Dream Interpretation to communicate with the President of the country. What is the dream of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin? What is the dream of the president, according to various dream books

Seeing the president in a dream shows your orientation towards solving global problems, as a result of which you will forget about pressing matters. If in a dream you see re-elections, it means that changes in the work sphere await you in life. Being at a celebration with the head of state - you have serious business problems that require an immediate solution.
If you see or participate in a conspiracy against the president, then this means unexpected problems created by the hands of ill-wishers. New ideas, plans dream of the death of the president. To receive an award from the president is success in activity, you will be appreciated. To problems in the financial sector, if you dream of the president in the role loved one.

dream interpretation president

Communication with the president on various topics is to sadness and sadness. Seeing yourself as president is a danger and anxiety.

dream interpretation president

Good luck in all matters if you dream that you are being elected president or you already hold this position. If in a dream the president is friendly to you, you are on the right track if you cannot find mutual language with the president - lost their way, made the wrong decision. To have a conversation with the president - to success in all matters, recognition.

dream interpretation president

If you dreamed about the president, then you are confident in yourself, your strengths, you really look at life. This is an indicator of your goals in life, a reminder that you need to act towards their realization.

dreamed of the president

Higher powers will help you if you see a famous president in a dream. If the president is unknown to you, be careful in risky business.

dream president

Seeing the president in a dream is an indicator of your leadership qualities, power, and entrepreneurial potential.

what is the dream of the president

Seeing yourself meeting with the president is an unexpected success, a good deal, good luck in your endeavors.

what does it mean if the president is in a dream

Dreaming of a well-deserved vacation if you eat with the president at the same table. Having a cheerful conversation with the president is an unkind envy associated with your success.

dream president

If you dream of the real president of the country - take care of your health, if the president you don't know - get a new one, useful information. You have unfulfilled ambitions and plans if you are elected president in a dream.

Who among us has not dreamed of becoming president, at least in a dream? And although this post is honorable and desirable, it is difficult to attribute dreams about it to positive ones. Such a dream is a warning that an overwhelming task has been entrusted to the sleeper, or that ambition crosses out common sense.

Interpretation in various dream books

The same dream about the president in different interpretations can have a peculiar meaning.

Freud's interpretation

Everything that a person dreams about in Freud's dream book has a sexual connotation, dreams about the president are no exception. In this case, the image of the guarantor is perceived as a feeling of power and permissiveness, which the sleeping person projects on the opposite sex, or rather, on his conquest. As a rule, such dreams promise disappointment.

Interpretation of Vanga

According to Vanga's explanations, a dream about the president can be foreseen on the eve of big changes in life. The sleeper will be entrusted not only with great power, but also with great responsibility, do not forget about the latter when making decisions or signing contracts.

What is the dream of the president according to Miller

Miller offers an interesting explanation for dreams about a guarantor. He believed that such dreams do not have much meaning, but they occur in people who are actively interested in political issues, and this interest overshadows all the main areas of life.

President Muslim dream book

According to the Islamic dream book, prophetic dreams come to true Muslims. In the case of a dream in which the sleeper sees himself in the role of president, such a vision can only come to a worthy person and will promise him public recognition and honors.

President for Evgeny Tsvetkov

In contrast to the interpretations voiced above, Tsvetkov sees an unkind sign in dreams about the president. So, a person who in a dream received the position of president is waiting for failure and loss. But if the sleeper has a face-to-face meeting with the guarantor, then in reality something will greatly upset him and even disappoint him.

Interpretation of dreams about the president by personality

In dream books one can find not only an explanation of dreams about the collective image of the guarantor, but also interpretations indicating a specific person.

  • President of Russia

If you dream of the President of Russia, decide what feelings, approval or criticism, his activities evoke in you. Analyze how you can characterize him as a ruler, do you agree with his methods to achieve the goals. Perhaps you don't perceive this person as president, but the fact that you dreamed about him indicates that your behavior is also not perfect.

Dreams with a collected and purposeful Putin can tell you the rules of conduct. If you want to reach heights, you need to choose the same behavior model as the current guarantor of the state.

  • President of America

If you dreamed of the President of America, you may dream of conquering this country. And if you saw the odious Trump, then such a dream prophesies good luck on the personal front and various honors.

  • President of Belarus

In the case of the President of Belarus, there are not many options. If you dream of Lukashenka, such a dream promises good news, successful negotiations, and even material benefits. By the way, almost all dream books adhere to this opinion, as an exception, additional details of your communication when you quarreled or could not get to the president.

