"Collision". Guidance and tactical advice

Major update 0.18 has been released. Players are waiting for a unique hybrid mode "Clash" , which is dedicated to the new trailer, the first training map "Alabino" and a number of other innovations.

In version 0.18, players will take part in a fundamentally new tank games battle format - large-scale military operations on a large map with changing tasks. In the "Clash" you need to fight not only with the enemy team, but also against units controlled by artificial intelligence. In the new hybrid mode, developers from the Obsidian Entertainment studio introduced a number of new mechanics: after the destruction combat vehicles do not return to the hangar, but respawn in battle, and the goals of the teams are divided into primary and secondary. For completing secondary tasks, players will have access to special support mechanics: airstrike, summoning a drone, using anti-tank bunkers. While the main goals on which the victory in the match depends can change directly during the battle. The first map of the mode is called "Desert Gate" where teams will have to fight for control of an aircraft carrier, which is in dry dock exactly in the middle of the battlefield.

With the release of the update 0:18 in Armored Warfare: Project Armata virtual version added polygon "Alabino"- the famous tank training ground. On the in-game version of the training ground, players will be able to try out any vehicle that exists in the game, including premium tanks, and it doesn’t matter whether this or that vehicle has been purchased or not yet. The range provides an opportunity for a kind of test drive before buying, checking the combat qualities of the selected armored vehicles. In addition, it will also be possible to study interaction with other tanks of the same level there, to find their vulnerabilities. However, you can just ride around the training ground, go through an obstacle course - almost identical to the one that real tank biathletes overcome in competitions.

In version 0.18, the hangar was also significantly redesigned. The tank garage has become larger and more spacious, in addition, the camera has been improved - now players will be able to see their combat vehicles in all their glory.

This week, the developers of Armored Warfare: Project Armata are celebrating the first birthday of the tank action game with a series of high-profile announcements and gifts for players. In the near future, fans of Armored Warfare: Project Armata are waiting for a new unique mode with mechanics that have not yet been seen in tank games, the Balance 2.0 change program, the launch of a tournament league and much more.

The most important event in the framework of the presentation of future releases that took place the day before was the announcement of "Clash" - a hybrid PvP mode with PvE elements with completely new mechanics for the tank genre. It is equally well suited for both tacticians and strategists, offering to become participants in large-scale dynamic battles. One of distinctive features the "Clash" mode has several new game mechanics: the rebirth of players in battle for a longer presence in the battle; the main goals that change right during the battle; secondary goals that allow you to call for support and thereby radically change the course of the battle. The first video teaser of the new mode appeared today on the official channel of the game.

Each fight in "Clash" will be different from the others. Fights take place on huge maps, are limited to 15 minutes and require a minimum of 10 fighters on each team. At the same time, you will have to fight not only with each other, but also with a third, aggressive side under the control of AI. However, both teams will also have support, also controlled by AI: static pillboxes, reconnaissance drones, airstrikes from the B2 bomber and ammunition supplies. All this will be available in the first map for the "Clash" mode, "Desert Gate". In the future, developers will add other support mechanics for various maps.

"One of the ideas that we try to follow in the development of the game is that Armored Warfare: Project Armata is a modern game about modern tanks. This means that players should have access not only to the latest military developments of the 21st century, but also unique to the whole genre of game mechanics.Throughout the work on the project, we tried to make it as technologically as possible similar to real fighting. dynamic environment, a wide variety of technical modifications, the uniqueness of each battle and each situation, the feeling of being in the very center of events - all this awaits the players along with the next updates," Dmitry Tabakov, creative producer of the project, commented on a series of announcements.

Another important event was the presentation of the change program, called "Balance 2.0". All improvements are aimed at making the game feel and really be a modern game about military equipment of the 21st century. Project Armata doesn't recreate the measured pace of other tank games - the military industry has changed tremendously over the past 70 years, and the developers want all of them to be represented in the game. Obsidian Entertainment announced that the plans include a large-scale rebalance of vehicles, reworking of armor penetration and shooting mechanics, refinement of physics and visualization, new map, vehicles, modes, and much more. For example, in the next update, players will have at their disposal an updated spacious hangar with improved lighting and a number of engine modifications that improve the appearance of available vehicles. The planned changes will emphasize the special dynamism of modern military conflicts, where the only right decision can change the situation on the battlefield.

