Patrol ship. Patrol ship Soviet skr

TFR type "Hurricane"

The development project of 1938-1939, by June 1941, a total of 14 ships were laid down, but due to the start of the Second World War, orders for 8 ships were canceled. The lead ship "Hawk" was put into operation on 23.2.1945, the remaining 5 ships were completed after the war according to the corrected project "29K" (anti-aircraft weapons were strengthened, radars and radars were installed).

TTX: Standard displacement 916.7 tons, normal 1091 tons, total 1266.2 tons; length 85.74 m, width 8.4 m, draft 2.89 m. With.; full speed 31.3 knots, economic 15.5 knots; cruising range 2160 miles. Armament: 3x1 100mm AU B-34, 4x1 37mm 70-K assault rifle, 3x2 12.7mm pool. DShK, 2 bombers, 24 anchor mines. Crew 174 people.

  1. "Hawk" ††1956
  2. "Eagle" ††1958
  3. "Kite" ††1958
  4. "Sharp" ††1956
  5. "Albatross" ††1956
  6. "Petrel" ††1956

Project 42 ("Hawk")

They were built in 1949-1953. A total of 8 units were built.

Development project 1947 - 1949 Compared to Project 29, the new ship had large dimensions, an all-welded smooth-deck hull, increased seaworthiness, and enhanced armament. However, the government commission considered the displacement unacceptably large, and refused the large-scale construction of Project 42 ships.

TTX: Standard displacement 1339 tons, normal 1509 tons, total 1679 tons; length 96.1 m, width 11 m, draft 3.96 m. With.; full speed 29.65 knots, economic 13.7 knots; cruising range 2810 miles. Armament: 4 × 1 100 mm B-34U-SM AU, 2 × 2 37 mm V-11M AU, 1 × 3 533 mm TA, 2 × 16 RBU-2500 (128 RGB-25), 4 BMB-1, 2 bomb ejectors. Crew 211 people.

  1. "Falcon" ††1961, again in 1971.
  2. "Berkut" ††1965
  3. "Condor" ††1970
  4. "Vulture" ††1961, again in 1977.
  5. "Krechet" ††1956, again in 1977.
  6. "Orlan" ††1960, again in 1976.
  7. "Lion" ††1961, again in 1971.
  8. "Tiger" ††1961, again in 1974.

Project 50

They were built in 1952-1958. A total of 68 units were built.

The project was developed as an alternative to project 42. The reduction in displacement was ensured by the use of a linear power plant scheme (instead of an echelon one) and a reduction in the number of 100-mm guns to three ... Driving performance and seaworthiness turned out to be very good. During the modernization in 1959-1960, all Project 50 ships were equipped with three-tube TA and two RBU-2500 bombers. In addition to 68 units. Soviet-built TFR, 4 ships were built under license from the USSR, in the PRC.

TTX: Standard displacement 1050 tons, normal 1116 tons, total 1182 tons, maximum 1337 tons; length 90.9 m, width 10.2 m, draft 2.9 m. With.; full speed 29 knots, economic 15.1 knots; cruising range 2200 miles. Armament: 3x1 100mm AUB-34USM-A and 2x2 37mm AUB-11M, 1x2 533mm TA, 1x6 RBU-200 and 4x1 BMB-1, up to 26 anchor mines. Crew 168 people.

Project 159, 159-A, 159-AE, 159-M

They were built in 1958-1976. A total of 45 units were built, which were built at the following shipyards:

  • Shipyard No. 340 "Red Metalworker", ("Them. A. M. Gorky", Zelenodolsk, Tatar ASSR);
  • Shipyard No. 638 (368) (“Them. S. M. Kirov”, Khabarovsk).

According to project 159, they were built as small anti-submarine ships (MPK), in terms of displacement they approached the TFR of project 50. The composition of artillery and anti-submarine weapons is almost the same as the military-industrial complex of project 61. A combined diesel-gas turbine (DGTU) power plant was used (diesels operate on the middle shaft, GTU - onboard).

According to the improved project 159-A, 29 ships of the final series were built: RBU-2500 was replaced by more powerful RBU-6OOO, a second TA was installed, and radar systems were upgraded.

According to project 159-AE, export ships were built that had a similar armament, but with RBU-2500 bombers.

