Description of Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer - an ordinary child from a prosperous family

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Many people find Oscar Wilde's novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" incomprehensible. Of course, until recently, the writer's work was interpreted not quite adequately: literary critics considered aestheticism as an alien phenomenon, moreover, immoral. Meanwhile, the work of Oscar Wilde, analyzed carefully, gives an answer to the question that has been bothering humanity since its birth: what is beauty, what is its role in becoming ...

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1937 scary page our history. Names come to mind: V. Shalamov, O. Mandelstam, O. Solzhenitsyn... Dozens, thousands of names. And behind them are crippled fate, hopeless grief, fear, despair, oblivion. But the memory of a person is surprisingly arranged. She saves the hire, dear. And terrible ... "White Clothes" by V. Dudintsev, "Children of the Arbat" by A. Rybakov, "By Right of Memory" by O. Tvardovsky, "The Problem of Bread" by V. ...

The theme of this work simply excites my poetic imagination. The border of the 19th and 20th centuries is such a bright, active page of literature that you even complain that you didn’t have to live in those days. Or maybe I had to, because I feel something like that in myself ... The turbulence of that time arises so clearly, as if you see all those literary disputes ...

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A story about nature in the springtime of the year The beginning of the spring of light Spring frost The road at the end of March The first streams The spring stream The spring of water The song of water The spring gathering Bird cherry Spring upheaval The beginning of the spring of light On the eighteenth of January it was minus 20 in the morning, and in the middle of the day it was dripping from the roof. This whole day, from morning to night, seemed to bloom and ...

One of the most serious socio-psychological problems, which has been solved by modern literature from time immemorial, consists in the correctness of the choice of the hero's place in life, the accuracy of his determination of his goal. Consideration of our contemporary and his life, his civic courage and moral position is led by one of the Naitalanites contemporary writers-Valentin Rasputin in his stories "Farewell to Mother", "Fire". When you read...

It is human nature to decorate own life, and not only for other people's eyes, but also for their own. This is understandable, even natural. Just as a bird builds its own nest, so a person creates comfort in his own home, order and traditions in the family, and a lifestyle. It doesn’t matter only when it becomes an end in itself, not a background, but the main plot, when serious talk and…

Swans fly, cooing, carrying maternal love on their wings. Mother, mother, dear mother - how many words are there in the world that we call a person's nayridnish?! And is it possible to convey with them all the love for the mother - the only woman who will never betray you, despite the pain, tears and suffering? She will always be by your side...

The outstanding American writer Mark Twain wrote many books that have been read by many generations of people. And the favorite among them is the novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". The main character of this work is Tom. He is a carefree schoolboy, naughty, sometimes even rude. His head is always full of all sorts of stupid stories and dirty tricks. Tom can skip classes at school, playing in the woods and imagining himself as a pirate, then the famous robber Robin Hood. He even runs away from home. But this boy is a great dreamer and inventor, brave, honest, faithful in friendship, does not like unfaithful, dishonest people and slanderers. He takes the blame of the girl Becky, whom he likes, on himself, tries to tell the little girl that he is alive so that she does not worry.

Tom managed, thanks to his ingenuity, to turn punishment into entertainment - so the attraction of painting the fence, which lined up a whole line of applicants. Many adventures fall on the fate of Tom Sawyer, among them dangerous ones. But he, along with his friend Huck, gets out of all dangerous situations with honor, discovers his best qualities, although it causes a lot of worries to their loved ones.

So, Mark Twain vividly and convincingly showed the children's world of American boys, who had to face not only their own, children's problems, but also the cruelty and injustice of the adult world. Readers believe that Tom Sawyer will grow up to be a kind person and a decent citizen, no matter what.

Tom Sawyer's Childhood World

Other essays on the topic:

