Notes of speech therapy classes on sound automation. Summary of the frontal lesson on sound automation “Sound

Where do we start? What will we do first?

Guys, birds also learn sounds in the forest. There is a board with a task under the tree.

Our lips, tongue

They study all the time.

They need to know how

Sounds are coming!

Now we will find out how the sound [Ts] is made. Take the mirrors and say the sound [Ts].

Lips open or closed when pronouncing a sound C?

Are your teeth open or closed?

Is the tip of the tongue up or down?

What about the back of the tongue?

Place your hand to your mouth and make a sound C. What kind of air stream: warm or cold, long or short?

Now put your palm on your neck and say the sound C. Do the vocal folds tremble or not?

Guys, does the air stream meet an obstacle?

Is the sound [T] voiced or unvoiced?

Is the sound [T] soft or hard?

This sound is always hard; it does not have a little brother, a soft sound.

Guys, now we know how sound is formed, we can pronounce it like birdlings. Turn around yourself and turn into starlings.

Well done, starlings, now I can let you fly through the forest, listen to other birds chirping. But be careful, there are many predators in the forest! If you hear the sound [T], stop and do not move under any circumstances, so the predator will not notice you. The teacher names sounds and syllables one by one.

Turn around and turn into guys.

Birds flew through the forest

And a little tired.

Guys, look at the birds sitting on the branches of a tree to rest. Let's approach carefully and take a look.

Look at the bottom branch of the tree, who's there?




TIT, WILD GOOSE, WILD DUCK, SWAN - not a migratory bird, not a waterfowl.

Starling, heron, firebird, tit - how different all birds are. Do they have anything in common?

Where will the birds live now?

Guys, let's help the birds move into the house. In the first birdhouse there will live birds whose names have the sound [C] at the beginning, etc.

Words: starling, heron, tit, firebird.

We completed the first task! Everyone learned about sound. Now the second one.

What is it about? What can we see, write and read?

What is the difference between a sound and a letter?

Now we will get acquainted with the letter! This is the letter C.

Letter C - hook at the bottom,

It’s like a tank with a faucet.

Guys, look, the letter C has a hook and a tail.

How many sticks does the letter C consist of?

Are all sticks the same length? (show the same ones, the longest, the shortest).

How to write the letter C? SLIDE! One is a medium stick, two is a long stick, three is medium, leaving a small tail, four is a short stick.

Now we are familiar with the letter C, we can put it back in its place! The teacher unfolds the poster.

Guys, let's remember our rule:

Every day, always, everywhere,

In class, in play,

That's right, we say clearly,

We are never in a hurry.

Text: So it snowed. The last flowers have withered in the meadows. Only in warm greenhouses do skilled flower growers grow flowers. In nature, flowers quickly fade, but in a flower garden they will bloom for a long time and delight the eye with their blooming. One flower fades, and the other blooms in bright colors.

Which sound is heard most often in the text?

Place in front of you as many chips as there are words with the sound “C” you hear.

Today in class we will talk about colors, but at the same time we will constantly monitor the correct pronunciation of the sound “C”.

1). Relaxation for fingers.

A tall flower grew in a clearing,

On a magical morning I opened the petals.

Beauty and nutrition to all petals

Together they give roots underground.

2) Preparation for articulation gymnastics.

Let's watch the landing.

Let's imagine that we are in a massage parlour. Here we have a cream made from flowers. Gently apply the cream to your face:

    from the middle of the forehead to the temples

    from the inside of the eye around the eyelids

    tapping the wings of the nose, then turn on the sound

    from the wings of the nose to the auricle

    from the middle of the chin to


    massage of the orbicularis oris muscle.

    Mimic exercises.

After the massage we admire ourselves.

    were surprised


    were indignant



    Exercises for the lower jaw.

Right, left, make circular movements, keep counting.

5) Massage of the hard palate.

6) Activation of the muscles of the soft palate.

    Some flowers can be used to prepare healing solutions, so we have prepared a solution from Kalanchoe, let’s treat the neck. We take the solution through a straw, rinse the neck, and swallow.

7) Exercises to develop diaphragmatic breathing.

Exhale - pfft

Return of breath

Exhale - pfft

Return of breath.

Exercise for lips: wow, what a cloud (tube), smile (flower opens).

For the tongue: * lip massage

    dental massage

    holding the tongue on the lower lip

    holding the tongue behind the lower teeth

    rest the tip of the tongue on the lower teeth, arch the front part of the back, use oral exhalation

What sound “C” is consonant or vowel, voiced or voiceless, hard or soft?

Why is the sound “C” consonant?

Why is the sound "C" dull?

Why is the sound "Ts" hard?

What letter represents the sound “C” in writing?

Find the letter “C” among other letters.

