Mandatory oge in English from what year. Will the exam in English be mandatory?

USE in 2017: compulsory subjects and changes

Getting knowledge is a long and difficult task, and showing the results of your achievements is even more difficult. How will the USE be held in 2017, and what changes does the Ministry of Education plan to make to these exams?

The path to achieving your goals is not easy, and you have to “fight and seek” from an early age. The first schoolchildren with the experience of passing the Unified State Examination have already graduated from universities, but what lies ahead for today's future school graduates, how many subjects will they have to take in 2017?

What changes are planned

Until now, the Unified State Examination was conducted in writing by testing - this made it possible for a student who doubted the correctness of the answer to use a lot of tips.

The students were offered specific answers to the tasks, it was not difficult to choose the right solution. The negligent students had the opportunity to choose the correct answer intuitively.

Given these facts, the Ministry of Education thought about making changes to the methods of conducting the exam in 2017.

The difference from previous years is that it is planned to completely eliminate the test component, exams are supposed to be held in the form of a survey, as it was before 2009.

The number of compulsory subjects will also change, previously students passed the mandatory USE in subjects:

  • Russian language;
  • maths.

What is required to submit?

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Education Natalya Tretyak proposed adding 1 more mandatory USE exam in 2017, and increasing their number to four by 2020!

The purpose of making changes to the exam is to obtain reliable information about the knowledge of students.

The Russian language exam is held, as before, in the form of an essay, this obligatory view The exam is held first, and it serves as an indicator of the student's preparation for the delivery of other subjects. It was supposed to evaluate the essay on the principle: “pass” / “fail”, however, this system does not suit many, since this option for evaluating the work may be biased.

Any student who does not pass the essay on the first attempt can repeat it, but in case of repeated failure, all exams will have to be postponed until the next year.

As for the list of subjects that students must take to choose from, it will not change:

  • physics;
  • geography;
  • literature;
  • chemistry;
  • story;
  • foreign languages;
  • Informatics;
  • social science.

It is planned that from 2017 the results of the exams will be reflected in the final grade in the certificate.

Basic and profile

Today's students can choose the level of the math exam:

  1. Base.
  2. profile.
  3. two levels at the same time.

A basic level is required to get a high school diploma and be able to enter a university where mathematics is not an entrance exam. be assessed a basic level of will be on a five-point system.

An exam in mathematics at a specialized level is taken by schoolchildren who plan to enter a university in which mathematics is included in the list of compulsory entrance examinations. This exam will be graded on a 100 point system.

Another attempt

It is noteworthy that schoolchildren will have the opportunity to additionally retake the exam: it will be possible to take the exam twice during the year. Ninth-graders will also be given the opportunity to retake exams, previously it was possible only if they received an unsatisfactory grade.

It is planned to give schoolchildren the opportunity to improve their performance with any result, that is, even when they receive passing score You can retake any subject in order to increase your grade.

What item will be added?

Disputes over an additional compulsory subject in the USE do not subside, in 2017 it was planned to add an exam in history. The fact is that today's youth have very poor knowledge in this area: the distortion of facts, the introduction of changes after the change of political leaders did not affect them in the best way. This led to the fact that today's schoolchildren began to receive historical knowledge in a distorted form.

In this regard, a proposal was made to introduce an exam in history as a compulsory subject. But to date, the issue of making the USE in history a compulsory subject in 2017 has not yet been resolved. But the Ministry of Education is preparing a project to introduce a foreign language as a compulsory subject.

Starting from 2017, there will be an approbation of the exam in foreign language, from 2022 it is planned to make it mandatory, along with mathematics and Russian. What other mandatory USE exams will be included in this list has not yet been decided.

Ninth-graders today can get a certificate after passing the GIA-9 in mathematics and Russian, they will also take any two elective exams. In 2017, students in the ninth grade will be able to receive a certificate of education only after successfully passing all four exams.

The English language exam is one of the most difficult in the framework of the Unified State Exam, which is taken by graduates of the 9th and 11th grades. Indeed, foreign languages ​​cannot be called the strength of schoolchildren, which may be why English courses are so popular now. And, perhaps, this situation would have remained unchanged if it were not for the news that the English test will become mandatory when passing the exam. The information alarmed both schoolchildren and their parents. Only representatives of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science are calm and confident in their decision. And they have good reason for this.

English on the exam - how was it?

Until 2016, inclusive, the Unified State Exam included only two compulsory subjects: mathematics and Russian. Examinations in physics, chemistry, geography, biology, literature, social science and literature were given at the discretion of each graduate. And the rest of the languages ​​\u200b\u200bwere completely combined into one concept of “foreign” with modest notes: English, French, German, Spanish. What do you think, how many students voluntarily went for certification in English? In Moscow and St. Petersburg - up to 40%, in other regions - barely 6%.

