The assassination attempt on Brezhnev 1969. The story of the failed assassination attempt on Brezhnev

Here is given an exact description of people born on January 22, 1969, events, holidays and statistics of these days. Complete calendar of this year by months and days of the week.

The true interpretation is the dates of the calendar 01/22/1969.

  • The symbol of the horoscope of people who were born on 01/22/69 is Aquarius (from January 21 to February 19).
  • Eastern animal calendar for 1969 - Monkey - Earth - Yellow, from February 17 Rooster - Earth - Yellow.
  • The element of the symbol of the horoscope of Aquarius, born on 01/22/69. - Air.
  • The ruling planet of people born on this day of the week is Uranus.
  • Today is week 4.
  • According to the calendar, the month of January has 31 days.
  • Day length January 22 - 7 hours 59 minutes Sunrise: 8 hours 41 minutes; Sunset: 16 hours 40 minutes; Longitude of the night: 14 hours 37 minutes (data are indicated for the latitude of the European part of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus).
  • According to the calendar, it's winter.
  • According to the Gregorian calendar, it is not a leap year.
  • It is better to use colors according to the horoscope, for people who were born on the day January 22, 1969- Greyish purplish pink, Dark greenish yellow and Grey-green.
  • Plants suitable for the combination of the horoscope sign Aquarius and 1969 according to the calendar of the eastern animal - Larch and Maple.
  • Stones - amulets, for people born today - Malachite, Olivine.
  • Particularly lucky numbers for people who were born on January 22, 69 > SEVEN.
  • Very better days weeks for people born on January 22, 1969 > Saturday.
  • The true qualities of the soul, the horoscope sign of Aquarius, who were born on this number, are fussy and generous.

Holidays and memorable dates falling on January 22.

  • Ukraine - Day of Unity
  • Poland - Grandfather's Day
  • People's holiday Philip's day - they tried to put in perfect order their own home, and at the same time themselves. If the weather was clear, a rich harvest could be expected in the summer, if the livestock that walked in the yard went back to the stall, it means that the weather will be frosty and it will snow.

Christian (Orthodox) festivities and commemoration dates on this day of the year:

  • Day of memory of the prophet Samey.
  • Memorial Day of St. Eustratius of Tarsus, miracle worker.
  • Memorial Day of St. Peter, Bishop of Sebaste of Armenia.
  • Memorial Day of Martyr Polievkt Melitinsky.
  • Memorial Day of Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, miracle worker.

Orthodox name days are celebrated on January 22:

  • Antonina,
  • Zakhar,
  • Paul,
  • Panteleimon,
  • Peter,
  • Philip.
Dates on which religious holidays fell in 1969
  • Orthodox holiday of Easter - April 13.
  • Orthodox Palm Sunday falls on April 06.
  • The Orthodox Holy Trinity is celebrated on June 01.
  • Catholic Easter is celebrated this year on April 06.
  • Catholic holiday of the Ascension of Christ (Ascension of the Lord) - May 15.
  • Catholic holiday Pentecost (Descent of the Holy Spirit) - May 25.
  • The Catholic holiday of the Holy Trinity Day is celebrated this year on June 01.
  • Catholic feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - 05 June.
  • Catholic feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - June 06.
  • Passover (Pesach) fell on April 03.
  • The Jewish holiday of Shavuot (Pentecost) is May 22.

About those men who were born on the day of January 22.

