it has been sending signals since the 19th century, when people had not yet built an artificial satellite. After Nikola Tesla, radio amateurs from all over the world intercepted the signals, only no one else could pick up the code.

If the "Black Prince" is controlled by aliens, then why are they chasing the Earth?

Some scientists claim that humanoids are sitting in the ship, who once brought life to our planet, others - that these creatures are planning to capture the Earth. However, there is a completely different version and it seems fantastic only at first glance.

Or maybe the "Black Prince" is really a ship, but not alien, but ours? Many thousands of years ago, when the world flood happened, people boarded a ship and flew off to a safe distance, and now they are playing the role of Guardian Angels of our humanity.

The ship's crew took great care of their safety, because the Black Prince is invisible to military radar systems, it can only be seen through a powerful telescope. American physicists explain this phenomenon with a layer of graphite that covers the ship and absorbs radio waves. But why does the Black Prince sometimes disappear from orbit for years?

It is noticed that the "Black Prince" is activated on the eve of serious upheavals (signals of the ship are more intense). It seems that the inhabitants of the satellite want to warn people of the danger, but there is also the opposite effect. The "Black Prince" does not allow some earthly messages to go into space and drowns them out.

Some believe that the "Black Prince" is a fragment of a once large spacecraft, but space explorers know firsthand that this object behaves extremely strangely.

There is evidence that the "Black Prince" flew up to the orbital station and even hovered near the astronauts (it seems that the one who sits inside checks how much the earthlings are ready for contact).

No one doubts that the "Black Prince" is reasonable. Maybe one day we'll find out what's behind beautiful name. However, this will not happen until its inhabitants themselves want to find contact with us.

Recently there was a post about inexplicable photos from the last few decades.
One topic about the satellite, which is also called the "Black Prince", pulled into the jungle at first photographs of this "phenomenon". And then I found this article, which I post.

At the same time, the US military discovered a casing from the old Discovery, almost 6m long. Discovery VIII launched on November 20, 1959, as a rehearsal for the launch of a man into space, followed by separation and parachute descent. Everything went according to plan, but it was not possible to separate the 136 kilogram capsule. The casing of the capsule separated, as required, and the capsule itself went into orbit close to the orbit of the mystical satellite of the Earth and was considered lost. The military tracked one of the shrouds, it rotated every 103 minutes at an angle of 80 degrees, with an apogee of 950 km and a perigee of 187 km. Close to the Black Prince's orbit, but not quite.
Then astronaut Gordon Cooper reported a greenish UFO in 1973 during his 15th orbit aboard Mercury 9. The object was seen on the radar screens of a NASA tracking station in Australia by at least 100 people. The subsequent official clarification speaks of a system error on board and Cooper's hallucinations caused by high levels of CO2 in the air. The reality of the "Black Prince" seemed incredible.

In 1973 Duncan Lunan, a scientist from Scotland, undertook to clarify the issue for sure. He took the Norwegian scientists' data on the phenomenon of "long delay echo" and analyzed it. Lunan found that the signal pointed in the direction of Epsilon Boötis, a double star in the constellation Boötes. Whatever the "Black Prince" was, it seemed to be broadcasting an invitation from the people of Epsilon Bootes, an invitation 12,600 years old, according to Lunan.

The latest confirmation came in 1998 when the space shuttle Endeavor was on its maiden STS-88 flight to the space station. The astronauts on board took many pictures of the strange object, which were freely available on the NASA website. But soon, all the photos disappeared. Images reappeared a little later, on new pages with a description that these objects are space debris. Photo good quality and it is easy to see that the object is some kind of spacecraft. Since that time, we know everything there is to know about the Black Prince. We know where he came from on a space ambassador mission, looks. And all this is witnessed by numerous observers who took part in space programs.

Then why does no one know about the "Black Prince" and NASA is not able to realize its existence?

The grandiose history of the rotation of the alien satellite "Black Prince", aged 13 thousand years, in Earth's orbit exists as much as possible. People often accuse the author of publishing revealing stories like this one. But he doesn't see it the way it's supposed to. Just want to know more. Let me open the curtain a little more and find out what's going on. The author isn't going to end with, "That sounds weird." I would like to find a clue to the mystical history of the "Black Prince". For those who see this as a revelation, the author really would like to say that he does not understand why the study of the whole issue is seen as a negative process. The author is delighted with history and admires what was discovered behind the Black Prince.