TTX: Standard displacement 938 tons, total 1077 tons; length 82.3 m, width 9.2 m, draft 2.85 m. DGTU power 2x15000 and 1x6000 hp; full speed 33 knots, economic 14 knots; cruising range 2000 miles. Armament: 2 × 2 76-mm AK-726 guns, 1 (2) × 5 400-mm TA, 4 × 16 RBU-2500 (RBU-6000). Crew 168 people.

  1. SKR-1 ††1987
  2. SKR-38 ††1990
  3. SKR-17 ††1990
  4. SKR-9 ††1990
  5. SKR-22 ††1991
  6. SKR-333 ††1990
  7. SKR-34 ††1991
  8. SKR-29 ††1991
  9. SKR-103 ††1991
  10. SKR-18 ††1989
  11. SKR-41 ††1987
  12. SKR-11 ††1991
  13. SKR-43 ††1989
  14. SKR-3 ††1990
  15. SKR-46 ††1989
  16. SKR-23 ††1989
  17. SKR-78 ††1990
  18. SKR-21 ††1991
  19. SKR-36 ††1989
  20. SKR-92 ††1991
  21. SKR-92 ††1991
  22. SKR-120 ††1991
  23. SKR-128 ††1991
  24. SKR-47 ††1992
  25. SKR-26 ††1993
  26. SKR-33 ††1995
  27. SKR-27 ††1992
  28. SKR-40 ††1994
  29. SKR-16 ††1992
  30. SKR-106 ††1993
  31. SKR-110 ††1994
  32. SKR-112 ††1993
  33. SKR-87 ††1992
  34. SKR-123 ††1992
  35. SKR-126 ††1992
  36. SKR-133 ††1994
  37. SKR-138 ††1994

Project 35

A total of 18 units were built. They were built in 1961-1968.

  1. SKR-7 ††1987
  2. SKR-20 ††1989
  3. SKR-32 ††1989
  4. SKR-39 ††1990
  5. SKR-86 ††1990
  6. SKR-49 ††1990
  7. SKR-53 ††1990
  8. SKR-24 ††1990
  9. SKR-83 ††1991
  10. SKR-48 ††1990
  11. SKR-35 ††1990
  12. SKR-6 ††1990
  13. SKR-13 ††1991
  14. SKR-90 ††1990
  15. SKR-117 ††1990
  16. SKR-84 ††1992
  17. SKR-12 ††1992
  18. SKR-19 ††1992

Project 1135 ("Petrel")

A total of 21 ships of the project were built.

  1. "Watchful" ††1996
  2. "Worthy" ††1993
  3. "Peppy" ††1997
  4. "Fierce" ††1993
  5. "Strong" ††1994
  6. "Valiant" ††1992
  7. Watchdog ††2002
  8. "Reasonable" ††1998
  9. "Smashing" ††1992
  10. "Friendly" ††1999. Since 2003, it has been stored at the wall of the NSR in Moscow
  11. "Active" ††1995
  12. "Hot" ††2002
  13. Zealous ††1995
  14. "Leningradsky Komsomolets" "Easy" since 1992; ††2003
  15. "Selfless" ††2001
  16. "Flying" ††2005
  17. "Ardent"
  18. "Zadorny" ††2005
  19. "Irreproachable" ††1997
  20. "Impetuous" ††1994

Project 1135M

A total of 11 units were built. Built in 1973-1981.

  1. "Sharp" ††2001
  2. "Sharp" ††1995
  3. "Striking" ††1997
  4. "Threatening" ††1995
  5. "Indomitable" ††2009
  6. "Loud" ††1998
  7. "Permanent" ††1998
  8. "Proud" ††1994
  9. "Zealous" ††1997
  10. Zealous ††2003
  11. "Inquisitive"

Project 1135.1 ("Nereus")

Border patrol ship (PSKR), designed on the basis of SKR pr.1135. They were built in 1981-1990. A total of 8 units were built, including 7 units. introduced into the Marine units of the Border Troops of the KGB of the USSR (then the Russian Federation). Another ship ("Hetman Sahaydachny", former "Kirov") is part of the Ukrainian Navy.

