Who helps the amulet with the sign of perun. Amulet Perunov Color

The cult of worship of the great thunder god Perun was incredibly strong and popular during the time of Kievan Rus. As a result, many symbols of this pagan deity have come down to our days, which have found their application in modern world. However, when choosing Perun's amulet, one should remember that it is not suitable for everyone and requires compliance with certain conditions of use.

Slavic god Perun

Perun is the ancient pagan god of the Slavs, who was in charge of thunder and lightning. He is one of the Svarozhich brothers, whose parents were the gods Svarog and Lada. The Slavic god Perun is perhaps the most famous hero of the ancient Slavic mythology. He was considered the patron of the princes of Kievan Rus and the main defender of the people.

According to the myth, at the very moment when Perun was born, thunder and lightning of incredible strength shook the sky. Even the very name of God, translated from the ancient language, means "to strike." As a child, Perun could sleep peacefully in his cradle only when thunder rumbled in the sky. When he got older, he liked to play with lightning, running a race with them. Entering the age of maturity, Perun learned to control the elements of nature, as the goddess Makosh predicted to him.

Outwardly, the pagan god was portrayed as a stately strongman with blue eyes and blond hair. They dressed him in golden armor, over which a red cloak was thrown over, which later became a symbol of princely power. Perun sat on a mighty horse, and in his hands he held a shield, club or sword. The appearance of a pagan god was always accompanied by lightning and thunder.

Respect and admiration for such a powerful deity was also reflected in the festive calendar of the ancient Slavs. The holiday of Perun's Day, which is celebrated on July 20, has come down to our days. And who does not know the legend of the flowering fern, which is called Perunov color? God gave this magical flower to Kupala and Kostroma on their wedding day.

Information about Perun has survived to this day, thanks to the decoding of ancient Aryan writings, which were called the Vedas. The Vedas of Perun are the most famous example of Old Slavonic runic writing. They talk about the structure of the universe and the place of man in it. In these ancient writings are encrypted secret knowledge and the commandments that the gods left for people.

There are a number of symbols associated with the name of the god Perun. The main signs of the Thunderer, of course, are his military weapons and armor, namely, an ax, arrows, a helmet and a shield. The rune of Perun and the sign of Perunov Tsvet have good protective properties. The seal of Perun, the bird and the cross of Perun, as well as the symbol of Perunica are used as talismans.

Ax of Perun

The ax of Perun as a talisman appeared relatively recently. Initially, it was believed that the main weapons of the god were a club and a sword. As for the ax, there is an opinion that the Slavs created it by analogy with the Scandinavian symbol "Thor's Hammer". Nevertheless, the amulet Ax of Perun appeared, and today it is very popular.

Amulet Perunov Ax is a classic male symbol. It is intended for those representatives of the strong half of humanity who have devoted their lives to professions that require courage and willpower. The talisman will help a man overcome his fears and phobias. He will add to him determination and perseverance in achieving his goal. Amulet Ax of Perun will be an additional chance to win where there is no hope.

For women, this amulet, as, in fact, all purely male talismans, must be worn with caution. It will bring strength, determination and self-confidence to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. They are recommended to combine the amulet with other talismans. Also, the amulet is often used in rituals associated with the birth of a child or a wedding.

The best material for making an amulet is silver. To strengthen the amulet, various Slavic symbols are applied to it. It can be runes or pagan signs of the Slavs. Traditionally, the amulet is worn as a pendant around the neck or on the belt. It is this way of wearing that contributes to the fastest accumulation of positive energy by the talisman and its most effective return to the owner.

Shield of Perun and Gromovik

In ancient times, the shield of Perun served as a means of protection against enemy arrows and spears. He had the right to wear military leaders and warriors from the upper class. In the future, this talisman began to be used to protect against evil forces and ill-wishers. It is customary to put various protective symbols on the shield, the most popular of which is the thunder wheel.

The thunder wheel, or Gromovik, is the famous sign of Perun, which is a six-leaf inscribed in a circle. In ancient times, the image of this Slavic symbol could be found on clothes, armor and walls of houses. Our ancestors believed that this symbol of Perun, applied to a shirt or shield, would protect the warrior in battle. There was a belief that the sign inscribed on the hut would help protect yourself from lightning.

