How to find out if cleansing the aura helped. What is aura

Energy issues seem complex and unattainable for many. However, any person who sets himself such a goal can figure out how to clean the aura on his own. We will look at several Christian ways to cleanse your aura.

How to cleanse the aura yourself?

If you are constrained by fears and doubts, this indicates that etheric wires are trailing behind you. Fortunately, getting rid of them is easy. Say it out loud or to yourself:

“Archangel Michael, I appeal to you! Please cut the cord of fear that is draining my energy and life force. Thank you"

After this, be silent for a few minutes, breathe deeply and calmly. If you relax and close your eyes, concentrate on your sensations, you will feel the wires being cut and pulled out of you.

How to clean a person’s aura with a candle?

In order to help someone close, you need a church candle, the person himself and a calm atmosphere. Ask him to sit sideways on the chair so that the back of the chair does not block the person's back. Stand behind him, light a candle, clear your mind.

Starting from the tailbone, guide the candle along the person’s body, rotating your hand counterclockwise with a small amplitude (no more than 15 centimeters). If in some place the candle begins to crack and smoke, this is problem area, here you need to stay longer, you can read the “Our Father” prayer. Keep the candle there until the crackling and soot subsides on its own.

Move your hand up to the back of your head. At the end of the procedure, your hand should be 15 centimeters above the person’s head. Repeat this procedure from start to finish three times. Do it the next day, and for another week. In the future, it will be enough to clean it once every 1-3 weeks. Already after the first procedure, a person notices improvements in well-being.

Many events happen in life, both positively and negatively affecting a person. Grief and misfortune carry negative energy. As soon as a lot of negativity accumulates in the biofield, a black streak begins, as they say. Therefore, it is important to know ways to cleanse your bioenergy field. This will help bring about spiritual, physical and energy level back to normal. And this will have a positive impact on the quality of life.

Preparing for cleaning

When coming into energetic contact with your astral body, influencing the aura, you must learn to protect it from the attacks of the material world. When preparing to cleanse the aura at home, you will need to follow several rules and adhere to them in the future.

  1. Get your lifestyle in order. It is advisable to completely eradicate bad habits: alcohol, cigarettes. These 2 factors feed the entities around a person that take away light energy and interfere with the process of positive influence.
  2. After waking up in the morning, do energy exercises - yoga.
  3. Wear an amulet, a talisman.
  4. Clothes should be made from natural fabrics, since synthetics have a bad effect on the human aura.
  5. Greet the onset of a new day with a smile and gratitude, fill yourself with positivity, and feel harmony within.
  6. Try to improve yourself.
  7. Analyze yourself more often.

Step-by-step plan for cleaning the aura and biofield

You can cleanse yourself of clots of negative energy yourself at home, using the methods given below.

Cleansing the Aura with Prayer

You can turn to the highest powers not only through church prayers, but also through your personal prayers. The main thing is to be sincere. By appealing to the forces of light, you reject negativity. The aura is filled with the energy of goodness. This method can be compared to a blood transfusion.

Cleaning with salt

Salt crystals are like a sponge. They have the ability to absorb negative energy. The procedure is simple: take a full glass of salt, add a little running water, stir. Wipe your entire body with the resulting solution, starting with your feet and ending with your head.

Cleansing with a chicken egg

A proven ritual helps remove damage and the evil eye. For the procedure, lie on your back and move the egg over your stomach in a clockwise direction. The egg will take away all the negativity. After the ceremony, it must be buried whole in the ground.

Cleansing with a candle

An effective technique that does not require much time. Lay a newspaper on the floor, stand on it, light a candle and make circular movements around your neck, head, stomach, heart. Manipulations should be made until the flame stops crackling and smoking. If the candle does not burn out completely, leave it in the room where the ritual was performed. The newspaper needs to be buried in the ground.

☞ Video story

How to clean the aura and energy channels of another person

I will give an effective technique for cleaning energy channels to another person. With the help of a ritual with a candle flame, you can influence the life of every person, relieving him of negative effects on the biological field, preventing the development of diseases, and easing existing ones. For the process you will need a candle. It is advisable to wear white clothes to protect yourself from the negative energy of the patient.

The ritual should be performed in the following order, three times:

  1. Have the person sit on a chair and stand behind him with a lit candle.
  2. Try to relax, disconnect from extraneous thoughts.
  3. Concentrate on the burning candle flame and the sitting person.
  4. Read the prayer “Our Father...”.
  5. Start cleaning from the bottom up, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. Holding the candle 6 inches from your body, slowly work your way up your upper body, making smooth counterclockwise circles while listening to the fire.
  6. In an area where a person’s biological field has negative clots of energy or an unhealthy organ, the flame will begin to crackle and smoke. To cleanse, you will need to hold the fire in this place until the phenomenon disappears.
  7. When finishing the procedure, raise the candle above your head by 20 cm.

