Runes online for work divination is true. Runes divination

From the moment you receive your diploma higher education and before applying for a pension certificate, everyone dreams of having a good job and high wages for their work, respect for management and, of course, colleagues. But, unfortunately, it happens in a couple that everyone around is promoted up the career ladder, they write out bonuses, and nothing but complaints and reproaches from the management is heard in their address. And all this at the maximum calculation and full return to their work. If the situation is exactly this and there are no obvious reasons to doubt your professionalism, but at the same time not to receive a promotion either in position or in wages, it's time to turn to magic runes and make a layout for work, career and money, this alignment is perfect « Rune lot » .

Appeal to this method will allow to stabilize the imbalance that has arisen in life, will provide an opportunity to deal with the causes of the difficulties that have arisen.

Before starting the calculation, it is necessary to clearly formulate the problem, for example: “Why haven’t I been promoted for so many years?”, “Why can’t I get out of debt all the time?”. This type of divination does not require a narrow, specific "YES" or "NO" answer, as in Odin's Rune divination. The question should be broader, for example, you need to formulate “Problem with a new job” instead of “Should I accept a new position?”. It is very important to be completely attuned to your problem in order to get the most accurate answer possible.

After you have fully tuned in to work with the runes, you need to start laying out, the runes need to be laid out from left to right, there are four of them in total. In turn, each of them carries special information:
1. This rune determines the nature of the problem.
2. This rune will indicate the cause of the cause.
3. With the help of the third rune, get a hint that will make it clear how to behave and what to do next. This is a kind of advice with which you can correct your situation or simply change your attitude to the current complexity.
4. By opening this rune, the result will be revealed, which should be expected if you fully and completely follow the advice from the third rune.

Before you draw the first rune, you need to close your eyes and pronounce your problem four times, then lay it out in front of you. The next three runes must be drawn in the same way. During the whole process, you need to be completely focused on your problem.

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Fortune telling online has its own characteristics. Firstly, this is a quick result and its ready interpretation, which is a negative factor for beginner fortunetellers. However, for masters it has a special appeal, especially for training.

Intention: The first and probably the longest (especially for beginners) part of divination. Necessary clearly formulate the question, the answer to which we want to receive. Foggy goals tend to produce vague results, and vice versa, the more clearly the goal is defined, the higher the likelihood that you will get a fortune-telling result corresponding to it.

In addition, the question must be substantiated, it will not be superfluous to ask yourself: "Why am I asking?" Perhaps it doesn’t matter to you what the Runes will tell you in the process of divination, but it is important to get confirmation of your own thoughts.

And in Perhaps you are not interested in the answer to your question, but in this way you want to get hope, the hope that what you dream about will suddenly become a reality, of course, without effort on your part. Of course, with proper work, you will receive again and again a result that will say that your hope is not destined to come true, and when you become disillusioned with online fortune-telling on the Runes, you will run to ask the Tarot, then contact an astrologer or some other master ... But chances in there is no place for life, a happy accident will find you when this is preceded by a period of painstaking work to achieve the desired result. Therefore, it is very important to be ready to accept the result of fortune-telling and take responsibility for your fate and for your actions, otherwise it is better not to even start guessing on the Runes.

Rune initiation when divining Online: Toas you know, any fortune-telling requires a developed skill of a medium from a fortuneteller, that is, an intermediary between himself and those forces that stand behind each of the Runes. In addition, sometimes the abilities of a medium will come in handy to make fortune telling to someone. Thus, you need to tune in to fortune telling, here the algorithm is simple.

First of all, it is necessary to enter the state of stopping the internal dialogue (IAD), which is also a state of emptiness, which is also a state of thoughtlessness. It can be reached different ways: some focus on current bodily sensations, visuals often visualize a snowy field with softly falling snow, a kinesthetic person can do the same by “visualizing” the sensations of grains of sand slowly moved by the wind over the skin, auditory sounds to the sound of sea waves, one can generally puzzle the mind with a complex mathematical problem ... There are many ways.

