Tarot for beginners: what to do if you want to read cards. How to do a tarot layout for a beginner with an interpretation How to correctly tarot cards

Where to start learning Tarot if you don’t even have the slightest idea how to choose the right deck? Everyone goes their own way: someone is guessing, someone is meditating, there are a huge number different ways for self-development. A deck of Tarot cards for beginners must be chosen slowly. There are many decks, and it is worth listening to yourself and choosing the one that your hand reaches out to.

The main types of decks

Deciding on the most suitable option is not always easy. Some are good for beginners, others are too difficult for them. There are the following types of decks:

  • universal;
  • classical (or traditional);
  • specialized;
  • copyright.

Among the classics are the Lenormand deck, Marseille and Egyptian Tarot. Many traditional decks have existed since the 15th-17th centuries. ekov. Some of them were used in monasteries. Then almost all representatives of the nobility knew how to make layouts. The artists were honored to draw a unique masterpiece for a wealthy family. Since that time, many images have been preserved unchanged. . Among the universal decks are:

  • Tarot Rider-Waite;
  • golden dawn;
  • Aleister Crowley.

They were created under similar circumstances, but in various countries and at different time intervals. The Golden Dawn Tarot ranks third in the world in terms of its popularity. The author is Samuel MacGregor Mathers and the artist is his wife Moina. Both were members of the British Order of the Golden Dawn.

Crowley's cards take an honorable second place in their popularity. The deck is very beautiful and was created for five whole years: the English esotericist Aleister Crowley and the artist Frieda Harris worked on it. But the cards saw the light only after the promulgation of the will of the creators. They are often used to conduct magical rituals.

Interested in which Tarot cards for beginners are better to buy, many get a recommendation to opt for the Arthur Edward White deck. It is hugely popular due to its intuitiveness, ease of interpretation and, so to speak, security. This is a good tool that allows you to get the right answers to all kinds of questions and helps beginners master the art of Tarot.

The specialized version is good only for working with a specific list of questions, and this is where the cards differ from the universal ones. For example, Tarot of the dwarves will help resolve a domestic conflict, and Manara will answer questions about relationships and personal life.

How to make the right choice

It is best for the teapot to start with the Rider-White Tarot or take another universal type Tarot you like. A variety of drawings allows you to quickly remember the cards, in addition, the images help to interpret the layout. It is noteworthy that the Arcana Strength and Justice are indicated by serial numbers eight and eleven, and not vice versa, as in other decks.

You can choose and buy a deck yourself, but it is preferable that someone close to you pays. It is very good to accept cards as a gift, but it should be borne in mind that such a deck may refuse to answer questions from strangers. But they will be obedient in the hands of their owner.

It is better to refuse purchase through the online store. After all, it is important to feel "your" deck. Visit an esoteric store and ask the salesperson to show you a few different options. Open the box and view its contents. Listen carefully to your own feelings. If you feel cold, then this is not your option. Sheets should lie well in the hand, exude warmth and evoke positive. Do not seek to find a rational explanation, rely only on your intuition.

You should choose a deck very seriously, as it will serve for a long time. There are many factors to consider when choosing. If you take into account each individual nuance, you will be able to choose the perfect option.

First of all, you should decide on the place of purchase. In the bookstore there is less risk of meeting a low-quality product, you can also go to the supermarket. The risk of buying defective cards in a stall is much higher.

Often, esoteric stores offer books that teach divination., and this is a great solution for dummies. Simple divination on Tarot cards for beginners will be mastered by everyone.

It is worth choosing arcana with beautiful pictures and clear symbols. Real Tarot should not leave traces of paint on the palms., this is what distinguishes it from a fake. The sheets should be counted to make sure that they are all in place - there should be seventy-eight pieces in total. It is important to make sure that no two copies are the same in the box and that all images are different.

The advantage of an open package is that it can be closely examined. Marriage may be found in a closed one. There is an opinion that the Tarot needs to be cleansed if the box has been opened. In fact, you will need to clean any Tarot, even the one that was sold sealed.

Before you go shopping, you can look on the Internet what types of decks are. This can be seen on special sites. After studying the pictures, it will become clear which option is needed, and you won’t have to spend a lot of time in the store.

However, many prefer to make a choice, relying on the advice of the seller. After all, a variety of questions may arise along the way. The seller will tell you which Tarot cards are the strongest and help you decide.