  • President of Ukraine

When interpreting dreams about the President of Ukraine, it is important who exactly you dreamed about and how you evaluate his political activities. But one thing is clear - all these people were not poor and influential, and you, too, strive for such privileges. But so far - only disappointments and failures.

  • Ex-president

If you dreamed of a retired president, then such a dream is fraught with the threat that in reality you may be left out of events if you do not change your behavior.

Interestingly, dreams in which you saw yourself as the president of another country, and your communication with others took place through an interpreter, mean that in reality no one understands or supports you.

Interpretation of gestures and situations in dreams about the president

When deciphering dreams about the president, it is important what exactly happened. For example, to see in a dream how the presidential motorcade drove past you to the loss of a chance and a good moment to implement plans in reality.

Personal communication with the president in a dream, especially approving and shaking hands, means your career growth and the support of others. Perhaps in reality you will have a serious patron. If the president was not alone, but in the circle of his subordinates and like-minded people, then in real life you will also have adherents ready to support you.

What matters is the tone of the conversation. Please note that a calm, friendly tone promises just gossip and unnecessary talk, but criticism, and even raised tones, prophesies good luck, and speaks of the correctness of your actions and goals in general.

If during negotiations in a dream you sign any papers together with the guarantor, then such a dream promises changes in business life, possibly a change in occupation.

It is bad if the president attended your family holiday in a dream. Such a dream prophesies material difficulties and senseless spending. In general, dreams where you saw how the guarantor eats carry disappointments.

Kisses and hugs with the incumbent president can have a direct relationship with your thoughts and interest in the political life of the country. Such dreams express your indifference and readiness to support the current guarantor.

Dreamed sexual relations with the head of state also do not bode well. We are talking about grievances that have become public, and which are very difficult to let go.

Gender approach to the interpretation of dreams about the president

A dream about a female president, no matter who dreamed it, has a negative interpretation. We are talking about betrayals, gossip, the collapse of plans.

Seeing the president's wife in a dream, who treats you at a banquet, portends problems and layoffs at work, one of the likely causes of which may be an office romance. If you are the wife of the head of state, then such a dream prophesies financial difficulties.

A dream about a passionate kiss with the president for an unmarried girl can become a prophecy of an early marriage.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why does the President dream about the dream book:

To dream of President Putin - to see in a dream how you communicate with him - unpredictable events await you in life. But, most likely, this means that gossip will circulate about you.

Sitting at the table with him, having dinner - it's time for you to relax, go on vacation, you deserve it.

President Putin smiles at you - others will envy you.

Why is President Putin dreaming - if you listen to his speech - your loved one will deceive you.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: President what does it mean

President - Talking to him is a terrible disappointment; being president is an accident, according to the dream book - the predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Why is the President dreaming?

President - To be invited to an audience or meeting with the president in a dream - to joy and success, but talking to him - to disappointment. Seeing the president surrounded by advisers or assistants is good luck in business, gaining benefits, improving your situation. To be the president in a dream - bad dream promising you obstacles, difficulties, health problems.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

President - Deep disappointment.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: President in a dream

President - Trouble; being with him in society is a disappointment.

Esoteric dream book If the President dreams:

President (of the country) - Seeing, communicating, touching the current one worries you about the political situation, take care of your nerves. Seeing an unknown president will get information that is interesting to you. You have unsatisfied ambitions to see yourself as president. Look for a different way of expressing yourself than the one you are currently using.

Dream Interpretation: Why is the President dreaming

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep President

To see the President in a dream - your relationship will be especially consistent if you are unfeigned and open. Be careful with your language. There is probably a struggle ahead of you, and if you feel like you are doing a certain project alone, then it is best to seek support from at least one person.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about the president mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see the president in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

Dream Interpretation President

I dreamed of the current president, Communicate with the president in a dream- unpleasant situations; to communicate with an official; get important information.

The appearance of the president in a dream in a symbolic interpretation predicts communication with a high-ranking figure (an official, Official, upper management). Traditionally, the appearance of powerful figures in a dream portends troubles and various kinds of problems. However, Dreams like this are not uncommon for people Concerned about politics. The President in a dream could also appear after you saw his speech, or recently discussed issues regarding the future of the country. In all these cases, dreams do not need to be analyzed and deciphered.

To dream that you are the president- thirst for power; show leadership qualities; unfulfilled vanity dreams.

