Dreaming of a man who offended. Why dream of Resentment? Interpretation of sleep Resentment

Resentment in a dream is interpreted ambiguously. Dream Interpretation of Felomen notes that if you experienced a feeling of discontent, it means that you yourself do not like your own actions in the first place.

If you offended someone in your dreams, you have a chance to achieve your excellent goals. The long-awaited will be realized.


Who are you offended in a dream?

Resentment in a dream for a loved one ▼

Resentment in a dream concerns actions or words? On a subconscious level lives in you. Are you afraid that close person will be lost. This symbol also says that you do not trust your soul mate completely, constantly expecting some trick from him.

Dreaming of resentment against a friend ▼

Had a dream that you were offended by a relationship? If heavy feelings arose after, yours is special. It will be long, as nothing can affect your assessment of a friend.

If in reality there is a feeling of dissatisfaction with the actions of a close friend, in your dreams you are trying to justify yourself, to find the cause of the negative ones on your part.

Who offended you in a dream?

Why dream that a loved one offended ▼

If in a dream you were offended by a loved one, be prepared to show firmness of character in difficult situations. You will have to make serious decisions in relation to loved ones. And for slack in such situations should not be. Otherwise, your kindness will be used for their own purposes.

If you dream that the offender offended ▼

Have you been offended by an unfamiliar offender? The dream book notes that in some long-standing situation, you behaved not quite correctly. You completely agree with your own wrongness, you experience an oppressive feeling of dissatisfaction with yourself. Deal with those that have been tormenting you for a long period of time.

Who is offended by you in a dream?

The guy is offended by the dream book ▼

Is it a dream that a guy is offended by you? There is a high probability that the dream plot will happen in real life. Show your tact and tact to prevent problems or reduce heat.

I dreamed that a friend was offended ▼

If you dreamed that a friend was offended by you, expect events that will bring a lot of unpleasant emotions into your calm and measured life. There is a possibility that you will become seriously ill. However, pouring and falling into hypochondria is not worth it, as over time everything will work out.

Dreaming that a loved one was offended ▼

If in a dream a loved one was offended by you, problems will manifest themselves in the one that is connected with personal life. It is not recommended to worry in vain, as troubles can be dealt with quite easily and quickly.

Why dream that a friend was offended ▼

Did your friend get mad at you? The dream book warns that in the future there will be problems that will have to be overcome in order to achieve your goals.

There is a possibility of manifestation of serious contradictions with other people. Already forgotten problems may remind you of themselves, however, having shown all your originality of thinking, you will be able to find out of the current situation.

Dreaming that a man was offended ▼

A dream in which a man was offended by you is a sign that in reality there will be problems in sexual relations. But everything can be turned in your favor if you find and eliminate the causes of discontent in time. Do not commit rash acts, say harsh words to loved ones.

How do other dream books interpret?

Video: What is the dream of Resentment

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I dreamed of Resentment, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why Resentment is dreaming in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I had a dream. I am on vacation and I go to a cafe. My ex-young man is sitting there with friends, he calls me to a table and starts making fun of me, says that I don’t need to eat, that I can get very fat. His friend tells him he's wrong, but he smiles back. I jump up, go out into the street and cry and I am very offended. A friend comes over and comforts me.
    Then it’s like we’re in an apartment, and for some reason I’m already married, the three of us are sitting at the same table: me, my husband and my ex, and the ex-boyfriend starts pestering me imperceptibly, and at the same time he smiles arrogantly and on his face such an indifferent smile.
    Tell me what it can mean?

    • Maria, such an insult in a dream most likely speaks of your hidden complexes regarding excess weight.

      • Maria, probably, this is due to other complexes regarding appearance.

        Good afternoon,
        I dreamed that I was dating my ex-boyfriend again. and it's winter outside. and I'm going abroad again. he is offended. on this. then I forget that he has a DR, and the next day I text him. and I myself see on the screen how an SMS appeared on his hundredth, and how affectionately my name is written with two hearts (the name is written on a hundredth). but he seems offended. and didn't reply...

        i dreamed that I was walking down the corridor at school (I am 15 years old) and I see the class of my ex-lover. They are all standing in the corridor, but everyone is busy with their own business. Suddenly his best friend comes up to me (who in reality tried to quarrel us and was one of reasons for our separation) and starts talking to me about something. He teased me with irony, thinking that I didn’t notice. But in response, I bravely held on and answered cunningly to jokes. from me. then, in front of everyone, my ex (let's call him Sasha) start “gluing” to me with wild sarcasm. everyone laughs. and I just turned around and continued to walk in my direction. pleading, as if the look spoke for him, “I’m sorry, I didn’t want it to happen.” In general, I don’t even know what to think.

        In a dream, I was asked to hand over a bouquet of cut flowers to one friend in the presence of another friend (boss), to which the second was offended, in the end I tried to justify that it was not from me, but was asked to hand it over, and I considered myself guilty. These were my old colleagues, with whom we communicated well without any scandals, and the boss is suitable for my mother (this was my first job)

        Good afternoon, once I talked with a good woman, she was engaged in white magic, she helped people, but she knew how to bewitch, she introduced me to a guy, we talked well with him and he fell in love with me, but it didn’t work out for us. to build relationships. After that, we stopped communicating and I began to be drawn to him, but still nothing came of it. introduced me to turn me away from him later ... for this I am offended and angry at him and her .. so how did they do a bad job .. recently I had a dream where she came to me .. it was on Sunday .. she asked me why I'm offended and angry at her!
        Why this dream and what does it mean?

        i dreamed that somewhere in a village by the sea I rented a small house in order to sell jewelry at the resort. I was returning to a rented house when I saw that other people were accommodated there. I don’t remember the details, but I remember that I started arguing with these people. One of them ripped out my bag and jewelry spilled out of it for sale. I felt offended, tears welled up in my eyes, but I began to collect jewelry. Then again I don’t remember how, but my former young man appeared in the courtyard of this house. He came close to me and very sharply asked about what I was doing in this village and why he should come for me. I told him that I did not ask anyone to come for me. After these words, he turned around and already said that he was giving me a minute to get ready and go with him.
        I began to say that I would not go anywhere with him and was already sobbing with might and main and continued to collect my trinkets. And then I picked up my favorite earrings and saw that one earring was missing a stone. This offended me even more and, grabbing my bag and clutching my favorite earrings in my fist, I went into the house, closed in one of the rooms, lay down on the bed and crossed my arms over my chest (there was still a bag in my hands and earrings in my fist). I lie and cry. At that moment, the door swung open with force and my ex entered the room again with the words: “Don’t you understand that I gave you a minute? Do you think that I came here from nothing to do? I just need you! Let's get up and let's go!" And I again began to say that I would not go anywhere and woke up. As it turned out, in fact, I also cried, and in my hands I squeezed the palm of my 3.5 year old daughter, who slept with me.