A man’s money, according to the calendar on January 22, 1969, is never in the first place for them. Primitive empty women are not interesting to him. It is almost impossible to convince them. Since this person has an open character, he easily recognizes falsehood in people and does not tolerate it. He can hit white and fluffy, but remember, inside he is far from being that. In family life, friendship with his wife is of great importance for him, he wants her to give him the opportunity to lead a free life.
Men are a zodiac sign born January 22, 1969 - Aquarius, rarely get rich, which, in principle, is not so important for them. But Aquarians are rich in soul and fantasy. They are very proactive, they do not have to wait long for an invitation to a date, and if he likes you, he will easily take the first step in your direction. He's a tech freak, so he's got all the latest novelties or fantasies, or he'll be the first to discover a new fashion. In love, he does not behave like everyone else; in friendship, he will become your reliable friend and adviser. They are used to giving more than taking, so relationships with friends are usually one-sided, which makes life much more difficult for them. If you connect your life with him, you will not be bored. It is easy to adapt to such a bad character and achieve what you want. All sorts of conclusions in his head all the time.
Ideal for a man January 22, 69 birth, a woman is a friend. A housewife and the mother of his children is unlikely to suit him. Sooner or later, he will get married anyway, and after that he will decide that now it is time for him to concentrate on much more important things. These people should not overwork, it is positively affected by hardening and physical education. There is one thing that a man, according to the calendar on January 22, 1969, makes friendship the basis of love, it is easier for him to get away from discussing love topics and everything connected with it. A person does not like to open his soul even to the closest people and listen to advice. They often do charity work.
If you have chosen an Aquarius man as your goal, you should think about how to become his ideal. Often a man born in 1969, according to eastern horoscope animals - Yellow Earth Monkey of the year, a new perception is already long time formed in his mind. He hides his feelings so he won't let you know his secret. For the sake of helping relatives and friends, he is ready to sacrifice a lot.


Complete information about women who were born today, 01/22/1969, according to the Chinese horoscope year.

The character of a woman born in 1969, according to the eastern horoscope of animals - the Yellow Earth Monkey of the Year, is manifested in her innovative judgments and extraordinary actions. People have a lot of interests, which takes them a lot of time. As soon as she feels that she can no longer think, do and live as she wants, she immediately seeks to run away, leave, disappear. They must be completely immersed in work, headlong into business and worries, which at the same time allow her to depend on no one and nothing.
Bright appearance combined with natural charm and constant changes in style in clothes make them unforgettable and not at all boring. The discovery of something new, interesting and exciting, being in an endless search for fresh ideas and thoughts - this is what distinguishes an extraordinary girl from others. These are modern and courageous women according to the calendar for January 22, 1969, according to months and birthdays, while they are usually responsive and generous, which also disposes people to them. If there is any disagreement, he will try to get away from it.
Sometimes they are very let down by their love for honesty and justice, women born on January 22, 1969, will not be shy in expressions and will tell the whole truth in person, no matter how bitter it may be, this directness scares many. They prefer originality, becoming elegant only through the selection of colors, without the absence of jewelry and makeup. Pragmatists by nature, therefore, each of their movements is carefully calculated in order to obtain some kind of benefit of a material or spiritual plan. It is better for her to live alone than with a callous, pedantic spouse. People quite sincerely can change from an icy touchy to a hot passionate woman without prejudice. Best of all, a woman born on January 22, 1969 will get something that is not connected with total coercion and she will show herself where a sharp mind is required, no less sharp words. The main thing is to preserve her individuality and freedom and never encroach on them. In the process of searching, she can unwittingly play with men, fall in love with herself, and then leave, continuing to follow the ghostly guiding star.
Famous people were born under the Aquarius zodiac sign

Calendar - table for 1969 with days of the week

Table calendar for January 1969 by day of the week

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31

Table calendar for February 1969 by day of the week

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28

Table calendar for March 1969 by days of the week

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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Table calendar for April 1969 by day of the week

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Table calendar for May 1969 by days of the week

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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Table calendar for June 1969 by days of the week

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Table calendar for July 1969 by day of the week

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Table calendar for August 1969 by days of the week

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Table calendar for September 1969 by days of the week

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Table calendar for October 1969 by day of the week

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Table calendar for November 1969 by day of the week

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Table calendar for December 1969 by days of the week

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On the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev. On January 22, 1969, the Secretary General met in Moscow the crews of the Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 spacecraft. At the entrance to the Kremlin, the cortege was fired upon by junior lieutenant of the Soviet army Viktor Ilyin.

On that day, Ilyin stole two pistols with cartridges from the unit, changed into someone else's police uniform and infiltrated the cordon at the Borovitsky Gate. He opened fire with two pistols at the second car of the cortege, in which, as he expected, the general secretary should have been.

The offender managed to fire 8 bullets before he was knocked down by a motorcyclist of the motorcade, and then seized by fighters of the state security service, Segodnya writes.

In the car at which Ilyin fired, there were cosmonauts who were to be awarded orders in the Kremlin: Leonov, Nikolaev, Tereshkova and Georgy Beregovoy, who outwardly looked a little like the General Secretary. As a result, Ilyin killed the driver Ilya Zharkov and injured several people. Brezhnev himself rode in the third car of the cortege and was not injured.

