Americans will see a solar eclipse for the first time in August. Americans will see the solar eclipse in August for the first time. Eclipse on August 8 where will it be visible

In August there will be a corridor of eclipses - a partial Lunar eclipse will occur on August 7, 2017 and a total Solar eclipse on August 21, 2017.

Eclipses on the Leo-Aquarius axis in August 2017: main meanings.

In August we go through another eclipse season, or eclipse corridor on the Leo-Aquarius axis. The first to occur on August 7 is the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius and the South Node, followed by the Solar Eclipse in Leo and the North Node on August 21. But, in fact, the effect of eclipses begins to be felt one and a half to two months before their exact dates and continues for about a month after; it is during this interval that fateful changes begin to occur in our affairs.

As you know, eclipses always occur when the New Moon or Full Moon occurs near the Nodal Axis and in most cases, eclipses occur in the signs of the same zodiac axis along which the Nodes pass.

When the Axis of the Lunar Nodes moves into the signs of the new zodiac axis, the themes of these signs become for the next year and a half the areas of the most fateful changes, turning points and life choices and the most important tasks of our development. These fateful and pivotal changes, tasks and choices, indicated by the positions of the Nodes, manifest themselves especially clearly and concentratedly in our realities and affairs during periods when new moons or full moons occur near the Axis of the Nodes - that is, during periods of eclipses.

Under the influence of eclipses on the Leo/Aquarius axis in July-August, we will be dealing with events and processes, the essence of which will be related to restoring balance in everything related to the polar meanings of these zodiac signs.

So, the essence of all important events, changes and life choices in July-August will be associated with the relationship in our lives of the following polarities:

  • power and freedom;
  • love and the ability to give others the right to be different;
  • self-realization and dependence on the assessments of others;
  • self-expression and ability to collaborate;
  • our needs for control and preservation of the status quo, on the one hand, and the ability to change, to perceive everything new, unusual, to reject frameworks and templates, on the other;
  • the need for love, approval and recognition and the ability to give all this to others;
  • the ability to build and control one’s life and exposure to external uncontrollable circumstances;
  • the need for a higher standard of living and the ability to receive appropriate income from one’s calling, career, position.

On the external plane, the influence of eclipses will manifest itself through important events and changes in everything related to issues of cooperation and associations with groups and teams, self-expression, public activities and publicizing one’s achievements, relationships with loved ones, including children, income from property, real estate, career and position. It is possible that under the influence of eclipses our hobbies will change, relationships and connections with other people will transform, and the directions of our activities will be redefined.

On the one hand, the influence of eclipses in July-August can give a powerful impetus to development and transition to new levels in all of the above.

  • Great opportunities for self-realization may open up for us through cooperation with other people, as well as as a result of abandoning old frameworks and patterns.
  • We can open up new opportunities to realize our calling and our individuality through radical renewal and change, openness to new things and the ability to use completely new, innovative and non-trivial ideas, paths and solutions.
  • We can find new opportunities to monetize our calling and to connect activities that best express our creativity with income opportunities.
  • We can move to new levels in our relationships with others (including relationships with loved ones and children), giving them the freedom to be different, recognizing their uniqueness. At the same time, important changes may occur in the affairs of our children and loved ones.
  • In the end, if we broadcast a lot of love and energy into the world, revealing our potential in what we do, very happy changes can happen in our lives, we can receive unexpected gifts from fate.

On the other hand, the influence of the eclipses in July-August will manifest itself in the fact that any distortions and imbalances in the way the above-mentioned polarities of the Leo-Aquarius axis manifest themselves in our realities can cause difficult changes that will force us to restore the disturbed equilibrium.

