Thank you parents from the coach. Happy birthday to the coach

Sometimes we complain about how strict the coach is, doesn't give us a moment's rest! But when success comes, we take its strictness for granted... And if the coach not only knows his business, but also a sincere, good person, we ourselves want to set a world record in excitement! Today we congratulate the person with whom we are ready for a lot and wish him all the best! Happy Coach's Day!

You know many proverbs about labor and, confirming them in practice, tirelessly chase us ... for which we are very grateful! Happy Coach's Day! Believe me, we do not forget your science when leaving classes, and we learn not only exercises, but also patience, temper our nerves! And we wish you long years and unfading health in order to raise more than a dozen students!

You are well aware that hard work and perseverance bring victory closer and sweeter... Congratulations on Coach's Day! The fact that they came to this profession is probably a sign of Fate ... We are very glad that we fell into your reliable hands and sincerely wish you to always smile, never get sick, but live happily ever after!

Happy Coach's Day! With you, we are ready to set new records, but, of course, we will not be overloaded and will follow your recommendations ... With you, we understand that sports are not only good for the body, but also strengthening the spirit! Thank you for the useful science in our difficult life! Let me wish you the fulfillment of all desires, inspiration for new training methods and good mood!

You worry heartily about each ward, trainings are not put on stream, but on the development of talents ... Congratulations on the holiday, our beloved, permanent coach! Know that we, with the whole friendly gang, will not let you go for a very long time and sincerely wish you to always remain the same wonderful, kind and cheerful person!

The importance of sports was confirmed by ancient philosophers, the greatest minds, so why should we be stubborn? Let's skip the kitchen gatherings and go to the gym! And we will certainly grab the attention of our coach today to congratulate him on his professional holiday and express good wishes!

Sport not only developed our body, but helped to strengthen the inner core, taught us patience and self-confidence ... For this reincarnation, we must also thank you, our coach! Moreover, today there is an occasion - Coach's Day! So let me congratulate you and wish you not to change! After all, you are so beautiful with a smile, cheerfulness and an amazing, warm warehouse of character!

The task of a trainer, as you know, is not to train, but to improve what is laid down by nature, how to cut stones into treasures ... You cope with this perfectly, for which we congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you all the best!

Jump high or from a tower, run or throw something light hand... with a good coach - everything is possible! On a special, festive day, we sincerely congratulate the person who opened up a new sports world for us, and wish him longevity, happiness in life and a sea of ​​love, understanding from the dearest people, friends and students!

In our modern fast-paced life, at least without a bit exercise it is hardly possible to achieve harmonious development... On Coach's Day, we must not forget those who help us become better! We want to thank you and wish you to be stronger than flint, not get tired of drilling students and just live happily!

It is definitely worth mentioning that many of the coach's pupils have become one of the most successful athletes to date. And this is largely the merit of the teacher. Of course, this person will continue to do so. And good health, happiness, success in work and the achievements of athletes, of course, will help in this. The main thing is sincerity In a word, congratulate the coach on the holiday, thank you again for the wonderful pupils that the country can be proud of, wish new promising guys, constant success, great luck, as well as prosperity, love, sparkle in the eyes, rainbows and the sun over your head and only good, kind people on the path of life.

Thank you letter to the coach - sample text

For these congratulations, we have selected for you the following gifts from our catalog: Therefore, I wish you to experience many wonderful moments and minutes in your life that will bring you great joy and pleasure! Today we congratulate our teachers! There is no person in life who sooner or later would not communicate with people of this wonderful profession! Please accept my sincere congratulations on a wonderful holiday and wishes of success in professional activity, good health, prosperity, good mood and joy! Dear Governor of our region! Please accept sincere congratulations on the holiday! Thanks to you, our region is prospering more and more, gaining new opportunities for development. I sincerely wish you more interesting projects and successful ideas, mutual understanding in the team, good health and prosperity! I thank fate for giving me a son whom I love dearly.

Words of gratitude to the coach in verse and prose

Option number 5 to the Management of HC Shaiba! We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the coaching staff represented by: Petr Petrovich Petrov, Afanasy Illarionovich Skorodumov, Ignat Zakharovich Vissarionov. Thanks to their efforts, high professionalism and pedagogical talent, our children, with great desire and passion for sports, strive for hockey lessons.


We express our sincere gratitude to these people for their work, the ability to cultivate a sports character, hard work, discipline, strong spirit, courage, courage, desire for victory, an individual approach to pupils. Thanks to our coaches who do not spare personal time, treat their work with great enthusiasm and patience and show by personal example how to treat your favorite business.