At that time, there was a live report from the Kremlin, but as soon as the shots were fired, the broadcast was immediately stopped. The public learned about the assassination attempt only 20 years later.

According to one version, the lone killer was "led" by the KGB in order to distinguish himself in front of Brezhnev and increase his influence. Allegedly for this reason, the General Secretary's car was rebuilt into the tail of the column.

The junior lieutenant of the Soviet army Viktor Ilyin, born in 1948, was declared insane by the court. He spent about 20 years in psychiatric hospitals. The employees of the Kazan hospital recalled that the patient behaved modestly, although he was distinguished by strange behavior bordering on megalomania. Ilyin hoped that the assassination of the General Secretary would lead to democratic reforms.

Interestingly, Ilyin was not fired from the army: after leaving the hospital in 1989, he was recognized as being on sick leave. Since then, he has been living in his hometown of St. Petersburg and receiving a seniority pension.

In the USSR, no one attempted on Brezhnev except Ilyin. However, there were attempts to commit the murder abroad. In June 1977, on the eve of Leonid Ilyich's visit to France, the KGB received information about an impending assassination near the Eternal Flame at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris during the laying of a wreath.

According to the intelligence services, a sniper was supposed to shoot at Brezhnev, located on one of the twelve streets leading to Arc de Triomphe. All these streets were guarded by 12,000 Parisian policemen and 6,000 firefighters. On June 21, 1977, Leonid Ilyich laid a wreath at the Eternal Flame and left safely.

Viktor Ivanovich Ilyin served in the 61st geodetic detachment of the Leningrad Military District in the city of Lomonosov. On January 21, 1969, Ilyin, being on duty as an officer on duty, left the unit. He stole two Makarov pistols and four magazines for them. I left for Leningrad, from where I flew to Moscow at 10:40. Upon arrival, he stopped at his uncle, a former police officer. He explained his arrival by the desire to watch the meeting of the cosmonauts (the crews of the Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 spacecraft), which was to be held the next day (the meeting was supposed to take part Brezhnev).

On the morning of January 22, Ilyin left his uncle's apartment, stealing a police cape with a sergeant's epaulets and a cap, and headed for the Kremlin, where he was let through unhindered thanks to his uniform. I got into a police cordon at the Borovitsky Gate in front of the building of the Armory. By chance, he was between two cordon platoons, so the presence of an unfamiliar colleague did not arouse suspicion among the police. At about 2:15 pm, a government cortege entered the gate. Ilyin missed the first car, because usually a car Brezhnev always followed in tuples by the second. Seeing the approach of the second car - ZIL-111G , he took a step forward and opened fire on her windshield with both pistols, which he hid in the sleeves of his raincoat. At the same time, in just six seconds, he managed to fire 11 bullets and 5 more were found in stores after the arrest.

However, the car was not Brezhnev, and the meeting participants, cosmonauts Leonov, Nikolaev, Tereshkova and Beregovoy. The last one, sitting in front next to the driver, looked a little like Brezhnev, which additionally misled Ilyin. Shots were mortally wounded by the driver Ilya Zharkov. Nikolaev managed to take control and stop the car. The astronauts managed to duck down, Beregovoy was wounded by glass fragments, and a bullet grazed Nikolayev's back. The motorcyclist of the escort V.A. was also wounded. Zatsepilov. He directed his motorcycle at Ilyin and closed the sector of fire for him. He could not bring down the attacker - he was standing behind the fence, after which Ilyin was detained by the KGB. Zatsepilov's jacket, pierced by a bullet, now hangs in one of the central showcases in the Hall of Fame and History of the FSO of Russia. It was impossible for the authorities to hide what had happened, in particular because the meeting of the astronauts was broadcast live on television; the broadcast was interrupted unexpectedly, indicating that something extraordinary had happened. A day later, a TASS report was published claiming that someone had shot at the astronauts; however, according to Western impressions correspondents, in the USSR no one doubted that the object of the assassination was precisely Brezhnev.

