Pork tripe dishes. Beef tripe - what is it and how to prepare it at home according to recipes with photos

Dishes made from tripe, most often beef, are found in many cuisines around the world, take for example the same ones that are available on our website. Hearty thick soups and main courses are prepared from the offal (). Before cooking beef tripe, it should be thoroughly cleaned and washed, and then proceed to cooking. The tripe is cooked for a long time, only in this case the meat will become soft and tasty.

How to clean beef tripe?

So, you've already bought tripe and now you're wondering: how to trim beef tripe? It should be cleaned, scraped and scraped thoroughly to remove all the top gray layer, mucus and films, then rinse thoroughly in running water. There is one little secret: you can sprinkle the tripe with salt and soak it in cold water for a day or two, then all the excess will come off much easier. Today, you can buy tripe already peeled, then you won’t have to waste time on a long and difficult process, you can immediately start preparing it.

Beef tripe roll

Despite the fact that tripe is an offal, recipes for preparing beef tripe can also be useful for a festive table, it all depends on your skill and skill. We will introduce you to one of the recipes.


  • scar – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • salt, bay leaf;
  • dry mustard, peppercorns.


Carefully clean the tripe, rub it with salt and rinse in cold water. We clean and trim the carrots (preferably even ones) so that the thickness in different places is the same. Rub the inside of the beef tripe with mustard and salt, place carrots and garlic cloves in the center, roll it into a tight roll, fold the side edges inward and tie it with a strong thread in several places. Tie the tripe tightly enough, because during cooking it will boil down and become smaller in volume. Fill the roll with cold water and put the pan on the fire. 10 minutes after boiling, drain the water and repeat this twice more. Then fill the beef tripe roll with water again and let it cook for 4 hours. We determine the readiness of the meat with a fork - it should easily enter the pulp. If the tripe has become soft, then salt the water, add the onion, pepper, bay leaf and continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes. Cool the tripe without removing it from the water, then transfer it to a dish and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Now you can remove the thread and cut the roll. It can be served either warm or cold.

Beef tripe with cream and vegetables

Many dishes are prepared from beef tripe, and we will introduce you to one more of them - with the addition of tender cream and vegetables.


  • tripe – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 3 l;
  • vinegar 9% – 9 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • onions – 6 pcs.;
  • carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • pepper, bay leaf;
  • butter – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves.


Soak the washed and already cleaned tripe in the marinade for 5 hours. We prepare the marinade from water, vinegar and salt. Then we rinse it thoroughly, fill it with water, let it boil for about 15 minutes, drain the water, wash the tripe (at the same time we wash out the pan). Now fill it with water again, add 2 onions, 1 carrot, bay leaf and pepper. Let's cook. Cooking beef tripe will take 3 – 3.5 hours. When the tripe becomes soft, drain the broth and cool the tripe. Cut it into strips, saute the onions and carrots in vegetable oil, add tripe, squeeze out the garlic, add butter and continue cooking for about 10 minutes. Then pour in the cream, add some salt if necessary and simmer for another 10-15 minutes. As you can see, cooking beef tripe is quite simple and not at all scary.

Under no circumstances, some people don’t like their peculiar, specific taste, while others are simply disdainful. It’s a pity, these ingredients are in no way inferior to the usual meat in nutritional properties, and the individual taste inherent in each type of offal adds variety to our menu.

What is a scar

Let's prepare a very interesting and simple dish today, beef tripe roll.

The rumen is one of the four sections of the cow's stomach.

When prepared correctly, it makes an excellent snack. These rolls are a great substitute for sausage in your everyday diet, and they also look great on the holiday table.

Recipe with photo


Unpeeled tripe has a dark gray, almost black color, so before cooking it must be thoroughly cleaned to a beige, milky color. This process is quite complex and lengthy, and beginners will definitely not be able to cope with it. This means there is no need to waste time; we go to the store or market and buy already peeled, almost white tripe.


At home, we rinse the purchased tripe again with water and let it drain, and then lay it out on the table or on.

It is necessary to remove excess fat, cut into folds and cut out any uncleaned areas, if any.

This really rarely happens, but everything needs to be foreseen. Next, cut the tripe into strips approximately 10-15 cm wide, and as long as you want or as long as the purchased piece allows. Usually it is about 25 cm.

How to cook


Now each piece needs to be salted; for those who like it more spicy, you can sprinkle more pepper and put in the pieces. I don't use any other spices for this dish, but if you want, add your favorites. Next, we tightly roll each piece of tape into a roll and...

