The Cherry Orchard is a summary for a reader's diary. "The Cherry Orchard

Almost the entire land of the old noble estate, owned by Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya and her brother, Leonid Andreevich Gaev, is occupied by a huge cherry orchard known throughout the province. Once it gave the owners a large income, but after the fall of serfdom, the economy on the estate was upset, and the garden remained for him one unprofitable, albeit charming decoration. Ranevskaya and Gaev, people no longer young, lead a scattered, carefree life typical of idle aristocrats. Occupied only with her feminine passions, Ranevskaya leaves for France with her lover, who soon robs her cleanly there. Management of the estate falls on the adopted daughter of Lyubov Andreevna, 24-year-old Varya. She tries to save on everything, but the estate is still mired in unpaid debts. [Cm. full text of The Cherry Orchard on our website.]

The first act of The Cherry Orchard begins with the scene of returning on a May morning to the home of Ranevskaya, who has gone bankrupt abroad. With her comes her youngest, own daughter, 17-year-old Anya, who has lived with her mother in France for the past few months. Lyubov Andreevna is met at the estate by acquaintances and servants: the wealthy merchant Yermolai Lopakhin (son of a former serf), the neighbor-landowner Simeonov-Pishchik, the elderly lackey Firs, the frivolous maid Dunyasha and the “eternal student” Petya Trofimov, in love with Anya. The scene of Ranevskaya's meeting (like all other scenes of The Cherry Orchard) is not distinguished by the richness of the action, but Chekhov, with extraordinary skill, reveals in her dialogues the features of the characters of the heroes of the play.

The businesslike merchant Lopakhin reminds Ranevskaya and Gaev that in three months, in August, their estate will be put up for auction for an outstanding debt. There is only one way to prevent its sale and the ruin of the owners: to cut down the cherry orchard and turn the vacant land into dachas. If Ranevskaya and Gaev do not do this, the garden will almost inevitably be cut down by the new owner, so that it will not be possible to save it in any case. However, the weak-willed Gaev and Ranevskaya reject Lopakhin's plan, not wanting to lose dear memories of their youth along with the garden. Fans of having their head in the clouds, they evade destroying the garden with their own hands, relying on some miracle that will help them out in unknown ways.

Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard", act 1 - summary full text of the 1st act.

"The Cherry Orchard". Performance based on the play by A.P. Chekhov, 1983

Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard", act 2 - briefly

A few weeks after Ranevskaya's return, most of the same characters gather in the field, on a bench by the old abandoned chapel. Lopakhin again reminds Ranevskaya and Gaev of the approaching deadline for the sale of the estate - and again suggests that they cut down the cherry orchard, giving the land for summer cottages.

However, Gaev and Ranevskaya answer him out of place and absent-mindedly. Lyubov Andreevna says that “summer residents are vulgar”, and Leonid Andreevich relies on a rich aunt in Yaroslavl, from whom you can ask for money - but hardly more than a tenth of what is needed to pay off debts. Ranevskaya is in France with all her thoughts, from where a fraudulent lover sends telegrams to her every day. Shocked by the words of Gaev and Ranevskaya, Lopakhin in his hearts calls them "frivolous and strange" people who do not want to save themselves.

After everyone else left, Petya Trofimov and Anya remained at the bench. Untidy Petya, who is constantly expelled from the university, so that for many years he cannot finish the course, crumbles before Anya in high-flown tirades about the need to rise above everything material, above even love itself and, through tireless work, go to some (incomprehensible) ideal. The existence and appearance of the raznochinets Trofimov are very different from the lifestyle and habits of the nobles Ranevskaya and Gaev. However, in the depiction of Chekhov, Petya appears as an impractical dreamer, as worthless a person as those two. Petya's sermon is enthusiastically listened to by Anya, who is very reminiscent of her mother in her tendency to be carried away by any emptiness in a beautiful wrapper.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard", act 2 - summary. On our website you can read the full text of the 2nd act.

Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard", act 3 - briefly

In August, on the very day of the auction for the estate with a cherry orchard, Ranevskaya, on a strange whim, hosts a noisy party with an invited Jewish orchestra. Everyone is anxiously awaiting news from the auction, where Lopakhin and Gaev have gone, but, wanting to hide their excitement, they try to dance and joke merrily. Petya Trofimov venomously criticizes Varya for wanting to become the wife of the wealthy predator Lopakhin, and Ranevskaya for having a love affair with an obvious swindler and unwillingness to face the truth. Ranevskaya, on the other hand, accuses Petya of the fact that all his bold idealistic theories are based only on a lack of experience and ignorance of life. At the age of 27, he does not have a mistress, he preaches labor, and he himself cannot even graduate from the university. Frustrated, Trofimov runs away almost in hysterics.

Pre-revolutionary playbill based on Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard

Lopakhin and Gaev are returning from the auction. Gaev goes, wiping away tears. Lopakhin, at first trying to restrain himself, and then with increasing triumph says that he bought the estate and the cherry orchard - the son of a former serf, who before was not even allowed into the kitchen here. The dancing stops. Ranevskaya cries, sinking into a chair. Anya tries to console her with the words that instead of a garden they have beautiful souls left, and now they will start a new, pure life.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard", act 3 - summary. You can also read the full text of Act 3 on our website.

Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard", act 4 - briefly

In October, the old owners leave their former estate, where the tactless Lopakhin, without waiting for their departure, already orders to cut down the cherry orchard.

A rich Yaroslavl aunt sent Gaev and Ranevskaya some money. Ranevskaya takes them all for herself and again goes to France to her old lover, leaving her daughters in Russia without funds. Varya, whom Lopakhin never marries, has to go as a housekeeper to another estate, and Anya will take an exam for a gymnasium course and look for work.

Gaev was offered a place in the bank, but everyone doubts that due to his laziness he will sit there for a long time. Petya Trofimov belatedly returns to Moscow to study. Imagining himself a "strong and proud" person, he intends in the future to "reach the ideal or show others the way to it." True, the loss of his old galoshes causes Petya great anxiety: without them he has nothing to set off on his journey. Lopakhin travels to Kharkov to immerse himself in work.

After saying goodbye, everyone leaves the house and locks it up. Finally, the 87-year-old footman Firs, forgotten by the owners, appears on the stage. Muttering something about the past life, this sick old man lies down on the sofa and falls silent in immobility. In the distance there is a sad, fading sound, similar to the bursting of a string - as if something in life has gone without return. The ensuing silence is broken only by the sound of an ax in the garden on a cherry tree.

For more details, see Chekhov's separate article "The Cherry Orchard", act 4 - summary. On our website you can read

The plot of the work: Distant future. People have turned into insensitive machines, and instead of names there are only numbers. They lead a life calculated according to the Taylor system, strictly regulated by the Tablet of the Hour: they get up at the same time, start and finish work, go for a walk, go to the auditorium, go to bed. Main character - D-503 admires the measured life of the United State. He keeps a diary for posterity, from which we learn about the story that happened to him. On one of the spring days, D-503 was walking with O-90. A stranger approached him with very white and sharp teeth, with some kind of annoying X in her eyes or eyebrows. She read D-503's mind. Her name is I-330. A few days later, I and D meet again and visit the Ancient House. I-330 asks him to break the routine and stay with her, D-503 intends to go to the Guardian Bureau and denounce her. However, the next day he goes to the Medical Bureau: it seems to him that the irrational No. 1 has grown into him and that he is clearly sick. He is released from work. Soon the builder of the Integral receives a notice that I-330 signed up for him. D-503 comes to her at the appointed hour. I-330 teases him: smokes ancient "cigarettes", drinks liquor, makes D-503 take a sip in a kiss. The use of these poisons is prohibited in the One State, and D-503 must report it, but cannot. Now he is different. After their meeting, D. realizes that now he has two "I". He is confused, constantly thinking about I. It turns out that the builder of the "Integral" is terminally ill: he, like some other numbers, has a soul. O-90 soon realizes that D-503 loves another, so she removes her record on him. I-330 finally appears at his beloved. D-503 is experiencing "abnormal" fun, but at the same time, he is sad because the woman he loves keeps something back every time. She promises that she will tell him everything soon. The great Day of Unanimity arrives, when a new Benefactor is chosen. During the vote, the hero raises his hand "for", but here I-330 makes the opposite choice, like thousands of others. I is wounded and D carries her out of the crowd. After the elections, papers with incomprehensible letters "Mephi" appear on the streets. D-503 from I-330 along the corridors under the Ancient House go out of the city behind the Green Wall, into the lower world. D. meets wild people, gets to know them and promises to capture the "Integral". A scientist is conducting an operation to destroy fantasy. Many numbers have already been cured, D-503 hides from the guards and helps O-90 escape, who also gained a soul. The mission to capture the "Integral" failed, the conspirators were discovered. And the scammer Yu placed them. Soon the Green Wall was blown up, wild animals filled the city. D-503 does not leave the thought that he was simply used, because he is the builder of the "Integral". The author gets on the subway, where he was seized and his fantasies were robbed. D-503 appeared to the Benefactor and told everything he knew about the enemies of happiness. The Guardians managed to catch I-330 and other mutineers. The wall has already been recreated, and the author is convinced that reason will win.