Here's what was found.
It turned out that all the pieces of the history of the "Black Prince" were not involved in it. The name "Black Prince" is so prosaic that it is difficult to figure out when he became associated with the story of the satellite. It sounds unbelievable, but the name could have come from any space country, and is so common that it can be associated with any number of real projects. From 1958 to 1965, the UK launched 22 rockets while developing reentry vehicles. The program was called "The Black Prince". But the "Black Prince" did not put anything into orbit, the second stage ended with a descent, not an ascent. Take the name of the story out of the equation and all the links in the chain fall apart. All events associated with the mysterious satellite of the Earth are well documented at that time, but there is no name "Black Prince".

Nikola Tesla actually picked up a radio signal in 1899, and believed in its cosmic origin. Today we know that Tesla was right. The signal he picked up was from a pulsar, a huge cosmic source of pulsating radio signals. Formally, pulsars were discovered in 1968. Since pulsars were not known at the time of Tesla, a possible assumption was made about the intelligent origin of the source of the undeciphered message.
The Norwegian scientist really accepted the "delayed echo" and the origin of the phenomenon is still unsolved. Today, there are about five explanations, but all of them are related to the ionosphere of our planet. These five are among the fifteen more or less acceptable hypotheses. None of the hypotheses considers the Earth's satellite left by aliens. Although, if such an alien satellite recorded a radio signal and broadcast it 8 seconds later, the effect would be similar.
When Duncan Lunan interpreted the received radio signals as signals from space, he had no idea to connect this phenomenon with the "Black Prince" or another orbiting satellite of the Earth. Lunan suggested that the effect is related to one of the Lagrange points, point L5. There are two such points: L4 and L5. They are located in the orbit of the moon. One of the points is 60 degrees behind the moon, the other is 60 degrees ahead of the moon, they are stable and show the effect of gravity. Moreover, Lunan realized the unscientific nature of the assumption and his mistake, retracting it later. So, contrary to the popularized story of the "Black Prince", there is no connection either with Epsilon Bootes, or with the mystical satellite of the Earth, or with the date of 12.6 thousand years ago.

Newspaper reports about two orbiting Earth satellites in 1954? Stories spun out of thin air by dodgers to support the sale of UFO books. The US Air Force officer in question was a person who saw UFOs, but did not in any way express the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmystical satellites of the Earth. No connection to the Black Prince in question.
The most interesting part of the story happened in 1960 when the Discoverer satellites were launched. Secretary of the Air Force Dudley Sharp, told the press that this new mystical object was the second casing from the Discoverer VIII, a doppelgänger of the one previously discovered. In addition, of the appropriate size and in the intended orbit. Soon the data was confirmed. Time magazine even published a confirmation, but since the report was trivial and not sensational, it could be read at the end of the news column.
There is another interesting note about the Discoverer program. In 1992, one of the CIA's programs called Corona was declassified, revealing that the entire Discoverer program was launching Corona spy satellites, not astronauts. The reason for using a polar orbit is the ability to photograph every part of the Earth, as opposed to the possibility of a near-equatorial orbit, which captures only certain latitudes. At that time, there was no technology to transmit images from orbit to Earth. The camera with the film was to be returned for development and further analysis. To do this, the Korona KN-1 camera had to leave orbit, parachute in the atmosphere, where it was intercepted by the JC-130 rescue aircraft.
Although the entire Discoverer program was military, the launches and results were published in newspapers and contained truthful information, which became clear after secrecy was removed. The Corona chamber and its casing were indeed lost from the Discoverer VIII, as the newspapers reported in 1960. Their unusual orbits were also correctly described.
What did Gordon Cooper see from Mercury 9, confirmed by all radar operators? According to Cooper himself, who died in 2004, nothing at all. But there is no mistake that Gordon Cooper reported on the discovery of UFOs more than once when he was a pilot. He was sure he saw a whole fleet of UFOs above him when he was based in Germany, although no one else reported it. But Cooper is also sure that the report attributed to him about the greenish "Black Prince" seen from Mercury 9 in 1963 is completely fabricated. He posted all the records of the flight, including his own originals, confirming the absence of such a report.
The story of Cooper's message is mentioned in almost all books about UFOs and the Black Prince. But there is no such record in NASA documents, not in the reports of radar operators or other sources, and is a pure fiction of modern writers.
What does the flight STS-88 of the Endavor spacecraft and the stunning photographs of the spacecraft leave us with? There are many inaccuracies in this part of the story. First of all, the space shuttle is always in equatorial orbit, as is the International Space Station. An object moving in a polar orbit has a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per hour. Too fast to get noticed and incredibly fast to get some high quality photos. During one of the astronauts' spacewalks, a thermal blanket was lost. One side is silver, the other side is black. It slowly moved away, taking on bizarre shapes, and several photographs were taken. Without knowing the origin of the object, you can name anything. But, fortunately for the astronauts and unfortunately for the mysterious story, it was not an alien satellite.
The author had a lot of fun doing this story. Studied many previously unfamiliar historical and astronomical facts. It would be wrong to simply accept the story of the "Black Prince" on faith. The author would not have had so much anxiety and so many interesting discoveries. Worse, I would have made a logical error by cramming into my understanding an incredible story about an alien satellite in Earth orbit. Neither the legends nor the revelations have any value. Really rewards just learning the facts.

