About R.I's story

Friends from childhood and classmates Tanya Sabaneeva and Filka rested in a children's camp in Siberia, and now they are returning home. The girl is met at home by the old dog Tiger and the old nanny (mother is at work, and father has not lived with them since Tanya was 8 months old). The girl dreams of a wild Australian dog Dingo, later the children will call her that because of her isolation from the team.

Filka shares his happiness with Tanya - his father-hunter gave him a husky. The theme of paternity: Filka is proud of his father, Tanya tells a friend that her father lives on Maroseyka - the boy opens the map and looks for an island with that name for a long time, but does not find it and tells Tanya about it, who runs away crying. Tanya hates her father and reacts aggressively to these conversations with Filka.

One day, Tanya found a letter under her mother's pillow, in which her father announced the move of his new family (wife Nadezhda Petrovna and her nephew Kolya, the adopted son of Tanya's father) to their city. The girl is filled with a feeling of jealousy and hatred for those who stole her father from her. Mother tries to set Tanya positively towards her father.

On the morning when her father was supposed to arrive, the girl picked flowers and went to the port to meet him, but not finding him among those who arrived, she gives flowers to a sick boy on a stretcher (she still does not know that this is Kolya).

The study begins, Tanya tries to forget about everything, but she does not succeed. Filka tries to cheer her up (he writes the word comrade on the board with b and explains this by the fact that this is a second person verb).

Tanya lies with her mother in the garden. She's fine. For the first time, she thought not only about herself, but also about her mother. At the gate, the colonel is the father. Difficult meeting (after 14 years). Tanya addresses her father to "You".

Kolya gets into the same class as Tanya and sits down with Filka. Kolya found himself in a new, unfamiliar world. It's very hard for him.

Tanya and Kolya constantly quarrel, and on Tanya's initiative, there is a struggle for the attention of her father. Kolya is a smart, loving son, he treats Tanya with irony and mockery.

Kolya tells about his meeting with Gorky in the Crimea. Tanya basically does not listen, this results in a conflict.

Zhenya (a classmate) decides that Tanya is in love with Kolya. Filka takes revenge for this on Zhenya and treats her with a mouse instead of Velcro (resin). A little mouse lies alone in the snow - Tanya warms him up.

A writer has come to town. Children decide who will give him flowers Tanya or Zhenya. They chose Tanya, she is proud of such an honor ("shake the hand of the famous writer"). Tanya unfolded the inkwell and doused her hand, Kolya noticed her. This scene demonstrates that the relationship between the enemies has become warmer. Some time later, Kolya invited Tanya to dance with her on the Christmas tree.

New Year. Preparations. "Will he come?" Guests, but Kolya is not. “But just recently, how many bitter and sweet feelings crowded in her heart at the mere thought of her father: What is the matter with her? She thinks about Kolya all the time.” Filka is having a hard time falling in love with Tanya, as he himself is in love with Tanya. Kolya gave her an aquarium with a goldfish, and Tanya asked to fry this fish.

Dancing. Intrigue: Filka tells Tanya that Kolya is going to the skating rink with Zhenya tomorrow, and Kolya says that tomorrow they will go to the school performance with Tanya. Filka is jealous, but tries to hide it. Tanya goes to the skating rink, but hides her skates, as she meets Kolya and Zhenya. Tanya decides to forget Kolya and goes to school for a play. The storm begins abruptly. Tanya runs to the skating rink to warn the guys. Zhenya was frightened and quickly went home. Kolya fell on his foot and could not walk. Tanya runs to Filka's house, gets into a dog sled. She is fearless and determined. The dogs suddenly stopped listening to her, then the girl threw her beloved Tiger to the mercy of them (it was a very big sacrifice). Kolya and Tanya fell off the sled, but despite their fear, they continue to fight for their lives. The storm is getting stronger. Tanya, risking her life, pulls Kolya on a sled. Filka warned the border guards and they went out in search of children, among them was their father.

Vacation. Tanya and Filka visit Kolya, who has frostbitten cheeks and ears.

School. Rumors that Tanya wanted to ruin Kolya by dragging him to the skating rink. Everyone is against Tanya, except for Filka. The question is raised about the exclusion of Tanya from the pioneers. The girl hides and cries in the pioneer room, then falls asleep. She was found. Everyone will learn the truth from Kolya.

