WOT efficiency what is it? How to improve efficiency. Optimal technique for raising statistics

Every experienced World of Tanks player is interested in knowing clearly his own game statistics, as well as the statistics of other players. Firstly, it is important for one's own development and improvement of gaming skills, and secondly, evaluating the effectiveness of the game allows you to make a decision on accepting a particular player into a platoon, company or clan. Demand creates supply and there are currently many online resources that allow you to evaluate the quality of the game of any character.

Anyone is able to create an appropriate mathematical model and put it on the network. However, the most popular resources for calculating efficiency are the wot-news.com portals, the World of Tanks armor.kiev.ua armor site, and the wot-noobs.ru portal that calculates the World of Tanks nub rating, which provides information in a very original style for users.


Let's look at what the rating of World of Tanks players is using the example of Armorsite. To obtain the necessary information, it is enough to know only the game nickname, after entering it, extended game statistics are revealed to us. First of all, the most important information is provided - the number of battles fought, the percentage of wins and the average experience per battle. Next comes the general statistics - from the total combat experience and damage dealt to the average value of defense points and base capture. Then comes the statistics for the types of battles - in a random house, as part of a company and as part of a clan. Despite the seeming insignificance, this indicator is very important - there are examples when a player's statistics are boosted in a special way in a company game (the so-called "locomotive" increases its efficiency at the expense of other, more experienced players of its company).

But back to the achievements - the following is a list of awards ("Warrior", "Sniper", etc.), as well as epic achievements - medals. Then there are stripes (“Kamikaze”, “Spartan”, etc.) and milestone achievements - for damage done, enemies destroyed / detected, capturing or defending the base. All this can and should be looked at, but as the first decimal place - playing a "firefly" you should not expect a stream of "Warriors", and on self-propelled guns it is rarely possible to earn base capture points.

Further, extended World of Tanks statistics provide information about achievements by nation, type and level of vehicles up to a specific model (there is also an interesting feature here - you can find out how much cooler you play on a particular type of vehicle directly as a percentage relative to the average server).

In addition to individual players, these services allow you to find out what the statistics of World of Tanks clans are - such information can be useful both for potential recruits and for those who play on the GC. The clan tag displays its composition, a brief description with a list of positions, and the rating of random or clan battles for each player. Clicking on a player's nickname takes you to his personal page with statistics.

As you can see, we have before us a powerful toolkit that allows us to evaluate the style of the player, his preferences and the effectiveness of actions in battle. However, to do this, you must go online by closing or minimizing the game client. At the same time, there is an original mod that allows you to evaluate allies and opponents directly during the game - we are talking about the famous "reindeer gauge", as XVM is unofficially called. While loading and waiting for all players to join, each of them displays the total number of battles, the number of battles on the vehicle of this battle, and the corresponding percentage of wins. All information is duplicated in color: red - terrible players, yellow - average, green - good, purple - elite. In addition, the chance of winning for each side is calculated. Whether this is good or bad is up to you. On the one hand, the allies, knowing about the low chances of winning, will be psychologically more vulnerable and ready to lose, on the other hand, the deer meter allows you to track strong players both in your own and in the enemy team and support the first, trying to quickly destroy the second.

WN6 and WN7

Prior to patch, there were 3 main ratings - efficiency rating, WN6 rating and WN7 rating. With the release of update, Wargaming has introduced its own efficiency calculation coefficient, which can be found directly in the game by clicking the "Achievements" button. The calculation formula can be found on the project's official forum. It takes into account the number of battles, the type and level of the vehicle, the damage inflicted and received, plus a few more indicators. However, it does not guarantee an ideal assessment of a particular player.