Then, having entered the police department, you need to focus on the issue under consideration, trying to feel it as much as possible and at the same time remain “emotionless” to the result of fortune-telling (emotions, in fact, will be a sign that you are no longer in the police department, which means you need to start all over again).

After that, as a rule, a ritual is performed that precedes working with Runes and allows you to tune in to work with them, if the fortuneteller has such a ritual.

Rune Divination Online: having tuned in to fortune-telling and the question asked, you can proceed to fortune-telling itself. To do this, you must select the runes from the table or click the button to select automatically.

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Rune divination is not just a ritual, but an ancient cultural heritage our ancestors. Independently of each other, developed civilizations from all over the world discovered or received from above this inexhaustible storehouse of knowledge.

At the heart of each runic tradition is the alphabet - a set of abstract pictograms forming an ordered system, that is, futhark. Runes inherit the semantic load from the rock paintings of the Stone Age. Abstract bull heads, bird paws, the triumph of hunters - the natural symbolism of gestures and postures was simplified and eventually transformed into features, cuts, dents, mysterious squiggles of glyphs. Centuries, and maybe even millennia, passed before the collections of elegant badges united into a single system, common in a particular locality. This is how all modern alphabets, numbers and, of course, runes appeared. The latter are a unique fusion of magical, mythological and written traditions.

Traditionally, fortune-telling on runes was performed during the period of actualization of key life milestones, the crossing of peculiar Rubicons - birth and death, marriage, an upcoming military campaign, the outcome of an unequal struggle or a dubious enterprise, success in trade affairs, the expectation of offspring, harvest and other unknown facets of the future. People talked with runes, asked for advice, they were trusted not so much with the fate of an individual, but of an entire tribal community. The peoples living in the northern lands in harsh conditions isolated from the rest of the world knew how to look to the future with hope, because this is what the runic tradition teaches us - an unbending will to win and faith in change for the better.

It is generally accepted that the birthplace of the runic futhark is Scandinavia, the so-called runes of Odin. Meanwhile, if you search carefully, you can find your own alternative in virtually every civilization and people of Europe, Asia and Native America. Moreover, the legends, beliefs and rituals encrypted in letters and glyphs served as a kind of marker or a pass to the community of people who lived in a single geographical space. According to this principle, a cultural exchange took place between the disunited and scattered Germanic tribes, the Celts, Balts living on the islands and the Slavic tribal communities lost in the forests.


Runic divination is just one of the areas of application of runes. We have compiled one of the most complete collections for divination. You, in turn, have to choose the futhark to whom you can entrust your most secret dreams and spiritual aspirations. But before you start divination, please take note: the practice of divination on runes is an ancient, proven for thousands of years and very powerful predictive tradition. Asking runes small, everyday questions about pressing matters is like shooting sparrows from a cannon. Also note that the interpretation of the layout that has fallen out is a very subtle thing, this is the main difference between runes and other methods of divination. To get an exhaustive answer, it is enough to draw one, two, maximum three runes. Alternately. And draw your own conclusions.


You can start your acquaintance with runes at any time. To do this, it is enough to choose your starting system - Futhark, with which work will be carried out in the future. Gradually studying the meanings of individual runes, you will learn to see the whole system of worldview and the world order of the people who used these runes.

runic magic

Runic alphabets (or futharks) are not only a popular divination tool, but also a kind of special creative and protective runic magic known to man for several thousand years. The first traces of human magical activity on earth are special protective symbols and formulas carved on road (travel) stones. Very often, such finds are found on the territory of modern Germany, Great Britain, Denmark and other Western European countries. It is to these peoples that the discovery of the classical and Armanic Futhark belongs.

It is surprising to a modern person, but back in the 7th-10th centuries, variations of the now popular Scandinavian or classic runic futhark were widely used in everyday life in the territories surrounding the northern sea. Its direct "competitors" are the Armanic and Slavic runic alphabets. Before Christianity came to these lands, runic writing, mythology, and protective symbols did not just decorate household items, dwellings, clothes, weapons and bodies of representatives of the Slavic-Aryan and Finno-Ugric tribes - they literally united and streamlined everyday life person. Experts in runic magic (writing) - masters of runneckers - also stood out in a separate branch of priestly castes. Largely thanks to the efforts of their followers, the time-tested runic staves or formulas (scripts), witch runes (hex signs), haldras, bindruns, hieroglyphs and Slavic swastika symbols have survived to this day.