In September 2016, Rosobrnadzor conducted a study of the quality of education for fifth-eighth grade students in history and foreign languages. The results showed that knowledge is weak, and it is impossible to leave the study of English at the same level. It is also not necessary to count on the independent initiative of schoolchildren who are busy preparing for compulsory exams. This means that the USE program needs to be changed. Since 2017, there have been three mandatory exams: history has joined the named academic disciplines. In addition, since 2017, grades for all USE exams (both mandatory and individual) affect the certificate. One question remained open: when will the English exam be mandatory?

How will it be?

According to the latest information, the decision to make the state exam in foreign languages ​​mandatory has been made and is gradually being implemented. Already from 2020, English will become mandatory for the final assessment after the 9th grade, and from 2022 it will be included in the Unified State Examination. Schoolchildren have enough time to learn the program properly, or else to acquire knowledge on. Theoretically, this should be enough to complete the tasks correctly. And in practice, each upcoming mandatory exam encourages the search for "guaranteed" solutions.

Until now, from year to year, materials for preparing for the exam were passed on to the next “generation” of graduates. The preparation took place on last year's tickets, the answers to which are already known. Therefore, those who graduate from grade 9 in 2020 will have the hardest time of all - they will be the first to prepare for the mandatory English exam. And in two years, they are waiting for the Unified State Exam, where a foreign one will also be required by that time.

How will the matter end?

The main question that arises in connection with the upcoming changes in certification is how to speak English. The second question is whether training will change during the year due to these innovations. And, finally, there are speculations whether English will be canceled in the Unified State Examination as a compulsory subject. Let's look for answers.

  1. The English exam for the OGE and the USE consists of two parts: written (2 hours to complete) and oral (15 minutes). To prepare for the written part, you can and should practice grammar. It does not matter how exactly to do it: according to the textbook, additional teaching aids and/or tickets from previous years. To do this, on the website of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science there is a section "Open Bank of Unified State Examination Tasks" with exercises in writing, listening, language material. It also publishes tasks for practicing reading and pronunciation. These examples are used in the preparation of variants of KIM (control and measuring material) of the Unified State Examination, and it is likely that they will come across in the exam. And if not, then exactly the same.
  2. Teachers complain that not all children have the ability to learn foreign languages. They are followed by their parents. And children simply refuse additional exams. As soon as it is not possible to refuse, it remains to begin preparation as early as possible, so that the student is as familiar as possible with the school curriculum for certification. Now it is built in such a way that general education schools English is allocated 3 hours, and in gymnasiums and lyceums - 10-11 hours a week. This is an objective reality for students in grades 5-8. You need to understand it and prepare, taking into account the need to pass a foreign language without fail.
  3. The exam will be, it will not be canceled, none of the graduates will escape it. already known, from what year, for what classes, according to what program certification will pass. The differentiation of the exam into basic and advanced (profile) levels is still in question. In this situation, both students and teachers need to realize the prospects and start preparing now. The earlier the better.

Discipline and good study material will help you prepare well even in two years. Learning a foreign language at school is not easy, especially when the motivation of children is low. But teachers and parents are well aware that learning English is necessary not only for those who associate with it future profession. The language of international communication allows you to feel confident in any situation, develop intellectually and professionally. Therefore, the introduction of a mandatory English exam can be considered good news.

For most graduates, the most important thing is the successful passing of the exam. Many who want to enter prestigious specialties will have to take the exam in a foreign language, usually an exam in English. Today everyone is concerned about the question: If you believe federal laws, and in particular, the new federal state educational standard, which has the abbreviation GEF, the English language is included in the list of subjects required for delivery. This will not affect current graduates, the new standard comes into full force in 2020. True, in part, English will be introduced as a mandatory language from 2013 for the purpose of the experiment. Who exactly will fall under such an "experiment": regions, types of schools, etc., is still unknown. However, there is a good saying “forewarned is forearmed”.

By the way, a modern school graduate is not so unhappy, he has a huge amount of reference literature and modern technologies. In addition, do not forget about tutors, since the USE is already a fairly well-developed system, a whole clan of teachers has appeared who can purposefully prepare graduates for this particular form of exams. If earlier the issue with tutors was acute, today even residents of small towns can afford a qualified teacher, thanks to the system distance learning. For graduates, preparation for the exam today has many different forms and opportunities, one of which is an online tutor.

If you start preparing for now, that is, at the very beginning of the school year, then you can count on a high score. True, you need to understand that a single exam in English language It is considered one of the most difficult in general among all exams of the Unified State Examination. Again, if you correctly assess your strengths now, you can understand what to focus on.

For graduates, I would recommend a textbook from the reputable publishing house Pearson Longman, which very effectively prepares students for the exam in English. In the very near future we will prepare an archive for you with a textbook, workbook, etc. investments so that you can evaluate your own forces, and while there is still time to sketch out a plan for working on your English.

Compulsory state exams are becoming more and more difficult every year, requiring from graduates of the 9th grade deep fundamental knowledge in the main subjects of the school curriculum.