Dozens of satellites fly around our planet, launched for various research and scientific purposes. However, there is one among them, which is not claimed by any state. And in general, there is a suspicion that they did not make it on Earth.

Nobody's satellite

In 1958, American amateur astronomer Steve Slayton, the owner of a 20-inch telescope, while observing the Moon, noticed a certain object against its background. The celestial body quickly crossed the lunar disk and disappeared. Slayton concluded that the object was black and therefore not visible against a dark sky. The astronomer made calculations and tried to determine when the object would again be in the background of the moon.

At the calculated time, the object appeared at the point determined by Slayton. After observing the body, Steve determined its diameter (about 10 meters) and flight height (1-2 thousand km above the Earth). Too high speed and a strange trajectory led him to the conclusion about the artificial origin of the object, which he told the press.

In 1958, only two countries launched satellites: the USSR and the USA. However, in a hurry to announce to the world about each of their new achievements in the space race, neither the USSR nor the United States recognized the discovered celestial body as their own. The US military asked Slayton for the characteristics of the orbit and soon announced that not a single radar station had found a satellite.

The offended amateur astronomer invited reporters to the telescope and they observed with their own eyes a satellite that military astrophysicists with all their equipment cannot find. The press mocked the military. Amateur astronomer outsmarted NASA!

And the radar stations of the USSR and the USA still did not find the object, although scientists observed it visually against the background of the lunar or solar disk.

The satellite becomes the "Black Prince"

The secrets of the satellite multiplied. The military said that Slayton most likely observed a meteorite. All rockets are launched in the direction of the planet's rotation in order to overcome the earth's gravity. And the object discovered by Slayton rotates in reverse side. Therefore, it cannot be an artificial satellite launched from the Earth. And then for the first time the assumption was made that a satellite could be made not on Earth.

In 1974, the Soviet science fiction writer A. Kazantsev in the novel "Faetes" described the alien satellite "Black Prince", revolving around the Earth. The novel has been translated into several languages. The name of the satellite immediately stuck to the celestial object. That's how he got his name.

Find Gorky radiophysicists

After 20 years, Gorky radio physicists tested the supersensitive equipment they had created, which made it possible to determine the temperature of celestial bodies. During testing, an object with a temperature of over 200 degrees Celsius was detected. It was the "Black Prince", which now has one more riddle.

In 1991, American scientist Tom Erickson tried to explain the Black Prince's invisibility to radar systems. According to his version, the body is covered with a layer of graphite that absorbs radio waves. It is not yet possible to confirm or disprove this assumption. The invisibility of the "Black Prince" remains a mystery.

"Black Prince" found

In 1998, astronauts of the American space shuttle Endeavor SNS-88 saw the Black Prince with their own eyes and took pictures of it. After examining them, scientists carefully concluded that these are fragments of artificial origin.