The ancient Scandinavians, Germans, Slavs, Chinese, Native Americans and other peoples created and practiced runic magic. Amulets, divination, healing, magical rites, initiations, rituals of naming and meditation - runes will always come to the rescue, protect and suggest the shortest path to happiness and harmony.

Due to the unstable situation in the world, it is not easy to find a job, and even more so an excellent one with a high salary. But not everyone can safely find a solution to this issue due to the crisis, inflation and other economic problems.

In fact, everything is much deeper and applies exclusively to each person individually. In order to clarify and solve such problems, fortune-telling is very often resorted to.

The reasons

One of the most common reasons for stagnation is an unresolved problem with a previous job. If suddenly the previous work ended on an unpleasant note - a scandal or conflict, then self-doubt appears, perhaps even fear of a new job. Such a factor greatly affects a person at a subconscious level and further interferes with employment.

An overestimated sense of duty, not love or hatred for work has a bad effect on job search. In the case of earning money, but lack of access to them due to loans, an oppressive wife (husband), the search for a job is delayed. And there are many such causes, and their primary source is so deep that a person does not always know the initial cause.

The ancient art of divination will help to cope with the problem. Many believe that only dark, ignorant, poorly educated people resort to such services, but this is far from the truth. In different centuries in many countries, the help of dedicated people in the secrets of prediction was addressed famous people, scientists, writers, cultural figures, kings, rulers of this world. They turned to palmists, fortune-tellers on Tarot cards, runes, a magic ball.

Tarot cards

Tarot cards appeared during the reign of Ramses in Ancient Egypt and are considered one of the most ancient. This magic deck takes its name from the Egyptian word Tarah, which means "Road of Kings", and the engraving of the symbols of each card was made on a gold plate. certain magical meaning Kabbalah corresponds to each card, which is indicated by a letter of the Hebrew alphabet with the corresponding numerical value.

These cards came to Europe thanks to nomadic gypsies, who have been considered masters in foresight of the future, divination and spells since ancient times.

Exceptionally dedicated to the magic of cards, people who know how to compose and decipher the meaning of combinations can help in finding the right answer to an exciting question. Tarot cards make it possible to foresee the necessary answers to any questions, including those related to work.

Tarot cards, to a greater extent than other prediction tools, can examine in detail any existing situations, the dynamics of their development, build a forecast, see further development options, the consequences of certain decisions and actions, unravel tangled relationships based on analysis, answer any exciting questions. The result of divination on Tarot cards is not only answers to banal questions: what will be, is or will happen? These cards primarily act as a reliable and devoted adviser.

In the hands of a professional predictor, they become a truthful and clear tool on the path of analysis, forecasting and finding solutions. Which in turn means that such a person is not just a fortuneteller, but an assistant, analyst and consultant.

In this case, one should not forget about the power of the word, which our ancestors skillfully used: sorcerers, occultists, midwives, making with the help of conspiracies and slander the psychological mood of a person to the necessary note.

Card layout

This is the most famous divination method, and Tarot cards are used for this purpose. For the purpose of divination for the work of Tarot, there are several types of alignment. The “Cross” layout is the most popular, but if a person decides to make a layout for himself and is not familiar with such technology, then it is better to take only the Major Arcana for greater clarity.

To carry out such a layout, the cards are laid out, starting from the left in a clockwise direction, while it is necessary to focus on an exciting issue. The essence of the problem will be shown by the left card, what decision the person makes, the right card will show, the top one will indicate how it is actually necessary to act, and the bottom one will be the total of all actions. Additionally, no cards are needed for clarification, the fortuneteller will see the association himself.

In general, Tarot cards are laid out in other ways.