After the ceremony, wash your hands with clean water in the direction from the elbow to the hand, then to the fingertips. This helps wash away negative energy.

☞ Video story

  • Develop spiritually. Replenish the feeling of joy in your heart. Nothing is more capable of purifying the biofield than a feeling of constant happiness. Eliminate negative reasons.
  • Meditate often using different practices.
  • Using self-hypnosis, eradicate negativity, filling your soul with positivity.
  • Load your body physical exercise. This will help remove accumulations and stagnation of negative energy.
  • Stick to it healthy eating.
  • Try to find a spiritual healer. He will examine and eliminate all malfunctions and darkening of the aura.

The ways to cleanse your biofield provided in the article are not the most complete list of techniques. There are many of them, but everyone can develop their own cleansing method. There are no strict laws in bioenergy. The most important thing is to sincerely believe in what you are doing.

Humanity has successfully used purification by fire for centuries. Many scientific works have been written about its impact and a large number of scientific and educational videos have been filmed. I propose to consider the 8 most effective ways to cleanse yourself, another person and your home.

For many millennia, people considered fire sacred and worshiped it, identifying it with the Sun and Life. Some pagan rituals based on it have survived to this day: we celebrate Maslenitsa with the burning of its effigy, we jump over a fire on Kupala night, we pray in front of burning candles.

And fire helps to cleanse the soul and aura, enter the higher spiritual realms and be heard by the Universe. Today we’ll talk about the most powerful, beneficial and mysterious natural force that bestows health and prosperity - fire.

Rituals for purification by fire

Even eminent scientists talk about the existence of a human biofield - an energy body. Look what Professor Neumyvakin says about him. The scientist even wrote a large and very informative book about the energetic essence of man. It is easy to find in electronic form on the Internet. I highly recommend reading it to gain new useful knowledge.

Method 1. Cleansing with a candle

How to find out if you are wearing it, read the special article. And to cleanse yourself of negativity, perform the ritual that my grandmother-healer shared with me.

  1. For a week, every evening before going to bed, be sure to light a consecrated church candle in a dark room.
  2. Sit comfortably in front of it, look at the flame and try to relax as much as possible. Thus, the fire will take away the negativity from your biofield and burn away.
  3. Peer intently into the fire until a state of complete calm and relaxed numbness appears (5-10 minutes).
  4. Read “Our Father” three times and mentally turn to your Guardian Angels with a request to help you cleanse yourself, restore your health, give you good rest and a happy life.

And go to bed peacefully.

In the morning you will feel healthier, more attractive and Fortune will no longer turn its back on you. Try it and see the simplicity and power of such a folk ritual.

Method 2. Healing meditation cleansing with the element of fire

See how to use healing meditation correctly, what attributes and conditions are needed.

Method 3. Purifying a person with fire energy

With the help of a cleansing ritual with the energy of fire, you can save any person from someone else’s negative impact on his biofield, damage, the evil eye, thereby preventing diseases or alleviating those already acquired. The ritual must be carried out together: this is how one person cleanses the aura of the other through the flame of a candle.

Bioenergy therapists advise carrying out the cleansing ritual in white clothes or wrapped in a sheet. White color will protect you from receiving negativity from the patient during the cleansing effect.

  1. Place the person in front of you, and stand behind you, holding a lit church candle.
  2. Try to relax. Turn off the inner chatterbox, the creeping distracting thoughts (just tell them “Get out, I'm letting you go”).
  3. Focus completely on the flame and the person sitting in front of you.
  4. Read quietly “Our Father...” together.
  5. Start cleansing from the bottom of the spine up, from the tailbone to the top of the head, placing the candle fifteen centimeters from the body. At the same time, with your hand holding the candle, slowly lift it up, make small smooth circles (counterclockwise) and listen carefully to the flame.
  6. Where there are clots of negativity or a diseased organ in the biofield, the candle fire will crackle and smoke. Moreover, the stronger these manifestations, the more negativity accumulated in this area of ​​the body. Keep the fire here until the soot and crackling stop.
  7. Be sure to finish the cleansing procedure 20 cm above the crown.
  8. We carry out this cleansing by fire three times.
  9. After this, be sure to wash your hands with cool running water from the elbow to the hand and fingertips, washing away the received negative energy. This is what energy therapists and healers do.