Some show a genuine interest in tarot cards. For beginners, training will not take much time, and if you set a goal, there will be no particular problems.

How to read Tarot cards? This is a universal system. For divination, you need a deck and a good mood. Let's talk about the basic rules of divination for beginners, popular decks and layouts.

In the article:

Tarot as a mantic system

Tarot is one of the most popular divination tools. At all times there were people who did not believe that pieces of paper with pictures could tell about the future. However, the Tarot has established itself not only as a system of divination, but also as a tool for knowing oneself and the world.

The classic Tarot deck consists of 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana, 78 cards in total.. Depending on the school to which the deck belongs, the Major Arcana have a different sequence: Major Arcana or begin with a card "Jester", or end with it, the arcana change places "Strength" and "Justice". The names of the Major Arcana differ, for example, in the Tarot system Crowley 22 lasso "World" called " Universe". The major arcana also differ externally, for example, on the arcana of the school Papus letters are always present Kabbalah.

The drawings on the Minor Arcana can depict a particular situation that describes the meaning of the card, or they can remain symbolic (for example, seven swords will be depicted on the seven of swords). The minor arcana are represented by four suits: cups, wands, swords and pentacles.

Four card suits corresponded with four estates: swords represented the nobility, goblets represented the clergy (through association with the communion cup), coins represented merchants and townspeople, and staves represented peasants and servants. The court cards Page, Knight, Queen and King conditionally designate the four ranks of the aristocracy in ascending order of power. In the future, the names of the suits began to be called differently: there were roses, acorns, bells and others, until, as a result of the development of engraving and the spread of card printing, figures of hearts, a tambourine, a spade and clubs were not established. Tarot games were very popular in Europe, especially in France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Flanders. With the settlers, the cards also reached North America, where at some point the Joker, a descendant of the "Jester" Taro, was born.
Bednenko G. B. “The Minor Arcana of the Tarot. Theory and practice".

Traditionally, there are three systems:

  1. Tarot Rider-White - the most popular. About ninety percent of modern decks and oracles are based on the principles of this school. Classic deck - deck Ryder-White: understandable colorful cards, traced plots of the Minor Arcana help you quickly remember the meanings and not get confused when interpreting in the layout.
  2. Tarot Papus - came earlier Ryder-White, differs in the interpretations of some arcana, the order of the cards in the deck and the philosophical explanation of the origin of the cards and their meanings. The Minor Arcana are not drawn in all the decks of the system, which makes memorization difficult. On the territory of Russian-speaking countries, it is much less common than Ryder White. Classic decks of this system: Papus Tarot , Kabbalistic Tarot G.O.M., Egyptian Tarot.
  3. Taro Crowley - reflects the philosophy of the author Aleister Crowley and his occult organization "Order of the Golden Dawn". Appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. This is one deck designed by the founder of the system, - Tarot Thoth. Both the appearance of the arcana and their divinatory meaning are very different from the schools described above. It is generally recommended to move on to Crowley after mastering one of the two classic tarot systems. Easy to learn without basic knowledge about tarot Crowleyans(followers of the teachings of Crowley).

Deck: how to choose and get acquainted

Where to start if you decide to learn to read Tarot cards? First of all, you need a deck, but how to choose it?

Every year, a huge number of new tarot decks are released. How to understand which one is suitable for a particular fortune teller? Beginners are encouraged to gain experience on the classic deck of a particular Tarot system. In the early stages, it is better to avoid working with decks of a narrow theme, for example, and "dark" decks ( Taro Vargo, Shadows, all Gothic decks).

Before buying, you need to look on the Web for images of the deck you like. If possible, you should hold the unpacked box with the deck in your hands before buying.

When the deck is purchased, you can get to work. You need to understand the cards well and have a mindset suitable for divination.

Beginners are advised to start with deck development . These are exercises during which the deck is studied in detail, acquaintance with the cards takes place. The most popular deck development techniques - instant layout « » and lasso meditation practice.

"Card of the day" means a quick daily layout on one card, which symbolizes the general nature of the day for the fortuneteller. Considering the number of cards in the deck, it will take at least a couple of months to develop.

As for meditation on the lasso, everything is both simpler and more difficult. Most often, the practice is applied to the Major Arcana for a better understanding of their meanings. There are several ways to meditate that can be used for any system deck.