Within the next month, the official announcement of the Armored War League will take place - the tournament league for Armored Warfare: Project Armata, which will be the first step towards unlocking the esports potential of the game. The developers plan to hold two open tournaments a year, in which everyone can participate. In addition, the first competitive mode of Armored Warfare is already available on the test server: Project Armata: "King of the Hill". Players - alone, in teams or as part of alliances - will have to fight for "hot spots" on the world map, as they win, rising up in the rating system. The mode offers solo players the opportunity not only to participate in battles as part of national teams, but also to act on behalf of several teams at the same time. "King of the Hill" is extremely versatile and allows you to turn an ordinary battle into a real mini-tournament. It is this mechanic that will allow using the current platform for larger competitions in the future.

The developers also launched the first activity for alliances (communities of players) in test mode - "Territory Wars", whose participants fight for parts of the map and resources located on it. At the beginning of each season, the alliances participating in the struggle "land" in a closed area, divided into conditional zones. The mode is dynamic even within the same season: some regions are richer and more profitable than others, but at the same time they are more difficult to defend against attacks from competitors.

The game team not only announced massive changes to Armored Warfare: Armata Project, but also expressed their gratitude to all the players who have been with the project during its first year. Fans of tank action are in for generous gifts: valuable resources and powerful military equipment, including the unique IS-7 tank, which each player will receive after fighting in just a few battles.

The Encounter mode, which was introduced in the game with update 0.18, gives a completely new understanding of the battles in Armored Warfare: Armata Project. It requires not only excellent single combat skills, but also the choice of the right tactics, quick orientation in a constantly changing environment.

In Clash, two teams of 15 fighters fight for control of territory. At the beginning of the battle, each side has a certain number of points. Certain actions, such as capturing and holding targets, destroying enemy vehicles (25 points), destroying bots (10 points), take away points from the enemy team and add to you. The side that loses all points loses.

On the first map of the "Clash" mode, " Desert Gate”, teams start with 2,800 points. The duration of the battle is 15 minutes. The cars of each team are divided into three groups, each group starts the battle from certain points on the map (marked on the map with crosses).

During the battle, both teams can use service points marked with a crossed wrench and cartridge. Use these points to repair your vehicles and replenish your ammo.

Unlike standard PvP, where a player is eliminated from combat after being eliminated, in Showdown you can respawn at one of your team's three spawn points (North, Central, and South). After respawning, your car is invulnerable for 15 seconds. In addition, service points and respawn points are defended by powerful pillboxes controlled by artificial intelligence. Thanks to these bunkers, the enemy, for example, is not able to effectively cut off the revived players and prevent them from joining the main battle. Please note: you spend the entire battle on one selected vehicle, during the revival you cannot select another vehicle.


The battle is divided into three phases, the progress of which can be tracked in the following ways:

  • follow the target indicator under the timer (the color changes depending on which team holds one or another point);
  • watch the phase counter to the right and left of the timer (each section represents a different phase).

The goals change in each phase. At the beginning of each phase, a lot of bots appear on the map, hostile to both teams. Keep in mind that AI opponents roam freely throughout the area, so artillery left uncovered on the outskirts can become easy prey for bot patrols.

AT first phase the goal is to capture three strategically important positions:

  • village (northern part, goal No. 1);
  • aircraft carrier (center of the map, target number 2);
  • bridge (southern part, goal No. 3).

The area around villages controlled by a large number of bots representing the "Tikhinskaya brigade". They are unlikely to prevent players on heavier vehicles from completing a combat mission, but they can seriously harm fighters on light tanks and AFVs. You shouldn't go here alone, unless the computer opponents are busy fighting other players. The territory of the village is quite open, but the rocks and dunes provide excellent cover from enemy fire.

In the center of the map is aircraft carrier in dry dock, its deck can be reached by several ladders. This position provides an excellent vantage point in all directions, however, it is completely open to enemy fire, with only a couple of containers, stacks, debris and a few other objects on deck to cover. However, carrier controllers can provide suppressive fire in all directions, including the southbridge. An aircraft carrier is the key to a quick victory, and if left unprotected, it can lead to disastrous consequences. In addition, you should be wary of bots located around the aircraft carrier. Ignoring them can be a fatal mistake, as computer opponents can easily go behind the lines of a team trying to get to the deck of an aircraft carrier first.