Also look at other folk methods.

Method 4. Practice of cleansing the aura and chakras with fire

This little practice will take 5 to 15 minutes. It cleanses the chakras, awakens the Divine fire and strengthens the aura as much as you want.

Your aura is the sphere of harmony and responsibility in your life. When a person refuses responsibility, his aura collapses. And if he does not take responsibility even for his health, his aura is drawn into the body.

But you can become as wide as the world in your Divine claims and extend your aura to the house in which you live, to your neighborhood, city and even country. Your aura expands along with your consciousness.

  1. Light a candle (preferably a tablet so it doesn’t leak) and, calling on the Divine fire to awaken your chakras, direct the flame to your forehead, between your eyebrows, until you feel warm. Mentally place this fire in the ajna chakra (in the center of the head) and strengthen the fire in it. The head should feel filled with light.
  2. Place a candle opposite your throat and imagine the fire in the Vishuddha chakra (throat center), strengthen it and cleanse the chakra until pleasant lightness and freedom appear in the neck and shoulders.
  3. Place the candle opposite the middle of your chest and light and cleanse the anahata chakra (heart center) in the same way. The entire chest should experience a feeling of warmth, freedom and expansion.
  4. Place the candle opposite the center of the abdomen (above the navel), light it and cleanse the manipura chakra. The stomach should become warm, the middle of the back should be relaxed.
  5. Place a candle at the lower abdomen, awaken and cleanse the swadhishthana chakra. Your lower back should feel warm and soft and relaxed.
  6. Place a candle opposite the groin area, awaken and cleanse the muladhara chakra (root center, located in the perineum).
  7. When all the chakras are awakened and filled with light and warmth, return the candle to the middle of the forehead, place the fire in the ajna chakra and mentally spread the fire along the nerve channels leading to the hands. The fire should light up in the centers of the palms and in each finger.
  8. Then spread the fire all over your back, mentally directing it to your legs. The knees, feet and toes should be filled with fire.
  9. Then place the candle flame near the center of your chest. Summon fire into your aura, imagine your entire body being in the flame of a giant candle and expand your aura - the aura of fire as much as you see fit. At least for kilometers, at least for your entire city.

At a minimum, you should increase it to 10-15 meters (this is the size of the Divine fire in a person when a person is awakened).

Thank the fire, thank the Divine power and extinguish the candle with your fingers. You can ask your aura to protect you throughout the day and make the people and events you encounter kind and benevolent.

Method 5. The practice of purifying a person with fire

The practice of healing your biofield, changing your negative internal state, going beyond your destiny.

Method 6. Ritual of energy purification and protection from negativity

To cleanse yourself of accumulated pathogenic negative energy and gain the protection of Higher powers in any life situation, perform this ritual. It is similar to the above, only here a protective plot is read.

Light a candle, look at the flame and say a prayer:

Flame of the sacred candle, symbol of the Holy Spirit and Universal Fire, symbol of the Sun, cleanse and protect me so that the Holy Spirit descends from heaven and finds its abode in me.

Try to cleanse yourself and your loved ones with fire - acquire new skills, help yourself and people. And in addition I wish you what the Japanese wish each other:

May any illness pass you by. May peace and prosperity remain in the family. May there be good luck in business.

Method 7. Cleansing the house, premises, space with fire

I perform this ritual the same way my grandmothers did. Do the following:

  1. Make a small bag out of paper into which the wax of a burning candle will drip so as not to burn your hands. Or put salt in a container and insert a candle into it.
  2. Place a lit candle in it (preferably a church candle).
  3. Cleaning the room must begin before front door.
  4. Holding the bag in right hand, go into the room.
  5. We walk around the entire apartment or any room along the wall on the left side, that is, clockwise.
  6. Be sure to stop at each corner and cross it with a three-lit candle. Do the same with windows and doors.
  7. Finish the cleansing at the front door, leaving the apartment or room. Blow out the candle there.

After rituals, I always wash my hands, as I described above. I also imagine a waterfall and douse myself with water from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, sending negativity into the ground, which I advise you to do as well. At the same time, pronounce the spell:

Mother Earth, take everything bad and recycle it for good.

Method 8. Cleansing sound program

I also recommend using the video Sound of Fire. A program specially written by scientists, with the help of healing sound vibrations and fiery flames, cleanses rooms and people from damage, bad energy, and everything evil. Such programs are created by specialists in institutes. Therefore, without fear, treat yourself with them for your own good.

I shared several rituals known to me. These folk remedies humanity has been successfully using it for hundreds of years - try to use it to remove negative impacts. They will definitely help maintain health and well-being.