  • If we are unable to follow our path, find our calling and unleash our creativity in what we do, we can lose energy, taste for life, and also significantly lose in the quality of life and in the ability to earn income beyond the required minimum.
  • If we hold on to our social roles and the existing status quo so much that we do not perceive anything new, unusual, and are closed to new ideas, opportunities and chances, then we may lose opportunities for self-realization and self-expression.
  • If we are too ego-centered and dependent on other people to validate our worth, we may experience increasingly severe blows to our self-esteem, losing popularity, recognition, and support.
  • Likewise, if we are unable to cooperate with others, we may experience limitations in our ability to express ourselves and fulfill ourselves.
  • If we believe that our affection and love for other people becomes the basis for subjecting them to our power (or vice versa), or if love becomes an argument for restrictions on freedom (our own or another person), then we may experience losses in these areas. When, in our attachment to specific people, we completely lose freedom, independence and independence, when someone becomes the center of the universe for us, circumstances can remove the object of such dependence from our life.
  • If we refuse responsibility for our lives or spend too much energy and attention on things that are outside our zone of influence (for example, trying to change others instead of changing ourselves, living on political news and someone else's events instead of take care of yourself), the influence of uncontrollable external circumstances on our lives can increase dramatically.
  • If our desire to improve the quality and standard of our own life is not confirmed by the ability to manage it, make plans and anticipate important turns, then at this time we may face material losses as a result of risky adventures and imprudent decisions.

How strongly the effect of eclipses will manifest itself in your life depends on whether the points of the eclipses form close aspects with your birth chart, and whether this effect will be positive or negative depends very much on how imbalanced the manifestations of qualities are in your life Leo/Aquarius axis.

In any case, the period around eclipses on the Leo/Aquarius axis always becomes a very energetic time, filled with enthusiasm, creativity, public, social activity and entertainment. This is a great time for relaxation, romantic stories, various events, entertainment, interaction with other people, sharing positive emotions, presenting your ideas to the public, presenting your plans and projects.

Both the Lunar Eclipse on August 7, 2017, and the Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017 will occur against the background of the beginning of the Solar-Martian cycle, which means that both eclipses will accentuate and highlight the themes of the beginning of a new cycle of personal activity, a new cycle of implementation in our personal realities of the principle of focused power and energy.

In positive versions, this will mean that the important and fateful changes that will occur in our lives under the influence of eclipses will be associated with new goals, with new stages in everything related to work and self-realization, with new tasks and strategies in our external activities. The potential that will be contained in all of the above in July-August will develop in our affairs over the next two years.

In less positive cases, the connection of eclipse points with Mars may manifest itself in an increased likelihood of emergency, traumatic situations, sharp and destructive conflicts and crises throughout the entire period of influence of eclipses, but especially near the exact dates of August 2 - 9 and 16 - 23, 2017.

Under the influence of the August eclipses in Leo/Aquarius, the well-being of people with problems with the heart and blood vessels may worsen; problems with blood pressure, vision, eyes may worsen or appear, and the most vulnerable parts of the body at this time will be the back, legs, and ankle joints.

The solar eclipse in August 2017 will have a positive impact on many areas of life. The results of solar exposure will be impressive, which will help you achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.

The solar eclipse will occur on August 21, 2017, at 21:21 Moscow time. Unlike the February eclipse, the August one will be accompanied by a favorable arrangement of planets. The Sun and Mars will be in the constellation Leo, simultaneously forming a trine with Uranus in Aries and a conjunction with the Moon in Leo. The Universe itself provides a good opportunity to improve your life and reach unprecedented heights. Astrological recommendations will help you use such a powerful force for your benefit.

Solar eclipse from the point of view of astrologers

The energy of the upcoming eclipse is favorable and optimistic. This astrological event will bring more joy, pleasure, courage and determination. The conjunction of the Moon and the Sun in the constellation Leo will require you to become a leader, to push yourself to the forefront, to stand out from the gray mass, to attract attention.

Don't hide behind doubts, fears and complexes. The energy of the day will give you determination and strength to do things you never got around to doing before. Lack of motivation will be replaced by a surge of enthusiasm and the need to act. The trine of Uranus in Aries will contribute to liberation from prejudices, dependence on other people's opinions and stereotypical behavior.

