He says "I'm fine with you": what does that mean? Zaire, Paulo Coelho - "If you ask if I feel good with you, I will answer yes. But if you ask if I can live without you, I will answer the same." (c) "Ask if it's okay

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The male says: "I'm good with you"- is there any secret meaning in these words, today the site Koshechka.ru will help you figure it out.

There is such a “bearded” proverb: men love with their eyes, and we women love with our ears. And that's why we put on makeup, but they (those from Mars) are lying. And it seems like we are used to this, so if a guy starts to beautifully paint what he wants to give you, where you're lucky, you don't always attach importance to his words (he's lying anyway!), until you see the result.

But such simple words: “I feel good with you” - can they talk about what? And you start to rack your brains, come up with different options for yourself, what could he really mean ... And the paradox is that later, when parting, you justify the one who verbally built castles in the air for you (by the fact that it was just lies, "noodles on the ears"). And the one who said that he was “normal” with you, you reproach. “How could he do this, because he himself said that everything was fine” ...

As you know, the meaning of words can be different - and it all depends on the context, the circumstances under which this or that was said. And more importantly, from accompanying actions! Yes, and intonation!

Let's look at different situations. To begin with, answer the question, did he say these words himself, without any leading questions? If yes, then… Read on!

Periodically says: “I feel so good with you!”

You recently started dating him, you already had an intimacy, communicate, walk, go on dates, make fun ... There are no words for love, and it’s still too early. But he periodically after sex or unexpectedly in the middle of a walk can say how good it is with you.

Well, it's very good sign. This means exactly what he says. And well done, that does not begin to swear eternal love. After all, this feeling is deeper, it comes with time. And, if you want to know, it just consists of a lot of such moments when it’s just good together.

If he says “I feel good with you” - perhaps this is more sincere than declarations of love!

If these words are the answer to your question

If your familiar man answers your constant questions like this: “What do you feel for me ?. The fact that he is good with you ... Bye ...

Perhaps he does not see the point in deceiving you that he loves or wants to be with you forever. And, by the way, he may never want to be “sawed” with such constant questions.

Men really do not like this: talk from "empty to empty". Discussing feelings, describing their emotions more specifically and in detail, they consider brain torture, or even like this: an attack on the brain.

It is possible that after a couple of such questions and his answers: “I just feel good with you,” his actions speak more eloquently: he is more and more annoyed, nervous from these questions. And it's your own fault that the relationship is cracking. Stick less with questions and look more at what he really does for you and for your couple, and not what he says. And if you are not satisfied with his actions, then you should not look at the words and think about their meaning. Make decisions based on actions, not words.

What do these words mean before relationship?

Sometimes it is generally difficult to understand what kind of relationship you are with a man. You constantly communicate, but you never got to intimacy, and even kisses. At the same time, he persistently calls you, offers to meet, communicates. And he says: "I feel good together with you."

Here it is important to watch how long you communicate with him, whether he shares with you his feelings about other girls. Because it happens that he seems to communicate with you, and even says himself that it’s great to be with you, and then he finds another. And you were nothing more than a friend to him.

He said: "I felt good with you ..." - how to understand?

When a man says these words in the past tense, it is usually a breakup situation. And in order to smooth out the sharp corners of separation, he considers it softer to “pull out of his pocket” the duty phrase.

In this case, it is foolish to cling to this "good" in order to try to bring it back. There is also no need to “catch” him in these words, to be offended. It's just that this hero is not at all your novel. There are no big feelings, so he left with such a duty phrase. It was good, now, obviously, it’s not like that anymore, but he doesn’t want to finish it, so as not to offend even more. And not always because not to upset you much, but to avoid tears and tantrums. Take care of yourself once again.

Don't twist!

The most important advice is to take all the words of men easier in general. Don't try to read between the lines. It is only in the "women's language" that "no" is one of the synonyms for "yes". And it's easier for men. If he says he's fine with you, that's exactly what he means!

And if you doubt that you can like someone, and do not even believe in such simple and, in fact, non-binding words, perhaps the problem is not who says: "I'm good with you!" And in your self-esteem...

Eva Raduga - especially for Koshechka.ru - a site for those in love ... with themselves!