Ilyin was charged under five articles of the criminal code: organization and dissemination of slanderous fabrications discrediting the Soviet system; an attempted terrorist attack; murder; theft of weapons; desertion from duty. It was officially announced that the "provocateur" attempted on the astronauts. He immediately impressed the investigators as a man suffering from a mental illness. Ilyin was declared insane in May 1970 and placed in the Kazan Special Psychiatric Hospital, where he was kept in complete isolation in a solitary ward. In 1988, thanks to the efforts of his mother, he was transferred to Leningrad, to the psychiatric hospital No. 3 named after Skvortsov-Stepanov.

In 1990, Ilyin was released by the decision of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR. He received a one-room apartment in Leningrad, where he lives, receives a disability pension. Since he had not been formally dismissed from the army before, he managed, by a court decision, to obtain payment of a sick leave pay for 20 years. In his interviews, Ilyin claims that he does not regret anything except the death of an innocent driver, as well as the troubles that befell his friends.

Ilyin was charged under five articles of the Criminal Code: theft of weapons; desertion from the place of service; organization and dissemination of slanderous fabrications discrediting the Soviet system; an attempted terrorist act; murder. At the official level, it was announced that Ilyin attempted on the astronauts. However, he was not shot or sent to long-term imprisonment. Ilyin, and from the very beginning he gave the impression of a lunatic, was recognized as insane. In May 1970, he was placed in the Kazan Special Psychiatric Hospital, where he was kept in a solitary ward, in complete isolation until 1988. Then he was transferred, thanks to the efforts of his mother, to the psychiatric hospital No. 3 named after Skvortsov-Stepanov in Leningrad. In 1990, he was released, because he was not formally dismissed from the Soviet Army, he received a salary for 20 years (Ilyin was recognized as being on sick leave). In addition, he was given a one-room apartment in Leningrad and a disability pension. Very instructive facts for those who think that the USSR was a "bloody empire", where millions of people were crushed.

It is believed that the crime was caused by a mixture of political and personal motives. Ilyin was critical of the current government. In his opinion, the current political system of the USSR has become obsolete. Ilyin condemned the entry of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia and spoke positively about military coups in a number of third world countries. He is known to have admired Lee Harvey Oswald, who, according to official version killed American President John F. Kennedy: "Just one shot - and famous throughout the world." Apparently, he was provoked to a decisive act by strong personal experiences. Shortly before the assassination attempt, he learned the secret of his birth and quarreled with a girl.

In addition, there is a version that this attempt was a provocation prepared by a certain part of the State Security Committee. So, already on January 21, the command of the military unit reported the disappearance of an officer with two pistols. Moreover, it was known that he flew from Leningrad to Moscow - they found an entry in Ilyin's notebook. In addition, on the morning of January 22, Ilyin's uncle reported that his nephew had stolen a police uniform and wanted to sneak into the Kremlin. However, all this information was not used to detain him (although it was easy to recognize him by his “gypsy” appearance and autumn-spring uniform). There is an opinion that this inaction of the KGB was caused by the confrontation between the head of the department, Yu. Andropov, and his first deputy, S. Tsvigun, who was "digging" under his immediate superior. Therefore, Brezhnev was out of danger: his car drove into the Kremlin separately from the motorcade, through the Spassky Gate (according to other sources, the General Secretary's car drove into the Kremlin as part of the motorcade, but at the tail of the column).

I must say that in the USSR no one else attempted on Brezhnev, except for Ilyin. However, there were two attempts to kill him abroad. In June 1977, on the eve of the visit of the Soviet General Secretary to France, the Committee received information about the organization of an assassination attempt in Paris near the Eternal Flame at the Arc de Triomphe during the laying of a wreath. The murder was to be carried out by a sniper located on one of the streets leading to the Arc de Triomphe. On the French and Soviet side, all possible measures were taken to prevent the assassination attempt. June 21, 1977 Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev laid a wreath at the Eternal Flame, everything went well.

In May 1978, when Leonid Ilyich was on a visit to Germany, the State Security Committee again received information about the impending assassination attempt. It was to take place after lunch with Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, at Augustburg Castle. Brezhnev was taken out through the back entrance, the assassination attempt was prevented.