To create a special mood before divination, they use candles, aromatic oils, special ritual tablecloths for layouts.

How not to take tarot cards in your hands

There is no need to force a person to make a deal if there is no mood or the fortuneteller is physically unwell. Any altered state of consciousness (alcohol intoxication) does not help the beginner to work correctly with the cards.

The fortuneteller is not advised to make a deal on a significant personal question, since his own interest will interfere with the correct and objective interpretation. It is better to turn to a person who is less emotionally involved in the situation. This also applies to divination for another person. From the first days of practice, you need to track when the fortuneteller interprets the alignment, and when he says querent(to the questioner) own opinion about the situation.

No need to be shy at first to use hints during interpretation. Comes with every deck book with the main meaning of each lasso. Later, having gained experience, the fortuneteller will remember the meanings of the cards by heart.

Separately, it should be said about the rule "Do not give your cards into the wrong hands." Many tarot readers do not allow outsiders to touch the divination tool, even if the layout requires the querent to choose the cards himself and lay them upright or inverted, for example, "Seven Bodies". This also applies to cases when the fortuneteller is offered personal cards for the layout. You need to listen to yourself: if your hands reach out to someone else's Tarot, you need to trust your intuition and work with the deck, and if a fortuneteller is against touching the deck of someone else's hands, you should use layouts where the querent's touch is optional.

Here is one of the best Tarot manuals from a real Master! Alla Bobrova has been seriously studying Tarot for more than 15 years, she is the founder of her own Tarot school, the author of hundreds of publications. This book is not just a guide to the meanings of cards and layouts! You will get the main thing, without which it is impossible to learn to guess and get truthful answers: understanding the symbolism of the Tarot. Tarot has nothing to do with clairvoyance and does not require a special gift. The answer to any of our questions is already in our subconscious, you just need to “catch” it. It is for this purpose that the images and symbols that the cards are filled with serve. But with everyone who asks questions, the deck speaks its own “language”, so generally accepted interpretations often mislead even an experienced predictor. The technique of Alla Bobrova reveals the creative and intuitive channel of a person. Therefore, by studying according to the book, you will properly tune in to one of the most popular Tarot decks - Rider-Waite. As a result, you will be able to quickly predict events and gain Knowledge that will help you.

How to learn to read Tarot on your own?

I often receive letters in the mail asking me to sort out the alignment that the person made himself. Here is an example of such a letter:

“Dear Allah! I have a very difficult family situation. My husband and I are on the verge of a divorce. He's gone and I don't know what's next. I have a tarot deck and I have laid out the cards. I got: 2 of Wands, Hermit, Empress, 3 Denarii, Ace of Swords and Lovers. What do you think it all means. Thanks in advance, Katherine."

Most of the time I respond to emails like this:

“Dear, Catherine! Unfortunately, I cannot help you. Because you made the arrangement yourself. The information has come for you, and only you can decipher it. But it is not a fact that the cards that have fallen out objectively reflect your situation. Firstly, you are nervous, worried and thereby knock down information. Secondly, it is not known how close you are to the Tarot, whether you have a connection with this mantic system, whether you are connected to the Tarot egregor.

In the process of communication, it turns out that the person is interested in Tarot, bought a deck and a book and tries to guess and interpret the cards from the book. This, of course, is an interesting occupation, they can have fun for years, but they never learn to read cards. "But what to do?" the bewildered reader will ask. I'm telling!

So, you bought tarot cards. Or maybe you are still in the process of finding a suitable deck. You have an interest in this system, you have heard about the wonderful possibilities of Tarot and are eager to learn it quickly. Where to start?

Interpret the images of the cards

The Tarot deck is based on symbols. You know the meaning of all these symbols, even if it seems to you that this is not so. If some tricky signs on the cards seem unfamiliar to you, do not pay attention to them yet. Focus on what you know and understand. Symbols are such an interesting thing that we absorb throughout our lives, and maybe even before birth. We may not be aware of this, not try to interpret what a full glass, a cross, a rose or a skull means to us. But within us this understanding is. We know for sure that a rose is associated with love, a skull with death, a cross with trials, and a full glass with something very good, pleasant and joyful. When you look at any symbol, images will pop up in your head, a chain of associations will be built. The image of a rose on the map will cause each person to have their own set of associations. Someone will remember the rose bush in the park, the beauty of nature, the scents of summer. Someone - the first date and a bouquet of roses. And someone - their pink blouse, in which you looked like a beautiful flower.

