Presentation of 5 slides on the topic of mars. moons of mars

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Dimensions: Orbit: 227,940,000 km (1.52 AU) from the Sun Diameter: 6,794 km Mass: 6.4219e23 kg Mars is the fourth largest planet from the Sun and the seventh largest planet solar system. Named after Mars, the ancient Roman god of war. Mars is sometimes referred to as the "Red Planet" because of the reddish hue of the surface given to it by iron oxide.

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Mars is a terrestrial planet with a rarefied atmosphere (the pressure at the surface is 160 times less than the earth's). The features of the surface relief of Mars can be considered impact craters like those of the moon, as well as volcanoes, valleys, deserts and polar ice caps like those of the earth.

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Craters A large number of craters in the southern hemisphere suggests that the surface here is ancient - 3-4 billion years. Several types of craters can be distinguished: large craters with a flat bottom, smaller and younger cup-shaped craters similar to the moon, craters surrounded by a rampart, and elevated craters. The latter two types are unique to Mars - rimmed craters formed where liquid ejecta flowed over the surface, and elevated craters formed where a crater ejecta blanket protected the surface from wind erosion.

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The comparative size of the Earth and Mars Mars is almost half the size of the Earth in size - its equatorial radius is 3396.9 km (53% of the Earth's). The surface area of ​​Mars is roughly equal to the land area of ​​Earth. The polar radius of Mars is about 21 km less than the equatorial one. The mass of the planet is 6.418 * 10 ^ 23 kg (11% of the mass of the Earth).

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The climate of Mars is much harsher than Earth's. It is seasonal. The inclination angle of Mars to the plane of the orbit is 25.19. Temperatures on the surface of Mars range from -140°C to +20°C

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The internal structure of Mars. There is still not enough data to model the internal structure of Mars. But there are models that are purely theoretical in nature. They were built by analogy with Earth models.

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Phobos, one of the two moons of Mars, was discovered by the American astronomer Asaph Hall in 1877 and named after ancient greek god Phobos (translated as "Fear"), the companion of the god of war Ares.

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Deimos is one of the two moons of Mars. It was discovered by the American astronomer Asaph Hall in 1877 and named after the ancient Greek god of horror Deimos, companion of the god of war Ares. Deimos orbits at an average distance of 6.96 planetary radii (about 23,500 km, much farther than Phobos), with an orbital period of 30 hours 17 minutes 55 seconds. It has an almost circular orbit. Deimos, like the Moon, has an angular velocity of movement along its orbit equal to the angular velocity of its own rotation, so it always turns to Mars with the same side.

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Comparative characteristics satellites Phobos Deimos Orbital radius 9380 km 23460 km Orbital period 7h 40 min 30 h 19 min Dimensions (half axes) 14 x 10 km 8 x 6 km

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Water on Mars The Mars Express image shows the Echus Chasma (Echo Canyon) region, which contains the largest amount of water on Mars. The Phoenix probe has confirmed the presence of water on Mars. The presence of water was shown by analyzes of rock samples that Phoenix took out with his manipulator. And if earlier scientists were content with conjectures, now everything is confirmed chemically.

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Phobos (Fear) The Phobos asteroid, 26.6 × 22.2 × 18.6 km in size, similar in composition to stone meteorites, was formed about 4.5 billion years ago in the asteroid belt and began to gradually move from its outer part towards the Sun closer to martian orbit. Having reached the environs of Mars, he moved into the orbit of the satellite of this planet. Braking by the gravitational field of Mars, Phobos asteroid 26.6 × 22.2 × 18.6 km in size, similar in composition to stone meteorites, was formed about 4.5 billion years ago in the asteroid belt and began to gradually move from its outer part towards the Sun closer to Martian orbit. Having reached the environs of Mars, he moved into the orbit of the satellite of this planet. The deceleration by the gravitational field of Mars, which accompanied this process, led to the release of energy inside Phobos and its intense heating. The ice in the bowels of the asteroid melted, the water became very hot, reacted with rocks, which led to their partial transformation. Fragments of volcanic lavas, ejected from Mars during the fall of large meteorites, reached Phobos and mixed with its soil.