The scientific world is not yet ready to recognize the "Black Prince" as a satellite of an extraterrestrial civilization, with an incomprehensible purpose, observing our planet. Indeed, there are no sufficient grounds for such a bold assumption.

So while it’s unclear what flies around the Earth, it’s not clear where it came from. None of its secrets have yet been revealed. And even if we agree that the Black Prince is really just a fragment of a spaceship, the question remains: which ship?

outside earth satellite"Black Knight" spotted over Florida

A resident of the city of Jacksonville, Florida recently filmed a mysterious black object in the sky, which she mistook for a strangely shaped kite. But when other smaller objects began to fly away from him, the American realized that she had managed to film a UFO, and it was very interesting both in form and content.

UFO identification

And so it turned out, since Internet ufologists easily determined that the filmed UFO, like two drops of water, is similar to the extraterrestrial satellite "Black Knight", more than half a century ago fixed in Earth's orbit. On that day, many Americans saw him over Florida, they all claim that as soon as other small objects separated from the UFO, he soon simply disappeared, and did not fly away, namely, he instantly disappeared from sight.

As ufologist Tyler Glockner noted, the Florida UFO looks like the "Black Knight" in the photographs of 1998, but it's not clear why he approached the Earth, and what kind of landing party was he sent to our planet?

Mysterious satellite

An unknown object, which will later be called the "Black Prince", was first recorded in 1958 by the Arizona amateur astronomer Steve Slayton, but for a long time the extraterrestrial satellite was not recorded on official radars. As US military specialist Tom Erickson later determined, this was because the surface of the UFO was covered with graphite, which completely absorbs radio waves. For this reason, Soviet and American radar stations did not detect anything. But it was recorded at the end of the seventies by the radio physicists of the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), who tested the latest supersensitive equipment. Scientists even prepared a report on this subject for the Tallinn Symposium on Extraterrestrial Civilizations, which took place in 1981, but for certain reasons of the Soviet era, no one allowed them to do this.

And only ten years later, that is, in 1998, the space shuttle Endeavor took photographs of the Black Knight, and these photographs are still considered the only convincing evidence that an extraterrestrial satellite exists in Earth orbit. By the way, it periodically sends radio signals that scientists still cannot decipher.

Dropped landing?

Today it has already been determined that the "Black Knight" has been orbiting our planet for approximately thirteen millennia, perhaps even an earthly satellite, only launched into orbit by representatives of a civilization that preceded mankind. There is also such a version - this is a fragment of a spaceship of unknown origin. By the way, at the end of the eighties, the Americans launched a communications satellite into orbit very close to the Black Knight's orbit, but the "American" soon disappeared from the radar, either when faced with a mysterious UFO, or disappeared for some other reason.

In general, much in this matter still remains a mystery, like the Black Knight itself, the name of which was invented by the Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev. However, if we assume that an extraterrestrial satellite has deorbited to drop troops on Earth (see the video, it is very similar to this), then the version of the debris immediately disappears, and the version that this is a prehistoric spacecraft does not stand up to criticism. It turns out that the "Black Knight" is still an extraterrestrial artificial satellite, and, most likely, a permanent observer of our civilization.

Like many strange and phenomenal stories, the legend of the Black Prince was started by Nicola Tesla. He is said to have picked up a repeating radio signal in 1899, believed to be from outer space, and announced this publicly at a conference. In 1920, radio amateurs could pick up the same signal. Then, a scientist from Oslo, Norway, experimenting with short radio waves in 1928, began to catch "long delay echo" (LDE), not fully understanding the phenomenon of the return of the radio signal a few seconds after broadcast. The explanation came in 1954 when newspapers published a statement from the US Air Force informing the world of two objects orbiting the Earth when neither nation had yet been able to launch them. The existence of the "Black Prince" is attested from various sources and confirmed by the US Air Force.

By 1960, both the US and the USSR had satellites in Earth orbit. But on February 11, 1960, many newspapers published a warning message: "Someone else has a satellite in Earth's orbit." The radar screens set up to detect enemy targets have detected something. It has been characterized as a dark tumbling object. The satellite was neither American nor Soviet.