How long to cook

Place the prepared rolls in a pan and fill with water two fingers above the food. There we will also put the trimmings of the tripe, from which we were unable to roll the roll. We put it on the fire and wait until it boils, after which we remove the foam. After removing the foam, add the whole thing to the broth and they will add their own taste to the finished product.

We’ll also put in a few leaves, a few peas of allspice and black pepper, and be sure to add salt. Let's reduce the heat and cook over low heat for three hours, and if the rolls are thick enough, then at least four hours.

After the rolls are cooked, remove them to a plate with a slotted spoon and leave to cool. Do not drain the broth under any circumstances; it will make a very tasty Greek Magiritsa soup. When the rolls have cooled, remove the threads and cut it. That's all, our dish is completely ready! Agree, it was not difficult at all. Serve as an appetizer or just on sandwiches. In the second case, they are perfect for an everyday snack. Bon appetit!


  • 1.5-2.0 kg – cleaned beef tripe;
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 4-5 pcs – garlic cloves;
  • 5-6 pcs – bay leaf;
  • 5-6 pcs – sweet peas;
  • 7-8 pcs – black peppercorns;
  • 1 pc – onion;
  • 1 piece – small carrots or 0.5 large ones.

Do you often come across the name "beef tripe" in the meat department? You don't mind buying it, but don't know what it is and what dish it's suitable for? Then read this article, which will help you understand these questions.

Beef tripe - what is it?

Beef tripe is not beef meat, as many might assume. In fact, it is a part of the cow's stomach in which what the cow eats is digested. This part consists of smooth muscle fibers. That is, it essentially refers to tripe. Tripe has a unique smell and taste; during cooking it acquires a gray-yellow color and a dense consistency.

The inside of beef tripe is completely covered with villi. It is in them that secretion is produced, with the help of which food is digested in the animal’s stomach. The interior can be painted in a range from solid black to cream. Sometimes there may be a greenish tint mixed with gray.

Useful properties of the offal

Beef tripe is rich in vitamins such as PP, H, and B vitamins (1,2 and 12). The mineral composition includes the following elements:

  • Iron;
  • Calcium;
  • Potassium;
  • Sodium;
  • Manganese;
  • Copper;
  • Selenium;
  • Zinc;
  • Phosphorus.

There are 97 kilocalories per 100 grams of this product, so the product will be useful for those who want to lose weight and who are watching their figure.

The product is extremely rich in protein, up to 97% of the total composition, so dishes made from it are perfect for anyone who wants to build muscle mass.

Also, tripe with regular consumption will improve your skin and mucous membranes. It will also put the nervous system in order and correct the digestive system.

The broth made from this offal will have a beneficial effect on the body. In addition to its nutritional properties and excellent warming effect, this broth is a good remedy for a hangover.

This product has no contraindications, except for one thing: if you are allergic to any beef products or only to this part of the beef.

How to cook and what you can cook

Most often you can find commercially processed beef tripe on sale. How is it cleaned?

  1. The tripe is shaken, then rinsed in sufficiently warm water;
  2. This is followed by placing the product in an automatic drum, where it is treated with water steam and washed with hot water (on the verge of boiling). At the same time, in this drum the scar is deprived of its top layer - in the lower part of the device there is a disk with ribs, which performs trimming during rotation. The treatment lasts approximately thirty minutes.

If you happen to purchase raw beef tripe, be prepared for lengthy processing. First you need to scrape it out, very carefully. Then the product should be kept under running water for several hours so that it is thoroughly washed.

And then follows a long cooking until the smell inherent in the tripe disappears. That is why it is advised to take offal that belonged to younger animals - they do not have such a strong smell. When the smell has disappeared, the broth is poured out and the offal is washed with hot water.

As you can see, it is easier to buy beef tripe that has been industrially cleaned. But even such a product needs to be boiled before the main cooking. How it's done:

  1. Cut the offal into large pieces and place in a pan with cold water. When the water boils, boil the tripe for 5 to 15 minutes, then rinse the pieces very well, transfer them to a clean container and fill them with water again;
  2. Add onions and spices (unground, for broth) and cook for two and a half to four hours (time depends on the gender and age of the animal);
  3. After boiling until tender, the tripe is cooled in the same pan and used for cooking.

The boiled product is cut into strips that can be stewed, for example, with vegetables, or fried. And the broth from cooking the offal is perfect for soup - the dish will be rich and satisfying.

You can also prepare a variety of rolls from tripe, but such dishes must take a long time to prepare. It is not recommended to stuff beef tripe entirely, again due to the lengthy cooking required.

We stew the offal

Considering that the tripe is boiled in advance, this recipe is very suitable for a quick dinner.

