Mods for armata download from Jova. New Armada - Tank Online Action for Android

Mod builds for Armored Warfare: Project Armata- these are special packs that increase the comfort and quality of the game. The user can use one pack to activate several mods at once. modpack- this is a file that combines several mods at once, and thanks to this, the player does not need to search for and install each mod separately. This saves time that can be spent in combat. In addition, when installing a modpack, you do not have to worry about updating each mod - all this is done automatically, which greatly simplifies the customization of the game.

Since the game Armored Warfare: Project Armata is new, you should not expect a large number of modpacks, but in the future, each player will be able to choose the assembly that is ideal for himself and play with a feeling of complete comfort.

Not every player has used mod builds while playing any games. And if you decide to do this for the first time, then do not forget a few simple rules. Not all mods can be of high quality. Unfortunately, this sometimes happens, and in order not to be disappointed in installed package, install packs from famous players. These builds are usually installed automatically, do not contain viruses or malware, and can always be safely removed.

Mod builds are programs that contain several mods from one or more authors. Creating such packs is not an easy job, because you need to find, select the most high-quality and useful ones, combine them and create an installation file.

As a rule, each pack is unique and contains sets of mods that are different from other similar assemblies. For example, in assemblies, you can find sight modifiers that differ from the standard one in an improved appearance and more informative content. In the same way, you can talk about other mods that change any other components of the game. Let's say the mod on the mini-map also allows you to get more information about the ongoing battle: change the viewing circle, remember the place where the enemy tanks were last seen. In general, there can be quite a few such modifications, but they are all designed to simplify the gameplay.

It is possible that it is worth waiting for a mod that gives more detailed information, for example, how much money the player received for all his fights, what percentage of wins he has from the total number of games and other interesting data. The possible appearance of a mod that optimizes game settings and improves computer performance will certainly be useful for owners of low-powered computers.

However, you should not deprive the attention of the assembly from lesser-known players either. As a rule, the difference between such mods lies in the installation method. Experienced players can often make a build installer that automatically installs all mods at once. But in other cases, you will most likely have to use manual configuration due to the lack of an alternative method. In general, each player can create a pack. First of all, it will be convenient for the player himself, and the whole community of Armored Warfare: Project Armata can also learn about him.

Download modpack for the game possible now. On our site you will find assemblies from different authors. All of them were previously tested for performance and the absence of viruses. Each assembly contains a description of what it contains, as well as installation instructions. Mods have latest version and will be updated in accordance with the updates of the game itself.

Armada – World of Modern Tanks for Android won the hearts of many fans and lovers of high-quality MMO shooters, where a multiplayer, as well as a multiplatform system is involved. Get ready to ride a real iron monster of the XX-XXI centuries and really appreciate the Leopard 9, T-90 and even T-14 Armata in action. Light tanks, Heavy tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and other heavy equipment will help create a real hell on earth.

6 reasons to download Armada - Online Tank Action for Android:

  • Gorgeous graphics and stunning large-scale locations.

  • There are a lot of cards to choose from.

  • Amazing detail on every tank.

  • The online Deathmatch mode has been qualitatively developed and optimized.

  • The gameplay is almost completely copied from Armored Warfare.

  • Choice of the most modern and technologically advanced tanks different countries A: USA, Russia, UK, Germany, France, China and others.

  • Each tank can be upgraded: change the chassis, cannons, attach more protective elements, and even choose a camouflage with a special boost function: power, speed, protection, and more.
In all other respects, we have before us a typical representative of the Action-MMO genre, which has already been dubbed the "Killer of World of Tanks". Like it or not - see for yourself right now! Follow the direct link and install the new hit from Extreme Developments.

Hello. My name is Yves and today we will talk about mods for Armored Warfare and whether they are needed at all.
For example, according to the same World Of Tanks or War Thunder You can find an incredible amount of mods, which I cannot say about AW. But after carefully rummaging through the Internet, I was still able to find some mods. But whether they are needed or not, we'll talk in this article.

Maud Olenemer k Armored Warfare

So, the most popular mod for tank action is, of course, "Deer". It allowed you to see your chances of winning, the number of battles of each player, the win rate of each player and his efficiency rating, but the most important thing is that in the "Deer Meter" the trajectory of the shot, the range of view and rendering were displayed on the mini map. There was a lot of interesting and not so much in this fashion. But the most important question that you should have is whether there is such mod on Armored Warfare. Answer: No. It is simply not needed. Almost everything that the mod adds is already in the game itself. You will then say: “You are imagining everything! Why don't we have this!? The answer to this question is very simple, because you did not bother to go into the interface settings. AT Armored Warfare just a titanic amount of various settings, and in order to set it all up, of course, you will have to spend a considerable amount of time, but how did you want? In general, we have sorted out the so-called "Olenemer", we can move on.

Mod Smart Card to Armored Warfare

There is such a mod "Smart map", which allowed in WOT: Firstly, to display the illuminated enemies on the minimap; secondly, a laser pointer for our barrel; thirdly, the radius of light of our tank; fourthly, the maximum viewing radius. And I have to admit that for WOT this was the coolest mod that gave very big advantages in the game. And those people who played with this mod know this very well. You again had the same question: “Well, on Armored Warfare does he exist?" Answer: No, no, and never will. Do you know why? Because all this is already there and it is even unnecessary to configure anything, all this is already by default. I think with this mod you understand everything.

MaudZoomto Armored Warfare

Mod "Zoom" allowed in tank action to increase the maximum approximation in sniper mode, I do not want to repeat myself, but this mod is already in the built-in interface Armored Warfare.

Now, let's take a quick look at the unpopular mods:

HP of the enemy in the ears - THERE IS

Indicator of enemies you have illuminated - THERE IS

Extended post-battle statistics - THERE IS

Analogue of the Sixth Sense mod plus sound - THERE IS

Battle assistance for Artillery – In Armored Warfare this is just the default sight for self-propelled guns

As you can see, most of the mods that people install are already in Armored Warfare. Why so, you ask? Because people are just too lazy to dig into the settings, that's all. Actually, the question arises: “Why then look for all these mods, if they already exist?”. On this note, I would like to end today's guide. Write in the comments what mods you would like to add to Armored Warfare. See you in the next guides!

Tank battles on modern technology - that's what all gamers have been waiting for for a long time. And Armored Warfare: Project Armata gives you the opportunity to fight on the newest tanks in the most dynamic battles!

Review of the game Armored Warfare: Project Armata

When the game industry market already has a lot of projects about tank battles like or , then what should be done to surprise the player? Need to improve! The developers of the game Armored Warfare also decided: Project Armata, changing the tanks of the times of the Great Patriotic War on modern technology, thereby significantly increasing the dynamics of the game. Coupled with the fact that the game can be downloaded absolutely free of charge by installing the client on a computer, it turns out to be a very interesting project that I want to take a closer look at.

When the review turned to the high dynamics of the battle, these were not just laudatory words. Indeed, Armored Warfare: The Armata Project is not where you wait for hours for the end of this or that action. Everything is easier here. You are thrown into battle, and after a couple of minutes you are face to face with your opponent. Moreover, the machines here are divided into several classes: combat and reconnaissance. The former perform a quite ordinary function - they fight with their own kind, take a lot of damage, move relatively slowly. The latter, on the contrary, are very nimble, have low damage and a small amount of armor. They act as scouts, highlight enemies and take the first hit on themselves.

If you need to stay alive as long as possible, then in this game you will definitely not be able to live until the end of the duel. This is facilitated by all kinds of tanks, as well as body kits on them in the form of sights, guns, remote-guided missiles, radars and other interesting things. You need to upgrade both your tank and team members in order to increase their combat experience and skills. Tanks in the game are not divided into nations. Here you can buy combat vehicles any nation and two sellers: Sophie Wölfli and Marat Shishkin. Each of the sellers has their own types of equipment, and the more you fight on the tank of one of them, the better your reputation will be, and, accordingly, the loyalty of the seller.

The Armata project is not a game in the " " style, and therefore system requirements here are not space:

Parameter Requirement


Windows 7/8/10


Intel Pentium 3.2GHz

Video memory:

NVIDIA GeForce GT 440 1 Gb



The battles in the game take place in two familiar modes: capturing the enemy base or conquering the point, which is located in the center of the map. The modes are not particularly unique, but the insane dynamics make them interesting. Also, various events are held on the servers, for example, "Colonel Voropaev's Training Camp", where players can not only show off their skills, but also be smart, for example, in guessing a drink from the famous DMB movie (I'll tell you in secret that this is a cocktail "Earth - Air "). In addition to PvP, there is also a PvE mode. Here, the fighters will have to complete missions in the company of four friends or randomly selected players. However, the PvE mode is completely inferior to online battles, since the level of opponents is much lower.

What tanks should a beginner choose in the Armata Project?

Armored Warfare: The Armored Warfare project is not oversaturated with content like the same one, and you don’t need to write long guides for it. However, it will be very useful for a beginner to learn about five tanks that are worth pumping in the game.

  1. Swingfire is a relatively light machine equipped with an ATGM. It will help you learn how to fire ahead of time, shine your opponents and choose your position correctly.
  2. T-62 - takes due to its guns with a caliber of 125 mm, but has a low aiming speed
  3. BMD-1 - also has an ATGM, it can be cool to light up the enemy and keep him in sight. On this branch, you can then open more powerful and nimble devices.
  4. Sheridan is a light tank with a powerful cannon. High damage, ATGMs and rather difficult mastery of this class will make you a real leader.
  5. Dragoon 300 90 - speed, maneuverability, high damage - what else is needed for a good tank!

A short video on the Armata Project:

These machines will allow you to become much stronger in any battle.

Mods for Project Armata

To make the game a little more diverse, mods are added to it, as was the case in many other projects. This event also affected Almaty, so we have some interesting mods.

As you can see, some of them do not affect the gameplay in any way, and some change it quite a lot.

Cheats and codes for Armored Warfare

Armored Warfare: Project Armata is a game with a bunch of bonuses and promotional codes that will make you much stronger by finding them on the Internet. But in most cases, you can only find wrong codes that do not work, or cheats that will infect your computer with viruses. To prevent this from happening, we have collected for you a few pin codes that will help you get the coveted technique in the game.

  1. BXNSA-ZSV2V-2K7G7-S4CZ9 - access to premium tank BWP - 1
  2. XEX9AZBFDU - code for the T-92 tank
  3. 12B1OZTV7NIM - getting a premium account for a day
  4. MOBIK - Type 59 tank

In addition to these codes, there are invites that can also be activated through your profile on the official website. For example, TANKOPIZZA - access to the LAV-150 90 tank and premium status for a week. However, such invites can only be activated once upon registration.

Dear readers! What do you like more: WWII tanks or modern cars? We are waiting for the answers in the comments!