  1. "Menzhinsky" ††2000
  2. "Dzerzhinsky" as part of the BO FPS of Russia
  3. "Eagle" as part of the BO FPS of Russia
  4. Pskov ††2003
  5. "In the name of the 70th anniversary of the border troops" ††2000
  6. "Kedrov" ††2003
  7. "Vorovsky" as part of the BO FPS of Russia

Project 1154

Built in 1987-2009. A total of 2 units were built.

  1. "Fearless" in the Russian Navy.
  2. "Yaroslav the Wise" in the Russian Navy.
  3. "Fog" is being completed.

Project 11540 ("Hawk")

In terms of its performance characteristics, it is similar to the frigates of the sea zone.

Project 11661 type "Cheetah"

Officially assigned to the Frigate class.

Project 11661K

2 units built.

  1. "Tatarstan" in the Russian Navy.
  2. "Dagestan" in the Russian Navy.

Project 12441 ("Thunder")

Being completed as a training watchdog.

Project 20380 ("Guarding"), export version - ("Tiger")

Officially classified as a "Corvette". 3 units built, 2 more under construction.

A vessel belonging to the class of surface ships designed to carry a patrol patrol service, protection of passenger and transport ships, repulsion of attacks submarines, torpedo ships and enemy aircraft, both on the high seas and in a permanent parking lot. The patrol ship can also carry out patrol service near military bases, guard the border of the state, ports and approaches to them.

For the first time, the need for the construction of patrol ships arose in the First World War, after the introduction of submarines into the fleet of many states of the world. It was for the search for the latter that shipbuilders developed a special class of ships capable of providing effective resistance to enemy submarines. Naturally, battleships and destroyers coped with this task no less effectively, but building and equipping them for the sole purpose of protecting the sea from the actions of the submarine fleet was extremely unprofitable, so it was decided to build lighter ships, exclusively for security purposes.

Patrol ship "Gromky"

The first patrol ships appeared in english navy, since it was the UK that first faced the need to organize a systematic rebuff to enemy submarines, causing significant damage to the reputation of the best fleet in the world.

The first English patrol ship was called "P-bots"; an iron ram was installed on its bow, with which it was possible to easily destroy an enemy submarine, which at that time still did not know how to dive on great depth. The displacement of the first patrol ship was only 573 tons, while it could reach a speed of 22 knots per hour. The ship was armed with only one 100-millimeter gun, two small weapons, two torpedo tubes, and depth charges.

Wanting to keep up with the British, the Americans hastened to build 60 such ships of the Eagle type for the needs of their fleet at once. Officially, the ship did not receive the name of a patrol ship either in the British Navy or in the US Navy, and only during the First World War did a class of real patrol ships appear in Russia.

The first British patrol ship "P-bots"

The first patrol ship in Russia was built between 1914 and 1916, the new ship was classified as a type, its displacement was only 400 tons, and it was capable of reaching speeds of up to 15 knots per hour, which was slightly more than the speed that a submarine was capable of on the surface. Without entering the port, the Russian patrol ship was able to travel at least 700 nautical miles. The Korshunov were armed with 102-millimeter guns, anti-aircraft guns and even depth charges.

The ceremony of official acceptance of the patrol ship into the Russian fleet was held in October 1917, just a few days before the start of the Revolution, which had a direct, to some extent, negative impact on the inclusion of ships of this type in naval squadrons. The first 12 patrol ships never entered the fleet, remaining unfinished.

In subsequent years, patrol ships also appeared in the Italian fleet, in addition, the British made some improvements in their own shipbuilding and gave the world new type patrol vessel, qualified as "Spey".

The combat mission of the English Spey, the American Needle, the Russian Korshun, and the Italian Alexander was the same, ships of these types were intended solely for patrolling, timely detection of the enemy and warning of heavy warships, however, they had their own classification in each state. So, in the UK, a frigate, corvette and destroyer were also considered a patrol ship. Gradually ships qualified as corvettes, frigates and destroyers appeared in the fleets of all states of the world, but in Russia they are still referred to as nothing more than a "patrol ship".

The first Russian patrol ship "Korshun"

In Soviet Russia, the first patrol ship appeared in 1931, it belonged to the Uragan type and was intended to perform reconnaissance and border security services. Soviet Union in the Baltic and Black Seas. In addition, this type of ship could reliably protect the convoy from attacks by enemy submarines and aircraft, and the patrol ship could also be used as a high-speed minesweeper. In the pre-war period, only 18 ships described above were built, and about 5-6 years before the war, patrol subclasses were introduced - the ships were divided into small and large patrol ships.