Text: Picking flowers is easy and simple

Small children

And to the one who is so tall,

It is not easy to pick a flower.

Assemble a flower from the petals, clearly pronouncing the syllables.

Read the syllables in the following sequence: ats-ots-uts-yts-its-ets, atsa-otso-utsu-ytsy-itsi-etse, tsa-tso-tsu-tsy-tse.

Say the word “flower”, pronouncing all sounds clearly.

How many syllables are there in the word “flower”, why?

How many sounds are in the word “flower”, name them in order.

Determine the place of the sound “C” in the word “flower”.

Let's go back to our picture and remember the words with the sound “C” that you found at the beginning of our lesson.

Name the words that answer the question “who?”

- "what to do?",

- "Which?".

Children are offered a deformed sentence: blooms, in, flower, flower garden.

How many words are there in a sentence?

Name the words in the sentence in order.

Write a graphic representation of this sentence.

Read the graph sentence.

Write the sentence in your pronunciation notebook.

Working with deformed text:

Flowers delight us with their blooming. The florist planted flowers in the greenhouse. Flowers bloom in the flower garden in winter and summer.

Do you remember what sound we worked on in class?

Complete the sentence by inserting the word “flower” in the correct form:

Bloomed in the flower garden......

There is no better place in the world…….

We are very happy…….

We bring home…….

We admire…….

And we sing about……..

Guys, thank you very much for the lesson. You all worked well today.

Goals and objectives:

Practice the correct pronunciation of the sound ts in words, sentences,

Continue learning to answer questions in detailed sentences.

Equipment: mirrors, subject pictures, subject pictures, ball.

During the classes.

I. Articulation gymnastics

“Smile”, “fence”, “proboscis”, “donut”, “knead the dough”, “brush our teeth”, “slide”.

II. Phonemic awareness.

He appeared in a yellow fur coat,
Goodbye two shells! (chick)

What sound do we hear at the beginning of a word?
- What sound is it?
- When we pronounce the sound ts - lips in a smile, the tongue rises up and down.

Once upon a time there lived a chicken. He loved to run away from his mother and play “Traps” with his brothers and sisters. Let's play the game “Traps” with the chicken. Clap your hands when you hear the sound ts.


III. Working with syllables.

The chicken liked playing with you. He suggests playing the game “Ball”.

Ball game.

Throw the ball and repeat the syllable.


IV. Working with words.

Clucking, clucking,
Convenes children
He gathers everyone under his wing. (chicken)

The hen can't find the chick. She calls, but he doesn’t respond. Help her call the chicken.
- What are the names of the chickens? (chick-chick-chick)
- The chicken heard his name called and ran to the other chickens.

Working from a picture.

How many chicks does a chicken have?

V. Working with phrases.

Working from a picture.

The hen collected all the chickens.
Chicks and chicken
All day outside.
Chickens near the hen
Chickens on a hen
Chickens under the hen.

VI. Working with a proposal.

Working with a plot picture.

Drawing up proposals. Pronouncing sentences in chorus by each student.

VII. Summary of the lesson.

The hen admired the chickens,
If she's not a chicken, she's a smart girl.

Who did you play with during the lesson?
- What sound did you work with?

Medvedeva Natalya Gennadievna,
teacher-speech therapist KGS(K)OU
"Barnaul S(K)OSHI No. 4 V type"

Summary of a frontal lesson in a speech therapy group preparatory to school on the topic:

“Sound Ts. Automation of the sound Ts in connected speech

(retelling based on a mnemonic table)"

Target: Consolidate knowledge about the consonant sound T. Continue learning to retell.


1. Correctional and educational:

Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound Ts.

Practice the ability to determine the number of syllables in words.

Practice sound-syllable analysis of words.

Continue practicing making sentences according to the diagram.

Strengthen retelling skills.

2. Correctional and developmental:

Develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory.

Develop logical thinking.

3. Correctional and educational:

Cultivate endurance and perseverance.

Equipment: Chicken toy, pictures for the sound T, cards for sound analysis, sentence diagram, paired pictures, mnemonic table.

Progress of the lesson:

    Organizational moment

Speech therapist: The one who claps and determines how many syllables are in the word sits down. (picture on the children’s tables: flowers, chain, chicken, egg, heron, ring, puddle, circus, marten, mitten, street)

    Speech therapist: Now guess the riddle:

He appeared in a naked fur coat:

Goodbye, two shells! (Chick).

Speech therapist: Once upon a time a mother hen had a chicken named Tsyp. And he came to our lesson today.

What is the first sound heard in the name Tsyp. Let's tell Tsyp about the sound T, what sound it is, give it a description (consonant, voiceless, hard; indicated by a blue square). Articulation of the sound C (the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the lips are in a smile. The back of the tongue bends and hits. The air comes out in jerks, it is cold). Let's play with the sound T, and our magic chest with tasks will help us.