Helmet and arrow of Perun

Another amulet associated with the name of a powerful god is the helmet of Perun. This amulet is designed to protect the warrior from enemy attacks. Nowadays, it is worn not only by people who have devoted themselves to military affairs, but also by representatives of various "peaceful" professions. This talisman helps to gain strength, determination and self-confidence. He will fill the human soul with compassion, and the heart with nobility.

The arrow, or, as it is also called, the stone of Perun, in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, had magical properties. She could heal the sick and protect a person from the influence of black forces. Today, this amulet is used to protect against damage and various negative influences. The arrow of Perun will help you gain determination and fortitude, as a result of which your life can change dramatically.

Rune Perun

The Thunderer was not bypassed by the ancient Slavic runic symbols. The terrible god was dedicated to the sign, which is known as the "rune Perun". It is a symbol of power, determination and movement forward. The meaning of the rune depends on how it is drawn: in a straight or inverted position.

The direct position of the symbol indicates that the time has come for global changes that can radically change a person's life. This is the only and most important chance in life, which can not be missed. The rune symbolizes the loss of illusions and the acquisition of life experience. She opens the door to a new life and opens her eyes to many things.

The inverted rune Perun is a signal that something has gone wrong in a person's life. Perhaps anger or old resentment closed his soul from those around him, thereby pushing them away. The person feels unhappy, abandoned and misunderstood. The confusion in his soul will occur until he understands that the cause of all his troubles is himself.

Runa Perun as a talisman will help a person develop leadership qualities of character. This is a good talisman for those who want to see the light at the end of the tunnel in a lost cause. With the rune Perun, a person will become the master of his own destiny and will be able to change his life for the better. The only condition is that the symbol is used only with good intentions. The power of the amulet is so great that careless handling of it can destroy the fate of not only one person, but of his entire family.

Perunov Color

One of the most popular and recognizable symbols of the God of Thunder is Perunov Tsvet. The sign is an eight-pointed swastika, the forked ends of which symbolize the petals of a fern flower. The fern flower itself, blooming on the night of Ivan Kupala, is a well-known Slavic symbol. Traditions and rituals associated with the holiday of Ivan Kupala are one of the oldest and most beloved in Rus'.

A fern flower is able to give the person who found it unprecedented power and indicate the place where countless treasures are hidden. Like a magical flower, the Perunov Color amulet will endow its owner with fortitude, determination and perseverance. It will save the health of a person and protect him from the evil eye and damage. For similar purposes, the magical Slavic symbol Kolovrat is also used.

Other symbols of Perun

Amulet The Seal of Perun represents four triskele symbols: one in the center and three on the sides. Beams of lightning are inscribed between these symbols. The seal of Perun will give its owner strength of mind and determination. This amulet is suitable for military personnel and people who are on public service denounced by the authorities.

The image of the symbol of the cross of Perun is a star consisting of four rays. The amulet is intended for those who want to reach heights in military professions. It is suitable for people who have dedicated their lives to protecting others. The talisman Cross of Perun helps to improve the physical condition of a person and his fortitude.

The name of the god Perun is closely connected with another Slavic sign - Perunica. This is an ancient symbol of the God of Thunder, which is schematically depicted in the form of lightning. It brings good luck to a person, makes his character more solid and decisive. Perunica was often used in tandem with other signs, as if weaving into them, which strengthened its meaning. An excellent example of such interweaving is the Star of England - the symbolic basis of the universe.

Choice of amulet

Choosing an amulet is not a simple and responsible matter, especially when it comes to the powerful symbols of the god Perun, therefore, in order for the amulet to work at full strength and correctly, you should not neglect the following rules:

