How to parse a sentence for punctuation parsing. Punctuation analysis of a simple sentence

In the study of punctuation parsing, it is important to highlight the basic principles:

  • search for a grammatical basis;
  • search for participial or adverbial phrases;
  • search for introductory structures.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main steps in the algorithm for punctuation parsing a sentence:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the punctuation mark at the end of the sentence. By whether there is a period, a question mark or an ellipsis at the end of the sentence, the reader determines the emotional coloring of the statement. It is necessary that the student could explain in detail and clearly why this particular punctuation mark was chosen.
  • The next step is to define the sentence structure. The number of punctuation marks depends on whether a simple sentence is in front of us or a complex one. In order for students to easily distinguish a simple sentence from a complex one, they must be able to independently determine not only the grammatical basis of the sentence, but also the type of the subordinate clause.
  • Next, analyze the functions of each punctuation mark; we remind you that they can be separating and highlighting.

Students should understand the difference between the use of dividing and emphasizing marks.

TO distinguishing marks include dashes, colons, commas, quotation marks, and brackets. With their help, separations, definitions and generalizations, etc. are distinguished.

TO separating marks include comma, semicolon, dash, colon. Signs are intended to separate homogeneous members of a sentence, parts of a compound sentence, etc.

  • Immediately before the punctuation analysis, teachers recommend analyzing the sentence by composition with the obligatory allocation of the grammatical basis, homogeneous members of the sentence, definitions and circumstances.
  • The graphic scheme of the sentence, compiled on the basis of the analysis of the sentence by composition, will greatly simplify the punctuation analysis.
  • The final point is punctuation analysis.


We propose to consolidate the information received in practice. Students need to have an accurate understanding of what the teacher is asking them to do, so it is important to provide them with a sample debrief.

Example 1

[Halfway through open window a trapezoid of sunlight was pushed in], 1 (the upper corner of which touched the edge of the mirror cabinet).(D. Rubina)

  • Grammatical bases: the trapezoid is pushed in, the angle touches.
  • The main clause and the subordinate clause are separated by a comma.

[The boys looked at each other and, 1 |without taking their eyes off me|, 2 began to back away slowly and cautiously]. (K. Paustovsky)

  • Grammatical basis: the boys looked at each other and began to back away.
  • There is a period at the end of the sentence, because the sentence is narrative and is a complete statement.
  • In the sentence, two commas highlight the adverbial turnover.

| Straining and turning purple |, 1 (the sun plopped down behind the stanitsa cemetery), 2 (and twilight swirled blue over the brushwood behind me). (M. Sholokhov)

  • Grammatical bases: the sun plopped down, twilight swirled.
  • There is a period at the end of the sentence, because the sentence is narrative and is a complete statement.
  • The sentence has two punctuation marks. In the first case, a comma separates two homogeneous gerunds, and in the second case, a comma separates parts of a compound sentence.

It should be summed up. If the student is able to remember this simple algorithm, then he will master the punctuation analysis of the sentence to perfection.

Punctuation analysis - one of the oral analysis of lessons. This is a test of knowledge of the norms and rules for punctuation. Analysis, by analogy with others, has an order. The complexity depends on intonational features, the number of grammatical foundations, ways of expressing secondary members. Consider how do punctuation analysis of the sentence.

In contact with

What is punctuation parsing

Punctuation analysis is carried out according to a certain algorithm, but one should start with understanding the difference between analyzes that are close in content:

  • punctuation;
  • syntactic;
  • graphic.

Punctuation studies
rules for arranging punctuation symbols in the Russian language. generally accepted scientific concept- punctuation marks.

Syntax looks inside the semantic unit of the text, involves parsing into main and secondary members. The two branches of linguistics, syntax and punctuation, do not exist separately.

To understand why there is a dot or a comma, you can only understand the structure of the syntactic construction. Graphical analysis shows how words, members of a sentence are interconnected, their appearance and way of expression.