Today is the birthday of the famous Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho. In his books, he opens the reader to a realistic world filled with philosophical meaning. Critics note the abundance of symbols in his novels, but the poetic language of the author has become understandable and close to millions of people around the world. Coelho creates books that look like parables - they share with us the secrets of human existence, fate, love and happiness. We have prepared the most striking quotes from the prose of Paulo Coelho:

(Total 15 photos)

1. "Life wants you to follow your destiny and whets your appetite with the taste of good luck."

"Alchemist", 1988

2. “Happiness sometimes descends to us as grace, but much more often it is victory and overcoming.”

“On the banks of the Rio Piedra I sat down and cried”, 1994

3. "Misfortune is a test, not a punishment."

"The Fifth Mountain", 1996

4. "The meaning of my life will be the one that I myself will give it."

"The Fifth Mountain", 1996

5. “Perhaps God created the desert so that man would smile at the trees.”

"Alchemist", 1988

6. "If you want something, the whole Universe will contribute to making your desire come true."

"Alchemist", 1988

7. "People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same, the way it used to be."

The Devil and Signorita Prim, 2000

8. "The dignity of a person is measured not by the number of those who hover around him when he is at the peak of his fortune and success, but by the ability to remember who extended his hand to him in hours of adversity."

"The winner remains alone", 2008

9. “Stop constantly thinking that you are in the way of everyone. If someone does not like it, he will complain. And if he doesn't have the courage to complain, that's his problem."

"Veronica decides to die", 1998

10. “If you ask if I feel good with you, I will answer:“ Yes. But if you ask if I can live without you, I will answer the same.

"Zaire", 2005

11. “Whoever encounters sex knows that he is in front of something that only happens with all its might when control is lost. When we are in bed with someone, we give permission for that person to merge not only with our body, but with our entire personality. At that moment, only the pure forces of life are communicated independently of us, and then we cannot hide who we are. It doesn't matter what idea we have of ourselves. Masks, prepared answers, proud exits are not important. In sex, it is hard for one to deceive the other, because there everyone shows himself as he is.

Brida, 1990

12. “There are no rules in love. You can try to study textbooks, curb spiritual impulses, develop a strategy of behavior - all this is nonsense. The heart decides, and only they decision important and necessary.”15. "Life is too short to have the luxury of living it so badly."

Initially when writing this review I wanted to abstract from the perception of this writer's work as a whole, not to talk about the best and worst of him, about what attracts me and what repels me, but still I will say a couple of phrases. I read almost all the works of Paulo Coelho, while not I consider myself a fan of his work. This is not a paradox. It's just that there are moments when I understand that the books of this particular writer will be in place and at the right time. Yes, I am annoyed by their always sugary-pompous endings. Yes, I do not see a deep philosophy and unrealistic psychologism in the work of Coelho. I will not sing the praises of this writer's talent. He didn't change my outlook, didn't make me better, didn't make me understand some common truths (etc. according to the list of numerous admirations for Coelho's books). I do not read it to be in trend, so that there is something to discuss with friends. I think there are a huge number of stronger works in world literature... But. I think the popularity of Paulo Coelho's books is quite justified. He has more than worthy books. And only one of them I wanted to read twice. It's about Zaire. I first read it 2 years ago. Winter, wind, snow, loneliness... temporary, but depressing... The second time - a few days ago. The Moscow-Samara train, late autumn, absolute emptiness in the soul, music ... And "Zaire" is very relevant, so I wanted to immerse myself in the atmosphere of this particular book...

Skeptics can call the plot sucked from the finger - a man (a popular writer ... I still love books about writers very much) has lost his wife. She was kidnapped, she left on her own, was there a tragedy? This is not a detective, so the answers to questions are found quickly enough. It is not too easy for me to understand a woman who, in search of her "I", decided to leave her husband (it was not possible to realize her youthful dreams, ideals were drowned in everyday routine) ... Although the union "strong man - Strong woman"a priori, not simple ...

The end of the story, oddly enough, I liked (this happened only for the second time with the books of this author, usually his ways of completing stories disappoint me). I won’t sort out the images of the heroes on the shelves, it’s better to tell a little about my thoughts.