For people who in reality have real prerequisites to realize themselves as a leader, the Dream portends that power over a certain group of people will soon be in your hands. For those who hatch ambitious plans, while not taking any specific steps, the Dream indicates a different aspect - you are probably too proud and vain.

President's wife

Dream Interpretation President's Wife had a dream about what the President's wife dreams about in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the President's Wife in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - President

Dream Interpretation - President

Dream Interpretation - President

President (of the country) - To see, communicate, touch the current one - you are worried about the political situation, take care of your nerves. Seeing an unknown president - get interesting information for you. To see yourself as a president - you have unsatisfied ambitions. Look for a different way of expressing yourself than the one you are currently using.

Dream Interpretation - President

Dream Interpretation - Wife

The wife is pregnant - she says that she has connections on the side. The wife beats you - misfortune, trouble. The wife sees a dragon - portends the birth of a noble offspring. The wife gives her husband water - happiness. The wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness. Wife or a concubine beats you - misfortune, trouble. A wife puts on brocade clothes - portends the birth of a noble offspring. A wife with loose hair means she has a secret relationship, a lover. You hit your wife, Taking powder, a beautiful daughter will be born. - squabble. his wife See nude body is big happiness. You beat your wife or concubine - you will lose strength. You go somewhere with your spouse (wife) - there will soon be misfortune. The empress or the wife of the ruler calls you and offers you a drink - there will be a disease. Husband and wife beat each other, fight - portends imminent establishing harmonious relations. Husband and wife share hairpins, head ornaments - portends a separation; husband and wife enter the market - portends the acquisition of real estate. Husband and wife feast together - portends separation. Husband and wife greet each other with a ritual bow - portends separation. Husband and wife scold each other - portends illness. Hugging your wife is a joyful situation. Rising to heaven in search of a wife - sons and daughters will achieve a noble position. Traveling with your wife is a loss of wealth. Sitting with your wife is a great joy. Connecting with your wife is existence otherworldly charms, delusions. Suing your wife for a home is happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Wife

For a man to see his wife (real or former) in a dream - to family troubles and unfinished business. To see an elegant wife - to troubles. reconciliation. Swearing - to the illness of one of the spouses. A very affectionate wife - to a large income for the family. Wife's discontent in a dream - complaints about fate, failure in business in reality. If you dreamed that your wife was marrying another, a sad change awaits you affairs or divorce. Beating your wife in a dream - find out that she cheated in reality. Sleeping with a friend’s wife - to separation from a friend and enmity. Seeing your wife in a brothel in a dream is a symbol of your dishonest enrichment in reality, illegal profit under the cover of false decency. To kill a wife is to commit an act harmful to the honor of your family. When a woman dreams that she is a wife and she has a very affectionate husband, this is a symbol of grief in her real family. If she dreams that her husband beats her, she will commit an unseemly act , which which will cause condemnation of others, disorder in your own house. If you are going to marry another in a dream as a wife, it means that you will outlive your husband or divorce him. An angry wife - to a storm in nature. A wife with a child in her arms - to sadness.

Dream Interpretation - President

Trouble; being with him in society is a disappointment

Dream Interpretation - Marry

Marriage in a dream means a new business, big changes in life - good or bad. If you dream that someone wants to marry you, then soon you will have an important conversation about a profitable business or plans for the future. If you talk about children, then the matter will have great lasting success. Hearing that someone close to you of the opposite sex married in a dream is a sign of a break in relations with this person. If in a dream they ask you if you are going to get married (get married), while you don’t even think about it, then such a dream predicts quick and unexpected changes in your personal life, which may surprise you very much. For a man to dream that he married a girl, the dream portends success in a new business with the help of a man who had previously promised to help; if he marries a widow, then this means a successful and profitable resolution of old cases. A woman marrying a widower in a dream means that she should be careful and not trust unfamiliar people. If she marries a foreigner, then she is in danger of trouble, which she does not expect. Going to get married in a dream is a sign of imminent changes in business and position. This dream is a warning to those who frivolously burn their lives and spend money thoughtlessly. For a married woman to dream that she is getting married means that she will outlive her husband or divorce him. If a pregnant woman sees such a dream, then the dream portends her the birth of a daughter, whom she will successfully marry. For patients, such a dream portends death. A girl getting married in a dream is a sign that she is building castles in the air and her dreams will not come true for a long time. If you dream that you forbade someone to marry someone, and you yourself married that woman, then your marriage will be short-lived or unsuccessful, and your affairs will go awry. Sometimes such a dream portends that some woman will bring you a lot of evil. See interpretation: husband, wife.