566 years ago (1440) the Grand Duke of Moscow IVAN III was born, under which Russia was finally freed from the Mongol-Tatar yoke
Ivan III - the Grand Duke of Moscow since 1462, the eldest son of Vasily II Vasilyevich the Dark. Since 1450, he has been referred to as the Grand Duke - co-ruler of his father. He was a prominent statesman who showed outstanding military and diplomatic abilities. Under Ivan III, the formation of the territory of the core of the Russian centralized state was completed: Yaroslavl, Rostov principalities, the Novgorod feudal republic, the Grand Duchy of Tver, Vyatka and most of the Ryazan lands were annexed to the Moscow principality. The influence on Pskov and the Ryazan Grand Duchy was strengthened. After the wars of 1487-1494 and 1500-1503 with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, a number of western Russian lands went to Moscow: Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversky, Gomel, Bryansk, etc. After the war of 1501-1503, Ivan III forced the Livonian Order to pay tribute (for the city Yuriev). In the 1460s-1480s, the government of Ivan III Vasilyevich successfully fought the Kazan Khanate, which from 1487 fell under the strong political influence of Russia. In the reign of Ivan III, a centralized apparatus of power began to take shape: a command system of government was born, the Sudebnik was compiled (1497). Landownership was developed and the political significance of the nobility greatly increased. Ivan III fought against the separatism of the specific princes (for example, his brothers Boris Volotsky and Andrei Bolshoi) and significantly limited their sovereign rights. By the end of the reign of Ivan III, many destinies were liquidated. The most important achievement during the reign of Ivan Vasilyevich was the overthrow of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Under the pressure of the masses, he was forced to organize a strong defense against the invasion of Khan Akhmat. During the reign of Ivan III, the international prestige of the Russian state grew, diplomatic ties were established with the papal curia, the German Empire, Hungary, Moldova, Turkey, Iran, Crimea, etc. Under Ivan III Vasilyevich, the design of the full title of Grand Duke of “All Russia” began (in some documents he is called king). For the second time, Ivan III was married to Zoya (Sophia) Paleolog, the niece of the last Byzantine emperor. During the reign of Ivan Vasilyevich, large-scale construction began in Moscow (the Kremlin, its cathedrals, the Palace of Facets); stone fortresses were built in Kolomna, Tula, Ivangorod.

105 years ago, the Queen of Great Britain VICTORIA (1819-1901), the last representative of the Hanoverian dynasty, died.
105 years ago, on January 22, 1901, Queen Victoria of Great Britain died. The years of her reign amounted to an entire era in British history. Queen Victoria reigned for 64 years - from 1837 to 1901 - longer than any other British monarch. In English bourgeois literature, the name of Victoria (during her lifetime) acquired the character of a kind of symbol embodying the prosperity of the English ruling classes, and the period of her reign was called the "Victorian Age" (hence the epithet "Victorian" in relation to English art, life and customs of the XIX century) . Almost until the middle of the twentieth century, the Victorian era was perceived by many in England itself and on the European continent in rather gloomy tones. The so-called "progressive public" consistently associated Victorianism with reactionary, conservative politics, the rise of British imperialism, and sanctimonious morality. However, in a hundred-year retrospective, it turns out that modern Britain owes too much to that time. It was during the reign of Queen Victoria that the United Kingdom rapidly developed into a prosperous industrial nation; the urbanization of the country was completed, Britain was covered with a network of railways, the London Underground opened. The British note that they are indebted to Victoria for the constitutional reforms that turned Britain into a representative democracy, into a modern two-party liberal political system. Historians note that in the early years of her reign, Queen Victoria was greatly influenced by her beloved husband, Prince Consort Albert. After his death (she was then 40 years old), she wore mourning for her husband until the end of her life. Thanks to Queen Victoria, the current British royal family was related to almost all European monarchies. Victoria had nine children - four sons and five daughters. Almost all of them became husbands and wives of European august persons. Many of the current kings and queens of Europe are her great-great-grandchildren and great-great-granddaughters. The last Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna was her granddaughter. Queen Victoria died at a very advanced age - not having lived a few months before her eighty-two birthday. A number of cities, rivers, islands, territories in the countries that were part of the British Empire are named after Victoria.