We will need:

  • Beef tripe;
  • 70 g tomato paste;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • Spices: salt and black pepper;
  • Spices: dill and cilantro;
  • 400 ml water;
  • Butter.

The offal is cut into strips (not very wide) and placed in a frying pan in which the butter has been melted in advance.

Fry the offal for 15-20 minutes, then add tomato paste diluted in water, add finely chopped garlic, salt and add herbs and spices.

Cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.

At this time, you can boil pasta, which is very suitable for this dish. This dish will also go well with boiled potatoes or cereal.

Tripe baked in a pot

This offal baked in a clay or ceramic pot will be very good. You will need:

  • Beef tripe - 500 g;
  • Sour cream 20% - 250 g;
  • Ground crackers - 25 g;
  • Onions - 1 piece;
  • Seasonings: mixed red pepper, nutmeg and coriander (ground);
  • Cheese - 50 g;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil;

The tripe must be boiled in advance for three or four hours. The cooled offal is cut into small pieces and placed in a pot (oil and a mixture of seasonings are applied to its walls in advance).

Fried onions are then placed on top of the tripe. Pour sour cream very well mixed with flour onto the onion (without forming lumps).

Finally, pour in grated cheese mixed with breadcrumbs. All this is baked for thirty minutes. Rice is an ideal side dish for this.

Beef tripe as dog food

This offal is a tasty, nutritious and healthy dish not only for people, but also for their four-legged pets. Thanks to its vitamin and mineral composition, this product is extremely beneficial for pets.

It also contains microorganisms that can improve the microflora in the dog’s intestines. To do this, you need to give beef tripe raw.

This type of tripe can be given to six-month-old puppies, but it is recommended to start with very small portions, and you should monitor the general condition of the dog.

You should not feed your animal tripe too often. Despite all its undeniable benefits, this product, if consumed in excess, will lead to nausea and indigestion. Ideally, you should feed your dog tripe two to four times a week. If one of your pet’s meals includes this offal, then nothing else should be included in the portion.

As you can see, beef tripe turns out to be a very useful product, and not only for people. Despite the fact that you need to tinker with its preparation, the taste of the prepared dish and its benefits are worth it.

In addition, if you bought already peeled offal, then the hassle is reduced significantly, you just need to boil it well. So feel free to choose recipes with this offal and enjoy healthy food.

A recipe for preparing offal will help you easily use beef tripe in cooking. By implementing the right technology, it will be possible to qualitatively transform its characteristics and obtain an excellent, incomparable original dish in taste.

How to cook beef tripe?

In order for beef tripe dishes to delight you with exceptional taste, you need to learn how to properly pre-prepare the offal for subsequent use.

  1. Initially, the cleaned tripe is soaked in water with salt and vinegar for 8-24 hours and washed.
  2. Pour a portion of clean water over the offal, boil after boiling for 5 minutes, change the water. Repeat the five-minute boiling 2-4 more times, after which the water is renewed and the tripe is cooked.
  3. The product, boiled until soft, is cut into slices of the desired shape or size or used whole to make rolls.

How to cook beef tripe?

After the offal has been cleaned, washed, soaked in acidified water and removed by repeated boiling from any remaining unpleasant odor, it must be boiled until soft, after which it will become suitable for further use in cooking. Find out how long to cook beef tripe in this recipe.


  • beef tripe – 1 kg;
  • water – 3 l;
  • laurel – 2-3 pcs.;
  • onions, carrots and other roots;
  • salt pepper.


  1. The prepared scar is filled with water.
  2. Add whole onions, roots, bay, and pepper.
  3. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the offal under the lid for at least 4 hours, periodically replenishing the water. The finished scar can be easily pierced with a fork.

How to fry beef tripe?

Roasted beef tripe has an amazing taste. The offal must first be properly prepared and boiled until softened. Only after this can you start slicing and frying the component. The following is a recipe for a dish with onions, which can be varied by adding carrots and other vegetables.


  • boiled beef tripe – 500 g;
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml;
  • salt pepper.


  1. The tripe is cut into centimeter-thick slices.
  2. Chop the onion into slices and fry the slices in a frying pan with butter.
  3. Lay out the prepared chopped offal and fry for another 10 minutes, stirring.
  4. Serve beef tripe fried with onions, rice, pasta.

Beef tripe in the oven

Cooking beef tripe in the oven with vegetables and sour cream under a puff pastry “lid” will provide the opportunity to taste a gourmet-level dish that tastes exquisite. This is achieved only with the correct execution of all the preparatory subtleties of the offal and the nuances of the recipe outlined below.