The next day the newspapers published a little more information. The orbit of the mysterious object is 79 degrees to the equator, not 90 degrees. The orbit is extremely unusual, with an apogee of 1728 km and a perigee of only 216 km. The mysterious satellite makes a complete revolution around the Earth in 104.5 minutes.

At the same time, the US military discovered a casing from the old Discovery, almost 6m long. Discovery VIII launched on November 20, 1959, as a rehearsal for the launch of a man into space, followed by separation and parachute descent. Everything went according to plan, but it was not possible to separate the 136 kilogram capsule. The casing of the capsule separated, as required, and the capsule itself went into orbit close to the orbit of the mystical satellite of the Earth and was considered lost. The military tracked one of the shrouds, it rotated every 103 minutes at an angle of 80 degrees, with an apogee of 950 km and a perigee of 187 km. Close to the Black Prince's orbit, but not quite.

Then astronaut Gordon Cooper reported a greenish UFO in 1973 during his 15th orbit aboard Mercury 9. The object was seen on the radar screens of a NASA tracking station in Australia by at least 100 people. The subsequent official clarification speaks of a system error on board and Cooper's hallucinations caused by high levels of CO2 in the air. The reality of the "Black Prince" seemed incredible.

In 1973 Duncan Lunan, a scientist from Scotland, undertook to clarify the issue for sure. He took the Norwegian scientists' data on the phenomenon of "long delay echo" and analyzed it. Lunan found that the signal pointed in the direction of Epsilon Boötis, a double star in the constellation Boötes. Whatever the "Black Prince" was, it seemed to be broadcasting an invitation from the people of Epsilon Bootes, an invitation 12,600 years old, according to Lunan.

The latest confirmation came in 1998 when the space shuttle Endeavor was on its maiden STS-88 flight to the space station. The astronauts on board took many pictures of the strange object, which were freely available on the NASA website. But soon, all the photos disappeared. Images reappeared a little later, on new pages with a description that these objects are space debris. The photos are of good quality and it is easy to see that the object is some kind of spacecraft. Since that time, we know everything there is to know about the Black Prince. We know where he came from on a space ambassador mission, looks. And all this is witnessed by numerous observers who took part in space programs.

Then why does no one know about the "Black Prince" and NASA is not able to realize its existence?

The grandiose history of the rotation of the alien satellite "Black Prince", aged 13 thousand years, in Earth's orbit exists as much as possible. People often accuse the author of publishing revealing stories like this one. But he doesn't see it the way it's supposed to. Just want to know more. Let me open the curtain a little more and find out what's going on. The author isn't going to end with, "That sounds weird." I would like to find a clue to the mystical history of the "Black Prince". For those who see this as a revelation, the author really would like to say that he does not understand why the study of the whole issue is seen as a negative process. The author is delighted with history and admires what was discovered behind the Black Prince.

Here's what was found.

It turned out that all the pieces of the history of the "Black Prince" were not involved in it. The name "Black Prince" is so prosaic that it is difficult to figure out when he became associated with the story of the satellite. It sounds unbelievable, but the name could have come from any space country, and is so common that it can be associated with any number of real projects. From 1958 to 1965, the UK launched 22 rockets while developing reentry vehicles. The program was called "The Black Prince". But the "Black Prince" did not put anything into orbit, the second stage ended with a descent, not an ascent. Take the name of the story out of the equation and all the links in the chain fall apart. All events associated with the mysterious satellite of the Earth are well documented at that time, but there is no name "Black Prince".

Nikola Tesla actually picked up a radio signal in 1899, and believed in its cosmic origin. Today we know that Tesla was right. The signal he picked up was from a pulsar, a huge cosmic source of pulsating radio signals. Formally, pulsars were discovered in 1968. Since pulsars were not known at the time of Tesla, a possible assumption was made about the intelligent origin of the source of the undeciphered message.

The Norwegian scientist really accepted the "delayed echo" and the origin of the phenomenon is still unsolved. Today, there are about five explanations, but all of them are related to the ionosphere of our planet. These five are among the fifteen more or less acceptable hypotheses. None of the hypotheses considers the Earth's satellite left by aliens. Although, if such an alien satellite recorded a radio signal and broadcast it 8 seconds later, the effect would be similar.