A year ago (2005), Consuelo VELAZQEZ, a Mexican pianist and composer, died, she composed one of the most famous romantic melodies of the 20th century, “Besame mucho” (“Kiss me hard”)
Consuelo Velazquez began playing the piano at the age of four, and at the age of 16, in 1941, she composed a melody that spread around the world. "Besame Mucho", by her own admission, appeared under the influence of an aria from the opera "Goyescas", written by the famous Spanish composer Enrique Granados. It did not become popular immediately, but three years later it became the first Mexican song to win the American hit parade, held in New York - it was then sung by Jimmy Dorsey. Then Besame Mucho was performed, it seems, by everyone: from Louis Armstrong to The Beatles, from Ella Fitzgerald to Frank Sinatra and from Placido Domingo to José Carreras. Strange as it may seem, Velasquez herself most of all remembers the combat cover version of the Soviet Song and Dance Ensemble conducted by Alexandrov.
The song “Besame Mucho” did not bring the expected fame to the young girl - the surging success frightened her greatly. Consuelo Velasquez refused contracts that were offered to her from all sides, so the world did not remember her name as a result. But all her life, Velasquez received royalties from countless performances of "Besame Mucho" in different countries, including the USSR, where it was sung by domestic pop artists Gleb Romanov, Ruzhena Sikora and Nikolai Nikitsky. The sincerity and simplicity of Velazquez's melody became the reason for her phenomenal success - according to official data, the circulation of the song's recordings in 120 languages, in more than a hundred countries, amounted to over 100 million copies. During her long life, Velasquez composed many others - “Love and Live”, “Cachito”, “Be Happy”, but they, as well as the symphonies, oratorios and cantatas of her authorship, were not destined to even come close to the popularity of “Besame Mucho” . For the past thirty years, Consuelo Velazquez has led a secluded, almost reclusive life. She died in one of the Mexican hospitals from complications caused by a heart attack. She was 84 years old.

231 years ago (1775) was born André Marie AMPERE, French scientist, one of the founders of electrodynamics
André Marie Ampère was born in Lyon. Received a versatile education: studied foreign languages, mathematics, natural sciences. In 1805-1824 he worked at the Polytechnic School in Paris (since 1809 - professor), since 1824 - professor at the College de France. Ampère's main physical works are devoted to electrodynamics. In 1820, he formulated a rule for determining the direction of the magnetic field of the current on the magnetic needle (Ampère's rule), carried out a large number of experiments to study the interaction between electric current and a magnet, having designed many devices for this, discovered the influence of the Earth's magnetic field on moving conductors with current . He discovered the interaction of electric currents and established the law of this interaction (Ampère's law). According to Ampère, a large magnet consists of a huge number of such elementary flat magnets. Thus, Ampère was the first to point out the close "genetic" connection between electric and magnetic processes and consistently pursued the purely current idea of ​​the origin of magnetism. He discovered (1822) the magnetic effect of a current-carrying coil - a solenoid, concluded that a solenoid streamed with current is the equivalent of a permanent magnet, put forward the idea of ​​strengthening the magnetic field by placing an iron core made of soft iron inside the solenoid. In 1820, he proposed the use of electromagnetic phenomena for signal transmission. Invented the commutator, the electromagnetic telegraph (1829). He formulated the concept of "kinematics". In 1802 he published his work "Considerations on the Mathematical Theory of Games". He was engaged in applications of the calculus of variations to mechanics (in particular, he proved the principle of possible displacements). For the first time after the ancient Greeks, he introduced in 1834 the term "cybernetics" in the classification of sciences he proposed to denote the science of general laws management of complex systems. Research also applies to philosophy and botany. Member of many academies of sciences, in particular, the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1827 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of England (an honor very rarely awarded to foreign scholars). His authority among European physicists was indisputable. The memory of André Marie Ampère is immortalized in the name of one of the mountains on the Moon, in Paris a street is named after him. But the main thing is that any person, measuring the current strength in an electrical circuit, pronounces the name of Ampere.