On the day of the eclipse there will also be negative aspects of the planets, which, nevertheless, will complement and strengthen internal harmony and universal balance. Venus in Cancer and Mercury in Virgo form a semi-square, which will find expression in the material and social spheres.

In astrology, both positive and negative aspects of planets are located on two cups. Tense alliances of space objects stimulate decisive action, while positive relationships will provide successful opportunities.

Features of the solar eclipse in August

Solar activity will reach the apogee of its positive influence, which will affect every living organism. At the time of the eclipse, the Sun will be in the zodiac Leo. Leo is a talented and purposeful Zodiac Sign, so creative manifestations are one of the main themes of the upcoming eclipse. This area is not limited only to skills in a certain field of art. A genius sleeps within every person, and the hidden talents inherent in nature will help awaken it.

Feelings and emotions will become more intense. The sign of Leo has a direct connection with the heart chakra, which is responsible for love. In relationships, people can feel a positive renewal. Leo's solar energy will give you the incentive and opportunity to follow the dictates of your heart. It will also be a wonderful moment to free yourself from destructive relationships and heal a broken heart. Any obstacles will be met with optimism and faith in the best.

Impact of a solar eclipse on the Zodiac Signs

The solar eclipse will be felt most vividly by Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius and Libra. Astrologers warn that solar activity will not necessarily make itself felt on August 21st. This may happen a day earlier or later than the stated period.

The combination of different energies will give the eclipse intense activity and a powerful impulse to move forward. Rapid events will overtake many people. There will be chances to direct energy flows to your benefit.

Creativity, love and creation are the three main themes of the upcoming eclipse. The desire to express oneself in creativity will be productive. Take up a hobby, try yourself in a new business, or find like-minded people in your hobby. You can also confess your love, be creative in solving business problems and decorate your home beautifully.

Spiritual practices will help you perk up, find a way out of dead-end situations and improve your quality of life. Plans will have to be slightly adjusted to take into account the increased activity, so that the energy does not remain unfulfilled and is not directed in a destructive direction.

A solar eclipse is one of the most striking astrological events. It has long been given a mysterious and magical meaning. It was believed that at this time you could change your destiny. A simple ritual will charge you with powerful power and bind you to good luck for a long time. We wish you a great mood and success. be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

August 19, 2017 is one of the possible dates on which the 2017 End of the World could occur.

This number is indicated by the prophecies of several predictors at once, for example Vanga and Matrona of Moscow.

However, in our opinion, in 2017 there are more serious events that could lead to the Apocalypse, in particular the solar eclipse, which will occur two days later, namely on August 21, 2017.

Vanga's predictions for 08/19/2017

All clairvoyant predictions are rather vague, and usually become clear only after the predicted event occurs in reality.

Regarding August 19, 2017, there are memories of a friend of the seer Vanga, Todor Todorov. He recalls how Vanga said that Russia “will face difficult and difficult times, it will be tormented like wolves...”

There is no exact certainty that the words of the great soothsayer refer specifically to the current year, because on August 19, 1991 (to August 21, 1991), a tragic event for our country already happened. There was an attempt at a coup by the State Emergency Committee, which failed, as a result of which the USSR collapsed.

Whether or not the world will end on August 21, 2017

Traditionally, people associate the arrival of various unusual and rare events with the onset of the End of the World.

Such a notable event as the solar eclipse, which will occur on August 21, 2017, is no exception.

Despite the fact that this eclipse will not be visible over most of Russia (it will be observed mainly by residents of North America - the USA, Canada), residents of our country are wondering whether or not the world will end on August 21, 2017.

They should be reassured - the end of the world does not happen due to solar eclipses. This astronomical event (eclipse) occurs with noticeable frequency (about 5 times a year, of which 2 are total or annular eclipses), and the Earth has existed and still exists.

What did Matrona say about the end of the world?

Almost before her death, Matrona saw the events that were about to happen in 2017. Her words “Without warriors, everyone on earth will die and this will happen back in 2017” are already beginning to send waves of fear through people. Matrona calls on humanity to turn to God before it’s too late, and not to stop praying, because the end of the world is just around the corner. She argued that difficult times would come, filled with sorrow and pain.