  1. Amulets of Perun are more male than female symbols. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity need to wear such amulets with caution and not for long. Otherwise, a woman, having acquired physical and mental strength, after a while may lose her femininity.
  2. When choosing amulets, one should not neglect the correspondence of the date of birth to a certain hall of the Svarog Circle. Unlike the system of signs of the zodiac, the Slavic Svarog Circle has 16 halls, which are patronized by Slavic pagan gods. The character of a person born in this or that hall corresponds to the animal or bird to which he is dedicated. God Perun renders his patronage to the Hall of the Eagle, respectively, and his amulets for people born during this period will work better.
  3. The amulets of Perun should not be worn along with the amulets of Veles. According to ancient Slavic mythology, the gods Veles and Perun were irreconcilable enemies, therefore, using their amulets at the same time, you can find yourself in the epicenter of the conflict that the gods unleashed, and, as a result, harm yourself.
  4. Protective tattoos have good protective properties. Tattoos depicting the symbols of Perun are suitable for men whose professions are related to military affairs and risk to life. Choosing a suitable symbol for a tattoo, you need to study in detail its meaning and possible impact on later life.
  5. Of great importance is the correct activation of the amulet. Thursday is considered the day of Perun, therefore it is worth spending it on this day. For the ceremony, you need to choose a fine sunny day and a quiet place in nature. Activate the amulet with the help of four elements: earth, water, air and fire. First, the amulet is showered with earth, then washed with running water and held three times over the flame of a fire. At the same time, a prayer should be read, asking the talisman for help.

The ancient Slavs had a deep respect for nature and its laws, considering people an integral part of nature. They knew exactly which of the Higher Beings (Gods) was responsible for this or that manifestation of natural laws. They turned to the Gods, asking for advice or expressing gratitude for help or guidance on the true path. God Avsen brought light to our world, God Chur was the defender of the Slavic land, God Perun prevented the penetration of enemies into the Slavic territories. His left hand served to scare away enemies with lightning arrows, his breath spewed out hurricanes and storms, right hand Perun held his well-aimed bow-rainbow. The goddess Lada, his wife, and the young man Lel, their pampered handsome son, patronized love and lovers.

God Perun was the son of one of the prabogs, the original higher power. He rode across the sky in a fiery chariot, commanding fire, storms and hurricanes. He exercised leadership over some of the warriors he had chosen, who, during the transition to another world, fell under the protection of Iriy and rested in his halls. But the main thing that God Perun is known for is that it was he who was the Keeper of the Oaths. Those people who honored their word, for whom lies and greed are not acceptable, could count on the favor and patronage of Perun. The strength and power of Perun is owned by the amulets of his name.

Amulet Helm of Perun

The amulets of Perun symbolize the essence and deeds of this formidable God of the ancient Slavs. God gave the main patronage to warriors defending their native land, their clan and family. Perun's helmet removes danger from warriors, helps to overcome difficulties, gives courage and strength of mind, endows with an unbending character.

Amulet Shield of Perun

The Shield of Perun is a powerful protection for warriors from spears and arrows of the enemy. However, this amulet was used not only from enemy weapons, but also from any troubles and upheavals. The Perun Shield amulet was intended only for warriors from noble families and military leaders.

Amulet of the Rune of Perun

The rune of Perun is suitable for all men, even those who are not connected with military affairs. A clear drawing of the rune symbolizes the victory of light truth over dark and crooked lies. This amulet will help its owner become a leader, a wise ruler, able to resolve any situation and force society to develop in the right direction. There is only one condition - development should benefit people and be pleasing to Perun himself. The psyches of those who seek personal gain from their leadership will not withstand the impact uncompromisingly. true rune and will be destroyed.

Amulet Wheel of Perun

The Wheel of Perun, or, as it is also called, Thunderbolt, is also a symbol of God Perun, who commands truth, power and fire. The amulet will give grace-filled power, but only to those who sincerely love their native land, for whom the highest values ​​are honor and duty. If a young man was brought up as a patriot of his kind and his land, then the Wheel of Perun will help him fully reveal his spiritual strength and help him become a real man.

It is known that this amulet was also worn by the fair sex. As a rule, women resorted to his help in difficult situations requiring strong decisions and actions. Nevertheless, it is still not recommended for women to abuse the help of the Wheel of Perun amulet, since the primordially female personality traits will gradually decrease and eventually come to naught.

Amulet Perunov Color

Perunov Tsvet (fern flower)

Having eight-pointed rays, it is a reliable protector from diseases, raging fire and destructive natural disasters. This amulet will give the owner good luck, protect from slander and gossip, give strength for the successful completion of all plans and the achievement of the intended goals.

Amulet Arrow of Perun

Perun's arrow will give the warriors strength and courage, give good luck, protect against any misfortunes and help to successfully resolve emerging life situations.

Amulet Bird of Perun

A bird with tongues of fire bursting from its beak and a fluffy tail is also a symbol of the great Perun. The image of such a bird was often embroidered on clothes, it was also used on jewelry.