This is our property - the ability to receive impressions, images from the symbols seen - and there is the basis of working with cards.

Develop your intuition

The second, very important point when working with Tarot is the development of intuition. Without it, nowhere! You can know all the meanings of the symbols. You can understand what all the signs mean in all the mantic systems of the world, but you will never be able to make a prediction if you do not develop intuition. Well, imagine you got a card with a rose. You know it's love, beauty, nature, art, romance, love pain (thorns), sex (red), holiday, gift, etc. Which of these meanings would you choose at the moment? What does this rose mean now? It is in order to determine the correct value that intuition is needed!

In my opinion, it is better to have a finely tuned intuition than to know perfectly the meanings of all the symbols. Because a good intuitive, even without knowing all the symbols, will give you the exact answer, intuition will tell him what this rose means at the moment. The esoteric erudite will never be able to decide on the answer. He will read you a treatise on the topic “What does a rose mean in the life of each of us” and invite you to understand for yourself what this symbol will bring you. Actually, this is also the right way. You will be given ground for reflection, and the erudite will be given the opportunity to get away from the exact answer, hiding behind the multivariance of symbols.

But our goal is to learn how to make accurate predictions. Therefore, it is necessary to move in parallel in two directions - to study the symbols of the Tarot and develop intuition.

Where to begin?

Tarot is an esoteric science. And you need to approach the study of Tarot in the same way as you would approach the study of any science - starting small, gradually moving forward to more complex. If you decide to become a doctor and enroll in medical institute, this does not mean that tomorrow you will take a book, read how to perform an operation to remove appendicitis, and start “cutting” one of your loved ones? So why, as soon as people buy a Tarot deck, do they find a Tarot layout on the Internet, pull out the cards and try to understand from the book what the cards prophesy to them? Yes, I understand - interesting! What if they take the cards now and tell you the whole truth?! They won't tell you anything. They will only discourage further study of the Tarot. And the conclusion to which you will come in the end is “all this is nonsense” or “Tarot is not mine.”

No need to rape Taro and demand answers from him. It's like in love - first get to know each other, chat, get to know and love each other, and then the Tarot itself will reveal all the secrets to you.

So where do you start? From looking at pictures! Yes, I'm not kidding. Each card has everything you need.

So just pick up the card and look at it. It is better to start with the Major Arcana. They are the backbone of the deck. There are opinions that earlier the deck consisted only of the Major Arcana. The younger ones were added to the deck much later.

Each Major Arcana has its own serial number. He is not accidental. The number itself, as well as the name of the card, also has a meaning. If you are not strong in numerology, do not be discouraged. For now, even the most primitive knowledge of numbers will suffice for you. You can start with the Magician, who has the serial number I, or with the Jester, who is generally beyond any numbers. Rather, in some decks it is marked with the XXII number, in some it is 0. Does the fact that the card can be both the first and last tell you something?

So, you take a map and see what is shown there. Usually on the Major Arcana there is a certain plot, the hero of this plot and the general situation. It is useful to look at all this the way children look at pictures. They imagine in their heads what is happening there, draw the missing details, imagine themselves in this picture. Try to do the same for you.

Try to describe what you see on the map. Feel your personal attitude to the card - like it or not. Look at the symbols on the map. What are they talking about? Remember: everything matters - image, color, position of figures, name, number. Whatever you think about the card, write it down in your diary.

It is very good to try to find music that, in your opinion, would correspond to this map. Or remember which of the heroes of films or books the character of the card looks like. If you can draw, draw this card. Or think up a fairy tale on the theme of the card.

A good way to get to know the map is to meditate on it or, as they say, entering the map. In a relaxed, calm state, look at the map and imagine that you are inside. It may feel like a dream. You can walk, talk, ask questions in the map. Write down all the impressions of meditation in your diary.

So you will collect your personal information about the card, your impressions, your values. And only after that you can look for information about characters that you do not know. Symbol dictionaries, which are enough on the Internet, are very helpful in this case.

And now you have collected enough information on the map. Be prepared for the fact that information on each card will be added and added. Leave a couple of blank pages in your diary for her and move on to the next card.

