Internet Olympiad dedicated to presidential elections. Test passed early

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1 The completed form of answers to the quiz questions is sent electronically to the following address: by February 20, 2018 See also the relevant section on the website of the Central Election Commission at: p/n Question 1 President Russian Federation is elected by the citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a period of 2. The legislation on the election of the President consists of Answer options a b in five years. six years. seven years. Constitution, the federal law dated June 12, 2002 67-FZ "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens", other federal laws. Constitution, Federal Law No. 67-FZ of June 12, 2002 "On the Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens", Federal Law of the Federal Law "On Elections of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly" Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of June 12, 2002 67-FZ "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation", Federal Law of January 10, 2003 19-FZ "On Elections

2 2”, other federal laws. Federation”, other federal laws. 3 Elections of the President are called. 4 The following election commissions are carried out by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly to prepare and conduct elections of the Federation, ensure the exercise and protection of the electoral rights of citizens. The decision to call elections must be made no earlier than 100 days and no later than 90 days before voting day. 1) Central Electoral Commission; 2) district election commissions; 3) election commissions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation; 4) election commissions of municipalities; 5) precinct election commissions. State Duma of the Federal Assembly. The decision to call elections must be made no earlier than 110 days and no later than 90 days before voting day. 1) Central Electoral Commission; 2) election commissions of subjects; 3) district election commissions; 4) territorial election commissions or election commissions of municipalities, which, in accordance with the Federal Law of June 12, 2002 No. 67-FZ "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens" are vested with the powers of territorial election commissions; 5) precinct election commissions. by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation not earlier than 90 days and not later than 80 days before voting day. 1) Central Electoral Commission; 2) election commissions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation; 3) territorial election commissions; 4) precinct election commissions.

3 3 5 Federal elections in 2018 are held by 6 Candidates for the position of the Federation can be nominated by the majoritarian electoral system of relative majority. political parties that have the right to take part in elections, as well as in the order of self-nomination. majoritarian electoral system of absolute majority. exclusively for self-nomination. proportional electoral system. exclusively by political parties that have the right to take part in elections. 7 Within the limits of its authority established by federal laws, candidates for the position of the Federation are registered by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. district electoral commission. the election commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in whose territory the candidate for the position of President permanently resides. 8 In accordance with Article 84 of the Constitution, the President of the Russian Federation appoints, with the consent of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. signs and promulgates federal laws. manages foreign policy. 9 A citizen of the Russian Federation under the age of 35 who has permanently resided in the Russian Federation for less than 10 years does not have the right to be elected President; having the citizenship of a foreign state recognized by the court as incompetent or being held in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict. under 35 years old, permanently residing in the Russian Federation for less than 10 years; foreign citizen

4 4 10 A candidate nominated by way of self-nomination is obliged to collect at least 100,000 voter signatures in her support collect at least 100,000 voter signatures in her support collect at least 300,000 voter signatures in her support collect at least 300,000 voter signatures in support of a candidate nominated by her, or a residence permit or other document confirming the right to permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the territory of a foreign state; - declared legally incompetent by a court or held in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict; - having restrictions on passive suffrage, warning reviewed by paragraph 5.2 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 19-FZ "On Presidential Elections". collect at least 2 million signatures of voters in their support. collect at least 2 million signatures of voters in support of the candidate nominated by her.

5 5 previous elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates) is obliged signatures of voters belongs to 1. All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA". 1. All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA". 2. Political party "COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION". 1. All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA". 2. Political party "COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION". 3. Political party JUST RUSSIA. 4. Political party LDPR Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. a capable citizen who has reached the age of 18 at the time of collection of signatures. capable citizen who has reached the age of 18 on the voting day. a capable citizen who has reached the age of 18 on the day of voting and is registered in the territory of the corresponding subject. 14 The voter has the right to sign in support sign in support sign in support

6 6 15 In the event of early or repeat elections of the Federation, a candidate nominated by self-nomination must collect in his support 16 candidate number of signatures established by the Federal Law, 17 Collection of signatures of voters in support of the nomination support for the nomination of various candidates. at least 50 thousand signatures of voters. but not more than 10%. from the date of submission to the Central Electoral Commission of the nomination of various candidates, but only once in support of the nomination of the same candidate. at least 150 thousand signatures of voters. but not more than 7%. from the date of notification of the Central Electoral Commission of the nomination of only one candidate. at least 200 thousand signatures of voters. but not more than 5%. from the date of payment for the production of signature sheets.