In the life of every person, a lot of negativity happens, which gradually transforms into a whole tangle of heavy negative energy. And it, in turn, slowly penetrates the biofield, exerting a significant influence on the events occurring in a person’s life.

That is why it is very important to know how to cleanse a person’s biofield in order to eliminate excess negativity and normalize one’s condition.

Why clean the biofield?

Professional cleansing of the biofield is gaining more and more popularity today, as many people have begun to realize how important the aura is in their lives.

They came to understand that daily negativity negatively affects the biofield, leading to various internal blocks and contradictions that can block important energy channels.

And only cleansing the aura will help correct the situation that has arisen, which today you can do on your own, without the help of professionals.

Thanks to special exercises, any person has the opportunity to remove internal pressures and completely get rid of negative energy that interferes with leading a quiet and peaceful life.

How to cleanse the aura of negativity?

In an effort to learn how to cleanse a person’s aura of negativity, many people rummage through a lot of different information, turn to experienced practitioners and study various techniques.

Some clean the biofield with salt, adding it to the bath, others use ordinary feathers, and still others pray fervently.

But most often, people resort to special exercises that can effectively help in the fight against negativity. Among them, everyone can find their own exercise that helps them cope more easily with various events in life. And keep your aura light, beautiful and vibrant.

Below are the most popular exercises around the world:

Cleansing Vortex

This exercise is based on visualization techniques, and the ideal time to perform it is in the evening. You need to sit comfortably in your favorite chair, sofa or bed. And then try to completely relax, letting go of all problems, grievances and heavy thoughts from your head.

Then you need to imagine the formation of a white stream of light (fire), reminiscent of a small tornado.

And then let the stream of fire penetrate the body, cover the biofield and simply burn out all the accumulated negativity. After that, you just need to release it to the very center of the earth and it collapses into small, safe fragments.

You are allowed to perform the presented exercise on your own in cases where the soul is especially hard, and real exhaustion is felt inside.

Fire ball

This exercise is also excellent for cleansing the human biofield and is performed through visualization. You will need to take a comfortable position, close your eyes and try to relax. It is very important to breathe deeply and measuredly.

Then all that remains is to visualize a beautiful fireball, the rays of which penetrate every cell of the body and simply eliminate all negativity completely. With the help of the presented exercise, you will be able to achieve complete disposal of accumulated negativity and cleanse your own aura completely.


Those who do not know how to cleanse the aura at home should use the following special exercise in the form of meditation. You need to take a relaxed pose, close your eyes and imagine yourself in the endless night sky, where the stars shine brightly and there are no boundaries.

You need to bathe to your heart’s content in their incredible light and bright energy, literally filling yourself up to the brim with the latter. And feel real freedom and lightness, allowing you to feel joy again own life. Sometimes it only takes a few minutes each day.

Hi all! Today I propose to consider an exotic topic: “Human aura - independent cleansing”

1. Let's talk about the soul

Let's talk about the soul, about what robots don't know, but humans are always so interested in. There are no two identical souls, just as there are no two identical fingerprints. Each person carries a unique charge of energy that surrounds him in a biofield, which can only be seen by select and special devices, but can be felt by anyone.

It is this outer shell of the human body that is called the aura. It protects the body from external energetic influences and reflects the internal state of a person, which is very valuable for diagnosing various ailments.

This invisible shell of the human body, its properties, damage and, in fact, getting rid of them - cleansing the aura on your own or with the help of professionals - have been a bone of contention between scientists and psychics for many years.

2. Causes of our problems

Sometimes it happens that in life suddenly everything starts to go awry - the desire for any activity is suddenly lost, depression and depression arise, and the immune system is in trouble - illness after illness comes to visit. The reason is not difficult to establish. Breakdown in the biofield.

Diagnosis of damage to the aura and its energy centers (chakras) is quite simple. If you suddenly suddenly have a “streak of bad luck”, rest assured that this is to blame. Don’t be afraid that “damage” has been put on you. This is not at all necessary. Holes can be caused by any involuntary negativity (the evil eye) directed at you, or, for example, by surgery or severe stress.

I don’t really want to turn to psychics: it is unknown whether they will provide help or turn out to be just another charlatan. Yes, and it’s a pity for the money. It is better to clean the shell at home. And although there is no universal method, I will give here the most famous ones.

3. Human aura - self-cleansing

3. 1 Bell ringing

The ringing of bells heals. The method of treatment using bells has been known since ancient times. The fact is that the bell emits high-frequency vibration, which “scares off” low-frequency troubles: viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms, improves blood circulation and simply creates an uplifting mood and enhances energy.