  • boiled beef tripe – 700 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • celery – 3 stalks;
  • flour – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sour cream – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • puff pastry – 250 g;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Prepare, boil and cut the tripe into strips.
  2. Chop the onion, carrots and celery and fry in oil until soft.
  3. Separately, fry the tripe, adding flour.
  4. Combine the contents of two frying pans, add salt, pepper, garlic and sour cream, simmer for 7 minutes.
  5. Transfer the mixture into molds or cocotte makers, cover with puff pastry, making a puncture in the center to allow steam to escape.
  6. Brush the dough with egg and bake the dish until golden brown.

Beef tripe roll - recipe

Beef tripe in a roll, the recipe for which will be presented below, will take an important place at a festive feast or replace sausages on weekdays, appetizingly complementing a slice of bread for a snack. As a filling, an assortment of spices, garlic, adjika, sun-dried tomatoes or dried fruits is used.


  • beef tripe – 1 kg;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • adjika – 50 g;
  • mustard – 30 g;
  • salt, pepper, bay, onion.


  1. The cleaned and thoroughly washed scar is soaked for several hours in salted and acidified water with vinegar and washed.
  2. Rub the surface of the offal with a mixture of mustard and adjika, adding chopped garlic, salt and pepper.
  3. Form a roll of beef tripe, tie it tightly with twine, add water and set to cook, adding onion, bay, salt and pepper.
  4. After 4-5 hours, turn off the heat, and after cooling, put the roll in the refrigerator for several hours.

Beef tripe soup - recipe

Beef tripe soup is rich, nutritious and, due to the addition of garlic and spices, unusually piquant. The dish acquires additional flavor notes and appetizing thickness by adding a dressing made from sour cream and yolks. Tripe for hot dishes is used exclusively boiled.


  • boiled beef tripe – 1 kg;
  • onions and carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • pickled bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • celery and parsnip (roots) – 60 g each;
  • sour cream – 250 g;
  • yolks – 4 pcs.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper, oil, vinegar.


  1. The boiled tripe is cut into strips and placed in boiling water.
  2. Sautéed roots with onions are also placed there and boiled for 20 minutes.
  3. Mix the yolks with sour cream and a portion of broth, add to the soup in a thin stream, stirring.
  4. Immediately add chopped peppers and garlic, pepper and vinegar, ground with salt, to the beef tripe soup and heat for a minute.

Beef leg and tripe hash

You can prepare delicious beef tripe for your first meal using another recipe from Caucasian cuisine. Here the offal is combined with beef legs, which will give the hot dish additional flavor and nutrition. The dish is prepared without adding salt, but served with a dressing of garlic crushed with salt, herbs and complemented with radish salad and pita bread.


  • beef tripe – 0.5 kg;
  • beef legs – 1 kg;
  • parsley, basil and cilantro - 150 g each;
  • garlic – 2-3 heads;
  • laurel, peppercorns;
  • salt.


  1. Soak the scar and legs for 24 hours, changing the water.
  2. The tripe is boiled three times in a new portion of water for 5 minutes.
  3. The legs are poured with clean water and boiled for 3 hours.
  4. Add tripe and cook khash for another 4 hours.
  5. Add laurel and pepper and simmer the soup for another hour.
  6. Separate the meat from the bones and return to the pan.
  7. Khash is served exclusively hot.

Beef tripe heh

Beef tripe, the recipe for which will be presented below using Korean technology, will delight the taste buds of admirers of dishes with a pronounced spice. In this case, the onion is fried in oil, after which it is mixed hot with other spices, which reveal their taste to the maximum.


  • beef tripe – 1 kg;
  • carrots – 0.5 kg;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 0.5 heads;
  • oil – 100 ml;
  • vinegar – 200 ml;
  • coriander and chili - 1 teaspoon each;
  • bay, peppercorns, herbs, salt.


  1. Shred the boiled tripe into strips and soak in vinegar for an hour.
  2. Add grated carrots, garlic, salt.
  3. Fry the onion, add spices, mix and place in a common container.
  4. Korean beef tripe is mixed and left in the cold for 12 hours.

Chinese beef tripe salad - recipe

An appetizing beef tripe salad will allow you to take a fresh look at the characteristics of the offal and enjoy the magnificent spicy taste of the resulting snack. During cooking, ginger root, a 5 cm long slice of cassia, star anise, and a whole onion are added to the broth during cooking along with the traditional set of spices.


  • beef tripe – 500 g;
  • peanuts – 1 handful;
  • cilantro – 2 bunches;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • chili oil, sesame and rice wine - 2 tbsp each. spoons;
  • soy sauce – 4 teaspoons;
  • rice vinegar and sugar - 1 teaspoon each;
  • salt.