We thank them for making our children strong, dexterous, responsible, self-confident.

Thank You Letter

How much strength, patience is needed, To teach something ... We will say thank you together for the opportunity to be in sports! For a wonderful moment of success, For victories, for dreams, For courage, for a sea of ​​​​laughter, For medals and flowers! Thank you, beloved coach, For your difficult work, For a powerful stimulus, for support, For everyday care. Thank you for all the victories, For the sweet moment on the pedestal, For being with me And in the moment of triumph and in the gym.
Coach, I thank you for all the effort, time, guidance and great work that has been invested in me. My achievements are your hard work. Thanks for the tips, help, friendship, faith in success.
You are the best! More congratulations in prose → Thank you, coach, for your support, For strength of mind, kindness, For the fact that in a clear sky My star was lit for everyone. For every day I will say thank you, For tears, pain and success. Now I know for sure, coach: You are definitely the best.

A collection of samples of thank you letters to a coach from parents and other relatives. Here you will find texts for a mentor in swimming, karate, hockey, and others.

There are also universal texts suitable for a specialist teaching various sports disciplines. The text for sports literacy is also available on the site.

All names, surnames and names of organizations are used solely for the convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need. At the end of the page there are guidelines for formatting the letter.

Option number 1 (universal) Dear Agafya Sidorovna We sincerely thank you for your great pedagogical talent, the highest professionalism, dedication, sincere generosity and painstaking coaching work. Your patience, responsiveness, sensitive attitude and ability to captivate students, revealing many new things to them, inspire new victories.

Congratulations to the coach. what to wish?

I'm grateful that I met you! All my victories were, first of all, your merits! Let luck be a faithful companion in your work! After all, without a coach there are no champions! Thank you coach for teaching, How to be strong, train, win! And true happiness on your birthday. We want to wish you the whole team! Happy birthday, coach! Happy Birthday, teacher! May the years of champions never grow old! Today we congratulate the person with whom we are ready for a lot and wish him all the best! It is to you that we owe our victories in sports and achievements in life! We wish you good health and long, long life! May Fortune be with you! Also Read: Related Posts

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Congratulations in prose

I wish you new sports victories, health, happiness and prosperity. Sincerely, Parents' Committee of SC "Vershina" Option No. 7 We express our heartfelt gratitude to Uryupina Anastasia Petrovna, karate instructor of the St. Petersburg School of Martial Arts.

Your assistance in training athletes of the Russian karate team in the European Championship of the World Shotokan Karate Federation made it possible for many of our athletes to fulfill the dream of participating in prestigious international competitions and showing brilliant results. We wish you further professional success, sports victories to your pupils and satisfaction with the results of your activities.

Let your sporty and life path will be easy and successful, brings satisfaction and joy. Sincerely, the parents of the pupils of group No. 1 of the Children's and Youth Sports School of the Central District of Almaty

Tambov Option No. 10 We thank Romanovsky Boris Aleksandrovich, coach-teacher in cross-country skiing of the Children's and Youth Sports School of the Priozersky District, for the success achieved in the physical education of students and active participation in social and sports activities. Sincerely, Parents of Cross Country Students April 2018

Option number 11 Instructor for physical education Dear Marianna Lvovna! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping our children grow strong and healthy! For your ability to captivate with sports and for fun activities that develop the body and temper the soul. May luck and optimism never leave you! Thank you from future professional athletes and their parents.

Thanks to the swimming coach from the parents in their own words

Dear coach! Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the holiday! You are not just a coach; You are a mentor, an experienced teacher and a good psychologist! That's why your team consistently shows great results and has great potential! We wish you good luck in the sports field, great personal achievements and success to your team! Good health, happiness and all the best! Our dear coach! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. Thank you for your work, for believing in us. Our successes are your merits. Be always healthy, strong, lucky, and may your students bring you joy and pride.
On this wonderful day, accept sincere congratulations and words of gratitude! May you always have a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositive and good energy with which you charge those around you. Love life and life will love you! Happy birthday! Without the development of culture, society falls into decay, degrades and dies. Therefore, we sincerely wish only the prosperity of your profession! Good luck and all the best! Our dear and respected director! That is why our company is flourishing, and, along with it, we, its employees. I want to wish you a happy birthday with simple, but sincere words.

Option number 14 Dear Sofia Sidorovna! Please accept the words of sincere gratitude for your worthy contribution to sports training and education of the younger generation. Your coaching activity is an example of professionalism and enthusiasm.


Your work with parents has always been distinguished by attention and responsiveness. Our gratitude to you is immeasurable, because you are a coach with a capital letter, a talented mentor and a wonderful, bright person.

We wish you health, prosperity and new victories in the creation of future champions.

On behalf of all the parents of children involved in the Boxing Sports Club, we express gratitude and special thanks to their coaches Rasoyan Raso Aleksandrovich and Rasoyan Roman Muradovich for organizing interesting sports activities and kind, attentive attitude towards our young athletes.
An individual approach to each of the children made it possible to captivate the children with this sport, not to be afraid, to be brave and hardworking. The children attend the Club and study with great pleasure and interest. They show a desire to engage in the Boxing Club every day, without missing a single lesson. The structure of the training itself is very well thought out. It includes a warm-up part (40-45 minutes), during which the guys run 2-3 kilometers in the fresh air, or warm up by playing football with coaches, also in the fresh air, weather permitting. The second part of the training includes directly exercises and techniques for mastering boxing techniques, which the trainer carefully explains to the children. Next, the guys perform and work out the details. During the training, the coaches carefully monitor the health and safety of children. It is forbidden to strike in the face and neck area. And also, if the child shows signs of fatigue, the coach is invited to take a short time out to catch his breath and rest for a few minutes.

We express our gratitude to our coaches!!!

Shchepina Ludmila Nikolaevna

Thank You Letter

I, on behalf of the parents, want to express my deep gratitude to all those who have taken and are taking an active part in the support and development of the School of Boxing sports club.
Thanks to its existence, our children develop their physical abilities, which makes them more flexible, self-organized in the school process,
hardy not only physically, but also morally. This tempers their character and in the future affects only positively in all areas of activity,
for which they take. From childhood, children begin to absorb such concepts as honesty and openness, as well as responsibility not only to themselves, but also to others.
Separately, I would like to thank the coaches, in particular, Rasoyan Roman Muradovich, who daily invests a part of himself in the guys, trying to approach everyone
individually, so that the person becomes as clear as possible about the performance of one or another element of the exercise, which, in turn, contributes to the development of the child himself. A very interesting way is the weekly training process. Trying to make the maximum variety in the activities and development of the child, in the first
one day the coach can make a bias on the technique of correct punching, on the other day a bias on sparring and practicing punching techniques, on improving physical data
an athlete, plus the warm-up itself can consist not only of long-distance running, a standard warm-up in the gym, but also playing football, basketball, etc.

Thank you on behalf of all the parents whose children have the opportunity to study in this hall!

Hello! We express our gratitude to the sports boxing club "Losinoostrovsky" for the physical and moral education of our son Vladimir Kolomeytsev. Sincerely, Alexey and Natalya Kolomeytsev.


I, Meleshko E.D., express my deep gratitude and gratitude to the coach Rasoyan Raso Alikhanovich and junior coach Rasoyan Roman Muradovich for their professional skills, pedagogical talent, sincere generosity and education of students of the boxing school. You open a unique world to your students! I especially want to thank you for the individual approach to each child.

I also want to express my gratitude to the district administration for the fact that this school works regularly and provides an opportunity to improve one's health, acquire self-defense skills, and develop physically and spiritually.

And the main benefit is that a large number of children and young men of school age are involved in this club. This promotes a healthy lifestyle among young people, which is very relevant at the present time.

I believe that this boxing school is indispensable for physical and moral education, both for the younger generation and for people of a more mature age, but this requires modern sports equipment and a spacious gym, which is currently lacking.


A collection of samples of thank you letters to a coach from parents and other relatives. Here you will find texts for a mentor in swimming, karate, hockey, and others. There are also universal texts suitable for a specialist teaching various sports disciplines. The text is also available on the website.

All names, surnames and names of organizations are used solely for the convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need. At the end of the page there are guidelines for formatting the letter.

Option number 1 (universal)

Dear Agafya Sidorovna

We sincerely thank you for your great pedagogical talent, the highest professionalism, dedication, sincere generosity and painstaking coaching work. Your patience, responsiveness, sensitive attitude and ability to captivate students, revealing many new things to them, inspire new victories.

Thank you for your individuality, originality and sports creativity. We wish you good health, prosperity and happiness. May your talent and the victories of your pupils multiply, and the kindness you gave will return to you multiplied.

The team of parents of the sports "B" group.

Option number 2

The team of parents expresses sincere gratitude to the swimming coach Sidor Petrovich Kharitonov, who teaches children at the Iceberg sports complex.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping our children grow strong and healthy! For an individual approach to each child, for being able to captivate the swimming technique and help to train with passion and interest. Our children look forward to every next training session under your guidance.

Thank you for the excellently organized and effective training process in the group and for the care with which you follow the successes and mistakes of each child in the group. For the excellent physical condition of our children - a separate gratitude to you.

We wish you health, strength and patience, as well as future Olympic victories for you and your students.

The team of parents of future Olympic champions,

learning to swim in the pool

sports complex "Iceberg"

Option number 3

Dear Ignat Andreevich!

Thanks to your efforts, high professionalism and outstanding personal qualities, our children have become more interested in a sports lifestyle.

We appreciate your coaching experience, contribution to the education of future hockey players and just real people.

Your talent, huge heart, breadth of views and effective methods training contribute to the development of the potential of boys.

We express our sincere gratitude to you for your work, for the patience and kindness that you show to your pupils. May your experience, flexible approach, talent as a coach continue to contribute to the development of children in sports.

We wish you prosperity, prosperity and happiness!

Sincerely, Parents

Option number 4


in the discipline "Tennis"

Tver city sports

center "Olympic"

Kashirina F.I.

Dear Theodosya Ilyinichna!

We express our sincere gratitude to you for your personal contribution to the physical and sports development of our children, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and for the high results of your pupils in district and district competitions.

We sincerely wish you health, happiness, success both in coaching and outside of it.


team of parents of your students

December, 2019

Option number 5

To the leadership of HC Shaiba!

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the coaching staff represented by: Petr Petrovich Petrov, Afanasy Illarionovich Skorodumov, Ignat Zakharovich Vissarionov.

Thanks to their efforts, high professionalism and pedagogical talent, our children, with great desire and passion for sports, strive for hockey lessons. We express our sincere gratitude to these people for their work, the ability to cultivate a sports character, hard work, discipline, strong spirit, courage, courage, desire for victory, an individual approach to pupils.

Thanks to our coaches who do not spare personal time, treat their work with great enthusiasm and patience and show by personal example how to treat your favorite business. We thank them for making our children strong, dexterous, responsible, self-confident. We observe the results of their efforts every day and never tire of admiring them.

We thank the leadership of HC Shayba for providing a highly qualified coaching staff. We sincerely hope and believe that the coaches Petrov P.P., Skorodumov A.I., Vissarionov I.Z. will continue their work with the Pobeda team in 2020 (and subsequent) and together with them we will be proud of the success of the students and the results activities of the coaching staff.


Parents of pupils born in 2011.

Option number 6

Pchelin, Gennady Yurievich,


Kalinin Children's

and youth sports club.

Dear Gennady Yurievich!

On behalf of all the parents of the pupils of the Kalinin sports club "Vershina" and on my own behalf, I express my gratitude to you for your conscientious work, education and training of the winners of the Russian championship in karate.

I wish you new sports victories, health, happiness and prosperity.


parent committee of SC "Vershina"

Option number 7

We express our heartfelt gratitude to Uryupina Anastasia Petrovna, karate instructor of the St. Petersburg School of Martial Arts.

Your assistance in training athletes of the Russian karate team in the European Championship of the World Shotokan Karate Federation made it possible for many of our athletes to fulfill the dream of participating in prestigious international competitions and showing brilliant results.

We wish you further professional success, sports victories to your pupils and satisfaction with the results of your activities.


team of parents of pupils

"Petersburg school of martial arts"

Option number 8

Dear Ivan Appolonovich!

We express our gratitude to you for your contribution to the development and popularization of ski jumping and Nordic combined, to the formation of a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents.

Thank you for your generous contribution to physical development of the younger generation, patience, sensitivity, professionalism and perseverance in achieving sports goals.

We sincerely wish you good health, prosperity and new professional victories! Let your favorite business bring pleasure, joy and pleasant prospects.

The team of parents of children studying

in DYuSSh No. 19 in Lipetsk

Option number 9

The team of parents of pupils of group No. 1 expresses gratitude to football coaches Golubkov Zinoviy Ibragimovich and Spiridonov Spiridon Spiridonovich for their high professionalism in coaching.