  1. The outstanding American writer Mark Twain wrote many books that have been read by many generations of people. And the favorite among them is the novel ...
  2. In 1876, one of Vienna's most famous and popular works, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, was published. "Adventures of Tom Sawyer"...
  3. Mark Twain spent his childhood in the town of Hannibal on the Mississippi. After the death of his father, he was forced to leave school. While working as an apprentice typist in...
  4. American reality in M. Twain's satire (In the works "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn") American reality in M. Twain's satire ...
  5. In the image of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain portrayed himself “I told Tom Sawyer about my own tricks,” the writer told his ...
  6. The secret here is that the fairy tale is also full of such details that we immediately believe, because they are vital. O...
  7. In 1876, one of Twain's most famous and popular works, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, was published...
  8. From the time they met, they could no longer live alone without one. Fin is the son of a drunkard known in the town,...
  9. The story "The Prince and the Pauper" (1882). England in the 16th century, two very similar boys - one prince, the other a beggar - changed clothes ...
  10. It's nonsense to work on the Sabbath. Tom, having received the task of whitewashing the fence from Aunt Polly, thought: thirty yards of a wooden fence ...
  11. One of the means of creating comic effect is the writer's dialogue, which he masters with amazing perfection. In the minds of young heroes, everything ...
  12. Many different adventures were in the life of the heroes of Mark Twain - Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. And in every episode...
  13. Congratulations! I am Tom Sawyer. Does my name seem strange to you? Perhaps that is the way it is. I am an Englishman. I live with my aunt...
  14. CHAPTER I Aunt Polly searches all over the house for her naughty nephew Tom Sawyer and catches him when the boy tries to sneak ...
  15. It is easy to imagine the feeling of two boys who ended up in a cemetery at night. They were always attracted by everything secret, unknown, associated with danger. Volume...
  16. Beecher Stowe Harriet Pastor's daughter, wife of a divinity professor. In the novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (1852), which received worldwide fame, for the first time showed the inhumanity of slavery ...
  17. The creative activity of the American writer Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811 -1896) is associated with the rise of abolitionism, which grew along with the intensification of contradictions between the industrial northern...

Sections: Literature



  • show students that the heroes of the book are distinguished by their rich imagination, spiritual purity, love of freedom;
  • develop the ability to argue their judgments with references to the text;


  • to lay in children's souls the concepts of "friendship", "childhood", "fantasy";
  • develop in children a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance;
  • demonstrate an example of childhood friendship;


  • introduce children to the world of fascinating reading of adventure works;
  • to teach children to think creatively over a work of art;
  • prepare children to realize the value of friendly relations between people.


  1. Portrait of Mark Twain (color reproduction).
  2. Exhibition of works by Mark Twain (drawn up a few days before the lesson).
  3. Exhibition of children's drawings for the novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (issued 1-2 days before the lesson).
  4. Photograph of the monument to Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn in Hannibal (USA).


Even the most serious, most businesslike person,
when talking about this world famous boy,
begins to smile, and his eyes soften.

I. Ilf and E. Petrov.


Hello guys!

The topic of our lesson today is “The World of Childhood in Mark Twain's book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”.

We have been going to today's lesson for almost a year. During the whole academic year, in literature lessons, we turned to this wonderful book, followed the events unfolding on its pages, worried about the fate of the young heroes of the novel. And today we can confidently say that we have read and understood the book. For the lesson, you had to make drawings for the chapters of the book that attracted your attention, you liked and remembered. Pay attention to the exhibition of drawings, we will turn to it later in the lesson.

Our goal today is to find out what the heroes of Mark Twain are, how the author treats his heroes, and also to consolidate the ability to work with the text of the work.

Before talking about the work and its heroes, it is necessary to get acquainted with the writer, whose work we have touched.

Several people in the last lesson expressed a desire to prepare short messages about Mark Twain on their own. Please!


Mark Twain is a famous American writer. From the age of twelve he began his career. He worked as a typesetter in a printing house, a gold digger, a reporter, and a pilot on the Mississippi River.

Mark Twain is the pseudonym of the writer. His real name is Samuel Clemens. Such a pseudonym was not chosen by chance. “Mark Twain” for the Mississippi pilots at that time meant: “everything is in order, there is no shallow, you can safely navigate the ship.” Mark Twain wrote many books. The most famous of them: "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", "The Prince and the Pauper" and, of course, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer".

So, M. Twain is the literary pseudonym of the American writer Samuel Clemens, who, before becoming a writer, changed several professions, including being a pilot on the Mississippi River.


Thanks guys for the message. We continue to work.

What are your impressions of the book? What did you like? Tell me.

Often the guys name the following chapters as the most interesting:

Chapter IV. About Tom making up illnesses so he can't go to school.

Chapter VIII. About Tom playing Robin Hood with Joe Garler.

Chapters XIII, XIV, XVI. About how Tom, Huck and Joe live on the island like pirates.

Chapters XXXI, XXXII. About how Tom and Becky Thatcher traveled, getting lost in a cave.

Chapter XXI. About how Tom and his friends taught a lesson to the evil teacher Dobbins.

I listen to every child. His opinion is important for the result of the lesson as a whole.


On the board are your guys drawings made for various chapters of the book.

And now I will ask those who wish to comment on their work. Answer, why did you want to depict this particular episode from the book on paper?