Performing punctuation parsing based on assignment. More common task options:

  1. Analysis of the finished text with already placed signs.
  2. Explanation of their setting.

Difficulties arise in any case. Sometimes, a task is added: draw a diagram. It helps to notice errors: missing or extra commas. Punctuation order:

  1. Number each punctuation character.
  2. Find a rule explaining the placement of a sign at the end of a sentence.
  3. Explain the sign that unites the parts if a complex sentence (SP) is being parsed.
  4. Find rules for characters within a simple sentence (SP).

End-of-speech punctuation

Punctuation marks that complete the semantic unit of the Russian language, depends on the type of utterance:

  • narration;
  • question;
  • exclamation;
  • understatement.

In a narrative statement, a simple and complex construction, a dot is placed at the end. With reticence, incompleteness of thoughts, understatement - ellipsis. Questions require an interrogative?. When an emotional background appears in speech -! exclamations.

Punctuation at the end of a sentence can be combined:

  • ? — !;
  • ? — …;
  • ! — …

Such variants and combinations are more common in poetic works, artistic tests.

Punctograms of PP and SP

In a simple speech construction, there are various signs. You can consider the basic rules for their setting.

A dash should be placed:

  1. Between the main members, when they are expressed by one independent part of speech: nouns (in Im.pad.), cardinal numbers.
  2. Between the subject and the predicate, when one member of the sentence - indefinite form, and the other is a noun (in Im.pad.).
  3. Before index: this, here.
  4. Between the subject (noun) and the predicate (cardinal). And vice versa.

Attention! The dash occurs in incomplete constructions when one of the main members is missing. The missing word can be mentally spoken from the understanding of the first part.

Punctuation in the presence of homogeneous members

Commas are required:

  • between homogeneous words if they are listed without conjunctions.
  • before alliances of an opposing type;
  • with repeated unions (after each homogeneous part).
  • pairing (between couples).
  • before the second part of double alliances.

Commas are not required, if homogeneous concepts are connected by meaning, are an integral expression, or with the following construction:

  • [Ο yes (= "and") Ο].
  • [Ο yes and Ο].

Semicolon; is necessary if homogeneous members are not single words, but common ones, already separated by commas inside.

A generalizing concept sometimes appears before homogeneous enumerations, then in addition to commas, you will need to put a colon or a dash, both characters. You can see on the diagrams how they should be placed:

  • [Θ: Ο, Ο, Ο].
  • [Ο, Ο, Ο - Θ].
  • [Ο, Ο, Ο, Ο, Ο - in a word, Θ].
  • [Θ: and Ο, and Ο, and Ο - ...].

Highlighting direct speech in writing

A special spelling of the Russian language is adopted for presentation of the speaker's speech. Direct speech is one of difficult topics. There is a combination of several characters: quotes, colons, commas, dots and others used to complete speech constructions. It all depends on the place of direct speech (P) in relation to the words of the author (A, a):

  1. At the beginning: A: "P!"; A: "P?"; A: "P".
  2. At the end: "P", - a .; "P!" - A.; "P?" - A.
  3. In the center: "P, - a, - p."

The use of quotations in written speech is drawn up according to the rules established for direct speech.

Punctograms of the Russian language

The most common punctuation symbol in Russian linguistics is a comma. What rules will have to be explained during punctuation analysis:

  • isolation of secondary members: additions, definitions, applications, circumstances;
  • qualifying members;
  • selection of comparisons and revolutions;
  • constructions with the union "as";
  • appeals, introductory words, interjection expressions.

Punctuation parsing complex expression begins with a refinement of the form:

  • compositional connection of parts;
  • subordinating;
  • without the help of unions.

Punctuation parsing of a sentence scheme and sample

[Pierre, 1 (who knew), 2 that she was very stupid, 3 sometimes attended her evenings and dinners with a strange feeling of bewilderment and fear, 4 where they talked about politics, 5 poetry and 6 philosophy.7]. (L. Tolstoy)

Explanation of sign rules complex sentence:

7 - Point. According to the purpose of the statement, it is narrative, non-exclamatory in intonation and represents a complete thought. The explanation excludes the possibility of others: ?, …, !