Required condition studying the Major Arcana - no more than two cards per day. Better yet, one card per day. Then you will fully study each card and there will be no piling up of information and energy.

In parallel with the study of cards, start communicating with them. From the Major Arcana, draw a card of the day every day. Do not look for what other tarologists write on this card. Look at the card and immediately write down how you feel about it. At the end of the day, compare these feelings with the day before. With such a simple exercise, you will tune in to the Tarot deck, learn to talk to it. She will tell you something, and you will try to understand her language.


Get a notebook to study Tarot. In it you will write down all your impressions on the cards. For each card (there are 78 in total), select 1 sheet. On this sheet you will not write the book values ​​of the cards, but those values ​​that will come to you while contemplating the card, while thinking about the symbols, figures, people, numbers depicted on the card.

On the day you should work with no more than one card and you need to start with the Major Arcana.

In the second part of the book, we will go through all the Arcana of the Tarot, I will ask leading questions and point the direction for your attention. Write the answers that come to your mind in your notebook.

How to develop intuition

First of all, I want to say that everyone has intuition. Just as most people have arms and legs, they also have intuition. Lack of intuition is the exception rather than the rule.

I assume that intuition is one of the components of the instinct of self-preservation.

The ability to foresee the future made it possible for ancient people to save their lives, to survive in difficult circumstances. But since no one could scientifically prove the existence of intuition, she remained aloof.

It is clear that each person has different opportunities for developing intuition - as well as the development of other abilities.

Someone has a penchant for music and will become a great pianist, while someone just knows how to play the piano quite well. But everyone can develop intuition, and everyone will achieve some success.

It is impossible to guess the Tarot without intuition. Knowledge of maps, study of books and symbols will not help you if you do not use and develop your intuition.

How to test your intuition and make sure you have it? Has it ever happened to you - the phone rings, and without looking at it, you already know who is calling? Has it ever happened that you remembered some person whom you had not seen for a very long time, and suddenly received a message from him or accidentally met on the street? Do you sometimes have dreams that later come true? Have you ever acted illogically, but later turned out to be right? If any of the above happened to you, know that intuition worked.

Intuition can and should be developed, even if you are not going to work with Tarot. It will always come in handy in life. Well, if you have a Tarot deck, God himself ordered you to develop these abilities.

Exercises for developing intuition

Here are some very simple and effective exercises.

1. Cut out squares of the same size but different colors from colored paper. Lay them face down on the table. Pick one at random and try to guess which color you picked. A color may appear before the eyes, a thought may come, what color it is, or an object of that color may be remembered. Signals from intuition are very different. For example, you will smell the cucumber and know that it is green.

2. Make the same cards, but all of the same color and draw on one side geometric figures- circle, square, triangle, cross, star. Without looking at the picture, try to guess what figure is there.

3. Go to the grocery store. Stand near the shelf and try to determine if the cake looks delicious, what it tastes and smells like, whether it is fresh or already dried up. Try to do the same with other products - cottage cheese, rolls, yogurt, and with anything. Then buy this product and compare the reality with your feelings.

4. Ask someone in the household to hide an object in the room, and then mentally ask yourself where it is. Tips may come or the legs themselves will go in the right direction. If you cannot find it during the day, go to bed with the thought that in a dream you will see where this object is located - this also happens.

5. Know that the signs and signs are individual for everyone. Someone has a black cat for trouble, and I have luck. Look for your own signs and clues. These are also ways of intuition to show you the right path. For example, I noticed: if I meet twins, this is for profit. If I see a number on a passing car, the numbers of which are in the same order as on my phone, to a happy change.

6. Gradually complicate your tasks. Without looking, pull out one card from the Major Arcana and try to guess what is shown there. The card number, the figure of this card, or the predominant color may come.

There are other ways to develop intuition. I listed the ones that first came to mind, which are the easiest to apply. Even if you do one of these exercises every day, your intuition will develop. And over time, it will become for you not an empty phrase, but a tool that you will use for its intended purpose.


Do at least one of the intuition exercises daily. The most important condition for your intuition to manifest itself is to calm your emotions. Your excitement, ardent desire to hear the voice of intuition, tension during the exercise - all this will interfere with you. Therefore, start the exercises in a calm and balanced state. Don't get frustrated if it doesn't work out, and don't be happy if everything goes well. Excessive joy, as well as worrying about failures, knocks down your intuitive channel. As Carlson said, calmness, only calmness ...