Incorrect display of statistics

Let's move on to the most interesting thing - when the World of Tanks stats do not display the correct information? Like any formula of mathematical statistics, it stalls with a small sample - that is, it is incorrect and erroneous to evaluate a player who has only 100 battles on one or another type of vehicle. The result, close to real, will start from 1000 battles on one type of vehicle, everything below this can be safely attributed to speculation. Statistics shamelessly lie when calculating the effectiveness of players playing on specialized tanks - you can roll back several thousand battles on a level 1 tank, be a master at the sight of which the "sand" trembles with horror, but have an extremely low rating. The same applies to all lovers of "fireflies" and ART SPGs - the former will have a meager average damage per battle (with a fairly good average experience), the latter sag in detection, capture points and the number of enemies destroyed (with a good average damage per battle) . Keep these facts in mind when you decide to evaluate your own or someone else's effectiveness - statistics are important in the World of Tanks project, but they can also provide incorrect information.

How to evaluate the quality of the battle yourself

The next point is how to evaluate the result of one particular battle without abstruse formulas. The final statistics of the results is not always informative, so everyone decides for himself - however, there are still some evaluation criteria. The most popular of them was voiced by the well-known watermaker and commentator of numerous tank tournaments pasha2222 - a battle in which the tank inflicted at least no less damage than its own durability is considered a good result. For example, if you dealt more than 850 damage on the T-150, then regardless of the results of the battle, the performance was good. This approach is not entirely correct for "fireflies" and ART-ACS, however, it is the easiest to evaluate and indicative.

How to raise your stats

Well, the corporate question - how to improve the statistics? There are many answers to it, but all of them can be reduced to a few simple rules:

- Play as a platoon - Random battle is not 15 vs 15, it's 1 vs 29. When playing 3 vs 27, the chance of winning increases.

- The platoon should be focused specifically on increasing statistics - no game for fun, high-quality communications, unconditional obedience to the commander, widespread use of sub-caliber or cumulative ammunition.

- The choice of platoon vehicles should be appropriate - there is no chance of increasing statistics when playing on AMX 40. But KV-1S or Hellcat are ideal for such tasks.

- Learn the materiel - tank penetration zones, stabs on maps, basic tactics. This information will also come in handy in random play, so any World of Tanks efficiency calculator will show you how much better you play in a very short time.

– Prior to the release of, a popular way to increase efficiency was "pedobing" - playing at low (1-2) levels among inexperienced players. Now this shop has been closed, so that the maximum in the “sand” can improve the percentage of wins. And not everyone likes to offend little ones.

Efficiency in World Tanks is a special collection of statistics of all data about your battles, all data is shown in three-four-digit numbers, which are then summed up in the overall efficiency rating (RE) and the higher it is, the better for your tank, the percentage of victories and the number of damage inflicted.

Now, to see the efficiency of World of Tanks, there are many resources that are used as calculators for calculating victories

And not only a specific player, but the entire team or clan. In the new versions of the calculator, only EFF and WN8 indicators are now actively used, the last of them is the most important, since it shows the amount of damage / knocked out tanks or the amount of exposure. In some calculators, in addition to the full statistics of all your vehicles, you can also see the number of rewards earned.

In addition to your own statistics, you can see the efficiency of World of Tanks and other players, evaluating the ratings, you will know exactly who you need to take to your clan in order to make as many victories as possible for the common team.

Efficiency ratings are calculated according to a special formula, where the values ​​of the tank's condition are taken from (number of victories / frags, etc.) and then summed up in a total amount, which is noticeably different from the older versions of WN6-WN7, so only WN8 should be used for calculation. Statistics are available for all four active servers that players play on. For example, on the WOT website, in addition to separate server statistics, you can also see mixed statistics, which shows the top of the most active farmers in the Efficiency Rating.

In addition, the efficiency can be viewed by installing the XVM auxiliary mod, which displays statistics in the interface \ during battle loading

So it will be immediately clear to you whether to engage in battle with the enemy or not, the amount of damage is shown there, and the percentage of your possible victory. In order to keep the efficiency in a positive way, you need to fight with tanks of your own or lower level, pump the advantages of the tank in time, develop the crew, etc. Yes, it will certainly take a lot of time, but then you will have a chance to win more, and, accordingly, increase your rating. Then this rating can be put in the top on the site, and perhaps other players from other servers will catch up with you.