7 7 of the candidate, a written application for the registration of a group of voters created to support the self-nomination of the candidate, a statement of the candidate's consent to run and other documents is carried out. on holding a congress of a political party to nominate a candidate. 18 During the current election campaign for the presidential elections on March 18, 2018, a candidate or an authorized representative of the political party that nominated the candidate shall submit for registration of a candidate to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation certain federal laws no earlier than December 27, 2017 and no later than January 31, 2018 until 18:00 Moscow time. from January 31, 2018 to March 12, 2018. no earlier than February 15, 2018 and no later than February 22, 2018.

8 8 documents 19 During the current presidential election campaign on March 18, 2018, the first decision to register a candidate for the position of the Federation was made by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation on December 29, 2017. January 8, 2018. January 14, 2018. 20 Pre-election campaigning during the election campaign for the elections of the Federation begins on the day the political party makes a decision to nominate a candidate and ends at zero o'clock local time on the day preceding voting day. begins on the day a candidate submits an application for consent to run for office to the Central Election Commission and ends at zero o'clock local time on the day preceding voting day. begins 28 days prior to voting day and ends at zero o'clock local time on the day preceding voting day. 21 A political party, if it nominates a candidate and his subsequent one, no later than 10 days before voting day. no later than 20 days prior to voting day. no later than 30 days before voting day

9 9 of registration by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation publishes its election program in the all-Russian state periodical printed publication, places it on the Internet, and also submits a copy of this publication to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, and also reports the address of the site on the Internet , which contains the election program of this political party 22 Candidates have the right to conduct election campaigning. leader of a political party. citizens of the Russian Federation, political parties, other public associations. 23 A candidate for the position of the Federation is entitled to up to 100 proxies. up to 600 authorized persons. up to 700 authorized persons in each subject of the Russian Federation.

10 10 nominate 24 Political parties that have nominated registered candidates for the position of the Federation have the right government organizations television and radio broadcasting and print space in all-Russian state periodicals in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law. nominated a registered candidate, if in the next previous presidential elections the candidate nominated by this political party received less than 2 percent of the votes of the voters who took part in the voting. in the manner prescribed by federal law. that nominated a registered candidate, if it is the legal successor of the political party that nominated the candidate who received less than 2 percent of the votes of the voters who took part in the voting in the next previous presidential elections. receive free airtime on the channels of municipal television and radio broadcasting organizations and print space in municipal print media in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law. nominating a registered candidate, if in the next previous presidential election the candidate nominated by this political party received less than 2 percent of the votes of voters who took part in the voting, or nominated a registered candidate, if it is the legal successor of the political party that nominated the candidate who in the next

11 11 26 The maximum amount of all expenses from the electoral fund of the political party that nominated a candidate for the position of the Federation cannot exceed The political party that nominated a candidate for the position of the President is not entitled to create its own electoral fund. previous elections, the Federation received less than 2 percent of the votes cast. 400 million rubles. 500 million rubles. 27 In the period from January 31 to March 12, 2018, voters who will be outside their place of residence on voting day have the right to apply for inclusion in the voter list at their location in person to the territorial election commission, apply for inclusion in the voter list at their location personally to the territorial election commission or through a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services or in electronic form through the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)" apply for inclusion in the list of voters at the location in electronic form through the federal state information system "Single portal of state and municipal services (functions)" 28 Voters who in the period from January 31 in the period from February 1 in the period from February 25