* * *

The following excerpt from the book All the mysteries and secrets of Tarot: layouts, subtleties of interpretation, the most important nuances. Master's Lessons (A. E. Bobrova, 2017) provided by our book partner -

Where to start learning Tarot if you do not yet have the slightest idea about working with these cards? Each person has his own path: someone is guessing, someone is looking for opportunities for development, someone is learning to meditate with the help of this esoteric oracle. But regardless of your goal, you need to start from the first simple steps, which we will talk about.

Examine the deck when it is in your hands. You need to understand its structure. It is divided into major and minor arcana:

  • 22 Major Arcana.
  • 14 minor arcana: suit of Cups (Bowls).
  • 14 minor arcana: the suit of Swords.
  • 14 Minor Arcana: suit of Pentacles (Coins).
  • 14 minor arcana: the suit of Wands.

Working out the structure of the deck

For structural study, the method of structural associations is used. You need to take each lasso from the deck in turn, examine it carefully, and then ask yourself questions while looking at the card.

The questions are the following:

  1. The emotions you experience when you look at the drawing.
  2. What does intuition suggest, what sensations arise?
  3. With what the image on the map is associated, describe in a couple of words.
  4. If a person is drawn on the lasso, listen to yourself and imagine his image in your imagination. Think about how he feels, what he is doing, what occupies his thoughts, what his goals are. Try to decipher the meaning of the colors of his clothes, posture, facial expressions. Imagine that he is addressing you and saying something. What are these words?
  5. Similarly, draw an associative series with arcana, on which animals or plants are drawn.
  6. See the weather, time of day and year on the map. What mental images do you have?
  7. Think about what number you associate the image of the lasso with.

Important: try to take a piece of paper and write down the answers to the questions. In the future, this information will be useful for introspection and verification of how the classic interpretations of the cards coincide with your feelings.

There are additional questions that you can work through as well. If you are tired, put it off until a more appropriate moment, but if you are ready to study further, start right now.

Ask, mentally referring to each of the arcana:

  1. In what cases can a card indicate favorable circumstances, predict something good?
  2. And vice versa - when does its meaning carry a negative context?
  3. How is it useful for self-development and self-knowledge?
  4. What forecast does it give in different areas of life (personal life, health, work, finances, self-realization)?

It can take several days or even weeks to work through the entire deck. Take your time, analyze each card carefully and in detail. This will not only help to better understand the meaning of the cards, but also create an energetic connection with the deck, which will be useful in divination in the future.

Watch a video tutorial on how to quickly learn how to work with Tarot cards:

After the structural study of the deck, the next stage of training begins - the study of the classical meanings of all the arcana of the Tarot. Arm yourself with a detailed interpreter taken from a reliable source, and get out your notes that you made during the first stage.

You need to check your own feelings with the "official" interpretations. There is a method that simplifies the task. This is the test question method:

  • You give a prediction, for example, about a person's personal life, based on personal feelings (written down in the first stage).
  • Take the second prediction from a tarology textbook.
  • Then listen to what the person has to say.

Check what matches and what doesn't. In this way, you begin to realize when your intuition is right, and in which cases it is better to listen to the opinion of official sources.

  • In the morning, ask the Tarot a question about what awaits you in the coming day.
  • Get an answer and interpret the prediction.
  • At the end of the day, check what came true, what didn’t, and what part of the prediction is too vague.

Instead of a card of the day, you can use express layouts. That is, you turn to the deck with some small question. For example, will I be on time for work today? You get an answer, wait, find out if it was correct.

It is very important to practice regularly. Then gradually you will work out all the skills necessary for a beginner to work with Tarot and will be able to proceed to a more complex level of training.

Quite often, people who are just starting their acquaintance with tarot cards and layouts do not know where to start. Which prediction schemes to use and how to interpret them correctly. How to understand the relationship of cards and trace the chain of development of the situation. To do this, consider the simplest and most versatile layouts that can be used for divination.

They can be used for any situation or issue, as well as for any area of ​​a person's life. To begin with, it is worth learning how to interpret simple layouts for a maximum of 5 cards. Do not chase the number of cards used in divination.