So, based on your feedback on the book, based on your wonderful drawings and commenting on them, I conclude that I liked the book. The adventures of Tom Sawyer and his friends did not leave any of us aside. And we are not alone. Mark Twain's book about the adventures of Tom Sawyer, a never-disheartening tomboy, has been and is being read in many countries around the world.

What is so attractive about this book? Let's try to find out this question.


1. Let's remember how the novel begins? How does Tom appear to us from the first pages? (Reading)

Already from the first lines of the book, Tom appears before us in all the splendor of boyish restlessness and mischief, resourcefulness.

2. How do you imagine Tom? (Support your answers with references to the text)

4. Why are Tom's inventions, his restlessness, his mischief and pranks so striking?

5. By the way, in what city does the novel take place? What is this city? Find its description on the pages of the book. (St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg)).

Americans like to give small provincial towns the names of large cities and even capitals of other countries. They have not only St. Petersburg, but also Constantinople and even Paris.

After the guys answered about the habits of the inhabitants of the town and their way of life (A small town is used to a quiet, measured life, calmness. Nothing disturbs the ordinary life of its inhabitants. Everyone in the town knows each other by name and by sight), I ask about the reaction of St. Petersburg residents to the appearance of a new a person in a city or an entire family (as was the case with Becky Thatcher's family). In response, the children say that this is a whole event for a quiet town. Therefore, Tom, with his mischief, great vitality, is like a natural disaster for Aunt Polly and all the other townspeople.

6. Why did Tom hate school and church? (Support your answer with text.)

Tom didn't like school, he doesn't like learning his lessons by flipping through the pages of boring textbooks. But he loves to read. He has read many adventure books.

It's time to ask the guys what adventure books they have read. If the answers of the children are mean, it is worth naming a few works for them and recommending some of them for reading.

7. Where and why do boys feel free and happy? Why? (Support your answer with references from the text.)

8. But why do friends still leave the wonderful island?

9. So what is Tom? What kind of hero is he, positive or negative? What do you like about Tom, and what do you consider a flaw in his character?

But before answering this question, I suggest you watch a scene prepared by your classmates.

(SCENE) The guys prepare for the scene in advance, select costumes, make props.

So, what attracted you to Tom Sawyer?

10. And which of the characters in the book is similar to Tom? The same mischievous? How are they similar to Tom?


Tom, like hundreds of other children, like many of you, is a lively, cheerful boy who is fond of reading and knows many games, a great inventor.

He has a kind and generous heart. At school and church, he is unbearably bored and uninteresting. He is often punished for various pranks and tricks, but he never loses heart and always finds new amusements. For example, Tom turns the whitewashing of the fence into an exciting game.

He and his friends (Huck, Joe) cannot put up with the boring life of a small provincial town and run away to the island, where they enjoy freedom and feel happy. Tom is disinterested, noble, good-natured, and Becky calls him even noble.

12. Who else do we call noble? What is "nobility"?

The amazing adventures of Tom cannot leave indifferent not only us, but American children and adults. Yes, even adults know and love Tom Sawyer and his friends, as well as the man who invented them - Mark Twain.

You guys have a reproduction of a photograph of the monument to Tom Sawyer and Gekk Finn in the city of Hannibal (USA), where Samuel Clemens was born.

13. What do you think, for what purpose did the Americans erect this monument? (Pay attention to the inscription made on the monument).

Mark Twain was loved and loved by many generations of young readers. And even writers and poets, Twain's colleagues in writing, bowed before his talent. And the Russian poetess Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva dedicated the poem “Books in Red Binding” to Mark Twain:

From the paradise of children's life
You send me a farewell greeting,
Unchanged Friends
In a worn, red binding.
Lights flicker on the chandeliers ...
It's good to read a book at home!
Under Grieg, Schumann, Cui
I learned the fate of Tom.

It's getting dark... The air is fresh...
Tom is happy with Becky full of faith.
Here is Injun Joe with a torch
Wandering in the twilight of the cave...

Cemetery... Owl's prophetic cry...
(I'm scared!) Here it flies through the bumps
Adopted prim widow
Like Diogenes living in a barrel.

Lighter than the sun is the throne room,
Above the slender boy is a crown ...
Suddenly - a beggar! God! He said:
“Allow me, I am the heir to the throne!”

Oh golden times
Where the look is bolder and the heart is purer!
Oh golden names
Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, The Prince and the Pauper!


It is important that the conclusions on the topic of the lesson correspond both to its course and to the goals that were set by the teacher.

X. DON'T FORGETat the end of the lesson, mark each child who took part in it, comment on each mark, praise the children, motivating them to a positive emotional field, to work in the next lesson.

