Pumpkin jam with citrus. Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon for the winter - a step-by-step recipe with a photo of how to cook it at home

Many people know about the benefits of pumpkin for human health, so this vegetable is widely used in cooking. However, not all housewives know that a very tasty jam can be made from pumpkin, which can be used not only as an independent dessert, but also as a filling for many types of pastries.

The first step to preparing any pumpkin dish is to preliminary preparation. First you need to take a pumpkin and wash it thoroughly on the outside. If the fruit is large, then you can simply wipe it with a wet cloth, and then wipe it dry with a clean towel or paper towel.

After washing, they begin to cut the pumpkin. To do this, you need a kitchen board and a large, well-sharpened knife. The pumpkin can be very hard, so the hostess will have to make some effort to cut it. First, the fruit is cut lengthwise into two equal halves. Inside the pumpkin there is a seed chamber, which is cleaned by hand from both resulting halves. The fibers of this chamber are discarded, and the seeds can be dried and eaten.

Then each half of the pumpkin is cut into large pieces of any shape, on the back of which the hard peel is carefully cut off, and the remaining fibers are removed from the inside. Peeled large pieces of pumpkin are cut into smaller pieces in accordance with the jam recipe.

The best pumpkin jam recipes

You can make many interesting variations of jam for the winter from pumpkin, using it as the main ingredient. In order for the taste of the finished product to be different, you can add lemons, dried apricots, oranges, etc. to the pumpkin. Below are several recipes for preparing pumpkin jam for the winter.

With lemon

Jam made from pumpkin and lemon only slightly resembles the usual taste of pumpkin, so this delicacy is also suitable for those who do not really like this vegetable. There are two ways to prepare this dessert: cold, in which the maximum amount of vitamins remains in the finished product, and the usual hot.

Here are the ingredients you will need to make Lemon Pumpkin Jam:

  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Hot cooking method

  1. To save time, you can start making jam with syrup. To do this, pour sugar into a large saucepan and pour 1 glass of water. Then turn on a low fire and wait for the boil. During this time, you can prepare the pumpkin by peeling it and chopping it into small cubes.
  2. The lemon just needs to be washed and chopped with a mixer. To do this, it is preliminarily scalded with boiling water and cut into small pieces. Leave the skin on.
  3. When the syrup boils, it is necessary to add chopped pumpkin and lemon to it, and mix the whole mass well.
  4. The jam will cook for quite a long time - at least 1 hour. Its readiness can be determined by the appearance of the pumpkin pieces - they will become transparent. During cooking, you can wash and prepare jars and lids for bottling the finished product.
  5. Ready jam is laid out in clean jars. With a given amount of ingredients, the result is 1.5 liters of jam. Filled jars are rolled up, cooled at room temperature and sent for storage in a cool place.

Cold cooking method

Here you need to take a little less sugar than in the first case (850 g).

  1. A pre-prepared pumpkin is cut into slices of such a size that it is convenient to scroll them through a meat grinder. The lemon is freed from the peel and seeds.
  2. Both ingredients are twisted in a meat grinder, after which sugar is added to the mixture. Then you can proceed in two ways: simply leave the container with the mixture at room temperature and wait for the sugar to dissolve, or mix it intensively by hand.
  3. The finished cold jam is laid out in jars and stored in the refrigerator. Such a jam should stand for a while before it is eaten: the more time passes, the more intense and harmonious its taste will be.

with orange

In the same way as in the case of lemon, pumpkin jam with oranges can be cooked cold and hot. Cold cooking is completely the same as the previous recipe, just instead of lemon, you need to take two small oranges. But the hot way is a little different.

To prepare pumpkin-orange treats you will need:

  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • oranges (large) - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 1 kg.
  1. The preparation of jam begins with the preparation of syrup. To do this, pour sugar into a large saucepan and pour a glass of water. Cook over low heat until boiling. During this time, the pumpkin is prepared by cutting its flesh into small sticks 3-4 cm in size.
  2. Pumpkin slices need to be poured ready sugar syrup and leave to cool for an hour. After this time, the pan is again moved to the stove and brought to a boil over low heat with constant stirring, after which it is boiled for another quarter of an hour.
  3. In parallel, you can do the preparation of citrus fruits: they are washed, cut and pitted. After that, grind with a mixer or meat grinder.
  4. When the pumpkin has boiled for the specified time, crushed oranges are added to the pumpkin-sugar mixture and boiled for another 15 minutes.
  5. The finished product is laid out in prepared clean jars, rolled up, allowed to cool at room temperature and stored in a cool place, for example, in a cellar.

With dried apricots

Jam according to this recipe is prepared for a rather long time and involves cooking in several stages to obtain the necessary density of the finished product. With this method of cooking, the pieces of pumpkin will not boil. The result is an excellent dessert, it will delight many sweet tooth with a delicious taste and aroma.