Tanya wakes up and returns home. They talk with their mother about trust, about life. Tanya understands that her mother still loves her father, and her mother offers to leave.

Meeting with Filka, he learns that Tanya is going to meet Kolya at dawn. Filka, out of jealousy, tells their father about this.

Forest. Explanation of Kolya in love. Father comes. Tanya leaves. Farewell to Filka. Leaves. End.

Research work on the topic: "Friendship of children in the story" wild dog dingo or a tale of first love”? »

Chapter I. A word about a writer. Purpose: to tell about the writer. Reuben Isaevich Fraerman was born into a poor Jewish family. In 1915 he graduated from a real school. Since 1916 he studied at the Kharkov Institute of Technology. Later he worked as an accountant, a fisherman, a draftsman and a teacher. The writer participated in civil war in the Far East. He was the editor of the Leninsky Communist newspaper in Yakutsk.

R. Fraerman - participant of the Great Patriotic War: fighter of the 22nd regiment of the 8th Krasnopresnenskaya division of the people's militia, war correspondent on the Western Front. In January 1942 he was seriously wounded in battle, in May he was demobilized. In his life he was acquainted with Konstantin Paustovsky and Arkady Gaidar.

Chapter II. The story “Wild Dog Dingo” Purpose: to introduce the story and express your opinion about it. The story tells about a girl Tanya Sabaneeva, who is friends with her classmate Filka, who is secretly in love with her.

The girl lives with her mother, she has friends, the dog Tiger and the cat Cossack with kittens, but she feels lonely. Her loneliness is that she has no father. Nobody can replace him. She loves him and hates him at the same time, because he is and he is not. Upon learning of her father's arrival, she gets worried and prepares to meet him: she puts on an elegant dress and makes a bouquet for him. And all the same, on the pier, peering at the passers-by, she reproaches herself for having “succumbed to the involuntary desire of her heart, which now beats so much and does not know what to do: just die or knock even harder?”

Both Tanya and her dad find it difficult to establish a new relationship: they have not seen each other for 15 years. But Tanya is more difficult: she loves, hates, fears her dad and is drawn to him. It seems to me that this is why it was so difficult for her to dine with her father on Sundays: "Tanya entered the house, and the dog remained at the door. How often Tanya wanted her to stay at the door, and the dog entered the house!"

The girl is changing a lot, and this is reflected in her relationship with her friends - Filka and Kolya. "Will he come?" There are guests, but Kolya is not. “But just recently, how many bitter and sweet feelings crowded in her heart at the mere thought of her father: what is the matter with her? She thinks about Kolya all the time.” Filka is having a hard time falling in love with Tanya, since he himself is in love with her. Jealousy is an unpleasant feeling that befell Filka. He tries to fight jealousy, but it is very difficult for him. Often, this feeling spoils relationships with friends. Children struggle with these problems, and in trying to overcome them, the first feeling appears, and true friendship and sympathy.

Chapter III. Conclusions and answers At the beginning we asked the question: “What is the basis of children's friendship?” It seems to me that the story is intended to show the reader that true friendship is built on kindness and support. Sometimes not because of circumstances, but in spite of them. And the fact that Tanya and her mother are leaving the city should preserve their childhood friendship, which, perhaps, will grow stronger in separation. Leaving does not mean avoiding difficulties, it is the only way to get rid of the contradictions and internal struggles of young heroes.

So, I read the story of R.I. Fraerman's "Wild Dog Dingo" and tried to figure out how the friendships of the guys are built .. Of course, there are quarrels and insults, joys and love, helping a friend in trouble, and most importantly - growing up. I liked this work, it is about us, schoolchildren, and it is easy to read. In other words, everything was simple and clear, and at the same time very interesting to read. I didn’t like only the ending - sad, and I feel sorry for Filka, I would like a more fun ending. I advise everyone to read this work, I think you will like it! And maybe you yourself want to write your own story about school friendship ...

September 14, 2013

"Wild Dog Dingo, or The Tale of First Love" is the most famous work of the Soviet writer R.I. Fraerman. The main characters of the story are children, and it was written, in fact, for children, but the problems posed by the author are serious and deep.