1,2 - a comma connects parts of a complex structure: the view is complex. Three clauses: who knew that she was very stupid, where it was said.

1 - a comma separates the clause "who knew".

2 - completes the subordinate clause.

3 - continuation of the main main part.

4 - the beginning of the third subordinate clause.

5 - comma with homogeneous additions "about politics, poetry and philosophy."

6 - no emphasis is required: there is a union "and".

[But before that, in all acts of self-sacrifice, she joyfully realized 1 that she, 2 sacrificing herself, 3 thereby raises her own worth in the eyes of herself and others and becomes more worthy of Nicolas, 4 (whom she loved most in her life); 5 but now her sacrifice was to be 6 to give up that 7 which for her was the whole reward of the sacrifice, 8 the whole meaning of life]. 9 (L. Tolstoy)

A period is the end of a declarative sentence.

Beginning of an adjective. There are 4 adjuncts in total.

2, 3. Participle turnover.

3. Continuation of the subordinate clause.

The beginning of the second subordinate clause.

5. Semicolon. A combination of two sentences, the first part of which has a large number of punctuation marks.

Beginning of an adjective.

Beginning and end of a subordinate clause.


Attention! The parsing example shows that one sign can be explained by several rules, but some of them are set only under one specific condition.

The order of punctuation analysis of a simple sentence

You can do punctuation parsing like this:

The student loved everything academic subjects: 1 mathematics, 2 literature, 3 history.4


4 - Point. Narrative statement.

1 - Colon. A generalizing phrase stands before a group of homogeneous additions.

2-3 - Commas. Homogeneous additions are connected with the help of intonation, without unions.

An example breakdown plan:

  1. Write out an offer.
  2. Explain the final sign.
  3. Find and highlight the grammatical basis.
  4. Explain the reasons for the symbols.
  5. Make a diagram.

How to disassemble complex structure:

  1. Write out an offer.
  2. Explain the end sign.
  3. Highlight grammar points.
  4. Explain the reasons for the need for signs between parts.
  5. Explain each sign in the PP.
  6. Create a graphic diagram.

Examples of how to do punctuation analysis of a sentence:

I called, 1 the door opened, 2 but no one was visible behind it.3


3 - Period, narrative sentence.

1 - comma between PP.

2 - a comma before the adversative union "but", between two simple ones.

The teacher gave an assignment to Andrey, 1 because he was sure 2 that he could do such a thing, 3 he would do an excellent job 4 and 4 he would present the result, 5 without violating the deadlines. 6

6 is a dot, because the purpose of the statement is narration.

1 - the beginning of the first subordinate clause.

2 - the beginning of the second subordinate clause.

3 - differentiation of homogeneous subordinate clauses.

4 - signs are not needed, homogeneous predicates are connected by the union "and".

An example of a punctuation analysis of a sentence

Punctuation, what is it, how to do punctuation work


Punctuation parsing requires knowledge of the rules, the ability to see the structure of the text. Every character needs to be explained from the standpoint of the structure of the speech unit. What does it mean to parse punctuation? Explain to yourself and the verifier the correct choice of the punctogram.

Modern schoolchildren, in accordance with the educational program, study several types of analysis: phonetic, lexical, morphological, morphemic, syntactic and punctuation analysis of a sentence. Each of them has its own distinctive features and difficult to understand moments.


Many students and their parents wonder what punctuation analysis of a sentence means. It is designed to find and clarify the punctuation marks in the sentence. The ability to punctuate a sentence can improve the overall level of literacy of the student. Parsing a simple (PP) and complex (SP) sentence has its own distinctive features.

Parsing a simple sentence

  1. Read the proposed text for analysis.
  2. Assign a number to all punctuation marks present in the text.
  3. Mark the punctogram that completes the sentence, explain the reason for its statement.
  4. Identify and explain all the signs found in the sentence.

It is according to this plan that the punctuation analysis of the sentence is carried out. A sample parsing is shown below.