In order to make jam with pumpkin and dried apricots, you will need the following ingredients:

  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • dried apricots - 0.3 kg;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • juice of one lemon.
  1. The pre-prepared pulp of the pumpkin is cut into smaller pieces and placed in a saucepan in layers, each of which is sprinkled with sugar. After a few hours at room temperature, the pumpkin will release juice under the influence of sugar. It is advisable to perform this operation at night, and start cooking jam in the morning.
  2. Cooking jam should start with soaking dried apricots. This usually takes about an hour. After that, it is dried on a paper towel and finely cut into pieces of any shape.
  3. The pot with the pumpkin and the juice released during the night is put on a slow fire and brought to a boil. As soon as the mixture boils, prepared dried apricots are thrown into it, gently mixed and boiled for 15 minutes. After that, the jam is cooled for three hours at room temperature, after this time it is brought to a boil again and boiled for another 15 minutes.
  4. If desired, to make the jam thicker, you can boil it one more time, after cooling for 6 hours after the second cooking. If keeping the pieces of pumpkin intact and the appearance of the finished jam are not of interest, then you can do without phased cooking, but simply boil the entire mixture at a time for half an hour.
  5. The finished product is poured into clean jars, rolled up and allowed to cool at room temperature. Then they are stored in a cellar or other cool place.

With orange and lemon

Pumpkin jam with the addition of citrus fruits is considered one of the best treats for people who want to lose weight, despite the rather large amount of sugar added. Such a dessert can be prepared both cold and hot.

cold way

In this case, cold jam is prepared in exactly the same way as in the first recipe. For 1 kg of pumpkin, you need to take 1 lemon and 1 orange (large). The amount of sugar added remains the same - 800 ... 850 g. The same amount of ingredients will be needed to make hot jam.

Hot cooking method

  1. Peeled pumpkin should be cut into small cubes. Lemon and orange are washed well, cut and pitted. At the same time, the orange is still pre-peeled, and the lemon peel is left. Citruses are finely chopped.
  2. All prepared ingredients are mixed in one container with sugar, mixed and left to infuse overnight, so it is better to do all the preparatory operations in the evening. As a container, it is best to use enameled dishes.
  3. During this time, the components will release the juice, and the sugar will dissolve. The mass must be poured into a saucepan for cooking and put on a slow fire. After the mixture boils, it is boiled for another 40 minutes until a thick jam is obtained.
  4. The finished pumpkin delicacy is hot poured into previously prepared jars, rolled up and turned over. In this case, it is recommended to wrap them additionally and wait for complete cooling in room conditions. After that, the jars are sent for storage, and you can eat the finished product in a week.

Fast way

Here it is proposed to replace the long-term cooking of pumpkin with a simple addition of gelatin. To make pumpkin jam fast way will need:

  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • juice of one lemon.
  1. The pumpkin, cut into small pieces, is poured with a glass of water (or less if the fruit is juicy) and stewed until it softens.
  2. The softened pumpkin is mashed with a mixer and the juice of one lemon and sugar are added. The whole mass is thoroughly mixed and poured into a saucepan for cooking.
  3. They put it on a slow fire, wait for it to boil and cook for another 5 ... 10 minutes.
  4. After that, gelatin pre-soaked in water is added.
  5. The whole mass is boiled for strong fire until the gelatin is completely dissolved, stirring constantly (3 ... 5 minutes). A longer cooking time will destroy all the properties of the added gelatin.
  6. Hot jam is poured into clean jars, rolled up and allowed to cool at room temperature. It is advisable to store such jam in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator, because otherwise the finished product may change color (due to the gelatin content), but this will not affect its taste characteristics in any way.
  • when preparing jam in a cold way, it is recommended to use enameled containers for infusing ingredients covered with sugar;
  • it is advisable to use pumpkin sweet and juicy varieties. If the pumpkin gives too little juice during cooking, you can add a small amount of water;
  • store ready-made pumpkin jam only in a cool place. Otherwise, the blanks will quickly become unfit for human consumption.

Pumpkin jam recipe: video

Thus, a delicious pumpkin jam for the winter can be prepared in one of many ways with the addition of various other ingredients to give a special taste.

It is noteworthy that even those who do not like pumpkin and dishes from it will gobble it up on both cheeks, because it will not be felt at all. Pieces of pumpkin in amber syrup look very appetizing, and what can we say about the smell of jam. The citrus aroma emanating from this jam is absolutely hard to resist. It turns out no less tasty than.

I think no one will be surprised that the recipes for pumpkin jam with orange are very diverse. All types of this delicious jam differ in cooking time, appearance, composition of ingredients. Popular recipes for pumpkin jam with orange and lemon, spices, apples, carrots, dried apricots.

Pumpkin jam can be boiled in pieces or mashed, then the ingredients are passed through a meat grinder. As for spices, you can add cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, turmeric, vanilla sticks, star anise, cinnamon to pumpkin jam. The main thing is not to overdo it with them, so as not to interrupt the citrus taste.

Today I want to show you how to cook pumpkin jam with orange step by step with a photo.


  • Pumpkin - 2 kg.,
  • Oranges - 3 pcs.,
  • Sugar - 3 cups
  • Citric acid - a pinch.

Prepare pumpkins for jam. Peel it off. Since her peel is very hard, it is best to remove it with a large and sharp knife, moreover, carefully so as not to get hurt. Cut pumpkin pulp into cubes.

Place prepared pumpkin for jam in a bowl. Cover it with sugar.

Stir until the pumpkin pieces are completely covered with sugar.

Leave the pumpkin for 3-5 hours to release the juice.