Bridge on line J (squares J4 and J5) is the southernmost route that can cross the dock from east to west and vice versa. As shelters here, you can use the flaming wreckage of cars and the steel supports of the bridge, but pushing through this direction is best left to heavy vehicles, light vehicles can get into a difficult situation. It is important to remember that the bridge is perfectly shot through from the deck of an aircraft carrier. A careless maneuver and players could be caught in the crossfire.

Second phase starts when one of the teams reaches a certain number of points (this can be seen on the indicator next to the timer). It has two tasks:

  • runway (north, target No. 4);
  • gateway (south, goal number 5).

Runway is the northern target of the second phase. This is a vast and completely open area with several shelters in the form of car and aircraft wreckage, and the strip itself can be attacked from all sides. Light vehicles can flank heavier opponents using hangars and bunkers as cover. Given the ease with which the runway invaders can be attacked (which leads to the reset of the capture counter), it is worth approaching this goal fully armed, pulling the maximum forces here.

Gateway closes a channel located south of the aircraft carrier. Like the runway and other areas in the north, this is a very open area. However, an aircraft carrier partially covers it, so in order to prevent the enemy from capturing the lock, you need to move south, to the G or H line, from where you can fire. It is also possible to prevent the capture from the deck of an aircraft carrier, but only vehicles with outstanding gun depression angles can do this, and this is very unsafe - as we remember, the deck is visible from all sides and everyone who is there can be attacked at any moment and from any directions.

The attention of the players is naturally attracted primarily by the runway, but the airlock should not be neglected. A stealthy takeover tactic on this target can end badly, bots prowling around the area or even a single enemy MBT will quickly put an end to a lone AFV trying to sneak up to the airlock.

The final part of the second phase, as a rule, is marked by the beginning of a grandiose sandstorm, which usually rages throughout the third phase.

Third phase similarly, the second begins when one of the teams reaches a certain score and brings two key changes to the Clash gameplay. First, the sandstorm covers the entire map and reduces vision (detection range) by 50%, making most viewpoints practically useless. Secondly, players now have four goals:

  • hangars (northeast, goal No. 6);
  • ammunition depots (northwest, target #7);
  • terminal (southeast, goal No. 8);
  • workshop (southwest, goal number 9).

At this stage, the team with the lowest score should aim to capture as many targets as possible and make it impossible for opponents to seize the initiative.

The combat range in the third phase is significantly reduced, and light vehicles need to be very careful not to collide with MBTs in close combat. LTs and AFVs are best to use the sandstorm as cover and try to flank known enemy positions. An attack by a light tank or armored fighting vehicle from the rear can be fatal even for the most armored MBTs.

At the third stage, coordination and well-coordinated actions of the entire team are especially necessary. Without this, the battle breaks up into numerous one-on-one skirmishes, the overall outcome of which is completely unpredictable. So coordination is the key to success!

While seemingly complex, the rules and tactics of Clash are fairly easy to master. We hope you enjoy the new mode. See you on the battlefield!

A new mode on a huge map where you can feel yourself in the midst of a modern military conflict

A month ago we that the authors " Armored Warfare: Project Armata"plan to add several new modes at once, so that players (especially high-level ones) can always find entertainment for every taste. One of the most interesting and promising was "Clash" - a PvP mode with new rules, which surpasses everything that is in the game at the moment in scale. We tested Clash on the test server and today, on the day of the launch of the mode on the combat servers of the game, we are ready to talk about it in more detail.

In fact, Collision is far from the only feature of Update 0.18, which will be one of the biggest in the history of the game. The patch also included the Alabino map, an exact replica of the Russian Defense Ministry's real training ground, where you can test any tank in the game - this is useful if you do not understand the capabilities of each vehicle very well and want to take a closer look at several before choosing the one you want pump. The improvement of balance, interface and performance deserves special mention - a lot of work has been done in this direction. But among all these very important improvements and additions, Collision still plays a major role.