  1. Boil the tripe and cut into strips.
  2. Add nuts, cilantro and garlic dressing with oil, wine, soy sauce, vinegar and sugar.
  3. Mix the salad and serve.

How to cook beef tripe in a slow cooker?

It’s easy to cook beef tripe in a slow cooker, and if the device has a pressure cooker function, it’s even much faster. After the product becomes soft, it is removed from the broth, cut into slices of the desired shape and size, additionally fried and stewed with the addition of.

By-products are quite popular in the diet due to their affordable price and high content of beneficial properties. Beef tripe is a fibrous part of the stomach, has a specific smell and requires long cooking. More often, this product, in boiled form, is used as dog food. When prepared correctly, tripe from a young bull can be an excellent dish that will appeal to everyone. To begin with, this offal is boiled like jellied meat, and then fried or stewed.

Beef tripe - cooking recipes

Ready-made, cleaned tripe is sold at the market or in a store, but if you have homemade meat, then first you will have to clean the offal and soak it in clean cold water.

How to properly cook beef tripe with onions and cheese


  • 100 g butter;
  • onion, chopped;
  • 675 g tripe, soaked, dried and cut into strips;
  • a portion of hot meat broth;
  • 100 g parmesan, freshly grated;
  • salt and pepper.

  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the onion and fry over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes.
  2. Add the tripe, cover with a lid and simmer, occasionally adding a ladle of broth, for 3 hours or until soft. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and serve.

How to deliciously cook tripe with mushrooms


  • 15 g dried mushrooms;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • onion, chopped;
  • carrots, chopped;
  • 675 g tripe (pre-soak and cut into thin strips);
  • half a kilogram of tomatoes (wash, peel and cut);
  • a portion of meat broth;
  • 40 g parmesan, freshly grated;
  • salt and pepper.

Method for preparing tripe:

  1. Place the mushrooms in a bowl, cover with warm water and leave to soak for 15-30 minutes, then dry and squeeze. Heat half the butter and olive oil in a saucepan, add the onion, carrots and celery and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, 5 minutes.
  2. Add the mushrooms and fry for 5 minutes, then add the tripe, salt and pepper.
  3. Add the tomatoes and pour in enough broth to barely cover the ingredients. Bring the beef dish to a boil, reduce the heat, cover with a lid and simmer the beef offal at a low simmer for about three hours. Remove pan from heat, stir in remaining butter and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

How to cook Milanese beef tripe


  • 80 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 150 g pancetta, crumbled;
  • onion, chopped;
  • a kilogram of beef tripe, soaked, dried and cut into strips;
  • carrots, chopped;
  • celery stalk, chopped;
  • 500 g tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced;
  • 20 fresh sage leaves;
  • liter of hot beef broth;
  • 100 g dry white beans, soaked overnight and drained;
  • garlic clove;
  • 50 g parmesan, freshly grated;
  • salt and pepper.

Stages of preparing beef offal:

  1. Heat 25 g of butter and olive oil in a saucepan, add pancetta and simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, for no more than five minutes. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, for another 5 minutes, then add the tripe. Cook for about 15 minutes, add the carrots, celery, tomatoes and eight sage leaves, add salt and pepper generously.
  2. Cook the tripe for 10 minutes and add the hot beef broth, a little at a time. Bring to a boil and cook the tripe at a bubbly boil for 3 hours.
  3. Meanwhile, place the beans with the remaining sage and garlic in a pan of boiling water and cook until soft. Dry the beans, removing the sage and garlic, and transfer to the tripe. Sprinkle the tripe dish with Parmesan and serve.

How to cook spicy beef tripe - recipe


  • kg beef tripe, soaked and dried;
  • bouquet garni;
  • 3 onions;
  • 2 cloves;
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • kg tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced;
  • 3 cloves garlic, unpeeled;
  • 175 ml dry white wine;
  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh smooth-leaved parsley, chopped;
  • salt and pepper.

Step-by-step preparation of tripe:

  1. Place the tripe in a large saucepan, cover with water, add a bouquet garni, one onion stuffed with cloves, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer the tripe at a bubbly boil for an hour. Meanwhile, thinly slice the remaining onion. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan, add the onion slices, tomatoes and garlic, and season with salt and pepper.
  2. Cook the tripe according to the recipe at a bubbly boil, uncovered, for 15 minutes. Pat the tripe dry, cut into strips and stir into the pan. Pour in the wine and cook at a bubbly boil over low heat for an hour. Season with salt and pepper to taste, cover and cook for another 30 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, sprinkle with parsley and serve the beef dish.

Video with a recipe for preparing a beef tripe appetizer