Small patrol ships included ships of the Rubin type, somewhat smaller in comparison with the Hurricane, intended exclusively for anti-submarine defense and having their own diesel power plant, which allowed the ship to reach speeds of up to 15 knots per hour.

A little later, the Rubies and Hurricanes were replaced by the same type of Diamond, a patrol ship capable of speeds of over 17 knots per hour. In 1935 on Far East for the needs of the Pacific squadron, patrol ships of the Kirov type were built, capable of sailing at a speed of more than 18 knots per hour. Patrol ships of this type were built in Italy, had a displacement of over 1,000 tons and a cruising range of 6,000 nautical miles.

For the needs of the Arctic in 1937, a patrol ship of the "Purga" type was designed, its high-speed and combat qualities were duly appreciated by sailors during the Second World War.

At the moment, in all countries of the world, it is still customary to divide patrol ships into destroyers, frigates and corvettes, with the exception, as always, is Russia, where such a classification has not taken root. A modern Russian patrol ship has a displacement of up to 4 thousand tons, a speed of 35 knots per hour, is armed with anti-aircraft and anti-ship installations, powerful artillery equipment, means for searching for submarines, as well as means for destroying them.

Now we have all of themfive . (at one time there were more than30 ), and so it will beat least a year until they start joiningthe first "Admirals" were put into operation. A handful of watchmen left after the collapse of the Soviet Navy served gloriously (and continuedwishes to serve) to the Motherland and deserves the greatest respect, the manifestation of which is this publication. Information about the TFR of the Black Sea Fleet as of 21.01. received by me from a source who wished to remain anonymous, nearwhom to Black Sea Fleet for which I once again express my gratitude to him.

TFR "Neustrashimy" (photo from the newspaper of the BF "Guardian of the Baltic" from

1. TFR " Intrepid " pr. 11540, b/n 712 ( bf )

The ship returned to Baltiysk from a 7-month combat service (212 days)17.10.2013 and immediately disappeared from the media. Firstinformation that the TFR is under repair appeared on one of the forums on November 28, after which it was also indicated thereplace of action - Kaliningrad. Official clarifications from the press service of the Ministry of Defense followed only two months later.(01/24/2014), then the local news portal "Amber Island" connected. As a result, the following picture emerged.

"Currently, the ship has been docked at the berth of the Yantar Baltic Shipbuilding Plant forrestoration of technical readiness. The ship will be replaced afterburner engines, auxiliary dieselgenerators. Representatives of the plant will perform an average repair of all major systems: drainage, fire, fuel,electrical, as well as automation and control systems" ( link 1).

"The New Year 2014, as well as the day of the ship (January 24 - A.Sh.), the Neustrashimy TFR met at the quay wall of the Yantar shipyard ...At the moment, preparations are underway for a major overhaul on the patrol ship... Some weapons systems are expected to be replaced. Repairs of a similar scope have not been carried out on the Neustrashimy since its construction ...All work to be completed. in August 2015 . . Two months later . the ship must begin to fulfill the orders set by the command Baltic Fleet tasks" (link 2).

2. TFR " Yaroslav the Wise " pr. 11540, b/n 727 ( bf )

The youngest Russian warship of the far sea (and ocean) zone - entered service a little over4.5 years ago (19.07.2009). Since the last (extreme) military service, which lasted 6.5 months (199 days) returned05.07.2013 and by showingOn July 28, at the parade on the occasion of the Navy Day in Baltiysk, as well as the "Fearless", disappeared from prying eyes for a long time. Foura month later (November 22) he unofficially appeared in the media, becoming the object of an excursion for students of the Baltic Shipbuilding College to the shipyard "Yantar" (link 3). Later, the information that the TFR was under repair was confirmed on the forums, anda week ago from the publication of the same "Amber Island" it became known that "at present," Yaroslav the Wise "is preparing to pass coursework and go to sea" (reference 4).