12 12 will be outside their place of residence on voting day, have the right to submit an application for inclusion in the list of voters at their location in person to the precinct election commission by March 12, 2018 by March 17, 2018 by March 12, 2018 29 The election results of the Federation are determined by the district election commission. Central Election Commission. electoral commission of the subject. 30 The President of the Russian Federation, elected in accordance with the Constitution and Federal Law No. 19-FZ of January 10, 2003, takes office within ten days from the date of signing the protocol on the election results on the thirtieth day from the date of official publication by the Central Election Commission overall results elections of the Federation after six years from the date of taking office of the President elected in the previous presidential elections Do you think that the person who collects signatures has the right to make such a proposal? Answer the question and justify your position. 32. A preliminary forecast of the results was published on the regional news Internet portal 3 days before the day of the presidential elections. Do you think that such an action of the editors of the Internet portal is lawful? Answer the question and justify your position. 33. On the day of voting in the presidential elections, a woman came to the polling station

13 13 with visual impairment. In accordance with the procedure established by law, she was given a ballot paper. After that, the woman turned to an employee of the election commission with a request to help mark the right candidate, but the employee refused. The observer, who was nearby and heard the whole conversation, said that he could help. What do you think, is such a situation possible and how should it be done? Answer the question and justify your position. 34. In your opinion, can a citizen living in Russia present his foreign passport in the absence of a general passport to vote in the territory? Answer the question and justify your position. 35. Which of the novelties of the electoral legislation that is applied or will be applied during the current election campaign for the presidential elections on March 18, 2018, seems to you the most important and (or) interesting? Answer the question and justify your position.

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The contract for the development of the Olympiad tasks was concluded by the Russian Center for Education in Electoral Technologies (RTsOIT) at the Central Election Commission, the Vedomosti newspaper reports, citing documents on the public procurement website. It will be executed for 38,000 rubles by Marmeladov LLC, a company mainly engaged in advising on commercial activities.

The Internet Olympiad dedicated to presidential elections is planned to be held among high school students. The event is aimed at raising the level of legal culture of young and future voters, follows from the consolidated plan of the main events of the RCOIT for 2017.

The CEC expects in a month to receive a set of 100 test questions with answers, in another 10 days - at least 1000 situational tasks with answers for the electronic version. Within two months from the date of the conclusion of the contract must be prepared guidelines on the implementation of the interactive version of the Olympiad. In the near future, the commission plans to clarify the conditions for holding the event, the press service of the CEC told the newspaper.

OOO "Marmeladov" was the only company that applied for the execution of the contract. Its general director, Olga Orekhva, refused to comment on the upcoming work to Vedomosti, noting that, according to the law, an entrepreneur can engage in any activity, if it is not prohibited. According to the public procurement website, in 2016 Marmeladov LLC signed four contracts for 457,500 rubles for the provision of security services, the development of a radioactive waste management project, and the development of an enterprise strategy.

According to Vedomosti, CEC Chairwoman Ella Pamfilova has repeatedly pointed out shortcomings in outreach during the 2016 State Duma elections. Among other things, this explained the low turnout of voters.

The CEC began to prepare for the presidential campaign in 2018 in advance. The commission is planning to develop a concept and program of outreach activities during the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as holding a competition among regional commissions for the best organization of such work.

According to political scientist Abbas Gallyamov, by doing so the CEC may be trying to increase turnout in the elections. It is difficult to achieve this with the help of agitation, because in the absence of a real choice, the voter usually reacts poorly to calls to come to the polling stations, the expert noted.

But if people can be persuaded that "everyone does it," then the desired effect can be achieved. For example, you can bet on the fact that only by participating in elections can you subsequently demand something from the authorities. This message can also be promoted through schoolchildren, the political scientist explained.

Last week, the media became aware that one of the key topics of the 2018 presidential campaign could be the image of the future of Russia. This issue will be worked out by Kremlin experts, sociologists, the Committee of Civil Initiatives (CGI), headed by the ex-Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin, as well as participants in the All-Russian Civil Forum (OGF). Against this background, political scientist Andrei Kolesnikov said that the current regime in reality cannot have an image of the future, since its main goal is to preserve power and inherit it painlessly.