When the reader opens the work "Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love", the plot captures him from the first pages. The main character, schoolgirl Tanya Sabaneeva, at first glance looks like all the girls of her age and lives ordinary life Soviet pioneer. The only thing that distinguishes her from her friends is her passionate dream. Australian dingo dog - that's what the girl dreams about. Tanya is raised by her mother, her father left them when her daughter was just eight months old. Returning from the children's camp, the girl discovers a letter addressed to her mother: her father says that he intends to move to their city, but with a new family: his wife and adopted son. The girl is overwhelmed with pain, rage, resentment against her half-brother, because, in her opinion, it was he who deprived her of her father. On the day her father arrives, she goes to meet him, but does not find him in the hustle and bustle of the port and gives a bouquet of flowers to a sick boy lying on a stretcher (later Tanya will know that this is Kolya, her new relative).

Development of events

The story about the dingo dog continues with a description of the school team: Kolya ends up in the same class where Tanya and her friend Filka study. A kind of rivalry for the father's attention begins between the half-brother and sister, they constantly quarrel, and, as a rule, Tanya acts as the initiator of conflicts. However, gradually the girl realizes that she is in love with Kolya: she constantly thinks about him, painfully embarrassed in his presence, waiting with a sinking heart for his arrival on the New Year's holiday. Filka is very dissatisfied with this love: he treats his old girlfriend with great warmth and does not want to share her with anyone. The work "Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love" depicts the path that every teenager goes through: first love, misunderstanding, betrayal, the need to make a difficult choice and, in the end, growing up. This statement can be attributed to all the characters in the work, but to the greatest extent - to Tanya Sabaneeva.

The image of the main character

Tanya - this is the "dingo dog", so they called her in the team for her isolation. Her experiences, thoughts, throwing allow the writer to emphasize the main features of the girl: self-esteem, compassion, understanding. She wholeheartedly sympathizes with the mother who continues to love ex-husband; she struggles to understand who is to blame for the family discord, and comes to unexpectedly grown-up, sensible conclusions. Seemingly a simple schoolgirl, Tanya differs from her peers in her ability to feel subtly, striving for beauty, truth, and justice. Her dreams of unexplored lands and the dingo dog emphasize impulsiveness, ardor, and poetic nature. Tanya's character is most clearly revealed in her love for Kolya, to whom she gives herself with all her heart, but at the same time she does not lose herself, but tries to realize, comprehend everything that happens.

Source: fb.ru



Author of the reader's diary

Podgornaya Olga Alexandrovna

Electronic reader's diary

Book Information

Title and author of the book main characters Plot My opinion Date of reading Number of pages
Wild Dog Dingo, or The Tale of First Love Reuben Fraerman Tanya Sabaneeva, Kolya, Filka The action takes place in the Far Eastern village where Tanya Sabaneeva and the Nanai teenager Filka live. One day, the girl's father comes to the same region from Moscow with a new family - his wife Nadezhda Petrovna and her nephew Kolya.

Tanya's relationship with her father and his adopted son is difficult to build. Tanya's confusion does not escape either the teacher or the devoted Filka. One of the most dramatic episodes of the story is associated with a snowstorm. Trying to help Kolya, who has sprained his muscle on the skating rink, Tanya puts his comrade in a sled pulled by dogs. Suddenly, the flock saw a horse on the road, rushed after it and disappeared. The children were left alone in the blizzard. The girl, without losing her presence of mind, supported Kolya until the border guards on skis appeared. At the end of the story, the characters part ways. Tanya's mother decides to leave the village, and this news is received with pain by both Kolya and Filka.

I liked this book. This is a full of light, transparent love poem between a girl and a boy. Such a story could only be written by a good psychologist. The poetry of this thing is such that the description of the most real things is accompanied by a sense of fabulousness. September 1994 224 p.

book cover illustration

Fraerman R. Wild Dog Dingo, or The Tale of First Love. - M.: Seeker, 1984. - 224 p.