On the one hand, it may seem that the more cards in the layout, the easier it is to answer the question, on the other hand, this is not so. Extensive layouts contain a large amount of information intended for analysis, and also most often in large types of divination there is a complex scheme of the relationship or influence of one card on another.

Before proceeding with the layouts, you must select a deck. The Rider-Waite tarot deck is considered a classic. Study its images and get acquainted with the interpretation of each card.

After that, you can study the available layouts, write them out with a breakdown of the positions and the rules for laying out cards. The first time before the prediction, you can write down the position and position number of the card on a blank sheet of paper, on the contrary, write down the dropped card. It is better to always write down the result of fortune-telling - this helps to track the trend in the development of the situation when you re-apply.


This is a classic 3 card

1 - description of the past.

2 - a characteristic of the present.

3 - forecast for the future.

Option 2, 1, 3 can be used to view the pros and cons of the current situation, to choose one option out of two, to view the right and wrong decisions. Where position 1 is either a choice or a situation. 2 and 3 - pros and cons, options.

For this scenario, a specific question is asked. Also, for such a position of the cards, you can choose a suitable interpretation of the cards, adapted to the situation or question. The most common topics are personal relationships, couple relationships and the relationship of one partner to another. With the help of this alignment, you can help choose a profession or make a choice from two options.

For example, there is a couple, She wants to know how the relationship with Him will develop in the next 3 months. She asks the question: “What kind of relationship awaits us for 3 months?”

The alignment according to the scheme 1,2,3, where 1 is a description of the relationship in the first month, 2 is the development of relations in the second month, 3 is a summary of what awaits the relationship in the third month. Let's say the following cards are dealt:

  • - 1- 10 Swords - 1 month, separation is possible, termination of relations in the form in which they were, the departure of something better.
  • - 2 - Mage Inverted - 2 months - nothing new should be expected from the relationship, perhaps the relationship will end within the first month.
  • - 3 - 6 Pentacles Inverted - 3 months - one of the partners is not interested in the relationship, there is no contribution to the relationship, there is no support.

If we consider on this prediction just the current situation, with the same cards drawn, then the result will be the following.

1,2,3 - 1 - present, 2 - past, 3 - future.

1 - 10 Swords - the situation that has developed, the fortuneteller is no longer able to change. Perhaps your enemies are to blame. In this position, it remains only to muster up the courage and with a proudly raised head endure all the blows of fate. You have to learn a lesson from the current situation.

2 - Magician Inverted - your selfishness and self-confidence prevent you from making the right decisions. You may have made a mistake. You are not able to contain the situation, it is beyond your control due to your lack of self-confidence in this particular issue. Find inner balance, learn to live in harmony with yourself.

3 - 6 of Pentacles reversed - you just have to wait until the difficult period passes. The future promises you money spending, and rash and unnecessary. Learn to be careful with money, plan your expenses. Be careful not to fall into financial fraud.

If we consider this fortune-telling with respect to financial condition, then it can be done that a person has experienced some kind of financial loss or a difficult situation has occurred that required extra spending. Also, the Reversed Magician reports that in the past the person did not have financial stability. Summing up - you need to learn how to handle money, otherwise everything will be very deplorable.


It consists of 4 cards. This alignment can be used to obtain information about relationships, health, financial situation, professional activity. The layout can be performed both on the Major Arcana and on the minor ones. You can also use a full deck of 78 cards.

1 - a description of what is happening, the current situation, decoding the issue.

2 - what not to do.

3 - ways to solve the situation.

4 - the development of the situation, if you use the recommendations of the cards.

Consider the interpretation of the "Cross" layout for various situations.

For example: situation - relationship. She wants to know how her relationship with Him is. Divination is done on the Major Arcana. Dropped cards:

1 - Justice.

2 - The Hanged Man.

3 - Emperor.


1 - a description of the relationship - this is either an already registered marriage, or everything goes towards this. The seriousness of relationships and intentions. It is always worth remembering that everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. Relationships can be more complicated than they first appear.

2 - what not to do - do not sacrifice yourself for the sake of others. The girl needs to find inner freedom.

3 - how the situation develops, what happens in the relationship - He is very significant for Her, influential, can serve as a patron. Stabilization of relations. You shouldn't push such a person away. It's time to create something more.

4 - relations develop and have their logical continuation.

The result that can be seen from the layout: despite the presence of one negative card (The Hanged Man), the trend in relations is positive, there is a development for the better, and there is stability in the situation.