Bell and ringer

It is important to hear the bell ringing live. In addition, it is important not only for whom the bell is tolled, but also who rings it. This must be a person with pure energy without holes or any negativity in his soul.

3.2 Healing prayers

There is also a way of purification through prayers. It is not at all necessary that the prayer be Christian, taken from the prayer book. A simple appeal to God in any form or visiting church is quite suitable - in this way you will not only call on the Almighty for help, but also purify your own thoughts.

We are cured of illnesses by following the teachings of Buddha. Mental balance and harmonization can also be achieved by meditation - an Indian psychophysical practice aimed at self-awareness and self-purification. She is simultaneously a doctor of body and soul.

With the help of meditation, the attunement of subtle bodies is also carried out - layers of vital energy that have their own meaning. To meditate, you need to take the right posture. The spine should be level and perpendicular to the surface on which you are sitting. Close your eyes, relax your body, concentrate on your thoughts through breathing, deep and even.

Imagine an image - a snake crawling upward or an endless tunnel. Once you have achieved proper concentration, you will be able to observe your own thoughts. You need to accept them as they are, realize them, combine all the internal energy around you, and patch up the holes in the protective field. Relaxing background music will also help you achieve your goal.

Lotus position

3.3 Egg rolling

A fairly well-known method for removing spoilage is rolling out an egg. The egg is similar to a person in its own structure, and therefore is capable of absorbing troubles. Before going to bed, it is necessary for the person to “without any problems” begin to roll over the contours of the “victim’s” body, and after the procedure, the used egg must be carefully taken outside and buried in the ground to avoid the spread of the “transferred” negativity to other people.

3.4 Egg compress

A headache after the evil eye can be removed with an egg compress: mix beaten egg yolks with boiling milk, moisten a scarf or bandage and apply to the forehead.

Whipped yolks

3.5 Thursday salt

Salt has been used since ancient times to cleanse curses and magic. “Thursday” salt was of particular value, which was prepared in a special way once a year on Maundy Thursday. There are many ways to treat holes with salt. It all depends on where the breakdown occurred.

For headaches, you need to apply a towel soaked in saline solution to your forehead and hold this compress for 10-15 minutes. In case of general malaise, you should take a bath with salt once a day - this will strengthen the immune system and help the holes heal.

Thursday salt

3.6 Wax casting

Since the beginning of Christianity, the method of “casting” with wax has been known, although it is effective only in case of mild damage or the evil eye. To do this, you can use a church candle: half of it melts in a container, the other is placed in front of the icon of the Holy Mother of God.

The ladle is filled with water and given to the person who needs to be saved from the evil eye. The “healer” slowly pours the melted wax into the water, while reading a prayer. After the casting hardens, it is necessary to bury it in the ground so that it does not give up the negative to the “deliverer.”

Wax in water

3.7 Talismans

In every city you can find a shop of esoteric goods, where you can find a talisman or talisman that will always protect you. But for daily protection, you can perform a ritual with a knife in the morning: imagine how all your energy is concentrated at its tip, draw a pentagram in front of you.


Afterwards the mantra is read: “Om sri kali namah foram”, smoothly and melodiously, placing emphasis on the last syllable. The word "mantra" comes from the 2 syllables "Man and Trayate": "to liberate the mind." This mantra is intended to cleanse from negativity, causes the destruction of all evil and cleanses the body of toxins. The number of repetitions should be a multiple of three, ideally 108 times. I deliberately do not provide a translation from Sanskrit, because... this reduces the force of impact.

3.8 Avoiding foul language

Breakdowns in the aura can also arise from one’s own negativity that accumulates inside. Let him go. Try to accept yourself and others as they are, and bring only positive energy into the world.

Many psychics claim that any swear word spoken by a person already causes a microcrack in his protective shell. Don't slander, try to control your anger. Direct the energy that you spend on hating your environment into loving your family. And then - without a doubt - everything will work out.

Mat is driving. It’s very difficult to restrain yourself, but you have to.

Finally, try going to practical classes. Watch this video. In my opinion it is a wonderful meditation. A pleasant voice. Personally, it calms me down very well.

Today we talked about the topic: “Cleansing the aura on your own.” How did you like the article? If yes, then subscribe to the blog and tell your friends at in social networks. See you soon in the next article!

4. Postscript with Inspector Warnicke

For those who want to relax and at the same time activate cerebral circulation, which is no less important for our health than cleansing the aura, I suggest trying to solve detective riddle stories together with Inspector Warnicke. Meet me.