For students who are finishing the 8th grade in the 2017-2018 academic year, it's time to think about how to prepare for the upcoming OGE 2019 and what subjects you need to learn better today.

For teachers of students and their parents, we have collected the most up-to-date information about the OGE next year, namely:

All things

In the 2018-2019 academic year, ninth graders will have to take a total of 5 final exams, of which 2 will be mandatory (Russian language and mathematics), and 3 more students will have the opportunity to choose at their own request from the list of approved subjects. The following are submitted for the elective exam:

  • story;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • Informatics;
  • biology;
  • geography;
  • literature;
  • social science;
  • foreign languages ​​(English, French, German or Spanish).

Knowing what mandatory tests are included in the OGE, you will be able to pull up the necessary subjects to successfully pass the exams in 2019 by entering the desired educational institutions or specialized classes.

Important! For many ninth-graders, the OGE will not just be the result of studying in high school, but also the first step towards the desired profession, because in 2019, exam grades will affect the certificate, and recommended passing scores have been set for specialized classes.

Schedule of the OGE in 2019

Starting from 2018, a mandatory oral part of the Russian language exam is being introduced for graduates of the 9th grade. Speaking will be the first test for schoolchildren and at the same time a kind of admission to the rest of the exams. They plan to take speaking in February (before the start of the preliminary and main campaign).

There is no official schedule for the OGE yet, but today it can be assumed that the campaign will take place in three stages:

  1. Preliminary (end of April - beginning of May).
  2. Main (end of May - beginning of June).
  3. Supplementary (September 2019).

The calendar of the preliminary period of the OGE 2019 will be as follows:

The main exams for the 9th grade in 2019 are scheduled for the following dates:

Autumn (September) retake is scheduled for the following days:

Expected changes

So, we figured out how many and what subjects ninth-graders will have to take in 2019. But what can children expect from tickets? What will be the tasks?

The Ministry of Education and Science assures that they are quite satisfied with the level of tickets for the 2017-2018 academic year and do not plan any major changes. Whether this is so can be said with certainty when the graduation campaign ends and the results are summed up.

In 2019, such innovations of 2017 and 2018 will definitely be preserved, such as:

  • speaking Russian;
  • oral part at the OGE in foreign languages;
  • single math tickets for everyone educational institutions and all regions of the Russian Federation;
  • mandatory video surveillance in the classrooms where the exams will be held.

In the coming 2019, 9th grade students will take both compulsory OGE subjects and elective disciplines based on their schools!

Most likely, KIMs for the OGE on mandatory and additional subjects in 2019 will receive minor changes aimed at more precise adjustment of questions and the replacement of some controversial tasks (if any are identified after passing the exams in 2018).

The probability of raising the passing threshold for entry into specialized classes is considered. But, to date, this selection criterion is rather advisory in nature. In 2017-2018, the minimum scores were distributed as follows:

Minimum score

for the certificate

Passing score

to the profile class

Russian language


(natural profile)

(but not less than 6 in geometry)


(economic profile)

(but not less than 5 in geometry)


(physical and mathematical profile)

(but not less than 7 in geometry)


Social science

Foreign language




For more information on how the results of the OGE are interpreted, we suggest reading the official FIPI document developed for 2018.

Retake procedure

Compulsory exams for ninth graders are not just a slice of knowledge. The issue of issuing certificates depends on the results that children receive in the course of completing tasks.

In 2019, the right to retake can be used if:

  1. The child could not come to the exam for a good reason (documentary evidence is required).
  2. The student came to the test, but did not complete it for a good reason.
  3. The work was canceled by the SEC (but not through the fault of the student).
  4. The examinee received an unsatisfactory mark in a compulsory subject.
  5. When filing an appeal and its satisfaction after consideration by the conflict commission.

A student is not allowed to retake if:

  1. The exam was skipped without a valid reason.
  2. The child was suspended from work due to his own fault (violation of behavior, use of cheat sheets, unauthorized technical means, etc.).
  3. The examinee "flunked" both mandatory exams or more than 2 subjects.

Keep track of innovations and changes regarding the OGE, which is due to take place in 2019, by reading the latest news on our portal. As soon as the dates and innovations regarding the Unified State Examination and the OGE are announced, we will be the first to tell you about it!


The most important component of the successful passing of the GIA is always the systematic study of the subject throughout all the years of schooling. If some gaps in knowledge have formed from grades 5 to 8, it's time to fill them up by starting intensive preparation for the final exams.

Where to begin?

  1. Find out what exams your 9th grade will take and how many subjects are submitted for final certification in 2019.
  2. Repeat the theoretical foundations in the selected disciplines.
  3. Practice as much as possible in solving tests and problems by working through trial versions of OGE tickets for 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Most schools organize additional classes to prepare for the final exams. If there are none, and the need for the help of a teacher is obvious, it is worth considering the option of group or individual lessons with a tutor.

Information that can be found on the net can become indispensable. These are explanations for the solutions of a certain type of tasks, and video lessons, and collections of theory necessary for preparing for the OGE.