Very poetic. About complex, but as simple and accessible as possible. With a classic Coelho heap of chic quotes that overshadow the main story. Read in one breath. About the answers to questions that inevitably arise in the life of every person. About love. Not the one that remains fabulously forever in the candy-bouquet stage. About finding yourself. No glossy heroes. About the relationship between men and women. About their stage when the euphoria that blows the roof has passed, and building relationships and simultaneous personal growth begin to tie in badly with each other. The story is to some extent stereotyped, but moments are clearly spelled out here that are better not to come to. Makes you think ... At the same time, nothing supernatural, everything is very everyday and vital. A story about feelings. The fact that in love it is often more pleasant to give than to take. Do not build fences, do not drive a loved one into a framework, love, in fact, without even needing a reciprocal feeling.


"Constantly feeling unhappy is a luxury that cannot be afforded."

"Absolute freedom does not exist: there is only freedom of choice, and having made a choice, you become a hostage to your decision."

"Freedom is not in the absence of obligations, but in the ability to choose - to whom it is best to bear these obligations."

"It was necessary to lose it in order to realize: finding the lost is honey, which is sweeter than new sensations."

"We, the rich, the powerful, the smart, the embellished, the credit card, knew that in the end it's all done in search of love, tenderness, affection, in order to be with the one who loves us."

"You're fine with me, but you're not so good with yourself. You're relentlessly looking for adventure to take your mind off something important. You need to constantly inject adrenaline into your bloodstream, you forget that blood should flow in your veins - and nothing more."

"War is like a drug. In war, my life takes on meaning. There is nowhere to wash, eat from a soldier's cauldron, sleep no more than three hours, and then wake up from firing, there at any moment someone can throw a grenade ... but all this exacerbates the feeling of life. Every minute, every second you feel that you are living. There is no place for sadness, despondency, doubts - there is no place for anything but a huge love of life. "

"You always need to know when the next stage of your life ends. The circle closes, the door closes, the chapter ends - no matter what you call it, it is important to leave in the past what already belongs to the past."

"The world has paid dearly to become what it is now, and although it is not perfect, it is possible to live in it. And yet something is missing - is there always something missing?"

"When I had nothing to lose, I gained everything. When I stopped being who I was, I found myself. When I knew humiliation and still continued on my way, I realized that I was free to choose my fate."

No, this is not about the very “first step” - it doesn’t matter which of you takes it, if your feelings are mutual. We are talking about a situation in which a man behaves according to the principle “I want something, but I don’t know what”, and you are pushing him into a relationship. When we were little girls and spoke to each other frankly, but very cruelly, it was called "You're running after him." Now we say, "You initiate the relationship." But the essence, in fact, does not change: offering a relationship to a man and insisting on them are two big differences. And if you insisted, if you "achieved" his love, then this is a sure sign that he is with you out of boredom.

The most important thing in your relationship is sex.

That is, you generally do not have meetings without sex. Your man will refuse to spend time with you unless the date ends in bed. He will not go to the cinema with you on Sunday morning, so that immediately after the session he will part until the next meeting. He will not go to a party with you, after which you will need to go home. But he will not refuse to come to your house - in the event that you explicitly invite him for the night.

But in bed he only thinks of himself

If there is a lot of sex in your life, but you don’t get pleasure, most likely you got into a relationship with a guy who doesn’t care about you. And it is important to understand from the very beginning that the problem is not in you, but in him. The way he treats you. loving man may be a completely inept lover, but he cannot be inattentive. That is, if this guy really loved you, he would notice that something is wrong. If you see that a one-sided game is being played in bed, it’s bad.

He doesn't care about you

However, if sexual difficulties can still be attributed to a mismatch of temperaments, a man’s inexperience, or even to your own intimate difficulties, then this number will not work with care: you just need to be in a difficult situation once to understand why this man stays with you . And we are not talking about some tragedies: just catching a cold is enough. He calls and asks how are you feeling? He asks if you need medication? After work, does he drive over to your place and bring home cooked food and a cute movie? If yes, congratulations: he loves you. If not, alas: he does not have any feelings for you, he is just killing time with you.


He never says "we"

Speech is what betrays men in the first place. They know how to lie, they are able to come up with a legend and never make a mistake on the mismatch of small details, but it is ordinary, daily conversations that give them away. He will of course use the pronoun "we" because it's indispensable, but it will always be said about the near future: "Are we going to the cinema tomorrow, or what?" But not: "When we go to the sea, we..." There is no "we" in conjunction with "when". Because never. He knows you'll never have anything serious, so why say "we" about a future that won't be real?