TFR "Yaroslav the Wise" at the repair (outfitting) embankment of the PSZ "Yantar" (photo by Eduard Molchanov, ITAR-TASS)

4. TFR " Inquisitive " pr. 1135M, b/n 808 ( Black Sea Fleet )

One of the two remaining in the ranks of the once numerous TFR pr. 1135 (32 units built). Age -32 years (30.11.1981). In January 2013, a tender was announced on the website of Rosoboronpostavka for the repair of both 1135s according to technical condition with a maximum contract price of 500 million rubles. for each and the deadline for the execution of the order in November of the same year. At the same time, it is known thatOn 09/05, the TFR had not yet been delivered to the plant, and on 12/30 it had already left.

Anonymous source: "SKR" Inquisitive "is not completely repaired, only brought to a state of safe access to the sea.At the moment, the ship is undergoing finishing work and preparations for a long voyage (obviously, this meant a successful exiton combat duty 05-25.02 in order to ensure the safety of the Olympics in Sochi). Both he and Ladny are experiencingbig problems with the power plant (giving the most complete one is impossible in principle) due to heavy wear and lack of spare parts.

TFR "Inquisitive" after repair, Sevastopol, 01/04/2014 (photo by Erne from

3. TFR " Ladny " pr. 1135, b/n 801 ( Black Sea Fleet )

Unlike the "Inquisitive" one, it belongs to the basic modification with two two-gun 76-mm guns AK-726. Age -33 years (29.12.1980). It is known that on June 26, the TFR was under repair, which, however, is far from complete. Source: "SKR "Okay"will be under renovation until the end of this year. Autumn (October-November) is an optimistic period that is hard to believe.In fact, bringing both Black Sea "Petrels" into a seaworthy state at the same time (code pr. 1135 - A.Sh.)practically unrealistic."

TFR "Ladny" ("not in the factory, but under repair"), Sevastopol, Coal pier, 10/14/2013 (photo by Petr. Sh from

5. TFR " quick-witted " project 61/01090, no. 810 ( Black Sea Fleet )

The oldest combat ship of the Russian Navy - refers tofirst (! ) to the NBR generation, age -44 years old (25.09.1969). 08.02 returned to Sevastopol after a 5-month (149 days) BS in the Mediterranean Sea.

Source: "TFR "Sharp-witted" in hull and power plant in excellent (for its age) condition. No problems that would requirethere is no factory repair on the ship at the moment, the last few years everything has been corrected by the crew." Self-repairing ship "(c). The expected service life is until 2017" (end of quote). There is information that two exits to the BS are planned for the current year (Inquisitive808,

The return of the TFR "Sharp-witted" to Sevastopol after the BS in the Mediterranean Sea, 02/08/2013 (photo by Erne from

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This text is a continuation of the post and describes the ships of the 2nd and 3rd ranks of the USSR Altfleet.

with a tenacity worthy of perhaps a better use, I continued to construct my reality


real story

Project destroyers the Porter type was created by American designers in the early 1930s; the purpose of the new destroyers was to conduct long-range naval operations in the Pacific Ocean and support the actions of their own destroyers. In the American budget for the 1933/1934 financial year, the construction of 4 destroyers of the type was financed. However, two months after Franklin D. Roosevelt became president, he signed a law according to which the number of type destroyers under construction increased to 8 units.

"Porter" was a Leader, with a standard displacement of 1850 tons, with dimensions of 116 by 11.2 meters and a draft of 3.2 meters. Two steam turbines fed by four boilers and developed a power of 50,000 liters. With. "Porter" gave a maximum speed of 35 knots, and cruising range at 12 knots was 6500 miles, and at 15 knots - 6000 miles. Crew 175-194 people. The armament consisted of four two-gun five-inch turrets 4x2 127-mm / 38Mark 12, and anti-aircraft artillery of four twin machine guns of 12.7-mm machine gun caliber. The ship housed two quadruple 533-mm torpedo tubes.

alternative history

In December 1933, in addition to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the USSR and the USA, which was long expected by the world community, the "Treaty of Friendship and Military Alliance between the USSR and the USA" was signed, which turned out to be a surprise for the League of Nations. At the same time, in addition to land and water lease agreements, six contracts were concluded related to the restoration of the USSR's defense capability.

The first was an agreement for licensed production without the right to sell third countries 152-mm turrets, which were armed with new 152/47 Mark 16 guns with a projectile weight of 59 kg and separate-sleeve loading. The installations had a maximum elevation angle of 60 ° and a maximum firing range of 130 cables at an elevation angle of 47. The frontal armor of the towers had a thickness of 165 mm.