The great clairvoyant even named the approximate date of the Apocalypse - autumn 2017. According to her, everything will happen in the evening, there will be a war without war and thousands of lifeless bodies will simply lie in the streets.

Indeed, her prophecy inspires chilling horror and I want to believe that Matrona was wrong after all. Of course, avid skeptics do not believe such predictions and rush to turn to science to find a reasonable explanation for the clairvoyant’s statements.

But even modern scientists cannot give one hundred percent guarantee that in the near future our planet will not collide with some celestial body that will start the process of destroying all life on Earth.

Despite the pessimistic mood of Matrona’s predictions, humanity does not cease to believe in better times. After all, even the great fortuneteller said that after the Apocalypse there will be peace and tranquility. The surviving people will build new, happy states without aggression and hatred.

Whether the world will end in 2017 is difficult to predict. Only time can help in this matter!…

What could happen in the fall of 2017?

Some astronomers and prophets threaten us with “doomsday” as early as September-October. And they say everything will happen quickly, the tea will not have time to cool down.

The next apocalypse, the age-old pastime of waiting for the end of everything, is scheduled for this year. This time we are talking about three fears: about a pebble from space “only” 40 meters in diameter, which is enough to cause irreversible destruction. It was discovered back in 2012, but since then its trajectory has not changed - with a small, but still a degree of probability, it may collide with the Earth on October 12, 2017. In addition, conspiracy theorists are again scaring us with the mythical planet “Nibiru-X”. It will “definitely” collide with the Earth in October. And the Orthodox saint Matrona predicted that in 2017 “without war you will all die.”

What's flying towards the ground?

Astronomer Judith Rees in 2015 from the MacDonald Observatory of the University of Texas calculated that a tiny object by cosmic standards, the 40-meter meteorite 2012 TC4, discovered in 2012, could crash into our planet. There is less than a 1% chance that it will hit the ground on October 12, 2017. If this does happen (after all, people win the lottery with similar odds), the destruction will be colossal. The ozone layer will suffer, the climate will change beyond recognition in a matter of years.

Nibiru-X is coming again

Since the beginning of this year, the media has been actively discussing the topic of the mysterious planet “Nibiru-X”, which allegedly hides behind the Sun somewhere nearby in the solar system, but due to complex gravitational processes may very soon collide with the Earth. Well, how soon - in October of this year. The author of the book “Planet X: 2017 Arrival” David Mead is so sure.

In the best traditions of all the “apocalyptic experts” of 2012, he claims that the world elites already know everything and are preparing for a collision - they are building secret huge bunkers all over the planet to hide their relatives and loved ones there, and we, the “plebs,” are hanging noodles to the ears - “everything is fine, NASA is watching.”

There is only one big flaw in this theory - Nibiru was expected in 2012. Hundreds of studies with the most “accurate” calculations have been published around the world, but no luck - there was no planet even close. However, among the public, this story about a worldwide conspiracy and apocalypse has not outlived its usefulness - books are being sold, the media are writing, in general, everything is as usual.

Published 08/20/17 13:44

The solar eclipse in August 2017 will be one of the longest. When viewing a solar eclipse live, it is important to take precautions. Read about how to protect yourself in the TopNews review

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Residents of the United States, as well as Western Europe and South America are lucky, because it is in the states that the full phase will be best visible and will last more than an hour and a half.

At the same time, it will practically not be visible in Russia. It will begin in the evening Moscow time, at 21.26, so the Russians will not be able to watch it.

Partial phases will become intkbbach visible only on the Chukotka Peninsula and northern Kamchatka, as well as on several Russian islands in the Arctic Ocean. Residents of Norway, Denmark, Iceland, the British Isles, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium and the Netherlands will also see a partial eclipse.

For residents of countries where the unique phenomenon will not be visible, NASA has organized an online broadcast, which will be broadcast from a height of 30 thousand meters above the ground.