He doesn't introduce you to his loved ones

With friends, please. It may very well be that, literally after the second date, he invited you to his best friend's birthday. You should not delude yourself: some men still perceive a woman as a trophy, and are not averse to showing off her to their friends. The main indicator is the family: if you don’t know anything about his loved ones and he is not going to introduce them, this is not a relationship, but their appearance.

He controls the time you spend together.

You rarely call him because you know that if he doesn't want to, he won't pick up the phone. And he won't answer the message either. He calls you when he wants to, and makes an appointment when it suits him. And he easily cancels it, because "it felt like it." Then you can find out that his "wanted" usually means that he was somewhere having fun with friends.

He doesn't care what happens to you

Not the slightest hint of talking “for life”: he is not interested in your family, your hobbies, your friends and your experiences. He talks only about what is happening at the moment with both of you. He can discuss with you the movie you just watched, but he will never ask who your favorite director is and why. If you yourself start a conversation about what is bothering you, he will change the subject or silently listen to you, not reacting in any way. The worst thing is that at this moment you can feel guilty: why, they say, burden a man with your petty problems? In fact, there is only one person to blame, and that is him. Basically, he's brainwashing you, you know?

And he's not ready to help you

No way. It is useless to complain to him that your laptop is broken, the tap is leaking, or you are sent on a business trip, and you have absolutely no one to leave the cat with. Your man will come up with any excuse, but will not help you. At the same time, any means of influencing him will not help you: if you insist, “the kitty will be offended,” yes. And will ignore you until your problem is solved.

To love a person, it is not necessary to be with him. It is enough just to occasionally look at his photo and know that he is doing well.

Never force yourself on a man. What for? After all, if they want, they are capable of a lot for the sake of their beloved ... Mountains will turn, oceans will swim across. But if not, let go, he doesn't need you, he doesn't want to.

No one is obligated to treat us the way we treat others. You just need to understand this one day and stop being disappointed in people, expecting too much from them.

Come... I have sweet tea.
He keeps me warm at night.
It is so important for me to be silent with you,
To get even warmer.

I have cherry jam -
It is useful with sweet tea.
Come forever. Forever...
Come. I miss you terribly.

You leave - don't look back. Look back and remember. Remember, you'll regret it. If you're sorry, you'll be back. Come back and start all over again...

If a person is afraid to show how much he needs you - let him go ... Let him be afraid further.

Being offended for uselessness is nonsense.
I learned a simple rule a long time ago:
If they don't answer our calls,
This means that you should not call there.

Vyacheslav Ivanov

It's stupid to say that I forgot about everything ...
I'm just tired of waiting and I don't see the point.
Only if they ask: "Did you love him?"
I will answer quietly: "He was my life."

© Evgenia Kuznetsova-Rybak

At any age, the day should start with a kiss and end with a kiss. Parents, loved one, children, grandchildren. If someone kisses you continuously, all your life, every day, you are a happy person.

Don't be afraid it won't work. Be afraid you won't try.

I know the simple truth...
And I just repeat it:
What is ours will not pass us by ...
What goes away is not yours...
We don't know our future...
But, looking ahead,
One thing I clearly understand:
What is mine will find me!

Maybe I'm too in love
I started listening to Zemfira again.

Well, what are you breaking your feet into the soul? ..
Kicking the door, pulling the handle...
I spoke but you didn't listen
that the doors to the soul open for themselves!

And empty talk is useless
like books, we read to the cover:
when you're in love, you move mountains
when it's cold, you find excuses.

I think it's better to be alone
How to give the heat of the soul to "someone"
Giving a priceless gift to just anyone
Having met a native, you will not be able to love.

Omar Khayyam

But you love me, and I love you. Is not it?
- I do not know. If you ask if I feel good with you, I will answer: "Yes." But if you ask if I can live without you, I will answer the same.

Paulo Coelho. Zaire

In general, I lived by the principle "All people are good until proven otherwise." If "people proved the opposite", I once again became disappointed in this world, fell into apathy and lost my taste for life. And then he simply stopped communicating with those who proved the opposite. It's time to change principles. From now on, all people for me are bastards and cattle. Until proven otherwise.

Daniyar Sugralinov. bricks