About the author of the book

Ruvim Isaevich Fraerman (1891 - 1972) - Soviet children's writer. Born in Mogilev in a poor Jewish family. There he spent his childhood and graduated from a real school. Even at school he fell in love with literature, wrote poetry, printed them. In 1916 he graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Technology. In 1917 he went to the Far East. He was a fisherman, draftsman, accountant, teacher. During the Civil War, in partisan detachment fought the Japanese invaders. In 1921 he arrived in Moscow. In 1924, Fraerman's first story "Vaska the Gilyak" was published here. It tells about the civil war and the formation Soviet power on the Far East. Following her, other books are published - The Second Spring (1932) - the first work of the writer for children, Nikichen (1934), Spy (1937), Wild Dog Dingo, or The Tale of First Love (1939) - the most famous story of the writer. During the Great Patriotic War, Fraerman joined the ranks of the people's militia, participated in battles, and worked in an army newspaper. Fraerman's post-war work is addressed mainly to children and adolescents.

About the book

The history of the creation of the book At first, the book was not accepted, but then it slowly but surely began to turn into a classic. And indeed, once you read “The Wild Dog Dingo”, you will forever remember both the girl Tanya and the boy Filka, and the atmosphere of romance that will always be in this world. This story is rightfully recognized as Fraerman's best book and has been translated into many languages ​​of the peoples. former USSR and the world - in Switzerland, Austria, West Germany.


Ruvim Isaevich Fraerman- Soviet children's writer. Born into a poor Jewish family. In 1915 he graduated from a real school. He studied at the Kharkov Institute of Technology (1916). He worked as an accountant, fisherman, draftsman, teacher. Participated in the Civil War in the Far East (in a partisan detachment). Member of the Great Patriotic War. In January 1942 he was seriously wounded in battle, demobilized in May.

He was acquainted with Konstantin Paustovsky and Arkady Gaidar.
Fraerman is best known to the reader as the author of the story The Wild Dog Dingo, or The Tale of First Love (1939).
Coming out of print during the harsh years of Stalinist repressions for the country and the pre-war tension of the international situation, it captured the depth of the lyric-romantic tone in depicting the freshness and purity of first love, the complex world of "transitional age" - parting with childhood and entering the rebellious world of youth. I was attracted by the author's conviction in the enduring value of simple and natural human feelings - attachment to one's home, family, nature, fidelity in love and friendship, and an interethnic community.

History of writing

Fraerman usually wrote slowly, hard, polishing every phrase. But "Wild Dog Dingo" he wrote surprisingly quickly - in just one month. It was in Solotch, Ryazan region, in December 1938. The days were cold and frosty. Ruvim Isaevich worked with great enthusiasm, taking short breaks in the frosty air.
The story turned out to be very poetic, it was, as they say, written in "one breath", although the idea of ​​the book was nurtured for many years. The story is rightfully recognized as Fraerman's best book, translated into many languages ​​​​of the peoples of our country and abroad - in Switzerland, Austria, West Germany. In the Paris edition, she is called "Tanya's First Love". The book was made into a film of the same name, which international film festival in Venice in 1962 he was awarded the first prize - the Golden Lion of St. Mark.

Friends from childhood and classmates Tanya Sabaneeva and Filka rested in a children's camp in Siberia, and now they are returning home. The girl is met at home by the old dog Tiger and the old nanny (mother is at work, and father has not lived with them since Tanya was 8 months old). The girl dreams of a wild Australian dog Dingo, later the children will call her that because of her isolation from the team.
Filka shares his happiness with Tanya - his father-hunter gave him a husky. The theme of paternity: Filka is proud of his father, Tanya tells a friend that her father lives on Maroseyka - the boy opens the map and looks for an island with that name for a long time, but does not find it and tells Tanya about it, who runs away crying. Tanya hates her father and reacts aggressively to these conversations with Filka.
One day, Tanya found a letter under her mother's pillow, in which her father announced the move of his new family (wife Nadezhda Petrovna and her nephew Kolya, the adopted son of Tanya's father) to their city. The girl is filled with a feeling of jealousy and hatred for those who stole her father from her. Mother tries to set Tanya positively towards her father.
On the morning when her father was supposed to arrive, the girl picked flowers and went to the port to meet him, but not finding him among those who arrived, she gives flowers to a sick boy on a stretcher (she still does not know that this is Kolya).
The study begins, Tanya tries to forget about everything, but she does not succeed. Filka tries to cheer her up (he writes the word comrade on the board with b and explains this by the fact that this is a second person verb).
Tanya lies with her mother in the garden. She's fine. For the first time, she thought not only about herself, but also about her mother. At the gate, the colonel is the father. Difficult meeting (after 14 years). Tanya addresses her father to "You".
Kolya gets into the same class as Tanya and sits down with Filka. Kolya found himself in a new, unfamiliar world. It's very hard for him.
Tanya and Kolya constantly quarrel, and on Tanya's initiative, there is a struggle for the attention of her father. Kolya is a smart, loving son, he treats Tanya with irony and mockery.
Kolya tells about his meeting with Gorky in the Crimea. Tanya basically does not listen, this results in a conflict.
Zhenya (a classmate) decides that Tanya is in love with Kolya. Filka takes revenge for this on Zhenya and treats her with a mouse instead of Velcro (resin). A little mouse lies alone in the snow - Tanya warms him up.
A writer has come to town. Children decide who will give him flowers Tanya or Zhenya. They chose Tanya, she is proud of such an honor ("shake the hand of the famous writer"). Tanya unfolded the inkwell and doused her hand, Kolya noticed her. This scene demonstrates that the relationship between the enemies has become warmer. Some time later, Kolya invited Tanya to dance with her on the Christmas tree.
New Year. Preparations. "Will he come?" Guests, but Kolya is not. “But just recently, how many bitter and sweet feelings crowded in her heart at the mere thought of her father: What is the matter with her? She thinks about Kolya all the time.” Filka is having a hard time falling in love with Tanya, as he himself is in love with Tanya. Kolya gave her an aquarium with a goldfish, and Tanya asked to fry this fish.
Dancing. Intrigue: Filka tells Tanya that Kolya is going to the skating rink with Zhenya tomorrow, and Kolya says that tomorrow they will go to the school performance with Tanya. Filka is jealous, but tries to hide it. Tanya goes to the skating rink, but hides her skates, as she meets Kolya and Zhenya. Tanya decides to forget Kolya and goes to school for a play. The storm begins abruptly. Tanya runs to the skating rink to warn the guys. Zhenya was frightened and quickly went home. Kolya fell on his foot and could not walk. Tanya runs to Filka's house, gets into a dog sled. She is fearless and determined. The dogs suddenly stopped listening to her, then the girl threw her beloved Tiger to the mercy of them (it was a very big sacrifice). Kolya and Tanya fell off the sled, but despite their fear, they continue to fight for their lives. The storm is getting stronger. Tanya, risking her life, pulls Kolya on a sled. Filka warned the border guards and they went out in search of children, among them was their father.
Vacation. Tanya and Filka visit Kolya, who has frostbitten cheeks and ears.
School. Rumors that Tanya wanted to ruin Kolya by dragging him to the skating rink. Everyone is against Tanya, except for Filka. The question is raised about the exclusion of Tanya from the pioneers. The girl hides and cries in the pioneer room, then falls asleep. She was found. Everyone will learn the truth from Kolya.
Tanya wakes up and returns home. They talk with their mother about trust, about life. Tanya understands that her mother still loves her father, and her mother offers to leave.
Meeting with Filka, he learns that Tanya is going to meet Kolya at dawn. Filka, out of jealousy, tells their father about this.
Forest. Explanation of Kolya in love. Father comes. Tanya leaves. Farewell to Filka. Leaves. End of story.

Quotes from the book
It's good if you have friends on the right. Well, if they are on the left. Well, if they are here and there.
Russian word, whimsical, rebellious, magnificent and magical, is the greatest means of bringing people together.
- You are very thoughtful.
– What does that mean? Tanya asked. - Clever?
- Yes, not smart, but you think a lot, which is why you come out silly.
… people live together as long as they love each other, and when they don’t love, they don’t live together – they disperse. Man is always free. This is our law for all eternity.
She sat motionless on a stone, and the river rushed over her with noise. Her eyes were downcast. But their gaze, tired of the brilliance scattered everywhere over the water, was not fixed. She often took him aside and rushed into the distance, where steep mountains, overshadowed by forest, stood above the river itself.
With her eyes wide open, she followed the ever-flowing water, trying to imagine in her imagination those unexplored lands where and from where the river ran. She wanted to see other countries, another world, for example, the Australian dingo dog. Then she also wanted to be a pilot and at the same time sing a little.
How often she finds her lately both sad and distracted, and yet her every step is full of beauty. Perhaps, in fact, love slid its quiet breath over her face.