Holy Martyr Boniface: Prayer, Icon, Life. Life of the Holy Martyr Boniface of Tarsus To the Holy Martyr Boniface

For many centuries, Christians have known who to pray to if they themselves or their neighbors suffer from such a sin as drunkenness. This prayer is said to the holy martyr Boniface.

Holy Martyr Bonifati of Tarsus

Sins of Aglais and Boniface

Who was this St. Boniface? Has he always been considered a saint? Of course not. Like many other saints, initially he had a chance to experience the abyss of sinful fall, endure trials and only then turn to God.

He served, like a slave, a young and beautiful Roman woman, whose name was Aglaida. It was hard to resist the charms of this beauty, and therefore he:

  • was in unlawful cohabitation with her;
  • indulged in debauchery and satisfaction of sinful lust;
  • had a special passion for drinking - he suffered from drunkenness.

Sins continued to accumulate and this burden weighed on both of them. The conscience tormented this couple, but they could not afford to give up their way of life on their own.

Boniface is going to go

Aglaida was told that it was possible to overcome these vile addictions - to get rid of drunkenness and depravity - with the help of holy relics, thanks to which prayer intensifies and the chances of salvation increase. The influence of the relics is so graceful that any sin can be atoned for, and virtue will surely reign.

But there were wonderful gifts of the Lord in a neighboring city, and therefore the hostess sent her servant for them. On the road she equipped him large quantity gold, using which he had to redeem the relics (and partially distribute this wealth to the poor).

In order to adequately transfer the martyr's bodies, the following were also prepared:

  • other helpers are slaves;
  • many horses;
  • soft cloths;
  • special incense.

And Boniface went on his way. And the city with the relics was in the East - at that time there were cruel and dangerous persecutions of Christians there.

The Holy Martyr Boniface predicted his own fate

Boniface's prediction

Leaving, the slave and lover of Aglaida joked: “And if I fail to find the relics of the martyrs, but I myself have to suffer for Christ, can you, hostess, accept my martyr’s body?”

In response to this involuntary prediction, perceived by the Roman woman as an unsuccessful joke, she only laughed, christening Boniface a sinful drunkard. How could it then be assumed that such a sinful and dependent person is able to suffer for Christ?! On the contrary, she warned him to refrain from possible excesses on the road, to carry out the planned holy deed with all honesty and reverence. And she blessed him, because with all her heart she wanted to get rid of the burden of sins.

So in modern life, sooner or later there comes a moment when the most “complete” drunkards understand that they can no longer, that the boulders of sins hung around their necks will drag them to the very bottom, into those abysses from which there is no return. It is at this time that one should pray to St. a martyr who himself has walked this thorny path and knows what it is like. We are talking only about a difficult, but surmountable test, overcoming which a person will become much cleaner and brighter.

Remorse on the road

Strong repentance visited Boniface already on the way for the relics. That is why the future St. the martyr decided to fast: to avoid eating wine, meat, but to saturate himself daily, hourly, every minute with fervent prayers to the Lord.

No wonder they say that a great desire to believe and repent always bears fruit: even the greatest skeptic will believe, and this slave was by no means a skeptic. On the contrary, his only hope for salvation was to turn to the Lord. That is why he prayed without ceasing on the way - his prayer was from the bottom of his heart. Fear of sins and growing love for the Almighty forced Boniface to do this.

On the city square

When he ended up in the city of Tara, he stayed at a local hotel, where he left his companions for a while. The slave himself went towards the city square, because he learned that it was here that Christians were being tortured in public.

The Holy Martyr Boniface was able to atone for the sins of all drunkards and fornicators

He had to see the terrible torture that St. martyrs, but even under torture their faces were enlightened by God's grace. This shocked Boniface, crushed his compassionate heart, and therefore he could not stand it:

  • rushed to the tortured Christians, kissed their feet;
  • asked to pray for him in the same way;
  • pleaded for the opportunity to suffer with them.

The slave's prayer soon came true.


Seeing his behavior, the city judge asked if this visitor was a Christian? St. Boniface replied that he sincerely believed in Christ. For this, he was given over to torment - so serious that it is hard to even describe it.

Under the nails of St. Martyr Boniface was pierced with needles, and molten tin was poured into his throat. The meat of a slave practically fell off his bones. Finally, the Lord saw that this was His servant, that he had suffered enough for all the sins that he managed to accumulate in his life, managed to atone not only for them, but also for the sins of all drunkards and fornicators who wanted to take the true path and turn away from past life.

The holy martyr died a terrible martyr's death;

Prayer to Saint Boniface

Oh, all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Lord! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with a pernicious addiction to drinking wine, and, as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who ask you, so now deliver these unfortunate ones (names). Once, God-wise father, the hail broke your vineyard, but you, giving thanks to God, ordered the few remaining clusters to be put in the winepress and call the poor. Then, taking new wine, you poured it drop by drop into all the vessels that were in the bishopric, and God, fulfilling the prayer of the merciful, performed a glorious miracle: the wine in the winepress multiplied, and the poor filled their vessels. Oh saint of God! As wine multiplied by your prayer for the needs of the church and for the benefit of the poor, so you, blessed, reduce it now where it causes harm, deliver from addiction to it those who indulge in the shameful passion of drinking wine (names), heal them from a serious illness, free them from demonic temptation, affirm them, the weak, give them, the weak, strength and strength to successfully endure this temptation, return them to a healthy and sober life, direct them to the path of labor, put in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Help them, God's saint Boniface, when the thirst for wine begins to burn their larynx, destroy their pernicious desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, put their feet on the rock of faith and hope, so that, leaving their soul-damaging addiction, entailing excommunication from the Kingdom of Heaven, having established themselves in piety, they were worthy of a shameless peaceful death and in the eternal light of the infinite Kingdom of Glory worthily glorified our Lord Jesus Christ with His Beginningless Father and with His Most Holy and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The best way to deal with alcoholism

Now prayer to the holy martyr is the best and most The right way getting rid of drunkenness. What is not resorted to today to combat alcohol addiction - hypnosis, all kinds of drugs, a variety of scientifically based methods. We must not forget that the soul of an alcoholic should be treated.

There is no better means than prayer for this. Incidentally, the death of St. Boniface was not in vain even for the people of the sinful city of Tara. The people who watched what happened in the square were amazed at the faith and courage of the newcomer, they were indignant at the so-called justice done to him by the satanic judge.

It is as if their eyes were opened to what they did not want to see before and did not recognize. Unrest broke out in the city.

Prayer to this martyr helps to get rid of drunkenness, even those who have already tried different methods, but to no avail. Only God can grant salvation where everything has long seemed hopeless.

Is reading Hieromonk Simeon (Tomachinsky)

Saint Boniface lived during the time of the emperor Diocletian, who ruled from 284 to 305. He was the slave of a noble Roman woman named Aglaida, the daughter of a proconsul. Occupying the position of manager of the rich estate of his mistress, he led an impious life, in accordance with the very free mores of the then Rome. Indulging entirely in wine-drinking and fornication, Boniface, without a twinge of conscience, sinned with Aglaida herself. With all this, he was a kind and generous person by nature, he gladly showed hospitality to strangers and loved to distribute alms to the poor.

After several years, Aglaida, tormented by remorse and fearing the future punishment of God for her sins, heard from Christians that a person who venerates the relics of the holy martyrs, through their intercession, will receive forgiveness of sins from the Lord. Then, calling Boniface to her, she ordered him to go to Asia Minor, where Christians at that time were subjected to severe persecution, in order to purchase holy relics there for money and bring them to Rome. To this the servant replied with a sneer: “And if I bring you my own remains, will you honor me as a saint?” Aglaida reproachfully replied: “Now is not the time for jokes. Hurry on your journey, and I, a sinner, will eagerly await your return in order to receive forgiveness from the Lord.

Boniface arrived in the city of Tarsus, in Cilicia, at the head of a large retinue, who had with him a lot of gold and everything necessary in order to embalm the remains of the saints and transport them with honors to Rome. He immediately went to the amphitheater, where just at that time the cruel execution of 20 Christian martyrs was taking place. Boniface watched with horror as one of them was torn to pieces, tied by the arms and legs to four pillars, another was hung upside down, others were furiously scourged, and others were torn apart by iron hooks - but they all remained as before firm and unshakable. Such a sight struck Boniface to the very heart. Forgetting about the past impious life, he rushed to the feet of the martyrs in tears, reverently kissed their shackles and, asking to remember him in his holy prayers, publicly announced that from now on he was also a follower of Christ.

Brought to trial before the ruler of this region, Boniface contemptuously rejected the service of idols and firmly confessed the Savior. Delivered then to the circus, through the prayers of the holy martyrs, he endured various tortures with such dispassion, as if he had already left this world and was alien to his own body. They stabbed sharpened reeds under his nails, poured molten lead into his mouth, lowered him into a cauldron of boiling tar, but no torment could break his spirit. The next day, Boniface listened with joy to the death sentence pronounced on him. Having signed himself with the sign of the cross before the execution, he raised an ardent prayer to the Lord for the strengthening of Christians in their sorrows and for granting him the remission of sins and eternal heavenly bliss.

The companions of Saint Boniface, at first deciding that he, as usual, went into some tavern or other similar place, began to worry about his prolonged absence and went in search. In the city they met the brother of the local executioner, who told them that a certain Roman had been executed there the day before, similar in description to their comrade. Although they could not imagine that this martyr was the merry Boniface, they still hurried to the amphitheater. With amazement, they discovered the body of their companion there, which they then bought for 50 pounds of gold and delivered with honor to Rome.

At this time, the Angel of the Lord appeared to Aglaida and said: “Get up and go towards the one who was your servant and comrade in fornication, and now has become our brother. Accept him as your master, for through him all your sins will be forgiven you.” With joy in her heart, the woman equipped a magnificent retinue in order to adequately meet the holy relics on the way to Rome. Thus, the involuntary prophecy uttered by Saint Boniface before his departure was exactly fulfilled.

Subsequently, Aglaida built a large and beautiful church in the name of a martyr.

Numerous miracles were performed in this temple through the prayers of St. Boniface over the centuries. Aglaida herself, having distributed all her wealth to the poor and despised since then the joys of the vain world, devoted herself entirely to the exploits of piety and prayer, and in time received from the Lord the gift of miracles. She reposed in peace thirteen years later, surrendering her soul to the Lord with the belief that all the sins of her past life were completely blotted out thanks to the intercession of Saint Boniface.

Modern Church of Sant'Bonifacio e Alessio in Rome.

Hagiographic literature, perhaps, is not at all popular today among the broad masses of readers, however, this does not detract from the moral, regenerating power that the lives of the holy great martyrs, known more often to church people, carry in themselves.

The life of the holy martyr

Boniface entered the history of Christianity partly thanks to the story connected with the noble Roman woman Aglaida, whose later life was also influenced by this holy martyr. For Christians, the path of Boniface is the path of insight, cleansing from sin and turning to Christ as the savior of their souls.

Martyr Boniface of Tarsus

Not much is known about the life of Boniface, only that he was once a slave to a certain Aglaida, who did not have a family and a husband and therefore lives in sin with many men, including Boniface. Boniface, despite the fact that he lived according to the flesh, had some virtues - he helped the poor, welcomed strangers and was always ready to help anyone who suffered misfortune.

Articles about other holy martyrs:

Even then, Boniface understood that his life was contrary to his ideas and turned to God with a prayer request to save him from sinful passion.

Once Aglaida found out that having the relics of the holy great martyrs in her house, one can not only protect her home (and in those days there were terrible persecutions of Christians), but also save her soul. Aglaida also set out to build a temple dedicated to the martyr whose relics would be brought to her by Boniface, however, she did not tell him about this thought. And so she decides to send her slave Boniface for the holy relics, providing him with gold and supplies for the journey.

On the threshold, Boniface told Aglaida that if he did not get the holy relics, but he himself suffered for his faith in Christ, and now his relics would be brought to Aglaida, would she accept them? But Aglaida, like many others, saw in Boniface only a drunkard, but a publican, and therefore only laughed at him.

While on the road, Boniface prayed tirelessly and fasted, and when he arrived in the city of Tarsus, he went to the place where Christians were martyred. There, with tears and prayers, he hugged the bodies of the suffering, and in his soul a desire appeared - for the sins of his life to share suffering with these people.

When the soldiers offered Boniface to sacrifice to their gods, he said three times that he was a Christian and would not offer sacrifices to idols. Then Boniface was hung upside down and subjected to terrible tortures, but even then he was ready to share suffering for Christ with other great martyrs and not renounce his faith. The next morning, Boniface was publicly cut off his head, but when strangers saw that blood and milk were oozing from his wound, many repented and immediately accepted faith in Christ.

The people whom Aglaida sent to help Boniface, without waiting for him, came to the place of execution and, realizing what had happened, were ashamed of the fact that they called him a sinner, but a drunkard. After ransoming his body, they went home.

Aglaida, having accepted the relics of Boniface, repented of her past life and distributed her property, left the world, devoting the rest of her life to prayers. And 18 years later, her body was buried next to the tomb of St. Boniface.

On a note! Boniface of Tarsus is considered an early Christian martyr, he was born in the III century from the birth of Christ and in the same century, in 290, he died as a martyr. Unfortunately, Boniface's age at the time of his death has not been established.

Miracles and the help of a saint

The life and death of St. Boniface, illuminated by a miracle. His Christian feat reminds everyone that even being in a terrible or, it's never too late to renounce your past life, "die" and be reborn as a completely different person.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Boniface of Tarsus

The strength of Boniface's faith is amazing, because by sacrificing himself in the name of Christ, by his death, according to historians, he simultaneously converted more than 500 people to the faith, giving them the path to salvation.

Important! Today, the icon of St. Boniface, its lists, are in many rehabilitation centers helping people weighed down by the sin of drunkenness and drug addiction to come to the light.

Saint Boniface is prayed to by those who either themselves or whose relatives are heavily addicted to alcohol or drugs. The obsession with these addictions is a serious mental illness, from which sincere prayer to the Saint, who has become an example of a pure life and deliverance from sin, can save.

Days of Remembrance

Memorial Day of St. Boniface goes unnoticed for most people, because it falls in full swing - January 1 (December 19, old style).

Prayers to the saints

Memory: December 19 / January 1

Boniface was a servant of the Roman woman Aglaida, and before his conversion to the faith of Christ, he spent his time in drunkenness and debauchery. Once sent by the mistress to bring to her house particles of the relics of the holy martyrs, he confessed Christ, and himself accepted torment and death. Through prayers to him, he has repeatedly delivered and is delivering people from the passion of drinking wine, and now drug addiction.

Martyr Boniface of Tarsus. Icon, 17th century

Troparion, tone 4

Kontakion, tone 4

Thou hast arbitrarily brought undefiled sanctification to You, Even from the Virgin for the sake of being born to you Who wants, holy crowned, wise Boniface.

Prayer to the martyr Boniface

Oh, long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface! We are now resorting to your intercession, do not reject the prayers of us who sing to you, but graciously hear us. See our brothers and sisters, obsessed with a serious illness of drunkenness, see that for the sake of your mother, the Church of Christ, and eternal salvation falling away. Oh, holy martyr Boniface, touching their hearts with the grace given to you by God, soon restore them from sinful falls and bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to the Lord God, for His sake you suffered, so that, having forgiven us our sins, he will not turn away His mercy from His sons, but may He strengthen sobriety and chastity in us, may His right hand help those who are sober to keep their saving vow to the end in days and nights, in Him awake and about Him give a good answer to the terrible judgment seat. Accept, saint of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; honest wives, about their weeping husbands, children of orphans and the poor, left from the pianos, all of us, falling to your icon, and may this cry come with our prayers to the Throne of the Most High to grant everyone through prayers their health and the salvation of souls and bodies, most of all the Kingdom Heavenly. Cover and keep us from crafty trapping and all the machinations of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass unswervingly aerial ordeals and deliver eternal condemnation with your prayers. Beg the Lord to grant us to our fatherland an unhypocritical and unshakable love, before the enemies of the Holy Church, visible and invisible, may the mercy of God cover us forever and ever. Amen.

Second Prayer to the Martyr Boniface

Oh, holy passion-bearer of Christ, warrior of the King of Heaven, contemptuous of earthly voluptuousness and ascended with suffering to the Jerusalem of Heaven, Martyr Boniface! Hear me a sinner, bringing prayer singing from the heart, and beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive all my sins, committed in knowledge and in ignorance. To her, martyr of Christ, she showed the image of repentance to sinners! Be my helper and intercessor against the evil adversary of the devil with your prayers to God: I fought a lot to avoid the networks of his evil ones, but I was caught by a sinful rod and pulled hard from him, I can’t get rid of it, unless you stand before me, in a bitter situation to the patient, and how much I attempted repent, but a lie before God. For this sake, I run to you and pray: save me, holier God, from all evils by your intercession, by the grace of the Almighty God, in the Trinity of the Holy Ones glorified and worshiped, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the martyr Boniface of Tarsus:

  • Prayer to the martyr Boniface. He was a servant of the Roman woman Aglaida, and before his conversion to the faith of Christ, he spent his time in drunkenness and debauchery. Once sent by the mistress to bring to her house particles of the relics of the holy martyrs, he confessed Christ, and himself accepted torment and death. Through prayers to him, he repeatedly delivered and still delivers people from the passion of drinking wine, and now drug addiction.

Akathist to Martyr Boniface of Tarsus:

Canon to Martyr Boniface of Tarsus:

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about the martyr Boniface of Tarsus:

  • Martyr Boniface– Pravoslavie.Ru

Read other prayers for the disease of drunkenness:

When using our original materials, please indicate the link:


Holy Martyr Boniface

In the years of the birth of Christianity in Rome, a woman named Aglaida was known to many. Young, rich and beautiful, she could have been an enviable bride if she had not been overwhelmed by carnal passions. Aglaida spent days and nights in drunkenness, debauchery and other sins, along with her steward, faithful Boniface.

But Boniface, despite such a lifestyle and addiction to alcohol, was a kind person by nature. He did not spare money to those who especially needed it, generously distributing alms to the poor and welcoming strangers. Boniface sincerely wanted to improve and constantly turned to God with a request for help in getting rid of a vicious life.

Christians at that time were persistently persecuted by pagan rulers. Many believers were martyred for confessing the Christian faith. Once Aglaida, recovering from drunkenness, decided to have the relics of one of the martyrs of Christ in the house so that they would help her get rid of her sins. She even decided in the future to build a temple for the speedy atonement of sins. Aglaida really wanted to have her heavenly protector, praying to God for her forgiveness.

Boniface agreed to find the relics, took gold for their ransom, aromatic oils and a clean linen. Before leaving, he turned around on the threshold and asked Aglaida, as if in jest: “If I fail to find the body of a martyr, will you honorably accept my body, martyred for the Christian faith?” But Aglaida, laughing in response, called Boniface a libertine and a drunkard.

Boniface went to the place of execution of Christians. On the way, lamenting over his sins, he constantly prayed and fasted. When Boniface came to the city of Tarsus, famous for its especially cruel persecution of Christians, he left the slaves in the hotel, and he himself immediately went to the place of execution. What he saw there shocked his soul so much that Boniface approached the martyrs, began to embrace them and openly and loudly glorify the Lord. He offered up a prayer to the Almighty in order to also receive a martyr's crown. The judge immediately drew attention to the stranger's unusual behavior. He called Boniface and ordered to sacrifice to the pagan gods. When Boniface refused, he was subjected to the same cruel tortures as the rest of the Christians. The saint did not utter a single groan, but, looking at the torments of others, he became even more strengthened in faith.

The judge ordered Boniface to pour molten tin into his throat, but he tirelessly prayed to the Lord and asked Him for some sign of victory over sins. When the tin was poured down the throat of the martyr, Boniface did no harm. The onlookers in the stands were disappointed, and the referee had to hide from the indignant crowd. Boniface was locked up in a dungeon.

In the morning, a new execution was invented for the impudent martyr: the judge ordered him to be thrown into a barrel of boiling tar. But this time, Boniface remained unharmed. Resin, splashing when boiling, burned only the executioners standing near the cauldron. After that, the judge ordered that the martyr's head be cut off. When the execution was completed, another miracle happened: blood mixed with milk splashed from the wound on Boniface's neck. Seeing this sign, many pagans immediately converted to the Christian faith. There were 550 of them that day.

Meanwhile, the slaves, waiting for Boniface in the hotel, scolded him for not appearing for a long time, deciding that he was drunk as always. But a day passed, another, a third, but Boniface was not there. Slaves went in search of him and heard from passers-by that yesterday some stranger was executed in the square. They were shown the place of execution, and soon the slaves found Boniface's body. They felt ashamed that they thought badly of him at a time when he endured such terrible torments in the name of the faith of Christ. The slaves mourned Boniface, ransomed his body, smeared it with incense, wrapped it in linen and set off on their way back to deliver the righteous man to their mistress.

Aglaida, on the day of execution, Boniface saw in a dreamy vision an angel of the Lord, who told her to prepare to meet “the one who used to be your servant, now has become our brother and co-servant; accept the one who was your slave, and now will be your master, and reverently honor him: from now on he is the guardian of your soul and the protector of your life.

Waking up in the morning, Aglaida remembered the prophetic joke of her manager. She invited the priests to her place and went out onto the road to meet Boniface with honors, who was returning to her house as a master. She tirelessly thanked the Lord for the fact that Boniface was accepted by Him as God's saint.

Soon Aglaida built a temple on one of the estates, consecrating it in honor of Boniface, and placed the relics of the saint in it. After praying to Saint Boniface, miraculous phenomena began to happen: the sick were healed, the afflicted found peace of mind, and all who prayed with faith at the tomb of the righteous received from him what they desired.

After Boniface accepted the martyr's crown, Aglaida renounced everything worldly, distributing everything she had to the poor. For 18 years, until her death, she lived in great repentance. After her death, the blessed Aglais united with Boniface. Her relics were laid next to the tomb of the saint.

Martyr Boniface should pray for deliverance from addiction to alcohol.

Commemoration of the Holy Martyr Boniface Orthodox Church celebrates January 1 (December 19 old style).

Troparion (voice 4)

The martyrs were sent to the estate, the martyr was true, having suffered for Christ the most powerful, all-glorious, but with the power you returned by the faith that sent you, Blessed Boniface, pray to Christ God accept forgiveness of our sins.

Thou hast arbitrarily brought undefiled sanctification to You, even from the Virgin for the sake of you who wants to be born, holy crowned, wise Boniface.

Prayer (option 1)

O long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface! We are now resorting to your intercession, do not reject the prayers of us who sing to you, but graciously hear us. See our brothers and sisters, obsessed with a serious illness of drunkenness, see that for the sake of your mother, the Church of Christ, and eternal salvation falling away. Oh, holy martyr Boniface, touching their hearts with the grace given to you by God, soon restore them from sinful falls and bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to the Lord God, for His sake you suffered, so that, having forgiven us our sins, he will not turn away His mercy from His sons, but may He strengthen sobriety and chastity in us, may His right hand help those who are sober to keep their saving vow to the end in days and nights, in Him awake and about Him give a good answer to the terrible judgment seat. Accept, saint of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; honest wives, about their weeping husbands, children of orphans and the poor, left from the pianos, all of us, falling to your icon, and may this cry come with our prayers to the Throne of the Most High to grant everyone through prayers their health and the salvation of souls and bodies, most of all the Kingdom Heavenly. Cover and keep us from crafty trapping and all the machinations of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass unswervingly aerial ordeals and deliver eternal condemnation with your prayers. Beg the Lord to grant us to our fatherland an unhypocritical and unshakable love, before the enemies of the Holy Church, visible and invisible, may the mercy of God cover us forever and ever. Amen.

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Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer to Boniface from drunkenness, against strong alcoholism

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site, before you start studying the information, please subscribe to our Vkontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page in Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. "God bless you!".

A person who suffers from alcohol or other harmful addiction completely loses the meaning of life and interest in it. And his main task become a search for a new portion of alcohol. It is in vain to say that alcoholics are weak-willed. After all, they are capable of incredible, simply titanic efforts and various tricks just for the sake of drinking. And at the same time, no one else suffers, like relatives and friends. What methods they just do not resort to in order to help a dependent loved one.

When fate collapses, a family breaks up, a person suffers, and all this from alcohol addiction. It is worth turning to the Holy Martyr Boniface with a prayer. It will help in such cases:

  • When a person suffering from alcoholism does not recognize his alcohol addiction. In this case, it is recommended to perform the ceremony without his knowledge;
  • The saint is able to help in healing without publicity, and the narcologist will definitely register the patient. In some types professional activity it is unacceptable;
  • With limited financial resources. After all, the prayer to Boniface from drunkenness does not require any financial costs. But treatment in specialized clinics is quite expensive;
  • It is also recommended to pray to the icon of Boniface as an additional treatment. After all, you will not only recover from severe alcoholism faster, but you will also be able to maintain a balanced state of mind. In addition, the prayer service gives the patient confidence that he is doing everything right and making a truly right decision - not to drink alcohol anymore.

Prayer for drunkenness to Saint Boniface

For generations of Christians addicted to wine loved one appeal to Boniface of Tarsus. The thing is that the martyr during his lifetime led a very sinful life. He was a slave and lover of the Roman Empress Aglais. This woman spent her whole life feasting and enjoying carnal pleasures.

The holy martyr felt that he was living a very sinful life, and therefore he constantly poured water on God so that he would direct him to the right and true path. The Almighty heard Boniface and gave him the opportunity to purify his soul with the help of a divine feat.

When the Saint saw how a Christian was being tortured and tortured, he confessed his faith. Then he was subjected to horrific abuse, torture and torture. After that, the almost unconscious martyr was sentenced to death by the sword. When a sword pierced him in the square, blood and milk flowed from the wounds of the saint.

Many pagans, seeing such a Divine miracle, converted to Christianity. Aglaida repented of her sins and devoted the rest of her life to the Lord. She gave all her fortune to the poor. And on the spot where they killed the Martyr of Tarsus, she erected a temple. To this day, the holy relics of Boniface are kept in this monastery.

That is why the prayer service to Boniface is considered the most effective. The following words will save you or your loved ones from harmful passions:

“Oh, holy and long-suffering martyr Boniface. We seek your intercession. Graciously hear us and do not reject our prayers. Heal our son (name), obsessed with a serious illness of drunkenness, for the sake of your mother, the Church of Christ. Oh, martyr of Christ, touch his heart with the grace of God. Lead from sinful falls to saving abstinence. Beg the Lord God not to turn away from us, and strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. May he help with his right hand those who are sober. Accept, intercessor of God, the prayers of mothers for their children. And this cry will come with your prayers to the throne of the Most High. Save us from the evil one and the wiles of the enemy. At the hour of our departure, do not leave us. And the mercy of God will cover us forever and ever. Amen".

God bless you!

See also the video prayer to the holy martyr Boniface from drunkenness:

Prayer to Boniface against alcoholism

Getting rid of alcoholism is quite difficult. An effective method is the prayer to Boniface from drunkenness. After all, alcoholism is a very common problem in today's society.

Origin of prayer

Now we know Boniface as a saint who is used by people who are addicted to alcohol, or by their relatives and friends who want to help their neighbor. It is known that this saint repented before God and was forgiven by him.

The legend tells that Boniface, although he managed the estates, was not at all of noble origin, on the contrary, he served one of the noble Roman women Aglaida. And they had a great sin: they lived depravedly and loved very much alcoholic drinks. They lived this way of life for many years. And even when they began to realize their terrible sins, they still could not repent of them and continued to live in the same way.

Once a rich Roman woman found out that the relics of martyrs help to give up bad addiction. She decides to give it a try and sends her minion to a nearby town. And although the road was not long, on the way Boniface realized all his sins. His repentance was so sincere that all the time he was on the road, he wept and repented, praying. In his prayers, he turned to God with a request to grant him temptation and suffering, so that he could atone for all his sins.

And God did not leave Boniface. He heard his prayers, forgiving the sin of alcoholism and depravity, but sent a test. Arriving in the city where the relics were, he saw how they mocked one Christian, and stood up for him. For intercession and for faith, Boniface himself was subjected to severe abuse. And then he was executed by thrusting a sword into his chest. And then a miracle happened: not blood came out of the wound, but milk.

At that moment, the pagans who were in the square believed in God and converted to Christianity. Aglaida, having learned about what had happened, repented of everything she had done and served her Lord until the end of her life. She gave all her great wealth to the poor and the sick. And in the place where the Monk Boniface was killed, they built a temple. And today the relics of the saint are kept there.

Prayer to the holy martyr Boniface from alcoholism is the most effective. And the saint himself is considered the intercessor and patron of those who drink and the erring. The day of honoring his memory is January 1 (December 19, old style).

How should you pray?

Before resorting to prayer to the martyr Boniface from drunkenness, you need to know in what cases it will be effective. There are many examples when a person suffering from alcohol addiction does not want to admit it. Then the prayer service will help, but the ceremony should be carried out in such a way that the patient himself does not know this. If you resort to the help of a narcologist, then the alcoholic will be registered. Prayer will help to cope with the problem without disclosing it.

In addition, it is known that when placing a patient in a specialized clinic, you will have to pay a considerable amount of money, which not everyone has. And the prayer to St. Boniface requires only the perception of the soul and heart, that is, faith in it. If a person tried to cure an alcoholic disease different ways and failed, then turning to the holy martyr will help to cope with indecision, insecurity, and will also help to gain faith in oneself.

  1. It is advisable to resort to the help of a prayer service even after healing from the disease of alcoholism.
  2. Sometimes already “tied up” alcoholics lose faith in themselves and start drinking again. To prevent this from happening, you need to constantly pray.
  3. Prayer will help you to believe in your strength and the correctness of your thoughts and motives.
  4. If a person is aware of his addiction to drinking and is ready to begin treatment, then prayer can serve as an addition to the main course of therapy.

In addition to all that has been said, you should know how to correctly ask the saint for deliverance from the drunkenness of an addicted person. First you need to contact the priest with a request for a blessing for the work. In the case when a son suffers from alcoholism, the mother should read the mother's prayer. In addition, she must ask the priest to pray for her son before the Lord. When a person prays for the salvation of his soul, you need to turn to the holy father with a request for a blessing and ask him to pray for him before God.

You should also order a mass in the church about the health of an alcohol addict, constantly light candles near the images of saints. When reading morning prayers, you need to constantly remember the person who needs help.

In addition, it is necessary to order a prayer service to Jesus in the church, during which water is blessed. This water should be given to the patient in the morning on an empty stomach.

Keep water in a closed jar. Such prayers are recommended to be ordered at least 3 times.

  1. To get rid of the drunkenness of a husband, son, father, or himself, prayer should be performed for at least 40 days in a row.
  2. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to pray up to 40 weeks.

As you know, no disease (physical or mental) can be overcome in a short period of time. Therefore, it is necessary to have patience. Those who are patient will be able to save themselves or their loved ones from a terrible alcohol addiction.

Most often, mothers resort to the martyr Boniface for help, since alcoholic children are a terrible grief. When praying, the mother should also follow a few tips. Firstly, all the time to support a son or daughter, even if they do not immediately give up alcohol and there are breakdowns.

It is necessary to visit the temple as often as possible, to listen to the words that the saint utters during the service. In no case should you despair and lose heart. You should explain to your son that it is important not to constantly lose control of your desires, not to sit back, do useful things and turn to God every hour.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Boniface

“Oh, holy and long-suffering martyr Boniface. We seek your intercession. Graciously hear us and do not reject our prayers. Heal our son (name), obsessed with a serious illness of drunkenness, for the sake of your mother, the Church of Christ. Oh, martyr of Christ, touch his heart with the grace of God. Lead from sinful falls to saving abstinence. Beg the Lord God not to turn away from us and strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. May he help with his right hand those who are sober. Accept, intercessor of God, the prayers of mothers for their children. And this cry will come with your prayers to the throne of the Most High. Save us from the evil one and the wiles of the enemy. At the hour of our departure, do not leave us. And the mercy of God will cover us forever and ever. Amen".

This prayer helps to get rid of alcohol addiction, drug addiction, as well as gambling addiction. The most important thing is to have patience and a desire to free yourself or a loved one from the disease. Faith in the Lord gives strength to solve any problems.

  • withdrawal syndrome
  • Getting out of drinking
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  • Family and society

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), martyr.

He was the slave of a rich young Roman woman, Aglaida, and was in lawless cohabitation with her. But both of them felt remorse and wanted to somehow wash away their sin. And the Lord took pity on them and gave them the opportunity to cleanse their sins with their blood and end their sinful life with repentance. Aglaida learned that if the relics of the holy martyrs are reverently kept in the house, then it is easier to receive salvation through their prayers, because under their grace-filled influence sins are diminished and virtues reign.

She sent Boniface to the East, where at that time there was a cruel persecution of Christians, and asked to bring the relics of a martyr to become their leader and patron. Boniface in parting, laughing, asked: "And what, madam, if I do not find the relics, and I myself suffer for Christ, will you accept my body with honor?" Aglaida took his words seriously and reproached him for allowing himself liberties when going on a holy cause. Boniface thought about her words, and all the way he was concentrated.