The beginning of the first Russian revolution - " Bloody Sunday". On this day in 1905, the tsarist troops shot down a peaceful demonstration of workers in St.
The first Russian revolution began on January 22 (January 9, O.S.), 1905, with the execution by the tsarist troops of a peaceful demonstration of the people, who had moved to the Winter Palace to ask Nicholas II for protection from oppression. The city authorities did not find the best remedy stop the crowd, how to disperse it with grapeshot. The death of innocent children, women, old people, with icons in their hands, on their way to the tsar-father, led to a furious revolutionary explosion. From January to March 1905, about one million people were on strike. Most of the speeches were held not only under economic, but also under political slogans. The student movement grew. In the spring of 1905, in connection with the celebration of May 1, a powerful wave of strikes swept across the country. A major event was the general strike of textile workers that began on May 25 in the city of Ivanovo-Voznesensk, which lasted 72 days. During the strike, a Council of Workers' Deputies was created, whose activities were directed by the Bolsheviks F.A. Afanasyev, M.V. Frunze. The Soviet not only led the strike, but was also the organ of workers' power in the city. On June 14, 1905, an uprising of sailors broke out on the battleship Prince Potemkin Tauride. The village is in motion. In the summer of 1905, the All-Russian Peasant Union was formed, in which the Socialist-Revolutionaries, headed by V.M. Chernov, played a leading role. Under the influence of these events, on August 6, the tsar published the "Regulations" on the elections to the so-called "Bulygin Duma" (named after the Minister of Internal Affairs A.G. Bulygin). As the revolution was on the rise, the Bolsheviks called for a boycott of the Duma elections, and the government's attempt was thwarted. In October 1905, the All-Russian October political strike began, in which more than two million people took part. In the course of this strike, Soviets of workers' deputies began to be convened in many cities of Russia, following the example of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Soviet. Under the influence of the strike, the government was forced to make concessions. On October 17, 1905, Nicholas II signed the "Manifesto", which proclaimed public freedoms - the inviolability of the person, freedom of speech, assembly, unions, the convocation of the State Duma, which was now granted legislative rights, and it was especially emphasized that no law could gain force without approval his Duma. In contrast to the Duma, the State Council was also endowed with legislative rights, thus turning into the "upper" legislative chamber. Despite the measures not taken by the tsar and the government, the revolutionary movement continued. November 11-16, 1905 there was an uprising on the cruiser "Ochakov". The uprising was led by Lieutenant P.P. Schmidt. On December 7, the Moscow Soviet of Workers' Deputies, at the initiative of the Moscow Committee of the RSDLP, announced the start of a general strike, which would develop into an armed uprising that began in Moscow on December 10. In 1906, along with the continuation of the strike struggle of the workers, the revolutionary activity of the peasantry grew (especially in the summer of 1906), uprisings took place in the army and navy on the cruiser "Memory of Azov", in Sveaborg, Kronstadt, etc. Detachments of "forest brothers" operated in Latvia, in Georgia - "Red Hundreds". However, in 1907 the government managed to take the situation in the country under control (largely thanks to the activities of P.A. Stolypin). The dispersal of the 2nd State Duma (the so-called Third June coup d'état of 1907) meant the end of the revolution.

37 years ago (1969) a serviceman Viktor Ilyin attacked a government cortege (assassination attempt on the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU L.I. Brezhnev)
On January 22, 1969, junior lieutenant of the Soviet Army Viktor Ilyin attempted to assassinate General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev. Taking up duty in the unit, Ilyin waited for the departure of his superiors and took two Makarov pistols from the safe. The air ticket to Moscow was bought in advance. Having changed into the police uniform of his Moscow relative, he made his way to the Borovitsky gates of the Kremlin. Moscow at that time solemnly welcomed the Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 cosmonauts arriving from the airport in a government cortege. Ilyin assumed that the general secretary was in the second car. So it was originally, but at the airport the cars were rebuilt. Two pistols, heavy fire through the windshield - Ilyin literally riddled the car. The driver, Ilya Zharkov, was killed, and two cosmonauts, Georgy Beregovoy and Andriyan Nikolayev, were slightly wounded. The arrested Ilyin was declared insane and placed in the Kazan psychiatric hospital. There, in a cell four meters by twenty meters, he spent 18 years. In the 1990s, after treatment, he was released.