During this time, a sufficient amount of syrup should be formed for cooking jam. If you see that there is not enough liquid, add half a glass of water. Now you can start cooking pumpkin jam with orange. Put the saucepan on the stove. After the pumpkin boils, remove the foam with a slotted spoon. Boil the jam on low heat for another 15 minutes.

While it cooks, prepare the oranges. Wash them, remove the peel and white film. Divide the oranges into slices. Cut into cubes.

Put the oranges in a saucepan with pumpkin jam.

Despite the fact that sourness is inherent in oranges, I add citric acid to pumpkin-orange jam. Jam in it turns out sweet and sour, besides citric acid is an excellent preservative and therefore any preservation is perfectly stored with it.

After adding these ingredients, mix pumpkin jam with orange. Cook it on low heat for another 15 minutes. During cooking, do not forget to stir the jam so that it does not burn to the bottom of the pan.

Pour the finished pumpkin jam with orange, like all other types of jam, hot into sterilized jars. We close the lids scalded in boiling water. Turn jars of pumpkin jam with orange upside down, cover and leave to cool. This is how easy and simple it is to prepare a simple pumpkin jam with orange. By the way, according to this recipe, you can cook and, just replace the pumpkin with peeled watermelon peels (without green peel).

You can also cook pumpkin jam with orange a little differently. According to the recipe below, it will turn out to be a homogeneous consistency in the form of mashed potatoes, and not in pieces, as we have already discussed above.


  • Pumpkin - 1 kg.,
  • Oranges - 500-700 gr.,
  • Sugar - 400-500 gr.,

Pumpkin Jam with Orange - Recipe

Peel the pumpkin. Cut it into pieces. Put in a bowl. Rinse prepared oranges with cold water. Clear them. Also cut into small pieces. Pass pumpkin with oranges through a meat grinder or chop in a blender.

Pour the resulting puree with sugar. Stir. Place a pot of jam on the stove. With occasional stirring, boil it for 20 minutes. After this time, pumpkin jam with orange will be completely cooked, but will not be puree.

Remove the saucepan from the stove. Break the jam with a blender. Sterilize jars and lids. Let the jam boil again. Pour it into jars with a ladle. Roll up. Turn over, cover.

After cooling, take the jars of jam to a cold place. Jam after cooling thickens and becomes suitable as a filling for pies, donuts, pies, rolls.

Try also making pumpkin jam with orange and lemon. The recipe for its preparation is no more complicated than the previous ones.


  • Pumpkin - 3 kg.,
  • Oranges - 4 pcs.,
  • Lemon - 1 pc.,
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.,
  • Water - 2 glasses

Pumpkin Jam with Orange and Lemon - Recipe

Remove the skins from pumpkins and oranges. Cut the pumpkin into cubes. Pass orange with lemon through a meat grinder. Pour sugar into a saucepan. Fill it with boiling water.

Stir. Boil the syrup for about five minutes until the sugar dissolves. After that, put the pieces of pumpkin and mashed oranges with lemon into the hot syrup.

With the onset of winter colds, I want to remember the taste of summer and give myself pleasure by eating something fragrant and healthy. Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon has an amazing taste and amazing aroma, and it is very easy to cook it through a meat grinder. It is eaten in just a few minutes. Such a dessert attracts not only with taste, but also with a pleasant, beautiful color. Readers of "Popularly About Health" offer several recipes for preparing winter treats.

The benefit of jam lies in its ability to remove toxins and toxins from the body. And this is already half the success when trying to lose weight and reduce body weight. This healthy preparation will strengthen the immune system, because it contains a double dose of citrus fruits, and will also cheer you up on a gloomy winter day. The use of such a dessert will improve metabolism and normalize digestion.

Jam from orange, lemon and pumpkin through a meat grinder

The classic way to make jam

For 1 kg of the main component - pumpkin - we need:

850 grams of sugar;
- 1 orange;
- 1 lemon.

First, peel the pumpkin, wash it well, remove all the seeds. Cut the pulp into small sticks.

Wash the citrus fruits, leave the lemon with the peel, and peel the orange. Remove bones and veins from them. Cut into several pieces.

Pass all prepared components through a meat grinder. The same process can be accelerated several times with the help of a blender. Add sugar to the mass, mix thoroughly. Sugar should dissolve completely, then the jam can be poured into sterilized jars. It is advisable to choose a container of a small size so that you can eat all the contents in 1-2 times. This delicacy is prepared without cooking, and therefore it will not be stored for a long time after opening.
Jars of jam should be kept in the refrigerator.

Jam with lemon, pumpkin and orange through a meat grinder with further cooking

To prepare this dessert, you will need a slow cooker, as well as the following products:

1 kg pumpkin;
- 1 kg of sugar;
- 1 orange;
- 1 lemon.

Peel the pumpkin and orange, leave the lemon without peeling. remove all bones and seeds. Pass all fruits through a meat grinder. Pour sugar in an enameled container and leave to infuse for a while. Pumpkin-citrus mass should completely dissolve the sugar and give juice.

Transfer the entire mass to the multicooker, turn on the device in the “extinguishing” mode. The dessert will be cooked for 2 hours, during which time it must be stirred occasionally.

Pour the finished jam into jars that have already been sterilized in advance. Roll up the lids, turn upside down until completely cooled, wrap with a blanket. Store in a cool place. It's amazing delicious treat to fragrant tea with mint or linden on a winter evening!