        A strange dream considering I don't remember them at all. And then there's the ex...

        First, I dreamed of a guy (who once offended me) and showed a photo, or a link to a VKontakte profile. And he asked who the hosts were at some event. And he said he needed them. In the photo, I saw my former class teacher and two classmates. Lyceum I remember not with the most pleasant feelings.

        Then I dreamed that I went outside and told my friend about it. Near her was her friend from another university. And I thought, "What's the difference, she doesn't know him."

        When I went to this friend of mine, I called another one. She is as close to me as she is. But she didn't answer. And I went to her. Who she was with and what we talked about, I do not remember.

        And the last frame - I approached this boy, or I wanted to hug him .. Something like that. And he got mad at me. Because as it turned out, he was standing nearby and heard my story to a friend.

        What could this mean? And how is it all connected?

        I once dreamed of a close friend and said that she was offended. More specifically:
        I receive a call on my cell phone from her and naturally I receive the call, but the call quality is poor. I say that I will call back and hang up, after which, of course, I call back, but after she accepted the call, she said indignantly or upset, “I was offended!”
        We've been dating for a long time, almost 4 years. Never had a major conflict. At the time of sleep were in different cities.
        Thanks in advance!

        Hello, today I had a dream about my birthday, I would like to know what it means, I am 17 years old. “I was lying in bed, woke up (it was night, the colors were cold, gray), my mother was sitting next to me and said that today is my birthday, no one came, then she looked into my room and my Lelya went back, then my grandmother came in, my mother said that I was offended by her because of the gift (the colors are just as cold), but later my grandmother gave me gifts (jacket and jeans, the paints became colored!) That's all !!! Please help!

        the guy with whom I have been talking for a long time is offended by me (that is, he does not talk to me), I already asked him for forgiveness, but he did not forgive. Today I have a dream that I’m sitting, coming up to me and saying, I forgave you and forgive me, then hugged me and said how strange you are, etc. then hugged me again and that’s it ... Thank you in advance!

        i dreamed that I offended the teacher (a woman of age, looks good) (she teaches massage, I don’t remember what I told her. Then I accepted my mistake, asked for forgiveness and she didn’t forgive, which is very strange.

        I dreamed that I had a boyfriend. we went on some kind of bus tour, there were a lot of people. It was me, my boyfriend, my girlfriend, our mutual friend and other people. And all the sleep my girlfriend was dissatisfied with something, offended that I was spending more time with my boyfriend.

        first I ended up in a crowd at our school, then I got into a fight with two people because of someone, then I talked to my friends, called them, took a gun and went to the offender, but I never found him, then the gun took a long time figured in my dream

        Recently, I sent my friend a link to the page of the boy I like, she promised that she would not write to him, but would just look at his pictures. And in a dream she dreamed that she began to write to him and flirt with him, because of this, in a dream we quarreled and I said offensive words to her, she was silent.
        I recently had a dream, before that dream, that we had a fight with her. It was I who beat her, kicked her and said hurtful words (she was just lying), and then she told me: “Nastya, this was the last chance.”
        What could it be? My friend and I fight often in our lives. And the quarrel is happening because of me. I am the first to start, I hurt her, but because there is an insult to the past.

        I had a dream.
        A friend in life asked me to send a link to the page of the guy I liked and promised that she would not write to him, but would just look at the photos and the wall of posts. I threw it at her. At night, I dreamed that she wrote to him and we quarreled because of this. I said hurtful words to her, but she just kept silent.
        Before that dream, I had a dream with the same girlfriend. I dreamed that we were fighting. It was I who beat her, kicked her and said hurtful words, and she just lay there and resisted a little, and then said: “Nastya, this was the last chance”
        My friend and I do not quarrel so often in life, but the quarrel is my fault. I'm the first to start. I just feel sorry for the past.

        I'll start with the fact that I was an outcast in the class last year .... I stopped communicating with everyone and because of this I left this guy, because I did not receive support from him ....
        in a dream, a guy from my class, he offended me and I started crying, and the ex-boyfriend saw this ... .. the former guy said something to this guy, in my opinion he asked why he did this to me and then he returned ...... then I left continue to cry and walked on the 4th floor in the toilet, it seems ... and he came up to me from behind and wanted to calm me down, but I immediately removed the tears .... explain what it all means?

        I remember this, I tried on my tight black dress with sequins, it looked very nice on me. Yesterday I had a dream where in the mirror I saw myself in a white fluffy dress. Another insult, I was offended very much by my friend. What does this mean?

        My boyfriend, when we came to the store, left me, talked with another girl, the saleswoman, but didn’t notice me, I stood and waited for him, and he walked by, as if he didn’t see me, I was offended and left

        my husband and I are going to visit, his ex-wife called him - they didn’t talk for a long time, but he was very dissatisfied with this conversation. He didn’t tell me the essence of the conversation (usually he tells me everything) We go outside - it’s dull and gray outside, it’s getting dark (the weather is closer to late autumn, because I’m in a coat, my husband is in a jacket) Let’s go, I try to talk to him , reassure (he is very gloomy) .. he says that he doesn’t want to upset me and then he will tell everything at home ... we came, we undress in the corridor and then he can’t stand it .... he says that Natasha (ex-wife) has already got him, that everything is not enough for her money ... I saw a signet on my husband’s hand and began to reproach him ... I flared up and wanted to talk to her myself, find out her claims and what was not enough for her, and that I gave him a signet for DR and what does she care about ... He didn’t leave his daughter, he takes she is taken to her grandmother for the weekend, they were gathered to school, they were taken to the aviation festival .. He says that this is not all, that she has been trying to manipulate the child for a long time ... I feel sorry for not telling earlier, and that together we could to solve all the issues (my husband tries to worry me less, therefore, the issue, because I myself raised the child for a long time without a father and I am very sorry for the children whose parents leave ... I try to participate more in the lives of such children ...) I start to cry from resentment that they do not trust me, then I leave the house ... I sit on the porch sobbing .. I calm down a little and I decide to return home .... I go out to the crossroads and the road with right side all in the mud, rather in the slush .. I decide to bypass it by another way .... then I find myself visiting again (where we originally came) and I take off my outer clothes and ask where the shower is to wash ... I go into the shower room - it’s kind of awkward .... I wake up .. I woke up with a heavy feeling ....

        Hello, yesterday I had a dream in which my ex-husband offends me verbally in front of his current wife, I was very hurt. In response, I told him that in the difficult moments of our life with him I was always there, and he is so with me, and I already live with another very beloved man for me. P.S. I didn't even think about my husband.