Russian presidential elections will be held in 2018. On April 12, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted in the first reading a package of amendments to the law "On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation", providing, in particular, the possibility of postponing the vote to March 18 - the day Crimea was annexed to Russia. According to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, such a transfer could bring Putin an extra 2% of the vote in the elections.

Earlier, the media had repeatedly received information about the Kremlin's plans to ensure an unprecedented high turnout at presidential elections spring 2018.

At the same time, at the end of last month, analysts reported on the relationship between voter turnout and protest moods in society. According to the results of a study conducted by the Sigma Expert agency, it turned out that in the regions of Russia with a low turnout for the elections to the State Duma in September 2016, protest activity during the actions against corruption on March 26 turned out to be the highest.

It is also worth noting that a feature of the anti-corruption protests that took place in the Russian regions in March this year was the participation of a large number of schoolchildren and students. After that, many episodes got into the press pressure teachers of schools and universities against students in order to dissuade them from participating in such actions.

MOSCOW, April 4 - RIA Novosti. The presidential elections in Russia, held on March 18, were marked by the highest voter turnout in the last 10 years, although the current turnout is inferior to the campaigns of 1996, 2000 and 2008, according to a report by the Committee of Civil Initiatives (CGI) Alexei Kudrin.

Voting in the presidential elections in Russia took place on March 18. Voter turnout was 67.54%. The current President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin won with a score of 76.69% of the vote, according to the final data of the CEC, more than 56.4 million voters voted for him.

On Wednesday, OIG presented its final report on the monitoring of the current elections. The material was prepared by KGI experts Alexander Kynev, Arkady Lyubarev and Andrey Maksimov. The report is based on official data on election results, materials from research trips of experts, and information from open sources. Since the Kudrin Committee does not monitor polling stations, the experts in the report do not touch on the voting process, but analyze its results.

The turnout is not a record, but obviously high

"The elections of March 18, 2018 demonstrated, although not a record, but obviously high voter turnout, losing in turnout only to the presidential elections of 1996, 2000 and 2008," the report says.

The current elections with a turnout of 67.5% were marked by the most significant activity of voters in Russia over the past decade, indicate the KGI. Thus, the turnout in the 1996 presidential elections was 69.8% and 68.9% in the first and second rounds, respectively. In 2000, the same indicator was equal to 68.7%, and in 2008 - 69.8%. In 2004, the turnout was lower than the current one (64.4%), as in the last elections in 2012 (65.3%).

The experts also compared turnout rates in the regional context for the current and past presidential elections and noted a trend towards equalization of indicators across regions.

"The increase in voter turnout was not universal, it manifested itself in 54 regions out of 83 that existed in 2012. The decrease was observed primarily in a number of regions with traditionally high or ultra-high turnout," the report says.

We are talking, in particular, about such regions as Bashkortostan, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Mordovia, Tatarstan, Chechnya, Belgorod, Voronezh, Saratov, Tyumen regions, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, experts specify.

“The strongest decline (by 11.8%) occurred in Mordovia. The decline in the Komi Republic (by 9.7%) is also very noticeable, probably related to the Gaiser case,” the authors of the report believe.

The leader in turnout increase was Kabardino-Balkaria (by 18.7%). The authors of the report also noted an increase of more than 10% in the Perm and Stavropol Territories, Bryansk, Vladimir and Magadan Regions.

"In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the increase in turnout (1.6%) turned out to be less than the Russian average, despite the great efforts of the city authorities. Probably, the boycott campaign organized by the non-systemic opposition played a role," KGI experts suggest.

They also note that "a new territorial gap has emerged in the voting results of the regions Far East manifested simultaneously in a reduced turnout and support for the authorities, with a simultaneous increased vote for a key opposition candidate".

"Obviously, in the conditions of extreme remoteness from Moscow and "measured" standard management methods do not find sufficient support, and the mechanisms of electoral mobilization work clearly weaker," the report says.