About a million years ago, an even more powerful meteorite explosion ejected soil from the bowels of Phobos with such force that the debris flew outside the gravity zone of Mars. Most likely, it was as a result of this explosion that one of the largest craters on Phobos was formed, the Stickney crater, with a diameter of 9 km. Also on Phobos, a system of mysterious parallel furrows was discovered near this crater. They can be traced at distances up to 30 km in length and have a width of meters at a depth of 1020 meters. About a million years ago, an even more powerful meteorite explosion ejected soil from the bowels of Phobos with such force that the debris flew outside the gravity zone of Mars. Most likely, it was as a result of this explosion that one of the largest craters on Phobos was formed, the Stickney crater, with a diameter of 9 km. Also on Phobos, a system of mysterious parallel furrows was discovered near this crater. They can be traced at distances up to 30 km in length and have a width of meters at a depth of 1020 meters. Phobos has no atmosphere due to its extremely low mass. Phobos has no atmosphere due to its extremely low mass. Meteorites also fell on Phobos, the surface of which is literally dotted with craters. Some of them turned out to be so significant that the substance from the surface, in some places, was pressed deep into the bowels of the asteroid, where it gradually cemented into a single mass. Stickney is the largest crater on Phobos

Deimos (Horror) The dimensions of Deimos are 15×12.2×10.4 km. In the 20th century, Deimos was considered the smallest satellite known in the solar system. Deimos and Phobos are made up of carbon-rich rocks and ice. Deimos and Phobos are apparently former asteroids whose orbits were distorted by Jupiter's gravitational field in such a way that they began to pass near Mars and were captured by it. The surface of Deimos looks much smoother than that of Phobos due to the fact that most of the craters are covered with fine-grained matter. Obviously, the substance ejected during meteorite impacts remained in orbit around the satellite for a long time, gradually settling and hiding the unevenness of the relief.

Conclusion: There are many planets, satellites, stars and other various celestial bodies. All of them are unique. They differ in form, composition, origin. And just as all of them cause great interest in their study. We have explored the moons of the planet Mars. They, like other bodies of the solar system, are unique. In the process of research, we learned that Phobos and Deimos were originally asteroids, whose orbits were distorted by the gravitational field of Jupiter in such a way that they began to pass near Mars and were captured by it. We learned the compositions of the satellites and compiled a table with brief characteristics. There are many planets, satellites, stars and various other celestial bodies. All of them are unique. They differ in form, composition, origin. And just as all of them cause great interest in their study. We have explored the moons of the planet Mars. They, like other bodies of the solar system, are unique. In the process of research, we learned that Phobos and Deimos were originally asteroids, whose orbits were distorted by the gravitational field of Jupiter in such a way that they began to pass near Mars and were captured by it. We learned the compositions of the satellites and compiled a table with brief characteristics.

List of materials used: 1) KOVAL I.K. Planet Mars d 2) RUSKOL E.L. Satellites of Mars d 3) Zh: "ZiV" 2/2002, E. L. RUSKOL

Completed by a student of the 11th grade of the municipal educational institution "Pushninskaya secondary school" Konovalova M. Saturn, as well as Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, are classified as gas giants. General information. Saturn's symbol is a crescent (Unicode: ?). Exploration of Saturn. External atmosphere. There is no solid surface on Saturn. Giant planets. Interesting Facts. The composition of the planet. Saturn.

"Origin of the Universe" - Theories of the origin of the Universe: Stars are mainly composed of hydrogen. The universe is an expanding space filled with a spongy, ragged structure. Galaxies consist of hundreds of billions of stars. The Big Bang Theory. Purpose: The structure of the universe. Creation of the Universe by God in 6 days. Gorchakova Tatyana 11 "A" class. Creationism. How did the universe come into existence?

"Physical nature of stars" - The average density of a white dwarf is 1,000,000 t/m3. Most giants have a temperature of 3000 - 4000 K, so they are called red giants. Some stars shine more powerfully, others - weaker. Stars, with rare exceptions, are observed as point sources of radiation. Star even in the most large telescope cannot be allowed. The luminosities of other stars are determined in relative units, compared with the luminosity of the Sun. Since the sizes of stars differ much more than the masses of stars, the average densities of stars differ greatly from each other.