When Duncan Lunan interpreted the received radio signals as signals from space, he had no idea to connect this phenomenon with the "Black Prince" or another orbiting satellite of the Earth. Lunan suggested that the effect is related to one of the Lagrange points, point L5. There are two such points: L4 and L5. They are located in the orbit of the moon. One of the points is 60 degrees behind the moon, the other is 60 degrees ahead of the moon, they are stable and show the effect of gravity. Moreover, Lunan realized the unscientific nature of the assumption and his mistake, retracting it later. So, contrary to the popularized story of the "Black Prince", there is no connection either with Epsilon Bootes, or with the mystical satellite of the Earth, or with the date of 12.6 thousand years ago.

Newspaper reports about two orbiting Earth satellites in 1954? Stories spun out of thin air by dodgers to support the sale of UFO books. The US Air Force officer in question was a person who saw UFOs, but did not in any way express the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmystical satellites of the Earth. No connection to the Black Prince in question.

The most interesting part of the story happened in 1960 when the Discoverer satellites were launched. Secretary of the Air Force Dudley Sharp, told the press that this new mystical object was the second casing from the Discoverer VIII, a doppelgänger of the one previously discovered. In addition, of the appropriate size and in the intended orbit. Soon the data was confirmed. Time magazine even published a confirmation, but since the report was trivial and not sensational, it could be read at the end of the news column.

There is another interesting note about the Discoverer program. In 1992, one of the CIA's programs called Corona was declassified, revealing that the entire Discoverer program was launching Corona spy satellites, not astronauts. The reason for using a polar orbit is the ability to photograph every part of the Earth, as opposed to the possibility of a near-equatorial orbit, which captures only certain latitudes. At that time, there was no technology to transmit images from orbit to Earth. The camera with the film was to be returned for development and further analysis. To do this, the Korona KN-1 camera had to leave orbit, parachute in the atmosphere, where it was intercepted by the JC-130 rescue aircraft.

Although the entire Discoverer program was military, the launches and results were published in newspapers and contained truthful information, which became clear after secrecy was removed. The Corona chamber and its casing were indeed lost from the Discoverer VIII, as the newspapers reported in 1960. Their unusual orbits were also correctly described.
What did Gordon Cooper see from Mercury 9, confirmed by all radar operators? According to Cooper himself, who died in 2004, nothing at all. But there is no mistake that Gordon Cooper reported on the discovery of UFOs more than once when he was a pilot. He was sure he saw a whole fleet of UFOs above him when he was based in Germany, although no one else reported it. But Cooper is also sure that the report attributed to him about the greenish "Black Prince" seen from Mercury 9 in 1963 is completely fabricated. He posted all the records of the flight, including his own originals, confirming the absence of such a report.

The story of Cooper's message is mentioned in almost all books about UFOs and the Black Prince. But there is no such record in NASA documents, not in the reports of radar operators or other sources, and is a pure fiction of modern writers.

What does the flight STS-88 of the Endavor spacecraft and the stunning photographs of the spacecraft leave us with? There are many inaccuracies in this part of the story. First of all, the space shuttle is always in equatorial orbit, as is the International Space Station. An object moving in a polar orbit has a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per hour. Too fast to get noticed and incredibly fast to get some high quality photos. During one of the astronauts' spacewalks, a thermal blanket was lost. One side is silver, the other side is black. It slowly moved away, taking on bizarre shapes, and several photographs were taken. Without knowing the origin of the object, you can name anything. But, fortunately for the astronauts and unfortunately for the mysterious story, it was not an alien satellite.

The author had a lot of fun doing this story. Studied many previously unfamiliar historical and astronomical facts. It would be wrong to simply accept the story of the "Black Prince" on faith. The author would not have had so much anxiety and so many interesting discoveries. Worse, I would have made a logical error by cramming into my understanding an incredible story about an alien satellite in Earth orbit. Neither the legends nor the revelations have any value. Really rewards just learning the facts.

Translation Vladimir Maksimenko 2013