Without absentee ballots

The OIG emphasizes that this time the high turnout was accompanied by a serious reduction in the rate of voting at home - the level of outbound voting in the country as a whole decreased compared to 2012 from 8.2 to 6.5%. The decrease in this indicator occurred in most regions, the percentage of mobile voting also decreased in the regions that were leaders in this issue in 2012: then in 10 regions the level of mobile voting exceeded 13.5%.

"This time, the highest level (13.3%) was observed in the Penza region, followed by Pskov (13.1%), Voronezh (12.3%), Oryol (12.1%) and Tambov (12.0%). ) regions. Nevertheless, the level of mobile voting in the leading regions should be considered high," the report says.

The high value of voting at home is usually considered by experts as risky for ensuring the secrecy and reliability of voting, reminded the OIG, the decrease in this indicator is positive. However, experts fear that the newly created system of voting at the place of residence on a declarative basis, which has replaced the institution of absentee ballots, may become a source of new risks.

“The possibilities for analyzing its manifestations and effects are still limited, and understanding the mechanisms of movement of applications and changes in voter lists requires more accurate static information. The new procedure has shown its usefulness for a significant number of voters, but in many respects it needs to be improved,” the OIG is sure.

The Committee's experts refer to the data on the number of applications in the context of polling stations for each of the regions, which were accumulated by the "Golos" movement. The CCI indicates that in most regions, according to the new mechanism, more voters were unlinked than attached, with the exception of 18 regions where the opposite trend was observed. The authors of the report note that the most understandable is the predominance of those who are attached in Moscow, the Moscow region and three resort regions - Crimea, Sevastopol, Krasnodar Territory.

On the other hand, the Committee’s experts point out that “the prevalence of withdrawals in St. Petersburg is surprising,” they point out that one of the Telegram channels even suggested that about 100,000 residents of St. they are led to other regions in order to increase the turnout rate in the northern capital."

"The highest share of unattached (13.0%) is in Tyva, and the highest share of unattached (15.8%) is in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. A high level of electoral migration is also in Buryatia (7.2% of unattached and 7.9% of unattached ), Yakutia (9.4% and 10.4%), the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (6.6% and 10.0%), the already mentioned St. Petersburg (8.7% and 11.5%) and the Leningrad Region (9.4% and 6.3%)," the report says.

Inconsistencies in the list of voters

Committee experts note that problems with the number of voters arise in all federal elections. In their report, they provide, in particular, data on the number of voters at the start and end of voting by region.

“It can be seen that in a small number of regions the number of voters on voting day has decreased. These are the republics of Dagestan, Ingushetia and Kabardino-Balkaria, as well as the Saratov region. It can be assumed that the number of voters decreased purposefully to increase the turnout rate,” the authors of the report believe.

In other regions, the number of voters in the lists by the end of voting, according to the KGI, increased. At the same time, the most significant growth was recorded by experts in Sevastopol (by 3.6%), St. Petersburg (3.1%), Moscow Region (3.1%), Buryatia (3.0%), Krasnoyarsk (2.8%) and Kamchatka Territories (2.7%), Moscow (2.7%), Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (2.6%), North Ossetia (2.3%), Chuvashia (2.1%) and Kaliningrad region (2,1%).

The authors of the report point out that in some regions, such as Sevastopol and the Kaliningrad region, this phenomenon can be explained by the voting of military personnel, "although there are no legal obstacles to their number being taken into account before voting begins."

"The most reasonable explanation for most regions is that many voters were not included in the lists (or wrongfully excluded during their feverish" purge "). According to information from PEC members, there really were many of them. At the same time, some voters are repeatedly absent from lists, but the system is designed in such a way that information about such voters does not reach the TEC, which maintains the register," the report says.

Gone and invalid ballots

Quite often, the protocols of precinct commissions reveal a difference between the number of ballots given to voters and the number of ballots in the ballot boxes, experts say. This may indicate the number of ballots carried away by voters, which the law does not prohibit them from doing, they specify.