The owner of this amulet could expect help in several areas of his life:

  • strength, firmness and confidence in making decisions in vital matters;
  • success in striving to achieve material well-being;
  • the birth of a baby boy, if the parents so wished;
  • protection from magical negativity for men;
  • development in men of a sharp and inquisitive mind.

Amulet Ax of Perun

The ax is a powerful weapon, and this power was transferred to the energy potential of the amulet of the Ax of Perun. The power of the amulet was born from the legend of the battle of God Perun with the Serpent, who embodied world chaos and absorbed the light. Perun defeated the Serpent and imprisoned him in a dungeon, but during the battle, the sky itself struck a spark, which became the power of the amulet of the Ax of Perun.

Warriors wearing this amulet became invincible and were protected from extraneous energy influences.

Amulet of the Ax of Perun is protection not only for the warrior, but also for his entire family, and for those who do not participate in battles, but always stand up for a just cause. The amulet keeps the strength and knowledge of the family and endows its owner with wisdom, stamina, perseverance and courage.

The ax of Perun will increase the strength of the spirit, make a strong warrior courageous. We can say that this amulet is universal for those striving for justice and the victory of truth over lies.

The ax is an exclusively military weapon. The ax of Perun was used in the fierce battle of the gods and therefore the amulet is still more intended for warriors. A warrior wearing a talisman will become invulnerable to the enemy, however, certain character traits are also required from the warrior himself: disinterestedness, purity of thoughts, readiness to help a comrade, readiness to devote himself entirely to protecting his family, his kind and his land.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

Ax of Perun. The culture of the Slavs is quite diverse, it has learned a lot from neighboring peoples, including the Scandinavians. They have one of the rather strong symbols is the Hammer of Thor, and in the Slavic amulets there is its analogue - the symbol of the Ax of Perun, which has a power that is not inferior to the Hammer.

The Slavic Ax of Perun is rightfully considered one of the most legendary amulets of the Slavs, which correlates with the god of thunder. If we turn to mythology, then there is no specific mention of the weapons of God, there are several references to the fact that Perun used a sword and a club. But at the same time, the Ax of Perun, according to some (somewhat unreliable) sources, is found several times in the Slavic epic. It is worth noting that the ax is mentioned not only among the ancient Slavs, but also in the times of Kievan Rus, as evidenced by the numerous amulets in the form of an ax found in the excavations of Russian cities.

Given the fact that the fire of heaven among the ancient Slavs has always been associated with weapons, then a powerful weapon comparable to lightning is precisely the ax. There is one legend about how the symbol of the Ax of Perun appeared among the Slavs - the Serpent stole the light of the Sun from people, and Perun beheaded him with the help of the Ax. The symbolic subtext of the legend is that this weapon has not so much physical as energy power, with which you can defeat even the most terrible dark force.

Quite often, this amulet was an obligatory part of magical rituals, symbolizing in them the connection of the ancient Slavs with Perun. During the wedding, childbirth and choosing the name of the child, the Ax of Perun turned from an individual amulet into a family one, guarding the sacrament of important events for the family. The amulet placed under the bed of a woman in labor reduced the pain and gave the woman the strength to give birth to a healthy child.

Ax of Perun - the original military amulet

The amulet of the Ax of Perun has always been considered only military, but at the same time able to help people who are far from military affairs. The meaning of the Ax of Perun amulet is quite unambiguous - it bestows courage, stamina, movement towards the intended goal - the true features of a real warrior. No less often, the amulet of the Ax of Perun symbolizes unity with the clan, race, like-minded people.

Regardless of whether a man (the amulet is male) wears the Ax of Perun pendant or a bracelet with the Ax of Perun, it will give him strength in order to deal with life's difficulties that constantly appear on the path of life.

Quite often you can find a mention that the sign of the Ax of Perun is universal, and only real descendants of the ancient Slavs who honor their traditions and remember their roots can wear it.

But still, the amulet of the Ax of Perun made of silver helps to activate the combat energy, allows you to protect the warrior in battle. A modern warrior who decides to buy the Ax of Perun amulet can count on the fact that the Thunderer will always help him.

Modernity is experiencing a revival of the faith of our ancestors, in which slavic god Perun took far last value. Faithful companion of Perun - lightning was revered as a symbol of strength and power.