The second contract, on the same terms, concerned single-gun and two-gun turrets with anti-fragmentation armor with the latest universal five-inch gun - 127/38. These guns with a pointing angle of 85 degrees and a rate of fire of up to 15 rounds per minute could quite effectively deal with both surface targets and enemy aircraft.

The third contract provided for the reconstruction in 1934-1935 of the former Putilov shipyards, including their preparation for welding the hulls of cruisers and destroyers, as well as the use of large sheets in order to ensure the technical readiness of the shipyards to lay two light cruisers no later than the spring of 1936.

Fourth, a contract was signed for the construction of six light cruisers of the original project, based on the design of the Brooklyn-class light cruiser - two at American shipyards, and four at Soviet ones, after their reconstruction under the third contract. A year was allotted for the period from bookmarking to launching, and a year and a half for the period from launching to putting the cruiser into operation. The schedule provided for the completion of the project in 1934 and the laying of two cruisers in the USA in 1935, and two cruisers in the USSR in 1936 and 1938. Part of the machines and mechanisms of Soviet production in cruisers was supposed to be 0% for the first pair of cruisers, 20% for the second, and 80% for the third.

The fifth contract provided for the construction of an installation series of 8 destroyers, and technical assistance in the development of the project by the Soviet industry.

The United States offered the councils destroyers of the "Mahen" type with a normal displacement of 1490 tons and leaders of the "Porter" type with a normal displacement of 1850 tons

After a long discussion, the Soviet delegation made a revolutionary decision that marked the beginning of a new approach in military shipbuilding. It was clear that neither the economic nor the shipbuilding capacities of the USSR could in any way allow it to stand on a par with the major maritime powers. Therefore, instead of small destroyers, or some combination, such as 4 destroyers - one leader, it was decided to build only leaders, which made it possible to create local superiority over a potential enemy directly at the point of conflict.

In 1933, the Porter-class destroyer project was accepted almost unchanged as the main one for the implementation of the fifth contract between the USSR and the USA:

Only air defense was strengthened, and 3x2 40-mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns and 4x1 20-mm Oerlikon anti-aircraft guns were installed on the destroyers:

All eight "Americans" were laid down in 1934-1935, launched in 1935-1936 and commissioned in 1937-1938.

Construction in the USSR began after the completion of the reconstruction of several shipyards in 1936, and by 1940 another 24 destroyers entered service, bringing the total number of new destroyers to 32, 8 for each of the fleets.

In addition, it was possible to restore all 17 Novik-class destroyers inherited from the tsarist fleet:

Novik-class destroyers were re-equipped with a typical set of weapons for the new Soviet fleet:

Twin torpedo tubes for 45cm torpedoes from the First World War were dismantled, as were artillery and anti-aircraft weapons. Asdik appeared on the ship. The artillery armament of the Novik-bis destroyers was two universal single-gun 127-mm / 38 Mark 12 turret gun mounts, and the anti-aircraft armament was 8 twin 40mm Bofors, as well as 2x1 20mm Oerlikon. In addition, two droppers for depth charges were installed on the stern. Thus, the once formidable torpedo ship, by football standards, an "attacker", turned into a sloop quite dangerous for any enemy - a "defender", extremely in demand when forming any convoy in subsequent war years.

In the meantime, the armament of the firstborn of the Soviet military shipbuilding, the patrol ship Uragan, was also revised:

It became clear that he had no chance to use his torpedo armament - he was not small enough to sneak up on the enemy unnoticed, and not fast enough to attack quickly. The new Soviet concept of the use of torpedo weapons involved their use in aviation, submarines, torpedo boats and, in exceptional cases, destroyers.

Thus, the torpedo tube with 45 cm Tsarist torpedoes, as well as the 102 mm bow artillery gun, was dismantled. Hurricane Bis received Asdik to search for submarines, which significantly increased the effectiveness of anti-submarine weapons, and 3 twin 40mm Bofors, which strengthened its air defense:

Patrol ships of the "Hurricane" type became the first ships built in our country after a long break. They were created on the basis of models of equipment and weapons from the times of the First World War and, when they entered service, did not have modern anti-aircraft and navigational weapons, radio communications, submarine detection devices, etc. In addition, the shortcomings include not too comfortable crew accommodation conditions, low (relative to the terms of reference) speed, mediocre seaworthiness,

unreliable steering.

It should also be noted that there were many design innovations in the Hurricane-type TFR project. For the first time in the domestic fleet, the power plant operated on superheated steam, direct-acting, low-speed turbines were replaced by GTZA with high-speed turbines. The installation was compact, and echelon placement increased its survivability. For the first time, the hull was assembled according to the longitudinal system. Also, for the first time, galvanizing of hull structures and welding (non-critical parts) were used. The hulls of the TFR, despite being lightened, turned out to be more durable

The accumulated experience of operating ships of the Uragan type in peacetime in various maritime theaters led to a reassessment of their qualities by the leadership of the People's Commissariat of the Navy. Speaking on December 3, 1940 at a meeting of the high naval command in Moscow with a report on fleet technology, the head of the shipbuilding department, engineer-rear admiral N.V.

Of course, the Alt USSR shipbuilding program was built in such a way that as the displacement decreased, the number of ships increased, that is, more patrol ships were built than destroyers - 48 TFRs supplemented 32 EMs. By the beginning of the War, there were 4 modern light cruisers:

Type of ships

Real Story (RI)

Alternate History (AI)

in service

under construction

in service

under construction

Battleship type "Sevastopol"

Battleship type "Soviet Union"

heavy cruiser

Svetlana-class light cruiser

Cruiser type "26 Kirov"

Cruiser type 68-K "Chapaev"

Brooklyn-class cruiser

Novik-class destroyers

Leader of destroyers with a displacement of more than 2000 tons

Project 7 destroyer

Project Porterbis destroyer

Hurricane-class patrol ships

Hurricane-bis class patrol ships

Submarine Hunters


Submarines of Soviet projects

Submarines type VII

Type IX submarines

Underwater minelayers of the Kalev type

torpedo boats

Infantry landing ships

Performance characteristics of the real ships mentioned in the post:

Tactical and technical data

EM "Porter"

EM "Project 7"

EM "Novik"

TFR "Hurricane""

Displacement normal, t




Maximum length, m



Maximum width, m




Maximum draft, m


Steam turbine plant with a total capacity, l. With





Full travel speed, knots

Travel speed economic, knots

Cruising range at economic speed, miles





Crew in peacetime, pers.

Artillery armament

4 - 130/50 mm B-13

4 x 1 102mm

2×1 102mm

Torpedo armament:

2x4 TA 53cm

2x3 TA 53cm

4x2 TA 45cm

1×3 TA 45cm


12.7 mm machine gun

2 - 76/55 mm 34K; 2 - 45 mm 21K.

4×1 7.62mm

2×1 7.62mm

And to protect the maritime border. As an independent class, anti-submarine defense ships were introduced into World War I, due to the fact that submarines, which were originally supposed to be used for limited purposes near bases, showed their high tactical qualities and combat effectiveness from the first days of the war. For the first time, there was an urgent need for smaller and less expensive, compared to destroyers, ships that could withstand an underwater enemy. A special ship was needed that could search for submarines, escort transports, and carry out patrol duty near naval bases. Destroyers could successfully solve these tasks, but they were clearly not quantitatively enough. Possessing significant firepower, the destroyers were involved mainly in other combat missions, the sector of which expanded enormously.

England was the first to start an intensive search for forces and means to fight German submarines, develop anti-submarine warfare tactics, and improve anti-submarine weapons and means. Thus, for the first time in the world, the first anti-submarine ships appeared in the British Navy, during the 1st World War, in connection with the active operations of German submarines. Then in England they began to build patrol ships - P-Boats, with a bow steel tusk (displacement 573 tons, full speed - 22 knots, one 100-mm gun, two 2-pound guns, two torpedo tubes, depth charges).

For the American fleet, following the example of the British, they urgently laid down about 60 units of ships similar to the TFR - the Eagle type.

In the mid-1930s, a new subclass of patrol ships was introduced for the naval border forces of the USSR - the "Border Patrol Ship" (PSKR) or "Small Patrol Ship".