The DKIST telescope, the most powerful solar telescope in the world, will monitor solar activity during the eclipse.

Do's and Don'ts, Precautions

When viewing a solar eclipse live, it is important to take precautions. It is absolutely forbidden to look at the Sun without protection, because you can damage the retina, leading to complete blindness.

Regular sunglasses are not suitable for this. You can observe a solar eclipse only with the help of special glasses with ultraviolet protection. Also suitable are black and white undeveloped photographic film, a special photo filter for observing eclipses, and welding glasses with a protective tint of at least 14.

Folk wisdom on the day of a solar eclipse

On the day of a solar eclipse, it is not recommended to make serious decisions or take actions that can change your life. After all, if the wrong decision is made, then most likely it will be impossible to reverse it. It is also not recommended to start something new, but rather finish old things.

From a medical point of view, you should not undergo surgery or any procedures of this nature. Also, you should not be alone; it is better to spend time with loved ones.

On this day, try not to get irritated, angry and conflict, as well as drink alcohol and drugs. This can lead to irreversible consequences. This day should be dedicated to creativity and self-realization.

According to popular wisdom, August in Russia is considered to be a “problem” month: various coups, defaults, sanctions and other social upheavals, for some reason unknown to us, tend to happen in August, in the midst of summer holidays and vacations... August of this year, 2017 year is no exception - at least in astrological terms - due to the “eclipse corridor” from the 7th (partial lunar) to the 21st of August (total solar eclipse).

Eclipses, in addition to the well-known interest as a purely astronomical phenomenon, carry with them a certain karmic negative associated with an irreconcilable war between the highest, very powerful living beings in the Universe. Vedic scriptures - such as the Mahabharata and the Bhagavata Purana - which occurred at the dawn of creation, when demigods and demons tried to divide the nectar of immortality among themselves, and when a demon named Rahu tricked his way into the ranks of the demigods and managed to drink this nectar - amritas. However, the Sun and Moon (Surya and Chandra) exposed his deception, and Lord Vishnu, in the guise of the charming Mohini Murti, cut off the demon's head.

However, the demon had already become immortal, and continued to exist in a dissected form: his head became the shadow (astral) planet named Rahu, his tail became the shadow planet Ketu, which represent the so-called “lunar nodes” or the intersection points of the Moon’s orbit with the plane of the Sun's ecliptic. Although Rahu and Ketu do not have physical bodies visible to us (according to some sources, Ketu is still visible as an asteroid belt), the influence of these planets is taken into account in Vedic Jyotish astrology. According to Vedic sources, sizes several times larger than the size of the Sun and Moon, and they continue to quarrel with each other: in retaliation for the revelation that led to the beheading, Rahu (who has lost his head both literally and figuratively) from time to time tries to absorb the Sun and Moon, and at this moment on Earth it is possible observe solar and lunar eclipses.

From an astronomical point of view, this occurs when the Earth, Moon and Suns line up in a line - the so-called "cosmic billiards". When the shadow of the Moon, with such a formation of planets, eclipses the Earth, a solar eclipse occurs, which is possible only on new moon days (Amavasya); when the shadow of the Earth eclipses the Moon, a lunar eclipse occurs, which is possible only on full moon days (Purnima). The metaphysical cause of the eclipse is the attack of the demon Rahu and his irreconcilable enmity with Surya and Chandra (Sun and Moon), therefore, in the astrological chart, Rahu at the time of the eclipse in degrees is always in close proximity to the Sun and Moon.

"Great American" solar eclipse August 21, 2017

The solar eclipse, which will occur on August 21, has its own characteristics. The event is called the "Great American Eclipse" because it will be the FIRST TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE that will ONLY be visible in the United States. In other words, since the United States became a nation, there has never been a total solar eclipse that was only visible here and nowhere else. According to Wikipedia, the previous total solar eclipse, visible only from this territory, happened 760 years ago - on June 13, 1257.