President's funeral

Dream Interpretation Presidential Funeral had a dream about what the funeral of the president is dreaming of in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see the President’s Funeral in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - President

Invited to an audience or meeting with the president - to joy and success. Talking with the president - to disappointment. To see the president surrounded by advisers or assistants - to good luck in business, gaining benefits, improving your position. Being the president yourself in a dream is a bad dream, promising you obstacles, difficulties, health problems.

Dream Interpretation - President

President (of the country) - To see, communicate, touch the current one - you are worried about the political situation, take care of your nerves. Seeing an unknown president - get interesting information for you. To see yourself as a president - you have unsatisfied ambitions. Look for a different way of expressing yourself than the one you are currently using.

Dream Interpretation - President

President (of the country) - To see, communicate, touch the current one - you are worried about the political situation, take care of your nerves. Seeing an unknown president - get interesting information for you. To see yourself as a president - you have unsatisfied ambitions. Look for a different way of expressing yourself than the one you are currently using.

Dream Interpretation - President, senior manager

Seeing the president in a dream from afar or on TV is a great success in business. Close - you will have an influential friend. Imagine that the president shakes your hand and gives you a gift.

Dream Interpretation - President

Talking to him is a terrible disappointment; being president is an accident.

Becoming president in a dream is a bad omen that portends danger.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

If in a dream you meet a lot of relatives, friends and just familiar faces at someone's funeral - in reality this promises wealth through a profitable marriage. The dream in which you bury a relative portends friendship and reconciliation with everyone, even with former enemies. Seeing the funeral of one of the family members in a dream is a win or a long-awaited find of a long-lost thing that is very dear to you. If you are present at your own funeral, this predicts a long life and family happiness for you. To accidentally appear in a dream at the funeral of a person completely unfamiliar to you, but, as it turns out, very well-deserved, is a sign of sadness and great losses. A magnificent solemn funeral with an orchestra and farewell volleys - to confusion in matters of the heart. A modest funeral with a minimum of those present - in reality you will find yourself in a pleasant society, where you will be revered not by merit, but by mind and spiritual qualities. The funeral of an old man is a sign of a quiet, peaceful life in seclusion from the hustle and bustle of all worries. If in your dream they betray the earth completely young man or a child - this means that in reality give in to rough pressure and resign yourself to the role of an eternal debtor. If the funeral takes place on a sunny, clear day, this portends you delightful activities and the prospect of improving your financial situation. The disgusting weather at the funeral suggests that fatal events will suppress your will and faith in yourself for some time. Walking in a funeral procession in a dream, carrying a cross, is a harbinger of lost hopes, carrying a coffin - to unrequited love. Lowering the coffin with the deceased into the grave - soon recover from a chronic disease, falling asleep - to new worries. Accompany the coffin with the body of the deceased in a hearse and see how he winks at you - soon fall in love with a person to whom your imagination will give such features as his never was and cannot be because of his absurd nature, which is directly opposite to these qualities.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream about them portends the end of an unpleasant business and relief. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream also portends an inheritance or an early marriage. If in a dream you attend someone else's funeral, then the dream predicts quick death relative or close person. Sometimes such a dream portends failure in business and great patience. If you dream that you were buried alive, then you should be wary of liability for your dishonorable or illegal actions. To be present in a dream at the funeral of close relatives or important persons means that you will get rich thanks to your relatives or connections. For lovers, such a dream portends a quick wedding with a loved one. Hearing a conversation about a funeral in a dream portends the imminent end of some case in court and joy about it. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a certain person will soon marry. A very solemn funeral in a dream is a sign of great patience. Your funeral in a dream is a sign good luck and longevity. The dream in which you see the funeral of your loved ones has the same meaning. Such a dream promises them longevity and well-being. Hearing a speech at a funeral in a dream is a sign of receiving good news of success in business. But to see a funeral procession in a dream means a long period of suffering and great sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A favorable dream means a long life for the one who is buried (see also the Dead). If you dreamed of the funeral of an already deceased person, it means that sadness will soon leave you. If you dream that you are looking out the window and seeing a funeral procession, you will be called to a celebration. Hearing funeral music is fun. To be at the funeral of a friend or relative on a sunny day - you will soon meet this person on a joyful occasion. If at the same time it is raining, you will receive unpleasant news from him. Imagine that the rain stops, the clouds disperse and the sun brightly illuminates everything around. If you buried your own child in a dream, this means that he will have a long life and he will bring you a lot of joy . If you see your own funeral from the outside, such a dream can mean a wedding (for the unmarried) or a big celebration in the family (for the married). If you are buried, a dream prophesies a long life for you. If you dreamed that your spouse was buried in the same grave with you, this is an exceptionally happy sign. You will live together happily ever after. be at the funeral stranger- to solve a long-standing problem. Imagine that you put white lilies on the grave of a buried person.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of good health, your family; a happy fate is also possible. But if it rains and the weather is gloomy, then soon expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business.; If you are present at the funeral of a person you do not know, then unexpected complications in relations with people are possible. and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