For anti-submarine defense of the bases of the USSR Navy, the Rubin-type PSKR (Project 43) was designed and built, somewhat smaller than the Hurricane type, with a diesel power plant (displacement of approximately 500 tons, speed 15 knots; armament: 1 × 102-mm; 2 × 37-mm anti-aircraft guns; anti-submarine weapons). The same type of TFR "Brilliant": laid down in 1934; built and commissioned in 1937; displacement 580 tons; dimensions: 62×7.2×2.6 m; 2200 hp; maximum speed - 17.2 knots; cruising range (economic speed) - 3500 miles; armament: 1 × 102 mm, 2 × 45 mm, 1 × 37 mm, 2 × 12.7 mm, 2 bombers; up to 31 mines, crew - 61 people.

In 1935, to ensure the maritime border guard of the NKVD of the USSR, the Far Eastern border district, the Kirov-type TFR was put into operation. Only two ships of this type, according to the Soviet order, were built in Italy (laid down and launched in 1934; normal displacement - 1025 tons; dimensions: 80 × 8.3 × 3.75 m; power plant - 4500 hp; speed - 18.5 knots; cruising range - 6000 miles; armament: 3 × 102-mm, 4 × 45-mm, 3 × 12.7 mm, 3 × 7.62 mm, 24 mines, depth charges (10-large and 35-small), in the course of service, the armament was modernized.

In 1937, for service in the Arctic latitudes, the PSKR of the "Purga" type (Project 52), an icebreaker-type hull, was designed in the USSR. The lead ship was laid down at the Leningrad plant "Sudomekh" on 12/17/1938, launched on 04/24/1941.

On the eve of the Second World War, new classes of escort ships were introduced in the British Navy: Escort Destroyer, Frigate and Corvette, which, differing significantly in their tactical and technical elements (TTE), had a common main purpose. Therefore, in the classification system of the Soviet Navy, these ships were conditionally assigned to the class of TFRs intended for escorting convoys in coastal waters, anti-aircraft and anti-submarine defense.

During the 2nd World War, the Watchtowers were part of all fleets. Their combat activity was most clearly manifested in the Arctic, where, in addition to the "real" TFR, mobilized fishing trawlers (RT), icebreakers and ships of other civilian departments, which were equipped with light weapons, were actively used. In addition, border ships (PSK) replenished the number of TFRs.

Second World War confirmed the value of the TFR in the composition of the fleets. These ships, from the first to last day, carried combat service: hunting and destruction of submarines; laying minefields; landing; delivery of food, ammunition, fuel to besieged cities, evacuation of the wounded and civilians, raids on the nearest enemy communications, escort of transport ships.

After the Second World War, in the fleets of a number of states, warships, which, from the standpoint of the Soviet classification, are similar to the TFR class, are actually classified either as an "Escort destroyer" or as a "Frigate" or "Corvette", depending on individual characteristics. Corvette, as a rule, of smaller displacement and less expensive to build. These ships are very numerous. In the early 1970s, there were 63 ships of similar TFRs in the US fleet and 124 units were in reserve. In England, their number was 65 units, in France - 28 units.

In modern conditions, ships similar to the TFR are mainly designed to provide anti-submarine defense of ships and vessels at sea, they can be involved in the defense of formations of ships and convoys at sea crossings, to participate in anti-submarine operations as part of special groups, to provide landing operations, patrol and rescue service.

Taking into account the experience of the 2nd World War and the post-war development of missile weapons, the general trend in the development of the TFR is the improvement of anti-aircraft weapons systems that can effectively counteract the main enemy of surface ships - air attack weapons: aircraft, guided missiles, cruise missiles.

Statistically, modern patrol ships (escort destroyers, corvettes and frigates) have a displacement of up to 4,000 tons, the main power plant (MPP), is being developed and improved in the direction of switching from diesel and steam turbine to a more powerful gas turbine plant, speed 30 - 35 knots, armed with anti-ship and anti-aircraft missile systems, artillery installations, submarine search equipment OK and anti-submarine weapons, radio-electronic systems for surveillance, communications, navigation and weapon control.

As of the year, the Navy warship classification system Russian Federation involves replacing the Soviet classification term "Patrol Ship" with the term "Corvette".

see also


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  • Patrol (patrol ship)
  • Patrol ships of project 11661 "Gepard"

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