Analysis examples

As an example, let's take a punctuation parsing of a sentence:

1. I can entrust this secret to a man who knows how to keep his mouth shut.

2.Haven't you seen people running down the street holding flags, posters, balloons?

Step one. The sentence is interrogative in terms of the purpose of the utterance and intonation. Therefore, it ends with a question mark.

Step two. Having assigned a number to punctuation marks, we determine their number in the sentence:

Haven't you seen people running down the street (1), holding flags (2), posters (3), balloons (4) in their hands?

Step three. The sentence has one grammatical basis you did not see.

The comma at number one highlights the participial turnover. Commas numbered two and three separate homogeneous members of the sentence flags, posters, balloons, expressed by additions.

Parsing a complex sentence

The punctuation parsing of a sentence of this kind is somewhat more complicated.

1. Read the sentence.

2. Assign a serial number to all punctuation marks in the sentence.

3. Designate the punctogram that completes the sentence and explain its formulation.

4. Designate punctuation marks at the level of joint venture and explain the reason for their setting.

5. Explain the placement of punctuation marks in parts of the joint venture.

Analysis examples

As an example, we propose to conduct a punctuation analysis of a sentence:

1.We probably won't see Sergei again, since the offense inflicted on him can hardly be easily forgotten.

Step one. A full stop is put at the end of the sentence, because in terms of purpose, the statement is narrative, in terms of intonation it is non-exclamatory.

Step two. The numbering showed the presence of five punctuation marks in the sentence:

Probably (1), we will not see Sergey (2) again, since the offense (3) inflicted on him (4) can hardly be easily forgotten (5).

Step three. This proposal is complex. Parts of a complex sentence are connected subordinating union because the. The comma stands on the border of the main and subordinate clauses.

Step four. In the main sentence, the introductory word is separated by a comma probably. In the subordinate part, commas separate the participial turnover inflicted on him.

2. I am sure that you will complete this assignment, because you appreciate my location, you want to be promoted.

Step one. The sentence ends with a dot because it is declarative, non-exclamatory.

Step two. There are four punctuation marks in the sentence:

I am sure (1) that you will complete this assignment (2) because you appreciate my location (3), you want to be promoted (4).

Step three. This sentence consists of one main and two subordinate clauses, which are separated from each other by commas numbered one and two.

Step four. In the main part and the first subordinate clause there are no punctuation marks. In the second subordinate clause, a comma at number three separates homogeneous predicates appreciate And want to advance.

If the student knows what punctuation parsing of a sentence means, he will not make gross mistakes in punctuation. Thus, he will significantly improve his academic performance and increase the chances of getting a decent mark during the final exams. This is important, because how well the student passes them depends on his future admission to the university. And even such a trifle as an erroneous punctuation mark can deprive him of much-needed points.

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Punctuation analysis of a simple sentence

We work according to the textbook “Russian language. 5th grade. Authors T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov and others.

The purpose of the lesson: give the concept of punctuation parsing of a sentence; to form the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice; instill in children careful attitude by the way, to develop the ability to monitor the correctness of speech.

visibility: information plates, signal cards, illustrations.


I. Teacher's word

Today we are invited to Punctuation Kingdom. We will go there in order to check whether you can make friends with punctuation marks, put them correctly in the text. We will learn how to perform punctuation analysis of a sentence.

First, let's check if you are ready to travel. Let's see how you understand grammar terms.

II. Terminological dictation

The teacher reads the definition, the students write down the terms.

1) A section of the science of language in which phrases and sentences are studied (syntax);
2) a combination of two or more words combined grammatically and in meaning (phrase);
3) a punctuation mark denoting division within a sentence, as well as highlighting some syntactic groups (comma);
4) the main member of the sentence, which answers the questions of the nominative case (subject);
5) a proposal that consists only of the main members (uncommon);
6) a minor member of the sentence, which indicates the place, time, mode of action (circumstance);
7) a word (or a combination of words) that names the person to whom the speech is addressed (appeal);
8) a sentence that ends with an exclamation point (exclamation point).