  • "Talent Card" by birthday - to determine hidden talents and opportunities, the number of your birth is taken as the basis in this layout.
  • "Change of work", to determine the correct choice when changing jobs, identifying all the pros and cons of the current job and what to expect on new job. As a result, the response received contains information for comparing the current and future situation at work, whether it is worth making changes or not.
  • "Promotion" - the alignment is simple, but will be able to predict when the right promotion will occur, how to accelerate it and what this promotion will bring.
  • "Trip" for those who are going not only on a trip, but also on a business trip: what this event will bring, how it will end and what will come out in the end.
  • “Getting a job” this option is suitable for those who are looking for or are just going to go to a new place for the first time - how quickly you find a job, how relationships develop in a new team and how profitable the place is financially.
  • The "layout for work" is simple, but effective method. With the help of 3 cards from the deck, you can find out what was, is and what will be at the present place of work.

These layouts are in high demand, since in our time it is very important to know how certain negotiations, exams or transactions will end.


Fortune telling on Runes is another opportunity to find out the secret human life to predict the future and the development of events in it. Runes are not just signs that have the energy of the universe in them. Secret knowledge Runes that carry information about the present, past and future can only be read by people with high spiritual qualities who can discover the energy of natural forces in themselves.

Runes are a fairly simple method of divination. In this method of divination, it is necessary not only to ask an exciting question, but to understand the cause of the problem and decide who or what is the decisive factor. At the same time, the runes are drawn from the bag and laid out exactly four pieces from left to right.

  • In this case, the first rune determines the essence of the problem.
  • The second reason for its occurrence.
  • The third leads to a solution to the problem.
  • The fourth will indicate the outcome of solving the problem, if you follow the advice of the third rune.

Rune divination

"To work"

This alignment is simple, three runes are used. The first speaks about the present situation, the second how to solve everything in the best way without conflicts and disputes, and the third will give an answer to your question. As a result, this accessible alignment is the answer to the most secret questions.

Applying such simple methods of solving the problem of finding a job, you can permanently deal with this issue. The result depends on the fortuneteller's faith in the power of divination, which means the need to follow the recommendations of runes and cards.

The word runa means "mystery" and goes back to an ancient root meaning "to hide, hide". Its traces have been preserved in modern languages, German raunen - "whisper", Latvian runat - "to speak" or Finnish runo - "poem, incantation". By the way, the Russian "to store" is connected, in all likelihood, with the same root.

Runes are magical and alphabetic signs that were carved on stones or carved on wood, they were used to decorate weapons, utensils, various items, wrote spells over the entrance to the house and on the prows of ships.

The first surviving runic inscriptions date back to the 3rd century BC. AD, however, many signs have a much more ancient origin, going back to the magical symbols of the Celtic priests-druids, from whom they later passed to the Germanic, and then to the Scandinavian tribes.

Although in one way or another all the representatives of the tribe owned the runic letter, the magicians and healers were the true experts on the runes. They differed from everyone else in their special attire, were surrounded by special reverence, taught the youth.

Each rune had given name and associated with one or another deity, object or phenomenon. Laying out a rune from wooden sticks or applying its image on a birch bark or stone, on a spear shaft or on the surface of an earthen vessel, the healer, warrior or hunter addressed directly the entity that the rune denoted in order to influence it in a certain way. The healer drove out the disease, the warrior asked for victory in battle, the hunter attracted prey. To enhance the impact, the name of the rune was pronounced or sung in a special song. Wanting to cause a storm, send illness or death to the enemy, they sang the so-called. "an evil song" or performed a zayd - a magical rite that included singing and dancing.

Magic was owned not only by men, but also by women. So, zeid was generally supposed to be performed only by women; the prediction of the future among the ancient Normans was carried out by special soothsayers - volures. With the help of songs and runes, spirits and brownies, the dead and trolls were also conjured.

Runic magic is extremely versatile. According to legend, each rune has a sacred origin and is a sacred sign, has a certain supply magical power and the ability to connect us to a higher power. The totality of runes, together with their powers and connections, already forms a real magical system. This system can also be used for divinatory purposes: combinations of the signs included in it can describe any possible situation.

There are many ways to lay out runes. You can use one of the online rune divination options we offer. We hope that these fortune-telling on runes will provide you with invaluable help in everyday life.