"Earth-Moon System" - Today, the parameters of the lunar orbit are known with high accuracy. The centers of light rays are the craters Copernicus, Kepler, Aristarchus. Here is a far from complete list of the difficulties facing researchers. Light beams of lunar craters. The moon makes a complete revolution around the Earth in 27.3 days. So the Earth and Venus approached the Sun, and Mars, on the contrary, retired. Experiments with terrestrial explosions show that matter is ejected in jets.

"Earth and Moon" - Earth's land and ocean are located above the crust. The Earth makes a complete revolution around its axis in one day. Plates float on the surface of hot, partially molten rock. Earth Moon. Next comes the ionosphere - the ionized layers of the atmosphere. The lower layers of the atmosphere are called the troposphere, which extends to altitudes of 10-12 km. The diameter of the Earth from the North Pole to the South is 12,714 km. Valuiki 2012. The land is divided into six continents.

"Giant planets astronomy" - Multimedia project on astronomy: >> Encyclopedia for children. Once every 15 years, the rings disappear (due to the rotation of the planet). Satellites of Jupiter. Has 22 satellites. Oxford. Named after the sea god Neptune. The entire surface of the satellite is covered with cracks. Callisto. Iron core. Titanium.

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In Roman mythology, Mars was originally the god of fertility; it was believed that he could either send the death of the crop or the loss of livestock, or avert them. In his honor, the first month of the Roman year, in which the rite of expulsion of winter was performed, was named March. Then Mars was identified with the Greek Ares and became the god of war, and also began to personify the planet Mars. The sacred animals of Mars were the wolf and the woodpecker. In many Romance languages, the day of the week, Tuesday, is named after Mars (in Romanian - "marţi", in Spanish - "martes", in French - "mardi" and in Italian - "martedì"). In Babylonia, the same planet was called Nergal and was the supreme deity - when praying in the direction of the planet, hands were raised. In Jewish mythology, the archangel Gabriel is associated with Mars.

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Mars is the fourth largest planet from the Sun and the seventh largest planet in the solar system. The planet's rotation period is 24 hours 37 minutes 22.7 seconds. Thus, a Martian year consists of 668.6 Martian solar days, called sols. Mars rotates around its axis, which is inclined to the perpendicular plane of the orbit at an angle of 24°56'. The tilt of the axis of rotation of Mars causes the change of seasons. At the same time, the elongation of the orbit leads to large differences in their duration - for example, the northern spring and summer, taken together, last 371 sols, that is, noticeably more than half of the Martian year. At the same time, they fall on the part of Mars' orbit that is farthest from the Sun. Therefore, on Mars, northern summers are long and cool, while southern summers are short and hot.

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In June 2008, three papers published in the journal Nature presented evidence for the existence of the largest known impact crater in the solar system in the northern hemisphere of Mars. It is 10,600 km long and 8,500 km wide, about four times larger than the largest impact crater previously discovered on Mars, near its south pole.

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Mars can be seen from Earth with the naked eye. As a rule, during the great opposition, when the planet is in the opposite direction to the Sun, orange Mars is the brightest object in the earth's night sky, but this happens only once every 15-17 years for one to two weeks. Year Date 1939 July 23, 1956 September 10, 1971 August 10, 1988 September 22, 2003 August 28, 2018 July 27, 2035 September 15

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Atmosphere and climate The temperature on the planet ranges from −153°C at the pole in winter to over +20°C at the equator at noon. The average temperature is -50 °C. According to NASA, the atmosphere of Mars is 95.32% carbon dioxide. In the cold season, even outside the polar caps, light frost can form on the surface. The Phoenix device recorded snowfall, but the snowflakes evaporated before reaching the surface. There is evidence that in the past the atmosphere could have been denser, and the climate warm and humid, and liquid water existed on the surface of Mars and it rained. The proof of this hypothesis is the analysis of the ALH 84001 meteorite, which showed that about 4 billion years ago the temperature of Mars was 18 ± 4 degrees Celsius.