Teacher. I see that you have mastered the grammar terms well. But you can enter the Punctuation Kingdom only with tickets. There are several questions on our ticket that you have to answer.

III. Collaboration

1. What does punctuation study?
2. From what language did the word come to us punctuation? (It comes from the Latin word punctum- dot.)
3. Name the punctuation marks you know.

Exercise . Parse the sentence: Punctuation marks serve as notes when reading. (A.P. Chekhov)

How do you understand these words of A.P. Chekhov? (Student answers.)

Teacher. Well done boys! You got the job done. The gates of the kingdom are open. But what is it?! There is some confusion ahead. Let's try to sort things out correctly placing commas in the text.

(On the board there is a text entry and a drawing “A cow in a kennel”.)

In the river there is a fish on a hillock,
Mooing a cow in a kennel,
The dog barks on the fence
The titmouse sings in the corridor,
Children play on the wall
Hanging a picture on the window
Patterns of frost in the stove,
Firewood is burning in the hands of a girl,
There is a smart doll in a cage,
Manual goldfinch sings napkins,
There are skates on the table,
Goggles are being prepared for winter,
There are notebooks for grandmother,
Always kept in order.

(From the book by G.R. Granik, S.M. Bondarenko "Secrets of Punctuation")

Our next stop is Punctogram Town. Here we are met by grandmother Punktogramushka. (The drawing is fixed on the board.) We must answer her questions.

1. What are the functions of punctuation marks? (At the end of a sentence, these are completion marks. Within a sentence, they can separate words - separation marks or highlight them - highlight marks.)
2. What punctograms did you learn in 5th grade? (Dash between subject and predicate. Punctuation marks with homogeneous members of the sentence. Punctuation marks with appeals.)

Grandmother Punctogram invites us to explain punctuation marks in sentences.

1. Do you guys like sports?
2. Clover is one of the most reliable barometers. (Yu.Dmitriev)
3. The moon shines, but does not warm.

Ahead of us is the City of polite words. Magic words live there and their faithful servants - punctuation marks.
- Guys, what words help to be polite?
- With what punctuation mark is the word friendly Please?

(Student answers.)

(On the board is an illustration for I.A. Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant".)

We have another meeting in the City of Polite Words. Heroes of the fable I.A. Krylov's "Dragonfly and Ant" also came there and asked to judge them.


Dragonfly: I don’t understand why the ant didn’t let me in. I sang, I danced. It's not my fault that I like to have fun. Why didn't the ant take pity on me?
Ant A: I worked all summer. Getting ready for winter. And the dragonfly lives one day, not caring about anything.
Guys, how would you judge the heroes of the fable? Choose one of the answers and hold up the signal card.
(Answer options are pre-written on the board.)
The dragonfly had to think about what awaits her in the winter. In vain she takes offense at the Ant.
(Red card)
Ant, you should have shown compassion.5 After all, the Dragonfly was in trouble. And in a difficult moment for another, you need to lend a helping hand.
(Green card)
I think you are both wrong. Let someone else judge you.
(Blue card)

Teacher. Tell us why you chose this answer.
- Guys, what does the number "5" mean at the end of the sentence? Remember the conventions placed at the beginning of the textbook. (Student answers.)
Let's try to parse the sentence with punctuation:
Ant, you must show compassion. 5

Students get acquainted with the material of the textbook and, with the help of the teacher, perform punctuation analysis of the sentence.

IV. Work with the textbook. Exercise 220

First, the meaning of the word forerunner.

- Guys, circumstances have developed in such a way that you will have to conduct a Russian language lesson at the school where the famous literary hero Dunno studies.
(Picture Dunno on the board.)
Our task: to find the punctuation mistakes made by Dunno and correct them.
(Children write sentences in the corrected form.)

1. The hunter went to the forest and took a dog with him.
2. Rivers, lakes and ponds sleep under deep snow.
3. Well done guys, good job.

Exercise. Perform punctuation analysis of the 1st sentence.

The game "Give me the answer." The teacher reads the beginning of the phrase, and the students must finish it.