In terms of gameplay, this is a slightly modified capture of points, in which the team that scores large quantity points. On the same tank, you can go into battle as many times as you like, but you need to take risks wisely: points are also scored for killing vehicles. However, in general, the mode feels noticeably more lively than regular PvP, as players are more willing to engage in combat, rather than trying to stay out of cover in order to save their tank.

Now the "Clash" has no restrictions on the level of vehicles used - you can queue up on a tank of both the fourth and tenth level. However, during testing, it was possible to get into battle only on high-level machines, in addition, it is possible that after the official launch, some kind of restriction will still be introduced. There is only one map so far: the appearance of new ones will depend on the popularity of the novelty among the players.

An interesting feature of the mode is the constantly changing battle conditions. At the beginning, there is a third party on the map - computer-controlled vehicles that interfere with the advancement of both teams and the capture of points. The number of points changes as soon as one of the teams reaches a certain number of points: first there are three, then two, and closer to the final - four. The location of the points also changes, so you have to capture them from scratch. Because of this, the tactic with serving time in captured positions does not work - at the time of the change, the lagging team can seize the initiative and be the first to take new points.

Apart from control points, there are additional objects on the map - both repair zones and those whose capture provides additional benefits. You can capture a pillbox that will shoot at enemies, or get a drone for reconnaissance, or deliver a powerful strike from a bomber. It is important to be able to use all this - under the pillbox you can try to lure a lone enemy, and it is important to plan an air strike in such a way as to cause as much damage as possible to a whole group of opponents. In general, what is happening resembles the real modern war: to win, you must use all available opportunities correctly and on time.

Clash is the biggest mode in the game, but that's not the most important thing: what's more important is that it's fun, dynamic, and perfect for playing for fun without fear of losing your car and leaving the battle early. Despite the huge map - there were no locations of this size in the Armata Project before - you won’t have to look for fights for a long time: the respawn places are chosen very competently, and the battles are mainly concentrated around control points. Moreover, each point is unique: during the match you will have to fight in the desert, in the village, on the bridge and even fight on the deck of an aircraft carrier. In addition, during the match, a sandstorm can begin, due to which visibility is reduced to zero, and it is quite possible to come face to face with an enemy tank.

"Clash" is a very interesting attempt to transfer the usual point control mode to a "tank" game. Fights on new map dynamic, funny, and the players in them are not as cautious as in normal mode - but at the same time, it cannot be said that what is happening has become more primitive. The novelty will primarily appeal to experienced players who are tired of the standard set of entertainment.

News Armored Warfare: Project Armata

ATArmored Warfare: Project Armata launched "Clash" mode

Today, a large-scale update 0.18 has been released in the online tank action game Armored Warfare: Project Armata. Players are in for a unique hybrid mode, Clash, featuring a new trailer, the first training map, Alabino, and a number of other innovations.

In version 0.18, players will take part in a fundamentally new battle format for tank games - large-scale military operations on a large map with changing tasks. In the "Clash" you need to fight not only with the enemy team, but also against units controlled by artificial intelligence. In the new hybrid mode, developers from the Obsidian Entertainment studio introduced a number of new mechanics: after destruction, combat vehicles do not return to the hangar, but are reborn in battle, and team goals are divided into primary and secondary. For completing secondary tasks, players will have access to special support mechanics: airstrike, summoning a drone, using anti-tank bunkers. While the main goals on which the victory in the match depends can change directly during the battle. The first map of the mode is called "Desert Gate" where teams will have to fight for control of an aircraft carrier, which is in dry dock exactly in the middle of the battlefield.

With the release of the update 0:18 in Armored Warfare : Project Armata added a virtual version of the Alabino training ground - the famous tank training ground. On the in-game version of the training ground, players will be able to try out any vehicle that exists in the game, including premium tanks, and it doesn’t matter whether this or that vehicle has been purchased or not yet. The range provides an opportunity for a kind of test drive before buying, checking the combat qualities of the selected armored vehicles. In addition, it will also be possible to study interaction with other tanks of the same level there, to find their vulnerabilities. However, you can just ride around the training ground, go through an obstacle course - almost identical to the one that real tank biathletes overcome in competitions.

In version 0.18, the hangar was also significantly redesigned. The tank garage has become larger and more spacious, in addition, the camera has been improved - now players will be able to see their combat vehicles in all their glory.