Previously, in order to view the statistics, you had to wait 11 days, or a week, but now on some sites you can do this once a day, this is very convenient, for example, if you played 10-20 fights at a time and want to see the statistics, then you nothing will stop you from doing it.

Participation in tank battles "World Of Tanks" captures, plunging headlong into the atmosphere of heated battles. Over time, questions begin to arise:

  • How do I know how well I play?
  • What figures can tell about my achievements?

Then the time comes and the player learns about the existence efficiency statistics while learning the formulas and ways to improve them.

How to find out efficiency in World of Tanks

You must enter your game nickname in the form below and the efficiency calculator will calculate everything for you!

Player stats
Number of fights:
Number of tanks:
Destroyed per battle:0
Damage per battle:0
Found per battle:0
Base defense points per battle:0
Base capture points per battle:0
Average level of tanks:0
Win percentage:0
Efficiency Efficiency Rating:0

The formula used in calculating the efficiency

When calculating the efficiency, the formula of the Performance Rating is used, because. She is one of the most popular
  • R is efficiency and it depends on six parameters of the player:
  • K - the average number of destroyed tanks;
  • L - the average level of the player's tank;
  • D dmg - average damage dealt;
  • S is the average number of detected tanks;
  • D def is the average number of base defense points;
  • C - the average number of base capture points.

How it works?

User efficiency is remembered. Thus, you can follow the dynamics of changes in the Performance Rating (RE). In order to see the changes in RE, you need to play a few fights and re-enter your nickname.

Change in efficiency in plus or minus. The countdown starts from the last RE check:

It is also possible to view the entire history of efficiency changes in the form of a graph:

Helpful information

Count yourself? Well, I do not!

Count each time, enter new data into the formula? - It's not required. In order to determine your efficiency, you need to enter a game nickname in the form (above), start the data download process and wait for the result. In the same place, they will explain in detail what and how to do in order to raise the value of this indicator. Ways exist honest and not very. Although open cheating is punishable by a ban (permanent).
There are many varieties of this program. world of tanks efficiency calculator can show not only your coefficient, but also calculate how many fights are left before the required percentage of wins. And not victorious battles, but games in the style inherent in you.

A look into the future or a funny-named device.

You always want to predict what the fight will be like. Who will be your opponent - a seasoned tank ace or a "green" player on stock vehicles. To do this, you need to install a special mod "", with which you can find out the efficiency without leaving the battle.

For those who have already played, the name "deer meter" speaks for itself. The uninitiated need to explain that in the game "deer" is called players who do not shine with success. At the very beginning, when the loading table appears, several numbers appear in front of each player. They show: the percentage of victories, the value of efficiency, the total number of fights. During the download, you can choose potential "victims" for yourself, and remember who it is desirable to stay away from. It also provides general data on the chances of winning by analyzing the players and comparing the vehicles involved in the battle.

Don't get hung up on numbers

I want to note right away that these indicators are relative. world of tanks player efficiency may be artificially high. Or vice versa, it does not reflect the real combat qualities of the player. How can it be? You can improve your coefficient well and bring zero benefit to the team (break into the enemy’s “spawn”, “light up” everyone and die courageously). The allies at this time did not have time to do anything. The "strands" had just begun to advance into positions, and the "art" had not even "reduced" to this square. The situation is the opposite. Huge benefit to the team in battle. He shot down the "harp" of the enemy, held back the advance of the whole group, preventing the enemy from deploying battle formation. Transmitted the coordinates of the self-propelled guns. According to the results of the battle - low efficiency.

Chance to win

It happens that a team that has no chance of winning (the data of the "deer meter") wins in a matter of minutes. Sometimes the low numbers of the players on the opposing team are relaxing. Everyone understands that victory is in your pocket. And they successfully lose.

How to increase efficiency?

Why not use some tricks to your advantage to raise your score and scare others with high data.