Recipe with orange pumpkin and lemon through a meat grinder without sugar

This recipe does not involve the use of sugar, which makes it slightly less caloric. We will need:

1.5 kg of pumpkin;
- 1 orange;
- 1 lemon;
- 1 glass of water;
- honey - in quantity at your discretion.

Wash citrus fruits and remove pits. Grind the pulp through a meat grinder. Peel the pumpkin fruit, remove the seeds, cut into pieces and also pass through a meat grinder. Combine pumpkin and citrus masses, mix.

Pour the whole mass into an enamel saucepan, add half a glass of cold water. Put on a small fire and stir regularly. If the pumpkin is not juicy enough, then you can add a little more water, but not more than 1.5 cups in total. The cooking process takes about 45 minutes with constant stirring along the bottom.

Remove jam from heat and leave to cool. When it reaches almost room temperature or lower, add honey to taste. Do not pour this product into a hot mass, as all its beneficial properties will instantly evaporate, and honey itself will not dissolve in a cold consistency.

Thoroughly mix the finished jam, arrange in sterilized jars. This dessert should be stored in the refrigerator.

By the way ... In pumpkin and citrus jam, you can add not white, but brown sugar, which is considered more beneficial to health. In addition, you can experiment with spices. For example, star anise or cinnamon will add a special piquant accent. Try it and your jam recipes “through a meat grinder” will only become tastier.

Bright and beautiful pumpkin jam with lemons, oranges, dried apricots, raisins - choose what you like!

There are no difficulties in cooking such jam, it is very difficult to spoil it, even a hostess just starting to cook can cope with cooking.

Accordingly, depending on the weight of the available pumpkin, you will need to reduce or increase the amount of sugar and lemons.

  • 1 kg pumpkin pulp;
  • 600 g of granulated sugar;
  • 2 medium sized lemons

Peel the pumpkin, remove the pulp and seeds. Before starting, do not be too lazy to sharpen the knife well, peeling the pumpkin from the peel is not the easiest thing. Pumpkin seeds can not be thrown away, but washed, dried on a towel for a day, and then fried a little in a pan, they contain many useful substances, and they are simply very tasty.

Cut the pumpkin pulp into pieces, preferably at least 1.5 cm thick, so it is less likely that they will lose their shape during cooking. Weigh the pumpkin, accurately count required amount Sahara.

There are two options for preparing a lemon for cooking. The first is to simply twist the lemon in a meat grinder and mix with pieces of pumpkin. I prefer the second way - grate the zest of a lemon on a medium or fine grater, and then cut it into slices, removing the seeds. So the maximum juice and aroma will be taken from the lemon, and the jam will be more beautiful.

Put pumpkin, zest and lemon slices into a cup (or immediately into a saucepan), sprinkle everything with sugar, cover with a lid, leave for at least three hours. It is necessary that the pumpkin and lemon “give away” so much juice that it almost covers the entire pumpkin. The time it will take, of course, depends on the type of pumpkin, so if you are not familiar with the type of pumpkin, I think that the best option is to cut the pumpkin with lemon in the evening, then in the morning you will definitely get a full cup of juice.

And now, when enough juice has stood out, you can start making jam.

For cooking, it is better to take dishes with a thick bottom, so burning is almost eliminated. Put the saucepan (stewpan) with the future jam on a small fire, bring the mass to a boil and immediately remove the saucepan from the heat, do not boil. Put the pan in a cool place, if there is no such place, then just leave it in the kitchen. The pumpkin needs to cool down completely.

When the pumpkin has cooled almost to room temperature, put the pan back on a small fire, bring the jam to a boil and cook now for 20 minutes without closing the lid. Here it is necessary to make a reservation about this. If at the end you want to get jam in the form of pieces of pumpkin floating in syrup, then it is important not to overcook the pumpkin. But there are varieties with very dense pulp, then after the first stage with cooling, the pieces remain very hard, then the mass must be brought to a boil again and cooled again, and only then cook for 20 minutes over low heat, removing the foam. Then remove the pan from the heat and immediately put the jam in the jars, removing the already not very beautiful slices of lemons.

Pre-prepared jars (washed and sterilized) must be warm by the time the jam is laid out in them, otherwise they may burst. Filled jars close tightly with lids or roll up.

Leave the jam at room temperature for a day, and then put it in a cool place if possible.

You can experiment a little with flavors by replacing half the lemons with, for example, an orange or a lime.

Recipe 2: Pumpkin Jam with Lemon and Orange

This recipe with a photo is dedicated to a bright vegetable - pumpkin, or rather, sunny jam from it. Only the result will be unexpected for you: the pumpkin flavor is practically not felt in the finished product. Pumpkin jam is not only very beautiful and tasty, it gives the body invaluable benefits. Orange, lemon - these citruses are energizing.

It turns out deliciously fragrant citrus-pumpkin jam - you will lick your fingers!

  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 0.8 kg of sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 2-3 tbsp. water.

Sweet jam for the winter is obtained from a pumpkin, which has bright and juicy flesh. Moreover, this preparation retains its taste qualities better. We clean the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, cut into small cubes. 1.5-2 cm each will be fine, such pieces will boil well.

Cut oranges into small pieces. Do not forget to thoroughly wash the peel before cutting.