There are quite a lot of signs and attributes that are associated with the deity. This article will help you understand the differences between the symbols of the Thunder God and teach you how to handle them correctly.

Perun is one of the most recognizable deities of the pantheon of our forefathers. Strong, brave and warlike, the son of Svarog and Lada patronizes all the offended and destitute, rewarding them with strength that helps to overcome obstacles.

But the Thunderer does not tolerate liars and cowards, bestowing his mercy only on the strong and those who strive to become such. You can get the patronage of the god of thunder and thunder by using one of his symbols as a talisman.

The attributes of Perun take pride of place among. Let's take a closer look at the main ones.

Sign of Perun - Gromovik

The sign of Perun Gromovik, or Gromovnik, is the central symbol among all related to this deity. It is also called the Wheel of Perun or the Thunder Wheel. It looks like a six-beam cross with blades enclosed in a circle. It is easy to recognize six-beam in this symbol.

God himself, although he stood on the side of the forces of light, had the image of a warrior and was an analogue of the ancient Greek Zeus. He was tough, but not cruel, he protected people from injustice and gave them the strength to go forward.

Most of all, he favored the soldiers, giving them all kinds of support and helping them fulfill their mission - to protect their family. That is why Gromovik was one of the priority symbols for the fighters.

Sign of Perun Gromovik.

In the days of ancient Rus', when the strife of princes tormented the Slavic land, the Thunderer enjoyed special honor, because his patronage could bring victory in political intrigues. The Slavs applied the Wheel of Perun to clothes, armor and weapons, and even wore it as body jewelry. Most often these were pendants made of wood or various metals.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that Gromovnik is a talisman for young men and mature men. It is strictly not recommended for children to wear it, it can develop an overly violent character. The main function of the symbol is the education of fortitude.

Perun's wheel will help:

  • protect yourself from wounds inflicted by the enemy;
  • cultivate courage;
  • become more confident;
  • get protection from damage and the evil eye;
  • become more resilient and physically stronger.

But there is also an added value. Amulet Gromovik knows how to protect from unkind people. Wherever a person with impure thoughts enters, he will not be able to harm others if this sign is nearby. Therefore, our ancestors hung a charm on their homes, as well as on buildings belonging to the military department.

Amulets - symbols of Perun

In addition to Gromovik, there are other amulets of Perun that support anyone who wears them even for a short time. The symbolism of this deity is mainly used by men. This is facilitated by the combat energy itself, emanating from the god of lightning and his signs.

Women are allowed to wear only some of these charms, such as the Rune, the Star, or the Color of the Fern. Other symbols are mainly related to military affairs, in which girls have not met before, but now they are in the minority. Some of the signs are not suitable for children, which is also important to consider.


The ax of Perun is suitable exclusively for men.

Perun's attributes include a whole arsenal of edged weapons. This is a sword, and a spear, and arrows. And even the ax, with which, according to legend, he defeated the Serpent, who swallowed the daylight. Subsequently, the ax acquired a special magical power, turning into something more than a simple weapon of Perun.

The combat energy of this sign is capable of destroying femininity in the bud. For this reason, we strongly do not recommend women to wear an axe. But, despite all his militancy, this primordially male amulet can be used not only by the military. The amulet is suitable for any man who needs additional strength. For people with a strong character, the ax will add excessive harshness, but for those who are insecure, it will enhance masculine qualities and strengthen the spirit.


Like a regular shield, this amulet protects the wearer.

Another popular symbol of Perun is a shield. Traditionally, it is depicted in the form of a drop, the pointed end of which is directed downwards. On the surface of the pendant in the form of a shield, the craftsmen most often applied the image of Perun himself. Often there was also his sign Gromovik. Sometimes the shield was additionally decorated with the attributes of a thunderer - axes, swords or lightning.

Perun's shield refers to amulets that are not intended to be worn by women. Even in exceptional situations. Most of all, the amulet is suitable for men and young men related to military affairs. Previously, it was warriors who wore this sign of the Thunderer.

The main functions of the amulet are similar to those of a real shield. It protects its wearer from enemy weapons. The Shield will also help to reflect energy negativity and cover the family hearth, protecting the family from troubles and misfortunes.

Perunov color

This amulet of Perun is one of the most famous among the people. The sign symbolizes the fern flower. The very one that our ancestors were looking for on the day of the summer solstice.