        Good afternoon! Today I had a dream in the morning, how I work in a restaurant, serve customers. Some of them had offended my mother before (offended the other day), I recognized them and demanded an apology from them, but they did not want to apologize in every possible way, and I insisted on my own. I realized that they were not educated people, I felt very sorry that everything happened this way. The resentment was strong, she cried hard, sitting wrapped in a blanket at the table. A girl was sitting opposite me, reassuring me, but I did not pay attention to her. In a dream, I know her, but in reality I don’t know who it was.

        I dreamed of former classmates, they congratulated the birthday people, but they didn’t say anything to me. I was offended by them and went to the park where they jumped into the river, and I also jumped in. The water was clear and warm. Then I met my husband, he was indifferent to me and told me to leave the house, I got into the car behind the wheel with my eldest daughter sitting on the side in the front seat. We went to my parents, my father was not at home, I went out on the balcony to smoke and met my friends there with whom I was friends before marriage. Some friends were a floor below, I looked at them from above.

        I was walking around the city with a guy, it was already getting dark, there was a red sunset, a classmate showed up who was supposedly the guy’s sister (it’s not) he took her hand, kissed her on the cheek all evening, I walked behind, but he didn’t seem to understand that I’m jealous and what it could threaten, at the end I cried, and he sat hugging on a bench with her, I’m next to him, he asked why I was crying, I don’t remember what I answered, but as if I didn’t understand anything, he smiled , sitting next to her, talking to her, I said “we are breaking up” and he “no, it’s just a sister, if you are jealous again we will definitely part” my heart ached, that’s why I woke up (

        I dreamed that I came alone from somewhere, I was sitting there feeling bad, I was there for 2 days, then I came to a large multi-car with a janitor, there some woman told me that some girl was looking for me, I went up to my room there were my things in the apartment, I undressed and then they woke me up. all

        Hello, Tatyana. I dreamed that the former somehow ended up in my apartment. In life we ​​don’t communicate at all, we don’t even say hello and parted more than a year very hard. But in a dream some interest and goodwill emanated from him. I was visited by thoughts that now my current boyfriend will return home and a strange situation will arise. And now, before stepping on the threshold, my boyfriend feels like he is a guest at our house and is offended by running away along the corridor. I run after him and calm him down, I convince him that everything is fine. But at the same time, I feel some kind of pity for both, spontaneous. I don’t remember much further.

        I see ex boyfriend we parted like that without saying anything to each other his wife 6 and I didn’t want him to part with them and in a dream he called and we met and the woman came 6 and he was offended and said why you called her

        I saw this dream in the afternoon when I was sleeping, I was a married girl, so I saw in a dream that I went home to help my guests go there, and there when I went there I have a daughter-in-law, mom and dad to take everyone live together, I and my daughter-in-law are generally good, but in a dream she was offended at me and cried, but somehow no one at home said anything, I’m reading dream books on the Internet, but this made me start to be afraid in shock)))))))))) ATP tell me something
        I’m also looking for one more thing that I went to a hairdresser cut my hair and I didn’t like it I don’t know what kind of horror dreams I just feel bad or I don’t know how to advise something

        one guy I knew wrote me a three-page letter in a dream, where he described in detail that he was offended by me and why, they say, I don’t write to him, I’m not interested in him. on top of these letters was a box with a chain. a pendant with a feather on a chain. I have one. only the chain was longer. he made such a sad face

        i dreamed that I was going into the elevator with a child there, a man stops the elevator and tries to stick to us, I don’t know how, but we are leaving him, but we can’t get away at all and he slowly whispers something to my boy and I understand that this person is something to him he said something like that he was offended by me very much right up to tears. The child takes his sweater and starts to put it on, and I see that his tears are rolling down so much from resentment that the neck of the sweater is all wet. I try to hug him and tell him not to listen to him, and together we run away from him down the stairs to the street, but the flight ends and we almost fell, and then we ended up on the street and I woke up ...

        he walked past me and, like butoh, covered himself so as not to see me, but all the same, I greeted him and began to talk, but it is clear from his face that he will experience pain and
        experience feelings at the same time

        Hello Tanya! For many years and several times a year, I dream that my husband is leaving for another woman. The same one. Moreover, in life there was no special attention to each other. 45 years.

        I dreamed that I bought a ring for my girlfriend and it turned out to be big on her, trying it on my finger, it turned out to be big on me, she was offended and fell silent .. all this was at our wedding with her.

        hello, I dreamed that my mother was very offended and angry, we were on some farm, there suddenly bulls or cows (I didn’t distinguish) almost all ran out of the cowshed, my mother and I hid behind some barn, and from behind a black bull with large and retracted horns was slowly heading towards me, I got scared, asked my mother to move away, but she didn’t seem to hear me, but after a while we ran out and through the fence were on the other side, there was a fair woman with curly hair, we took she had binoculars and they were going to leave, my mother said that I could take it, my mother came out and that woman said that she needed binoculars, I understood and left, as I went out, her daughter came in and said something, I somehow ended up in an unfamiliar house , but I felt “at home”, I was sitting writing something, two karate boys came into the room, in my opinion they told me that you can pull the worms out of the body, then an older guy came in and took them

        At first I walked through the forest, then I saw that they wanted to beat me for nothing, I ran away, they surrounded me and my ex-boyfriend grabbed my shoulders and held me, I grabbed him and pressed hard with my nails, he shouted with his she would tear us all apart, I ran away, ran along in the forest there were pipes then there was a hole I climbed through it there was my dog ​​he ran to help me then my ex-girlfriends were there my dog ​​guarded me from them barked and tried to bite and then I woke up

        we walked with a guy and we went to the door, he said that there was a toilet and he wanted to go, then I also wanted to and said that I also went to the women's restroom, then he opened the door there was not a toilet but an Internet club and his friends were sitting there playing, then he loudly laughed at me I was very offended

        The dream begins with the fact that I saw his motorcycle and stole it, then I drove into the store and saw a guy, he was already looking at me with resentment, I drove on, and he began to pursue me.

        I dreamed that my cousin's grandmother bought a house in my village. Her granddaughter (that sister of mine) came to visit her and stayed there for a long time and did not tell me about her arrival. When I found out and she came to her, she did not talk to me, but she actively had fun with my friends. Although the sister does not really know them. from another village.