Boosting Factors

Greatly increase the effectiveness rating points for knocking down and capturing the base. So, it must be used in combat. Moreover, if you embarked on a capture on a heavy tank of level 8 and above, this will greatly increase your efficiency.

Reducing Factors

It is not recommended to use artillery:
  • No capture points, knockdowns;
  • Not very high damage numbers;
  • Low level of technology.

Combat options to increase efficiency

  1. Act according to the principle "Our shooter managed to do everything." Rush, help your friends, kill strangers, inflict maximum damage. A significant figure of efficiency, the sea of ​​"fan".
  2. Modestly "squeeze sideways" to the enemy base, stand up for capture. As a result, we get a large amount of efficiency, a well-played game and victory over the enemy. But on the condition that you survived and almost single-handedly captured someone else's base.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of players every minute play one of the most popular MMO action games - World of Tanks. This game captivated everyone with its opportunity to try out heavy armored vehicles of the 20th century.

In addition to the general fun and the opportunity to shoot at your friends or someone else from any corner of the world, the game itself is a fierce battle for the best statistics. Because having one, your profile will be painted in one of the TOP colors, and other players will understand that you should be afraid on the battlefield.

So many people have a question, how to view statistics in World of Tanks

The statistics include the following items:

Percentage of wins;
damage inflicted per battle;
percentage of hits;
ratio of murders and deaths;
average level of fights.

These are only the main indicators, much more input data is taken into account. From this, statistics are divided into several types:

And now, in order, let's look at how to view statistics in World of Tanks

Personal rating was invented by the developers of the game. It sums up the percentage of victories, experience gained and damage per battle, survivability, total number of battles, damage by light and help to allies. The hardest thing to raise the bar of this rating is players with a large number of battles. You will have to deal even more damage and “shine” enemies.

Even before the appearance of the official rating, the players came up with an efficiency rating, it can only be seen in the game hangar. It shows the amount of average damage, points for knocking down and capturing bases, the number of captured opponents and the tanks you destroyed.

WN8 is an extended statistic that is constantly being improved. It differs from the previous version (WN7) in that damage is more important than kills. It has certain reference values. And the closer the player is to them, the higher his rating will be.

Common between statisticians

Among the three statistics above, there are common values ​​that are worth considering for growth in all three. The most important indicator for any tanker is the win rate. The higher his percentage, the greater the opportunity to benefit his team.

Another important indicator is damage per battle. Everyone wants to do a lot of damage, so everyone basically prefers vehicle classes that deal a lot of damage. Thanks to this indicator, you can understand the skills of the player and his average efficiency.

For clans, the average level of battles is of great importance; applicants for entry are determined on its basis.

And the last main indicators are how many the player killed and was killed, as well as how much damage he received and inflicted damage. For cool players, these indicators are always higher than 1. And it immediately becomes clear from them who is pulling the team, and who is being dragged by the team itself.


Sooner or later, most players come to the moment when most of the research branches of interest have already been pumped, a dozen or two of their favorite tanks are in the hangar and they want to find another motivation in the game, another goal to achieve. One such goal for many players is to increase their skill and performance rating, which reflects how well a player plays in combat relative to the rest. And of course, everyone wants to know their level of efficiency as quickly as possible. Previously, it was possible to get acquainted with this only in the post-battle statistics in the hangar, to evaluate the statistics for the session. However, with the mod "Efficiency calculator WN8 and EFF (RE) in combat World of Tanks" you have the opportunity to evaluate the level of efficiency already filled at the moment right in the battle and decide whether you should chase the next frag or you already have enough.

There are several variations of the mod for you to choose from - in the simple one, your efficiency rating for EFF and WN8 and the damage dealt are displayed, and in the extended one, the average and last damage are also displayed. Also among the options to choose from is a minimalistic version and a version of the calculator from NooBool, with icons of class signs.

Among the additional indicators of the calculator, there is another important one - the average damage across the server on a particular tank, displayed as a negative number until you exceed this indicator.