3 presidents in a dream

President in a dream

Street, not a large number of people. Nearby are Putin and Medvedev, in a dream we talk about something with them, as if with each separately, in turn, quite simply and not forcedly. I still note to myself that it turns out they are the same ordinary people. I still really want to tell them that I am the niece of a person (my uncle, now deceased) with whom they could be acquainted (this is true in reality), but I thought somewhere inside that it was not good to advertise with other people's laurels and kept silent. Then I go up the stairs, and the President follows me, and I still worry about whether I am walking right, whether my back is straight. I'm wearing a white blouse with the top button undone. I hear a remark addressed to me from the president that it is necessary to fasten the top button of the blouse according to the rules. I am doing it. Then I have a stack of photographs in my hands, I know that I am depicted on them. I sort of put two photos aside, as if I know that they depict me in the Kremlin and I want to show them to my friends later.

President Phone Call in a dream

Sleep from 29 to 30 November. I call Russian President Putin and confess my love to him. He says he has a woman. I say he is the best the best man in the world. And he's talking about a dead man. This event prevents our meeting. I try to shout out my feelings, but the connection is interrupted. The dream evoked many emotions.

President in a dream

I dreamed that an assassination attempt was being prepared on President Putin. Around helicopters and snipers. But the president has set up a magnetic protection and they cannot figure him out. (I see how the devices are junk and the walkie-talkies do not work.) At this time I go to visit him with my little daughter. It didn't surprise me that I was going there. I went first to the entrance, it was only for one apartment - the president. She went up to the top floor and walked around the children's room in which a child, his son, about 9 years old, was playing. He showed us aquariums. They hummed very loudly and there were few fish in them. Then I decided to go to the balcony. I went to the door and first looked through the glass (the doors were old peeling, and I was surprised!) I went out to the balcony. There, the president talked to his neighbors and people constantly covered him up. The neighbors laughed out loud. The daughter stayed in the apartment, and I went somewhere, and then returned for her. I had very warm feelings for the president.

The President gave the keys to the apartment in a dream

I see the president, surrounded by a crowd of people who obsequiously communicate with him. He is very tall, 2 heads taller than all of them (outwardly, he does not look like the current president at all). Unlike the crowd, I do not please him, I talk to him on an equal footing, as if we have known him since childhood. I don’t want to stand among this ingratiating crowd, and therefore I say to him: “Give me the keys to my apartment.” He gives me a bunch of keys, which I firmly clutch in my hand and go into the entrance. I live on the 5th floor of the 5th floor. Houses. In the entrance, on the floor near the door, there are many sticks of sausage of impressive size, moreover, a large cockroach sits on one of them. I take a few pieces and hugging me up the stairs. Somewhere on the floor 2-3 there is a shop. In it, I see a lot of beautiful women's dresses and suits, but I don't buy anything. I saw my folded umbrella there. I don't remember if I got into my apartment. Outwardly, this president was very similar to the head of my organization. Is this dream related to work?

President in a dream

We are sitting with President Alexander Lukashenko opposite each other. Between us is a table, a small kitchen type. There is no dialogue. He is close to me. I noted to myself that the president has become very pumped up, more powerful in the shoulders. Somehow healthier. Although in life he is athletically complex, but here he has strengthened noticeably. Such a detail is a large head, matching the body and an earring hanging in the left ear. Without stones, neither gold nor silver - but something closer to bronze. The shape is rounded, elongated and slightly sharpened towards the bottom. Reminiscent of a sheet of curlicues and monograms. In a dream, this surprised me, but I did not ask him.

President in a dream

I had a dream that my cousin uncle became the president of some large company!