Slice the lemon along with the zest. So that the skin does not taste bitter, pour boiling water over the fruit several times. Do not forget to remove the stones from all fruits. Because of them, a slight bitterness will appear, and it is unpleasant to stumble upon solid particles in soft jam.

Lemon and orange are placed in a basin or pan. We take an aluminum or stainless steel container.

We fall asleep citruses with sugar.

Pour in the water and stir well to dissolve the sugar completely. If the pumpkin is juicy, then less water can be taken, and vice versa.

Bring to a boil, cook for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly. We turn off the fire.

Pour the pumpkin into the hot syrup. It does not boil soft thanks to lemon and infusion in syrup. You will get a beautiful amber jam with whole soft pieces.

Stir the jam and leave for a day to cool and soak.

We return to the jam. All components are already saturated with fruit and sugar syrup. Boil 3 more times for 15 minutes after boiling, each time completely cooling the jam. Before our eyes, it becomes thicker, and the pieces of pumpkin are softer and smaller in size (boil down and shrink). Why do we cook not immediately for 30-45 minutes, but in stages? With this method, more useful substances are preserved, and even pieces of pumpkin and citrus have time to better soak in syrup and in no case turn into porridge. In the process of insisting, we look: if there is not enough water, we add it before putting the jam on the fire.

Before we boil the jam for the last time, we prepare the jars. We wash them with soda and sterilize them so that our jam can be preserved until winter. For convenience, all the rules of sterilization are already here. On the step by step photo it can be seen that the pumpkin has boiled down, a clear amber syrup has turned out, the jam is ready to be rolled into jars.

Carefully pour the hot jam with pieces of pumpkin, orange and lemon into hot jars using a spoon or ladle. We fill the containers completely, to the very neck. It is more convenient to store the workpiece in small jars.

We roll up with sterilized lids, turn over. You can not wrap the jam, just wait for it to cool and put it in a dark cupboard, store at room temperature.

The most delicious pumpkin, lemon and orange jam is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 3: Pumpkin Jam with Lemons and Tangerines

An original jam that will delight the kidneys (by definition) and immunity. Yes, they say that pumpkin also rejuvenates, so go ahead, girls and boys, for the sweet elixir of youth.

  • Pumpkin pulp - 1 kg
  • Lemons (thick-skinned) - 4 pcs.
  • Tangerines - 0.5 kg
  • Ginger, root - 4 cm
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Cardamom seeds - 1 pinch

Pumpkin for jam is better to take with a green skin. These usually smell like melon when cut.

Finely cut the pulp of the pumpkin into cubes.

Remove the zest from one lemon, finely chop the ginger.

Mix zest, ginger and 250 g of granulated sugar with pumpkin, cover and leave for 12 hours.

Boil tangerines with peel in 2 liters of water for 1 hour. Remove tangerines and set aside. Do not spill water!!

Finely chop the lemons themselves.

We spread the lemons in tangerine water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat under the lid for 30 minutes. Then another 15 minutes without a lid.

Then strain the tangerine-lemon water.

Finely chop cooled tangerines.

Pour tangerine-lemon water into a saucepan, put tangerines, pumpkin, put on fire, bring to a boil. Add a pinch of cardamom seeds, cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Add 750 g of sugar, cook until tender.

For me, the readiness of jam is determined by my grandmother's method - when a drop of syrup on a plate does not spread.

The taste is lemon-tangerine, the main ingredient pumpkin is a useful snag. Everyone is sure that they eat an orange with a lemon =)
Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 4, step by step: apple and pumpkin jam with lemon

To prepare delicious jam for the winter, just buy a pumpkin and stock up on apples. In this regard, pumpkin is a universal vegetable and product, since both main dishes and desserts can be prepared from it.

I really like the combination of apples and pumpkin, so I hope you appreciate my recipe. I also like that the jam does not turn into porridge, and the ingredients retain their shape. This is due to the fact that I fill the pumpkin with sweet sugar syrup and it is completely saturated. Jelly pieces of pumpkin retain their shape, and apples, if they fall apart a little, it's okay, as they will give the pumpkin even more mysterious, savory taste.

  • 600 grams of pumpkin;
  • 300 grams of apples;
  • half a lemon;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 300 grams of water.

My pumpkin, I cut off a thick, hard peel. I cut the pumpkin into large squares.

Sprinkle pumpkin squares with granulated sugar. Let it sit and soak in the sugar.

Then pour boiling water over to melt the sugar completely. I leave it to stand so that the pumpkin is even more saturated with sweet syrup.

I chop apples into slices, while removing the tails and internal partitions with seeds.

I add apples to the pumpkin and put on fire.

I simmer jam on fire for 30 minutes.

Then I squeeze lemon juice there so that the jam is not very sweet, but with a slight hint of sourness. I boil for another 10 minutes so that the jam boils and gurgles on the surface.

After that, I shift the finished jam into jars.

I seal tightly with lids so that oxygen no longer enters the jar.

I put the finished, cooled jam from pumpkin, apples and lemon into storage for the winter in the pantry or basement.

With such jam, we won’t be able to do winter, because such a bright orange delicacy will warm you at any moment.