Both women and men can wear this badge.

In the people, simply called the "fern flower", often confused with Odolen grass. There is nothing strange here, because Odolen grass is the reverse side of this sign. But they have different meanings. Perunov color contributes to the disclosure of spiritual forces and the search for life goals, helping to achieve them. Overcome the grass, protects from diseases sent by evil spirits and envious people.


The helmet is another symbol of the god Perun. The purpose of this item itself speaks of who should wear it. Like the Shield, the Helmet was originally used by warriors. It was believed that such a charm would make its wearer stronger and help overcome all difficulties.

He endowed the weak with confidence and determination, and gave luck to the carefree daredevils. The amulet in the form of a helmet was not intended for youngsters, but for mature men capable of defending their kind. However, fathers often gave the Helmet to boys in order to instill in their sons a fortress of spirit and prepare them for the performance of male duties.

Nowadays, this sign is not so important. But it can, for example, be useful to those who participate in military conflicts.


The rune of Perun should not be worn constantly.

Straight and inverted, the runes have different meaning. The first causes the appearance of powerful energy, which must be subdued and directed in the right direction. And the second symbolizes the chaos and troubles that have appeared in a person’s life due to inaction at a turning point in life.

Both of them are used in divination. But as an amulet it would be wise to use only the Direct Rune of Perun. Do not assume that this runic sign grants wishes. It only helps to attract opportunity. How successful the outcome will be depends only on the efforts made.

Amulet of Perunitsa

Perunitsa has a feminine essence.

The amulet of Perunica stands out strikingly among the rest of the characters. After all, almost all the signs of Perun are intended only for men, and this one is essentially female. But the image of a woman here is very different from the canonical portrait of a mother giving new life.

Perunitsa is, first of all, a warrior maiden. Some sources claim that she was the wife of the lord of lightning, others are more inclined to believe that Perunitsa was his daughter. The image of this warlike maiden very much echoes the Scandinavian Valkyries, picking up the fallen warriors.

But according to our ancestors, Lightning-Perunitsa did not send soldiers to a posthumous feast, but helped them to defeat their enemies - supported morale, and sometimes resurrected the dead. The amulet helped to overcome the dark periods in life and brought good luck. The most powerful amulet will be the one where the symbol of lightning is enclosed in the Star of England.

Star of Perun

If the Shield patronizes exclusively the military, then the Star of Perun has a greater favor. This sign can become an assistant for anyone who regularly faces difficult choices, regardless of profession.

In ancient times, the Star of Perun accompanied rulers, military commanders and even guards. This symbol helped to find the truth, contributing to the clarity of thoughts and the successful implementation of the plan.

The sign helps to make the right decisions and will be useful to managers, judges and doctors.


Perun's sword is a symbol of justice.

Perun, despite his rigidity, is a just god. He does not tolerate lies and deceit. This is one of the reasons why the signs of this deity should not be worn by people prone to cheating and deceit. They will not wait for anything but punishment for their deeds.

The sword of Perun symbolizes the triumph of justice and will help everyone who needs it.

By purchasing an amulet and asking for help from the patron, you can:

  • restore order in all spheres of life;
  • restore vitality;
  • protect yourself from witchcraft;
  • achieve justice in a particular case;
  • protect yourself and loved ones;

The seal of Perun was given to men by women.

It was customary to receive the Helmet amulet from older men, but the Seal of Perun was traditionally given by women. Usually the head of the family received such signs of attention. It was considered very honorable to acquire such a gift from a beloved woman.

Not only mature men, but also young guys could wear it. It was believed that a child, who was given an amulet with the sign of Perun from infancy, would grow up brave and strong. The seal gave protection from the cunning of enemies, helped to avoid death during the battle, and also protected from envious ill-wishers.

How to choose the symbol of Perun for a tattoo

Perunov's sign, applied to the skin as a tattoo, will be an excellent protector for a person who honors his family and keeps the heritage of his ancestors. A tattoo with one of the symbols of the god of thunder will help you gain his strength, courage and wisdom, become a more just and strong spirit.

The choice of signs of the patron saint of warriors should be approached carefully, because, despite the general militant magical energy, each of them has a certain “shade”. It also has its own important features.

When choosing a symbol, one should also take into account the incompatibility of the signs of Perun and Veles, the opposition of which is legendary.