        Hello. I am 18 years old, a 1st year student. And I really like one girl in my group. And now, apparently due to the fact that I constantly think about her, I dreamed of her several times already. walked with her, another time I kissed her as if. And there was a generally strange dream in which she confessed her love to me via SMS. It all happened within a couple of weeks. And today I had 2 dreams. In one again there were many people. she was there too, we were just talking about something (I don’t remember what), and then I woke up at night, when I fell asleep, a new dream began, in which I slowly approached her and tried to kiss, and she left, was offended by me. That's it.

        i dreamed that a woman with whom I have been friends for 6 years (after the death of my parents she became like an older sister to me, she constantly helps me and I help her) got upset with me because I was not going to her arrival to go to the dacha to her, although I didn’t remember the conversation about going to the dacha and the fact that we had to take my three-year-old jars to her dacha for storage, when I rushed to collect the three-year-old jars, they were neatly folded green peppers already peeled and it was a pity to even pull them out, only it didn’t fit in my head how a fresh harvest could be in jars when it was only spring outside, I remember in confusion about how I could forget that we should go to the nacha, I poured roofing felts jam roofing felts jam from the jar and at that time my girlfriend said, okay, don’t be going, I’ll go alone and went with chagrin on my face .... and I woke up

        The person I love (lives in another city) came, offered something to me and other people who were nearby (people from work). I did not understand what he offered, but I realized that others refused and he quickly began to leave. I tried to catch up with him (without calling out), but I could not, he was lost in the crowd.

        My sister has a collection of vinyl records and dreamed that I ruined one and she was offended. And I also dreamed of a teenage child as if he were my son, and he took the money and wanted to run away from home.

        there was a health program on TV, and I was still sleeping, I dreamed of some guys, they were 30 years old, some girl in green pants with white hair and a voice like Catherine Barnabas, she couldn’t do something, and her friends put on her a dress, a dress made of wood, then she went to the fitness room (grandmother turned on a health program on TV) and there she worked out her legs and squealed, some man (apparently a medical trainer) told her to hold on well because he would tie her legs for tension (in short, there is such an exercise to bend the legs to the sides with a burden, well, like dumbbells are tied to the ropes) he told her to squirm and pulled her legs very hard, she held on, then squealed, and the bed on which she was lying went, quickly went, coach let go of the dumbbells and jumped onto this bunk in order to stop her, but they hit the wall with him
        and there I woke up

        i dreamed of a girl who I like, but in this dream one of my friends asked her about me and she replied that I had already bugged her that she would complain about me, why tell me please)

        I dreamed that the guy I like was offended by me. I walk down the street, I see him, I go up to him and say hello, but he says that I should not approach him anymore. I figure it out, but he's very broken with the answer. In the end, he stopped pouting and we went on together, without explaining why he was offended.

        I came to the library with a friend, there I met an ex-boyfriend whom we see once a year, didn’t say hello to him, went to look for a book, from the side I heard in a loud, strict voice “take your foot off”, it was him. I felt so hurt that I wanted to cry. In general, we broke up, under strange circumstances

        i stood with friends and my ex-boyfriend passed with two guys, i proudly raised my head and didn’t even look at him, he shouted something to me and started coming up with a smile on his face and i woke up

        dreams - she came to visit her friend with her son in order to leave her son with her for a while. she did not accept him at the instruction of my neighbor (they do not know each other in life). My son is 37 years old. Alcoholic. In the dream, he is a teenager. I was very offended by a friend.

        Hello! I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were in the same city. My boyfriend's parents don't know about me. They think he's still dating his ex. His grandmother is going to visit him, and he decides to call his ex. Then we ended up at his friend's house, spent the night there. I was there too, they were together. She sat on his lap, he kissed her, hugged her. At a time when my grandmother was not even there. He looked at me like he wasn't doing it on his own, but he looked pleased. It was hard for me to look at them. Then somehow it turned out that his friend likes me ... Then I dreamed something else

        Hello! I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were in the same city. And the fact that his parents do not know that he is dating me. And his grandmother is going to visit him. He calls his ex. To pretend to my grandmother that they are still together. Then we ended up at his friend's house, spent the night there. They were together, even though there was no grandmother. He hugged her, kissed her, she sat on his lap, laughed. I watched all of this. And she was there. he looked at me as if he was doing it against his will. Then somehow it turned out that his friend likes me. We were about to leave, then another dream continued.

        Hello, Tatyana! I had a dream, I am sitting with my wife in the back seat of the car, I scold and beat her, I can’t do anything with myself, I accuse her of treason. At this time, I notice that her friends are sitting in front, then some man appears who defends his wife and I start to fight with him.

        Hello, Tatyana.
        I dreamed that I was following my wife and her daughter (she is my stepdaughter) and dragging a cart behind me and they were offended by me, but in reality we had a big fight. Then they move forward and I lose sight of them.

        Hello, I dreamed that we were going to have dinner, there was a lot of food on the table and we seemed to be eating it, but for some reason my husband was in the car at that time and it made me angry. Then my husband is already at home, he also seems to be eating and trying to talk to me, and I walk past him so offended and pretend that he is not there, and I don’t hear him, but the feeling of resentment is very strong, as if in reality

        The guy was offended in a dream at me next to me, but he treated me coldly but wanted to hug me, but somehow he was still offended, he wasn’t particularly talkative, but it was noticeable that he was hurt that he loved but offended

        It is very difficult to describe everything, since I no longer remember some parts of the dream, but I will try
        It all started at school, I was in practice, but we didn’t do anything, the lights were turned off, the teachers were in a very good mood, and everyone asked me to take pictures of them, I agreed, then everything changed dramatically, the teachers disappeared, the lights were on, I was in the same place, but there was still a girlfriend with me, and my “friend” was sitting at one of the desks (after yesterday, I don’t know what to call him. We walked with him for the first time after his long resentment, which lasted a year, and moreover he himself took the initiative and even insisted on it, although he didn’t want to see me just recently. hug, he also wanted me to kiss him, which seemed very strange to me, he just started to put pressure on pity and in the end kissed me, which I still am not happy with, when we wrote to him on VK, he said that again offended by me and it is very annoying) his name is Bogdan, he is lying l on the desk and looked at me with some kind of empty look, and again everything changes abruptly, I’m already halfway home from school, it’s already evening, it’s dark, the same friend is with me, she goes to the right, and my friend Vova is on the left ( who is also terribly offended by me because I did not agree to meet with him and he is not just offended, he cut off all ties with me, although before that everything was fine) we are all funny to hell, which is also strange, we reach the first stop, there is a group of teenagers of my age, Vova immediately went to them, I stayed with my girlfriend, one of the guys was with a dog that immediately rushed at me, the dog was black, purebred and big, she didn’t bite, it’s just awful she barked and wanted to pounce, her anger even drooled in all directions, I don’t know why, but I wanted to stroke her, I held out my hand over her, to which she got even angrier and almost bit me, but still, after the second attempt, I succeeded, and the guys suddenly urgently had to leave, that dog p sharply became some sort of emboldened little mongrel who only did what she trembled with fright and ran even from the owner.
        And again, everything changed, I found myself in the park, there was a day, at that moment I said goodbye to my friend and we went in different directions, I walked along the path, around children, adults, everything is blooming, greenery, flowers, beautiful trees, there are a lot of kids near the ice cream stand, and here there are two roads in front of me, right and left, I went to the right, I didn’t know this road, but I was sure that it was better there, two of my exes suddenly appeared on the left road, they walked together, one just walked quietly, and the second, as soon as he saw me, immediately began to scream and laugh, but knowing him I was not at all surprised (we parted with him because I did not do everything as he says, and after parting he began to weave about I got terrible rumors that shook my reputation, I forgot about it, but there is no society, our city is too small and here everything reaches everyone like a broken phone in a game), I continued on my way, but I remembered everything that happened during the day, and was in some kind of stupor because of this, especially because of Vova and Janis (the one who spread rumors)
        All this haunts me, yes, maybe I forgot some parts of the dream, but this is the main thing, and I would like to know what it portends at least approximately, please help ....

        Hello, today I dreamed that my good friend wanted to show intimacy, but I refused him, because I have a loved one. A friend was very offended by me, I ran to catch up with him, but did not have time

        stood near the toilet at school and talked and he gives me a notebook where the anthem of our country is written and says write it, I say I don’t know the anthem of our country and then he comes close to me and speaks in my ear I didn’t expect this from you and looked like that with resentment

        I dreamed that my friend was a close relative of my friend. I learned about it for the first time. I came to her house, the house was in a very terrible state, very old, dirty in general, it was very disgusting. Dead silence reigned inside, only disgruntled faces looked at me. I don’t remember why I came to her, but in my head I kept saying that we should go with her for a consultation. No one was happy to see me, although usually they are not. Then I went inside and sat on the couch. A friend asked me to wait. I sat, watched TV, it seemed that the house was not happy about my arrival. Suddenly my friend came home. I was surprised, but did not show it, he was also gloomy, did not talk to me, which really embarrassed me. Strange, but he pretended that I was not there, went into the hall and lie down, but did not show that I was sitting in front of him. Ignored. He never behaves like this, he is usually always glad to my presence.

        I was sitting at school waiting for a lesson, my girlfriend is not friends with some guys, and I sat with them because there was no place for me, one of them accidentally hurt me, and my friend saw this and was offended, I cried and apologized to her and she forgave me

        In a dream, we were at school (although I finished it), I was sitting surrounded by friends and my current unrequited love was also indoors only in the other row and at the first desk, I didn’t see her face, but my friend offended her (in life, they don’t know each other, and I don’t communicate with a friend at all), again, the face was not visible, but I heard someone say that she was crying.

        I was walking in the store with my best friend and a stranger (it seems that I met through a social network) and we decided to sit down. We saw a table near which 2 people were sitting and sat next to them. The stranger left, and one of the two boys addresses me (I know him, in the summer we communicated with him through social networks and he offended me, as if the offense against him had not yet passed, but before that I had not thought about him at all):
        - hello, I (says full name)
        I speak clearly (in a dream I didn’t want to talk to him)
        after a while he says that he needs to go and we hugged.

        It seemed to me that my young man called me and said that his team laughed at me, that in the photographs where I got, I looked very ugly.
        " - What did I say?
        - What do you need to give yourself beautifully?
        - What is tedious to always look coasily.

        Yesterday, on the willow, the guy I like, but I don’t know if I like it or not, like I avoided, although I didn’t tell anyone about my feelings, then I dreamed that I was offended in a dream like he offended me, that’s what it is

        I dreamed that I was walking with a friend and girlfriend.
        Boyfriend friend of a friend, but he climbed up to me. A friend burst into tears because of him, she had a fight with him. I began to calm her down and say: “everything is fine, this will not happen again.” And she disappears. I shout to the whole street: "why do you all leave when you are so needed." Then my best friend appears and says: "it's always like this"

        There was some kind of event, and he came to me like that. Then I remember. I remember that later he was offended by me and my son stopped communicating, but I always tried to resume our communication. We just communicate with him on the Internet in reality.

        I dreamed that a boy was offended at me, which I really like. It was like this: I saw him, started to come up, and I wanted to hug him to say hello, but he ran off offended, I ran after him and then they told me that he was offended by me because I didn’t kiss him. Then another friend of mine began to be jealous of him.

        Hello. The fact is that my boyfriend is now in another city and I had a dream that he was coming, but he arrived with two abrasions on his face, with a bruise on his nose and as if a piece of skin had been torn off from his face, while he arrived with a completely different person who no longer smiles and does not communicate with anyone

        The mnemonic dreamed that the boy I love was offended by me, then he went to the fortuneteller, she told him that I was his ideal, after that I heard it outside the door, and went to apologize, but he was no longer offended. What does this mean?

        There were a lot of visitors. At one point, a relative began to say unpleasant things to my grandmother, for example, that she is boring, she says the same thing many times, I got angry, I felt offended and I decided to immediately intercede.

        Hello! I dreamed today that I seemed to be running with the guy I love so much, and then I asked him what you think of me and he answered you are crazy and smiled, and in response I all of you think so and turned away with resentment, and he seemed to regret that he had said so. What does it mean?

        I dreamed that a friend whom I knew wanted to somehow mischief and in the store put a cream in my child’s mouth and squeezed it out, because of this he began to cough and cry, and I decided to poke her in the face

        In general, I dreamed that my beloved was a very influential person. Then there was a conflict between him with another influential person. And then, my boyfriend started blaming me for everything. I don't remember the reason, but I do remember that the fault lay with me. Then I had children (very strange), and my beloved refused them. What happened next, I don't remember. The dream had a dream from Saturday to Sunday.

        Hello. I dreamed that the guy was somewhere in the store and there was some friend or brother with a girl .. the couple was not on good terms, but on the contrary we hugged and talked, then the couple left and the guy and I followed them, but then it turned out that I myself followed them, and my boyfriend disappeared somewhere, I searched for him for a long time and found him offended by him, but we quickly reconciled ... then for some reason I don’t remember what happened, but I remember that he again disappeared somewhere and I was looking for him again, only in some kind of shopping center ... and now he was very offended by me, although there was no reason to be offended then, I was very offended and I started to let out tears, he came up to me , and I said don’t touch me and left, then I looked at some kind of nail polish easily purple with glitter...
        I usually don’t attach much importance to dreams, but for some reason this dream still doesn’t come out of my head and the feeling in the dream was such that words couldn’t convey and the colors in the dream were gray, white ...

        I dreamed of a guy that I liked, but he said that we would not communicate. And so I dreamed about him, we were sitting in a room there were several people, he was sitting opposite me, and asked, “Are you offended?” . I answered "No" while smiling out of the corner of my mouth. I wanted to cry and run away to another room, but I barely took the smile off my face. Then in the same room I sat down on the transverse right twine

        We had a fight with the girl and she went to bed when she woke up and said that she had a dream, as if she was waking up and there was a child of 5-6 years old in the apartment, and everywhere there was water near the flower, as if it had been gnawed all over and there was no land in it, the child was screaming for me turned off something that he plugged into the outlet. And as if I come here with some guy and she tells me, I went to bed and you left the child, and I answer that I went to the store and the child was naked. And at that moment she woke up .Please tell me what this dream means

        A colleague had a dream. He invited me to go for a walk. We were in the park, he bought sweets, then I, like a little one, slept on his lap. returned it turning around saw that he silently got off the bus and left without turning around .... I was upset ... .. Did you dream about crowded places and music in general?

        Well, at first I dreamed that I saw my boyfriend with a little black girl in the entrance to the washroom, then I got jealous and woke up for 5 seconds after that, I fell asleep again and I ran to them to hit Vova, after that I fell from the ladder and died. Then I woke up completely and still think about it

        I dreamed that I was very depressed. It's like my boyfriend dumped me. We were in the same class, it was school time. Although we study in completely different places, we sat on neighboring desks. There was a Kazakh lesson and I can't find a notebook/sheet to write. But from the beginning I had a torn leaf, which became even more torn. There was some kind of concert, but I didn’t pay attention to him, sat down in the “hammock” and he suddenly appeared .. I pretended not to notice him. He lay down with me, but I was choked with resentment, I don’t know exactly how he left me, but it was terrible. We talked about something, he said, “they still think we meet in the capitals, hug me,” I said no, and turned away. Then she began to cry out of breath. I started to wake up abruptly, with the same feeling as in a dream. Tear text without stopping, it hurt me so much, it hurt mentally, as if he really left me

        Good afternoon,
        In a dream, I was walking with friends and one girlfriend, and suddenly my two friends pour milk on my girlfriend (perhaps on purpose or by accident, I don’t know), and she takes offense at me, although it’s not my fault, what can this mean?

        Hello. We already broke up with a girl 5 months ago and still do not meet anyone. Yesterday some girl from my school wrote to me that she wants to communicate with me and I agreed. And on the same day I dreamed of my ex girlfriend, in a dream she called me and what she said. And tomorrow she walked past me 4 times with offended looks. I can’t understand why I didn’t dream about her for 5 months, and when I wanted to meet a new girl, she dreamed of me on the same day, not on another, but on the same day. Tell me, please

        Fragment two. We have a psychologist at school who is completely ignorant of psychology. So, in a dream, in her office, I am rude to her, she is rude in response. I see her inability to perform the declared functions and this annoys me wildly. She repeats, “Are you all right in the head?” And everything in this spirit.
        Thanks to.

        We traded with my best friend in the market at different points, I came to him, he asked me to stand on his point because he needs to drive off to pick up something forbidden. He brings powder, draws for himself and his new girlfriend (my best friend has another girl in life) huge roads, and I have a road with a size of 3 cm , I come up and look and say that I won’t. He gives me weight and says that he allows me to sniff but he needs to move away. a friend with his girlfriend and no one could draw either, I started to sort things out with a friend, what happened, why he began to treat me like that, but in the end we faced off and said that everything was fine. The new girl was offended that we had reconciled, but then I find out that my boyfriend disappeared, that our friend passed him on, and now no one knows where he is.

        I dreamed how our friends offended me, at first my mother scolded me friends, with a friend in life, I don’t communicate very well lately, then a friend rotted me, and after all this her dad started screaming at me, I burst into tears very much and complained to my mother, then I saw my brother, who, seeing tears, didn’t even ask what happened, this upset me too, but in general the dream was not very pleasant, it all happened as if at my house, and there were guests, barbecues, and I was afraid to go to eat, since there was a family who destroyed me, so I just closed myself in a dream bathroom and sobbed, then my mother came in and I complained to her, but in my opinion she calmed me down a little, and went to bed, saying that she was very tired.

        My dream began with the fact that I was visiting my cousin. There was some kind of holiday and there were other guests. There were also my friends whose names are Andrey and Dima. I talked to them and then hugged Andrey. A stranger approached me from behind and turned to me with a smile. I fell in love with him at first sight, and he fell in love with me. I asked him his name. His name is Lyosha. I went with him into the house and we sat on the sofa and talked about ourselves. We loved each other but did not admit. We fell asleep and hugged and woke up because someone took a picture of us. They were Andrey and Dima. They took a picture of us. I quickly got up, looked at Andrei angrily and took his phone where there was that naked photo. He said that we are like doves. I said that I needed to breathe and went outside. It was already quite dark. I walked around the house and went back. I was lying in the back room and looking at the ceiling, when I suddenly heard the door open and I left the room. I saw Lyosha. I quietly approached him from behind when he was standing at the table and leaned on him and hugged him and asked if he was worried about me. He said “yes” and grinned, took me in his arms and carried me to the bed, and we fell asleep in an embrace.
        The next day I woke up at my godmother's house. And when I left the house, that same holiday (I don’t know which one) continued. Only when I came out I couldn't find Lyosha anywhere. After Andrey told me that he was very jealous. He said that my boyfriend and drove Lyosha away. I ran away from Andrey and wanted to find Lyosha. I called him but he turned off the phone ... Then the dream ended. In the lines, remember that I found Lyosha. And the feeling was so good. It was so perfect. Only I can not understand the essence of sleep. Tell me please. In a dream, I was walking with a friend and saw my ex-boyfriend. She sat down next to him and I stood next to him. Ex started touching my girlfriend's hair. After that, I said “how not to fall in love” (I said, supposedly to spite him, so that there was jealousy). After that, he began to speak English and said that I did not know how to love and expressed the problems that were in our relationship. He also said, “It was unpleasant for me when you, my girlfriend, do this.” He got up and started to leave, at that time I shouted after him “I know how to love and I can improve” .. but he left.

        I had this dream on January 7, on the night of Monday to Tuesday. I came to the apartment of no one knows who, Tula called me my friends (boys). I went into the apartment and saw some of my friends, including the boy who was offended by me in real life, in a dream he was sitting at the table and looked at me with an offended look. He didn't want to greet me. I walked past, to the toilet. There I met Vitalya, and he gave me his phone, all evening I went with his phone and mine. I did not go to the toilet, I went to the living room. I saw my friends there and lay down with them, we lay in an embrace. I heard the phrase: "What's going on here?" and raised her head. On the couch, instead of my friends, I saw girls completely unfamiliar to me, I hugged not with my friends, but with them. They looked like girls of easy virtue. Among them, I saw Danila, he called me and threw a piece of paper at me to attract my attention. I hit him on the knees, and some girl told me not to touch him, then he hugged her. I decided not to sit among these people and began to leave. Me and a couple of other people in this room were covered with something sticky. I went to the toilet to wash with another person I didn't know, where he accidentally poured Water on me when we were both washing. I decided to get out of there. I stood in the hall and saw that everyone was going somewhere. My friend Vilala approached me, who gave me his phone and asked: “Will I take off the sip on the street?”. I did not have time to react and he was taken away by girls completely unknown to me. Following me, my friend Ruslan caught me and asked: “Will I go with him to jump with a parachute. ? . I agreed. The last thing I remember, we were sitting on the plane, me, Ruslan, my girlfriend, who was not in the apartment, and another unknown girl

        He answered well. Then I left. And he remained in the crowd

        We drive in the car and I slow it down and get out. In the end, I say I could bring it. And he would have taken me if I hadn’t stopped and left. Then offended him and offended she herself left on foot without looking back.

Often our dreams are filled with emotions, both good and bad. In this article, our dream book will tell you what the resentment experienced in a dream can mean.

Eastern dream book

If a young girl had a dream in which resentment appeared, then this is an omen of a feeling of regret in real life.

Family interpreter

In a dream, you were offended - which means you will experience a feeling of dissatisfaction with yourself, if you acted as an offender, then you will go a long way towards your goal, encountering difficulties along the way. The woman dreamed of resentment - unfortunately about her decisions. Still being offended in a dream is sometimes an omen of grief.

English dream book

I dreamed that they offended someone - expect a serious showdown with your partner. To prevent this, you should be more restrained in your words. A dream where, in addition to resentment, a desire for revenge appears, warns of the likelihood of problems due to your temper.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

Resentment in a dream for a girl portends that she will dishonestly deal with a person in love with her, and she herself will suffer from this.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

If you offended in a dream, then in life a streak of failures will begin in your intimate relationships, but if the offense is inflicted on you, then pleasant sensations await you soon.

Miller's dream book

To be offended in a dream - be more careful and think about your actions, otherwise you will reproach yourself for what you have done. Offended someone yourself - you have to fight for your goal.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

This dream book interprets resentment in the literal sense - a quarrel will also occur in life.

If you are the offender in a dream, then get ready for difficulties on the way to the implementation of your plans. Feel resentment yourself - plunge into memories filled with regrets.

Freud's interpreter

This dream book believes that the offense inflicted on you projects your suspicion of your partner's fidelity. And if in a dream they are offended by you, then you are actually afraid that someone will find out about your not quite ordinary intimate preferences.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

In a dream, you feel that someone wronged you in vain - in life you are inclined to blame others for your failures, if what was said to you was fair, but still offended you - because of your stubbornness, you will lose the favor of a loved one. If the offense was inflicted on you by accident, you realized it and asked for forgiveness - you have a chance to climb the career ladder, and if you offended a person on purpose, there will be a streak of problems both at home and at work.

Such a destructive feeling as resentment can in reality bring a lot of heavy thoughts and spiritual discomfort. The same thing happens in a dream, when a person, having experienced humiliation, wakes up and remembers this feeling for a long time. The explanation of the dream books about what the offense is dreaming of depends on many factors: the topic, the subject of the quarrel and the acting character who influenced the mood.

In some cases, the interpretation of dreams about resentment should be sought in a relationship with the subject of mental discomfort. In a dream, the most secret fears crawl out, so sometimes they provoke the most unexpected dreams. So, resentment against a loved one, in fact, personifies the dreamer's subconscious fear of losing him.

In this regard, the emotional discomfort provoked by the reaction to a friend personifies the inner feeling of competition from a friend.

Be insulted

Feeling resentment in a dream, according to Miller's dream book, predicts deep dissatisfaction with oneself in real time, attempts to justify one's actions and thoughts.

Another option for explaining what the offense is dreaming of is suggested by the English dream book. In this case, the interpretation of dreams indicates a misunderstanding with a loved one or close friend. Try to be discreet in your conversations and, when proving your point, carefully watch your expressions.

If you dreamed that resentment turned not only into tears, but also a sense of revenge, then in reality you should be on the alert to prevent a difficult situation from arising.

Crying in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, portends great joy. And it doesn’t matter what reason caused the tears, since this dream symbolizes purification.

For a woman, upset or upset someone, expressed in regret about hasty conclusions and that in the past she did not listen to the advice of her parents.

inflict an insult

To offend someone in a dream, portends Miller's dream book, a long and hard struggle on the way to achieving the desired goal.

To make your opponent cry, according to Freud's dream book, predicts failure in the intimate sphere. You cannot deliver the desired pleasure to your partner, as your energy and thoughts are directed in a different direction.

Another explanation of why such a plot is dreamed of is presented in the interpreter. A dream that occurs reflects the emergence of contradictions with others. Perhaps old disagreements in real time will make themselves felt.

Object of psychological imbalance

To be offended by a child in a dream, when in the present tense he is in a hospital bed, is expressed by the remorse that the dreamer experiences. Subconsciously, a woman feels guilty for the illness of her child.

Freud's dream book interprets resentment against a loved one by the presence of the sleeping person's suspicions about infidelity and sexual adventures of the second half.

There is a second option for explaining why such a picture is dreaming. The modern interpreter connects the dreamed vision with real circumstances, which became the impetus for the emergence of doubts about the sincerity of the feelings of the chosen one. So, chagrin at a loved one is associated with insufficient trust in your partner.

A dreamed quarrel with a friend, the result of which was an insult to a friend, is determined by Miller's dream book by strong and lasting friendships.

If in reality there is a grudge against a girlfriend, then on a spiritual level the sleeping person is looking for excuses for such feelings. The only way out of this situation will be a correct and soulful conversation with a friend.

In a dream, you were offended by someone, and in the morning you couldn’t understand why you suddenly dreamed about it if you have harmonious relationships with loved ones in your life?

You can get the answer to this question from modern dream books. Resentment can enter the dream book as a symbol of self-development, a new path in life, or reconciliation with old enemies. Find out the exact meaning by remembering the details of dreams.

You were insulted in a dream

The female dream book reports that if in a dream you happened to be offended by someone, then in reality you will be unhappy with your behavior. Perhaps you forget something or perform a task entrusted to you at an insufficiently high level. However, be aware that no one else will notice these little things, so the dream book recommends that you simply take note of these nuances, but in no case reproach yourself for them.

Holding a grudge against a guy means, in reality, accidentally harming a loved one. In life, he will be offended, on the contrary, at you. However, his feelings will quickly change to positive ones, as you will be able to prove that you did it not from evil.

They offended you in a dream - you will be surprised, but a pleasant pastime will await you ahead, such an interpretation is given in Psychoanalytic dream book. You may be invited to a fun party or invited on an exciting journey. Feel free to say "Yes!" similar ideas - they will give you a lot of impressions.

Parting with a loved one awaits you - this is what resentment is dreaming of in a dream, according to the Wanderer's dream book. Of course, we greatly miss dear people when they are away from us. However, your separation will only lead to a stronger relationship. Long conversations on the phone and correspondence in in social networks will give you pleasure.

Offended in a dream - expect minor troubles, according to the dream book of the Apostle Simon the Zealot. Things won't go the way you intended them to. However, you will find a new way of development of events, which in the end will be the most profitable and interesting for you.

To reveal the meaning of dreams according to the Classical Dream Book, it is important to remember who you were offended by:

  • The spouse will surprise you with a pleasant surprise - this is what an insult to a loved one dreams of.
  • An insult to a beloved girl enters a dream as a symbol of the fact that other men will admire her beauty.
  • You were offended or a friend - tell them in reality someone else's secret.
  • Being offended by parents - get valuable advice from the older generation.

An insult to a loved one is a symbol of the fact that you have to spend a lot of time and effort to implement your plans, according to Miller's dream book. However, do not forget about your goal: achieving your plan will greatly improve your life in material terms.

To be offended by your child in a dream is to his pranks in real life. However, they will amuse you more than upset you. An insult to a girlfriend is included in the Classic Dream Book as a symbol of your strong friendship in real life. To hold a grudge against a loved one - to spend a joint weekend.

Foreign dream books give an interesting interpretation of dreams in which you were offended by a loved one or a stranger. To be offended by a stranger means, in reality, to participate in negotiations that are important to you. Most likely, you will not win them, but new contacts will allow you to realize some of your plans. With some of the new acquaintances you will become good friends. You were insulted by a loved one - he will say nice things to you in life.

The interpretation of psychological dream books pleases many dreamers. If a person remembers: “A loved one screamed at me in a dream!” - this is a symbol that the patient is afraid of losing a warm relationship with a relative or friend. Your fears are in vain, you are loved and respected.

you insulted someone

Freud believed that if in a dream you offended someone, then in life you will upset your spouse. You will be carried away by some important project, and your loved one will feel a lack of attention. However, you can easily prevent this if you manage to properly plan your time and clearly distinguish between work and personal life.

I dreamed that in a dream you insulted your loved one - in reality, you can quarrel with your spouse over trifles. However, if you watch your words and remain calm, you will be able to save the world. Remember that minor domestic disagreements can be quickly and easily resolved.

Your friend or girlfriend was offended - you will be late for their holiday for a good reason. However, you will arrive just in time for the funniest moment of the evening. Be sure: your loved one will not hold grudges against you at all in reality, however, he can play a sharp joke on your being late.

If you use the Muslim dream book to reveal the meaning of the dream in which you cried from resentment, then you can find out that this is a symbol of great joy. in a dream they are a symbol of purification - you will get rid of the burden of problems and anxieties and finally take a deep breath.

from resentment and building a plan for revenge - means in reality to restore justice. You will protect your rights and win this difficult duel. Such dreams may occur before going to court or important negotiations.

Remember how in a dream a whole company of people takes offense at you - you will prove your point of view in some kind of team, according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. You will be able to make strong arguments that will change the minds of many people. In the future, this will have a positive impact on both them and you.

Resentment against a loved one symbolizes the unconscious fear of losing a close, dear person. Also, such a dream reflects your doubts about the second half: you are waiting for betrayal, trick, deceit, do not trust. Stop winding yourself up, it can lead to psychological distress. Talk to your soulmate openly, find out the relationship. In addition, thoughts of deceit, betrayal can attract all these troubles to you. Stop looking for flaws in your loved one.

I dreamed that they were offended by a friend after a quarrel, which means that in reality your friendship with her is very strong. It will last until the end of life, and nothing can destroy it. Appreciate your friend, take care of your friendship. Not everyone is lucky in life to find a true friend with whom you can share all the joys, sorrows, who will always help and support.

If in reality, as in a dream, you are really offended by a friend, then you really feel discomfort, guilt for what happened and with the help of sleep you try to find an excuse for your negative emotions. Talk frankly with your friend, tell her about your x experiences, about your resentment. Find the reason for the disagreement. try to settle them and return warm friendly relations.

Modern Dream Interpretation

To worry in a dream because of an insult unfairly inflicted on you is a sign that you tend to look for the causes of your troubles, of which you yourself are often guilty, in other people. If you hold a grudge against a friend who has expressed fair reproaches and remarks to you, you will realize it too late, when no regret and repentance can compensate you for the loss of a loved one or close friend.

If in a dream you inadvertently hurt someone and later apologized, in real life you will be promoted. A dream where you deliberately offend a person unpleasant to you - this portends that you will soon incur the wrath of your superiors and trouble in family life.

English Dream Interpretation

You were offended in a dream - this is a conflict with a loved one or close friend, the result of which will be the termination of relations; they will recover very soon. The dream calls for more discretion, for conversations, choosing expressions more carefully. Having your own point of view on some issues, do not stubbornly impose it on others. When arguing, be patient and persuasive, trying not to let anyone get the better of you. If you dreamed that you, being offended, dream of revenge, or, on the contrary, the person whom you offended is eager to take revenge, then in reality you must keep your eyes open: you may find yourself in a very difficult situation.

Miller's dream book

If in a dream someone offended you, then in the near future you will be extremely unhappy with yourself, despite all attempts at self-justification. You have to be angry at your own wrong behavior. You offended someone yourself - it means that you can achieve the desired goal only through a long struggle. For a woman, a dream in which she receives or offends herself is a harbinger of future regrets about hasty conclusions and disobedience to her parents. In some cases, dreams of an offense inflicted on you may indicate an upcoming event that will plunge you into sadness.

Family Dream Interpretation

Being offended in a dream is a sign of trouble or irritation towards your loved ones. Sometimes such a dream predicts that domestic quarrels and squabbles await you, followed by excuses. Such a dream can also mean future troubles. Offending someone in a dream means that you will have to fight for the successful outcome of your enterprise. A dream in which a friend offended you portends you to receive good news from a person about whom you thought that he had long forgotten about your existence.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Resentment against a girlfriend or friend is a dream to great dissatisfaction with oneself. If a girl dreams that a guy offends her, in real life she may be too picky about him. If you had a grudge against a guy on Sunday night, separation is not far off. A dream in which you experience resentment from stranger, speaks of your painful pride, which interferes with your personal growth.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Resentment is a harbinger of sad cases. A woman who has experienced resentment will regret her hasty conclusions. To offend someone is to feel many difficulties in achieving your goals in the future. The resentment in a dream that you felt means dissatisfaction with yourself, based on a poor presentation of yourself, but not recognized due to lack of courage.

Freud's dream book

If you offended someone in a dream, then you will fail in sex. By directing your energy in a direction other than carnal pleasures, you will not be able to deliver true pleasure to your partner. Offended you in a dream - to a pleasant pastime.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

If a girl dreams that she was offended or she offended someone, this means that in real life she will dishonestly treat her beloved, as a result of which she will suffer.