President in a dream

Before Awakening, December 8th. I'm going. There is an obstacle in front of me. Huge, high mound. Steep and sheer, just like the wall of a house, at the same angle. The rails are on top. And you have to go to the other side. Fortifications in the form of round wooden beams stick out from the inside of the earth embankment. I stand in the middle and think how to overcome the obstacle? I see, to the left of the beam, some nimble old woman calmly climbed up this embankment and was like that. To the right of the beam are children, it seems three; easily, playfully jumped over the obstacle. I think which way to go, I decided to the left, where this grandmother left footprints - it will be easier in her footsteps. She went, began to rise, but it was not there. In the middle, the earth began to collapse and I began to move out, got scared, thought everything. Then, after another effort, I suddenly found myself on the other side of the embankment. And for some reason immediately in the attic. There was the same old woman and the same children, and not alone. Our President A. G. Lukashenko was there. I go in there, and there are wooden plank floors. One of them loosened as I walked over it. Then he says to me: “We must fix it! ". I turn in his direction and see him, he is handsome, young and with very good skin. He sits on a stool, dressed in pants from below, and a white undershirt on top. All of it is covered, for some reason, with light sand and dust from shavings when wood is processed, including the face. I thought he was working here, he was tired. He looked to the side - there was another A. G. Lukashenko, they looked at each other. Between them in the floor, there was a hatch. Then, I went out through the window, where there were only roofs of houses and light. Then she woke up.

President in a dream

I am sitting at the table and other women are sitting next to me. I behave very modestly ... The president enters the room and looks at me .... There is some kind of conversation, business .... He makes me responsible for spending Christmas in the city. And I see that he loves me and he proposes marriage to me. My friend and other women vying with each other try to dissuade him and take away this assignment for themselves, about the Christmas holiday, but he does not pay any attention to them. Of course, I was worried, but I was also happy with him, just like with my husband, and work with the holiday inspired me.

President in a dream

Putin came up to me. I was sitting at a table in the gazebo next to work, he sat opposite. We spoke. I was proud that everyone would know about our conversation. Then she began to worry that there was nothing to take a photo with ... (Wake up at work, I was dragged into a conflict at work)

President's gift in a dream

I dream that I am driving a Zhiguli car. We really had such a car and we sold it a long time ago. The car is in good condition but not new. In the car, I ride around the city, learning how to drive it well. I try not to go to difficult intersections, but when I get there, I pass them slowly. Then I see that I left the city. I have a straight, smooth asphalt road ahead of me. There is water everywhere on the sides of the road. The entire surface, except for the track, is in the water. And I have to drive through the water. Water rises to the asphalt. The water and the track are on the same level. I'm afraid to go further, because I don't know how to swim and I'm afraid that water can flood the track. I understand that I need to drive the track at speed, but I'm afraid to drive, because K. I see that a driver is following me in another car. I know that this driver wants to hit me and will be able to do it when I increase speed. I am driving at a slow speed and I see that a motorcade of cars is coming towards me. Cars drive up to me and stop. Our President of the country gets out of the car and transplants me to his place. He orders my car to be driven away, and to give me a new foreign car with an automatic transmission, so that I can learn to drive more easily. I point to the driver who is following me, and the guards deal with him (I didn’t see exactly how). In the president's car, I drive all the way and see him and myself in the room. A rope is tied to the ceiling in the room. I and some other girl take turns climbing on it and swinging. This gives us pleasure. I still watch how she twists it into knots and swings on these knots, then I repeat it myself. Then the president comes and we talk. Then I understand that I fell in love with the president, became his mistress and should give birth to a son. At the same time, I do not want him to get divorced and officially marry me. I want him to be with his wife at official receptions and meetings, and I would be waiting for him at home and social life would not concern me. We argue from time to time and I decide for myself that I need to leave, because he will not agree to such conditions. I don't see how I left, but I know that I left. And so that he would not find me, I arranged an accident with my death. And she herself went to the mountains and began to live in the forest with her son. A man helped me with everything. He helped organize the accident, go to live in the forest, brought food and everything necessary for life. Only he knew the way to me. This road was through the mountains and the pass. Find her not knowing person was impossible. I didn't have a TV or radio. I didn't know what was going on in the world. In the meantime, a message appeared in all the news that the plane with the president had crashed and they could not find him. The plane really crashed, but the president and 4 other people survived and walked through the forest where I lived. They could not be found, because the coordinates of the accident were incorrect and they were looked for elsewhere. The President with accompanying persons came to my apartment and we met. He took me with the child and we all went to the city with the help of my guide.

President's gift in a dream

I saw in a dream that I was sitting and talking in an informal setting with Putin, as with an old acquaintance. On “you” .. Suddenly he says to me: “Do you want me to give you earrings as a keepsake? There's a jewelry store just nearby, choose any! » I chose flower-shaped stud earrings with a large diamond in the center. I really liked them. Later I looked at the check-10 thousand (I don’t remember the currency). I put them on and was satisfied, and Putin was glad that I liked his gift and after that we continued our conversation

3 presidents in a dream

I dream of a clearing, and there is a forest around the clearing .... Yeltsin, Putin and Medvedev should come to this clearing in order to fly somewhere, and so Yeltsin came first and sat waiting for everyone else ... I sat down next to him .... She said goodbye, wished a good journey .. And crossed herself ... He sat so thoughtful sad .... Then I went back to the forest... Putin was coming towards me, all so arrogant, starry... I said goodbye to him too... I went on... Medvedev was walking... Cheerful... And he looked blissful... And I said goodbye to him and wished him all the best... Then I don't remember what happened, but they all flew away ... I came to the place where Yeltsin was sitting, and there were many small kittens ... I took them home ... And Malyshka (my still little cat) was already big and chased them and bit them, in general, she didn’t like that I dragged them .... Here is such a dream))) Before that, I once dreamed of Medvedev - I sat and talked to him and asked: “Dmitry Anatolyevich! Will the world end in 2012? He replied: “I don’t know about the end of the world, but there will definitely be a draw” (A draw, as I understand it, about the presidential elections in 2012))))

The young president in a dream

I dream, we are sitting in a room - me, my fiancé (Yura), some other people and .... Boy one year old 16-17. He is being prepared to become president, and now we are all waiting for Putin, he must come to meet him. Yura tells me (in the form of a joke, it seemed to me): “Maybe I will meet with the president instead of him? ". I also answer in the form of a joke: "And why not)))". The president arrives, Yura approaches him instead of this boy, and they talk for a long time. This boy, who was being prepared for the presidency, comes up to me and asks why he is not talking with Putin, I say - they say I don’t know ... I didn’t come up myself. We start talking to him. He is VERY similar in appearance to my fiancé Yura (blond with blue eyes) . There seems to be some kind of general break, everyone needs to go outside. But not everything is so simple - it turned out to be quite difficult to leave this room - some birds had to be released into the street first. We all went out... Some kind of fuss... Then it became freer, someone saw blood stains... Big ones.. They led to some kind of door. Scary…… We decided to take a walk with this boy. It is very interesting for me to find out from him what and how, who chose the candidate for the presidency, why they chose his name, why HE is so special, etc. We sat together in the presidential cortege (black big car), we drive, we talk. We are being slowed down by traffic cops. The driver does not stop. And we are not accustomed to: if they slow down, then we need to stop. I peek out the door... I’m shouting “we have presidential immunity”… But they are already catching up with us, they threw some checkers, smoke went up. Early morning, no one else, only our whole company is here. We saw some kind of hill, began to climb it. The people appear. We are being photographed. Kipish starts, everyone pushes. I give my camera - they take pictures of us, but you can hardly see me, although I am sitting on the very top of the mountain. I have an idea: "it is necessary to kill this boy so that my Yura takes his place." Terrible, I immediately discard these thoughts from my head. I am tormented by the question of why he is, because he is still young .... Maybe in some legal way to push Yura there, because he wants to, he may have already talked with Putin. But this one was brought here, which means that someone is pushing it…. He has connections... Not everything is clean. Although he is smart, he has already been brought up to date on many political matters (I got such an impression after talking with this “young president”) …………… With these thoughts I woke up, I could not find out why exactly HE became a mentor President, what kind of competition was held. I'm interested in your opinion

The death of presidents, the prince and the laptop in a dream

Then I dream that on the air (for some reason, retreating into the bushes) the President of Moldova dies, and then the President of Ukraine (like Trachtenberg). He has a red shirt, the doctor stands and says “I don’t know, there have been no changes in the last week.” And then I translate a presentation in a hurry, on one of the slides of which Tsarevich Alexei is already lying in the hospital with a pipe in his mouth with a bandaged face, and I left the laptop with the translation of another part of the presentation in the subway car on the circle line (along with the coat - I always I leave it there, but this time it was stolen). I'm looking and can't find it. Finally - it turns out I'm already in my hometown in an old apartment - some mustachioed acquaintance of my mother arrives in a Zhiguli and brings a laptop - it turns out he was repairing it.

Animals and the President in a dream

As if coming to our (private) house, President Nazarbayev arrives on a new motorcycle or scooter, goes out into the garden for a walk. After that, my mother sees our two cows and two well-fed horses walking in our garden, and they are all ours. We do not keep cattle at home.

If in a dream you see yourself talking to the President of the United States- in reality you are interested in state affairs, and it is possible that you really want to become a politician.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Dreaming of a Vice President- to a rich life.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Vice President- to give a bribe.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

The president- trouble; be with him in society- disappointment.

General dream book

Seeing the president of your country in a dream- it means that you expect losses and conflicts in business life.

See yourself in the president's chair- to fight for their views. Try to take wise advice.

See in a dream presidential elections - means to take part in events that will allow you to take a high position.

A dream in which you see an assassination attempt on the president- means that your enemies will do everything possible to discredit you in the eyes of a loved one.

If you dreamed of the president of a reputable company- it means that you will show interest in members of the opposite sex. But don't get too carried away.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

In dreams, we often appear in a dream various people and individuals with whom we enter into any interactions or simply observe them from the side. It often happens that ordinary person in a dream, some actor, singer, athlete or TV show host appears.

Such dreams may just like that, for example, if a person saw this person on TV the day before, talked about her with someone or simply remembered, but it happens that a celebrity dreams for no reason and then it’s already worth thinking about the real meaning of such a night phenomenon and turning to dream book.

However there is an even rarer occurrence in a dream when a person sees the head of state while relaxing. Such a dream can carry a special meaning, especially for a person who is not fond of politics and does not watch the news every day, which means that he himself could not impose such a dream about the president on his mind.

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In this situation, the sleeper, after waking up, should inquire about the essence of such a dream and look through the dream book or check the interpretation on the Internet.

President Putin dreamed what it was for

Recently, quite relevant is Appearance in a dream of Vladimir Putin. What does the appearance of this head of the country in a dream promise us?

If the sleeper dreams of the president of the country, it means that in reality this person sets himself unattainable goals that he cannot afford.

If Putin speaks at a meeting or involved in solving state problems, then for the sleeper this is a sign that he may soon have new responsibilities. You may have to take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Also, this dream means that he will have to be responsible for his actions and decisions made earlier.

If in a dream Putin introduces some new laws, then the dream book defines this as a sign that the sleeper will have a change of scenery or sometimes even a global change in outlook on life.

Seeing the president of your country in a dream

If the President of the country dreams of standing with his assistants- this promises good luck in all endeavors, the possibility of making a profit or positive changes in business.

If he dreams surrounded by his guards, then there is a positive meaning here, which brings good luck and good changes.

If the sleeper himself guarded the president, then this dream is interpreted by the dream book from a less positive side. This promises a long and stubborn struggle on the way to his goal, in which the sleeper will face many obstacles.

If you dream that the head of the country goes hand in hand with his ex-wife, such a dream promises career advancement, it will be long, but the goal will eventually be achieved.

Why does President Putin dream of talking to him

  • If you dream of President Putin and have to talk to him in a dream, this indicates an early acquaintance or meeting with a person who will significantly affect your future life. This person can be not only a man, but with the same probability a woman or a child.
  • For those who saw in a dream how they greet the president, the dream book interprets this in different ways, but in particular it means meeting with someone who can help and support.
  • When you dream that the head of state brings you gratitude, this means that in reality you feel underestimated and demand more.
  • If you dream that the head of state advises you something, then in reality we should expect a good income.
  • But if dreamed that you were giving him advice, then this is a sign that monetary losses should be expected.

Why does President Putin dream of a woman

If a woman dreams of President Putin in a dream, then the dream book portends her a successful marriage.

For the one who dreamed of the president of the country Putin and close relationship with him, which means that she devotes a lot of time to her mental relaxation.

When a woman intimacy dreams in the form of kisses with Putin, this is a sign that her current man does not suit her in all respects.

Still if had a similar dream, the dream book recommends taking care of your nerves, as soon a strong emotional stress is planned in reality.

If you dream of President Putin visiting, what is it for

If Putin dreamed of visiting me- this is a great success, visiting him is an improvement in business.

I dreamed that Putin came into the house, which means that a difficult decision will soon have to be made.

If he took off his shoes in the corridor, it is not necessary to puzzle over this decision, but if you dreamed that he entered in shoes, you should seriously consider every small detail.