1. Learning to use punctuation correctly helps ... (punctuation parsing).
2. Sentences for punctuation analysis will be highlighted in the textbook with a number ... (5) .
3. To perform punctuation analysis means to explain ... (what punctuation marks should be put in the sentence).

Exercise . Perform orally punctuation parsing offers: My tongue, let's be friends with you!

Exercise . How do you understand the statements of the poet A. Blok and scientist A. Shapiro?

Remove the entire work if you don't like the comma in this sentence, but don't cross out the comma: it has its own meaning.

(A. Blok)

There are, of course, such spelling errors that lead to a misunderstanding of the text, while in punctuation any error leads to a distortion of meaning to one degree or another.

(A. Shapiro)

V. Summing up the lesson

Exercise . Read the text. Tell me what happened with a person who has lost punctuation marks.

A person lost a comma, began to be afraid of complex sentences, to look for a simpler phrase.
For simple phrases came simple thoughts.
Then he lost the exclamation point and began to speak quietly, with one intonation. Nothing pleased or revolted him, he treated everything without emotions.
Then he lost the question mark and stopped asking questions.
By the end of his life, he was left with only quotation marks. He did not express a single idea of ​​his own, he always quoted someone - so he completely forgot how to think and reached the point.
Watch out for punctuation marks!

(According to A. Kanevsky)

VI. Homework

At parting, punctuation marks give you a mandate: do not forget them. They are also asked to work at home on exercise 221 and learn § 44.

When a sentence is written on the board and all spellings in words are explained, the student usually proceeds to perform oral punctuation analysis.

How to do it right? What is the order of punctuation conditions? These and many other questions are relevant for middle and high school.

Punctuation parsing differs significantly from syntactic parsing, which has a symbol familiar to schoolchildren under the number 4. It is unacceptable to confuse them! Target parsing- characteristics of the sentence, its structure and meaning.

Why is punctuation needed? It helps to apply punctograms, find the boundaries of semantic segments, follow the rules of punctuation. For parsing, sentences that are already punctuated are suitable. To complicate the analysis, the teacher offers texts with omissions of punctuation marks.

When performing punctuation analysis, they pay attention to the structure of the sentence. It is important not only the presence of main and secondary members, the number of grammatical bases and parts of the sentence, it is also important to determine the ways of expressing the secondary members of the sentence and their sequence, to find out the intonational features of the sentence.

Here are two proposals, let's analyze them.

1) Once Seryozha and Petya met in the yard, they raked the snow on the bench and sat down. 2) What to do?

In the first declarative sentence, only two signs are used: a comma separating homogeneous predicates, and a period. The second has only one question mark, since there is a question word at the beginning of the sentence.

When there are no punctuation marks inside a sentence, is it necessary to pay attention to it? Yes, it is necessary to clarify the conditions for the absence of signs. Consider an example.

Aunt Tanya treated skates like a family heirloom.

In this sentence, except for a dot, there is no sign inside. But it was possible to mistakenly put a comma before the union AS. Why is the sign not posted? Because there is a condition that prohibits a comma: the semantic segment AS TO A FAMILY RELIC has the meaning "as".

The punctuation parsing plan involves only a few points. It is customary to perform this analysis orally, therefore, for the convenience of a written description, we number all punctuation marks and explain their setting. We took all the suggestions for examples from the works of Lyudmila Ulitskaya.


I. Place of punctogram (end of sentence, simple sentence, complex sentence): punctuation marks are numbered.

II. Conditions of the punctuation norm (rules for setting / not setting punctuation marks).

III. Punctuation feature.


Example 1

The birches and aspens set on fire in the autumn hit the eyes with bright colors.

1 - a sign of completion in a declarative simple sentence.

Explanation: there is no comma between homogeneous subjects connected by a single union AND, there is no comma after the participial turnover FIRED IN AUTUMN, which is before the definitive word BIRCH AND ASPEN.