We all come from childhood. This truth is simple, like everything ingenious. Childhood is a whole world: bright, diverse, full of secrets and mysteries. There is always a place in it for pranks and entertainment, for exploits and ridiculous deeds, for first love and for first betrayals and disappointments. But the most important thing is that childhood is an inexhaustible source of knowledge with which experience comes to a person.

There are people who remain children in their hearts for the rest of their lives. They do not lose their youthful enthusiasm, thirst for new knowledge, they believe in the triumph of good. It seems to me that this is exactly what Mark Twain was, otherwise he could have so naturally reproduced the thoughts, experiences, aspirations of the little boy Tom Sawyer and his friends.

Tom is an ordinary boy who realized early on that in a small gray town everyone is only concerned with their own concerns, no one cares about the problems of others. But, like all other children, he keenly felt injustice and, with all his childish maximalism, opposes evil. The little boy, along with his friend Huckleberry Finn, did what no adult dared to do - he saved an innocent person.

Tom was a dreamer and a visionary. When he and his friends ran away from home and ended up on the island, pictures from the life of pirates arose in his imagination. He assured the guys that once upon a time pirates hid countless treasures on this island.

The writer touchingly describes the experiences of the hero associated with the feeling of first love.

That's why I really like Becky. He tries to get her attention, but he does it somehow childishly clumsy. Maybe because he is afraid of losing the authority of a daredevil in the eyes of his comrades, which should not be exchanged for some kind of tenderness. But feeling takes precedence over reason. He involuntarily draws the name of the girl in the sand, which is why he is very angry with himself, wipes what was written.

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", I'm sure, did not leave anyone indifferent. One gets the impression that it is not fate that sends a test to the boy, but vice versa - it is he who tests fate. Some actions can be considered senseless, but the hero's loyalty to his ideals, confidence in the victory of good cannot but delight the reader. And I want all adults to remember from time to time that they come from childhood, then, perhaps, their world will become sunny.





« Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

Educational institution:

MBOU secondary school No. 25

Class: 5 "B"







Veretelnik E.A.


Galyan S.V.


2014 \ 2015 ACADEMIC YEAR

Topic: The bright and joyful world of childhood in the workMark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

Learning task: clustering

Terms: story, biography, autobiography, autobiographical work


  1. students' comprehension of the artistic world of Mark Twain's story "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", features of the image of the world of childhood, in whichthe heroes are distinguished by their rich imagination, spiritual purity, love of freedom; perception and decoding by students readers of the XXI century - depicted in a work of art and comparison with the realities of today;
  1. developing the ability of schoolchildren to holistically perceive a large text, to argue their judgments with references to the text; develop coherent speech, expressive reading skills;
  1. education in children of optimistic views on life, a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance.

Lesson type: learning lesson.

Children should live in a world of beauty,

games, fairy tales, music, drawing,

Fantasy, creativity.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Equipment: a portrait of Mark Twain (color reproduction), an exhibition of children's drawings for the story "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer".

The date of the:

During the classes

І. Organizing time

Hello guys.Today we will continue our acquaintance with Mark Twain's story "The Adventure of Tom Sawyer"

II. Updating of basic knowledge

Teacher: In the previous lesson, we began to study a work whose title contains a word that fascinates with unforeseen, mysteriousness. Adventures..."The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" - this is the name of the story of Mark Twain(repeated demonstration of the portrait of the writer).When studying the material in the lesson, getting acquainted with the textbook article at home, you were able to make sure that Mark Twain's life is also filled with adventures - happy and tragic, interesting and dangerous, funny and unpredictable. Let us recall some of them, because the story "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is directly related to the life of the writer.

2. Conversation with students

  1. - What facts of the writer's biography impressed you the most?
  2. What was Mark Twain's job before he became a writer?
  3. What character traits, in your opinion, helped Mark Twain to become a world leader? famous writer?
  4. - Name the works written by Mark Twain for children.
  5. - Twain has a book of memoirs called "Autobiography". And yet it is not as well known as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. What can explain such popularity?

(A conclusion about the cheerful, optimistic perception of the world by Mark Twain, about the diligence and cheerful nature of the writer, about optimism, which helps to overcome difficulties, find the strength to achieve the goal.)

Do you remember what a story is? ( Tale this is a work that tells about the history of a person's life, which is closely intertwined with the fate of other people.)

What are the characteristics of an autobiographical novel?(Autobiographical work- a literary work created on the basis of one's own experience from the life of the writer)

Prove that "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is an autobiographical novel.