Once again, we note that women are allowed to wear the symbols of the Thunderer only as a temporary amulet or amulet - and even then not all of his signs. Also undesirable as a tattoo is the Rune. If during the movement the runic symbol turns over, then its value will become reversed. This can have serious negative consequences.

The ax of Perun is a Slavic amulet with magic power. It was created in honor of the god of the same name. Perun is one of the most revered gods among the Slavs. He controlled thunder and lightning and could punish anyone who angered him. One of the main attributes of the god is the axe. Therefore, it was she who was chosen as the image of the amulet. The ax is an ax with a short handle, which has two cutting parts. This amulet will be discussed today.

There is a legend about the appearance of the ax of Perun. According to the legend, the god used the ax in the fight against the Serpent, which absorbed the daylight. Having won, Perun charged her with powerful energy, and also gave her physical strength. That is why the ax began to be used as a talisman and weapon.

Previously, the ax was worn on the belt. In this case, it was both a weapon and a talisman, which helped to save one's life and health in battle. Later, its size was reduced and began to be worn around the neck as a talisman.

During the time of Kievan Rus, all the soldiers who took the oath received this weapon as a gift. When he died, he was buried along with the axe.

To date, the amulet of the ax of Perun does not lose its relevance.

The meaning of the amulet Ax of Perun

The main meaning of the amulet is that it gives the owner strength, self-confidence and the desire to win and accomplish feats. Thanks to him, a person can boldly go to the enemy, protecting his native land and his family. In addition, the talisman helps the warrior to save life and health in battle.

Another meaning of the Perun ax amulet is to protect a person from evil witchcraft, he removes damage and the evil eye, protects the owner from evil rumors. The ax of Perun protects not only the person who wears the amulet, but also his entire family, as well as housing.

The amulet also has the following meaning: it helps to find a connection with the ancestors. The amulet gives the wisdom of the ancestors and their protection.

This amulet helps to make a responsible decision, not paying attention to all doubts. It attracts good luck, wealth and prosperity. In addition, the amulet helps to grow a rich harvest, keep it all winter or, if necessary, successfully sell it.

Who can wear a charm

The ax of Perun is a male amulet, respectively, it is recommended to wear it to the representatives of the stronger sex, especially those whose professional activity associated with danger. These include police officers, military personnel, firefighters, etc. It is recommended to wear the amulet all the time, and if this is not possible, then it should be put on before going to work.

Women should wear this amulet only if she has to defend her land or family from enemies with weapons in her hands. In other situations, it is not recommended to use it, since it can suppress the feminine. However, if it is worn along with other amulets, then it can enhance their properties, give strength, self-confidence and endurance.

This symbol, together with others, was used during wedding ceremonies, during childbirth, etc. A man, in order to make childbirth easier for a woman, had to put a talisman under the bed. In this case, he reduced the pain and helped to give birth to a healthy baby. In addition, during childbirth, the symbol was placed at the entrance. It was believed that he would not allow evil forces to enter the housing and the birth would be successful. During the wedding, Perun's ax was circled around the young. It was believed that the amulet would protect the new family from troubles, misfortunes, evil witchcraft and slander.

The symbol of the ax of Perun can be drawn on the walls of housing. In this case, he will protect not a specific person, but his entire family and even the whole clan.

This amulet cannot be used by a person with evil thoughts, since all the power of the amulet will turn against the owner. The fact is that the ax of Perun can equally protect and bestow benefits, and punish. In addition, this symbol is not recommended for non-purposeful people, as well as those people who often change goals. In this case, a person overspends the energy of the amulet, which can have very sad consequences.

Charging amulet Ax of Perun

In order for this amulet to start “working”, it needs to be charged. To do this, choose a sunny day and get out into nature. A good option would be a clearing in the forest. The first thing to do is build a fire. After that, the amulet must be covered with earth. Then it must be left for a few minutes so that it is charged with the energy of the earth. After that, the talisman must be washed. To do this, use water from a spring or river. Then the amulet must be carried three times over the flames of the fire. After that, you can put it on yourself. Such a rite must be performed immediately after the purchase of the amulet, and also when it needs to be cleared of the accumulated negative energy. When exactly this happens, an inner voice will tell you.

The ax of Perun is one of the most powerful male amulets. That is why it was popular in ancient times and still has not lost its relevance.