    Speech therapist: To open the chest you need to cast magic spells.

Speech exercise:

Ats-ots-uts tsa-tso-tsu tsva-tsvo-tsvu

Itz-its-ats tsy-tsa-tsa tsvy-tsvo-tsva

Ots-ots-ats tso-tsu-tsvu-tsvy-tsvo

    Speech therapist:

Next task: What word did I think of: Chick or face. (show diagram).

How many vowels are in the word - Tsyp. Determine the place of the sound C in the word (lay it out on the diagram). Lay out the word - face (sound-syllable analysis).

    “Come up with sentences based on the pictures according to the scheme: living object, action word, inanimate object.”


(Children are offered paired pictures, from which they make sentences: singer-flowers, seller-cucumbers, swimmer-towel, princess-ring, etc. For example: The seller sells cucumbers.)

    Physical education.

The chicken is dozing on the porch - tse-tse-tse

Tsarapych went out onto the porch - tso-tso-tso

Don't touch the scratchy fellow - tsa-tsa-tsa

We chased the cat off the porch - tsa-tsa-tsa

The chicken is just great - wow!

(movements according to the text, children pronounce the syllables and clap their hands)

    Speech therapist: Now we will listen to an interesting story about what happened to a chicken one day. The story is called "Chicken Little"

The hen had five chicks, one of them was called Chicken. All day long the chicken taught them to drink water from a saucer and peck caterpillars. One day Tsyp saw a beautiful butterfly on a flower and ran after it. He found himself near the well, stood on tiptoes and wanted to look into it. It’s good that the heron managed to grab the naughty Little Chicken and take him home to his mother hen.

Questions about the content of the story:

How many chicks did the hen have?

What was the name of one of the chickens?

What did the hen teach the chickens all day long?

What did Chick see one day?

Who helped Tsyp?

    Repeated reading with a retelling mindset (display, analysis of the mnemonic table).

    Retelling by children based on a mnemonic table.

    Summing up the lesson. Analysis of stories. What was difficult and what did you like? Children's self-esteem. Chick thanks the children, says goodbye and gives them candy.

Marina Lobastova
Notes of speech therapy classes on sound automation [ts]


placed by imitation, from combination sounds"ts".

Lesson 1

1. Sound"C"- repeated pronunciation.

2. Sound Automation"ts" in reverse syllables:



3. Game "Remember, repeat":

ts-yats ts-yts

ots-yots yts-its

4. Sound Automation"ts" in words with reverse syllables:

ats-ats-ats - bam;

etz-ets-ets - father, end, fugitive, finally.

(see presentation, slides 1-3)

5. Game "Say the word with sound» . Tasks: automation of sound in words;

Speech therapist pronounces the word without sound"ts"

at the end, and the child pronounces the entire word with automated


(see presentation, slide 4)

Lesson 2

1. Sound"C"- repeated pronunciation.

2. Exercise "Add a syllable at the end": sound automation"ts" in straight lines syllables:

(see presentation, slides 5-7)

3. Sound Automation"ts" in words with straight syllables (in the middle):

tsa-tsa-tsa - water, Friday, smart girl;

tsy-tsy-tsy - ends, messengers; streets, hospitals; aviation, lecture;

tso-tso-tso – crimson;

tsetse-tse – assessment, clue.

(see presentation, slides 8-12)

4. Game "One-many". Tasks: automation of sound in words; use

plural nouns in the Nominative and Genitive cases.

Speech therapist talks about one object, and the child talks about several of the same

objects and with words "a lot of" speaking clearly automated sound

in words.

(see presentation, slides 13-34)

5. Sound Automation"ts" in words with straight syllables (at first):

tsy-tsy-tsy - chick-chick; zinc; scurvy;

tso-tso-tso - tsk;

tsetse-tse – workshop, goal, tenacious.

(see presentation, slide 35)

6. Game "Say the word with sound» . Tasks: automation of sound in words;

development of phonemic analysis. Speech therapist pronounces the word without sound"ts"

at the beginning, and the child pronounces the word completely with automated


(see presentation, slide 36)

Lesson 3

1. Sound"C"- repeated pronunciation.

2. Sound Automation"ts" in syllables with a confluence consonants:




3. Game "Remember, repeat":

atsm-yatsm utsm-yatsm

otsm-yotsm ytsm-ytsm

4. Game "1-2-5" with words: chick, lollipop; button, bird, soap dish,

bread box; heron, chicken.

5. Exercise "Count". Tasks: automation of sound in words;

agreement of numerals with nouns.

(see presentation, slide 37)

6. Exercise “Answer the question in a complete sentence.”.

(see presentation, slide 38)