In the current elections, the difference between the number of ballots issued and found in the boxes turned out to be zero in the vast majority of polling stations (more than 87.1 thousand polling stations), the report says. At 10.3 thousand polling stations, this difference ranged from one to 10 ballots, "which can be considered within reason," the KGI notes.

"But at 710 polling stations the carry-over exceeded 10 ballots, and at 392 polling stations it exceeded 20, at 163 - 50 and at 58 - exceeded 100. Such results raise well-founded doubts, and it can be said with a high degree of certainty that they indicate either errors , or about deliberate manipulations, for example, aimed at increasing the turnout rate," the report says.

As for the percentage of invalid ballots, it is traditionally low in the presidential elections, experts of the committee note. "In 2008, it was 1.4%, in 2012 - 1.2%. The current elections were no exception - the total share of invalid ballots was 1.08%," the KGI material says.

The situation varies by region in this regard; The highest proportions of invalid ballots were in four Far Eastern regions — Sakhalin Oblast (1.72%), Jewish Autonomous Oblast (1.71%), Khabarovsk Territory (1.69%) and Primorsky Territory (1.61%), experts point out .

"An extremely low value of the share of invalid ballots was recorded in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (0.13%), which, in relation to this region, is also accompanied by the most high rates turnout, which cannot but arouse suspicion. Four other Caucasian republics also showed low values ​​- Dagestan (0.44%), Ingushetia (0.40%), Karachay-Cherkess (0.43%) and Chechen (0.38%)," the report says.

The Russian Center for Education in Electoral Technologies (RCET) under the CEC signed a contract to develop Olympiad tasks for holding an Internet Olympiad dedicated to presidential elections among high school students. This follows from documents published on the public procurement website. The event is aimed at raising the level of legal culture of young and future voters, says the consolidated plan of the main events of the RCOIT for this year.

Development of Olympiad tasks for 38,000 rubles. Marmeladov LLC, a company whose main activity is, according to the SPARK-Interfax database, is consulting on commercial activities. She was the only one who applied. In 2016, according to the public procurement website, the company signed four contracts for 457,500 rubles. – for the provision of services in the field of security, the development of a project for the management of radioactive waste, the development of an enterprise strategy. Olga Orekhva, general director of Marmeladov LLC, said that she could not comment on the upcoming work, since it had not yet begun, but according to the law, an entrepreneur can engage in any activity if it is not prohibited. Meanwhile, in a month, the CEC expects to receive a set of 100 test questions with answers, in another 10 days - at least 1000 situational tasks with answers for the electronic version, and within two months from the date of the contract, methodological recommendations should be prepared for the implementation of the interactive version of the Olympiad . The commission plans to clarify the conditions for holding the Olympiad in the near future, the press service of the CEC reported.

Test passed early

In 2014, RTSOTI held in test mode an Internet Olympiad on elections among schoolchildren in order to develop proposals for the Ministry of Education and Science to include the event in the list of All-Russian Olympiads.

CEC Chairman Ella Pamfilova has repeatedly noted shortcomings in information and explanatory work during parliamentary elections 2016: the new composition of the CEC joined it literally from the wheels and there was not enough time for a thorough preparation of the information campaign. This, among other things, explained the not very active voter turnout. The Central Election Commission began to prepare for the presidential campaign in advance: the commission plans to develop a concept and program of information and explanatory work during the preparation and conduct of elections, to hold a competition among regional commissions for the best organization of such work. We didn't forget about the students either. Political scientist Abbas Gallyamov says that it is difficult to raise the turnout with the help of campaigning: as practice shows, in the absence of a real choice, the voter usually reacts poorly to calls to come to the polling stations. But theoretically, the effect can be achieved if people can be persuaded that "everyone does it." Much here depends on how well the main message of the campaign is chosen, he argues, for example, you can bet on the fact that only by participating in elections, you can subsequently demand something from the authorities. And if this is part of a large campaign, then work with schoolchildren may well become one of the channels for promoting the main message: high school students do not vote, but they can draw the attention of their parents to the elections.