Recipe 5: Pumpkin Jam with Ginger, Lemon, Poppy

Very interesting jam. Very thick, like candied fruits in syrup. No pumpkin flavor. Beautiful, spicy, fragrant. Pumpkin straws are dense and even slightly crunchy, very slight sharpness of ginger and poppy flavor, not too sweet.

  • Pumpkin (net weight of pumpkin pulp) - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 500 g
  • Orange (large) - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Ginger (root of fresh ginger 3-5 cm long) - 1 piece
  • Poppy - 1 tbsp. l.

Cut the peeled pumpkin into thin strips. Put in a bowl. The process is not very fast. Remove the zest from an orange with a grater, squeeze the juice. Just squeeze the juice out of the lemon. We send juices and zest to the pumpkin.

We shift the pumpkin with the contents into the pan, in which we will cook the jam. We fall asleep sugar.

We close the pan with a lid and do not remember about it for 6-8 hours, or even all night.

Gently mix the contents, the pumpkin just floats in its own juice, put on a large fire, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Cover again and forget for 4-5 hours.

We clean the ginger, cut it in the julienne way, into thin strips.

We throw ginger to the pumpkin, put it on the fire and cook with a gentle boil for 15 minutes, stirring from time to time.

Remove, cover, leave for 4 hours.

Roast poppy seeds in a dry frying pan until fragrant. We fall asleep in a saucepan and cook our jam over moderate heat for about 35 minutes. The pumpkin straw becomes completely transparent.

By the way, by the end of cooking, there is very little syrup left.

At first, I thought that poppy seemed to be useless, what is a tablespoon of poppy seeds? And when I put fried poppy seeds in jam, the aroma immediately changed: the orange became more subdued and a new shade of something baked was added. And it looks more fun - speckled jam.

We store the finished jam in the refrigerator, there is little sugar in it.

Recipe 6: how to cook pumpkin jam with lemon

As a rule, a pumpkin is stored until spring as a whole fruit. Less often it is frozen in pieces. And the orange beauty is preserved and rarely at all. And absolutely in vain. We suggest you make pumpkin jam with lemon for the winter. Although a lot of other delicious delicacies can be prepared from pumpkin: juices, compotes, jams, candied fruits, marshmallows.

The Queen of Autumn goes well with citrus fruits, nuts, viburnum, apples, pears, quince, dried apricots. So we want to offer you to replenish your culinary piggy bank with a recipe with a photo of fragrant pumpkin jam with lemon. During the preparation of this jam, the kitchen is filled with an amazing delicate lemon-pumpkin smell. And the taste cannot be described at all - some completely extraordinary range of taste sensations.

  • pumpkin - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • large lemon - half.

For pumpkin jam, you need to choose a ripe pumpkin with dense bright orange flesh.

Wash the pumpkin well, remove the peel and seeds. Cut into large cubes (with a side of about 1.5-2 centimeters).

Pour boiling water over the lemon to remove the waxy coating. Cut into large pieces along with the peel.

Place lemon slices in a blender.

Grind at high speed.

Pour sugar into a saucepan with a volume of at least two liters and pour 100 milliliters of water. Put on a slow fire.

Heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Let the syrup boil. Put pumpkin cubes and chopped lemon into it, mix well.

Cook over low heat for 1 hour, remembering to stir.

Checking the readiness of pumpkin jam with lemon is very simple: the pieces of pumpkin should become transparent and evenly distributed in the syrup. You can also determine the readiness of pumpkin jam by testing a drop of syrup: take a little syrup with a spoon, cool and put one drop on the nail. If the jam is ready, the drop will hold.

Pour hot jam into heated sterilized jars and seal immediately. Cooling - air.

Amazing amber pumpkin jam with lemon, the recipe of which turned out to be not so complicated, is ready. It can be served at the outlet for evening tea, or you can put it on a slice of freshly baked white bread. Pumpkin jam can also serve as an excellent filling for pies or pies.

Store pumpkin jam in a cool, dark place. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 7: Pumpkin Jam with Lemon and Dried Apricots (step by step)

The best proof that pumpkin is not only tasty, but also healthy is pumpkin jam. It does not have that specific smell that is inherent in raw pumpkin. It turns out fragrant, delicate texture and pleases the eye with an amber color.

  • 1 kg. peeled pumpkin
  • 1 kg. Sahara
  • 1 orange
  • 1 lemon
  • 200 gr. dried apricots

Using a knife, peel the pumpkin.

We remove pumpkin seeds with a tablespoon, do not forget about the fibers that are located next to the seeds.

We cut the pumpkin first into longitudinal pieces, and then turn them into small cubes.

We wash and peel the orange, disassemble it into slices (we must remove the grains).

Lemon is also washed, peeled and cut into pieces.

We wash the dried apricots, steam them for 30 minutes in hot water.

We skip the pumpkin, dried apricots, orange and lemon through a meat grinder.

Stir until smooth and add sugar.

Let it boil, and then cook on low heat for 40-50 minutes.

We sterilize jars (preferably half a liter). Pour pumpkin jam with orange and dried apricots into jars using a ladle or a tablespoon.

Seal and leave to cool. The finished delicacy is stored in a cellar or a cool dark place.