Frame from the film "Garden" (2008)

The estate of the landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. Spring, cherry blossoms. But the beautiful garden is soon to be sold for debts. For the past five years, Ranevskaya and her seventeen-year-old daughter Anya have lived abroad. Ranevskaya's brother Leonid Andreevich Gaev and her adopted daughter, twenty-four-year-old Varya, remained on the estate. Ranevskaya's affairs are bad, there are almost no funds left. Lyubov Andreevna always littered with money. Six years ago, her husband died of alcoholism. Ranevskaya fell in love with another person, got along with him. But soon her little son Grisha died tragically by drowning in the river. Lyubov Andreevna, unable to bear her grief, fled abroad. The lover followed her. When he fell ill, Ranevskaya had to settle him in her dacha near Menton and take care of him for three years. And then, when he had to sell the dacha for debts and move to Paris, he robbed and abandoned Ranevskaya.

Gaev and Varya meet Lyubov Andreevna and Anya at the station. At home, the maid Dunyasha and the familiar merchant Yermolai Alekseevich Lopakhin are waiting for them. Lopakhin's father was a serf of the Ranevskys, he himself became rich, but he says about himself that he remained "a man a man." The clerk Epikhodov arrives, a man with whom something constantly happens and who is called "twenty-two misfortunes."

Finally, the carriages arrive. The house is filled with people, all in a pleasant excitement. Everyone talks about their own. Lyubov Andreevna looks around the rooms and through tears of joy recalls the past. Maid Dunyasha can't wait to tell the young lady that Epikhodov proposed to her. Anya herself advises Varya to marry Lopakhin, and Varya dreams of marrying Anya to a rich man. The governess Charlotte Ivanovna, a strange and eccentric person, boasts of her amazing dog, the neighbor landowner Simeonov-Pishchik asks for a loan. He hears almost nothing and all the time mutters something old faithful servant Firs.

Lopakhin reminds Ranevskaya that the estate should soon be sold at auction, the only way out is to break the land into plots and lease them to summer residents. Lopakhin's proposal surprises Ranevskaya: how can you cut down her favorite wonderful cherry orchard! Lopakhin wants to stay longer with Ranevskaya, whom he loves "more than his own," but it's time for him to leave. Gaev delivers a welcoming speech to the hundred-year-old "respected" closet, but then, embarrassed, again begins to senselessly pronounce his favorite billiard words.

Ranevskaya did not immediately recognize Petya Trofimov: so he changed, became uglier, the “dear student” turned into an “eternal student”. Lyubov Andreevna cries, remembering her little drowned son Grisha, whose teacher was Trofimov.

Gaev, left alone with Varya, tries to talk about business. There is a rich aunt in Yaroslavl, who, however, does not love them: after all, Lyubov Andreevna did not marry a nobleman, and she did not behave “very virtuously”. Gaev loves his sister, but still calls her "vicious", which causes Ani's displeasure. Gaev continues to build projects: his sister will ask Lopakhin for money, Anya will go to Yaroslavl - in a word, they will not allow the estate to be sold, Gaev even swears about it. The grouchy Firs finally takes the master, like a child, to sleep. Anya is calm and happy: her uncle will arrange everything.

Lopakhin does not cease to persuade Ranevskaya and Gaev to accept his plan. The three of them had lunch in the city and, returning, stopped in a field near the chapel. Just here, on the same bench, Epikhodov tried to explain himself to Dunyasha, but she had already preferred the young cynical footman Yasha to him. Ranevskaya and Gaev do not seem to hear Lopakhin and talk about completely different things. So without convincing “frivolous, unbusinesslike, strange” people of anything, Lopakhin wants to leave. Ranevskaya asks him to stay: with him "it's still more fun."

Anya, Varya and Petya Trofimov arrive. Ranevskaya starts talking about a "proud man." According to Trofimov, there is no point in pride: a rude, unhappy person should not admire himself, but work. Petya condemns the intelligentsia, who are incapable of work, those people who philosophize importantly, and treat peasants like animals. Lopakhin enters the conversation: he just works “from morning to evening”, dealing with big capital, but he is becoming more and more convinced how few decent people are around. Lopakhin does not finish, Ranevskaya interrupts him. In general, everyone here does not want and does not know how to listen to each other. There is silence, in which the distant sad sound of a broken string is heard.

Soon everyone disperses. Left alone, Anya and Trofimov are glad to have the opportunity to talk together, without Varya. Trofimov convinces Anya that one must be “above love”, that the main thing is freedom: “all of Russia is our garden”, but in order to live in the present, one must first redeem the past with suffering and labor. Happiness is near: if not they, then others will definitely see it.

Comes the twenty-second of August, the day of trading. It is on this evening, quite inopportunely, that a ball is being held in the estate, a Jewish orchestra is invited. Once, generals and barons danced here, and now, as Firs complains, both the postal official and the head of the station "do not go willingly." Charlotte Ivanovna entertains guests with her tricks. Ranevskaya anxiously awaits the return of her brother. The Yaroslavl aunt nevertheless sent fifteen thousand, but they are not enough to buy the estate.

Petya Trofimov “reassures” Ranevskaya: it’s not about the garden, it’s been over for a long time, we need to face the truth. Lyubov Andreevna asks not to condemn her, to feel sorry for her: after all, without a cherry orchard, her life loses its meaning. Every day Ranevskaya receives telegrams from Paris. At first, she tore them up immediately, then - after reading them first, now she doesn't vomit. "That wild man", whom she still loves, begs her to come. Petya condemns Ranevskaya for her love for "a petty scoundrel, a nonentity." Angry Ranevskaya, unable to restrain herself, takes revenge on Trofimov, calling him a “funny eccentric”, “freak”, “clean”: “You must love yourself ... you must fall in love!” Petya tries to leave in horror, but then stays, dancing with Ranevskaya, who asked for his forgiveness.

Finally, the embarrassed, joyful Lopakhin and the tired Gaev appear, who, without saying anything, immediately goes to his room. The Cherry Orchard was sold and Lopakhin bought it. The "new landowner" is happy: he managed to beat the rich Deriganov at the auction, giving ninety thousand in excess of the debt. Lopakhin picks up the keys thrown on the floor by the proud Varya. Let the music play, let everyone see how Yermolai Lopakhin “suffices with an ax in the cherry orchard”!

Anya comforts her crying mother: the garden has been sold, but there is a whole life ahead. There will be a new garden, more luxurious than this, "quiet deep joy" awaits them ...

The house is empty. Its inhabitants, having said goodbye to each other, disperse. Lopakhin is going to Kharkov for the winter, Trofimov returns to Moscow, to the university. Lopakhin and Petya exchange barbs. Although Trofimov calls Lopakhin a "predatory beast", necessary "in the sense of metabolism", he still loves in him "a tender, subtle soul." Lopakhin offers Trofimov money for the journey. He refuses: over the "free man", "in the forefront going" to the "higher happiness", no one should have power.

Ranevskaya and Gaev even cheered up after the sale of the cherry orchard. Previously, they were worried, suffering, but now they have calmed down. Ranevskaya is going to live in Paris for the time being on the money sent by her aunt. Anya is inspired: a new life begins - she will finish the gymnasium, she will work, read books, "a new wonderful world" will open before her. Suddenly, out of breath, Simeonov-Pishchik appears and, instead of asking for money, on the contrary, distributes debts. It turned out that the British found white clay on his land.

Everyone settled down differently. Gaev says that now he is a bank servant. Lopakhin promises to find a new place for Charlotte, Varya got a job as a housekeeper to the Ragulins, Epikhodov, hired by Lopakhin, remains on the estate, Firs should be sent to the hospital. But still, Gaev sadly says: "Everyone is leaving us ... we suddenly became unnecessary."

Between Varya and Lopakhin, an explanation must finally occur. For a long time, Varya has been teased by "Madame Lopakhina." Varya likes Yermolai Alekseevich, but she herself cannot propose. Lopakhin, who also speaks well of Vara, agrees to "put an end immediately" to this matter. But when Ranevskaya arranges their meeting, Lopakhin, without deciding, leaves Varia, using the very first pretext.

“Time to go! On the road! - with these words, they leave the house, locking all the doors. All that remains is old Firs, who, it would seem, everyone took care of, but whom they forgot to send to the hospital. Firs, sighing that Leonid Andreevich went in a coat, and not in a fur coat, lies down to rest and lies motionless. The same sound of a broken string is heard. "There is silence, and only one can hear how far in the garden they knock on wood with an ax."


The landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya and her daughter Anya are traveling from Paris to the family estate. Ranevskaya lived abroad for 5 years. The husband of the landowner died of alcoholism. She started living with another man. But then a misfortune happened - the youngest son of Ranevskaya Grisha drowned.

Later, with a new lover, she travels abroad, where he robbed her and left. The landowner is in a cramped financial situation, her estate and garden are awaiting sale. Brother Gaev, brother of the landowner, and Varya, her adopted daughter, live in it. Her governess Charlotte and footman Yasha come with her. The merchant Lopakhin is waiting for her at the estate. He got rich, and yet his ancestors were her peasants. The clerk Epikhodov proposed to the maid Dunyasha. But he always gets in trouble. Ranevskaya arrives and cries - she is at home. Lopakhin offers Ranevskaya a way out of this situation: to cut down the garden and lease the land to summer residents. But here her young years passed. In her opinion, this is impossible. Gaev is trying to find a way out. He even swears that the estate will not be sold, as he wants to take money from a rich aunt.

The action of the second part takes place outside the home. Lopakhin again asks Ranevskaya to listen to his proposal to lease the land. She disagrees and does not listen to him. Dunyasha refuses Epikhodov. She falls in love with Yasha. Ranevskaya recalls the money spent, her husband, son, lover. She invites Lopakhin to make a marriage proposal to Varya. Varya, Anya and the “eternal student” Trofimov arrive. He argues with Lopakhin, who taunts him. Trofimov believes that Lopakhin is a predator that eats everything in its path. He argues that a person should work and leave pride. A passer-by asks for money, and Ranevskaya gives him a coin. Varya is dissatisfied with her act, and Lyubov Andreevna says that she wooed her. Everyone leaves, Anya and Trofimov remain. He invites her to run away, anticipating misfortune.

In the third act, Lopakhin and Gaev go to the city to attend the auction. They have fun on the estate: they arrange dances, show tricks. Ranevskaya is worried. She says she wants to return to her lover in Paris, but Trofimov does not understand this. Lopakhin and Gaev arrive. Lopakhin is the new owner of the garden and estate. He bought them. He is very happy and does not see the despair of Ranevskaya and Gaev. When he leaves, the landowner cries, Anya calms her.

The fourth act shows the departure of the landowner to Paris. Charlotte and Yasha are traveling with her. Dunyasha is crying. Lopakhin does not dare to propose to Varya. Anya and Trofimov stay together. And the old forgotten footman Firs dies. The sound of an ax is heard. Soon there will be neither a garden, nor a manor in which the landowners lived.

The play shows that the main thing for our time is money and profit. The age of pragmatism has arrived. The play teaches not to humiliate and not to destroy the past.

Read a summary of Chekhov's Cherry Orchard by action

Action 1

The events of the play take place in the spring of 1904. Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya with her daughter, maid and footman return to their homeland. They spent about five years behind the cordon. The family is looking forward to seeing them. Dunyasha has put on her best dress and is waiting for her hostess. Even Lopakhin made a remark to her about her appearance. Lyubov Andreevna and her brother are bankrupt. They are forced to sell their property, including their favorite cherry orchard. A friend of Ranevskaya, a wealthy merchant Lopakhin, who was from a simple family, recommends that his close friend cut down the garden, and in its place rent land for summer cottages. The landlady doesn't even want to hear about it. This garden has become dear to her, because her best childhood memories are associated with it. Nevertheless, Lopakhin advises a friend to weigh the pros and cons. Ranevskaya's brother Gaev wants to take money from a relative and pay off his debts.

Ranevskaya has three months to pay off her debts, otherwise the cherry orchard will be automatically put up for auction.

Action 2

Time passes. It is time to resolve the issue with the cherry orchard, and the landowner and her brother continue to lead their usual lives. Gaev and Lyubov Andreevna are throwing money down the drain. Lopakhin returned from Kharkov, and the matter, as it was unresolved, remained the same. The merchant asks Ranevskaya many questions about his advice, but she does not seem to hear. Lyubov Andreevna and her brother are so calm, it even gives the impression that they are hoping for some kind of miracle. In fact, there is no magic, they just gave up.

At this time, Dunyasha walks with Yasha, Epikhodov and her friend Charlotte. Dunyasha feels sympathy for Yasha, but for him she is just a temporary entertainment. Epikhadov loves Dunyasha, he is even ready to give his life for her.

Action 3

Music is playing in the living room, everyone is moving out, dancing. The long-awaited day has come. August 22 - the day of consideration of Ranevskaya's property at the auction. Lyubov Andreevna is worried and is looking forward to hearing from her brother. She was completely lost in her thoughts. Ranevskaya thinks about whether the money sent by her relative was enough to pay off her debts.

The atmosphere in the room heats up. Ranevskaya anticipates failure and is already thinking about preparing to go to Paris. Her lover is waiting there. Lyubov Andreevna wants to marry her daughters: Anna to Petya, and Varvara to her friend Lopakhin. Ranevskaya has no doubts about the latter, but she is worried about Petya, since he is constantly studying at the university, how will he provide for his family?

At this time, a discussion flares up that for the sake of love you can do crazy things. Petya reminds Ranevskaya of her lover, who once robbed her and left. There is no result of the auction yet, but everyone present already knows what they will do if the house and the cherry orchard are sold.

Lopakhin and Gaev enter the living room. The latter cannot hold back his tears, but Ermolai Alekseevich is insanely happy. The merchant informs everyone that he is the new owner of the house and garden. He is proud to have reached such heights on his own without anyone's help. Now Lopakhin will fulfill his dream, cut down the garden and rent out summer cottages.

Ranevskaya is crying, Varya is nervous, and Anna reassures her mother that her whole life is ahead and there will be much more fun.

Anya reveals to Petya the secret that the garden does not matter to her, she strives for a completely different life.

Action 4

Empty rooms, packed luggage. All around you can hear only the sound of an ax and a saw. The new owner of the estate is waiting for his friend and her relatives to say goodbye to the house and their servants. Lopakhin treats guests with champagne on this occasion, but no one is in the mood to drink this drink. Lyubov Andreevna and her brother are barely holding back tears, Anya and Petya are waiting for the wedding, Yasha is happy that he is leaving his native land and going abroad.

The former owners of the estate go to Kharkov, and then to different parts of the world. Raevskaya and Yasha fly to France, Anna to study, and Petya to the capital, Gaev gets a job in a bank, and Varya becomes a housekeeper. Epikhodov remained to help Lopakhin on the estate.

Only Firs is calm and in no hurry. Because of the chaos that reigns in the house, everyone forgot that they were supposed to take him to the hospital.

Pishchik suddenly comes and gives the money he borrowed to Lopakhin and Lyubov Andreevna. Pishchik spoke about his earnings. The fact is that he leased the land and received a good profit.

Ranevskaya hopes for the marriage of Varya and the merchant Lopakhin, but this was not destined to come true. Everyone started loading luggage. Only Ranevskaya and her brother remained in the yard. They hugged tightly, crying, remembering the moments of their childhood and youth. They understand that everything has changed and will not be the same as before.

Lopakhin closes the house on a turnkey basis. Everyone forgets about Firs. But he does not hold a grudge against the owners, he just quietly lies down on the bed and leaves this world.

All around you can only hear the sawing of the cherry orchard. A curtain.

The play teaches its reader to cherish and protect what you have at the moment, tomorrow it may not be. Life is moving forward, everything around is changing, today you are a master, and tomorrow a servant and vice versa.

By actions and chapters


Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna is the owner of a wonderful garden of cherry trees. Outside the window is a beautiful spring, cherry blossoms, but this marvelous garden will soon be sold due to large debts.

The life of Lyubov Andreeva was difficult and tragic, she had to go through a lot of grief. Her husband died from drunkenness, after a while she met and fell in love with another. After a while, fate presents her with a heavy blow, her son Grishenka dies. She could not survive this grief and left her native estate to live in Paris, along with her daughter Anya. They lived there for about five years, Lyubov Andreevna's lover went after her, he soon robbed her and left her.

During Ranevskaya's absence, Gaev Leonid, Lyubov Andreevna's brother, looked after the estate together with her adopted daughter Varya. The day came for Ranevskaya and Anya to return, Varya and Leonid went to the station to meet them. At home, the merchant Yermolai Lopakhin with a maid named Dunyasha, Yepikhodov the clerk, the old servant Firs, the governess Charlotte Ivanovna, the neighbor Simeonov-Pishchik, Petya Trofimov, Grisha's teacher, remained waiting for them. Gradually the house was filled with people, all in a good disposition, talking about their own. The sisters Varya and Anya keep secrets, Anya wants Varya to marry the merchant Lopakhin, and Varya dreams that Anya should marry a rich man.

Lyubov Andreevna looks in awe at every corner of the house, she is overwhelmed with emotions of joy, because for her the garden is the personification of her life, childhood, youth, a symbol of her homeland. The merchant Lopakhin convinces Ranevskaya and her brother that the only correct solution in this situation would be to give the land to summer residents, breaking it into plots. But Lyubov Andreevna and Gaev do not want to sell their estate, they do not want the trees to be cut down, because they are alive.

Every day, Lyubov Andreevna receives telegrams from her lover, in which he persuades her to come. She understands that, despite his terrible meanness, she continues to love him. On the day of the auction, Ranevskaya and Gaev are counting on the money of their rich aunt, but they are not enough to buy the estate. The estate has been sold, Lyubov Andreevna is going to live for some time on her aunt's money and return to her lover, Anya dreams of studying at a gymnasium, of working, of a wonderful new world. Varya and Lopakhin are in love, but he can't explain himself to her. Everyone is on the eve of something new in their lives, and somewhere in the distance the muffled sounds of an ax are heard in the garden.

Picture or drawing Cherry Orchard

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    This story is about the adventures of a brother and sister, Natasha, nine years old, and Antoshka, four years old. In a hot summer, Natasha and her brother went to the neighboring village to visit their grandparents. The path was not far, but the little kids

  • Summary Andreev Petka in the country

    The hero of the story - Petka works in a hairdressing salon on errands. There is nothing left for the poor child, otherwise he will die of hunger. And now the owner lets the child go to the dacha, where his mother works as a cook. Life in the bosom of nature reminds a child of paradise.

The Cherry Orchard is a lyrical work by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, written in 1903, a year before his death. The play consists of four acts. Chekhov invested the whole meaning of the work in its title, in the emphasis on the penultimate syllable, on the letter ё. After all, it is she who says that the garden is intended to give pleasure with its appearance, its presence, and not commercial possession. It does not bring monetary gain, but demonstrates the charm of its unusual blooming whiteness and past refined noble life. The garden is able to live only to satisfy the whims of spoiled aesthetes, and not to earn money, which is why it must be destroyed, since this is required by the development of the economy and vital necessity.

Act one

Everything happens in the estate, whose mistress is Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. The splendid garden surrounding the house awaits the fate of being sold for debts incurred by the owner during her life abroad, for several years, after a series of misfortunes that befell her. Lyubov Andreevna, who arrived with her daughter Anya, is met at the station by Ranevskaya's brother Leonid Andreevich Gaev and Varya, her adopted daughter.

In the estate, Lyubov Andreevna is still waiting for characters - this is the merchant Lopakhin - an old friend and good acquaintance, Dunyasha - a maid, a clerk Epikhodov arrives a little later, everyone calls him "thirty-three misfortunes" for his ability to get into various troubles. The hospitable house is gradually filled with visiting guests, joyful excitement reigns all around, everyone is talking animatedly about their problems, arguing, interrupting each other.

Lopakhin reminded Lyubov Andreevna that soon the estate was expected to be sold at auction, and in order to avoid this, it was necessary to divide all the land into several plots and offer it for rent to summer residents. With bitterness, Ranevskaya learns that the once “sweet student” Petya Trofimov, who once taught her drowned son, unfortunately the metamorphosis that happened to him does not please him, he turned into an “eternal student”. Gaev, together with Varya, come up with projects on where to get money to pay off debts. Finally, the servant Firs escorts Gaev to rest. Ranevskaya's own daughter Anya was inspired by the fact that Leonid Andreevich could help out the estate.

Action two

Lopakhin, who arrived the next day, again continues Ranevskaya's persuasion about the division of the land. But the frivolous Ranevskaya and Gaev again ignore Lopakhin's proposal and talk about something completely insignificant, the amazed Lopakhin makes an attempt to leave them, but remains at the insistence of Ranevskaya. Anya, Trofimov and Varya appear, everyone philosophizes together, Petya scolds the intelligentsia. Everyone interrupts each other, from the outside the conversation resembles a useless hubbub. Looking at this conversation, it is easy to understand that those present are completely unable and unwilling to listen to another person. Finally, everyone has dispersed and Anya and Trofimov can talk freely with each other.

Act Three

Bidding began, on this day, completely inopportunely, Ranevskaya planned a ball, Lyubov Andreevna anxiously awaits when Gaev returns with the money that her aunt gave in Yaroslavl. But this money is not enough, only 15,000, and it will not be enough to pay off debts. Petya is trying to reassure Ranevskaya, convincing him that everything is over with the garden, and if you face the truth, then he is not really needed. But Lyubov Andreevna does not see the meaning of life without a garden.

Every day she receives news from Paris, and now she no longer tears them up, as before. Having left her without funds, her lover again calls to him. Ranevskaya and Trofimov quarrel, then reconcile. Lopakhin and Gaev came. Lopakhin on top ex-son The serf became the owner of the garden, paying huge sums of money for it. And now the garden will be cut down, Yermolai Lopakhin will "enough with an ax in the cherry orchard." Anya unsuccessfully consoles her mother, saying that another garden will appear, even better, and "a quiet and deep joy" awaits them ahead.

act four

The house is empty. Lopakhin wants to go to Kharkov, Petya Trofimov plans to go to Moscow, both of them are sarcastic about each other. Lopakhin wants to help Trofimov with money, but damned pride won't let Petya take it. Ranevskaya and Gaev suddenly cheered up. With the sale of the cherry orchard, worries and worries were gone, Lyubov Andreevna had already planned how she would live in Paris with the money received from her aunt. Anya is happy that she can finally finish her studies at the gymnasium. Simeonov-Pishchik suddenly comes, he hurries to pay off his debts, as white clay has been found on his land, and brilliant prospects are open for him.

Everybody decide on your future life. Gaev identified himself as a bank official. Lopakhin must find a place for Charlotte. Epidokhova hires Lopakhin to manage his land. Varvara will serve as Ragulin's housekeeper, although Varya likes Lopakhin, she expects the first actions from him, and he runs away under some plausible pretext. Sick Firs must be sent to the hospital for treatment. Finally, everything was quiet, everyone left. And only the old servant remains in the house, they simply forgot about him. He lies down and dies. Offstage, the sound of a broken guitar string is heard, and then the blows of axes.

The relevance of the work

The Cherry Orchard is a special work, and even now it evokes a strong surge of feelings, analogies and a new understanding of historical processes in Russian history. The last, most historical work of Chekhov and truly prophetic, describing a certain moment in Russian life. The product is relevant at all times.