Thank you so much for your hard work! Every day you give students a piece of your talent, pass on valuable experience and sports skills. In the team, the guys are given the opportunity to show their individuality. The atmosphere of mutual assistance, support and friendship reigns in the group. Your training process is exciting, you can feel the hand of a professional in it, and we transfer children with a calm heart into your experienced hands. We constantly observe how our children learn to be kind, responsive, responsible and provide mutual assistance.

We wish you boundless happiness, prosperity and good health. May your sports and life path be easy and successful, bring satisfaction and joy.


parents of pupils of group No. 1

Children's and Youth Sports School of the Central District of Tambov

Option number 10

We thank Romanovsky Boris Alexandrovich, coach-teacher in cross-country skiing of the Children's and Youth Sports School of the Priozersky District, for the success achieved in the physical education of students and active participation in social and sports activities.


Parents of cross-country skiing students

April 2019

Option number 11

physical education instructor

Dear Marianna Lvovna!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping our children grow strong and healthy! For your ability to captivate with sports and for fun activities that develop the body and temper the soul.

May luck and optimism never leave you! Thank you from future professional athletes and their parents.

Parents of group No. 3

TO GBOU secondary school №194

December 2019

Option 12

Dear Anfisa Anatolyevna!

Thank you for your huge contribution to the development of youth sports at the Frunze Sports Center, the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the educational and training process, and the high professional level.

Option number 13

Smirnov Khariton Spiridonovich

Parents and pupils of the municipal educational institution additional education for children "Children's and Youth Sports School of Sambo and Judo Wrestling" express their great, sincere gratitude for the conscientious and high-quality work in preparing pupils for regional Sambo and Judo wrestling competitions.

Parents of pupils

"Youth Sports School for Sambo and Judo"

September 2019

Option number 14

Dear Sofia Sidorovna!

Please accept the words of sincere gratitude for your worthy contribution to sports training and education of the younger generation.

Your coaching activity is an example of professionalism and enthusiasm. Your work with parents has always been distinguished by attention and responsiveness.

Our gratitude to you is immeasurable, because you are a coach with a capital letter, a talented mentor and a wonderful, bright person.

We wish you health, prosperity and new victories in the creation of future champions.

  • In the header (top of the page) must be indicated "Letter of thanks"
  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page
  • At the end of the text, on the left margin, the words "respectfully" are used and then indicate from whom the letter is from.
  • The very last line on the page will be the date (you can specify in full, but you can leave only the year of writing).

Coach, I thank you for all the effort, time, guidance and great work that you have invested in me. My achievements are your hard work. Thanks for the tips, help, friendship, faith in success. You are the best!

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me to become stronger every day, more resilient and not lose faith in myself! I promise that I will always try to justify your expectations and go only forward with confident steps!

There are not many such coaches who put their soul into their work, wholly belong to the sport and are always ready to help! Responsibility, foresight and diligence you do not hold! Thank you for all the hard work you've been doing over the years!

Thank you very much for all that you have invested in us. After all, our victories are the guarantee of your efforts. We wish you as many smart students as possible, strength, physical fitness and a sharp mind.

My dear coach, from the bottom of my heart I want to say “thank you very much” to you for not for a minute letting me doubt my success, my victories, my aspirations and capabilities. I will always thank you for that hard work and great patience, for all the strength and effort that you have invested in me. All my achievements and successes are your merit. Thank you. I wish you prosperity in life, health of body and soul, bright hope of the heart and all good blessings.

Dear coach, thank you for your enthusiasm, for your perseverance, for your perseverance, for your impeccable skill and for your endless confidence. I sincerely want to wish you good health, worthy of multiple victories, grandiose ideas, universal recognition in you the best coach and permanent well-being in your personal life, in your family.

Thank you very much my dear coach. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your invaluable work, for never questioning my efforts and aspirations, for the fact that at any moment you can cheer me up and give the right instruction. Thank you for the victories and awards, for my willpower and my strong morale. I wish you many years of health, optimism, prosperity and successful activities.

I thank the best coach, a true professional, a strong friend and a competent mentor. Thanks to you, I have achieved these unprecedented results. My awards in a huge part are your direct merit. Let our achievements not stop at this level, but grow exponentially. Thank you so much!

I want to say thank you! Thank you for supporting me when my hands were already giving up, thank you for the help you provided when there was no hope anymore, thank you for just being there, sharing joys and sorrows, disappointments and ups.

Thank you, dear coach, thank you for your faith and support, for your strength and skill, for your courage and perseverance. My victories are your merits, thanks to you I become better, braver, stronger, more confident every day. I say “thank you” to you and sincerely wish you health, long years and frequent “holidays on your street”!