After making pumpkin jam, you can immediately start tasting, but it is better to let the jam brew: the longer it sits, the richer the taste becomes. By the way, it is not at all necessary to grind the ingredients to a puree state: if you like pieces more, then just scald the pumpkin cubes in sugar syrup. They will retain their shape if you cook the jam in 2-3 approaches, allowing the dish to cool completely. If desired, raisins can be added to this jam.

Recipe 8: how to cook simple pumpkin jam (with photo)

Pumpkin Lemon Jam may very well be one of your favorite winter desserts.

  • pumpkin - 850-950 gr
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 900 gr

To prepare this healthy winter dessert, we do not need so many ingredients, all of them can be freely purchased in a store or on the market. It is very important to choose a ripe and sweet pumpkin for jam, while the appearance of the peel is of little importance.

Let's start making jam by preparing pumpkin, as this is our main ingredient. We rinse the pumpkin purchased or grown in our own garden, wipe it dry and cut it in half. We clean each half of the dense peel in any way convenient for you, the main thing is to keep only soft and sweet pulp for jam. Also, using a wooden spoon, remove all the mucus and seeds from the pumpkin. You should not get rid of seeds, because they are also very useful for the human body, and especially for the cardiovascular system.

With a sharp knife, carefully cut the prepared pumpkin pulp into strips as shown in the photo. In fact, pumpkin pieces can be given absolutely any shape, the only thing you need to watch out for is the thickness of the pieces: if they are too large, then the pumpkin will take longer to cook and the final taste of jam may be different from the original version.

Now let's make the sugar syrup. To do this, pour a quarter liter of filtered cold water into a suitable saucepan, pour all the prepared marinade there. We bring the liquid to a boil and within 3-5 minutes we wait for the complete dissolution of the sugar crystals in the syrup.

After the specified time, we fall asleep pieces of pumpkin in a saucepan with thick sugar syrup. With the help of the same wooden spoon, carefully immerse all the pieces of pumpkin in the hot liquid.

We thoroughly wash the lemon in cold water, because we will use it together with the peel, which contains the main supply of all vitamins. We cut the citrus into thin rings or half rings, send it to the pan to the pumpkin. As mentioned earlier, you can cook pumpkin jam not only with lemon, but also with orange, tangerines or even ginger. We return the saucepan or saucepan with the ingredients to the stove, cook the dessert for 60 minutes until the pumpkin is soft and transparent.

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Pumpkin grows everywhere in our country, but this product is not particularly popular at the present time.

There are, of course, those who add pumpkin to porridge or baked goods, there are also those who bake it, but there are only a few of them.

But from such a useful and properly cooked real tasty vegetable, you can cook many interesting dishes, which include an amazing tasty sweet treat - pumpkin jam with oranges. Surprisingly, even those who could not stand the pumpkin before, like this jam, and hardly anyone can guess the composition of the dessert.

Pumpkin Jam with Orange - General Cooking Principles

Before proceeding directly to the preparation of delicacies, let's consider why it is worth trying to cook this delicious jam:

You can buy a pumpkin in the summer almost everywhere at a reasonable price;

pumpkin has large quantity useful properties: it contains vitamins, microelements, speeds up metabolism, removes excess fluid from the body;

Due to the presence of citrus fruits, the specific taste of pumpkin in the jam is not felt at all;

By adding various ingredients, experimenting with spices, you can get a new dessert every time.

So, the pumpkin must be peeled, seeds and fibrous part of the pulp. Next, the pulp is cut into small cubes or cubes, slices or slices, or grated or scrolled in a meat grinder - depending on the recipe and the desired consistency of the jam.

Oranges and lemons are washed and also crushed. This component can be used both with and without zest. If it is decided not to remove the peel, then it is recommended to boil the oranges several times so that they do not taste bitter in the finished product.

You can also add spices or nuts to the jam, pumpkin and oranges with almonds, cashews, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon go very well.

Jam is prepared mainly in aluminum or stainless pans, but it is not recommended to cook a delicacy in enameled ones.

Store the finished sweet, tightly rolled up or clogged with a lid, in a cool, dark place.

1. Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon


A kilogram of pumpkin pulp;

A kilogram of oranges;

A kilogram of sugar;

200 grams of lemon.


1. Thoroughly wash the pumpkins. Cut off the peel, free the pulp from the seeds. Cut into thin slices of small size.

2. We also wash oranges and lemons well. Without peeling citrus fruits, cut the fruit into four parts.

3. Now we cut each quarter across into thin layers, along the way, removing the bones if necessary.

4. Mix the prepared pumpkin pulp with oranges and lemon, add sugar. We leave the mass for a couple of hours.

5. We shift the pumpkins with citruses and the syrup that stands out into a pan of a suitable size. Boil, stirring, 20 minutes.

6. Completely cool the jam, then simmer again for 10-15 minutes until thickened.

7. We shift the hot jam into sterilized jars, roll it up.

2. Pumpkin jam with orange and dried apricots


One and a half kilograms of pumpkin;

600 grams of dried apricots;

1.2 granulated sugar;

5 g vanillin;

200-300 grams of orange.