For example: the situation is professional activity, how things are going at work. Fortune telling on the Major Arcana, the same cards fell out.

1 - description of the situation (Justice) - it is necessary to put things in order in their affairs, bring all documents into an appropriate state. Your professionalism, ability to negotiate and find a compromise with colleagues and partners, your responsibility and desire to do everything according to the rules can bring you a promotion. You are valued as a good worker.

2 - what not to do (The Hanged Man) - you should not put up with the circumstances, if you want to get a raise or an increase in salary - you should act.

3 - how to solve the problem (Emperor) - you need to move forward, you may have to show firmness and authority.

4 - how everything will be resolved (Court) - you will find a way out of a difficult situation, get what you are seeking. The main thing is to make an effort and not sit still.


There are some spreads that are used differently for women and men. Such a fortune-telling can be attributed to the prediction "Pyramid". For women, this is a layout for viewing the second half, viewing the likelihood of pregnancy or marriage. For men, such a scheme will tell about work, career and his professional activities in general.

That is, the same cards drawn for a man and for a woman will be interpreted differently. For a woman in the context of relationships, for a man regarding work. The layout involves 10 cards, which must be laid out according to the following scheme:

1 - a description of the current state of affairs, what is happening now in a person's life.

2 - how events can develop.

3 - hints - what was hidden, missed, forgotten, not taken into account. All this can positively influence the situation.

4 - the sphere of thoughts, what a person thinks, both about the current situation and the general thoughts that visit.

5 - the sphere of physical condition.

6 - the sphere of emotional position.

Positions 4, 5,6 - factors that can influence the situation.

7 and 8 - give advice on what to do, what actions to take in order to eliminate mistakes and misunderstandings.

9 and 10 - what should be avoided - these are your enemies and the negative component of the alignment.

A simpler version of the Pyramid layout, consisting of 4 cards. It can be used for any situation. Basically, fortune-telling is used to view personal relationships, or the relationship of two people (girlfriends, colleagues), or to view relationships in a couple. Prediction can be carried out both on the selected Arcana and on the full deck.

1 - the general condition of the fortuneteller, manners and behavior.

2 - features of behavior. The attitude of the mysterious person to the fortuneteller.

3 - the true state of the relationship. Comparison for compliance. This is what the fortuneteller wants, or the relationship went on an unplanned path.

4 - the prospect of relations, what is their future.

An example of the interpretation of the alignment, the cards that fell out:

1 - Jester (Fool).

2 - Knight of Cups.

3 - Empress.

4 - Justice.

1 - the state of the fortuneteller and his behavior - indiscretion, committing stupidity, rash acts. The performance of actions or spoken phrases, which the fortuneteller will later regret. Inconsistency of behavior with an adult and an adequate person, childishness, not taking what is happening seriously. A person can, with his own hands, destroy existing relationships. You should not place more responsibility on your partner than he can give, and more than you place on yourself. Don't provoke your partner. Do not expect maturity and wisdom from a partner when you yourself are not able to give it. You should not demand seriousness if you are not ready for it or behave inappropriately.

2 - next to such a partner, you must always be on the alert, be in good shape. A partner may have a desire to go to the left, so you should attract him to your side, constantly interest him in something and attract like a magnet, you should have a riddle that he needs to solve. But, despite this, it is possible that your partner behaves towards you more dignifiedly than you allow yourself. Why do you think that he can't flirt, but you can. Do not allow yourself more than a partner. Learn to be on equal footing.

3 - a description of a woman as a good housewife, mother and wife. A woman who is able to maintain a home, support and inspire her partner. But the romance is slowly fading away. But balanced feelings, love, stability come to this place. All this is more reliable and holds on tighter than outbursts of emotions and a violent manifestation of feelings. Perhaps the partner expects from his soulmate, maternal care and guardianship, depending on the home environment.

4 - the restoration of justice and the search for who is right and who is wrong does not always end in peace. Perhaps all this can lead to the collapse and division of property. This card shows that not everything is as simple as it seems. Everything should be approached with rationality and prudence. You should not overdo it, you should always look for that edge and that moment at which you need to stop, so that later you don’t have to clear the rubble.

When interpreting the cards, it is necessary to look at their meaning for a specific situation, so that the forecast is more adequate and concerns only the question asked.