III. main stage

1 learning situation

Teacher: I know that you do not really trust adults when you hear from them childhood memories filled with regret that that time has passed. In your future adult life, you see yourself as independent, independent, successful... But aren't you in too much of a hurry to part with your childhood? Perhaps adults are right about at least one thing: childhood is the most wonderful time? In today's lesson, we will try to find the answer to this question.

2 learning situation- Checking homework. Children's comments on the drawings

Teacher: On the board are your guys drawings made for various chapters of the book. And now I will ask you to comment on your work. Answer, why did you want to depict this particular episode from the book on paper?

(Students show and comment on their drawings)

Teacher: So, based on your wonderful drawings and their comments, I conclude that the adventures of Tom Sawyer and his friends did not leave any of us aside. So let's enter the unique, bright world of childhood of the main characters.

3 learning situation- Work on understanding the content of the story

Teacher: Guys, let's remember in which city the action of the novel takes place? What is this city?

Students: St. Petersburg.

Teacher. Americans liked to give names to small provincial towns major cities and even the capitals of other countries. They have not only St. Petersburg, but also Constantinople and even Paris.

Teacher: Why did Tom hate school and church?

Students: Tom didn't like school, he doesn't like learning lessons by flipping through the pages of boring textbooks. But he loves to read. He has read many adventure books.


  1. What adventure books have you read? (teacher's recommendations: books to read)
  2. - So what is Tom? What kind of hero is he, positive or negative? What do you like about Tom, and what do you consider a flaw in his character?
  3. - And which of the characters in the book is similar to Tom? The same mischievous? How are they similar to Tom?

4 learning situationwork with the chapter "Tom meets Becky"

Teacher: Guys, open your textbooks to the chapter "Tom meets Becky"

(Reading by roles from the beginning of the chapter to the words: “Oh, Aunt Polly, come quickly”)

What character traits of the hero are shown in this episode?

Students: Cunning……

Teacher: why doesn't Tom want to go to school?


The hero calls the school a dungeon. He knows that at school he is waiting for the boring “buzz” of the class and cruel punishment for the slightest offense. The means of persuasion and education, from the point of view of local teachers, is a stick.

  1. What was Tom Sawyer punished for when he came to school?
  2. Why aren't adults allowed to be friends with Huckleberry Finn? Find the lines containing the answer to the question

Read aloud the passage from the words: "And also, because ..." to the words "... well-bred"

  1. Why did all the boys, including Tom, “dove their souls” in Gekka?


The picturesque figure of a little tramp leading an independent lifestyle rises from the pages of the novel as a living embodiment of that great humanistic theme of freedom that underlies the work.

A mischievous and rebel, Tom Sawyer is Mark Twain's favorite hero, precisely because he instinctively brushes aside everything that can drown out his living sense of life.

Revealing the inner world of his hero, the writer shows that the child sees his “playful” entertaining side in every object.

Teacher: Find the paragraph that says "Tom welcomed the romantic drifter." (Someone reads expressively to the words "... and everyone felt that he became richer")

  1. Why do guys believe that all these stories are true?


Young heroes novelists want to believe in the magical nature of life, to see the miraculous in the world. So it becomes more interesting to live, the most important thing appears that supports a person all his life - hope.

With the whole logic of his novel, with the whole system of his artistic images, Twe leads the reader to the idea that life by its nature can be wonderful, fascinating, that "miracles" are hidden in the most ordinary objects.

Humorously playing up the naivety of children's perception of life, Twain at the same time affirms the beauty of life as something undeniable and objectively existing.

  1. How do the characters behave in the tick buying scene?
  2. What things become the subject of purchase and sale in the world of Tom and Gekka?

The wealth of adults has as much relative value as the treasures of Tom and Gekk.

Teacher: What picture did Tom draw when he was planted and to Becky (which is depicted)?

Students: Tom drew an hourglass topped with a round moon, attached thin straw arms and legs to it, and armed his outstretched fingers with a huge fan.

5 learning situation- Work on the epigraph

Why did we choose these words as an epigraph to our lesson?

6 learning situation clustering

Teacher: Guys, I suggest you make a cluster with the qualities of Tom's character. Everyone knows how to make a cluster? (the slide will present the clustering algorithm)

I V . Lesson results. Evaluation of student activities

Conclusion. In the story "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Mark Twain created a bright, joyful world of childhood, because childhood is the most wonderful period of life.

v. Homework

Find episodes that confirm the ingenuity and enterprise of the main character, prepare their retelling on behalf of the main character.

Creative task: continue the sentence: "What would I take into adulthood from childhood."