1. We rub the peeled and thoroughly washed pumpkin on a coarse grater.

2. My orange, peel it along with a white layer. Cut the pulp, remove the bones.

3. Pour thoroughly washed dried apricots with boiling water for 15-20 minutes, then rinse, dry and cut into strips.

4. Put all the prepared ingredients in a saucepan for cooking jam, sprinkle with sugar. We mix.

5. Cook the delicacy over low heat, stirring constantly and removing the foam, if necessary, for 15 minutes. Cool down. Again we languish and cool. We repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

6. For the fifth time, pour vanillin into the jam, bring to a boil.

7. Pour the hot jam into a sterilized container, tightly close the lids.

3. Pumpkin jam with orange in a slow cooker


1 kg pumpkin;

1 kg of sugar;

0.5 kg of orange;

5 g citric acid.


1. Thoroughly wash the pumpkin and oranges.

2. Remove the peel from the pumpkin, remove the seeds and fibers. Cut the pulp into cubes.

3. Cut the oranges in random order, remove the seeds.

4. Scroll both ingredients in a meat grinder or grind in a blender.

5. Thoroughly mix both masses with granulated sugar. Let the jam stand in this form for a couple of hours at room temperature.

6. After the allotted time, we shift the fragrant mass into the multicooker bowl.

7. Cook for 2 hours, setting the "Extinguishing" mode. During cooking, open the multicooker several times and mix the jam.

8. If we see that the juice is not enough, then no later than 30 minutes before readiness, pour in about a third or half a glass of ordinary water.

9. Pour citric acid in 10-15 minutes.

10. We roll the finished jam into a sterile container with a hermetically sealed lid.

4. Pumpkin jam with orange peel and sea buckthorn


One and a half kilograms of pumpkin;

A kilogram of sea buckthorn;

Half a kilo of sugar;

100 grams of orange peel.


1. First of all, we carefully sort the sea buckthorn, selecting not spoiled fruits.

2. Rinse the berries, throwing them in a colander, and after they dry a little, crush them in any convenient way and squeeze out the juice.

3. Wash the pumpkin, peel it, cut the pulp into small cubes.

4. Pour into the pan, where we will prepare sea buckthorn juice jam. We pour sugar. While stirring, completely dissolve the sugar in the juice.

5. Add prepared pumpkin and finely grated orange zest.

6. Stirring regularly, simmer the jam over low heat until the pumpkin becomes transparent. This will take about 30-35 minutes.

7. If desired, five minutes before cooking, you can add a pinch of nutmeg, which will give the delicacy a special flavor.

8. We lay out the finished jam in prepared jars, close it.

5. Pumpkin jam with orange and almonds


1.2 peeled pumpkin;

300 grams of orange;

900 grams of sugar;

200 grams of almond kernels;

5-6 cloves.


1. Pour boiling water over the almonds for 15-20 minutes, after which we drain the liquid, and remove the husk from the nuts themselves.

2. Cut the pre-peeled pumpkin into bars about three by one centimeter in size.

3. Put the pumpkin pieces in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, mix.

4. On top of the pumpkin, lay out thoroughly washed and cut into thin circles or semicircles, if the fruit is large, oranges.

5. Infuse the mass in this way for about 3 hours.

6. Boil the jam over low heat for 15 minutes, cool, boil again, cool again.

7. At the third approach to boiling, add almonds and cloves.

8. We put the thickened cooked jam in jars, taking out the cloves along the way so that during storage the spice does not interrupt the taste of orange and pumpkin.

9. We roll up the container with lids, and after it cools down, we put it away for storage.

6. Pumpkin jam with orange, lemon and spices


1.3 pumpkin pulp;

Half a kilo of oranges;

Half a kilo of lemon;

A kilogram of granulated sugar;

3-4 cm of ginger root;

2-3 grams of cardamom.


1. Cut the pumpkin pulp into cubes about 2 cm in size. Pour into a saucepan.

2. Here we also rub the ginger root on a fine grater, put the zest of one lemon and 300 grams of granulated sugar.

3. Leave the mass, stirring it, for 2-3 hours at room temperature.

4. Squeeze the juice from the remaining lemons into a small container, and cut the washed oranges into small slices, removing the bones when cutting.

5. Mix all the ingredients in one large saucepan, add granulated sugar, bring to a boil.

6. Simmer on the quietest fire until thickened, about 20-30 minutes.

7. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add cardamom, mix.

8. We place the finished jam in a pre-prepared clean container.

To make really tasty jam, you need to responsibly choose the main ingredient: pumpkin. The fruit should be small in size, not overripe, without dents and obvious signs of rot.

Oranges are supposed to be sweet. Strongly sour or bitter fruits will spoil the taste of the finished treat. Of course, when choosing oranges in a store, it is impossible to understand whether they are tasty or not, so it is best to try each fruit when cutting.

When adding lemon and oranges to the jam, make sure that the fruits are not overripe, otherwise the look of the jam will not be very presentable.

Do not forget to remove the seeds from oranges and lemons, otherwise the finished jam will turn out bitter.

If you like the jam to be thick, do not cut the pumpkin, but grate it.

If you use peeled oranges for cooking jam, put at least a tablespoon of grated zest into the mass during cooking, this will add a particularly bright flavor to the jam.

Thanks to the short cooking of jam in several passes, you contribute to the preservation of most vitamins.

Thanks to the orange, pumpkin jam acquires an indescribable aroma and unobtrusive sourness, but you can also add other citrus fruits, apples, dried fruits to give new tastes.

To give the delicacy a special piquancy, add a minimum amount of spices at the end of cooking: vanillin, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg.