Draw up diagrams of homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions and argue. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions: examples

1. A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions that are not connected by unions.

Definitions are homogeneous if:

a) indicate the distinguishing features of different objects, for example: Red, white, pink, yellow carnations made up beautiful bouquet;

b) denote various signs of the same subject, characterizing it on the one hand, for example: A strange, sharp, painful cry suddenly rang out twice in a row over the river.(T.).

Each of the homogeneous definitions directly refers to the noun being defined, so you can insert between them coordinative union. Wed: pure, calm moonlight; a cup of thick, strong coffee etc.

Homogeneous definitions can also characterize an object from different angles, if at the same time, in the conditions of the context, they are united by some common feature (the similarity of the impression they make, appearance, etc.), for example: He held out his red, swollen, dirty hand to me.(T.); Heavy, cold clouds lay on the tops of the surrounding mountains.(L.); Gray strands shone in thick, dark hair(M.G.); pale, stern face; cheerful, good-natured laughter; deserted, inhospitable house; affectionate, lively eyes; proud, brave look; dry, chapped lips; heavy, angry feeling; grey, continuous, fine rain etc.

As a rule, they are homogeneous artistic definitions(epithets), for example: His pale blue, glassy eyes(T.).

Synonymous (in terms of context) definitions are also homogeneous, for example: Quiet, modest river(Ch.); silent, timid, timid girl. In a series of such definitions, each subsequent one can strengthen the sign they express, forming a semantic gradation, for example: Joyful, festive, radiant mood(Seraph.); In autumn, the steppes completely change and get their unusual, special, incomparable appearance.

The role of homogeneous definitions is usually played by the adjective and the participial phrase following it, for example: An elderly man with a lush beard that was beginning to turn gray entered.

As a rule, agreed-upon definitions that appear after the word being defined are homogeneous, for example: On the winter road, a boring trio of greyhounds runs(P.). The exception is terminological combinations, for example: pipes thin-walled electrowelded corrosion-proof; late winter pear.

Homogeneous are definitions that are opposed to a combination of other definitions with the same defined word, for example: Six months later, long, cold nights give way to short, warm ones.

2. A comma is not placed between heterogeneous definitions.

Heterogeneous definitions characterize the subject from different angles, for example: big stone house(size and material); white round stones(color and shape); beautiful Moscow boulevards(quality and location), etc. Such definitions can become homogeneous if they are united by a common feature, for example: Our terrace now stands on new, brick pillars.(the unifying feature is “strong”).

Heterogeneous definitions are more often expressed by a combination of a qualitative and a relative adjective, for example: a new leather briefcase, an interesting children's book, a warm July night, a bright birch grove, transparent window panes etc. Less commonly, heterogeneous definitions consist of combinations of qualitative adjectives, for example: old gloomy house, interesting rare editions and etc.

Homogeneous members connected

Non-recurring alliances

1. A comma is placed between homogeneous members of a sentence connected by opposing conjunctions ah, but, yes,(meaning "but") however, though and others, for example: Gavrila wanted to object something, but compressed his lips(T.); The days were cloudy but warm(Ax.); The solution is correct, although not the only one.

The homogeneous member of the sentence, standing after the adversative union and not at the end of the sentence, is not isolated, that is, a comma is not placed after it, for example: Previously, he lived not in Moscow, but in St. Petersburg and studied at the university there. Wed same: the most important, but not the only source of information; the most important, although not the only source of information; the most important, if not the only source of information etc. (after the union of the adversative, concessive, conditional). The same after a homogeneous member with affiliations and also, and also, and etc., for example: Cinema, as well as radio and television, are the media for millions of people.

When an opposing union is omitted, not a comma is put, but a dash, for example: Not a bird-a jet plane flies by with a projectile; The student was not only intelligent- talented.

Instead of a comma, a semicolon can be placed before the adversative union if there are commas inside common homogeneous members, for example: During the day, he spoke to me more than once, served me without servility; but I watched the master like a child(T.).

2. Between homogeneous members of the proposal, connected by single connecting unions and yes(in the meaning of "and"), dividing unions or, either, comma is not used, for example: Irina spoke loudly and confidently; Vasya lost a lot of weight, only skin and bones remained; It will happen now or never.

before the union and, connecting two homogeneous predicates, a dash is placed to indicate the consequence contained in the second predicate, or to express a sharp opposition, a quick change of actions, for example: running there- and I find you both(Gr.); At this time, someone from the street looked at him through the window.-and immediately left(P.).

Less often in these cases, a dash is placed after the union and,eg: So I figured it all out- suddenly decided(Dost.); Ask for a calculation on Saturday and-march to the village(M.G.).

If union and has an attached meaning (often in this case a heterogeneous member of the sentence is attached), then a comma is placed before it (the same before the joining union yes and) eg: But I give him a job, and a very interesting one.(Sharp); It used to cry, cry, and calm down; I love my mother very much, and I love my sisters too.

The comma is not placed before the adjunct and, followed by a demonstrative pronoun that (that, that, those), used to strengthen the preceding noun, for example: The old people sang along with everyone else. Same: It's nice to be next to him.(part of the predicate is added). But (no union i): Boys, they are not afraid of the dark.

No comma before conjunction yes and in connecting meaning, in combinations of type took it and got angry(with the same verb form take and another verb for unexpected or arbitrary action), combined no no yes and eg: So he went into the forest for nuts and got lost(T.); The image of a poor girl, no, no, yes, and appeared before my eyes.

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Several agreed definitions, not connected by unions, can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions, a comma is not put between heterogeneous definitions.

Homogeneous definitions are directly related to the defined (main) word, while among themselves they are in an enumeration relationship (they are pronounced with an enumerative intonation and a union and can be put between them).

Example: Blue, green balls. - Blue balls. Green balls. Blue and green balls.

Heterogeneous definitions are not pronounced with enumerative intonation, usually you cannot put a union between them and. Heterogeneous definitions are otherwise associated with the defined (main) word. One of the definitions (the closest one) is directly related to the word being defined, while the second one is already connected to the phrase, consisting of the main word and the first definition:

Long freight train. with the main word train directly related is the definition closest to it - commodity. Definition a long associated with the whole phrase - freight train. (The freight train is long).

To distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, it is necessary to take into account a whole range of features. When parsing and placing punctuation marks, pay attention to the meaning, the way of expression and the order of definitions in the sentence.

Definitions are HOMOGENEOUS if:

    indicate the distinguishing features of different objects;

    Red, green balls - red and green balls; the balls were red; balls were green.

    designate various signs of one object, characterizing it on the one hand;

    Devastated, burned city - a devastated and burned city; the city was ruined; the city was burned down.

    characterize an object from different angles, but in this context they are united by some common feature;

    Lunar, clear evening- "lunar, and therefore clear"; hard, dark times- "heavy, and therefore gloomy."

    under the conditions of the context, synonymous relations are created between the definitions;

    Dull, pressing pain in the chest- in the given context of the form stupid and pressing act as synonyms, that is, as words that are close in meaning.

    are artistic definitions - epithets;

    Round, fish eyes.

    form a gradation, that is, each subsequent definition enhances the feature expressed by it;

    Joyful, festive, radiant mood.

    a single definition is followed by a definition expressed by a participial turnover, that is, a participle with a dependent word;

    Black, neatly combed hair.


    a) it should not be a single participle, but a participle with a dependent word (cf.: black combed hair);

    b) participial turnover should be in second place (cf .: neatly combed black hair); in) a comma is placed only between homogeneous members; after the participial turnover, if there are no special conditions for separation, a comma is not put (!);

    stand after the word being defined;

    Hair is black, combed.

    the second definition explains the first - between the definitions you can put a union that is or namely.

1. A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions that are not connected by unions.

The definitions are homogeneous:

  • 1) if they indicate the distinguishing features of different objects, for example: A crowd of children in blue, red, white shirts is standing on the shore (Gorky);
  • 2) if they denote different signs of the same object, characterizing it on the one hand, for example: Chapaev loved a strong, decisive, firm word (Furmanov). - Each of the homogeneous definitions directly refers to the noun being defined, a coordinating union can be inserted between the definitions. Wed: empty, deserted shore; heavy, harsh business;
  • 3) if they characterize an object from different sides, but according to the conditions of the context, they are united by some common feature (appearance, similarity of the impression they make, causation, etc.), for example: One small, golden cloud melted in the sky (Bitter ) (appearance); ... Water flows over pebbles and spins filamentous, emerald-green algae (V. Soloukhin) (general external impression); spring, morning, thin ice (Tvardovsky) (common feature - “weak, fragile”); red, inflamed eyelids ("red because inflamed"); moonlit, clear night (“lunar, and therefore clear”);
  • 4) if, under the conditions of the context, synonymous relations are created between them, for example: Dark, difficult days have come ... (Turgenev).

    Wed also: continuous, hopeless darkness; transparent, clean air; red, angry face, timid, apathetic character; thick, heavy oil; quiet, modest life; flat, monotonous voice; white, strong teeth; cheerful, good-natured smile; proud, independent look; remote, deserted lane; dry, cracked earth; a stern, stubborn old woman, etc.;

  • 5) if they form a semantic gradation (each subsequent one strengthens the sign expressed by the definitions), for example: In autumn, the feather grass steppes completely change and get their own special, original, incomparable appearance (Aksakov); A joyful, festive, radiant mood was bursting, and the uniform seemed to become cramped (Serafimovich);
  • 6) if a single definition is followed by a definition expressed by a participial turnover, for example: In the chest I found a hetman's charter (Paustovsky), yellowed, written in no-Latin; That was the first joy of discovery, not clouded by any fears (Granin); On a white, carefully ironed tablecloth, bear meat, dried locust, fish, dove appeared (Azhaev); Through a small, ice-covered window ... made its way Moonlight(Zakrutkin);
  • 7) if they stand after the noun being defined (in this position, each of them is directly related to the word being defined and has the same semantic independence), for example: ... I saw a young, beautiful, kind, intelligent, charming woman ... (Chekhov). Deviations from the rule are found in poetic speech, which is associated with the rhythm-melodic verse, as well as in combinations of a terminological nature, where, according to the conditions of lexico-semantic definitions, even in the position after the noun being defined, they can be heterogeneous, for example: a) Hello, blue autumn days ... (Bryusov); b) late winter pear; pipes thin-walled electrowelded corrosion-proof; bridge crane electric clamshell.
  • 8) if opposed, to a combination of other definitions with the same defined word, for example: Recently, there were low in this area, wooden houses, and now - high, brick.

2. A comma is not placed between heterogeneous definitions.

Definitions are heterogeneous if the preceding does not refer directly to the noun being defined, but to a combination of the subsequent definition and the noun being defined, for example: Alyosha gave him a small folding round mirror standing on a chest of drawers (Dostoevsky) (cf .: round mirror - folding round mirror - small folding round mirror); ...Can you imagine a nasty southern provincial town? (Kuprin); An early harsh winter dawn appeared through a deadly haze (Fadeev)

Heterogeneous definitions characterize the subject from different angles, in different respects, i.e. express signs related to various generic (general) concepts, for example: In the corner of the living room there was a pot-bellied walnut bureau (Gogol) - form and material; Magic underwater islands quietly float and quietly pass white round clouds (Turgenev) - color and shape; We lived in the basement of a large stone house (Gorky) - size and material; Once upon a time I had a chance to swim along a gloomy Siberian river (Korolenko) - quality and location, etc. If it is possible to bring such features under a common generic concept, such definitions can become homogeneous, for example: A large, stone house is allocated for the tourist base (the unifying concept is “comfortable”). Depending on the style of speech, some examples allow different understanding, and in connection with this, different punctuation.

Heterogeneous definitions are usually expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives, since they denote heterogeneous signs, for example: The bright winter sun looked into our windows (Aksakov); Snowdrifts were covered with a thin ice crust (Chekhov); Suddenly, a horse alarm neighing was heard in the darkness (Fadeev). More rarely, heterogeneous definitions are formed by a combination of quality adjectives, for example: A light, restrained whisper woke me up (Turgenev); milk jug with thick yellow cream (Kuprin); huge amazing dark blue swallowtails (Prishvin). Punctuation does not cause difficulty in definitions expressed by relative adjectives or participles and relative adjectives, for example: a summer sports camp, a twisted iron staircase, marble quadrangular columns, unpublished author's draft sketches.

Double interpretation and double punctuation allow combinations of the type: other proven methods (before that there were already checked methods) - other, checked methods (before that there were methods that were not yet checked). In the latter case, the second definition does not act as a homogeneous one, but as an explanatory one (a non-coordinating union can be inserted before such definitions and, and explanatory conjunctions a exactly, that is).

In some sentences, there are words that perform the same syntactic function, refer to one word, but are not homogeneous members. Such words are called heterogeneous members of the sentence.

The main differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous sentence members with examples are shown in the table.


Homogeneous members of a sentence

Heterogeneous members of the proposal

By value

Characterize the defined word on the one hand

Characterize the defined word from different angles

By syntactic link

Can be connected by connecting, adversarial, dividing and other unions, unionless connection

Usually, a union or a comma is not put between heterogeneous members of a sentence.

By syntactic function

Can be expressed by any member of the sentence

Most often expressed by heterogeneous definitions

Sentence examples

She speaks well in English, a in French.

During the competition, the guys and decided puzzles, and ran relay race, and came up with questions for competitors.

Wide wooden the table was in the corner of the room.

I bought sweet green apples for the pie.

In the position after the word being defined, heterogeneous members of the sentence are written separated by commas.

Example: Trees, high, noisy, inclined their branches to the water. ( Compare: High noisy the trees leaned their branches towards the water).

How to distinguish homogeneous definitions from heterogeneous ones in a sentence?

Homogeneous definitions create a holistic impression of the subject, they call it a certain quality (shape, size, color). Homogeneous definitions can be expressed by adjectives of the same category by value, less often by adjectives and participles. (red and yellow walls; fox and hare holes; damp, reluctantly drying soil).

Heterogeneous definitions name different properties of the object being defined. Heterogeneous definitions can be expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives, numerals and adjectives, pronouns and adjectives, etc. (strong Walnut; My favorite film; first mercury thermometer.

Examples of sentences with homogeneous and non-homogeneous definitions: Misha had in his collection copper, silver and bronze coins ( homogeneous). - Misha collected ancient bronze coins ( heterogeneous). Katya put things in large and small boxes ( homogeneous). - Katya put things in large cardboard boxes ( heterogeneous).

In one sentence, both homogeneous and heterogeneous members of the sentence can be used.

Example: The artist painted with blue and red oil paints ( blue, red- homogeneous members of the proposal; oil blue, oil red- heterogeneous members of the proposal).

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Homogeneous are called such sentence members, which are interconnected by a coordinating link, are subordinate to the same member of the sentence (or the same member of the sentence is subordinate to them) and perform the same function in the sentence.

The problem of homogeneity / heterogeneity of sentence members is one of the most difficult. From homogeneous definitions, which are separated by commas in the letter, it is necessary to distinguish heterogeneous definitions, between which there is no comma.

One of the main criteria for distinguishing homogeneity / heterogeneity of definitions is the meaning of the definitions. Homogeneous definitions characterize one object or different ones on the same basis, and heterogeneous definitions - from different sides.

Homogeneity of meanings of definitions can be enhanced morphological indicators. Should be considered way of expressing definitions(a number of homogeneous members are represented, as a rule, either only by qualitative or only by relative adjectives), position in relation to the noun being defined, as well as the general nature of the context.

Definitions are homogeneous if:

1 . indicate the distinguishing features of different objects;

Her clothes combined white, and red, and lemon, and yellow tones (the tones were white, the tones were red, etc.).

2. designate various signs of one object, characterize the object on the one hand (when describing the appearance, situation, when evaluating);

The ruined, burnt city was empty.

3. in context conditions, synonymous relations are created between definitions (contextual synonyms are formed);

Luck rarely looks at a strong, prosperous person (in this context, the forms strong and prosperous, which are not synonyms in the language, act as synonyms, that is, as words that are close in meaning).

4. with each definition, the sign expressed by it is strengthened (gradation is formed);

The mountain was fraught with some unknown, disturbing, terrible danger.

5. the first definition is expressed by an adjective, and the second - by a participial turnover - a participle with a dependent word;

We were greeted by an elderly man with a lush beard beginning to turn gray.

Note that the participle should not be single, but with a dependent word (participial turnover), and the participial turnover should be in second place (a single definition precedes the common one). In this case, the comma is placed between the adjective and participial turnover, and not after the participial turnover.

6. stand after the word being defined (usually in the position of isolation);

Along the winter road, a boring trio of greyhounds runs.

7. definitions act as epithets - artistic definitions.

She really looked like a young, white, slender birch.

As homogeneousact definitions, opposed to a combination of other definitions with the same defined word: Recently, there were low, wooden houses in this area, and now they are high, stone ones.

Let us pay attention to the definitions that are interconnected by explanatory relations: the second definition specifies the first one (usually, unions can be inserted between them, namely, that is). In this case, a comma is placed between the definitions:

Give me another, interesting book.

I need another, better freedom...

Definitions are heterogeneous if:

1. characterize the subject from different angles (express signs that relate to different generic (general) concepts);

Large _ white clouds floated across the sky (large - "size", white - "color").

2. they are represented by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives;

Fur coat made of thick _ fox fur.

3. one of them is directly related to the word being defined, forming a phrase with it, and the other refers to the entire phrase;

We've looked at punctuation. with agreed definitions. inconsistent definitions, are usually the same: A gentleman in spectacles, with astonished eyes, in a blue velvet beret and a long coat drove up to the porch.

Usually homogeneous are combinations of agreed and non-agreed definitions: A young man of about twenty-five entered, well dressed, with laughing cheeks, lips and eyes.

The main task of all communicative qualities speech - to ensure the effectiveness of speech.

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