Example 2

Skating was,1 of course,2 the number one event during those holidays.3

1 and 2 - commas highlight the introductory word with the meaning of confidence,

Example 3

On the ninth of January, 1 at the end of the holidays, 2 celebrated Sanin's birthday. 3

1 and 2 - commas highlight the clarifying member of the sentence, expressed by the circumstance of time,

3 - a sign of completion in a declarative simple sentence.

Example 4

Anna Alexandrovna called the girls 1 "young ladies" 2.3 boys 4 "young people" 5 ... 6

1, 2 and 4, 5 - the character's statements are marked with quotation marks (a way of formalizing someone else's speech),

3 - comma separates homogeneous additions,

6 - a sign of completion in a declarative simple sentence (ellipsis indicates the incompleteness of the statement).

Example 5

Everything around seemed unusually clear and incredibly beautiful: 1 and white trunks of birches, 2 and bright leaves, 3 and pale blue, 4 like a faded sky.5

1 - we put a colon before a series of homogeneous members, since there is a generalizing word EVERYTHING,

2, 3 - commas separate homogeneous subjects connected by repeating unions.

4 - a comma highlights a comparative turnover with the union BUDTO,

5 - a sign of completion in a declarative simple sentence.

Example 6

One morning,1 going out into the yard,2 Sergey saw the barn roof whitened with hoarfrost,3 gray ground,4 frozen in frost,5 hardened grass,6 covered with rare snow,7 as if with salt.8

1, 2 - commas highlight a separate circumstance, expressed by the adverbial turnover GOING OUT INTO THE YARD,

3, 5 - commas separate homogeneous additions,

4, 5 - a comma highlights a separate definition, expressed by the participial turnover CLOSED BY FROST, after the defined word EARTH,

6, 7 - a comma highlights a separate definition, expressed by the participial turnover COVERED WITH RARE SNOW, after the word GRASS being defined,

7 - a comma highlights a comparative turnover with the union LIKE,

8 - a sign of completion in a declarative simple sentence.

Example 7

Poetry -1 is the heart of literature,2 the highest concentration of all the best,3 that exists in the world and in man.4

1 - a dash separates the subject and the predicate, expressed by the noun in the First case,

2 - a comma separates homogeneous predicates,

3 - a comma separates the subordinate part of a complex sentence from the main one,

4 - a sign of completion in a declarative simple sentence.

Explanation: there is no comma between homogeneous members connected by a single union I.

Example 8

The beauty of the earth disturbed Sergey's heart,1 reminded him of the past days,2 so vividly imprinted in his memory.3

1 - a comma in the middle of a simple sentence separates homogeneous predicates,

2 - a comma highlights a separate definition, expressed by the participle turnover SO BRIGHTLY IMPRINTED IN MEMORY, after the word being defined DAYS,

3 - point completes the declarative sentence.

Example 9

The trees ended at the level of the fifth floor,1 from the balcony only the finely curly tops of two ash trees were visible,2 and the ground under them was barely translucent.3

1 - a comma in the middle separates parts of a complex sentence (union-free connection),

2 - a comma separates parts of a complex sentence (coordinative connection),

3 - the point completes the declarative complex sentence.

Example 10

There was such silence in the forest1 that the chirping of tits2 jumping along the branches3 seemed unusually sonorous.4

1 - a comma in the middle separates parts of a complex sentence (subordinating relationship),

2 and 3 - paired commas distinguish in the subordinate part of a complex sentence a separate definition, expressed by the participial turnover JUMPING ON THE BRANCHES, after the defined word TITTS,

4 - the point completes the declarative complex sentence.

In some sentences, there may be several punctuation marks, in which case you need to decide in what order to do the punctuation parsing. It is logical to go from the end to those punctuation marks that are inside the sentence. But a consistent approach is also possible - in the order of the signs.


1. Bednarskaya L.D. Classification of spelling and punctuation errors made by students in written work / Russian language at school. - 2008. - No. 8.

2. Blinov G.I. Punctuation analysis / Russian language at school. - 1985. - No. 3.

3. Nikerov A.I. On the full punctuation analysis in the lessons of the Russian language / Russian language at school. - 1989. - No. 6.