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Since the 1970s as part of the Viking program, as well as the Opportunity rover and other vehicles, numerous dust whirlwinds were recorded. These are air turbulences that occur near the surface of the planet and raise a large amount of sand and dust into the air. Vortices are often observed on Earth, but on Mars they can reach much larger sizes: 10 times higher and 50 times wider than Earth's.

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Two-thirds of the surface of Mars is occupied by light areas, called continents, about a third - by dark areas, called seas. The seas are concentrated mainly in the southern hemisphere of the planet, between 10 and 40 ° latitude. There are only two large seas in the northern hemisphere - the Acidalian and the Great Syrt. Surface

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The appearance of Mars varies greatly depending on the time of year. First of all, changes in the polar caps are striking. They grow and shrink, creating seasonal phenomena in the atmosphere and on the surface of Mars. The polar caps consist of two components: seasonal - carbon dioxide and secular - water ice.

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On Mars, there are many geological formations that resemble water erosion, in particular, dried up river beds. According to one hypothesis, these channels could have formed as a result of short-term catastrophic events and are not proof of the long-term existence of the river system. However, recent evidence suggests that the rivers have flowed for geologically significant periods of time.

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Geological history Noachian Epoch (named after "Noachian Land", a region of Mars): Formation of the oldest extant surface of Mars. It continued in the period 4.5 billion - 3.5 billion years ago. During this epoch, the surface was scarred by numerous impact craters. The plateau of the province of Tharsis was probably formed during this period with intense water flow later. Hesperian era: from 3.5 billion years ago to 2.9 - 3.3 billion years ago. This era is marked by the formation of huge lava fields. Amazonian era (named after the "Amazonian plain" on Mars): from 2.9 - 3.3 billion years ago to the present day. The regions formed during this epoch have very few meteorite craters, but otherwise they are completely different. Mount Olympus was formed during this period. At this time, lava flows were pouring in other parts of Mars.

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Noachian era on Mars. This is what Mars looked like about 4 billion years ago. The northern fault is filled with water, the big lake below is Meridiani.

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Moons of Mars Phobos The natural satellites of Mars are Phobos and Deimos. Both were discovered by the American astronomer Asaph Hall in 1877. Phobos and Deimos are irregularly shaped and very small. According to one hypothesis, they may represent asteroids captured by the gravitational field of Mars. The satellites are named after the characters accompanying the god Ares (that is, Mars) - Phobos and Deimos, personifying fear and horror, who helped the god of war in battles Deimos

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Life on Mars The popular idea that Mars is inhabited by intelligent Martians has been widely late XIX. Numerous observations and announcements by famous people gave rise to the so-called "Martian fever" around this topic. In 1899, while studying atmospheric interference in a radio signal using receivers at the Colorado Observatory, the inventor Nikola Tesla observed a repeating signal. He then speculated that it might be a radio signal from other planets such as Mars. Today, the presence of liquid water on its surface is considered a condition for the development and maintenance of life on the planet. There is also a requirement that the planet's orbit be in the so-called habitable zone, which for the solar system begins behind Venus and ends with the semi-major axis of the orbit of Mars. Evidence suggests that the planet was previously much more prone to life than it is now. However, to date, the remains of organisms have not been found on it.

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In 1976, the American satellite Viking 1, launched into space to study Mars, sent a sensational image to Earth. The photograph showed a huge face that looked from the surface of the Red Planet directly into the lens. When the frame was made public, the public, who believed in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, immediately decided that the “face” was of man-made origin and was, if not a message from the disappeared Martians, then at least something like an Egyptian pyramid. The European probe revealed the secret of the Martian sphinx. It turned out to be just a play of shadows.

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The famous, but gloomy Martian Sphinx has a competitor - a more endearing "painting". Computors appreciated it. And they called it "Smiley". Indeed, there is a circle outlining a "face", two "eyes" and a "smile". Alas, it was not the Martians who drew the face. This is such a crater. Bears the name of Galle, located in the east of the southern hemisphere. Its diameter is 230 kilometers. The first photographs of the smiling crater were taken by the American Viking apparatus back in 1976 - at the same time that the cards of the Sphinx hit the Earth.