Alexander Vladimirovich MEN was born 291 years ago (1935), Orthodox priest, preacher, theologian, historian
Alexander Vladimirovich Men (father Alexander Men) was born on January 22, 1935 in Moscow, spent his childhood and youth in it. His father worked as a process engineer at a weaving factory. Mother was a construction engineer, later a homeworker (she was engaged in embroidery). It was the mother who had a decisive influence on the spiritual development of her son. Together with her, Alexander during his childhood was a parishioner of Archimandrite Seraphim Batyukov, a priest of the Catacomb Orthodox Church in Zagorsk (now Sergiev Posad). As a child, Alexander Men was fond of biology, the history of the ancient world, while still at school he read the Fathers of the Church and got acquainted with the philosophy of V. Solovyov. Then he had the idea to write a series of books on the history of world religions. At the age of 15, he wrote the first version of his main book, The Son of Man, about the life of Christ. In 1953, after graduating from high school, A. Men entered the Moscow Fur Institute. In 1955, the Institute was disbanded and the students were transferred to the Irkutsk Agricultural Institute. Alexander Men kept his love for biology for the rest of his life. “God gave us two books - the Bible and Nature,” he said. While studying at the institute, Alexander was simultaneously preparing to become a priest, which he had been striving for since childhood. In 1958, during the state examinations, I was expelled from the institute for his faith. In the same year he was ordained a deacon and sent to the parish in Akulovo. Then he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, from which he graduated in 1960. After graduating from the seminary, he was ordained a priest in the Donskoy Monastery by Bishop Stefan (Nikitin). He served in Alabino, then in Tarasovka, Moscow Region. In 1965 A.Men graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy in absentia. In 1969 he defended his dissertation "Elements of monotheism in pre-Christian religion and philosophy" at the Moscow Theological Academy. In 1970-1989 he served as the second priest in the Church of the Presentation of the Lord in the village of Novaya Derevnya near Pushkino, Moscow Region, since 1989 he has been the rector of this church. Together with his wife and children, he lived in the village of Semkhoz, Moscow Region.
Since the early 1970s, Father Alexander Men has been one of the most famous religious figures in Russia, extremely popular among the Russian intelligentsia. He was repeatedly persecuted by the KGB for his religious education and writing. He was also hostile to the ultra-Orthodox circles of the Russian Orthodox Church due to his tolerance towards other Christian denominations. With the advent of perestroika, Father Alexander had the opportunity to openly preach to a large audience. Since 1988, he began public performances in institutions, clubs, educational institutions actively cooperated with the media. Alexander Men is the author of numerous books and articles in Russian and foreign church scientific journals. Since 1959, articles by Father Alexander began to appear in the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. In the 1960s, in accordance with his long-standing plan, he wrote the books The Origins of Religion, Magic and Monotheism (about the pagan cults of the Ancient East and the biblical religion), At the Gates of Silence (about Hinduism and Buddhism), Messengers Kingdom of God” (about the biblical prophets), “Dionysus, Logos, Fate” (about the religions and culture of Ancient Greece), “On the Threshold of the New Testament”. Together with the book "The Son of Man" they compiled the seven-volume "History of Religion" - the main work of the life of Father Alexander. They were published by the Brussels publishing house "Life with God", where Father Alexander was published under the pseudonym A. Pavlov, Andrei Bogolyubov, Emmanuil Svetlov. In addition, Father Alexander wrote the books “Heaven on Earth” (later “Sacrament, Word and Image”) - about the worship of the Orthodox Church, books for children “Where did all this come from” and “Light to the world”, which compiled the children's collection “Light and Life ", the book" The First Apostles "- about Peter and Paul," Interpretation of the Apocalypse "and others. The seven-volume "Dictionary of Bibliology" became the fundamental work of Father Alexander. The main goal of Father Alexander was to tell about the Gospel, Christianity and the Church in an understandable and close person 20th century language. He gave a huge number of talks and lectures. Among them are such cycles as "Russian Philosophy of the XIX-XX centuries", "World Religions and Cultures", "Bible and Russian Literature", "Symbol of Faith" and others. They were subsequently published. At the same time, Father Alexander founded the Public Orthodox University, which today bears his name. On the morning of September 9, 1990, Father Men was killed on the way to the temple. On the path to the Semkhoz railway station, an unknown person hit him on the head with a heavy object (probably an ax). The priest reached his house, next to which he died from loss of blood. According to one version, the killer simply confused Father Alexander with another person, especially since the priest was dressed in civilian clothes. Despite the personal orders of the presidents of the USSR and Russia, the murder remained unsolved. Father Alexander Men is buried at the altar of the Church of the Presentation of the Lord in Novaya Derevnya.