Since people don't know (or don't want to believe) about the subtle ill effects of eclipses, many are already planning ahead to observe it in the US, with a particular concentration of people observed in the total eclipse band... which visually cuts America in half. Of course, many seek to “make money” from would-be tourists by selling them special surveillance accessories and other paraphernalia. Such interest in this phenomenon will only aggravate its negative consequences for active observers of “planetary showdowns at the highest level.”

More complete information about eclipses in the United States is collected on this page.

It is worth highlighting some astrological features and possible consequences of the “Great American Solar Eclipse” on August 21, 2017.

1) As noted above, the total eclipse strip cuts the United States in half, which can strengthen certain internal contradictions in the state and among its population.

2) The streak of total eclipse passes in close proximity to Yellowstone National Park with the volcano of the same name, which has been awakening recently... the logical conclusions seem obvious even to a person inexperienced in subtle matters: it is unlikely that an eclipse with its destructive energy will help reduce volcanic activity...

3) The eclipse occurs in the nakshatra (“lunar house”) of Magha, which enhances its detrimental effect for those people who (especially) have a planet or Lagnesh (the lord of the 1st house) in (i.e. in the interval 0°-13°20′ Leo). They are especially not recommended to begin important life-changing affairs for some time after the eclipse (weddings, for example, are advised to be postponed for at least six months after the eclipse).

In the horoscope of the current US President Donald Trump, the ascendant is located in the Magha nakshatra; Moreover, Trump deigned to appear in this world on June 14, 1946, four hours before the total lunar eclipse. Therefore, the “Great American Eclipse” could significantly shake his already not very stable political position, even to the point of impeachment... Overlaying the axis transit Rahu-Ketu - on the axis natal Rahu-Ketu is always accompanied by fateful changes in a person’s life.

4) The person who will also be in the Magha nakshatra at the time of the eclipse comes under a strong negative influence. Mercury (Buddha) symbolizes the mind, communications, communication, commerce, etc., and afflicted Mercury (in this case, the negative aspect of Saturn from Scorpio is added) can make the native a fraudster, a schemer, or he will senselessly accumulate information, send spam, disseminate gossip, rumors, misinformation. Mercury retrograde in the 12th house gives nervous, impulsive speech; hasty erroneous decisions, conclusions and assessments bring disappointment, failure, and secret enemies. All this can fully manifest itself at the time of the eclipse, and will maintain the effect at least until the end of August, until Mercury comes out of retrograde motion. Be attentive and careful, do not start new important things and projects under negative cosmic influence!

Rahu, being the Planet of Great Illusions, at the moment of an eclipse greatly enhances the energy of deception and, in conjunction with Mercury, affects a person’s intellectual abilities. That's why this solar eclipse turns into "The Great American Eclipse of the Mind"

General unfavorable time - for three days before the eclipse, between eclipses and three days after the eclipse.

The energy of an eclipse is considered unfavorable for all endeavors and good deeds, but this is an excellent time for personal transformation.

During this period, the boundaries of the subtle worlds become more sensitive, so the effect of spiritual practices intensifies. Pay more attention to your inner world, ask questions to the universe:What can I change in myself to smooth out negative karma?Write your thoughts in a notebook, observe these days what signs the universe sends you.

During the period of the “eclipse corridor”, it is favorable to attend various trainings, seminars in goodness, engage in self-knowledge and simply observe your thoughts, speak consciously.

During the period of eclipses, the following are unfavorable: surgery, vaccinations, treatment, travel, wedding ceremonies, conceiving children, large purchases, launching projects.On eclipse days, especially eclipse hours, it is unfavorable to consume food and water.

On the day of the Lunar Eclipse, you can take water procedures. It is not recommended to drink liquids, eat food or sleep during the eclipse. Avoid emotional stress. Possible loss of strength or increased irritation.

On the day of the Solar Eclipse, avoid active external activities and making important decisions. You can’t look at the Sun, there is strong negative energy. The Sun will be conjunct Mercury retrograde. All trade, financial transactions and communications are unfavorable.